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coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the carefree




novel coronavirus is named after a crown. He was like a proud and ignorant king

who locked people in his home and could not go out.



Spring Festival in 2020, in the hearts of all Chinese people, is destined to be

a memorable memory forever. The novel coronaviruss raging force makes the bell

ring for the old and new year more heavy, and the mask on peoples faces makes

the Spring Festival feel cold.



virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, "come

on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! "





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Friends, everyone has, but was less confidant. "Life was a confidant difficult", a child often heard adults occasionally this word, and then do not understand. With their own school degree of understanding, it is really hard to find friends. My friend is a Xuecheng Ze Dong Yi.

I remember three years, we get along bit by bit, but I forget that I even harder into the school one day a year, I and small partners to play on the playground. Joyfully, a "monster" ---- take out the tube, bearing me down. At first also feel that there is nothing, but then pain. Tuo Lexie son look, broken nails, blood flooded out drip. The partners must give them what I just help me up. Ringtones fast rang, he left after another, leaving only me. I was sad and sad, and Xuecheng Ze Dong Yi ran into, apart from anything else I propped crying, I was sent to the school infirmary. They seem to have forgotten to go to class. To make me forget the pain, they kept telling me jokes, amused me laugh, make me forget my foot pain. In the medical dressing teacher to help me after we returned to the classroom, and they were again concerned asked me: "? Well some of it still hurt?" At the time I was deeply concerned about the share recorded in the heart.

As I grew older, my friends more and more, and more like the stars, count them, and the most brightest that the two of them. When Im in trouble, they will help overcome; when I am confused, they will help me, take me out of confusion; when Im happy, we will be happy to share; in my heart, feel wronged, they will comfort I. They became my biggest, brightest "star buddies."



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What is a friend? Friends are willing to help when I have difficulty, share in my trouble when I meet, and share with me when I am happy... With these, its a real friend.

One day, we were taking an exam. The basic knowledge in front of I do very quickly, do very well, when I do read the title, a difficult problem in front of me, I think for a long time did not think of the answer, I could not help but quietly looked at the table, as it happened, she also thinking about this problem I think, for a moment, suddenly a good idea, patted her shoulder, whispered: "the first reading of the third questions, you do it?" She nodded to me and said, "did you do the problem, too?" When I dont talk, she pretends to say, "ah, its done at last. Its really cool!" "What?" Do you have to do it? "  "Tell me how to do it!" She saw my eagerness, the expression on her face was very serious, and I knew she must be proud of her. "Tell me soon!" My eyes are burning, but the table is still silent, see its no use shouting, and is of no use, I have no choice but to continue to contemplate.

After a long time, I suddenly found the knack and thought of the answer. I was filled with ecstasy, and I wrote the answer quickly.

At the end of the examination, I told my deskmates answers to several questions. She answered the answer again, and the files were the same for every question. At the same time, the deskmate said to me, "if you want to be confident of yourself, everything will be successful if you have confidence." Yes, I also feel that the result of my meditation is more worth cherishing.

Although things have been going on for several days, I can never forget that I think friends should use appropriate methods to help each other, thats true friends.



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1、gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death.


2、on earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind.


3、good advice is beyond all price.


4、let life be beautiful like summer flower,and death like autumn tears.


5、where there is a will ,there is a way.


6、knowing something of everything and everything of something.


7、one sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years. it sings to me in the night “i loved you.”


8、a bold attempt is half success.


9、a handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.


10、like teacher ,like students.


11、no invention has received more praise and abuse than internet.


12、a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


13、if you want knowledge,you must toil for it.


14、doubt is the key of knowledge.


15、life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two.




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I like the film very much.


I am very fond of the play.


I am tired of the food here.


I was moved to tears.


I was so excited that I could not fall asleep.


I was so sad that tears came to my eyes.


What a beautiful picture!


How brave the soldiers are!


I have never seen a better film.


I have more books than you.



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Dear Jim,


Last Sunday my classmates and I went to Xiangshan Park.


We met at 7 oclock at the school gate. The weather in Beijing that day was great. At around 8 oclock, we arrived at Xiangshan Park. There is a high tree on the bottom of the hill. We had a party and played games under the tree. Then we climbed to the top of Xiangshan Mountain. It was not very difficult for us to do it. Next, we had lunch at the top of the hill. It was delicious. After lunch, we saw some birds. They were friendly. And we saw a whole picture of Beijing. "What a beautiful city!" I said. At that moment, we all felt so proud. I live in Beijing now. The 2008 Olympic games was held here.


I hope you can visit to Beijing in the future and I am sure you’ll like here.


Best wishes.


Sincerely yours,

Li Ming




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some people like different friends . others like similar friends . compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends . which kind of friends do you prefer ?explain why . some people like different friends . others like similar friends . compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends . which kind of friends do you prefer ?explain why .

it is unive rsally known tha t f riendship is one of the eternal themes in the litera tur e of all languages . this is because human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of f riends . however it is impos sible for us to make friends with everybody . we have to choose tr ue friends . some of us like similar friends , while others differ ent f riend s . per sonally , i pr efer both .

it goes without saying that having similar f riends has many advantages . we can feel a sense of st rength when we have a group of old f riends who would sha re our sufferings and happiness . mor eove r , old friends always know how to maintain mutual t rust and how to avoid potential f riction . i always feel delight ed when i meet an old friend afte r a long depa rture . immediat ely , hear ty laughter fills the atmosphere .

never theless i believe that a mixture of friends is equally advantageou s . in the first place, f requent contact with dif ferent friends broadens my wor ld outlook . for instance, i have found it a r eal tr easur e to have so many f riends on the campus who of ten help me r einforce my beliefs . secondly , i have found tha t differ ent f riends cannot only lead to new adventures but also s how me new avenues in life . thirdly , they can help me with whateve r difficulties i encounter in life .

to conclude, i prefe r to have both types of f riends and as many as possible . of course , i will not forget to choose friends wisely .



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最令我难忘的,还是在小学五年级时发生的一件小事。 那时,我和我当时的同桌吵得很凶,连老师也帮不上什么忙。当时的同桌名叫马佳倩,是一个自信、活泼,同时自尊性很强、嘴不饶人的女孩。我们吵着,谁也不让谁,上课小组讨论,讨论着也会吵起来。鸡毛蒜皮的小事更是吵得不可开交。心羽却一直在旁边看着,没有说一句话,只是静静地看着。只有当我们快吵完了,都吵哭了,她才开口说:“两个人不要再吵了,这么点小事吵什么吵,俗话说,退一步海阔天空吗!你们都让对方一步,不就什么事都解决了吗?”说完,还给了我们每人一张餐巾纸,让我们擦擦眼泪。





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My friend called from her shirt Peng 69Park Road London, shes not tall,Cherry mouth, her 16-year-old this year, and her favorite language is English and Chinese often take part in some competitions and English writing competition, she likes watching television, especially Chinese and English television and film, because shes not tall like playing basketball so I hope that his sub-long high.

This is my friend Peng shirt.



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Dear John,

Long time no see, how is your summer vacation? I’m really sorry for writing so late. I have been too busy at this moment. I am happy to hear that you have traveled to Tibet at this summer holiday. How I wish I could go there with you!

Let me tell you something about my summer holiday. My summer holiday is rich and colorful. My parents take me to Hong Kong. That’s a beautiful place. I buy a lot of funny things at there. Such as pretty dresses, cute dolls and the snacks I never eat before. I really want to stay there and never come back! In a word, I really appreciate the life there.

I’m really looking forward to your reply!







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1、 相聚离开,都有时候,没有什么会永垂不朽。

2、 相聚时不知友谊的可贵;分别才知那是人生最需要的东西,犹如盐,少它还有什么滋味?

3、 想起你那句还是朋友为什么我竟如此痛在心头。

4、 一声汽笛,跌落在旷野;无限的惆怅与孤独,在别离的那一刻,一齐从心头滋生。

5、 在我绝望的时刻╮我真的不愿去想我只想忘掉一切。

6、 自己分内的事情,努力做到一百分。

7、 做自己的决定。然后准备好承担后果。从一开始就提醒自己,世上没有后悔药吃。

8、 不说谎话,因为总有被拆穿的一天。

9、 不要试图给自己找任何借口,错误面前没借口,错就是错。

10、 不要随意发脾气,谁都不欠你的。

11、 挥手告别,扬帆远航,别不了的,是你抛出的那根友谊的缆绳,无形中牢牢地系在我心上。

12、 火红的彩霞在雨后,真诚的友谊在别后,流水不因石而阻,友谊不因远而疏。

13、 即将分别,要说的话太多太多,千言万语化作一句,毋忘我。

14、 接受自己不过是个“小小的我”,但眼里要能够悦纳“大大的世界”。

15、 今天笑着和你握别,但愿不日笑着把你迎接。

16、 蓝天上缕缕白云,那是我心头丝丝离别的轻愁;然而我的胸怀和长空一样晴朗,因为我想到了不的重逢。

17、 离别,能使浅薄的感情削弱,却使深挚的感情更加深厚,正如风能吹灭烛光,却会把火扇得更旺。

18、 离别与重逢,是人生不停上演的戏,习惯了,也就不再悲怆。

19、 离情愁苦是因为相聚欢乐,假如重逢有加倍的欢乐,那么,我宁愿承受更大的愁苦。

20、 没有谁会一直在身边。一些人留下,一些人离开。

21、 明晨行别,但愿云彩,艳阳一直陪伴你走到远远的天涯;鲜花,绿草相随你铺展远远的前程。

22、 你的离开,让我成长。

23、 你没那么多观众,别那么累。

24、 你走在那漫长的时刻里的心就像秋树,叶片无奈地飘洒一地,只把寂寞挂在枝头。

25、 请,管好你自己。别人的事你别干涉,就好。

26、 人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场。

27、 失望中的失望没有人能够完成得了我的考验。

28、 城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。与君离别意,同是宦游人。

29、 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。

30、 此地别燕丹,壮士发冲冠。昔时人已没,今日水犹寒。

31、 二十年来万事同,今朝歧路忽西东。皇恩若许归田去,晚岁当为邻舍翁。

32、 故人江海别,几度隔山川。乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。

33、 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。

34、 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在歧路,儿女共沾巾。

35、 寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。

36、 寂寂竟何待,朝朝空自归。欲寻芳草去,惜与故人违。

37、 绿暗红稀出凤城,暮云楼阁古今情。行人莫听宫前水,流尽年光是此声。乱烟笼碧砌,飞月向南端。寂寞离亭掩,江山此夜寒。

38、 洛阳亲友如相问一片冰心在玉壶。

39、 莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。

40、 朋友天一端,友于甚相欢。珍重千金字,重逢一解颜。

41、 十年曾一别,征路此相逢。马首向何处?夕阳千万峰。

42、 水国蒹葭夜有霜,月寒山色共苍苍。谁言千里自今夕,离梦杳如关塞长。

43、 送进多歧路,遑遑独问津。悲凉千里道,凄断百年身。

44、 卧病人事绝,嗟君万里行。河桥不相送,江树远含情。

45、 杨花落尽子规啼,闻道龙标过五溪。我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。

46、 银烛吐青烟,金樽对绮筵。离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。

47、 从别后,忆相逢。几回魂梦与君同。今宵剩把银缸照,犹恐相逢是梦中。

48、 分别时,我们没有流连的泪眼,相对,无语。看夕阳透过文峰塔尖,把它的余晖洒在西清河畔。

49、 浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。

50、 高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。

51、 挥别的是手臂,更近的是心灵。

52、 白浪给你献花,阳光与你拥抱,海鸥与你话别,啊,生活的大海托着你青春的船只启航了。

53、 别后悠悠君莫问,无限事,不言中。



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I have a good friend . her name is lisa . she is 10 years old.she has two big eyes and a small nose . she is kind and pretty . she is a student . her favourite color is pink . her favourite food is sandwich . she likes cats very much.because it is very cute.she also likes dogs .she lives on a farm. she favourite place is Los Angeles . she also likes Malibu . she likes run very much . she likes art class . ahe is good at art. she goes to school by car.


I love my friend.I wish our friendship forever.Do you have a friend.please, tell me.




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Ladies and gentlemen,attention please!


I have something important to tell you.


We are going to have a lecture in the library at 3:00 this afternoon.


The speaker will bean American professor.


He will talk about air pollution.


Please be there on time.


That’s all. Thank you!


How have you been recently?


I am writing to tell you a piece of good news.


I am looking forward to your early reply.



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i have many friends in my class. theyre lovely and interesting. i would like to introduce some of them. alice is very cute. shes also kind to everyone and shes very enthusiastic. shes always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. she always forgets to bring her textbooks,but our teachers always forgive her. ben is the most talkative boy in our class. his nickname is “chatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh linda is a quiet student. she is good at every subject but she never shows off. allen is a very tall boy.he plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. he often says, “playing basketball is good for your health. how about your classmates? do you like them? try to admire your classmates. you will be happier.

i always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. there are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. we can choose our favorite lessons to learn. we can spend more time doing some outside reading. the students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. we needn’t do a lot of homework. we are all happy to stay at school.

besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. there are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. sweet perfumes are diffused all around. if i want to have a rest, i can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.

the teachers here are kind and helpful. they are not only our teachers but also our good friends. the students are polite and friendly. we all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. there is no litter around the campus.

i love my dream school. we will grow up to be happier there.




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We all know a story similar to this: Two Men and a Bear. In the forest, when a bear attacked them, the thinner man quickly climbed up to the top of a tree and forgot his promise to the fatter guy, who could not climb the tree, about helping each other when in danger. Luckily, the fatter man saved himself. The fatter mat was very disappointed, and when they got together again, he said to the thinner man, "You are not my real friend. Only a friend in need is a friend indeed". This is a very familiar story. It illustrates to us what a friend should be like. It is, however, just a story.

I would like to tell you something about myself, my true feel-ings. When I was in Senior One, I had great difficulty in learning science subjects. I was unable to understand the teacher and 1 could not do the exercises or the homework. I believed that I was stupid and could not learn anything. The sky was gray and the grass was yellow those days. Everything was a mess in my brain. My classmate, a good student, whom I only considered as one of the classmates before, came to me with a smile. She told me that if I needed help, she would like to help me. As she was also very busy with her studies,I asked myself, "Could she help me? "Sev-eral days later, I knew the answer. Yes, she could. She did as much as she could. She made time every day to help me solve the problems and showed me many good ways to study science. Her patience and earnest nature touched me deeply. I worked very hard and my progress was reflected in my examination result. I appreciated her help very much and wanted to thank her. When I looked ather, once again she smiled at me with an encouraging and congratulatory look. At that moment I understood that a true friend should be like this.

Nowadays, it seems that there are many ways of expressing friendship. Our lives are generally better. People now have more time to consider and be more concerned about their lives. Money, which is considered by many to be of prime importance, makes it difficult to find true friendship. Is friendship only greeting each other on meeting? Is friendship only drinking and eating together? Is friendship only lending money to each other? No, a friend Should be a person you trust and understand. A friend should be a person who tastes happiness and bitterness with you. A friend should be a person who can give you confidence and encouragement.

Though everything has changed, and friendship has scores of definitions, I still believe, and I will believe forever that "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed".







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1. It goes without saying that 。..不用说……

It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 不用说, 早睡早起是值得的。

2. There is no denying the fact that 。..不可否认这个事实……=No one can deny 。..谁也不可否认……

There is no denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind. 不可否认, 成功的关键在于健康的身心。

3. I am greatly convinced (that)。..=I am greatly assured (that)。..我深信……

I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure. 我深信预防胜于治疗。

4. Among various kinds of 。..=Of all the 。..在各种……之中, ……

Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 在各种运动中, 我尤其喜欢慢跑。

5. In my opinion 。..=As far as I am concerned ,。..在我看来, ……

In my opinion, playing computer games not only takes up much time but also is harmful to our health. 在我看来, 打电脑游戏既花费也有害健康。

6. According to my personal experience = Based on my personal experience根据我个人经验

According to my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good. 根据我个人的经验, 微笑带给我很多好处

7. Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than 。..在我认识的人当中, 也许没有一个人比……更值得我尊敬。

Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than Miss Zhang, my English teacher. 在我认识的人当中, 也许没有一个人比我的英语老师张老师更值得我尊敬。

8. In the course of my schooling, I will never forget 。..在我的求学过程中, 我忘不了……

In the course of my schooling, I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning English. 在我求学的过程中, 我忘不了学习英语的巨大困难。

9. With the increase/growth of the population, 。..随着人口的增加, ……

With the advance of science and technology, 。..随着科技的进步, ……

With the rapid development of our economy ,。..随着我国经济的快速发展, ……

10. In the age of information and communication, 。..plays an important role. 在这信息年代, ……扮演重要的角色。
