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Football 足球

Basketball 篮球

Volleyball 排球

Baseball 棒球

Badminton 羽毛球

Tennis 网球

Table tennis 乒乓球

Softball 垒球

Golf 高尔夫球

Billiards 台球

Jogging 慢跑

Swim 游泳

High jump 跳高

Mountain climbing 爬山

Singing 唱歌

Dance 跳舞

Setting-up exercise 健身操

Yoga 瑜伽

Wushu 武术

Judo 柔道




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我们的身体最重要的就是健康,而健康就与体育运动密切相关,多做运动,能强身健体,有益身心。所以,我喜欢体育运动。我喜欢的体育运动是跑步,它是体育运动最简单而有最有成效的一项运动。我喜欢慢跑,因为我不想错过,沿途中有很多美丽的风景,有能发触人的好奇心的人和事。如果慢跑,我就能把它们当多一段美好的回忆,而不会擦肩而过。每天早晨,太阳初升的时候,当落叶飘飘悠悠地从树上掉下来,当阳光透过叶缝的那一刻,我爱慢跑,一边感受大自然的恩赐,一边享受运动的无限快乐。套样辛苦了一天,正准备下山时,当树叶不再飘忽,不再飘忽, 而落叶满地的时候,我爱慢跑。一边看着太阳公公留下那橘红的弧线,一边眺着远初那碧绿的田园风光。在体育课上,我爱慢跑。因为我想跑在后头,看着看着同学门的背影,我想把他们留在我的眼里,留在我的心里,也留在我的回忆里。大家从五湖四海集在一个班里,也算是缘分,我不想错过这么美好的记忆。











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some people like different friends . others like similar friends . compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends . which kind of friends do you prefer ?explain why . some people like different friends . others like similar friends . compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends . which kind of friends do you prefer ?explain why .

it is unive rsally known tha t f riendship is one of the eternal themes in the litera tur e of all languages . this is because human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of f riends . however it is impos sible for us to make friends with everybody . we have to choose tr ue friends . some of us like similar friends , while others differ ent f riend s . per sonally , i pr efer both .

it goes without saying that having similar f riends has many advantages . we can feel a sense of st rength when we have a group of old f riends who would sha re our sufferings and happiness . mor eove r , old friends always know how to maintain mutual t rust and how to avoid potential f riction . i always feel delight ed when i meet an old friend afte r a long depa rture . immediat ely , hear ty laughter fills the atmosphere .

never theless i believe that a mixture of friends is equally advantageou s . in the first place, f requent contact with dif ferent friends broadens my wor ld outlook . for instance, i have found it a r eal tr easur e to have so many f riends on the campus who of ten help me r einforce my beliefs . secondly , i have found tha t differ ent f riends cannot only lead to new adventures but also s how me new avenues in life . thirdly , they can help me with whateve r difficulties i encounter in life .

to conclude, i prefe r to have both types of f riends and as many as possible . of course , i will not forget to choose friends wisely .



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英语写作和语文写作一样,文字表述正确还只是最基本的要求,至于文字的流畅程度同样重要。不妨看看。不妨看看我最喜欢季节英语作文。 我最喜欢的季节英语作文一

My Favourate Season

How glad I am that summer has come!

I like summer best because I can have a very happy time then. Every summer I stay at my uncles house in the country for some time and enjoy the life there. I can also catch worms that are not found in cities. In addition, we can see many kinds of birds. I think the country is certainly a better place than the city for vacation.

Summer is my favourite season. 我最喜欢的季节英语作文二

There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes back to life. The snow begins to melt, the trees sprout and the grass turns green.Spring is warm so that its a good time to go hiking outdoors. After spring, itis summer. Summer is my favorite season,because I can swim quite often. The third one is autumn. In autumn, the weather is cool and comfortable. Farmers may be the busiest people, because autumn is a time of harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. In winter, the weather is very cold. In the north, it usually snows. Children can play games or make snowmen after snow. It seems very funny. But, because of the cold weather, I dont like winter very much. Whats your favorite season?

一年中有四个季节,第一个季节是春天。春天,万物复苏,雪开始融化,树木开始发芽,小草开始变绿。春天是个暖和的季节,是外出徒步旅行的好时机。春天过后就是夏天。夏天是我最喜欢的季节,因为我可以经常游泳。第三个季节是秋天。秋天,天气凉爽舒适。农民是最忙的人,因为秋天是收获的季节。冬天是一年的最后一个季节。冬天天气很冷,在北方经常下雪。下雪后孩子们喜欢玩游戏或者堆雪人,似乎很好玩。但是,由于天气寒冷,我不是很喜欢冬天。你最喜欢的季节是哪一个呢? 我最喜欢的季节英语作文三

My Favourite Season There are four seasons in one year, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In my opnion ,spring is the best season.First of all, it is very warm. The winter goes away, so the tempreture is higher ,and rather comfortable for human beings. Secondly, spring is very beautiful. The grass and trees grow freely, the flowers are rather colourful, the butterflies fly happily,and the wind is warmer. Thirdly, it is the first season in a year.It means the children are i one year older than before. They are adults now and they can protect themselves . And at last, I like spring just bacause I was born in March. All in all, I believe that spring is my favourite season.




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Everyone has his favorite teacher ,so do I. My favourite teacher is Miss Wei, our English teacher. We felt English very difficuit when we began to study English. Miss Wei had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, Miss Wei came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples,bananas,and oranges. She said: “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English . ”All the students listened carefully and studied hard . Someone even stood up to answer questions. Class was over ,and the fruits were all eaten. From then on ,I am more and more interested in English, and I want to say from my heart: “ Thank you, Miss Wei!”



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Among all the sports, I like basketball most. It is both an indoor and outdoor sport. People in everywhere like to play or watch this game.I also like to watch people playing basketball on TV. I often play it with some friends after school, and sometimes we play it on Sunday afternoon. I am very good at basketball, but I am not the best player in my team. Basketball can make me happy and healthy, and I really enjoy playing it.



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我有很多喜欢体育运动,比如:打羽毛球;打乒乓球;踢足球;打排球等,但我最喜欢的还是打篮球。 一天,我苦苦哀求着妈妈:“妈妈,您给我买个篮球吧,求您了,妈妈。”“除非你这次期末考上前三名,我就给你买个篮球。”妈妈一脸严肃的说。我吓得大叫:“什么?,我没听错吧,前三名耶,这可比天塌下来还难呀,可是,为了篮球,我一定要考上前三名。”后来,我努力、刻苦学习。一学期下来,累得我是“腰酸腿疼”呀,不过,这一学期的努力没白费,我考上了全班第二名。我高高兴兴的把试卷拿回家给妈妈看,一路哼着小曲儿回到了家。“妈妈,爸爸,我考上前三名了”,我大叫着,这时,妈妈和爸爸从房间里跑了出来,一把抢过我手中的卷子,嘴里还念着:“数学100分,语文97.5分,英语100分……好,妈妈给你买个篮球,”说完就给了我一个温暖的吻。爸爸突然对我说:“不错,知道耍小聪明了,真是一举两得呀。” 第二天 ,我看见我的床边多了一个篮球,起床后,我就用撒娇的语气对爸爸说:“以后您陪我打球吧,好吗?”爸爸犹豫了一会说:“好吧,不过我只当裁判,”无奈之下,我只好把班上的同学叫来陪我练,经过我挨家挨户的叫,班上会打篮球的人都到齐了,我们分成两组,进行篮球比赛,比赛刚开始,同学们就笑我打不来,后来我恼羞成怒,罚他们教我打球。这几天来,我已经会运球、会投球、会三步上篮了,勉勉强强学会了打篮球的基本功了。 后来我就上网搜索关于篮球反面的知识和打篮球的方法,有时不方便,就买一些关于篮球方面的书籍,天天课后就看,就连上厕所都看。有一次,爸爸叫我烧一壶水,他说他要喝水了。我漫不经心的答应了,于是我就把壶里装满水,放到了电磁炉上,就又去看书了,过了一会儿,爸爸来喝水时发现水怎么没热。原来是我太大意了,没有按开关,所以水没热。爸爸连连称我是“篮球迷”。 在学校,同学称我为“篮球迷”;在家爸爸,妈妈称我为“篮球迷”,篮球可以让我快乐、悲伤,篮球会给我带来疼痛,但我还是会打篮球,因为,我喜欢打篮球!



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Our school yesterday held the 23rd sports fitness section, we wore a neat clothes to stand, cheer for the athletes.

First appeared in our class are He Bingzhen, he took part in the project is 60 meters running, Shouting slogans, we have some carried signs come on for him, He Bingzhen seemed to hear our chants, run faster and faster, and achieved good results of the fourth.

Wu Xing all take part in the 200 m and 400 m running, the starting gun rang, he was desperate to ran forward, the final two projects and got the second place, LouXuan hangzhou attend softball, he actually threw a 40.8 meters, broke the record of the third grade, it was really great!

I: tell me something about our class "female general Wu Rui yao!" She was attending a 60 meters, although she accidentally fell on the ground when I was in the final sprint, knee worn out a piece of leather, but she didnt flow a drop of tears, eventually to fifth grade the precious 2 points for our class, she is also only scores of female students in our class, her brave spirit is worth our learning.

This is our games? They have devoted their win honor for our class, their efforts were not in vain, the score of our class is more higher than a year, a year. Thank you - athletes.

昨天我校举行了第23届的体育健身节, 我们穿着整齐的运动服走向看台, 为运动员们加油。

我们班第一个出场的是何秉臻, 他参加的项目是60米跑步, 我们有的喊着口号, 有的举着牌子给他加油, 何秉臻好像听到了我们的加油声, 越跑越快, 取得了第四名的好成绩。

吴星均参加的是200米和400米跑步, 发令枪一响, 他不顾一切地往前跑, 最终2个项目都得了第二名, 楼炫杭参加的是垒球, 他竟然扔了40.8米, 破了三年级的记录, 真是太棒了!

说说我们班的“女将军”吴芮瑶吧! 她参加的是60米跑, 虽然她在最后冲刺的时候不小心摔倒在地上,膝盖磨破了一块皮, 但她一滴眼泪也没流, 最终以第五名的成绩为我们班争得了宝贵的2分, 她也是我们班唯一得分的女同学, 她勇敢的精神值得我们学习。

这就是我们的运动会, 怎么样? 他们都付出了自己的心血为班级争光, 他们的努力没有白费, 我们班的分数是一年更比一年高, 谢谢你们 - 运动员。



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Many of my friends have chosen to travel to the cool place, so as to avoid the stuffy air. As for me, I don’t like to travel in this hot weather. I just want to stay indoors and enjoy the quiet moment. I like to sit near the window, watching outside scenery. Sometimes I will read some books, enjoy the novel and make myself lost in the fiction world. The things I like to do most is to find a coffee shop and then choose a table that is near the window, so that I can see all the situation. I will bring my computer and then play the computer for the whole afternoon. It is what I like to do in the summer. I enjoy it.




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I like sports. Sports can make me energetic, can make the thought is agile, can I make my action coordination, can make me healthy and have a healthy body, I was able to study harder. In the spring, I like to run on the grass outside, I like to go to the water swimming in summer, autumn I like mountain climbing, I like a snowball fight in the snow in the winter; Outside the weather is good, I like to skip rope, ride a bike, the weather is bad at home when she was dancing. I not only I like sports, also like watching sports, especially with the Chinese team to participate in the game, when I see our athletes to get the gold medal, the national flag, national anthem, I like athletes. Of course, my movement is mainly to keep fit.

My father likes sports very much, he hope I can become a good tennis player, or a good swimmer, but I know, now my task is to exercise the body, to study hard. Mother said, learn knowledge to smarter movement, and have a healthy body can also promote the improvement of academic performance, they are complementary to each other, everything cant slack off. I want to study well, also want to exercise, I also hope to and my classmates, friends study together, sports.





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My family has two lovely bunny, they have a pair of ruby-like eyes, with the ball as interesting tail, there are a pair of long and white ears. They are very cute, you will certainly fall in love with them.

Bunny likes to eat rabbit grass. This is a very common grass, everywhere can see, green leaves, which can be squeezed out of fresh milk, very strange. I have never noticed this grass before, but now a rabbit, I know that the world has such a strange grass, and everywhere are the same with the weeds.

Bunny eat when the devour, less than ten seconds, you will find a little grass, because it has been in the belly of the bunny. Bunny will also be issued when the baby sounds very loud voice, "Pakistan twitter ... ..." I stood outside the meter can hear the sound. Oh, the two bunny looks so cute, why can I eat so ugly?

Bunny also like people will sleep like it! Every time you sleep, they will consciously went to my carefully prepared small mat, comfortable to lie down, the four fat fat feet down to their own Arms, for fear they are cold, and then slowly put the ruby-like eyes closed, shrink into a group, looks like a velvet snow white ball. I looked at them happily and covered them with green little quilts. In order not to wake them, I also called the people around to speak a little!

Bunny is very cute, their every action will make you crazy to love them, I have been the two "little star" fascinated.



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When I was picking up my stuff after school, I saw a dog staring at me at the school gate .I was kind of scary. I thought the dog would bite me when I was going out. But it was not. The dog started to follow me. I was very afraid. I started to run away, but the dog did it, either. Suddenly, the dog ran pass away me. I realized the man in front of me was the owner of the dog. I was relieved.

From then on, as long as a dog stares at me, I will look back to have a look whether there is another person near or not.



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每个人都有自己喜欢运动,比如:跳绳、跳高、游泳?????? 可是,我喜欢跑步,尤其是飞跑的那种。我喜欢跑起来飞快的感觉,喜欢那种勇往直前的劲头儿,更喜欢听耳边的风声。尤其是跑出一身痛快淋漓的大汗以后,回家洗个澡,别提有多舒服啦。 在学校,如果那个男生招惹了我们女生, 下课后,我们女生就“围剿” 他。因为我跑得快,常常派我去“追捕”。我就一直追、追、追!追得他气喘吁吁、筋疲力尽,说:“小美女,别追啦!我不行啦。”我就把他“押”回来,女生们 围上来给他来一顿“少林拧耳朵”、“武当十三掐”。哼! 在家里,也经常和爷爷赛跑。当爷爷跑不过要落后的时候,就常耍小花招儿,不是拽我衣服,就是拉我的胳膊,可赖啦。尽管这样,也总是我赢,当“冠军”的感觉真好! 跑步,不仅锻炼身体,还能在赛跑中体验到乐趣。



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I’m neither interested in sports nor good at it. But except swimming. I can swim since I was a baby. My mother tells me that she let me swim in the water with a life-buoy when I was 20 days old. And then I can swim gradually. When I grow up, I like swimming very much. I swim all the year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable to lower my temperature. While winter swimming makes me feel excited and achievability. In general, swimming keeps me fit in both physical and mental. Whenever I feel upset, I would go swimming and then I would be full of energy and feel relax. Besides I believe it is due to swimming that I’m so thin. Who wants to lose weight, join me. We can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I couldn’t wait to swim now. But it is ten o’clock in the evening. I have to go to sleep. Good night everyone.




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自从这个寒假过后,我发觉运动对人类 是有很大的好处的,不知不觉,我喜欢上了运动。


镜头一 晴天之运动


镜头二 雨天之运动

下雨天,我也会按时起床,从一楼跳阶梯跳到了楼,然后又单脚跳,这样反复循环。我会出一身汗,但还是蛮开心的。洗一把脸,舒服一下,便捧着我 那本 著作看起来。

镜头三 乡村之运动






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I like winter, it is a happy season. I enjoy winter, it let us back to the fairy tale castle.

It is a paradise of animal gentleman - Mr Penguins in winter. Look! They are planning a big party. On the stage in the elegant white, penguins gentlemen are extravaganza, the dance, belly dance, waltz, precisely, ha ha! A baby penguins sliding down a big somersault.

Winter is the plum flower is paradise. Plum flower sister put on anti XueYi, fluffy snow from her cheek slip, like a pair of big hands stroked the plum flower sister, you see, the plum blossom blushes for sister.

Winter is the kids paradise. Dress up beautiful city winter made us into a white castle. The children all become a little warrior, pile wall, snowball fights, make a snowman, this piece of white everywhere in the world is filled with childrens laughter.

Winter is my paradise. I was born in the winter, my name is also called xi, is the meaning of the charm of white. Listen to father said, I hope I like Snow White and flawless.

Winter is the season of you, my season, all season. Let us in this beautiful season heartily enjoy!









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b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用

c. 我参加体育活动的体会

Sports do us good in many respects (TS). It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. Whats more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.




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Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in China. It’s my favorite, too. It’s a good way of exercise, and it’s easy to play. You don’t need many skills. I often play table tennis after class. Most of my classmates like it. So we always have partners. But if you want to play well, it’s not so easy. You must focus on your gesture, your hands and your steps. I want to be better, so I practice it very often. I have my own teacher to teach me. I work hard on it.




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The spring breeze blows away the winter cold and silent, spring brings the beautiful and lively, it will rain here. The spring rain, rustling, the flowers, the grass, the fish strips, flowers and trees under awake, awake animals down under, the children come out to play.


Look, there are children in catch grasshoppers. A grasshopper jumped in. There is a boy saw a large grasshopper, slowly close, a catch, the grasshopper caught.


Look, that is a group of birds birds on wire poles, on the staff, and joined in the chorus, as in sing a song of praise songs of spring, as if nature is smiling to listen.


Look, there is a large flowers, there are orchids, rose, jasmine, peach, pear, apricot and...... They be riotous with colour, very beautiful in the sun. In the world is not how many flowers, to make the world look so beautiful.


I love you, spring.
