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My home town is a beautiful place。 It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice。


But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town。 Many people had no work。 They lived a hard life。


In 1949 my hometown was liberated。 Since then great changes have taken place there。 The streets have been widened。 Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another。 The life of the people is greatly improved。


I love my hometown。 All the more I love its people。 They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful。




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Chengdu City Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province in China, has been recognized as “the land of abundance” for a long time. With rich cultural heritage, Chengdu is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in China. People who once step onto the land of Chengdu city will quickly fall in love with life there. It seems that Chengdu people are living a happy life with less pressure from their occupation, family or from the conflict social competition. Children, for example, can enjoy the child-only facilities in the parks. They can play with peers and make friends with each other. For teenagers and adults, the various entertainment places and snack streets are indispensable part of their life. The old in Chengdu can also sit in a teahouse with a cup of tea after dinner and gossip their family. The pace of life in Chengdu is slower than in other big cities. People tend to spend more time and efforts to create and experience happiness.

Chengdu is a city where one comes and doesn’t want to leave. There are many famous scenic spots such as Jingli, Kuanzai Street, Tianfu Square and Chengdu Panda Base. In Chengdu, one can not only enjoy shopping in Tianfu square, walking on the ancient streets and buy souvenirs in traditional houses or stores on Jingli and Kuangzai Street, but also play with cute pandas and help feed their cubs in the Panda Base. Furthermore, watching a Sichuan Opera Show will also provide a newcomer with unforgettable and precious memories. The delicate face-changing in Sichuan Opera has become a symbol of Sichuan culture.



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I have lots of things to do in my free time. I like sports. I play basketball with my classmates after class because I think doing more exercise is good for my health. In the evening, when I finish my homework, I love listening to soft music. That can make me clam down.

On weekends, I usually go hiking with my family. The fresh air and beautiful scenery make me comfortable. Also I like helping my mother cook and doing some reading at home. I think doing these can relax myself.

I’m going to visit Beijing during the coming summer holiday. Look! How happy I am! Let’s enjoy our free time.

[我的空余时间My Free Time英语作文



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I have curly/straight hair.

I have brown/blue/yellow/black ……hair.

I have long/short hair.

He is tall/short/medium height/heavy/fat/thin……


They are kind/great/honest/nice/unbelieveable/lovely……

1.Mr.King knew a lot and the learned persons were glad to make friends with him.



She is nice/beautiful/ugly/good-looking/well-known/famous……



2.Professor Boffin was a great scientist but he always forget small things.


3.He was such a nice people that everyone loved him.


4.She was the richest lady who had three big houses with beautiful gardens.


《初中英语作文:关于形容人的英语作文 初二英语作文》由我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 小学生英语演讲稿:I LOVE ENGLISH演讲稿格式:英语演讲稿的基本格式英语成绩不理想 花钱买成绩趋普遍雅思备考:解读英语写作中的负迁移现象最新励志英语演讲稿怎样写好英语演讲稿英语专业学生如何选择出国留学小学六年级英语教学计划“双录取”是英语薄弱的中国学生 申请海外名校的县中学英语教研组教学工作计划 初中英语作文:关于形容人的英语作文 初二英语作文

留学编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 小学生英语演讲稿:I LOVE ENGLISH演讲稿格式:英语演讲稿的基本格式英语成绩不理想 花钱买成绩趋普遍雅思备考:解读英语写作中的负迁移现象最新励志英语演讲稿怎样写好英语演讲稿英语专业学生如何选择出国留学小学六年级英语教学计划“双录取”是英语薄弱的中国学生 申请海外名校的县中学英语教研组教学工作计划

[ 初二英语作文形容人的英语作文



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初中英语作文:初二英语作文 Helen Keller

Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman.

Helen was blind and deaf. She couldnt see anything or hear anything. Her parents are very sad.

A teacher helped Helen study words. Helen studied them very hard when she grew up. She went to college. In Helen Kellers life, she wrote fourteen books and her first book is "My Life". The book "If you give me three days light" is very famous.

She has some words: Be of good cheer. Do not think of todays failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles.

Though she was blind and deaf, she found a way to see and hear.

[初二英语作文Helen Keller



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社会在飞速发展,人民的生活水平也在不断地提高 。而我妈妈的老家——琼山区的一个小山村——大万村也在发生着日新月异的变化





我走进房子里面,发现房子的布局与以前大不一样。一楼是一间宽大的会客室,整洁而明净。二楼是卧室,里面设施一应俱全。有彩电冰箱dvd,空调电脑梳妆台……我看得眼睛都花了,真不敢相信自己身处印象中脏乱差的农村,还以为自己置身于城市里一个富有的小朋友的家中呢 。参观完后,我情不自禁地感叹:今非昔比啊! 我走出家门口,又到村里走了一圈。这回,我又发现“新大陆”了:








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Since the implementation of reform and opening up policy in mainland China in 1978, changes in society, economy, ideology, humanities and even politics have never been seen in Chinese history. The economic environment, the educational environment, the values and the population distribution have changed greatly.

Since the implementation of reform and opening policy on the economy, China, economic development has made great progress, the gross national product (GDP) in less than 30 years, an increase of more than 25 times, the overall size of the economy has surpassed Germany, ranked third in the world (only in the United States and Japan). But at the same time, the two level of polarization between the rich and the poor is serious.

In todays China, though college education is more popular, the number of college students who have enrolled and graduated every year has increased significantly, but in fact, education is facing an unprecedented "commercialization" and "industrialization" crisis. The center of all peoples life begins to revolve around money and material. The traditional social morality and ethical values are no longer considered, even mocked and spurned. This brings great problems and crises in social security and family and marriage.

Now Chinese is also experiencing large population migration hitherto unknown, the so-called "three drift" phenomenon: one is a large number of rural population to Beijing, Tianjin and other places to move, two is to Shanghai as the center of the Yangtze River Delta is the three mobile, to Guangzhou as the center of the Pearl River Delta mobile.

In all aspects of the changes in China, the state has also changed its previous religious policies. The family church has provided a certain space for the development of domestic church, so the family church has also undergone great changes and development. The overseas magazine media reports that the Chinese family church is experiencing 7 changes and has its own characteristics in the model.

From the countryside to the city, this is the most remarkable and new change. Many urban family churches are showing vigor and rapid development with young, highly educated and energetic party. From coastal to inland, the more developed coastal family church tradition, the western missionaries and early activities in the area concerned. In many of Chinas inland areas, even among ethnic minorities, the spread of the gospel and the establishment of the church have been greatly developed.

From grassroots to multilevel, todays gospel is no longer a belief of civilians with a low educational level and at the grass-roots level of the society. It has become a research topic in many universities, and also a popular belief among college students, professors and white-collar workers. The urban churches, dominated by intellectuals, were set up in cities and grew rapidly. The integration of many "returnees" Christians also played an important role in the transformation and development of urban family churches.

From single to pluralistic, in the past, Chinese churches were basically single (non sectarian) in terms of sectarianism, and basically conservative in theological thoughts. Such a situation is changing. With the influx of various sects and theological ideas and ideas from abroad, Chinese family churches have also changed from single to pluralistic. From receiving to paying, when Chinese economy, especially the development of coastal economy, has developed, the believers of Chinese churches have made great progress in giving money and giving resources, especially in the Church of Wenzhou. The disaster relief in Sichuan has become a concentrated expression of the participation of Chinese family churches in social care and love.

From domestic to overseas, many families in the church is across the border, to neighboring countries sent missionaries to carry out the gospel mission. Although the number of people is still in the minority, "the gospel into China, the gospel out of China" is becoming the vision and mission of more and more Chinese believers. Among them, from Wenzhou and Fujian area due to emigration of Christians, or to do business overseas, and more enthusiasm into the construction conditions and the local Chinese Church and missionary.

From the close to the cooperation, in the past, because of the historical and political environment and many other reasons, the Chinese family churches are mostly not reciprocal. And now the situation is changing. Especially in the emerging churches in the city, facing the regional even national prayer meeting, and the camp and propaganda workers, there began to be cooperation between the churches. Cross system theological training, worker training, and so on, also appear more and more.

In the process of marching and developing to the city, the family church has formed a very typical model of development. The phenomenon of "series" and "parallel" is obvious. The so-called "series" refers to one or more full-time on his staff, led more than a dozen parties, forming a vertical type feed management mechanism; the so-called "parallel", refers to the different church between the "horizontal connection", or a church planting out many churches, the plain independently, but there is often a joint meeting between his staff, and the Ministry of cooperation.

The clergy have good cultural accomplishment, and the theology of equipment. Many people graduated from colleges and universities, give up very good career and personal future commitment to Gods call, with a strong sense of mission, and by many underground seminaries or network Seminary, accept the systematic theology of equipment. Some people even go back home after receiving theological equipment abroad, and the spiritual vision and theological attainment of the church personnel are greatly improved compared with the past.



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家乡变化实小昙石分校五年级 陈翔我的家乡在闽侯县竹岐乡原格村。听我的奶奶说那儿以前生活很贫穷,村民们住的都是破破烂烂的瓦房。一到下雨天,屋外“哗啦啦”的下着大雨,屋子里就“淅哩哩”的下着小雨。雨水会从缝隙里流进来,这样就要用水盆,水桶等东西来接水。等雨停了,屋里到处都是湿碌碌的了。一到台风季节,房子上的瓦片落了下来,有人经过的话就会被砸伤,轻的只会头疼一阵,重的头破血流还要住院。人们用的日常生活用品都是从闽侯县城购买。那时交通不便,乡亲们要走上两三个小时的泥土路才到闽江边,如下过雨泥土路就会变的泥泞不堪,非常难走。到江边还要坐轮船渡江,最后再走上半小时的路才可以到县城。如今大家都住上了了水泥房,再也不怕漏雨和瓦片落下来砸伤人了。路都铺上了水泥,一座座高大美观的房子错落有致,一条条宽阔的道路四通八达,直通闽江边,而且连接着316国道。一座彩虹似的“甘竹大桥”横跨闽江两岸,使我们到县城更方便了。现在经济发达了,所以许多地方都建起了许多工厂,那些工人把工厂排出的废水直接排放到闽江,湖泊,小溪等地方,使得清澈的水源变黑了,小它们受到污染,水里的生物因为在水源污染的地方而死亡。以前小朋友们可以到溪边游泳,戏水,捉小鱼小虾,因为那时小溪水是清澈见底的。这样的日子是多么让人难忘呀!如果再继续污染下去,我可以想象在不久的将来,地球上的水源全部被污染,因此地球上最后一滴水就是人类的眼泪,所有的生物包括人类也将会灭亡。我要呼吁全人类行动起来保护环境,同时向政府呼吁要将所有的排污工厂关闭,封锁。在发展经济建设时,可别忘了保护环境!



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Today is the first day that we start our summer camp.Everybody is amazed at the foreign teacher.They have white skin,yellow hair,blue eyes……But no one is very beautiful or handsome.

Foreigners are very tall or fat.I don’t like them.White skin with them is a little ugly.All day around I found that two thirds of the day time I was sleepy.I think tomorrow will be better.初二英语寒假日记第二篇:

Today is sunny day,the sunshine is very nice.I am very happy,because I meet some new classmates,chinese teachers and an Englsih teacher.They are really friendly to me.In the morning we go to meeting room to atten the opening ceremony of the summer camp.There are so many people in it.Then I have a test.In fact,I really can’t stand it.In the afternoon,we meet English teacher.He is really tall and thin.He is funny and friendly.The lesson is very interesting.We like him.Then we meet Maria Zhang.She can speak English very well.She teachs them about genesis and sing an English song.They are so great.

Ho,I’m free and I’m happy! 初二英语寒假日记第三篇:

Full of excitement

The English summer camp begins today.We were all excited today.

When we got on the bus in the morning,our guide miss Guo reminded us to take care of ourseues.She also asked us to introduce ourselves and after that,we got known with each other.

How time flies!After only on hour,we got to Zhejiang University.The university is pretty,beautiful and large.The Teaching buildings and student’s building are very new.I couldn’t wait to go into the student’s building.The condition of the flat is good.The air conditioner is prepared for us.The headteacher has a strong mind,no matter how hot it was,he still helped us to solve the problems.

In the afternoon,we had our first class.Mrs Zheng asked us 10 questions,and we answered them.

After having dinner,my friend and I went to the supermarket to buy some fruit.

How happy the day we had today! 初二英语寒假日记第四篇:

This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English,computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam.Many times I want to take today off,but my mother said to me:“go on,you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try.Now my English is better than 2months ago.I must thanks my mother,she is good for me.Practices makes perfect. 初二英语寒假日记第五篇:

How happy I am.Yesterday I finished all the work very quick,so I have a lot of time to do myself.Sometimes finish work early is a good thing,we can have more interests to do the next work.Because of this,I write English dairy eight in the morning.But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day.Everyone,if you can finish the work quickly,not lazy,just try your best. 初二英语寒假日记第六篇:

Today i took the bus to the park.Some people were waiting for the bus at the bus stop.When a young girl came,she spat a gum on the ground While she was waiting,she herself stepped on the gum.The gum stuck to one of her foot.When the bus came ,she got on the bus.Then she discovered the gum stuck her foot all the time. 初二英语寒假日记第七篇:

Today,I"m going shopping with my mother,We buy some

apples bananas and a big watermelon.I"m buying some new books ,because I like reading interesting books very much.Then we get home.I"m very happy! 初二英语寒假日记第八篇:

Today i went to the museum.I met some robots.I think I am also be able to have a robot in many years.I think they can help me do some dishes .They also can help with my homework.A good robot can make me happy.When i am upset ,they can tell jokes for me.I will have more free time to have a relax. 初二英语寒假日记第九篇:

Happy family

I have happy family,it is my father,my mother and me.

My father is very fat,he is a civil servant,he works very hard..Father is very funny,put my family very happy.I’m very happy.

My mother is very thin,she is civil servant,too.She is a good cooker,she cooks food for everybody.She is quiet,and she likes books and swimming.

I’m a little girl in the family,maybe I’ll be a writer.I like hamburger,chips,books,swim.

This is my happy family! 初二英语寒假日记第十篇:

My Eddweiss

Eddwiss,edelweiss,every morning you grate me,small and white ,clean and bright.

You must have heard of this song.Do you look for edelweiss?I found it.In winter,I went to the mountain.I found a small edelweiss blossoming among grass.It had pure white.I endulged in the beautiful scenery.Edelweiss is like an angel,it is dancing and smiling to me.The next day I went to see it.I cannot forget that small edelwiess.



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Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, others want to be famous. I have a lot of dreams, too. When I was a young boy, I dreamed of becoming a scientist in future. However, I knew clearly that I could not succeed without efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school .In order to attain my goal .

Everyone has his own dream. In my mind, I think that having a dream means that we have a goal, and then we will do our best to come true it.

My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. i know it is difficult to be a good doctor , but I will never give up and i will try my best to keep everyone health .When I have money in the future , I will help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free.
