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Once a year the Spring Festival is coming, everybody busy couplets, everybody is bursting with happiness atmosphere, very happy, our family is no exception, on the twenty-nine, I just got up, my mother called to my sister and couplets, we posted a big character in the central door, on both sides of the door posted couplets on the "Fu born Xi annual music" the second line is "rich suisui Tim Choi Huan" streamer is "Happy New Year" soon we posted a good, I look at my work very happy.

On New Years Eve, we put on new clothes and set off firecrackers with our sister. A "crackling" sound from our ears through, like thousands of households to send blessings, we are very happy. On the eve of new years Eve, we had dinner, and I watched the Spring Festival Gala with my father, mother and sister. That wonderful performance made my mood open, there was a cross talk, there was a sketch and a song and dance... Very pretty. But I like Xiao Shenyang? Ya egg? Zhao Benshan and the old finished "no money" is so fun.

Lunar New Years day I just woke up and found a gift money pillow, sister, we laugh, and we ate dumplings, went to grandmas home after worship, pay New Years call, grandparents, give us the gift money, but also to eat out, we eat, we are very happy.

I like the new year. Its good for the new year.




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"I now declare the rules of the game: a man hides a few things, and a few others go and hide them," said the town. We drew a lot and finally decided to hide three coke bottle caps from our cousin. The cousin pushed us out of the room and hid things by herself... After a while, the cousin came out with a smile and said, "hide it, you cant find it!" We swarmed in, and I thought: the easiest place to hide is probably the most secluded place. So, I will seriously every corner to find it again, did not, in the look at the kid sister, drill under the bed, their tails on the outside, groping hands in it, no, she just want to stand up, "alas!" The little sister cried, and she cried, and she stood up under the bed and hit the bed.

So she stopped the game. Ah! One less opponent, but the cousin is also difficult to deal with, see her in the closet to each piece of clothing to turn over, wow! Not yet! But where exactly? I glanced around, and then I noticed a shiny object behind the curtain.

I pulled the curtain aside. Coke bottle caps! I was happy to jump three feet high, my cousin saw, a look of unconvinced. But shes picking up speed. Look for it here. I made haste, and under the bed and then watch out of the reach of little younger sister, and I found a coke bottle caps, my heart even more excited to get up, then I have found in a book under the last bottle. "Shout! It took me a lot of work! I sighed and said, my cousin, my cousin and my sister are all happy for me. The cousin said, "you are very observant!" I heard it, I was very happy.



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I think Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It’s a beginning that is new and full of luck for Chinese.

A few days before the Spring Festival, people will clean their house and do some shopping. They’re busy days for adults because of much house’s work. But children always look forward to the coming of those days, which is due to buying much delicious food and many beautiful clothes. Al seems new during those days.

In the New Year’s Eve, children will have their bodies cleaned and dress nice clothes early. Why do they seem to be poppet? Because adults always give more lucky money to the good children.

In the evening, all the members of family will sit around the table and have a big meal. Fish and meat often appears on the table. After the dinner, many families will watch TV together and enjoy the Party of Spring Festival on CCTV. At twelve o’clock, they will count seconds, “three, two, one” and say “Happy New Year” to each other. In the countries, some people will set off fireworks to celebrate the New Year.

The next morning, people don’t eat meat. Instead, they have vegetable dish. And then, adults will visit their friends and relatives with their children. It’s a good job for children because they can get more lucky money to buy things they like.



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春节是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”、“新年”。春节的历史很悠久,它来历于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。按照我国农历,正月 初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等,俗称年初一,到民国时期,改用公历,公历的一月一日称为元旦,把农历的一月一日叫春节。

Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. According to Chinas Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a copy, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is commonly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.



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今天已经是大年初八了,耳边还此起彼伏地响着“噼啪,噼啪,噼噼啪啪”的鞭炮声,一声接一声,一响接一响;深蓝的星空时不时地窜上几束火花,随着一声“啪”的声响,一朵五色的烟花在天空绽放……我已经过了十三个春节,虽然年复一年,周而复始,可这古老的节日总是给我们带来惊喜,总是给我们带来快乐,还有那令我们回味无穷的“年味”。 Today is the eighth day of the New Year, and the sound of "cracking, crackling, crackling" of the ears sounds one after another, one by one, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, once,Life; from time to time, a few sparks are rushed to the dark blue starry sky. With a sound of "slap", a five -color firework blooms in the sky ... I have passed the thirteen Spring Festival, although the year after year, the weekly, but the end, but it can be repeated, but it can be repeated, but it can be repeated, but it can be repeated, but it can be repeated, but it can be repeated.This ancient festival always surprises us, always brings us happiness, and the "year flavor" that makes us endless.

听大人们说,大年三十要守岁!今年的大年三十,我边看《春晚》边打瞌睡,到十一钟时被《春晚》里的笑声惊醒,我连忙强打精神告诉自己“这是我头一回守岁,千万不要放弃!”《春晚》里又是唱歌又是跳舞,还有手影戏,我一下又来了劲,看得连蹦带跳,笑弯了腰。当时钟的秒针一步一步走向十二,我知道新年的钟声就要敲响,我就要十四岁了!外面的鞭炮哗啦一下不约而同地响起,“嘭——啪,嘭——啪”一声更比一声高,我兴奋无比,连忙在这第一时刻打电话去拜年!一声“HappyNewYear’sDay”就揭开了年的序幕。 Listening to the adults, the year thirty years of age! This years 30th year, I doze off while watching "Spring Festival Gala", and by 11 oclock by the "Spring Festival Gala"The laughter in "I was awakened, and I hurriedly told myself" This is the first time I stayed in my year, dont give up! "" Spring Festival Gala "is singing and dancing, and shadow and drama. I am here again.Gentle, I saw a bouncing and bending my waist.At that time, the second hand of the clock moved to twelve step by step. I knew that the bell of the new year was about to ring, and I was 14 years old! The firecrackers outside ranged and sounded at the same time.More than a little bit, I was extremely excited, and quickly called the New Year at this first moment! "HappyNewyearsday" opened the prelude to the New Year.

走在大街上,那代表吉祥如意的红色像火一样在整条马路上燃烧起来,让人看起来红红火火、喜气洋洋,先说那春联吧!红底黑字的上联、下联家家户户的门上都少不了,有着朝气蓬勃的“春回大地,万象更新”;有着五谷丰登的“岁岁年丰添美满,鼠岁丰登酒一船”,还有那充满希望的“贺岁红联增喜气,一元复始艳阳天”。店铺的铁门上没有了以往那死气沉沉的感觉,挂起了红灯笼,贴上了各种各样的“福”字,那代表福到了的贴法,满街都是。路上的行人稀疏了,但每个人的脸上都写满了幸福与快乐! Walking on the street, the red red, which represents auspicious Ruyi, burns on the entire road like fire, making people look red and hot, and youre a spring couplet first.! Black -bottomed black types of Shanglian and Xialian family households are indispensable, and there are vibrant "spring returning to the earth, Vientiane update"; the "year -long years of full year, the rats and Feng Deng wine",There is also the hope that the "New Years Red Corporation increases the joy, and one yuan will start the sun."There was no previous feeling of deadness on the iron gate of the shop. The red lanterns were hung, and a variety of "blessings" were posted. That represents the blessing of the post, and the streets are full of the streets.The pedestrians on the road are sparse, but everyones face is full of happiness and happiness!

传说正月初五是财神爷的生日,应当要到庙里清香拜佛,求得一年风调雨顺,国泰民安。初五的早上,爸爸、妈妈带着我进庙烧香,带着一大捧香挤进了人山人海的天宁寺。我留心了一下,那香有“四季平安”、“状元高香”、“幸福美满”、“财源滚滚”……都是有着吉祥美好的寓意。用烛火上点燃手中的香,在慈祥的菩萨面前,人们都十分虔诚地许下自己的美好心愿 Legend that the fifth day of the first month is the birthday of the God of Wealth. You should go to the temple to worship the Buddha for a year.In the morning of the fifth day, my father and mother took me into the temple to burn incense, and squeezed into the Tianning Temple of the crowd of crowds with a lot of incense.I paid a moment. The fragrance has "four seasons safe", "champion high incense", "happiness and happiness", "wealth rolling" ... all have auspicious and beautiful morals.Lit the incense in his hand with candlelight. In front of the kind bodhisattva, people are very religious to make their own beautiful wish

淡淡的火药味、浓浓的墨香、飘渺的香火味弥漫在整个正月里,走到哪里都是这年味,这味道。正因为有了这浓浓的年味,我们的春节才会变得如此多姿多彩,如此令人向往! The faint smell of gunpowder, strong ink fragrance, and misty incense flavor permeated throughout the first month.Because of this strong year, our Spring Festival will become so colorful and so desirable!



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吃饱喝足,随我往前继续观赏,一路小跑,便来到儿童天地,这里有小孩玩耍的各种有奖游戏,也有新年才推出的稀有玩具,“气枪打靶”、“绵羊拉车”、“力劈华山”,五花八门,各具特色庙会游戏有的刺激,有的有趣,无不让人张大嘴巴睁大眼睛,大饱眼福, 其乐无穷,我


玩够了,告别游乐场,随我一同去听“国粹”,用心去感受文化的真谛 。不早早赶到演出戏场,那还真是难以看到台上演员的表演,剧场是十里八层被文艺爱好者围得水泄不通。这儿的节目丰富多彩,层出不穷,有京剧、评剧、相声、小品、哑剧等,一个连一个,让台下的观众过足了瘾,熟悉的哼上两曲,不懂的,也用手在空中上下比划,跟着旋律,摇头晃脑,享受京剧的音韵,小品的欢快。演完一出,拍手声响遍了整个场地,久久回荡在庙会的上空。

















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Nian Gao:The northerners eat Jiao Zi, but southerners like to eat Nian Gao, which translates to "New Year Cake". In Chinese, Gao is a homonym for high. Nian Gao is also called Nian Nian Gao, which is a homonym for "higher each year", symbolizing progress and promotion at work and in daily life and improvement in life year by year.

Nian Gao is a sweet, sticky, brown cake made from rice flour and sugar, a kind of glutinous white cake in the shape of rectangle. Often given as a gift, it is delicious when steamed, fried, fried with eggs or even eaten cold.

Given the importance of food in Chinese culture, it is not surprising that food plays a major role in Chinese New Year celebrations. "Lucky" foods are served through the two week Chinese New Year celebration, also called the Spring festival.



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Since the one child policy carried on, many families had only one kid. As the children growing up, they felt lonely, because they did not have anyone to accompany. They felt so envious when they saw others have siblings. There is no doubt that the one child policy has controlled the population to increase so fast and helped people to improve their life lever. Recently, the government tends to open the second child policy slowly. People hold the different opinion. Some people think that it is good to let the child have siblings, so they will not lonely and can learn the meaning of sharing. Other people don’t want to have one more child because they don’t have enough money. They want to give the best education to the child, so they think one child is enough. Anyway, the second child policy gives people more choice.




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If the most beautiful season of the year is spring, for me, the most

interesting festival of the year is the new years Eve! On that day, we should

not only eat family reunion dinner, but also staying-up late on new years


Remember that the day to eat reunion dinner, people began to play cards,

chat, play mahjong, our children, began playing the fun of firecrackers, there

are all kinds of varieties, "this" and "Scud", "delta ray" and so on, we played


I also went to the house to see from time to time and funny TV comic sketch

"Spring Festival Gala" performance, I and my buddy will laugh and laugh, see

magic in those big magician performing magic show, we were amazed.

Time flies, blink of an eye to 11:45, suddenly rang out a loud bursts of

firecrackers, we are e--cited to join them, just open the door, I saw the

fireworks are riotous with colour dark sky dancers.

At 11:50, we cant wait to just wrapped dumplings into the boiling water,

mom and dad put a cover on the pot, cook for a while, 12 oclock, finally boil

the dumplings, grandma and grandpa a sung, I smell from afar dumplings

fragrance, went straight to the kitchen, when the taste delicious dumplings,

happy in the heart.

One year spent similar, each year is different, when the new years Eve, it

means spring is coming, the new year has begun!



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MySpringFestival Last years Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals. On New Years Eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together. My mum did some cooking with my aunt Grandparents and I watched the New Year TV programmes. At about six oclock, we had a special family dinner. We all thought the dumplings were delicious. On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. In the afternoon, we went shopping in Jiefanf Road. My uncle bought some Jays CDs. He likes Jays music very much. There were so many people on the road. It was more alive than any other time of a year. On the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the country. There were much bigger trees than in the city. And the animals were more beautiful than in the city. We all enjoyed ourselves. I had an interesting Spring Festival. How about you?






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Long-awaited New Year arrived, we put on new clothes, they sat by the fire, eating a big family reunion dinner, have a squid stew pork bellies, stewed fish, native village tofu cooked spinach, celery Fried pig blood samples, starch and so on... Now think of all my mouth water. We to eat while watching the CCTV Spring Festival evening party, private and held the crosstalk jokes we laugh and havoc, in imperceptible in 2016, the ringing of firecrackers echoed throughout, the colorful fireworks in the sky like a flower blooming, adorn the boundless night like day.

On the first day morning, I woke early to grandpa grandma happy New Year, my grandparents gave me early prepared New Years money, I took my New Years money very happy, I want to save money, and then use it when you are going to use it.

Dad also took me to my grandmas New Year, I met the dog four years ago, it has a black hair, we call it "black", it has now grown into a big black dog, far to see us just shook tail to meet us. I carry a "black face" to the mountain to play, also made a palm leaf fan and a handful of dust, "brown" behind me is like a loyal guard, when I left my grandmas, it has been sent we get in the car, Im a bit reluctant to leave it.

I had a very happy Spring Festival!







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The red lanterns hung, festive couplets pasted up, beautiful window cut up, capped Bai Xuepiao down, the delicious meal of the eve of the end of fireworks rushed out, God, we Chinese the most festive grand traditional festival - the Spring Festival is coming.

This years new years Eve, I spent my grandmothers home in Shaoxing. The twelfth lunar month 28 evening, on the way to Shaoxing, we were caught in a heavy snow. The car is everywhere flying snow white, but the yellow lights to illuminate the road ahead, but also the warmth of home peoples heart. The lamp of faint light, in the snow gave people the warmth of home.

The twelfth lunar month 29 morning, we came to the peak Temple Buddha, incense in the incense burner peak hillside, this is also a custom of Shaoxing new year. During the end of the beginning of the year, the temple incense, always many pilgrims, people have come here to pray for peace auspicious new year.

In the afternoon, I came to the famous garden of Shenyang in the Southern Song Dynasty. A glittering snow, a white carpet, silhouetted against a black tiles and white walls between red lanterns. The breeze carrying a piece of people the best wishes of the pledge card, brushed a blossoming bloom, only to hear the bells "methotrexate methotrexate" light sound, only smell bursts of fragrance lamei.

The reason why the Spring Festival is busy, fireworks and firecrackers can not be small. In ancient times, people set off firecrackers to evil blessing, pray for peace and happiness. And todays brilliant fireworks add gorgeous colors to the night sky.

The Spring Festival in my hometown is very lively, it is colorful, it is a red fire and it is warm. There is a good wish for a loved one there, where we are deeply attached to and stay in love.



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The New Year is coming soon, my father and I are going to conduct a thorough cleaning, clean for the coming New Year.

In the afternoon, we began to the tense and busy cleaning. I to study finishing the book, I put the books back on the shelf, then, dad put me sort of clean again. Before long, bookcase, desk is wiped clean. Then, we began to clean the Windows, dad with cleaning the Windows tools brush back and forth on the glass, with old newspapers to wipe it again, the glass is bright. Look at books neatly, bright window, my heart joy bloom.

I guess, my mom came home from work will be a big surprise.



