描写夏天的英语作文5篇 作文怎么写(优秀20篇)

母爱像火红的太阳,母爱像黑夜里的油灯,母爱像冬天里的毛衣,母爱更像山间的溪水,一点一滴的细流汇成潺潺的溪流,一点一滴的关怀汇成浓浓的母爱。母爱,像山间的溪水静静地流淌着,啊!母爱似水!下面是小编为大家整理的描写夏天的英语作文5篇 作文怎么写,仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家!






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Grandmother has a beautiful little cat, his white hair like a snow-like, the middle sandwiched a few pieces of ink fine hair, black and white, white is more white, and black more and more darker. Half of the face is white, half is black, hairy face inlaid with a pair of sapphire-like eyes, from time to time naughty to blink, sparkling. A white tail leisurely shaking, and from time to time came "meow, meow" call.

The cats character is really weird. Say it is honest, it is sometimes very good. It will find a warm place, sleep every day, carefree, nothing matter. But it decided to go out to play, it will go all day and night, despite how I call, it will never come back. Said he was fun to play it, but how it is due diligence, hear the mouse a little bit ringing, small cat on the breath of staring, a few hours is not a few hours, not to the mouse and so on! One to the dead of night, Eyes like an emerald in general, carefully observed around, if there are strangers or thieves into my house, then the cat will "meow, meow" to shout until I heard so far.

The cat is very naughty. Sometimes in your body to hear the right, right to scratch; sometimes jump on the table, jumping in the above jump; sometimes lying in the big shoes snoring. You will never blame him it is so vibrant, innocent and lovely! Every time I go to school when the cat has been around me to turn non-stop, as if to say: "little master, do not go, do not go And then accompany me to play for a while! "Home from school, went to the door, small cat as early as waiting, as if to say;" welcome the owner.

Little cat is still very greedy. Once, my mother bought a lot of fish on the balcony sun, small cat saw, happily jump up, the fish Diao down, devoured eat.

I like this little cat.




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I like dogs, because they are man s good friends. They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people s lives. So they re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.




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假如你是厦门市某中学的学生,为响应网上“品牌旅游区”的征文活动,请根据下面提示以“Gulangyu — A fairyland in the world” 为题,写一篇短文参加应征,向人们推荐鼓浪屿。

鼓浪屿是厦门市的一个小岛,整个岛像个水上花园,被称为 “人间仙境”;


这里天水相连。站在岛上最高的 “日光岩”上, 厦门的美景尽收眼底; “日光岩”脚下是一个风景如画的花园;


注意 词数:100左右;

2. 不要逐条翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:风景landscape;仙境fairyland;日光岩the Sunshine Rock

Gulangyu — A fairyland in the world

Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. Its like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there, which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.

Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen, and when standing at its foot, you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.

Gulangyu produces bananas, coconuts, sugar cane and so on. The people here, warm, simple and hardworking, are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.

Such is Gulangyu, a beautiful and inviting island, where a warm welcome awaits.









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Winter is the last season of the year, winter rain is the last rain in a year. Winter rain is not like spring rain, people feel valuable; winter rain is not like summer rain, people feel comfortable; winter rain is not like autumn, it is poetic. The winter rain inherited everything in winter, but I felt nothing but cold from it.

Winter rain is very thin, very dense, very cold Actually reminds me of the elderly. The elderly, experienced a vibrant boy; energetic youth; experienced middle-aged; now, is sunset.

Winter rain is watching the elderly grow up, the old man is watching the growth of winter rain. Year after year, the elderly in this life I do not know how many winter rain, year after year, winter rain in the old mans life I do not know how many times the elderly.

I do not know which day, see an old man walking in the winter rain. He did not umbrella, did not wear a raincoat, only wearing a hat on his head. Is not the old man afraid of rain? I think so. I see the old man more than once in the winter rain, do not umbrell, do not wear raincoats. Suddenly, my heart slipped through a cold: the old man may want to feel more before the candlelight winter rain. I can not help but worry about the elderly, then I thought, why should I be self-assertive? Perhaps the old drought on the indifferent fame and fortune, see through the life and death _ I am afraid that I am afraid that the old man is not afraid of the cold rain poured out the beam of light candle it? Now do not understand

Winter rain gone, the second year will come again; old man gone, will come back again Come .

I blame the injustice of nature, but a closer look, the balance of nature is still balanced, winter rain is really eternal stop, it can be with the world with a lonely and a thousand years ago, winter rain and one What is the difference between winter rain? Yes, they are no difference, they are spreading a theme - winter: the elderly are different, although they are gone, but they accumulated the experience of life, lessons are Passed to future generations, so that future generations who become better, stronger.

The old man in the span of life and never winter rain, but the accuracy of the elderly in life is far better than the winter rain.



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1) .小荷才露尖尖角,早有青蜓立上头。(杨万里《小池》)

2) .黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。(赵师秀《有约》)

3) .绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。(翁卷《乡村四月》)

4) .接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。(杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》)

5) .明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。(辛弃疾《西江月·夜行黄沙道中》)

6) .水晶帘动微风起,满架蔷薇一院香。(高骈《山亭夏日》)

7) .绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。(孟浩然《过故人庄》)

8) .糁径杨花铺白毡,点溪荷叶叠青钱。(杜甫《绝句漫兴》)

9) .松下茅亭五月凉,汀沙云树晚苍苍。(戴叔伦《题稚川山秀》)

10) .自来自去梁上燕,相亲相近水中鸥。(杜甫《江村》)

11) .卷地风来忽吹散,望湖楼下水如天。(苏轼《六月二十七日望湖楼醉书》)

12) .梅子流酸溅齿牙,芭蕉分绿上窗纱。(杨万里《闲居初夏午睡起·其一》)

13) .力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。(白居易《观刈麦》)

14) .深居俯夹城,春去夏犹清。(李商隐《晚晴》)

15) .首夏犹清和,芳草亦未歇。(谢灵运《游赤石进帆海》)

16) .仲夏苦夜短,开轩纳微凉。(杜甫《夏夜叹》)

17) .农夫方夏耘,安坐吾敢食。(戴复古《大热》)

18) .人皆苦炎热,我爱夏日长。(李昂《夏日联句》)

19) .残云收夏暑,新雨带秋岚。(岑参《休亭送华瞬王少府还县》)

20) .连雨不知春去,一晴方觉夏深。(范成大《喜晴》)

21) .清江一曲抱村流,长夏江村事亭幽。(杜甫《忸村》)

22) .芳菲歇去何须恨,夏木阳阴正可人。(秦观《三月晦日偶题》)

23) 力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。 (唐.白居易.《观刈麦》)

24) 深居俯夹城,春去夏犹清。 (唐.李商隐.《晚晴》)

25) 首夏犹清和,芳草亦未歇。 (南朝宋.谢灵运.《游赤石进帆海》)

26) 仲夏苦夜短,开轩纳微凉。 (唐.杜甫.《夏夜叹》)

27) 农夫方夏耘,安坐吾敢食! (宋.戴复古.《大热》)

28) 人皆苦炎热,我爱夏日长。 (唐.李昂.《夏日联句》)

29) 残云收夏暑,新雨带秋岚。 (唐.岑参.《六月三十日水亭送华阴王少府还县》)

30) 连雨不知春去,一晴方觉夏深。 (宋.范大成.《喜晴》)

31) 清江一曲抱村流,长夏江村事事幽。 (唐.杜甫.《江村》)

32) 芳菲歇去何须恨,夏木阴阴正可人。 (宋.秦观.《三月晦日偶题》)



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I had a great Chinese New Year.On the first day of the Chinese New Year,my parents and I visited my grandparents.They own a large ranch in the countryside,surrounded by corn fields and green pastry.It’s a very beautiful ranch and the air is very clean.I helped my grandparents feed the chicken and groom the horses.I really like horses and I spent quite some time riding them along the river for several miles.I enjoyed a lot at my grandparents’home.



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夏,一年四季中最炎热的季节,但她却有她惟有的热情,用以真诚的怀抱招待我们,用以生机勃勃的景象来熏陶我们,正以为这样,我爱她的生机,爱她的炎热,爱她的坚强。 summer, the hottest season in the year and four seasons, but she has her enthusiasm for her only enthusiasm to entertain us with sincere embrace.We thought of this, I thought of this, I love her vitality, love her hotness, and love her strong.













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In the four seasons of the year, my favorite is autumn.

The golden wheat in the autumn field is heavy and loving. Every moment are well arranged, like a golden carpet. Next to the wheat is shy sorghum, that face can not be red red. Corn seems to forget a summer trouble, high raised her red Ying.

Autumn garden, the other flowers are withered, but only only chrysanthemum in this season bloom! Chrysanthemum is not the noble peony, rose bright, but exudes its unique fragrance. In the distant viewing chrysanthemum, can only see some red, white, purple, yellow little bit. They are small but shining in the breeze!

Autumn orchard, persimmon drunk, face red. Miss grapes are the gas of the way? Pomegranate this pistachio, how to belly are laughing? Orange brother covered with branches, Jijiqiu in what to say it ... ...

How lovely is the fall!




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Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. And if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.

Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.

All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.



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Said from the moon, we will begin to think of the bed before the moon light, the suspect is on the ground frost. Look at the bright moon, looking down and think of home." This song as the enlightenment by poetry, is very simple, once let me confused why this poem will never sung? So we can say that the Chinese will recite.

The Mid Autumn Festival evening, our whole family went out for a walk. Look up, a bright moon hanging above our heads, looks like a big plate of white paint on the brush hanging in the sky, it is very bright. We walked walked, see that the bright moonlight shines in a tree, the tree straight straight stand there, like a trained police. Looking at the moon, I suddenly remembered when my grandmother told me the story of "the moon". Grandma said, is the panacea medicine ate her husband Hou Yi, fly on the sky. When I was a child I had never learned to read and thought it was really, but now I grow up, learn "fly to the moon in this lesson, you know, the moon is no Chinese mythology in the palace, cinnamon, Chang and rabbit, nor in Greek mythology, the goddess. The moon only rugged rock deserts and distant mountains stands.

I must tell her the truth of the old mans house, and let her know the science.

I hope that in the near future, the moon will become our second home.







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Through the ages, the earth mother milk with sweet nurtured a countless generations. The original she was the XiaoBei decorated lovely. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her eyes out. There is only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. "Saving the earth" has become the worlds strongest voice. The deterioration of the environment around, I feel heartache, I think: as the future successors of teenagers, if dont understand the gravity of the environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, our lives will be destroyed in his hands, and god will make serious punishment for us.

Therefore I determined to start from me good care environment, protect our homes, the survival of a environmental protection guard. In just the past year, I actively participate in school activities for planting trees, leading us six (2) squadron of the class cadre created the "green angel" plant green armor, encourage players green groups on campus adoption a young trees, use after school time for it to dress for its towering trees, grow and lay the foundation. In the school organization "let the earth vibrant" signature activity, I solemnly in signing their names above, and wrote his determination and expectations for environmental protection, the vision of the future. I actively participate in school in the world environment day, serious prize held consulting, collect got all kinds of material, to make social investigation, writing about environmental management idea articles, I often go to school organization environmental lecture, watch the footage of environmental protection, actively contributing to environmental protection knowledge interlocution survey, fill in every item questions.

I participated in the "red scarf plant green protect green team" website construction, in the above picture released a lot of environmental protection and environmental protection knowledge, as well as about environmental protection all aspects of legal knowledge in environmental protection in China, developing tendency, the situation of environmental protection in countries around the world; Every month I have used the Internet, newspapers, find some latest different projects and plate "environmental information" to tell everybody; Also making some XuanChuanBan regularly to promote environmental protection knowledge and life in environmental sense. Improve everyones environmental protection consciousness; Calls for students from different aspects to love his home, start from around things, and for the environment around dedicated an own strength!

I actively mobilize people around him come according to law, protect and construction human common is also the only home, in order to promote the sustainable development of economy and society for human civilization to make the contribution. I also jointly sponsored students and "raise a potted flower, adopted a tree, sparing the every piece of green space, let us surrounded by green" and "with a small plastic bags dont use foam lunch box and disposable chopsticks, let us from white pollution" initiative. Let us down convenience bag, took food basket, let us common to a wonderful green tomorrow, to glory, the bright future!






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I like the flowers of spring, prefer the fruits of the fall of the land everywhere.

Autumn sky is particularly charming. You see, the sky is so high, then blue, looks particularly clean, like washed the same. The sky of white clouds, for a while into a sheep, for a while into a cow, while again into a mountain, river, very interesting.

Field, the golden rice laughed, from afar, endless rice fields like a golden ocean. The sorghum burns its own torches, as if it were illuminated by the peasant uncle! The corn from the thick clothes inside secretly flashed his beautiful "curly hair", the cotton girl exposed the white smile. People are busy in the ground, everywhere a bumper harvest,

Orchard, the apple exposed red face, Huang Chengcheng oranges, red glowing persimmon like a small lanterns like hanging in the tree, you squeeze me touch, as if waiting for people to pick it, the air filled with fruit Sweet taste.

In the park, chrysanthemum opened. Into the door, they smell the scent of chrysanthemum. Some chrysanthemum or budding flowers bones children, and some just open, and some have been completely open, colorful, contests, very beautiful!

Leaves yellow, a piece of yellow leaves floating in the wind, like a dancing only yellow butterfly; grass is also like a big yellow to the ground covered with a warm yellow cotton quilt.

Autumn is really beautiful, I like autumn.



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All of us like our physics teacher, Miss Gao. When our class master asked for leave, Miss Gao took his place. Although her family name is Gao一in Chinese it means tall-shes really shorter than all the other teachers. But we have never paid attention to her height,instead we are always interested in her lessons. She is strict with us so we have made great progress in physics. Now our class master has come back, but we still regard Miss Gao as our second class master.



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I like the flowers of spring, prefer the fruits of the fall of the land everywhere.

Garden of chrysanthemums, there are red, yellow, white, red like fire, yellow gold, white snow, blossoming proud frost Yan, actually open, mix, surprising. There are sweet-scented osmanthus in the garden. Garden in addition to sweet-scented osmanthus and camellia, camellia some open, and some only opened a lobe, there is only one flower bones.

Behind the garden is a few trees on the plane, plane trees like butterflies in the air like dancing, leaves fall on the ground. I stepped on the leaves, felt soft, like a layer of thick carpet.

Indus trees next to the orchard, grape foliage like four sides unfolded, like put up a green arbor. The grape frame is covered with a long list of grapes, red in the green, green translucent, like stars pearls, shiny. That the heavy persimmon, five groups, three a group, head next to the head, face to face, as if whispering "little master ---- you finally come back? I thought you have forgotten us "I smiled and said:" I did not forget you yo. "The most mouth-watering is that yellow pear, its skin is very thin, sweet, juicy, eat up delicious!

Orchard in front of a field, the field of eggplant purple was shiny. Pumpkin up to their own "belly", like a mighty general, cabbage seems to sleep in the field it!

Ah! Fall more beautiful ah! I like the fall!



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夏季 夏装 夏夜 酷热 炎热 火辣 灼热 闷热 初夏时节 已近立夏 时值初夏 初夏之际 春去夏来

春末夏初 时值盛夏 正值盛夏夏天过去 正值炎夏 正值盛暑 盛夏时节 盛夏之季 盛夏之日

盛夏季节 酷暑季节 酷暑盛夏 盛暑炎夏 溽暑酷夏 溽暑盛夏 炎炎盛夏 五黄六月 时值六月

热在三伏 盛夏三伏 三伏暑天 三伏盛暑 大暑酷去 伏梢末尽 已是夏末 多雨季节 阴雨季节

春种夏收 夏收夏种 夏收大忙 夏阳酷暑 六月炎暑 夏日炎炎 夏日可畏 太阳毒辣 太阳毒热

赤日炎炎 夏日炎热 盛暑炎炎 夏意正浓 夏山如碧 夏树苍翠 夏水汤汤 暑月蝉鸣 正值三伏

夏收季节 烈日中天



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7、夏天最热的时候,也是我们放假的时候,白天,即使我们穿着漂亮的裙子,也不敢去室外与太阳较量。外出只能趁着太阳未出来的早晨和太阳落下后的晚上。夏天,在我的印象里是清晨晶亮的露珠和夜晚繁多的星星。夏日的夜晚 我可太喜欢了。














