春节爆笑灯谜大全及答案 作文英语【精选20篇】







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The day before the Spring Festival is New Years eve, everybody cheerfully stick couplets on the Spring Festival, in front of his home in the kitchen making dumplings, have a meal before you set off firecrackers.

I put a lot of firecrackers, Spring Festival is "ZuanTianHou", "ZuanTianHou" fly to the sky, making sound, very nice. The second is the "big tanks", like real tanks rushed past, open to a half stopped, colorful light, beautiful! The third set is butterfly fireworks, firecrackers butterfly a fire like a rocket flying, fly far away. The fourth is cherry bomb, cherry bomb was thrown to the ground, one step also ring with their feet.




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The Spring Festival with cheerful pace is approached step by step, my mother and I went back to their hometown.

Their hometown and shenzhen, shenzhen is different, a Chinese New Year atmosphere all have no, are empty, and home, my aunts house full of bacon preserved fish and dry goods, and I most like to eat the rabbit!

Aunt and mother in cleaning: first to every room with a vacuum cleaner to suck it again, with a feather duster dispatch some small corner of the spider web volume, use broom to sweep again, finally dragging it again. And mother and my aunt in the preparation of New Years day that day reception guests snacks, with fruit bowl filled with a plate of fruit, and make a plate with a plate of sweets.

And my sister and I, the likelihood is ready to play that night New Year firecrackers. Uncle took my sister and I go to the wholesale market to buy firecrackers, wow! Wide variety of firecrackers, looks very fun! I picked a few seem fun, go home to help my aunt and mother "work".

In one night before New Year, I "browse" I buy firecrackers, look to buy fun, I will buy firecrackers all put a, the rest of the time on New Years day,, wow! I was to buy fireworks? I was very surprised. Also looked at the firecrackers bag, originally I also bought some small fireworks.

That evening after dinner, we began to sort out tomorrow at noon meal, first in the fridge, on the pot to fry in tomorrow.

I didnt sleep that night, as long as in the evening 12 o clock firecrackers can ring, "snapped" at that time, I cant sleep, will be thinking about went downstairs to set off firecrackers.










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朔方有石无土培(打重庆一地名)。 北碚

从打工起,终于出头(打重庆一地名)。 巫山

山水之间,一方独立(打重庆一地名)。 涪陵

集资共建,大桥贯通(打重庆一地名)。 铜梁

兵家必争之地(打香港一地名)。 旺角站

超级骗子之言(打香港一地名)。 大坑道

保卫珍宝岛之战(打香港一地名)。 北角

欧洲敬献皇帝之物(打香港一地名)。 西贡

固若金汤(打河北一地名)。 保定

辣椒市场(打河北一地名)。 辛集

中国界首(打河北一地名)。 玉田

山呼万岁(打河北一地名)。 赞皇

日照清流涌(打山西一地名)。 阳泉

共同走江湖(打山西一地名)。 洪洞

抵达分水处(打山西一地名)。 临汾

静静的顿河(打山西一地名)。 文水

为天下唱(打内蒙古一地名)。 呼和浩特

冲着你打(打内蒙古一地名)。 和林格尔

山花红烂漫(打内蒙古一地名)。 赤峰

潘仁美卖国(打内蒙古一地名)。 通辽

落红有主(打辽宁一地名)。 丹东

何谓五岳(打辽宁一地名)。 盘山

八一勋章(打辽宁一地名)。 彰武

客人初至(打辽宁一地名)。 新宾

促其反正(打吉林一地名)。 敦化

泾渭不分(打吉林一地名)。 浑江

雄踞山寨(打吉林一地名)。 公主岭

双双无突破(打吉林一地名)。 四平

贵在廉洁(打黑龙江一地名)。 宝清

楚剧选段(打黑龙江一地名)。 林口

又到鸡西市(打黑龙江一地名)。 双城

千里来慰问(打黑龙江一地名)。 抚远

安得后羿弓(打江苏一地名)。 射阳

空付一书扎(打江苏一地名)。 高邮

鬼脸儿善变 (打江苏一地名)。 兴化

准点到西宁(打江苏一地名)。 淮安

分床不分家(打浙江一地名)。 桐庐

此日意无穷(打浙江一地名)。 富阳

无一知其义也(打浙江一地名)。 文成

无丝竹之乱耳(打浙江一地名)。 乐清

人在楼头空伫立(打安徽一地名)。 休宁

风物长宜放眼量(打安徽一地名)。 怀远

上下四方无险情(打安徽一地名)。 六安

介子推辞官退隐(打安徽一地名)。 潜山

根治黄河(打福建一地名)。 清流

神不在焉(打福建一地名)。 仙游

晓以大义(打福建一地名)。 德化

静观待变(打福建一地名)。 宁化

战太平(打江西一地名)。 武宁

鸿鸟飞(打江西一地名)。 余江

一起作东家 (打北京一地名)。 同合庄

钱多才可做东(打北京一地名)。 大有庄

沫若乡间住处(打北京一地名)。 郭公庄

掌声经久不息(打北京一地名)。 延庆

庙建成菩萨到(打上海一地名)。 新寺

光启族人大团圆(打上海一地名)。 徐家汇

中国振兴更辉煌(打上海一地名)。 龙华

金银铜铁珠翠钻(打上海一地名)。 七宝

给爷爷让座位(打天津一地名)。 小站

重点干起,秋前方成(打天津一地名)。 和平

前藏安家,怡然开心(打天津一地名)。 芦台

悔教夫婿觅封侯,只因陌头忽有见(打天津一地名)。 杨柳青

下不为例(打江西一地名)。 上饶

树叶落尽(打江西一地名)。 余干

店主站柜台(打山东一地名)。 东营

佳作已见报(打山东一地名)。 文登

春光临渡口(打山东一地名)。 夏津

美人锁铜雀(打山东一地名)。 鱼台

千里相会见真心(打台湾一地名)。 三重

华夏大地沧桑史(打台湾一地名)。 中坜

刘关张结义遗址(打台湾一地名)。 桃园

投身改革获褒奖(打台湾一地名)。 彰化

金乌西坠白头看(打河南一地名)。 洛阳

先收集然后整理(打河南一地名)。 焦作

柳暗花明又一村(打河南一地名)。 新乡

珍珠如土金如铁(打河南一地名)。 宝丰

介胄之士(打湖北一地名)。 武汉

公开赞助(打湖北一地名)。 襄阳

正者日也(打湖北一地名)。 当阳

年少无知(打湖北一地名)。 大悟

主人无恙(打湖南一地名)。 东安

红杏出墙(打湖南一地名)。 花垣

刚刚平静(打湖南一地名)。 新宁

安居故里(打湖南一地名)。 宁乡

拨开云雾现红轮(打广东一地名)。 揭阳

烟火灭后心安宁(打广东一地名)。 恩平

桃李杏梅菊含笑(打广东一地名)。 五华

湖中倒影水纵横(打广东一地名)。 潮州

日照幽篁笼古刹(打广西一地名)。 天等

春水纵横送我还(打广西一地名)。 梧州

向阳坡上桃花艳(打广西一地名)。 南丹

财源茂盛达三江(打广西一地名)。 富川

皇后在京坐正宫(打海南一地名)。 琼中

雄心纵横行无阻(打海南一地名)。 通什

公私仓廪皆丰实(打海南一地名)。 屯昌

子仪出征讨禄山(打海南一地名)。 定安

北平解放之后(打四川一地名)。 成都

刘邦登基诏书(打四川一地名)。 宣汉

花和尚鲁智深(打四川一地名)。 色达

南人不复反矣(打四川一地名)。 泸定

三十六载共患难(打贵州一地名)。 桐梓

那个愿臣虏自认(打贵州一地名)。 安顺

田心一片磁针石(打贵州一地名)。 思南

艳阳天却听雷声(打贵州一地名)。 晴隆

惩恶扬善(打云南一地名)。 宜良

依然故我(打云南一地名)。 个旧

美哉嘉陵(打云南一地名)。 丽江

全面整顿(打云南一地名)。 大理

漩涡里的歌(打西藏一地名)。 曲水

繁荣的北京(打西藏一地名)。 昌都

飞花满四邻(打西藏一地名)。 谢通门

长江后浪推前浪(打西藏一地名)。 波密

一劳永逸(打陕西一地名)。 长安

支出两分(打陕西一地名)。 岐山

叔伯昆仲(打陕西一地名)。 咸阳

为虎作伥(打陕西一地名)。 扶风

发扬大协作精神(打青海一地名)。 互助

一帆风顺无险阻(打青海一地名)。 平安

人的品格最重要(打青海一地名)。 贵德

千街万巷没堵塞(打青海一地名)。 大通

蜜罐城(打宁夏一地名)。 甜水堡

情投意合(打宁夏一地名)。 同心

老少多病(打宁夏一地名)。 中宁

聚气守精(打宁夏一地名)。 固原

叶飘时零客人来(打新疆一地名)。 喀什

加的结果乃能大(打新疆一地名)。 和硕

芙蓉帐暖度春宵(打新疆一地名)。 温宿

举起鞭儿又紧缰(打新疆一地名)。 策勒




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Spring knowledge after dinner, I am holding her mothers hand, looking up at the sky, " Wow, so beautiful! " I looked at the sky and resplendent with variegated coloration fireworks, can not help stunned.

In the evening, each and every family all put up the fireworks, our family is no exception. Dad bought firecrackers from the street shops, fluorescence stick ... .... It was dark, I asked Dad put. Dad took the lighter, lit the fuse, set off firecrackers. " Crackling " sound of loud sound of firecrackers into my ears, I hastened to cover your ears. For a while, firecrackers finished, I took out my fluorescence stick, lit with a lighter, waved play. The fluorescence rod traces, like a meteor across the sky, lit up my heart.

We see so busy, sister also laicourenao. She picked up a fireworks lit, suddenly, from the triangle holes popped out of pure white, pure fireworks, it is like the fountain to upwelling, more more more more spray spray, high. Not a little while, there are more than one and a half high, good a fireworks! This pure fireworks like the water of the Milky way, dont mention it.

Uncle holding a big fireworks lit, " Ping " sound, fireworks into the sky to shoot, the dark sky like daylight. Fireworks in the sky spread out, " Oh, how beautiful! " It is like a chrysanthemum, showing the petals, like colorful cuckoo as generous. Spread like a falling star, like the heavenly maids scatter blossoms. Looked at, looked at me and clapped his hands.

Late at night, the sound of firecrackers gradually disappeared, I also into the sweet dreams.








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The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New YearEve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 oclock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.

So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.



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the origin of chinese new yearchinese new year, pronounced in chinese as "xin nian", always falls on the date of marking the beginning of the spring and thus it is also called the "spring festival". "xin" means "new" and "nian" means "year". there are many stories told about the origin of "nian", which actually is a name of animals.

the old story says that the beast "nian" with a very big mouth was so fierce and could swallow many people in one single bite. people were very scared. an old man offered to subdue "nian" and said to "nian": "i hear that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents?" so "nian" swallowed many of the other beasts that hurt people and their domestic animals. the old man turned out to be an immortal god and riding the beast "nian" flied to the heaven.

now that "nian" is gone and other beasts were also scared into forests, people began to enjoy their peaceful life. before the old man left, he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each years end to scare away "nian" in case it sneaked back again, because red is the color the beast feared the most.



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Every year the Spring Festival is my most happy day, every family hangs red lanterns, antithetical couplet, children put on new clothes, we sit together to eat the family reunion dinner, the most happy thing is with fireworks.

I was six years old that year, the Spring Festival after eating the reunion dinner, my brother and I quickly ran into the yard with fireworks, I carefully use lighter to lead a touch, and my brother and I ran to see the fireworks empty and take off on the sky like a bunch of chrysanthemum and our fireworks burst, some like a gyroscope, hovering on the ground; Some like split, in the air and the colorful "flowers"; There is like heaven meteor, flashed in the sky... Beautiful!

If every day can be like the Spring Festival, that it would be good!

Teachers comment: this article hierarchy clear, full sentences. Full text is filled with passion, can realize you read between the lines of the affection of the Spring Festival and longing for a better life. At the same time I also wish you happiness, happy forever!







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Hello !welcome to the special Chinese new years edition of discovering China. Im Alina Li and Im Ben Hedges, and today well be taking you through some of the most important traditions of Chinese new year and historical background. We will look at some of the legends behind Chinese new year and how to celebrate it. Here in the US and Chinese across the world.

The Chinese have specific way to celebrate their new year. If you walk down the street in Chinatown during Chinese New Year, you see a variety of ancient traditions such as red banners, firecrackers and lion dance performances, streets are filled with lively celebration.

However, legend has said that the new year has not always been a time of festivity. An Asian Chinese story told a chilly start to this festive holiday, it begins with an ancient Chinese beast called Nian.

Every New Year Nian would rise from swelling in the sea to ravage Chinese village in livestock and hurting people. The villages soon found out from a wise gray-haired old man that the only way to scare the beast away was to set off firecrackers and light lamps and to hang red banners on each door. As the story goes, this was the beginning of a tradition that would last thousands of years.

So this story leads to the creation of many of other traditions for celebrating Chinese New Year. lets take a look at some of these traditions.



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My favorite holiday has a lot of, have tomb sweeping day, Dragon Boat Festival, childrens day, the Mid-Autumn festival, but my favorite is the Spring Festival.

"Clicks" firecrackers on New Years eve, the street, the sky flashing dazzling spark, every household lights, the window of golden yellow, yellow-green, in combustion and off gradually, flowers, seemed to open the TV at the same time, in the play the wonderful show.

I stood on the sixth floor of the balcony, look, the New Years eve the night sky is bright, many colorful fireworks shining in the sky, sometimes like to live the day cage with, often is exploded here, before falling again raised a few, and then blasted, rise again... Some fireworks at lightning speed, ten 10 to move in the air, pour down, as if the next beautiful meteor shower, is like a big waterfall, also really a little "plunges three thousand feet" feeling! My mood is particularly bright and clear, this is "firecracker sound bowed out, every family to meet the New Year".






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I had a great time in the Spring Festival this year. I put on my new clothes, got the age money, ate the reunion dinner, saw the Spring Festival evening, played the colorful fireworks...

Since I went to buy fireworks, I was looking forward to the thirty of the year. Finally, we were looking forward to the eve of the new years Eve. After the dinner, I could not wait to take the fireworks and mother to the downstairs. All of a sudden, a loud noise made me jump. It turned out that the uncle in the next door was putting fireworks. In a moment, the sound of firecrackers came in and out. "Its beautiful!" the colorful fireworks broke the sky and illuminated the earth. All kinds of fireworks in the sky for shine!

I quickly picked up the fireworks and ignited the "revolving gun", and I saw it shot a golden flame. When the flame was blown out, I began to put the "rocket". My mother lit the fuse, all of a sudden, 25, with the continuous sound to fly in the sky, the beautiful flowers blooming in the air. Dad came, he lit the "The heavenly maids scatter blossoms". The lead was squeaking, but it didnt happen for a long time. I crept forward to explore it. My mother pulled me: "dont go! Its dangerous." Mothers words havent finished, rubs the fireworks fly on the sky, startled me. "Close!" I fear the murmured. The fireworks exploded in the air, and really scattered like countless fairies of flowers in the sky like fairies. In the twinkling of an eye, small petals turned into a small parachute and landed in the air, which was beautiful.

This day is the happiest day of my Spring Festival.

Although the fireworks are good, the beauty and lack of beauty is to make the environment of our city affected.



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There is also a huge difference between Chinese and Western people. Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork and knife. Usually people who use fork and knife will use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse. Chinese just use chopstick to pick things and pass it into your mouse.

Chinese people only have three meals during a day. But western people will have more, they have afternoon tea. Usually they would have fruits, homemade cake, tea (black tea) or biscuit with cheese. If you are a housewife and have a lot of time, you may have morning tea as well.



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A suichu fireworks, energy-saving — —.

With the sound of familiar firecrackers in the ear, the taste of the year became thicker and thicker. The eyes see, the ears hear, the nose smells full of jubilation.

On New Years Eve, the whole family are busy making dumplings, mother chanweiwei picked up a dumpling skin, add the red and yellow and green stir together dumplings, tightly with the wrinkled hands wrapped up. We inadvertently, she put a coin in the jiaozi, (who eat this coin, who is the most favorable auspices!) Her mouth, eyes, full of happiness and that the radian.

While eating the boiled dumplings, watching the Spring Festival Gala with the familiar &ldquo, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ” the old year waved goodbye to us at that moment, and the new year came to us. At this time, the outside has the sky, deafening.

The little nephews of my little nephew ran out of the house and were blocked by the sound of the firecrackers that rushed to the sky. We covered our ears in a hurry, with a bright smile on our faces.

The fireworks in the sky diversiform dressed in brightly coloured fireworks, “ ” “ &rdquo into the sky, bang; a sound exploded, the sky suddenly become colorful, the faint powder is like colorful flower blooming. It cant be a long play, &ldquo, fireworks, &rdquo, slowly fade from the sky, fade away until it vanish, and there is a shock like silver light attracting my attention, which is sprayed up and sprayed up. Falling back then jumped out of the silver, like pearls falling from the sky to tens of thousands of people, very beautiful feeling; “ snapping, snapping, ” the deafening sound must be firecrackers! The noisy sound is enough to add a lot of joy to the 2013.

There is a warm fire, burning, and intensified, the orange flames rolling up and down, as if calling what, like dancing in joy. People, things, China, the Spring Festival is becoming more and more intense, bringing 2013 new weather!

The Spring Festival rich in the rich years, the rich people.



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The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people.   All family members will get together to have a big meal on the New Years Eve. Well watch the fireworks and eat dumplings. And some families will sit together to chat or watch the get-together of CCTV. Its a big and special programme.

Almost every family will watch it until 12 oclock. During the spring festival,people can visit their relatives or friends .Its also a happy time for children . They can get a red package from parents and grandparents, or relatives , and there is money in it. So the children are very happy during the festival.

Isnt it interesting? Write to me soon.



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the spring festival

the spring festival, chinese new year,is the most important festival for all of us. all family members get together on new year’eve to have a big meal.at the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.at about 12 o‘clock,some parents and children light crackers.the whole sky is lighted brightly. we may watch the fireworks excitedly.how busy it is!

on the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed fu or hang some couplets on the front door. some house’s windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

the chinese new year lasts fifteen days. so during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. at that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. the last day of the chinese new year is another festival. it names the lantern festival.

so the chinese new year comes to the end.








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Today is New Years Day, the outside decorated, celebrate, extremely busy!

The streets are: firecrackers, the drums and gongs of. The most fun but also a few dance the dragon, the first one uncle Wu Zhao a "dragon pearl", the other uncle, Wu Zhao 2 "Dragon", each a "dragon" are trying to "Dragon Ball" became his treasured.

Very happy today!






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We ushered in the long-awaited XX years of the Spring Festival.

Year on this day, I got up early, put on new clothes, and mom and dad go to the supermarket to buy things. I saw on the street people wear festive costumes, all covered with a beaming smile on his face.

Decorating everywhere in the shop, still hang red lanterns, the gate is on the red couplets and pictures of Taurus, the crowd of shopping in the supermarket was jammed. We joined the people shopping, bought a variety of delicious, want want package, chocolate, beverages, fruit, nuts, walnuts, beef jerky, banana slices... Can Im overwhelmed!

In the evening, our family is surrounded sit together, eating a big family reunion dinner, are: steamed bass, crispy Fried chicken, mixed vegetable dishes, the chicken braise a mushroom, pulpy beverage, etc., and I love to eat a sausage, its delicious! After dinner, we sat down on the soft sofa, watch the CCTV Spring Festival gala, the small shenyang, zhao benshan opusculum the trip, we laughed in imperceptible in, the ringing of XX years of deafening firecrackers echoed throughout, the colorful fireworks in the sky like a flower blooming, the boundless night was reflected as a work of the day.

On the first day in the morning, I was firecrackers "wake up", the original is in the "towards god of wealth"! The Spring Festival is really busy and happy! Also to receive many gifts and blessing, in the New Year, I will be more efforts to study, overcome various difficulties, achieve better results!




晚上,我们一家人围坐在一起,吃着丰盛的年夜饭,有:清蒸鲈鱼、香酥鸡腿、素什锦菜、小鸡炖蘑菇、果粒橙饮料等等,还有我爱吃的香肠片儿,真是美味极了!吃完晚饭后,我们坐在柔软的沙发上,观看中央电视台的春节联欢晚会,其中小沈阳、赵本山的小品把我们笑得人仰马翻,在不知不觉中 XX年的钟声敲响了,震耳欲聋的鞭炮声响彻了神州大地,绚丽的烟花像鲜花一样在天空中绽放,把茫茫的黑夜映照得如同白昼一般。




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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.It‘s to celebrate the lunar calendar ’s new year.In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal.In many places people like to set off firecrackers.

Dumplings are the most traditional food.Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear.new clothes.They can also get some money from their parents。

This money is given to children for good luck. People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune.

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long.People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”。 People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest.



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The day before the Spring Festival is New Years eve, New Years eve to stick couplets on the Spring Festival in the morning, noon can go bye, night to jump the fire, jump the fire, the flames of the fire makes me even more afraid of, I timidly say to father: "daddy, can you hold me to jump in the past? I order 2 times I jump." "Of course I can." For the first time, my father took me, make me feel the feeling, the 2nd, I jumped in the past, with that kind of feeling, I can jump the fire and jump over the fire. We will go to set off firecrackers and fireworks sound than a sound, I thought to myself, so loud, I really want to try again. I had picked up a firecrackers and a lighter, my hands are shaking, afraid of wait will fry to yourself, I will summon up courage, the lighter and firecrackers lit, I held a throw, throw firecrackers outside the cloud nine, yeah, I finally throw firecrackers went out, I was very happy.

After put the firecrackers, went to see the Spring Festival evening party, evening watching the Spring Festival, grandma and grandpa will wake, keep to the 12 o clock, then go to sleep, the morning SiWuDian will wear new clothes, and then people will send red envelopes to our home. On the morning of the total want to eat dumplings or noodles. From month to month, we are going to our friends relatives over, always want to take a red envelope at a New Year, we get a red envelope, the in the mind very happy bound to set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival, the sound is very big, said our happiness, the better.

The Spring Festival is happy holiday, is a blessing.






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Tomorrow is the Spring Festival, I am very happy, thinking can eat delicious food, delicious snacks, but also get a lot of gift money, I feel more and more happy, I was so excited that night all night, the mind is full of food, snacks, gift money, and the beautiful new clothes. Lovely toy … …

The Spring Festival in the morning, I first jumped up from the bed to brace up, exercise, and then went to call my parents, my father to see me up so early, not to be outdone, from the bed turned and climbed up, mother and sister have to get up, wash a face to brush teeth, one thought is to eat up! The thought of eating, Im talking, busy parents suggested to do this and that, my mother is a chef, so do what the referee decided by her mother, said: “ for a long time did not eat dumplings, eat some dumplings package, the Spring Festival Spring Festival Spring Festival greetings "fun, fun". ” we all agree very much.

After deciding what to do, we did the division, dad made meat stuffing, mom rubbed noodles, and my sister and I burned water. We do are very strong, less than half an hour, meat stuffing ready, dumplings are ready, water fast boiling. My mother will skillfully wrap dumplings, my sister and I also learn to pack up, I managed to pack three, exhausted, its very difficult to learn! Mother said: “ I would be born to do it, not to eat bitterness, hard to study, how can I learn well? ” I was a little ashamed, and I learned the lesson, put up the sails again, and made it true, and it did a little faster. This makes me understand the truth: it should be hard to learn anything.

After about more than 20 minutes, rub the face have all made dumplings, my sister and I have boiled water in the pot brew storms on rivers and seas. Mother put the dumplings in the pot and boiled it. Mother in the middle also added some seasoning, make dumplings more delicious, after about more than 10 minutes, the mother put the dumplings out, divided into four bowls, each bowl also put some soup. My mother had just made the soup, and I had a bowl of relish. Because of eating too fast, the tongue is hot and spicy.

All of us were full of oil, and we were happy to watch the wonderful TV programs.

Ah, its a happy Spring Festival!



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Today is New Years Eve, New Years Day tomorrow is a. I go to bed to turn on the TV, transferred to Hunan Satellite TV.

I deeply by those wonderful TV program attracted. I watched, I saw a good look at the sketch, the contents of "Justice" in this program are: an aunt inside the company cleaning, two swindlers is the manager, "jingle bell" telephone rang, then two swindlers the phone, the phone who is their boss, the boss asked: "woman in that you are there?" "in" "money hand yet?" "No" "Oh, goodbye" "jingle bell. "Here comes a phone," My daughter, okay? I want my daughter and I said Ill give you the money. "" Oh. "that woman is not, let aunt installed woman, in the end, the money credited into account, but the aunt, the original police aunt ah.

The Spring Festival are fabulous!



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The term is coming to an end. The Spring Festival is coming. I am very excited. I have already planned how to use the Spring Festival. Now the Spring Festival, which is looking forward to it, is coming. Oh, I must be full and meaningful.

First of all, you have to buy a couplet ahead of time, put a few doors into the home, and let the home spill over the festival. Of course, fireworks and firecrackers are essential, and I particularly like the magnificent landscape of the rain when the fireworks fly into the sky. Dumpling is one of the indispensable food during the Spring Festival, mom made dumplings, very fresh, I must lead a person to endless aftertastes tongtongkuaikuai, meal, snack.

Next, you have to go to the family and friends home for a new year. A door, I want to "uncle, aunt long short" to call them, then mom and dad bought a gift for them, hee hee, relatives will entertain us warmly served delicious snacks, put candy, and I love the most is that Hunan tea bud, with sesame ramming. As long as the boiling water bubble, wow, aroma, make people unable to hide greeds, appetite.

Then eat dinner, mom do the dinner on New Years Eve can be said to be "a", the whole family sitting together, taste the delicious food, talking and laughing, enjoyable. The love is to see once a year the Spring Festival Gala, which shows rich and colorful, comic sketches, songs, wonderful performances, give a person to enjoy.

In the middle of my new years new year plan, my mother called me to write the homework. Hey, I love the spring festival you come soon.
