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What is happiness? If someone has a lot of money, does he really be happy? The two questions point out the relation about money and happiness. Today, people treat money the first place in their life, they work hard for making money, because without money, one can’t do a lot of things, indeed, we need money. When people get married, the first thing they do is to get enough money to buy a house, money seems everything. While on my opinion, money can’t buy happiness, I see some guys who are not rich, but they live in a free way, they move everywhere they want, they feel happy. So happiness is from someone’s heart, it is nothing to do with money.



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I have a happy home.

My mother is a small family as an understanding wife and loving mother, the mother is responsible for everything.

Daddys nothing. Although no prestige, but to me and my brother is very good. Dad funny humor, always make this home every night full of happiness.

For me, learning achievement is good, every year named ""three good"student". Sometimes to do housework at home, will not be convinced. Because they broke my interest.

The younger brother is a little naughty, but very cute. Naughty when, black face, like Bao; lovely when, like the rabbit.

"My family is so cute and lovely." This is my family.

My family is very cute, very happy.










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当你拥有了金钱,并不代表你拥有了幸福。有的人买彩 票中了头奖,可他并不开心,因为他每天都要提心吊胆,生怕有人把钱偷去或抢去,甚至还请了几个保镖。可是,请了保镖却没有了自由自在的私人空间,唉!可见有了许多的金钱并不是一件好事,反而让你没有自由,没有快乐,也就更没有幸福可谈了。有的人为了争夺金钱,不再顾及脸面和廉耻,不择手段,无恶不作,伤天害理,甚至和自己骨肉相连的亲人反目成仇,为了家产,不惜把自己的亲生父母或亲生兄弟杀害,亲情在一瞬间荡然无存。






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The meaning of a happy life may reveal in many aspects,for me,it is something that I can pursuit,something that around me,companies me through my life.

As a student,my happiness is the ease of school life.I like to play with my friend,to study with my classmates,and be in harmony with them.Outside the class,I often play basketball,doing other sports as well.It always brings me happiness when singing with the classmates during spare time,however,the heavy burden of the study often takes up my time in caring my lovely pets.

For the happiness in my dream,a great job would be of significant importance.I hope that I can have a house with a garden,where I can relax my tension.When I come back from work,I can see my achievement,knowing that I am living for something,pursuing my dream,and sharing my success with my parents,and I believe,that these are the real happiness.In order to achieve the dream,I will definitely devote myself to study without hesitation,I will wait,and keep work till the day come true.

Wrapping up my thoughts,it is in my belief,that the real happiness lies in our mind,lies around us.And,it is a good thing that we have a hope,a better tomorrow.




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Happiness is important in our life. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.

I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to meet my parents. But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: -It doesn’t matter, my child. Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help. We believe you can be better next time. Never give up!‖ I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.

I feel happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love. I want to be a good child for my parents.



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What is happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some believe that happiness is that they have much money so that they can live a better life. However, others regard happiness as having a good job or making a progress.

Actually, happiness is a true feeling from our inner heart!

We can consider carefully what our feeling is when we are in the following situations.

First, we help an elderly across the road, or give some solutions to our classmates’ learning problems.

Second, we get some help from others when we are in need.

Third, we make new friends, or have a meal with families, or have a conversation with parents and so on.

Everyone would appreciate the people who give us a hand. What’s more, we are glad when we stay with friends and families. All of these stand for we are happy.

Happiness is just simple like these!



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We should not hesitate too much during the first half of our lives, while we should not regret at what we’ve done during the other half. We should seize every opportunity to find a way out in our lives, for it goes off swiftly. We should say something urgent slowly, something serious clearly, something small humorously and something unsure cautiously. We should never say something that did not happen, something that you cannot do, something that does harm to others, and something that is disgusting. We should tell others our happiness in specific occasions and should not tell anyone our unhappiness. Do not easily say something about others. We should follow our own heart and interest, and fulfill what we should do instead of merely paying lip service and looking forward to the future.


Everyone is craving for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessarily mean owning happiness. To truly reach happiness, we need to know how to get on with others. So we need to understand the core of happiness and achieve what we desire.


Without happiness, one will feel terribly miserable, for he always insists that he has done the right thing all the time and that others often do wrong to him. He attributes every mistake to others or the environment instead of reflecting on himself, which renders him farther and farther away from happiness. A celebrity once said, “Nobody intends to make mistake. One makes mistake because of his igorance.” Therefore, if someone makes mistake, we need to care about him, forgive him and enlighten him by setting a good example for him instead of losing temper, hatred to him. Othewise, we are also ingorant like him, for we also make a stupid mistake that leads us farther from happiness.


We need to know and understand happiness before we finally get it. A smart man must know to do something good even though it may be small, and not to do something wicked even though it may be tiny in the course of socializing. As long as we keep a kind heart and do everything morally and legally, we can live a placid life. But if we keep an evil heart and do whatever we want, we are indeed digging a tomb for ourselves. A smart man knows to learn a lesson from his falls for he knows that every setback is a precious experience leading to happiness in the future. He will not waste his time in critizing others. Instead, he tends to spend more time seeking his own happiness. He knows to keep a heart of conscience and not to spread others’ mistakes. He also knows to think before he leaps so that he will not feel regretful afterwards. Moreover, he knows to tolerate others, so he can naturally lead a happy life.


In order to possess a happy life, we need to know more about others, about the society, about our culture and history. We should be patriotic, abide by the law and realize our own responsibility, then we are doomed to have a happy life.




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Whether money brings happiness

Many people believe that:money is not everything,but no money is totally unacceptable.Money means happiness?Wrong,money does not bring happiness,only bring honor,vanity,meet.True happiness is to love people and love myself.Family,friends,lover ......Every gain is one kind of happiness.Because we believe,we will be happy.



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Last Year my father lost her job. At that time my parents felt a bit sad.

I encouraged my father and said i was old enough and could do something to help.

In order to help my parents ,I took a part time job on weekends in the KFC near my home.

Luckily,it didnt take long time for my father to find a new job in a company.

With the money I earned through working bought a pair of new shoes for my father to celebrate

the good news. My parents were deeply moved.

I said. We are a happy family whether we are rich or poor.









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The Terminal is a good film that is funny, entertaining and deals with some good ol fashioned drama situations. It felt very much like a documentary at times, maybe due to the fact its based on a true story from the 1980s, but that didnt retract from the enjoyment factor. To say its a story all about the trials and tribulations of just one man is perhaps a little too shallower way to sum it up but at certain times, you do wonder if the films going anywhere. Such it is that the film DOES contain a few laughable moments adding to its comedy tag.

These come at certain intervals and everything in-between is just filla. So there are some good, comic moments but in my opinion, there arent as many funny parts to make you laugh all the way through. The film deals with slapstick humour in parts such as slipping over a wet floor or walking into a window. Its those sort of moments that do sort of distract from the film slightly.

Some of the stories within the film also feel generally annoying in the sense of the point of them being there. The film was supposed to be about one man (Hanks) I thought, NOT solely about anyone else and so I was rather surprised to see the little story about the food/cafeteria delivery worker attempting to get one of the other airport workers to fall in love with him. Things like that were flawed and distracted from the actual film. As I said before, that particular story line acted as a filla; a way of upping the film length and it was disappointing.

Hanks acting is good and although his accent was terribly annoying early on, I managed to adjust accordingly and with stand it all the way through. The character Gupta is also rather amusing; using the simple concept of forcing people to slip up on his own polished floor merely for his amusement was rather odd- odd but funny none-the-less. Zeta-Jones character and performance was also tolerable. She wasnt in the film much I didnt notice but its a good feeling when you realize Hanks has someone to really relate to as you stat to feel as if your feeling sorry for Hanks if you get into it too much and the acting from Zeta- Jones is some relief at least.

All in all I think youll enjoy The Terminal if youre the patient type. Its got a bit of humour, a bit of tragedy, a hint of romance and some moments where youll really feel good for the characters as they finally get what they want after the last half an hour or so was probably built up to will it/they or wont it/they not to mention the film itself on Hanks struggle with staying in the airport.



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It is an oft repeated axiom that money cannot buy happiness. While this is certainly true, poverty will not buy Happiness either. Some people become very wealthy, yet struggle to enjoy their lives. On the other hand, others manage to go through life with very few money problems simply because they are able to make the most of what they have.Ideally you should try to combine both prosperity and Happiness. To do this I recommend the following steps:

1. Learn to Value Simplicity The aim of life should not be to accumulate as many possessions and as much wealth as possible. We should learn to be content with what we have and appreciate the benefits of simplicity. For example, if we clear out our unnecessary clutter we will achieve a greater feeling of space and freedom.

If you feel happiness is directly related to material possessions, you are making a mistake. Happiness can be gained just through being content with a small amount of possessions. Our inner wealth is not just about what we have, but what we are content to live without.

2. Do Not Be Attached to Your Money Does it pain you to spend your own money - even if it is for something useful? Even someone like Bill Gates can feel uncomfortable spending his billions; it is said he used to always travel economy class because he didn’t see the need to spend more money on first class. The problem with this, however, is that if we are always reluctant to spend money we miss the whole point of earning it.

A good attitude is to see money as a circular flow - that is, spending money enables more to come into our lives. It is not like a big dam where we just try to hold onto it all. We need to let the money out by spending on useful and necessary things. It is no good having a stockpile of water unless we use it to generate power; similarly it is no use accumulating large savings if we we feel miserable spending it.

3. Minimize Money Worries We will be happiest if we can make money a small part of our lives, and think about money issues as little as possible. To be able to do this we need to avoid creating situations of debt as getting out of debt can be difficult and stressful. Learn to live within your means by avoiding impulsive overspending. If you do need to go into debt, plan ahead and find a loan which is clear and manageable to repay.

Try to avoid complicated and risky investment plans; these give you the potential to gain more, but you will also have the potential to lose a lot more. Good financial planning should be simple and well balanced; this means your nerves will not be affected by worrying about the outcome of your investment. It is better to invest and save in something secure so you can forget about it and not worry endlessly.

4. Avoid Jealousy No matter how much money you have, do you still envy people who have more? A recent survey asked people whether they would prefer to have a salary above the national average. Alternatively, they could choose to have a higher salary, but this higher salary would be lower than the average. A surprising amount of people chose to have a lower salary as long as it meant they were relatively better off than the rest of the population.

To me this makes no sense. If other people become wealthier than you, that is no reason to be unhappy. If other people are prosperous that is good; don’t feel miserable just because you cannot keep up with the Joneses.

5. Don’t Live to Work. Do you find yourself working overtime in the evenings and at the weekend? If you spend all your time working, you will have no opportunity to spend your earnings. Don’t feel guilty for turning extra work down; it is important to give leisure time as high a priority as work. It is good if we can gain satisfaction from work, but if we only spend time working then our life lacks a proper balance.

6. Understand Why Are Some People Always Poor I’m sure most people will have good friends who always seems to have money concerns. No matter what happens they always seem to be short of money and they frequently share tales of financial woe. The lack of money makes them unhappy, but they don’t know how to change the situation. Giving them money doesn’t solve the problem because they continue to make bad financial decisions.

Part of the problem lies in their mindset. It is easy to become accustomed to being poor and then half expecting the poverty to continue. With this mindset, it becomes difficult to attract money into our lives and easy to develop feelings of self pity and regret. However, while we might be unfortunate it won’t do anything to resolve the situation. The secret is to try and change our habits and approach to money. Also, be wary about trying to convert others to better financial habits - it is almost guaranteed to fail.

7. Ignorance is Not Bliss Another attitude to money is to try and avoid thinking about it. We ignore the true extent of our debts, spending and leaving unpaid bills. We frequently miss out on moving to better financial deals and make late payments which harm our credit rating. By ignoring money like this, we merely create more serious problems for the future.

Also, when we put off dealing with financial problems we carry the problem in the back of our mind. We can get no peace of mind because we permanently have a long list of things to deal with. It is better in these circumstances to promptly deal with things like paying bills and sorting out your accounts - then we can forget about them.

8. Develop A New Perspective The following are some money related questions you should ask yourself:

Am I happy with my financial situation? Would more money make my life better? Do I always have financial problems hanging over my head? Is money the most important thing in my life? Is the pursuit of money making me miserable? Would I sacrifice principles to make more money? Even just answering these questions honestly may encourage a new perspective towards money.




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这是一个根据黑人投资专家Chris Gardner的传记性图书《The pursuit of happyness》这一真实的故事改编的电影主人公克里斯·加德纳的成长过程并没有父亲的陪伴,28岁才第一次见到父亲。于是当他也做了父亲的时候,他发誓要做一个称职的好爸爸。然而天不遂愿,这位单身父亲屡遇不顺,遭遇失业等不幸,和年幼的儿子相依为命、流离失所。为了儿子的幸福,加德纳咬紧牙关重新振作,处处向机会敲门,并毛遂自荐进入一家证券公司工作,从最底层的员工做起。终于皇天不负苦心人,他最后成为知名的金融投资家。之后,他慷慨解囊,热心捐助公益活动,成为全美知名的慈善人物。而过程中支持他咬紧牙关的最大动力,除了宝贝儿子外,就是他始终相信:只要今天够努力,幸福明天就会来临。






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I have a happy family. Though there is only a little furniture in my home and everything in the rooms seems rather disorderly, I love my home very much.


My father is an engineer, nearly fifty years old. As a Party member, quite often he works late into the night. He even forgets himself when he is reading. Once when having supper, I found that the soup tasted watery. It soon became clear that my father, deep in his reading, had forgotten to put salt in the soup.


I have a kind mother. She is a primary school teacher. She loves her pupils and her job very much and puts all her heart into her work. All our clothes are made by tailors, for she is too busy to sew for us. As a housewife, she has to do almost all the housework. So she is the busiest one in our family.


We all keep a lot of books and we love reading. During our leisure time, reading is our main hobby. Evening is the happiest hour in our family. We usually sit in my parents room, reading and discussing everything were interested in.


I love my family. It not only gives me much happiness and warmth but also teaches me how to be a real man.




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Xiao Dong's parents are very busy. So Xiao Dong lives with his grandparents .They live very happily. On holidays, Xiao Dong's parents come to see them. They have a big family dinner and enjoy their holidays.



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We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren‘t old enough and we’ll be more contet when they are. After that we‘re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. we will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.

We always tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together. when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire. The truth is, there’s no better time than right now. If not now, when? our life will always be filled with challenges. It‘s best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza. He said.“for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, someting to be gotten through firest, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.

Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.” This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment that you have.

And remember that time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school; until you get married, until you get divorced; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car or home; until spring; until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy…。

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.So, work like you don’t need money, love like you‘ve never been hurt, And dance like no one’s watching.



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I have a happy family, because there is a mother who loves to change face at home.Speaking of my moms face magic, if she said second, we absolutely no one dare to call home.This is not, when eating, because before eating too much snacks, there are still a few mouthfuls do not want to eat.What shall I do?So, I would desperately search the usual joke, amused my mother laugh.At this point, I put forward the "do not eat" this "unreasonable" requirements.I hope my mom spared.Oh!But my mother didnt buy it. The second was still a smiling face. After one second, she became very serious. She spoke two words firmly and buried my plan: "no!".Oh!So mom, so the face of magic!

I have a happy family, because there is a lazy father in my family.My mom always said I was a little lazy.I cant wait to be at home all day long. I cant get out of the door, nor do I have two doors.But Im two hundred percent sure, and my lazy cells are inherited from my dad!For example, the family cooking, no salt, mom let dad go to buy, dad will push me to buy, let me run errands.Every time I dont want to run, my father says to me, "running errands is good for your health."!"Its good for you. Why dont you run?In fact, the supermarket downstairs in my house not far away, we can be the size of a slob "who always run errands over......Oh!Such a dad!

I have a happy family, because there is a naughty brother in my family.Every time I come back from school, I always play with my brother for half a day.You said no annoying annoying!Oh!Such a brother!......

Love the face of the mother, lazy father, love naughty brother, plus me, constitute a small home.Although theres not a little fight in the house, but...What this family has brought me is warmth and happiness on the road to growth!

I have a happy family. I love this family!



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I live in a happy and caring intersection of home, we do not have magnificent buildings, only laughter house, which lives in love my parents, as well as good sister and naughty me.

The Chinese New Year holiday, we use the sun of the day, the family decided to go everywhere, our one family sat in the father opened the car, listen to Dad jokes, my mother and sister, grinning; or we three people chorus of a song of pop songs, open happy heart imperceptibly, we have to.

Well go to Confucian Temple for a walk, in addition to the main monuments here to look for, but also for my sister for exam shipped to prosper, because l senior sister will participate in the college entrance examination this year, I silently blessing sister admitted to the ideal school, also want to strive for further improvement; parents also give us full blessing.After visiting the antique Confucian Temple, in the evening, my parents took us to taste the local snacks, although the restaurant is not eating the delicacy, but we are very satisfied, because my parents are little sister favorite dishes, we enjoy the delicacy "".

Then, I walked around, suddenly heard, as if from the nature of the music, it was street performers in the show, we stopped to listen, mom and dad to listen to intoxicated, I also play with my sister time.Somehow, after a long time, the performance was over, and we dispersed with the crowd, ready to go home.

The annual summer vacation, I travel abroad door although not rich, there is no luxury resort hotel, but my dad will take my family to the country scenery spots, or at home to enjoy the warm time we belong to a family of four, although simple, but I have great love.




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In the Happy Life,the author tells us what the happy life is in his eyes.A happy life is not the easy,smooth,vegetating life,but is made up of brief grand blessedness which is obtained through hard work.The happy life cannot be sought deliberately; hence,we should never flatter others but tell truth in love.Sacrifices should be contained in the happy life as well.I cannot agree with the authors definition of the happy life any more.Many people are running after happy lives,but only a few of them know what happiness is.Usually asked what the happiness is,I generally use some brief nouns such as well-being,satisfaction,etc.to definite it.There is no doubt that what I am thinking about happiness are the answers of many other people’s.After reading this passage,we learn a totally new explanation of the happy life.As the author says the remembrance of a brief grand blessedness may be sweeter and more precious than years upon years of quiet,uninterrupted content.Only through a progress of hardworking can we feel the real happiness of life.Providing there are two apples on a tree; one can be reached easily while the other is beyond your reach.You get the first apple easily,let us say,and then you try to reach the second one.After jumping up you finally manage to get it.The moment you get the second apple you must be happier than the moment you get the first one.What makes you happier is the progress of making efforts.What’s more,the opinion that the happiness cannot be deliberately sought impresses me as well.People always dislike the warnings.Therefore they prefer to be flattered and to flatter others,thinking that what they have done will make others happy.As a matter of fact,they’re absolutely wrong.We’re always ignoring the injuries of flattery.We may be happy for a short moment,however,in the light of time’s perspective we’re greatly injuries.Because these flatteries will make us far from the truth and discourage us to improve our personal qualities.The happy life is a remarkable essay.The author uses his wisdom to analyze the essence of happy life logically.He also set some examples to illustrate his viewpoint powerfully.We learn from his words what the real happy life is and we should pursue the happy life correctly.



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To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.


To fill the hour —— that is happiness.


To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune.


True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise.


Happiness is a form of courage.


Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults.


Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.


Happiness is not a goal, it is a by--product.


Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.


absence of occupation is not rest, a mind quite vacant is a mind distress.


call no man happy till he dies, he is at best but fortunate.


There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.


The only way on earth to multiply happiness is to divide it.


for in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy.


happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers garden.


Happiness is form courage .


Happy is the man who is living by his hobby .


Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .


Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen , as by little advantages that occur every day .


Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be .


Happiness is not something you experience; its something you remember.


Happiness lies in the consciousness we have of it.


