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1、 新年的钟声已敲响,春天的脚步紧跟随。幸福和平安冒出土,健康和快乐发新芽。春华秋实结硕果,祝愿好运常相伴。春节快乐。

2、 千份心万份心,祝你新年更开心;千份情万份情,祝你新年好心情;千个朵万个朵,祝你新年更快乐!祝你猴年大吉大利!万事如意!

3、 烟花的一瞬是快乐,流星的一瞬是祈愿,思念的一瞬是感动。而我只想让你看到短信的一瞬能明白:我是真心的祝你一生幸福!新年快乐!

4、 新年的脚步越走越近,值此小年之际,希望我最牵挂的你:穿的暖洋洋,吃的香喷喷,笑的乐陶陶,身体强壮壮,小年喜滋滋,新年更快乐!

5、 新年年年都要过,今年与往年不一般。元旦过后春即到,万物复苏景灿烂。佳节同庆国安泰,家家户户笑开颜。愿你元旦心情好,万事顺利,家庭美满!

6、 告别旧年,走向新岁,动情地对你说一声:新年如意!

7、 放响的是鞭炮;走过的是岁月;留下的是故事;带来的是希望;盼望的是美好;送到的是祝福:祝您及家人春节平安幸福健康和快乐!

8、 岁月如诗,句句悠扬。微风轻拂,白云远逝。友谊如歌,余音绕梁。温馨季节,思念满怀。亲爱的朋友,元旦快乐!

9、 在这个充满喜悦的日子里,在长久的离别后,愿新年的钟声代给你一份宁静和喜悦,和新年的祝福。

10、 因为你的可爱,特意给你关怀;晚上被子要盖,免得手脚冷坏;没事刁根骨头,这样可以补钙;不要说我太坏,祝你新年愉快!

11、 高山上的人总能最先看到新一年的日出,有了您的高瞻远瞩,您的事业必然前景辉煌。祝您新春快乐,鹏程万里!

12、 新年祝你:一帆风顺、二龙腾飞、三羊开泰、四季平安、五福临门、六六大顺、七星高照、八方来财、九九同心、十全十美、百事亨通、千事吉祥、万事如意!

13、 为了提倡环保,节省纸张,在春节千万别送我贺卡,请在尽可能大的人民币上写下祝福的话送我就可以了,节约是美德,祝春节快乐!

14、 春节放假,心情也要放假哦。快打开心灵的窗户,让阳光照进来;拆掉厚重的门板,把好运迎进来;放下生活的重负,让心儿飞起来。祝假期愉快,鸡年精彩!

15、 一片绿叶,饱含着它对根的情谊;一句贺词,浓缩了我对你的祝愿。又是一个美好的开始——新年岁首,祝成功和快乐永远伴随着你。

16、 新年春节来到,送你好运大包:先送你财气,让你金银遍地;再送你福气,让你吉祥如意;后送你运气,让你万事顺利;最后送你喜气,让你幸福甜蜜,快乐无敌!

17、 我想要昙花永不凋谢,开在温暖春天!我想要冬天阳光灿烂,溶化寒冷冰雪!我更想要看短信的人在新年开心快乐!

18、 开心锣鼓敲起来,过年就是要愉快。烟花爆竹点起来,围观必须要喝彩。小品相声上春晚,诗词歌赋入春联。亲朋好友共团圆,幸福快乐过大年。新年快乐!

19、 春节快到了,我向上帝许个愿:愿你年年岁岁青春在,分分秒秒人人爱;工作体面又气派,钞票伴着大风来;别墅豪宅看大海,宝马跑车开得快。新年快乐!

20、 春晚是盘特色菜,年年需要调料拌;酸甜苦辣咸,各色味道都放满;吃的观众一会笑颜展,一会心儿酸;大牌齐聚来点缀,春晚才愿年年看!

21、 希望你在新年里年年有鱼:钱多有余,菜中有鱼,精神有余,朋友多多有余,还有——你并不多余!

22、 聚喜玛拉雅之阳光,拢天涯海角之清风,拮冈底斯山之祝福,吸比尔盖茨之财气,作为礼物送给你,祝你新年快乐!

23、 新春好,好事全来了!朋友微微笑,喜气围你绕!欢庆节日里,生活美满又如意!喜气!喜气!一生平安如意!

24、 新年到,过年好,短信给您拜年了;穿新衣,戴新帽,愿您越长越俊俏;放烟花,点鞭炮,财运福运天天交;放假了,心情妙,幸福生活乐陶陶!新年快乐!

25、 人依旧,物依然,又是一年;想也好,忘也罢,本是平凡;今儿好,明更好,衷心祝愿;情也真,意也切,常驻心间。祝您春节愉快!

26、 新年将到,送你一“新”,新年快乐;送你一“兴”,兴旺发达;送你一“心”,心想事成;送你一“欣”,欣欣向荣;送你一“薪”,薪水丰厚。春节快乐!

27、 红红的灯笼高高挂,满满的吉祥冉冉升,香香的饺子裹幸福,诚诚的祝福传安康,春节到,愿你福禄双全,合家美满,春节愉快!

28、 初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!元旦快乐,新年幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。以真挚热诚的祝福,在春节之际表示思念之情。祝春节快乐,新年快乐!

29、 春节之美,不仅仅是磕头拜年喜贴春联,鞭炮水饺大肉吃饱。也不仅仅是张灯结彩欢声笑语,喜气洋洋幸福满堂。还有浓浓的亲情,红红的前程!

30、 春节晚会全球放,各国华人同收看。龙脉祖根永不忘,炎黄子孙齐过年。大洋彼岸唐人街,澳大利亚南洋洲。同贺同庆中国年,龙人亲缘代代传。祝世界华人春节愉快,愿国际友人如意吉祥。

31、 年年辞旧,岁岁送新,光阳似箭,日月如梭,春节只要半月多,我的祝愿天天无,新年好运,得心当手,笑口常开,青春永驻。

32、 春节马上到,祝朋友你步步高,一手拿红包,一手金元宝,一路喜洋洋,一身福气罩,好事行千里,幸福万年长。

33、 狮子高跷舞门前,鞭炮声声来拜年。雄狮一声妖魔逃,平安幸福祥和满。锣鼓敲响祝健康,事业路上勇闯关。愿你天下逞英豪,一举成名耀辉煌。春节喜乐!

34、 依旧,物依然,又是一年;想也好,忘也罢,本是平凡;今儿好,明更好,衷心祝愿;情也真,意也切,常驻心间。祝大家春节愉快!

35、 春节快乐,祝你在新的一年里事业蒸蒸日上,工作顺顺利利,身体健健康康,家庭合合睦睦,爱情甜甜蜜蜜,生活完完美美!

36、 祝你在新的一年里:事业正当午,身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,悠闲像老蛇,浪漫似乐谱,快乐莫你属。

37、 新年的钟声里举起杯,任酒的醇香在空气中荡漾,任我对你的感激在杯里慢慢沉淀,深深祝福我的朋友,祝你新年幸福美满,健康快乐!

38、 在春节来临之际,我送你五颗星:福星保你富贵荣耀,吉星保你大吉大利,财星保你财源滚滚,寿星保你与日月齐光,爱星保你得到的爱天长地久。

39、 锣鼓喧天鞭炮鸣,举国欢庆迎新年。男女老少穿新衣,欢欢喜喜过大年。春联喜庆耀门庭,灯笼高照幸福临。人寿年丰又一春,生活美满笑颜开。祝春节快乐!

40、 老婆:爱你!新年好!感谢你又一年辛勤操劳!祝你新年工作顺利!身体健康!继续辛勤操劳!谢谢!

41、 春风得意马驰千里,旭日扬辉光照万家。山川添秀岁月更新,大地欢腾春回有意。福满人间气象更新,前程广阔日进无疆。春节到了,愿你合家团圆。

42、 我想用阳光温暖你,用星光装点你,用美酒陶醉你,用美食满足你,用幸福淹没你。可我不做上帝很久了,只能用短信祝福你。祝新年快乐!

43、 我点击春天,搜索祥和画面;我复制笑脸,粘贴新春网站;我打开邮箱,编辑最美语言,发送最好祝愿:希望你删除烦恼,存储快乐每一天,备份幸福每一年。

44、 聚珠穆朗玛之阳光,拢比尔盖茨之财气,一并作为礼物送给你,请把这最诚挚的祝福带在身边,让幸福永远伴随你,祝明年事事顺心,春节快乐!

45、 新春是这样的美好:花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,美好回忆,恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。

46、 新年好,祝你:身体健康,万事如意,合家欢乐,生活美满,事业有成,珠玉满堂,多寿多富,财大气粗,攻无不克,战无不胜!

47、 平安搭上春节的快车道,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难与你刮目相看,让烦恼低头悄悄走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!祝春节快乐!

48、 红红的春联,将吉祥写满;声声的炮竹,将幸福奏响;暖暖的问候,将快乐传递;深深的祝福,将喜庆绵延;春节到,愿你合家美满,春节愉快!

49、 多歇歇,别太累,按时吃,到时睡,看上就买别嫌贵,决不和环境来作对,得空与友聚聚会,既有清醒也有醉,生活就是这样美!恭祝您春节快乐!




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new year party

on new year‘s eve,our class had a party. the atmosphere was good. it was out of the ordinary from the very begining. the boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. we saw a boy named li xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

then,the representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. they left us all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was quickwitted(机智的)。 he shouted our, “the day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn.” the hall after that,they had another item. this time li xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. while he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. it was an idiom. this time i got it right:“the dog stands out among a group of chickens.”





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My dog will be dead。 She is very old。 We have kept her for ten years。 Now her hairs are falling。 And she always lies on the ground。 She can’t see very clearly。

She eats a little。 She becomes thin。 She was very strong before。 She is still guarding my family。 She is one of my family member。 Now we are all uneasy because she will die。 I think you may know my thinking。 Even if it is a dog, you can’t forget it。 So these days, we feet her the best food。



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As the spring festival  is coming, I decide to tell you something  about Spring Festival  .

Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year,which counts from the first day in the lunar calendar ,and is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion.

And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.At the time,the children will play the fireworks and firecracker。further more,once the children greet to olds,  for return,the olds will give the children lucky money.and last The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends and wish each other good luck in the new year,remember to be happy!



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The Spring Festival, is one of the most lively year in our country, is also one of the most important festival. Pair of early, the street "exhibition", "fu" character, paper-cut, candy and other necessities brought me a little bit "hit".

From the twelfth people officer "eat sesame seed candy, we began to prepare for the holiday. One day, the family sat together and our children admire always wanted to taste sweet and crisp of the sesame seed candy. But total want to wait for grandma go to the kitchen god worship a turn, to eat yo. It is said that in this way can the kitchen god god say good thing.

December 24, families and house. Mother to clean up the house early dry static, this is for the New Year has a new look. After twenty-four people busy to kill the fish, gizzard meat, steamed buns, for necessities.

Whenever the twenty-nine, families have to go shopping to buy Spring Festival couplets, have turned themselves shop flick spring paper splash-ink, will decorate a new house in the portal. Also treats the Spring Festival couplets, couplet, subsidiary, etc. It neatly, dual, concise and delicate words to describe time background, express good wishes, is a unique literature form in China. Spring Festival couplets real popularity began in the Ming dynasty, is associated with the advocating of zhu yuanzhang. Zhu yuanzhang one year to prepare for the holiday, ordered to stick a spring couplets, every door. The original Spring Festival couplet inscribed in the peach wood, then rewrite on the paper. Peach color is red, red is lucky, ward off evil spirits, so most Spring Festival couplets written on red paper.

In the year, to break out of firecrackers decorated festive atmosphere more strong. After lunch, set out a delicious meat, the family was package dumplings, gay men rolling skin, kids when transport, mothers are responsible for making dumplings. Grandma put COINS into the dumplings, to see who is the most blessing. When plates of belly belly of dumplings at the table, you find your satisfied dumplings, mouth bite, hope I can walk good luck. Finally, the dumplings with blessing or eaten by dad.

New Years eve, every household to eat dumplings, we eat dinner early and watch the Spring Festival gala, in front of the TV is "shou sui".

The first to people these days, is our children the best time to "money". Every day is not stay at home, grandpa is in grandmother home, in the words of my mother, is "not home all day," but we still go and jolly.

February, we this New Year to the "dragon head" ended. Although puyang is not big, but it also like many big cities, busy celebrating the Spring Festival, allison stayed put it off again.











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1. 给你一碗蜜,里面加点糖,最后加入盐,分开是咸的,见面是甜的,最后才知一切是幸福的!

2. 我的鸡年愿望:从现在开始你只准疼我一个,要宠我,不许骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我说的每一句话都要真心。

3. 祝你新年:好事都成双,出门最风光,天下你为王,赛过秦始皇;人人都捧你的场,自己吃肉人喝汤,钞票直往口袋装。

4. 本报讯新年天气预报:春节前后大面积会下钞票,东北华北美钞,西北卢布,华中华南英镑,东南部分地区有支票,局部地区有金条。

5. 春节到了,送你一个饺子。平安皮儿包着如意馅,用真情煮熟,吃一口快乐两口幸福三口顺利然后喝全家健康汤,回味是温馨,余香是祝福。

6. 送你一件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,吉祥是领子,如意是袖子,快乐是扣子,口袋里满是温暖,穿上吧,让它相伴你的每一天!

7. 新年到了,想想没什么送给你的,又不打算给你太多,只有给你五千万:千万要快乐!千万要健康!千万要平安!千万要知足!千万不要忘记我!

8. 祝您:打牌运气拉不住,豹子金花把把出,别人瞪眼你笑脸,别人掏钱你收钱。

9. 祝您新年:身上不长膘,人前你最俏;手头有钞票,梦里都在笑。

10. 以家庭为圆心,以幸福为半径,画出千千万万个阖家圆满!

11. 今年过年不收礼,收礼只收短消息,构思要巧妙,创意要新颖,内容要健康,看了要发笑,回味要无穷,才能记得你!

12. 祝身体康佳赛蒙牛,美女飘柔多联想,生活富康乐百氏,事业捷达步步高,财源强生腾新浪,股票长虹冒紫光。

13. 金鸡报春归,春归金鸡报;报春归金鸡,鸡春抱金归。祝你鸡年前程一个筋斗十万八千里,兼七十二变混世才学,具八十一种创业本领。

14. 鸡起生活的风帆,走向鸡关通途。向着鸡年奔跑,达到吉鸡未年,粘粘鸡年的喜气。让美梦成真,叫理想变现,要祥瑞高照。愿朋友鸡年喜鸡鸡,如日中天发鸡财!

15. 十二年才能盼到一个吉祥的喜鸡年,高兴无比。鸡年有着吉祥好运发财安康的含义,人心所向。为达到鸡年废寝忘食努力奋斗打拼,追求美好。愿你鸡年,开鸡荤喝洋酒享鸡福!

16. 一斤花生二斤枣,好运经常跟你跑,三斤苹果四斤梨,吉祥和你不分离,五斤桔子六斤蕉,财源滚进你腰包,七斤葡萄八斤橙,愿你心想事就成,九斤芒果十斤瓜,愿你天天乐开花。

17. 天上星,亮晶晶,认识你,很开心,星空里,万颗心,有一颗,是我心,无助时,看星星,失眠时,数星星,许愿时,等流星,记得天天要开心。新年快乐!

18. 如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海;如果一颗星代表一份关怀,我送你一条银河;如果一棵树代表一份思念,我送你整个森林。祝你天天开心!!

19. 希望2017年,老板顺着你,朋友罩着你,敌人躲着你,爱人体贴你,家人护着你,钞票由着你,工作随便你,金钱黏着你,祝?天天顺利?

20. 祝你:新年大吉大利、百无禁忌、五福临门、富贵吉祥、横财就手、财运亨通、步步高升、生意兴隆、东成西就、恭喜发财!

21. 新年如意绕着你 ! 事事顺心跟着你 ! 财源滚滚粘着你 ! 开心好运赖着你 ! 贴心好友守着你 ! 亲密家人永伴你 ! 所有恶运远离你 ! --^_^-- 新年快乐 !!

22. 希望您在新的一年里 , 365天,天天开心 , 8760小时,时时快乐 , 525600分,分分精采 , 31536000秒 ,秒秒幸福 。祝新年快乐!心想事成!美梦成真!

23. 送你一杯我精心特调的果汁 , 里面包含30cc的吉祥如意 , 50cc的新年快乐 , 20cc的心想事成 , 这杯百分百的果汁名叫 呦 !! q^_^p^q^

24. 在这新的一年里,祝福你一帆风顺、二龙腾飞、三鸡开泰、四季平安、五福临门、六六大顺、七星高照、八方来财、九九同心、十全十美。*^_^*

25. 新的1年开始 , 祝您好事接2连3 , 心情4季如春 , 生活5颜6色 , 7彩缤纷 , 偶尔8点小财 , 烦恼抛到9霄云外 , 请接受我10万分的祝福 ! --新年快乐--

26. 祝你新一年里长帅点,淑女点,聪明点,运碰点,烦消点,发财点,活干点,乐找点,苦稀点,喜稠点,哭少点,笑多点,要孝点,正好祝你13点……哈哈!

27. 单位就像一棵爬满鸡子的大树,向上看全是屁股,向下看全是笑脸,左右看全是耳目。鸡年到了,祝你向上多爬两根枝杈,看到更多的笑脸,更少的屁股。

28. 金鸡自我评级:比鼠强,比牛牛,比虎猛,比兔乖,比龙尊,比蛇威,比鸡壮,比鸡善,比鸡勤,比狗忠,比猪胖???比鸡还精。

29. 屋外瑞雪飘,屋内乐淘淘。只为鸡年到,快乐身边绕。鸡儿已远跑,鸡来咩咩叫。幸福阳关道,任你乐逍遥。鸡年到了,祝你合家健康,无烦无恼!

30. 拿起美妙的彩笔,勾画鸡年的美景,绽放灿烂的笑脸,抒发喜悦的心情。画上一群鸡,点彩一堆钱。让你痴迷让你醉,让你鸡年幸福睡。鸡年到了,送你一群鸡,幸福万年长!

31. 鸡年祝福千万言,句句都从心中传。开门大吉迎鸡年,期盼吉年薪水涨。开办工厂大发展,生意做到大洋岸。开辟新径外币赚,当回老总做好官。愿你鸡年喜乐洋,跨国公司赚洋钱!

32. 鸡年来到笑开颜,一生喜乐未鸡年。要问为啥贼高兴,笑答我本属相鸡。祥瑞鸡年本分年,六十寿辰摆盛宴。邀请亲朋齐来贺,弘扬鸡年正能量。愿你高寿鸡福享,一生都把鸡财发!

33. 喜乐鸡年真高兴,人人都盼鸡年盈。喜笑颜开发鸡财,鸡鸡得意好光阴。喜乐年华鸡光景,无限春光美心情。家庭美满工资涨,幸福生活正气鸡。愿你鸡年,吉祥如意鸡眉吐气!

34. 未鸡声声喜讯报,吉祥鸡年来报道。摸摸鸡首好运照,开个好头欢声叫。喜乐鸡鸡歌舞蹈,牵着鸡头幸福耀。瑞祥鸡年女友找,一生恩爱永远笑。愿你鸡年结喜缘,一辈得意喜鸡鸡!

35. 鸡儿扬蹄奔鸡年,喜气洋洋绕身边。生活快乐永向前,阳光大道任你选。幸福美满笑开颜,无忧无虑乐无限。祝你鸡年理想现,鸡年大吉身体健!

36. 鸡年未到,祝福先行。鸡年期盼你:天天开心“喜鸡鸡”;事事如意“美鸡鸡”;工作愉快“懒鸡鸡”;合家幸福“暖鸡鸡”,总之愿你一切都好鸡年喜气“鸡鸡”!



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Speaking of the Spring Festival, I had a dont have a taste, and the fun is also continuously. It is like rainbow dream, like exquisite pearl, make the person yearn to make people yearning. Before the Spring Festival, people all beaming, all in high spirit. The street people mountain

Sea, some of them are buying New Year pictures, some are buying necessities. This not, to the Spring Festival, is permeated with a festive atmosphere everywhere! See every family decorated, door with Spring Festival couplets, relatives get together for the family reunion dinner, bless each other. At this moment, everyone is looking forward to the night arrived. "Or..." In the firecrackers, people play a very beautiful fireworks,. It is a hand to play with fireworks, when lit, clusters of spark gently fluttering, and changing the color, dancing slowly, a very beautiful fireworks greets me, green some bloom, gorgeous and dazzing. All over the sky of fireworks, there are red, yellow, green,... They fall "petals" like a meteor across, disappeared in the sky, they are added to life, for the sky will be the night like hundred various ornament.

I believe that the fun is continuously every year.





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This money is given to children for good luck 。 People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune 。 The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long。

People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”。 People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest 。



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1 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .

It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .

Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .

They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”.People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .



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In the year of the festival, my favorite is the Spring Festival.

Each to the twelfth lunar month twenty-three, everyone began to prepare for the special purchases for the Spring Festival street, huge crowds of people, an inattentive may in the sea to find the Northwest southeast.

Its a really lively new years Eve. Night every household had to wear new clothes, the door was attached to the red antithetical couplet, on New Years Eve, every family lights all night, firecrackers and continue to work outside people unless they have to rush back to cannot but, from thousands of miles to eat reunion dinner. One family sit together to chat, watch the Spring Festival Gala, the time in the laughter quietly slipped away, "Dong" "boom" "boom" "boom" clock, 12, everybody went to bed, lively atmosphere suddenly become quiet, everyone enter sweet dreams.

In addition, in addition to a couple days, we are going to relatives and friends home with relatives pay New Years call, not only can eat a lot of delicious food, can also receive gift money, this is the part I love, gift money can not only buy Stationery, can also go to buy toys, hand you always wanted ornaments, pendants and so on......

The Lantern Festival is listed, and a climax to the Spring Festival, the lunar January fifteen, everywhere decorated, very prosperous. In the evening, I had a few small partners and slipped into the street. Ah! Its the ocean of the light. There are many lights, the peacock lights, the lotus lights, the tiger lights... It is so beautiful! At this moment, I seem to have entered a colorful world of fairy tales.

In the blink of an eye, it was nineteen on the first month. The students should go to school, the adults went to work, and everything returned to the past calm.



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The Spring Festival is our Chinese lunar New Year, so is very important for our Chinese New Year! Therefore, the preparation before the Spring Festival is also indispensable.

The New Year! The New Year! Every family is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, shaved hair, do dinner... Too many things to do, and have too many "rules". Some custom also very strange, in desperation, I ask mom is to stick couplets on the Spring Festival.

I saw mother stick to "f" word backwards, I do know why to stick, stick backwards f word is a kind of custom, f (show f down (to)! But I still asked, "whats the Chinese New Year customs and manners?" Mother stop working, patiently to talk to me.

Originally, before New Years day there is a custom of setting off firecrackers, comes from the story of "the year beast". Once upon a time there was a "nian", deep sea floor, long stay in the New Years eve is splendour as evil everywhere. One year an old man with shooting, in red, put red couplets on the Spring Festivals approach is driven "nian", which was able to calm, then this method will spread. But now guangzhou ban fireworks, so we wont have this activity.

New Years eve this day is very important to our country. On this night, our whole family to prepare used orientation, special dinner.

To eat dinner, is the most lively happy Spring Festival every family. Eve. A splendid wasnt filled with a table, the whole family reunion, sitting at the table, the reunion dinner. People is both enjoy a full table delicacies, and enjoy the joy of the atmosphere, there are chickens, geese, burning meat on the table, etc., generally without two things, one is the hot pot, is a fish. Steaming hot pot, thriving; "Fish" and "yu" homophonic, meaning "more than" year after year. Finally a sweetmeat, blessing in the future day sweet.

Today is too big, I know a lot of the knowledge of the Chinese New Year customs, but I feel a little superstitious, but it was a pleasure, as long as happy, why not superstitions? Whats more, this is a traditional custom, would rather believe its have not trusted their!






吃年夜饭,是春节家家户户最热闹愉快的时候。大年夜.丰盛的年菜摆满一桌 ,全家团聚,围坐桌旁,共吃团圆饭。人们既是享受满桌的佳肴,也是享受那份快乐的气氛,桌上有鸡、鹅、烧肉等等,一般少不了两样东西,一是火锅,一是鱼。火锅热气腾腾,说明红红火火;“鱼”和“余”谐音,喻意“年年有余”。最后一道甜食,祝福往后的日子甜甜蜜蜜。




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1、 清蒸鱼,糖醋鱼,水煮鱼,酸菜鱼……鱼乐无穷,如鱼得水,鱼目混珠,尔鱼我炸,鱼无伦次,祝你新年快乐年年有余!

2、 祝你:位高权重责任轻,事少钱多离家近,每天睡到自然醒,别人加班你加薪,领钱数得手抽筋,靓女爱你发神经。新年吉祥!

3、 祝你在新的一年里:事业正当午,身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,悠闲像老鼠,浪漫似乐谱,快乐莫你属。

4、 祝:领导偏袒你,警察让着你,法院向着你,官运伴着你,媳妇由着你,吃喝随便你,财运罩着你,中奖只有你!

5、 新年将至,祝您大财小财意外财,财源滚滚;亲情友情爱情,情情如意;官运财运桃花运,运运亨通;爱人亲人友人,人人平安。

6、 初一到十五,大家齐欢舞,人人闹新春,万象来更新,招财又进宝,幸福把你包,祝君开怀笑,好运往上飘!祝新年快乐

7、 新年祝福你:好运伴着你,财神跟着你,名车美女属于你,霉运躲着你,喜事围绕你!

8、 祝你猴年:大名鼎鼎,大吉大利,大红大紫,大显身手,大炮而红,大鸣惊人,一马当先!

9、 今年新年不送礼,发条短信传给你。健康快乐长伴你,幸福美满粘着你,还有我要告诉你,财神已经盯上你!!

10、 一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美。

11、 猴年送你五只猴:机灵诡秘如猕猴,健康快乐像马猴,悠闲富贵思猴子,无忧无虑比猿猴,聪明伶俐胜孙猴。

12、 新春大吉!祝你人气超越圣母,财气敢当比尔盖茨之母,英气胜过萨达姆,帅气直追贝克汉姆,国际超人非你莫属!

13、 一个影子很孤单,两朵玫瑰才新鲜;一颗心情常期盼,两处天空多浩瀚;正看短信的小笨蛋,为何让我总怀念,祝你快乐!

14、 春风洋溢你,家人关心你,爱情滋润你,财神系着你,朋友忠于你,我这祝福你,幸运之星永远照着你!祝新的一年大吉大利!

15、 新年祝:工作舒“新”,薪水合“新”,爱人同“新”,家人安“新”,吃得放“新”,玩得开“新”,一切顺“新”,事事称“新”!



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Hang up red lanterns, happy song sings, with the crackling sound of firecrackers, the Spring Festival party. Below, lets go to a small case of the waste of the Spring Festival. Let SGO!

The Spring Festival: a waste of reciprocity

The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in our country. It is a happy day for family reunion. Most people visit relatives and give gifts to each other. Trinidad send goose, courtesy light weight friendship." It has already been regarded as a custom for many people to send gifts for the Spring Festival. Among the people I am investigating, most people actually spend a lot of money to buy gifts. In fact, we dont have to spend lots of money to buy so many gifts, in fact, as long as the greetings, relatives and friends also met the joys of.

The waste phenomenon of the Spring Festival two: travel out

In the new year, many people like to take their family together to travel, and the cost is quite high, with the convenience of a few million yuan. Some of them go abroad, some go to pray, go to...... The highway is the "car mountain car sea", in common words, one word - blocking! Take the Buddha, the Buddha is straight up the number of 2016. So, I ask you: is it necessary? After the Spring Festival, the best thing is to accompany their parents and children to go shopping street and accompany them. It is not necessary to go to such a distant place.

The waste of the Spring Festival three: set off firecrackers

Crackling crackling......" When it comes to the Spring Festival, firecrackers can be said to be an essential activity for people. But its a waste, too. The smell of smoke produced after the firecrackers will affect peoples health, and the explosion of firecrackers will frighten children and the elderly. The ear injury is beyond doubt -- tinnitus, hearing loss and so on. It will also pollute the environment and cause fires. Also, some people spend lots of money to buy many firecrackers, most will listen to the sound, see the beauty of it, is not how happy, we can choose the new year a more interesting way, do not have to put the choice of firecrackers to celebrate the new year, if it is to set off firecrackers, must go to the specified place a small amount of fireworks.

The waste of the Spring Festival is four:...

Everyone singing and laughing, the scene is beautiful now singing, now dancing! Let us reduce the waste of the Spring Festival, happy happy year, red and red fire in an auspicious year!



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The street, people mountain people sea, beaming, against the colorful lights, neon lights, flash; Auto lamp, bright white, various, fantastic! Xinda street, heavy traffic, on both sides, the stall owners are selling beautiful balloon, different colors: red, yellow, blue, green, purple... . Form that vary: some blow grow winding, like a snake, somelike people smile face, there are various kinds of shape. Peoples vehicle is also different from ordinary, the car has a different decoration, like balloons, streamers and flowers and so on. Building, decorating, decorated, from the inside, outsidebusiness busy. Dance, the sky only colorful balloons, added the cheerful atmosphereto the Spring Festival. Most make a person happy that beautiful fireworks, firecrackers. Square, enthusiastic people putting the colorful fireworks, the best and the biggest shot a gun to shoot in the air, spread out a flower. And the flower on the ground, although it is small, power is also quite big, a light, spin, immediately issued a light, opened a little flower. Led adjustment by the smiling, like really, air spinning, then dance, finally finished BiBao shell exploded. A deafening noise, thefireworks blossom, beautiful!

Are happy New Year, Spring Festival is a festival, peoples life will be getting better and better.



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At home as usual, the Spring Festival in the twelfth month almost two dozen began, during this time, every family is busy cleaning the house, wash the sheets curtains, buy bacon sausage eat, such as preparation for the holiday. December 26 house posted red couplets, happy.

New Years eve is quite lively. Every cast eve of food, is full of the fragrance of wine meat, men, women, and children wear new clothes. The family around a round table on a happy night dinner, people will give children lucky money. Lights were blazing in every New Years eve, no gap. On the sky black, binjiang road began to put up the firecrackers, fireworks, the sky marina rice pattern of fireworks, firecrackers. Past midnight, the whole city fireworks firecrackers deafening, as if to make the whole house apart. On this night, in addition to the very children, no sleep standing, shou sui. I was a bit in the morning or so, fast asleep.

In the first month of a very different times and the New Years eve; Shop is closed, the door to pile up the setting off of firecrackers paper last night, the city is at rest. This day, most people have to go to the park, temple fairs, can be happy.

Yuanxiao, another climax of Spring Festival. The fifteenth day, every family decorated, good and beautiful. Will also be there and enjoy the moon round the moon, like a large tracts of nine. In front of the television in the home, see yuanxiao "joy", the family you my sentence, very happy.

Home colorful Spring Festival, the most happy is our children, besides can get lucky money, the most happy is that we can play at ease. New Years day is happy!

The 1051 day is at the end of the Spring Festival, the work of the work, to go to school, the school day restored peace forward.


除夕真热闹。家家赶做年夜菜,到处都是酒肉的香味,男女老少都穿起新衣。一家人围在一张圆桌上开开心心的吃连夜饭,大人们还会给孩子门压岁钱。除夕家家灯火通明,不许间断。天一黑,滨江路上就开始放起了鞭炮,礼花,满天五彩滨纷的礼花,鞭炮声不间断。午夜零时,全城礼花声鞭炮声震耳欲聋,仿佛要把整幢震垮似的。这一夜,除了很上的孩子,没有什么睡得站,都要守岁。我 却在凌晨一点方左右,就呼呼大睡了。







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Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New YearEve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 oclock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.

So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.



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new year party

on new year‘s eve,our class had a party. the atmosphere was good. it was  out of the ordinary from the very begining. the boy student from one bedroom  gave an unusual performance. we saw a boy named li xinmin turn off all the  lights in a sudden snap. then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing  in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

then,the representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a  line of a poem related to the above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was  born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the  chicken. they left us all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was  quickwitted(机智的)。 he shouted our, “the day breaks as the cock crows three times  at dawn.” the hall after that,they had another item. this time li xinmin was  placed in the middle of the circle. while he was standing there,the other three  stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. it was an  idiom. this time i got it right:“the dog stands out among a group of  chickens.”






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Today is the beginning of seven, I told cousin went to the big red flag of the town of Villa Zhuo watched a wonderful "to greet New Year Acrobatic show."

We arrived, the first performing acrobatics to find a place, a place to sit, and then patiently waiting for the beginning performances.

"Performance began," do not know who shouted. We immediately fascinating stats.

The first program is a small monkey riding a goat away the old rope. I saw the old goat carrying a small monkey step by step, walk the rope, hey, before. Really amazing 呀! The next show is more exciting! For example: walking a tightrope, jumping Ring of Fire, Tiger, lions and tigers across beauties slip swing, bears do exercise, air swing ... ... and so this "Ho Chinese New Year Acrobatic Festival," the protagonist is mainly animals.

This "Ho Chinese New Year Acrobatic Performance" is really meaningful ah!




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The spring Festival is coming soon! The festivel is considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It is on the first day of lunar year. It is also the day of reunion among family members. During these days, people would say "happy new year! or wish you make fortune! to each other. They would also visit their relatives and friends. Children would be given "red packets". Children would have more to eat and play than usual.Playing firecrackers is also a popular game for children.
