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6、小溪流是恬静的。它总是那样静静地、缓缓地流淌着,流淌着。偶尔,它也会溅起一朵朵小小的浪花,但仍然是静静的,缓缓的。它不像那种爱捣蛋的小男孩儿,乱蹦乱 跳;也不像那种爱说话的小女孩儿,叽叽喳喳。噢,它是一个文静怕羞的小姑娘,见了我们正不好意思呢!



























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春雨像是天空中掉下的水帘,摆动的绸带,美极了。 以下是小编整理的关于描写春雨的句子段落,欢迎阅读。
































































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If we dont take care of our lovely campus and make it hurt, we will suffer harm and harm our health.

Today, we need to protect the environment as our obligation to protect the environment with our actual actions. We should know how to protect the environment is to protect ourselves, we should not only use resources rationally, whenever they want to protect the environment, as a student, we should create more green campus. Starts from the minor matter, starts from now, starts from the care for the campus and protect the environment, picked up a piece of paper on the ground and save every drop of water, cherish every inch, walk more, dont cross the green, the grass. I believe that in the near future, our life will be another scene!

Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, the environmental awareness is not limited, we are looking at the campus. "Do not be good and not evil," for our common campus, let us act immediately.



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1、 一条小河穿过树林弯弯曲曲地流向远方。河水清澈见底,明镜一样的水面在阳光的照射下闪着点点银光。水中的鱼儿欢快的游来游去。水里的小螃蟹挥动着大钳子在石缝间爬来爬去,看起来特别威风。

2、 走到乡间的小路上,有着牧羊人的足迹,在田间呼吸着新鲜的空气,看着花絮飞飞,走到乡村,看着错落有致的房子,在乡村里闻一闻那泥土的芳香,听着蛙鸣,听着流水潺潺。

3、 让我们感受大自然的无忧无虑的魅力,倾听大自然的魅力,它创造了一幅永远存放在人们心里的完美图画,让我们用真诚的心感受大自然,用期待来抚摸大自然,让我们面对大自然的魅力,大声骄傲的喊出:我爱大自然!

4、 我陶醉于春天的风,它轻柔、稚嫩。它为春天平添了盎然生机,平添了一份和谐和宁静的美。我喜欢春天到野外去品尝春的味道。闭上眼睛,若有若无的风拂过我的脸,在我的脖颈中呵着气,中间还夹杂着花朵和泥土的芬芳,这,就是春的味道。我追逐着春风,与它嬉戏,享受一种无拘无束的快乐。

5、 大自然好像一道菜,一道色香味俱全的菜,每一种味道都夹有大自然的气息,每种色彩都带着大自然洋溢的色泽,每品尝其香,那来自大自然产物的香味,美食家评论此道菜为天下佳肴,美食家称赞这道菜的奇特,继而品尝着大自然的产物如此让人迷恋。

6、 被昨夜雨水洗礼过的天空似水般的透明,雨丝轻轻漂拂在脸颊,凉风习习,我悠然漫步在郊外的树林间,放松紧张的神经,迈着轻松的步伐,看着一望无垠的绿色棉田在微风吹拂下荡起一层碧波。静静得呼吸着这清晨清新的空气。我感到无比愉快而充满力气。

7、 我爱大自然,尤其爱大自然的风,它是自然的灵魂。风带给大自然灵、真、屈,使大自然有了生命力。我陶醉于风,陶醉于风的虚实、劲静,陶醉于风的疾缓、刚柔。我真想蘸一笔自然之色来谱写一曲风之颂。

8、 走进大自然,用我们最纯真的心灵去聆听大自然吧!让心灵贴近自然,让心灵归于平静,让心灵得到洗礼,在旅行中放飞你遥远而美丽的梦想。多到大自然走一走,会让我们的心静如止水。

9、 一片绿油油的植物,好像是庄稼种的小麦,大片大片的,别有一番意境,像是到了辽阔的大草原,只有一望无际绿色,象征着生命。 还有嫁接的树木,排列的很整齐,像等待着操练的士兵,又像是在进行阅兵仪式,很是壮观。

10、 我喜欢大自然的风景,喜欢蔚蓝的天空和大海,喜欢那如梦似幻高山流水绝景意境画面,更喜欢海南椰岛那一排排高耸入云,挺拔秀丽四季常青的树木,在这一片绿色田园,大自然的独特风景中。我喜欢静静聆听,那溪水清冷,鸟语婵鸣。还有附近村子的鸡鸣狗叫。喧闹一片!

11、 欣赏着大自然的美,赞美大自然,回归于大自然,让人感觉到一身轻松,把眼里的风光都尽收眼底。欣赏大自然美景的同时,让人感觉到了大自然的绝妙美伦,找到了天地万物相融合的感觉。

12、 心灵的遨游:清风拂袖过,弦音抚琴生。远离城市的喧嚣,远离世俗的浮华,心灵的一片净土在这里找到——平如镜的水面在这里静养,俊而秀气的山峰在这里休憩,静谧的丛林在这里吮吸,高飞的鸟儿在这里遨游,湛蓝的天空深情地挽着白云看着这和谐的大地。和谐的、怡人的、宁谧的、动人的、深情的,久久回味。

13、 夕阳渐渐西下,那波平如镜的大海在夕阳的轻洒下显得格外抚媚。我独自行走在海岸线上,观赏远处的小船驶入夕阳的倒影,聆听淘气的海水拍击沙滩时瞬间的美妙乐曲。面向大海静立,让夕阳照在脸上,慢慢闭上双眼,让自然浸润身心,张开双臂,深呼吸。那淡淡的清爽、那淡淡的舒畅,驱除那淡淡的幽忧,心灵得到升华、得到净化。心田那一方净土得到滋养,自然之精华得之释放。好心情随之而来。

14、 我追随太阳的脚步来到乡野间。孩子们正追逐玩闹,那自在的潇洒、那无忧的神色,让我回想起童年时我们的模样……那绿茸茸的麦田、那??的流水、那幽微的花香、那安谧的山村还有那山间幽雅的情调、湛蓝无瑕的天空……让我痴迷,使我沉醉!那“天人合一”的感觉随瞬间绽放的蒲公英,飘向了无边的远方……

15、 一片金黄色的植物,但好像不是油菜花,远处看,散发出金黄色的光芒,一阵风吹来,像层层叠起的波浪,此起彼伏,真是一幅美好的景象。

16、 让我们投入山的怀抱吧!远远看去,山并不高,可当你来到山脚下时,抬头一看,这才知道山是多么的雄壮威武。山就像一个个巨人,任凭风吹雷打、日曝雨淋,永远那样坚定不拔地挺立着。它们的精神多么令人钦佩啊!

17、 让我们走向原野吧。看,一片片碧绿的草地,一望无际,上面又长出一朵朵美丽的野花。原野上的小草像千万个绿色的卫士,守护着花朵。就算人们怎样压他们踩他们,都决不低头。

18、 听听自然的声音,让脚步如斯清影。不论是细雨滴梧桐,还是骤雨打荷叶,都是上天的恩赐,它使我们的心灵得以与自然共鸣。少年听雨歌楼上,红烛罗帐,尽享生命的畅快,无若无忧,轻盈走江湖。中年听雨客舟上,江阔云低,雁声断秋,生活的重担使人喘不过气,没关系,听雨落江天,让泪水肆无忌惮流淌,再轻装上阵。老年听雨僧庐上,鬓也星星,奈何,有水声,往事已过,韶华已尽。

19、 一条小河穿过树林弯弯曲曲地流向远方。河水清澈见底,明镜一样的水面在阳光的照射下闪着点点银光。水中的鱼儿欢快的游来游去。水里的小螃蟹挥动着大钳子在石缝间爬来爬去,看起来特别威风。

20、 走到乡间的小路上,有着牧羊人的足迹,在田间呼吸着新鲜的空气,看着花絮飞飞,走到乡村,看着错落有致的房子,在乡村里闻一闻那泥土的芳香,听着蛙鸣,听着流水潺潺。

21、 我爱大自然,尤其爱大自然的风,它是自然的灵魂。风带给大自然灵、真、屈,使大自然有了生命力。我陶醉于风,陶醉于风的虚实、劲静,陶醉于风的疾缓、刚柔。我真想蘸一笔自然之色来谱写一曲风之颂。

22、 走进大自然,用我们最纯真的心灵去聆听大自然吧!让心灵贴近自然,让心灵归于平静,让心灵得到洗礼,在旅行中放飞你遥远而美丽的梦想。多到大自然走一走,会让我们的心静如止水。

23、 一片绿油油的植物,好像是庄稼种的小麦,大片大片的,别有一番意境,像是到了辽阔的大草原,只有一望无际绿色,象征着生命。 还有嫁接的树木,排列的很整齐,像等待着操练的士兵,又像是在进行阅兵仪式,很是壮观。

24、 我喜欢大自然的风景,喜欢蔚蓝的天空和大海,喜欢那如梦似幻高山流水绝景意境画面,更喜欢海南椰岛那一排排高耸入云,挺拔秀丽四季常青的树木,在这一片绿色田园,大自然的独特风景中。我喜欢静静聆听,那溪水清冷,鸟语婵鸣。还有附近村子的鸡鸣狗叫。喧闹一片!

25、 欣赏着大自然的美,赞美大自然,回归于大自然,让人感觉到一身轻松,把眼里的风光都尽收眼底。欣赏大自然美景的同时,让人感觉到了大自然的绝妙美伦,找到了天地万物相融合的感觉。

26、 心灵的遨游:清风拂袖过,弦音抚琴生。远离城市的喧嚣,远离世俗的浮华,心灵的一片净土在这里找到平如镜的水面在这里静养,俊而秀气的山峰在这里休憩,静谧的丛林在这里吮吸,高飞的鸟儿在这里遨游,湛蓝的天空深情地挽着白云看着这和谐的大地。和谐的、怡人的、宁谧的、动人的、深情的,久久回味。

27、 夕阳渐渐西下,那波平如镜的大海在夕阳的轻洒下显得格外抚媚。我独自行走在海岸线上,观赏远处的小船驶入夕阳的倒影,聆听淘气的海水拍击沙滩时瞬间的美妙乐曲。面向大海静立,让夕阳照在脸上,慢慢闭上双眼,让自然浸润身心,张开双臂,深呼吸。那淡淡的清爽、那淡淡的舒畅,驱除那淡淡的幽忧,心灵得到升华、得到净化。心田那一方净土得到滋养,自然之精华得之释放。好心情随之而来。

28、 我追随太阳的脚步来到乡野间。孩子们正追逐玩闹,那自在的潇洒、那无忧的神色,让我回想起童年时我们的模样那绿茸茸的麦田、那湉湉的流水、那幽微的花香、那安谧的山村还有那山间幽雅的情调、湛蓝无瑕的天空让我痴迷,使我沉醉!那天人合一的感觉随瞬间绽放的蒲公英,飘向了无边的远方

29、 一片金黄色的植物,但好像不是油菜花,远处看,散发出金黄色的光芒,一阵风吹来,像层层叠起的波浪,此起彼伏,真是一幅美好的景象。

30、 让我们投入山的怀抱吧!远远看去,山并不高,可当你来到山脚下时,抬头一看,这才知道山是多么的雄壮威武。山就像一个个巨人,任凭风吹雷打、日曝雨淋,永远那样坚定不拔地挺立着。它们的精神多么令人钦佩啊!

31、 让我们走向原野吧。看,一片片碧绿的草地,一望无际,上面又长出一朵朵美丽的野花。原野上的小草像千万个绿色的卫士,守护着花朵。就算人们怎样压他们踩他们,都决不低头。

32、 听听自然的声音,让脚步如斯清影。不论是细雨滴梧桐,还是骤雨打荷叶,都是上天的恩赐,它使我们的心灵得以与自然共鸣。少年听雨歌楼上,红烛罗帐,尽享生命的畅快,无若无忧,轻盈走江湖。中年听雨客舟上,江阔云低,雁声断秋,生活的重担使人喘不过气,没关系,听雨落江天,让泪水肆无忌惮流淌,再轻装上阵。老年听雨僧庐上,鬓也星星,奈何,有水声,往事已过,韶华已尽。

33、 我刚一进公园,远远就可以看到许许多多金黄色的银杏树叶,重重叠叠地挤在一起,仿佛是几只黄蝴蝶挤在一起相互取暖。近处是一簇簇美丽的菊花,红的好似一团热情的火焰,白的胜过天鹅的羽毛,桔色的像天边的霞光。一朵朵、一团团争奇斗艳,美不胜收。走进菊花,迎面向我扑来的一阵阵清新的菊花香气,轻轻地呼吸,让我神清气爽。

34、 垃圾处理不随意,可收可废要分离,虽然看似很简单,人人做到不容易,多多关心广宣传,保护地球大花园,生活小事来做起,意义重大无法比!

35、 人类环境日益恶劣,资源能源日益短缺,气候变化越发异常,地质灾害变的频繁,地球正在逐年变暖,低碳需要养成习惯,有识之士一起呼唤,世界需要鸟语花香。

36、 鸟儿自由的飞翔,那是因为天空很蓝;鱼儿自在的嬉戏,那是因为水很清澈;花儿尽情绽放,那是因为阳光普照。世界环境日善待地球,保护环境人人有责!

37、 嘘为云雨,嘻为雷霆,通天彻地,出幽入明,千变万化,何者非我!

38、 地球是我家,地球是你家,为了你我都幸福,一起保护她,购物带布袋,垃圾不乱撒,为了家园更美丽,我们建设她。动物要保护,森林不砍伐,为了明天天更蓝,一切靠大家

39、 冬天来了。南方的冬天不下雪,生活在这里的人们无法领略千里冰封万里雪飘的壮丽雪景,无法与雪花乱舞,无法目睹“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”的盛况……

40、 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。——柳宗元

41、 保护环境,造福后人。低碳生活,节约资源。植树造林,保护水土。节约用水,净化排污。人人有责,不分老幼。环境清新,健康拥有。世界环境日,保护环境,幸福永驻!

42、 垃圾处理不随意,可收可废要分离,虽然看似很简单,人人做到不容易,多多关心广宣传,保护地球大花园,生活小事来做起,意义重大无法比!

43、 大自然好像一首曲,一首无边无际的曲,每个音符都带有动听的音律,每个音节都带着欢快的节奏,每个音段都带有柔美和安适,歌曲自然而不失感点,多似水中有动的鱼儿,自由,愉快。这首曲载着倾听者无虑的梦想,使倾听者感受曲中大自然的鸟语花香,大自然的多彩芬芳,思绪沉沦在大自然如此令人向往之中。

44、 放眼远眺,山峦连绵起伏,郁郁葱葱。山脚下,一排挺拔翠绿的松树就像手握钢枪的战士保卫着我们的祖国。近处是一片茂密的树林,树木枝繁叶茂,如同一把把绿色的大伞。林间,绿油油的草地上盛开着五颜六色的野花,就像给大地铺上了一块儿色彩斑斓的地毯。花丛中,辛勤的小蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡地唱着歌在采蜜。不时,还会看见小兔子蹦跳着从草地上跑过。

45、 风儿拂过我的脸颊,空气中弥漫着一缕缕花香。浓郁的花香吸引着我,我顺着花香,竟然来到了童话中的鲜花世界!这里彩蝶翩翩起舞,蜜蜂高兴得一边唱歌,一边跳起独特的8字形舞。一阵风拂过,招人喜爱的花儿也和舞蹈家蝴蝶一起舞蹈,是那样地美丽。花儿为大自然表演了一场美丽的舞蹈。

46、 让我们感受大自然的无忧无虑的魅力,倾听大自然的魅力,它创造了一幅永远存放在人们心里的完美图画,让我们用真诚的心感受大自然,用期待来抚摸大自然,让我们面对大自然的魅力,大声骄傲的喊出:我爱大自然!

47、 我陶醉于春天的风,它轻柔、稚嫩。它为春天平添了盎然生机,平添了一份和谐和宁静的美。我喜欢春天到野外去品尝春的味道。闭上眼睛,若有若无的风拂过我的脸,在我的脖颈中呵着气,中间还夹杂着花朵和泥土的芬芳,这,就是春的味道。我追逐着春风,与它嬉戏,享受一种无拘无束的快乐。

48、 大自然好像一道菜,一道色香味俱全的菜,每一种味道都夹有大自然的气息,每种色彩都带着大自然洋溢的色泽,每品尝其香,那来自大自然产物的香味,美食家评论此道菜为天下佳肴,美食家称赞这道菜的奇特,继而品尝着大自然的产物如此让人迷恋。



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Music is the important part of my life. The world needs music to amuse

peoples life. As they live in the fast pace, music can bring them the great joy

and relax. Since I was very small, I fell in love with music and every time when

I heard music, my body would move and feel relaxed. The function of music is


There is a famous song, which called let the music heal your soul. A lot of

young people have their favorite singers. When they see their idols face to

face, they would say thank you to the singers, because their songs inspire these

young people to move on in the dark days. The songs deliver positive messages to

the public and inspire them to never give up.

Listening to the music is the main way for the young people to release

their pressure. Every day before I sleep, I will listen to the light music,

which helps me to take relax and make me sleep well. The reason why so many

people like to KTV after their work lies in releasing pressure. They need to

shout and then forget about the annoyance.

Music is favored by everyone and it is the indispensable part of our




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velopment and the Environment

It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.

Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic development. But I do not think that this argument is valid. After all, what is the point of economic growth if peoples lives are adversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution?

There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can be achieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the environment. The key to achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.



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Today, Chinas economy has made the great achievement. More and more

foreign people come to China to seek for cooperation. It is true that peoples

life standard has been improved a lot during the last decades, but the

environment has been polluted badly. When I was very small, I could see the

green trees and clean water around my hometown, but now, the river becomes

smaller and the rubbish can be seen everywhere. I feel so sad about it. We have

sacrificed so much to chase the profit. If we cant save the environment, we

wont live the comfortable life. For us, we should not throw away the rubbish

and plant more trees. The little things we do will make a great difference.



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Today is my birthday and Im so excited about it.In the morning I put a

note on the table for my mum and it said,"Today is my birthday,dont forget

it!"At school,I got many gifts and cards for my classmates and had a lot of

fun.But I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

When it was time to leave school I couldnt wait to go home.When I open the

door,there wasnt anybody in the house.There was only a note that said,"Coming

home late tonight,mum and dad."I try to call them but there was no answer.I was

so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be!I was so sad that I

couldnt eat anything.I just did my homework and waited for them.

And then,things changed completely.It was about time for dinner,my mother

called and told me to go to the restanrant near our house.When I got there I

couldnt believed my eyes.Everybody was there:my parents,my relatives,my friends

and even my classmates.There was so many gifts and a big cake.What a surprising

birthday party!We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.



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人们常说城市是白色污染最严重的地方。可自从这次到爷爷家之后,我改变了这个看法,因为我发现农村的“白色污染”也很严重。 People often say that cities are the most white pollution.But since I arrived at Grandpas house this time, I changed this view because I found that the "white pollution" in the countryside was also very serious.







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Analysis on the Accounting Information System under the

Network Environment of Internal Control

Abstract: In recent years, the information technology revolution led to the integration of the business enterprise of the financial aspects of the related transformation. But the internal and external environment of accounting changes, makes the traditional manual accounting internal control system has been difficult to meet the requirement of information technology; to the existing accounting information system has brought an unprecedented risks and challenges. Therefore, this paper adopts literature research and comparison analysis and other methods, combining the accounting information system and the internal control of some of the basic theory, trying to take some effective measures to reduce the network of environmental accounting internal control risks.

Key words: Network environment; Accounting information system; Internal control; Risks; Method




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if you want to understand adversity, take two identical acorns from the same oak tree and plant them in two different locations. plant the first in the middle of a dense forest, and the other on a hill by itself.


heres what will happen. the oak standing on a hillside is exposed to every storm and gale. as a result its roots plunge deep into the earth and spread in every direction, even wrapping themselves around giant boulders. at times it may seem the tree isnt growing fast enough—but the growth is happening underground. its as if the roots know they must ported the tree from the threatening elements.




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1. 我们不落人后,脱下厚重的外套,冲刺般的劲,奔向大自然的怀抱,紧紧地拥抱着它,用尽全心去感受它的美,感受它无比的舒适。

2. 萧索单调的冬季 里,总是在盼望春天。盼望她的草长莺飞,丝绦拂堤,盼望她的千树琼花,碧波涟漪,盼望她的兰馨蕙草,润物如酥;盼望她的****满 园,落红如雨。

3. 一切无私地奉献给大地。成群结队地蜜蜂,呼扇着黄色地翅膀,嗡嗡地忙着采蜜;那里五颜六色地彩蝶,也成双成对地翩翩起舞。

4. 在春天里,动物们也从沉睡中醒来。小草开始发芽啦,大地上到处都显现出欣欣向荣的景象。一眼望去,到处都是一片绿景象,就像一 幅水彩画。

5. 转瞬间严冬已逝,春天已悄悄地来到人间。春天,是美好的季节,是充满诗情的季节;春天,又意味着一个生机勃勃的开始。自古以来,诗人喜爱春天,赞美春天,是因为春天景色宜人,处处皆可入诗。漫步古诗百花园,只见咏春诗姹紫嫣红、争奇斗艳,令人目不暇接,随意采撷几朵,慢慢品读,不知不觉已陶醉其中。

6. 春天来啦,真美啊!冰化啦,花开啦,鸟儿在叫,春风在吹,啊!美极啦!我爱你啊,美丽的春天!百花齐放的春天!

7. 人们赞美春天,尽情地讴歌春天,确实,当大地回暖,千枝绽绿的时侯,刚刚经历过严冬的万物,饱尝到春风的温暖,呈现出一派生机勃勃的景象。不用提翠枝上的雀儿,也不用看解冻的涓涓流水,只要望一望枝头的嫩芽,谁心中不回荡着一个万紫千红的新春!

8. 春天来啦!你看,融化的冰水把小溪弄醒啦。“丁冬、丁冬”,它就像大自然的神奇歌手,唱着清脆悦耳的歌,向前奔流……

9. 柳树舒展开啦黄绿嫩叶的枝条,在微微的春风中轻柔地拂动,就像一群群身着绿装的仙女在翩翩起舞。夹在柳树中间的桃树也开出啦鲜艳的花朵,绿的柳,红的花,真是美极啦!

10. 每到春天,红得如火的木棉花,粉得如霞的芍药花,白得如玉的月季花竞相开放。它们有的花蕾满枝,有的含苞初绽,有的昂首怒放。一阵阵沁人心肺的花香引来啦许许多多的小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡地边歌边舞。

11. 杉树枝头的芽簇已经颇为肥壮,嫩嫩的,映着天色闪闪发亮,你说春天还会远吗?

12. 春天到啦,真美呀!这是一个大地回春,万物复苏的季节。像蛇,熊,青蛙……之类的冷血动物都停止啦冬眠,爬上地面欣赏春天。小鸟鸣春,百花争艳,小草发芽,燕子也飞回来搭窝啦,春天使给大地恢复啦万紫千红的气氛。

13. 春天,它不像夏天那样干枯炎热,不像秋天那样冷清,也不像冬天那样寒冷。而是一个生气勃勃,充满活力的季节。这使我想到啦我们的母亲,母亲就像大地,母亲生下我们,我们就有啦生命,大地回春啦,就等于一切都要重新开始啦,所有的生命都重新来过。

14. 随着春天的到来,大地完全被绿化啦,从仪表到心灵都焕然一新,整个春天都被绿色覆盖啦。 这春天,既给人以新的生命,也给人以新的希望。我爱这美丽的春天。

15. 近啦,近啦,我已听到春天的脚步声啦,这一切都报告着春天的到来,我整个心都飘啦出去,飘到那鲜艳的花儿上,飘到那油绿的草地上。

16. 在这美好的春光里,公园的花儿草儿,树儿……柳树的枝条像绿色的长辫,随风摇拽着它袅娜多姿的身子。草儿从地缝里探出脑袋来,左顾右盼:树儿也从“睡梦”中醒来,东看西瞧才知道春天来啦。

17. 清晨,春姑娘穿着美丽的衣裳,舞着暖风,招展地笑着向我们走来,给大自然披上啦新装,使万物显现出无限生机。一缕缕金黄色的阳光撒向刚披上新装的草地,阳光照耀着小草上的露珠儿,露珠儿显得晶莹透亮,美丽极啦!……

18. 春雨连绵,洒在院里的梧桐树上,沙沙沙像音乐家轻轻拔动琴弦,又像蚕宝宝在悄悄吞食桑叶……

19. 哦!春雨呀,原来你跟着春姑娘一起来到大地,使大地生机勃勃,散发着清新的气息。你灵巧的手,拔动着人们的心弦,拔动着人们美好的希望。

20. 春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻地落到地上,沙沙沙,沙沙沙……



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The people I respect the most is my father. He is a doctor. He always busy

with work. Since I can remember, he never spent a whole weekend to stay with me.

He goes to the hospital very early before I get up, and comes back home after I

sleep. But I doesn’t matter at all, he is hero to me. He devotes almost all the

time to his patients, many lives are saved. He always said, a man should have

dignity, integrity, honor, and most of all, be helpful to others. This affected

me deeply, so I work hard so that someday I could be the man like my father.



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One day Sun Wukong together with his master and brothers was walking across a river. Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell of river water. They found the water so dirty that they could hardly breathe.

A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed. If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.


There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.


Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. _________________________________________________________

Yours truly

Li Hua

Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.

With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.

Yours truly

Li Hua



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This afternoon, we play a game called ‘Family Tree’. This game is very interesting. I’m very interested in it. Our teacher’s family is very large. She has many brothers and sisters. But I am unlucky, I has only a sister and I without brothers. But I think I have the best parents in the world. They are very friendly to me. I live in a good family. My grand parents loves me, too. When they buy meat, they will give the best parts of the meat to me.

When I was a child, I can’t undertand them. I want to have bread. My grand father took a bike to Qu Tang. Because in our village there is no ‘bread house’. Qu Tang is far from our village. Now I grow up. I understand them when I think of this things. I will cry I can’t use words to say I love them.

I love my family!


I miss you very much, Mum.

I have left you for four days. Maybe it is really a short time. But I feel it is too long. I found that I couldn’t do a lot of things without you. For example, I couldn’t wash my clothes clean. It is too hard for me. I felt it is too troublesome and toilsome, but I’m sixteen years old now. I must be independent. So, Mum, I don’t know what’s what and I’m very stubborn. Sometimes, I disobeied your desire, which made you very angry. Now, I regret it. When I see some white hair in your head, I felt very sad. You are not young nay more. Sometimes you look very haggard. I know that’s because you give too much. You always concerned with my school record, healthy and a lot of other things. My school record always made you very sad. That’s my falt. I’m sorry.

Mum, you are too labbrious. You must have a good rest. I come of my ago now. I will correct my mistakes. You can rest assured!

Mum, I wish you good health and happy. I love you! Mum!


The hot sun is like our enthusiasm, because no matter how hot the weather is, we still keep on studying English hard.

Today, the chinese teacher taught us some English songs. I like the song which is called ”seasons in the sun” very much. We all lost ourselves in the beautiful voice. Today our theme is youth. After the teacher spoke. I suddenly understand that maybe being young is our advantage, so we must value every minute. We have to do something significant.

In the afternoon, our American teacher is father who is an associate proferssor of English from central college give us a lesson. He told us something about higher education in the USA. I think it will be useful for our future.

On the other side. I felt uncomfortable today. Perhaps it’s a small regret for such a wonderful day. But I think tomorrow still will be rosy.



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I have a capacious and comfortable classroom, there are many in the classroom we learn things, now I will take you to visit my classroom.

An enter a door, can see the clean and tidy desks and chairs, no matter what you see is neat, this is all part of our labor, so we will have such a comfortable environment. Every day, I cannot leave the desks and chairs, because they are with me for five years, we dont know when we became good friends.

A large blackboard is in front, and a platform. The big blackboard is our on duty every day wipe the black shiny, feels very smooth...

Looked up, and you can see the ceiling of the electric fan and electric light, the color, dark, light work, bring us the light. When students mood blundering, fan brings us a cool wind blow gently, lets back to study, read seriously.

The upper left is a book Angle, with each student to donate inside a dozen books, let us develop good study habits...

On the right side of the wall there are three large glass Windows, glass rubbed were shining brilliantly, sun slanted in and bring us a trace of warmth. Through the window you can see our campus. Every window hanging beautiful brilliant red curtains on both sides, this is our school. The window there is a few bright-coloured flower, it is our carefully cultivated flowers bring fragrance to every one of us.

This is our classroom, you like it?










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篇一:online shopping 关于网上购物的英语作文

With the rapid development of the Internet and the increasing needs of goods, online

shopping of its convenience is the best choice in our fast-paced life.

When we approach online shopping, our first problem is whether it could guarantee our benefit. In one setting, products bought by us are far away from the description of sellers. They are sometimes of poor quality. However, it is not the worst matter. There has the way to avoiding such issues that we should keep calm and read comments written by other customers. It is not rational that buy is in haste, repent at leisure. In another setting, our individual information is exposed in the Internet. The exposition may stir our peaceful life into a mess. A cheater will take advantage of our information to open an account and make an overdraft. Money will not be sent to us but a bill will, thus we will be in high debt.

No doubt, there are some leaks of online shopping. But if we are enough careful, we

would enjoy the shopping online.


Online shopping With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. It tends to be a common phenomenon.

Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Different people hold the different ideas according to this phenomenon. The majority of people believe that online shopping is not only convenient but also helpful for people as a new shopping way. On the one hand, online shopping doesn’t need you to pour a lot of time and energy into buying things. If you go shopping in this way, you will spend a few minutes choosing the things that you need online instead of going out.

Moreover, online shopping doesn’t need us to get the things in person. On the other hand, online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need. Besides, we can save much money by online shopping.

From above, we can know that online shopping has good effect on our life, but every coin has two sides. Some people hold the opposite ideas. First, for example, we maybe buy something wrong online because we don’t take much notice of the quality of the goods. Second, there are many swindlers who cheat us out of money by opening a fake online store.

As far as I am concerned, shopping online is an irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. Although shopping online is a good way in shopping, we also need to reflect on when we buy things in this way.

Online shopping can’t be trusted

With the development of the internet, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. However, people can’t trust the online shopping, the reliability of products and information and which way can complain with of online shopping haven’t been promised. People don’t know whether the real goods which are different from what they have bought on net before. There are only picture on the web.

people can’t expose the real before they get the goods. Thus, the quality of commodities bought online may not be ensured. My friend Brint who is a lazy student major in engineering, he wants to do everything on the internet, and he shopping online often. There was a time when his cell phone was broken. He bought a new cell phone instead of buying one from the shop by himself. When he received the phone, it wasn’t the one which he had seen on the net, it was other brand, and the phone was broken. He said he regretted it very much, and he would buy one buy himself in the real shop. People would usually get the wrong even bad goods,. And people are very difficult to make a complaint. There is no law that asking the seller to pay for the responsibility after selling. If people want to get some change when they get the bad goods, they should pay for the fee of transportation by themselves. Huang is a roommate of me. Huang is a hapless man whose computer has broken last week. He bought a new one on the net one day ago, when he received the computer, the computer couldn’t run. He wanted to make a complaint with the seller, but seller said he had no responsibility after the good away his hands. And if Huang wanted to make a consultation that change another one, he must pay the extra money of the transportation. Huang said he wouldn’t buy anything online any more though the prices of goods were cheaper. It is obvious that online shopping is a bad way for people to buy things.

However, most of people think online shopping is convenient and cheaper, they haven’t found as the saying that what price what goods. In fact, there are much fake information on the net. Cheaper is the surface phenomenon, they would feel regretted when they get the commodities which aren’t they want. At that time, people will know that they are vulnerable to be cheated by the sellers. Real goods which people can see and touch are the best way for people to choose. In conclusion, online shopping just like gambling, online shopping can’t be trusted. There are too many detrimental factors on it. If people don’t know the real information and can’t make a complaint with sellers, they shouldn’t buy anything on Shopping online has no safe conduct, people should zero in on it.

篇三: 网上购物

Please write an article named as.

1.you should state your own opinion about the impact that online

shopping has brought to your life, either positive or negative. If you find some problems when shopping online, you can also state your solution to them.

2.the whole article should not be just some independent points, you have to organize it to be a nice one.

3.150 words or even more are acceptable.


We all know that online shopping is more and more popular with people. The online shopping has become our important thing.

Some people may shop online everyday. A lot of people can shop online once a week. I don’t think that is a bad trend. And my online shopping times is also once a week. Lots of things I prefer go shopping to online shopping. My friends have same experience. But online shopping have some problems. For example, IF you buy a coat online, you may not be chosen a right size. Unfortunately, the postage isn’t worth. So you are unhappy. You have to be quit sure that size is right.

I hope we all can have a nice online shopping experience.


Nowadays, we all know that online shopping is more and more popular with people. Online shopping has become a very important thing in our lives. Most people have the same number of times online shopping. Most people online shopping at least once per week. In my opinion, shopping online has more advantages than disadvantages. I am also online shopping once a week. There are many commodities on the internet where you can search whatever you want. I prefer to buy a lot of things online rather than go to the supermarket. In addition, the commodities on the Internet are usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money. However, everything has two sides. There are problems with online shopping. For example, if you buy a coat online, you may not be chosen a right size. Unfortunately, the postage is not cost-effective. So you will not be satisfied. And I think you must be sure that the size is right. I hope we can have a very good online shopping experience.


Online Shopping

There are many new ways of shopping,and online shopping is one of them.

Online shopping has several advantages. First ,you can shop at any time. Second,to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse .Third,you can compare the prices of the same products and save money.You can also receive it anywhere in the world at any time!

But shopping on the Internet also has some disadvantages.Paying over the Internet isn’t always safe.You can’t see the product or try the clothes on.

I think our life is changing because of online shopping .One day no one will go to the shops any more,because you’ll be able to buy almost anything on the Internet.







Two-eleven will be to come, I do not know whether this year Taobao turnover hit a new record. In fact, online shopping has advantages and disadvantages, then I combine my experience to talk about shopping.

First, lets talk about the advantages of shopping. First, you can buy online usually not easy to buy things. For example, do multimeter experiments we used a battery, several supermarkets in our school I have asked, and did not buy, but I am on the Internet it is easy to buy, and the price is very reasonable, than I go downtown easy to buy more. Second, the scope for choice, price great choice. Taobao has a variety of things, with the kind of things that have a variety of price.

Next, talk about the disadvantages of online shopping. First, returned too much trouble. For example, when we buy clothes, size is prone to error, change and time-consuming long, clothes return to have their own postage. Second, you may buy fake goods, quality can not be guaranteed, buy stuff probably will not be long on the bad, return too much trouble to repair.

Finally, I came to talk about my personal views. Best to go to the store to buy clothes, to buy a cell phone or go to the official website to buy electrical appliances best buy rather than to Taobao to buy, and buy small items or buy items not readily available around the can on Taobao, Taobao to buy things can not be freeloaders, or quality can not be guaranteed.


Doing Shopping Online

With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You neednt step out of the room. It seems easy and quick. But theres always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, youd better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street.

With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.

Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People dont have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.

However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers cant see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.





Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation, while the things are quite different at present. In addition, according to statistics, about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation. Employment difficulty of college students is due to the following reasons. Among these, the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition, many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy. Considering the seriousness of unemployment of college students, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. Above all, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society. Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter the society. Besides, college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable level. Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory job and have a brighter future.







We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these

days。 Some students think its very convenient for us to go shopping on the internet。 The shops on Internet ,for example taobao。com, 360buy。com are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like。 Whats more, we neednt to wait in a queue。

However, some students disagreed with them。 We cant see the things while we are shopping。 So we are not sure whether they are good or not。。 Besides, we cant enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends。

篇八:网上购物 Online shopping

Online Shopping

Alone with the advance of society more and more people tend to online shopping instead of going outside to shop.There is a certainty that online shopping will be gradually a common lifestyle as time rolls by.Surely ,just as every coin has two sides,online shopping comes with strengths and weaknesses.

On one side,when customers are longing to get one thing which is hard to be discovered in reality but easy to be searched on the Internet only with a click,they may choose online shopping without hesitating.On the other side,for retailers,online shopping make their products to be known by some people lived in the remote places.In a word,to a large extent,online shopping has become a vital convenience in our daily life. However,we cannot ignore the weakness of online shopping.As you see,nowadays a lot of people are tempted by the fascinating appearance of products,which bring about damned unsatisfactory.Additionally,no one could insure a completely secure process of transport.And usually,conflict between retailers and customers occurs when products are damaged .What’s more,it’s highly risky to trade on the Internet especially when one’s computer is invaded by virus.

From my point of view,online shopping should be accepted appropriately by people.For one thing,it is the product of social development,and as more and more people purchase in this way,those

who stick-in-the-mud will fall behind the public.For another thing,people should take good care of the credit-card or the deposit-card they use to start online shopping.Last but not least,the government are supposed to work to optimize the network environment.

I hope you have a good luck and enjoy the online shopping pleasure!




Shopping on the internet

1. 现在流行网上购物

2. 网上购物的利弊

3. 我的看法


Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology , shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance



undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. different

people hold the different ideas according to this phenomenon. the majority of people believe that online shopping is not only convenient but also helpful for people as a new shopping way. on the one hand, online shopping doesn’t need you to pour a lot of time and energy into buying things. if you go shopping in this way, you will spend a few minutes choosing the things that you need online instead of going out. moreover, online shopping doesn’t need us to get the things in person. on the other hand, online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need. besides, we can save much money by online shopping.

from above, we can know that online shopping has good effect on our life, but every coin has two sides. some people hold the opposite ideas. first, for example, we maybe buy something wrong online because we don’t take much notice of the quality of the goods. second, there are many swindlers who cheat us out of money by opening a fake online store.

as far as i am concerned, shopping online is an irreversible trend. more and more people will be accustomed to it. it will be much more popular in the near future. although shopping online is a good way in shopping, we also need to reflect on when we buy things in this way
