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“勾魂列车”有一条长达880米的列车轨道,十分雄壮。我和妈妈来到队伍前,那队伍有7列,三百多个人,我们排了一个半小时的队,终于轮到我们了。我们上了车,系了安全带,准备出发。列车开动了,缓缓地爬上了40米高的“坡”。在上面,我看到狂欢区的许多娱乐设施,和那绿油油的树木。“轰——” 列车从“坡”上冲下来,我感觉自己飘起来了。接着,列车又以飞快的速度翻了两个跟头,尖叫声此起彼伏。5分钟后,列车进了站,我晕头转向地下了车,心还在 “怦怦”地跳,就去玩别的项目了。接下来,我们还玩了生死时速、地狱转盘、幽灵船等好玩又刺激的项目。






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Halloween costumes come from practical jokes, and adults take their children out of the house. (usually, adults drive on the side of the road, and children knock on the door. The adults ask the child to only go to the door at the door to have the festive decorations and lights of the family, otherwise dont disturb. In addition, you must always stand at the gate and wait in front of the gate. You must not enter the house, but you must also give it to an adult to check the sugar. The people who receive the children also ask not to make their own food, or to the unpacked food.

Halloween costumes, millions of phases, not just the drab big ghost. Make the simplest ghost suit with a white sheet top on the head, pick two holes to leave the eyes; To play the magician, put on black pants and a black hat, and hide a fluffy rabbit between the top of the hat and the top of the head. The child put on white pants, and then tied a flashlight behind his back to dress up as a little angel; There are parents who dress up their children as their favorite cartoon characters.

Halloween, the children will carry the jack-o-lantern, dress in all sorts of strange and went door-to-door to collect candy, keeps saying: "was catnip or treat." (meaning is to give not to give, not to make trouble) if you refuse to give candy, the kids will be very angry, in various ways to punish you, such as: pour the waste in your home, and so on way to punish you, until you give them candy.




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动物学校举行化装舞会啦!这是为什么呢?原来是万圣节呀。看,小兔子雅雅、猴子迪迪忙的不亦乐乎:发传单、布置学校、装饰T台……传单上的内容是这样的:万圣节,一个神秘而好玩的节日……我校在万圣节之夜举化装舞会,冠军1名,亚军2名,季军2名,由100名大众评审评出,公平公正。有意参加的,请到学校教务处孔雀米娅老师那报名。舞会主持人由百灵鸟荀梦、黄莺灀函担任。 夜晚,舞会开始了。动物学校布置得亮丽堂皇,“各位安静,我校举办的化装舞会重在参与,友谊第一,比赛第二!参赛选手有天玺班的蜂鸟心音、鹦鹉诗文,水系班的鸭子姬芸、天鹅纳兰,土熙班的猫咪杰森、小狗伊苏,万希班的北极熊裴藜、龙羽鳯,小夕班的大象布龘、狗熊尕那,高羲班的长颈鹿比勒、梅花鹿姈茹,梦昔班的凤凰冰冉,祺烯班的麒麟藜闵。”荀梦、灀函说。心音、诗文戴着南瓜头,手中捧着糖果,抛给群众;姬芸、纳兰穿着白色的长衣飞起来,就像幽灵浮在空中;杰森、伊苏手提南瓜灯,戴着面具;裴藜、羽鳯则抛花,像从空中飞下的阵阵花雨;比勒、姈茹打扮成老巫婆,向评审要糖;冰冉飞向天空洒下“糖果雨”;藜闵扮成鬼,向群众“索要”糖,还说着流利的英文:“Trick or treat!Give me a sweet. Happy Halloween!”…… 比赛结果出来了:冰冉得了冠军,“天女洒糖”得到了大众评审的36票;藜闵、羽鳯得了亚军,共34票;纳兰、诗文是季军,共30票。“舞会进行到此,很高兴,冠亚季都出来了!最后祝大家万圣节快乐!!”荀梦、灀函诉说着激动的喜悦。大家高兴的喊着:“Happy Halloween!”



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All the Witches to Be Seen

All the witches to be seen,

Some black, some green.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the brooms to be seen,

Witches gifts to the teen.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the black cats to be seen,

Some dirty, some clean.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the masks to be seen,

Some happy, some mean.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the bats to be seen,

Themselves they love to preen.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the owls to be seen,

"Who-who!" What do they mean?

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the spiders to be seen,

Spinning webs in the canteen.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the kids to be seen,

Skeletons in between.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the jack-o-lanterns to be seen,

Scarecrows on the team.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the mummies to be seen,

Some fat, some lean.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the graves to be seen,

Where the dead have been.

Hey-how for Halloween!

All the ghosts to be seen,

Some dull, some keen.

Hey-how for Halloween!



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in 20xx ago each engrave at that time。 Likewise, we are all those who experienced opposite in 20xx ago the affairs occurred that everybody self—moved with proceeded。

We are all those who experienced on this meaning。 We are all those who experienced in the old society experienced successvily the distress children the ages of; We are all those who experienced in the

student—campaign to struggle for freedom and liberation under reactionary rule; We are all those who experienced pass through to endure the “trained” with agriculture labour in the fanatic ages;We are all

those who experienced through postgraduate exam smoothly and obtained academic degree one by one; We are all those who experienced with often failure to get job; We are all those who experienced to get cictory in trading—battle by grasped business opportunity; We are all those who experienced in fierce battle to resist U。S aggression and aid Korea; We are all those who experienced hastening industry modernization high—speed to fight courageously in that area; We are all those who experienced to ascend in front of the world on researching and developing science and technology ; We are all those who experienced to drive out the sick—satan by weared white clothes; We are all those who experienced to concern every working and all happening; We are all those who experienced to have lived a long or a few life。

There probable were all sorts of heroes and modles among us all who were accomplished by state of affairs。They have made offers for the advantage of nation and people。They gained brilliant achievement hastened nation properity and strength because of their hard。 There probable were energetic worker not t known to public among us all。 They devoted theirselves to the work and got not despised achievement,who became national indispensable cadre。There probable were some luky persons among us all of the favourable time。They became certain rich by excellent managed。There probable were not too bright ordinary people among us all。They engaged the whole day for livelihood of family but living afflicted them whole year。 There probable were various unfortunate among us all who have ever been in miserable condition

moreover have been afflicted with disaster。They have to confront the fact but very

difficult。 There probable were……among us all……

The livelong history sent us various all those who experienced and it will continue to do that。The moved

time record multifarious on the different track。Various condition take place with all those who experienced。 That’s experience or lesson opposite to the person concerned。The multitude may discuss to have no objection to take out the “past” if allowing exchange。

There seem to be different analysis and different argument about samething。 No problem , “Let a hundred flowers blossom,Let a hundred schools of thought contend”is known to everyone。Nowadays,here are about some healty question that I want to exchange。

To speak of age,I’m more than 70 , forward 80 years the old—decayed but seeming old no decay。I’ve no disease,full of energy,never feel tired,action swift and the memory is great。The younger and stronger can do something which I do it,too。



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1、Complaints and grievances dont change the reality. Positive attitudes and actions can change everything.

2、The big one is the student! Wish you in the new semester, feet steadfastly to learn, foot on the road talent!

3、It is a success to compare yourself to others, to overcome yourself and to achieve the progress you have never had.

4、Dont regret the past, dont force the future, take every moment of life seriously, "now" is the true state of life.

5、Believe that you can do it, and you can do it. Theres only one thing to do: study hard.

6、A person, want to win in the fierce competition of life, first of all must cultivate oneself of mentality, cultivate the positive psychology that is beneficial to oneself to go to success.

7、The more I feel that I cant be "incompetent", the more I feel powerless in the face of reality, and I become less confident and even abandon myself.

8、The autumn wind is clear and the weather is pleasant. Standing at a new starting point, let us be energetic and energetic, create our own sky!

9、The success of life lies not in waiting for a good card, but in how to play it well. Do a good job on your hands and stick to it.

10、Be ruthless with yourself, "control yourself" to enjoy life better. It is the habit of temperance and self-discipline to have more freedom.

11、Accept what we cant change and focus on changing what we can change. Some of the limitations in life are real, not dependent on your willpower.

12、In the eyes of children, we are adults. To adults, we are children. With childishness, with confusion, with confidence, with the ideal on the road! Enjoy college, come on!

13、It is an eagle that will spread its wings and soar into the sky. It is the hidden dragon, which will leap over the firmament. The friend, is the proud son, must strive for the youth, the university, come on!

14、Today is your first day in college and you have taken an important step forward. If you want to stop complaining about your situation after a few years, you will have to struggle from this moment.

15、The new starting point means that you will begin another phase of your life painting, which will be your sky blue time, and the next sky that will allow you to travel in the future! Spread your wings!

16、There are too many people in life who feel that time is not enough, because there is no good habit of developing management time. All successful people do the right thing at the right time.

17、New school, new school welcome new face, new face new friendship, new friendship bring a new life! May you continue to improve, surpass and succeed in the New Year.

18、Youth is full of enthusiasm, youth is full of fighting spirit, youth is full of hope, youth is happy, when the university starts, may you my youth, always bright and bright!

19、There are no people born shy and shy in the world, all of which are formed in the process of growing up, and are formed in the process of comparing and comparing with others.

20、It depends on how he sees himself, not how others perceive him. A lot of times, the "me" in others eyes is not as important as I think.

21、How can you do something if you dont believe you can do it? How can you really win if you dont imply that you are going to win? When you lose confidence, its when you really fail.

22、Most of the time, we cant choose our environment, but we can do it right away. When others are clinging to their flaws and cannot change, please be the first to make a change.

23、Life is like a marathon without mileage. Everyone is an athlete on the field. In a race, it depends not only on whether you have speed, but also whether you have stamina. Only those who can endure hardships and endure the temptations of loneliness can achieve respectable results.

24、Dont just know that you cant go back, just go forward. When stress is too high, learn to bend, to "show weakness", to protect yourself, to distract yourself, to "break" the brain, and to prepare for a faster sprint.

25、Asking for help is essential. But in the end, people should use their own power to solve problems in life, and dont expect others to solve all problems for themselves.

26、General average three over ten of ones life time is in poor condition, we expanded the problems, so, want to see good side, not to demand, change the thinking Angle to think about it. Start solving problems you can solve and forget about problems you cant solve.

27、In life, there are always gains and losses. There are two sides to everything. The key is how you look at it. Change the Angle to see the problem, the conclusion is different, the mood also is different.

28、"Why am I so unlucky? Thats because your search "Im a messenger egg" evidence. Instead of asking "why dont people like me?" Instead ask yourself, "how can I be a popular and respected person?"

29、Giving up your responsibilities means giving up your better chance of survival. Only those who have the courage to take responsibility can be given more missions to deserve greater honor.

30、Many things in the world, when you deliberately pursue, it is like a butterfly wings to fly far; When you hold the surface of your thoughts, and for the sake of the societys attention to others, the unexpected harvest is quietly greeting you.

31、All the sowing will reap the results, all the "detours" will be valuable, all the failures are to improve their good teachers, all efforts will be rewarded sooner or later... Keep a peaceful heart, step on the ground and do everything right now.

32、If youre constantly complaining that someone is making trouble for you, or complaining about the lack of opportunities, youre giving up the subjective effort to find the cause. The more you complain, the more trouble you have, and the more you complain, the more you complain. Get rid of complaining and look at everything in your life with gratitude.

33、If you find that you have been lazy this mosquito not pain not to itch to ding, dont think "no" "no big deal," procrastination is the root of all evil, is the most common cause of failure.

34、There are countless excuses for doing what you say you do. There is no more trick to accomplish a task successfully. Just remember: do the right thing, do the right thing, and do it immediately!

35、No one is born to be a winner, the success of wealth and the attainment of happiness is not the result of the so-called luck, but the long-term effort. Dont worry about how others are doing. When you get into your own hands, do your best.

36、To be a man, you must put aside your selfish mind. You cant only have one self in mind, treat everyone as well as you can, you will get help from others, and you can open your mind in it.

37、In communicating with others, dont point out the mistakes of others or argue about them. It is difficult to get recognition from others who think they have an obligation to correct mistakes for everyone. One trick to getting people to agree with you is to ask for advice.

38、A sincere compliment is the best gift you can give someone. Its an investment in good relationships that you cant see for a while. If you genuinely appreciate others, you will find yourself happy and others happy.

39、The lure of money is far less important than the conscience of a man. You cant be a good person and never do good. Adhering to the principle of being a person, taking responsibility for others unwillingness to take responsibility, will eventually achieve the success that others cannot achieve.

40、Really strong, not the beginning has a strong power, or rich and powerful, but because of things to the person responsible, in the process of responsibility dig out my potential, is becoming more and more powerful.

41、Rather than investigating who made the mistake, research how to solve the problem. If we all take the initiative to take some responsibility, the work will be much smoother. Even if it is not our fault, if we can help others, it is not others who benefit, but ourselves.

42、One of the most important things in life is to form good habits and go all out to do them. Good habits make you more educated, more knowledgeable and more efficient and more successful.

43、Most of the time, what you dont like is best for people. Doing a little bit of "drudgery" that you dont like every day will eventually give us the confidence and energy of our willpower.

44、Dont let your energy be tied to anything that doesnt matter. Learn to take the big things out of the small, and to get the most out of the big things.

45、Everyone has a desire to talk, and they want others to "listen" to their inner voice, to meet the needs of others, and to make more people like you. "Listening" is a means of communication and a personal accomplishment.

46、When you need help, dont be stingy with your words: "help me... "A word not only solves your difficulties, but also makes it possible for you to make a good friend and ask others to help you. In fact, it is also an opportunity for others to develop and improve.

47、In an era of continuous development, it is not the most important factor for how to start a major. Who has a stronger sense of learning, who is better at learning, who has mastered the key to success.

48、Without the habit of analyzing problems, we can ignore many valuable information and miss out on many good opportunities. People who like to analyze, can always think of a layer more than others, think more deeply.

49、The change of external environment, today more and more quickly than in the past, no matter what your situation, will continuously collecting the relevant information, make oneself to the trend of the development of the environmental development in the direction of the new jobs are fully understand. The more a person knows, the more able he is to strain early.

50、When it comes to things and problems, whether it is learning or life, dont be afraid. In fact, it is often not because things are difficult that we do not do, but often because we do not do, things are difficult.



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Reading, open—minded, open—minded and smooth; reading, refreshing and inspiring; reading, make people happy personally on the scene!

Morning, the morning mist filled the air, I won the "Green Gables" author Montgomerie Anne, with clear and smooth, deeply moving strokes of humor brought me into the description of childrens life the most sweet novel, pure kindness, love life, public security hostess became my friends, she told me. A good man will always have happiness, a person who loves life, will find and enjoy the beauty of life; she also taught me courage and integrity...... Reading in the morning is like enjoying a warm breakfast. Reading makes me happy.

At noon, a cloudless blue sky, I walked into the "journey to the west", a distinctive figure presented in front of the kind—hearted, faith Tang Seng, Sun Wukong; magic game; simple simple and honest, hard working, still water runs deep pig; honest sand monk, look, feel is Tang Seng fourth. Along with them, go to the west. Unfortunately, my master and three senior brothers have become immortal, and I have not been immortal, I feel a bit rough, but I know, strong will succeed. Reading at noon is like sipping a cup of fragrant coffee. Reading makes me happy.

In the evening, I walked into the sunset, "a dream of Red Mansions", this encyclopedic novel. Let me witness the four families of honor and sorrow, but also let me understand the demise of the feudal dynasty omen. Read this book, could not help but pick up a cavity of sorrow; but cant put down the book, Bao Yu and Dai Yu love tragedy, not tears, knits the brows knits the brows worry, worry, bitter knits the brows knits the brows. Reading books at night, such as appreciating the elegant Nocturne, reading makes me happy.

The ancients said: "three solar eclipse is better than meat, not a day without books."". Indeed, one day without reading, people lose a lot of fun.



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On October 30, our class held a Halloween costume show, exciting, fun and scary.

The show began. A wearing a black robe, wearing a black hat shadow to float up, he turned around, "ah" of the whole class and screaming up - you see him, with a white mask on the face, the face has two round big eyes, eyes dont know is no nor any of the eyeball, or anyway, all is black, also with a mouth, as if to eat people are screaming again, its really horrible! But as soon as he walked, the students recognized which one they were, and everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was not frightening at once.

One by one, the students showed their clothes, and there was fun, there was beautiful, there was mystery. I walk is both mysterious and beautiful route of "witches", a deep blue dotted with blades and condole belt dress, black cloak, wear a pointed black hat, hands to hold a very realistic skulls. Not to mention, its a pretty high score for the students.

When the end of the show, clothing out of the axis: a body length to mop the floor of the pure black robes, with an almost rotten head, the head seems to come out of flesh and blood, performers in hand tightly hold a long scythe, step by step and move to the front of everybody. At this time, the whole classroom is extremely quiet, the estimation everyone is scared leng. For a long time, because his shoes showed up under his clothes, the eyes of the students called out the name of the performer, and in a moment, the whole classroom was laughing.

What about our Halloween costumes? ! Good play? !



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Halloween always falls on 31 October. It is a holiday for children. On that day, children always wear fancy clothes and masks. And then, they go from house to house to say "Trick or Treat", so that people will treat them with candies. If they don’t receive any candies, theyll play a trick on people. But sometimes if the people are going out, when the children come, theyll put the candies in a carved pumpkin lanterns. Children will take the candies themselves. All of the children enjoy this holiday very much.



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1、 万圣节到了,我又没惹你,你怎么不理我,不给我打电话,不给我发短信。再不理我我就变成鬼去吓你!

2、 脱掉严肃的职业装,穿上心仪的万圣装,洗掉化上的工作妆,化上随心的万圣妆,随心而乐!万圣节快乐!

3、 我的小鬼小鬼,送你一个面具,让你今夜去狂欢;我的小鬼小鬼,我要装扮成个巫妖,用魔法让我们永幸福。哗啦啦啦啦,我的小鬼, 万圣节时有我你陪,哎呀呀呀呀呀,我的小鬼,祝你万圣节玩的很开心!

4、 万圣节到了,虽然是鬼的节日,但是你可不要一副人不人鬼不鬼的样子,我真诚的祝福你今天像鬼一样开心,放松自己!

5、 你装扮猫咪汤姆,我就装扮淘气的杰瑞;你装扮善良的白天鹅,我就装扮邪恶的黑天鹅;你装扮愤怒的小鸟,我就装扮那只气你的肥猪。快乐万圣节,逗你没商量!

6、 黑斗篷下这个隐秘的世界,光与暗同奏一曲交响乐,善与恶共跳一支圆舞曲,欢迎光临万圣之夜的幽暗王国,今夜,能否让我在梦中与你共舞?

7、 火焰燃烧在你的明堂,幽魂游荡在你的屋前,恐怖的万圣之夜已经到来,准备好享受这精彩的幽冥之宴吗?好的……带上钱包,请我去“赴宴”吧!

8、 把疯狂当主调,嚣张当格调,吓人当情调,尖叫当声调,欢笑当音调,装鬼到高调,万圣节到来,穿上不一般的色调,玩出不一样的高调,活出放纵无极的味道。

9、 一到万圣节,二鬼使乱窜,三更不停歇,四处鬼影现,五魄六魂寒,七上八难安,久久鬼叫声,十分心颤颤;我做南瓜灯,你来把鬼扮,扮鬼驱恶魔,送去祝福愿,万圣节快乐,齐乐幸福安!

10、 万圣节:我把快乐,欢笑,喜庆,顺意,美好,吉祥,安康,无忧,无愁化成梦想成真的咒语,驱除你所有的心魔和失意;愿你万圣节美好如意!

11、 乐在神魂颠倒,快在满街胡闹,爽在大众全搞,爱在不怕打扰,享受在不再无聊少点烦恼,舒服在疯狂装鬼朋友不少,潇洒在纵情来回尽情奔跑,情动万圣节,愿你轻松快乐。

12、 随意开心,尽情疯狂,纵情快乐,疯狂嚣张,装鬼胡闹,满街胡搞,吓人为乐,逗人为妙,幸福味道,豪迈更好,万圣佳节,告别无聊, 纵情一笑,活点精彩,拼点味道,争出幸福,闹出欢笑。

13、 据说在万圣节晚上有厉鬼横行,现在我教你一个辟邪驱鬼的方法,首先把头发弄蓬松,穿上白色长裙,再把脸抹白,然后说出咒语:我是鬼,我怕谁!

14、 今年万圣节你还在思考如何打扮?幽灵?僵尸?吸血鬼?巫婆?科学怪人?精灵?半人马……统统out掉!今年应学“蕾蒂嘎嘎”,抽象点再抽象点,恩,对,就这样!当然这是给别人的建议,你本色演出就可以了!万圣节快乐!

15、 神施鬼设,神使鬼差,神枢鬼藏,神输鬼运,神头鬼脸,神头鬼面,神焦鬼烂,神眉鬼道,神眉鬼眼,神牵鬼制,神区鬼奥,神不知鬼不觉的祝你万圣节快乐!

16、 万圣节到了。送你一南瓜灯,愿它给你带来快乐,带来吉祥,消除你的不快和忧伤。送你一短信,祝你万圣节快,心想事成!

17、 告诉亲们一个坏消息和一个好消息。坏消息:万圣节鬼来了;好消息是:万圣节我来了。原因:万圣节要快乐!祝福所有人,万圣节快乐,玩出风格,乐出魅力!

18、 穿着迷惑鬼魅的服装,带着神似鬼怪的面具,向各种陌生人要糖,向小气的人家扔鸡蛋。万圣节,肆无忌惮的玩耍狂欢,你还在正儿八经看着短信吗?赶紧放下手机装扮好,和我一起尽情的high起来吧!祝万圣节快乐!

19、 万圣节“捉鬼”游戏:此鬼人模鬼样,张牙舞爪鬼头鬼脑,行事鬼鬼祟祟,你若捉到他定能驱魔辟邪,万圣节祝你开心快乐!

20、 万圣节播报:千年树妖出访僵尸帝国,倩女幽魂收购人类灵魂,直击奈何桥坍塌责任事故,灰太狼喜洋洋祝您节日快乐,永远暗夜心慌慌,做个开心鬼,再见。

21、 人与魂,蹊跷的结合;灯与烛,邪恶的闪亮;善与恶,神秘的装扮;惊与乐,交替的情感;你与我,不断的友谊;万圣节,幸福的祝福。祝万圣节快乐!

22、 好不好,快乐就好,人不人,热闹就好,鬼不鬼,随意就好,妙不妙,参与就好,乐不乐,闹闹就好,真不真,马上就到,万圣节啊!要是不去吓吓人,你这模样可真就浪费了。

23、 万圣节又称鬼节;愿你:做事无鬼,处事无鬼,待人无鬼,心怀无鬼,坦荡无鬼,开心无鬼,快乐无鬼,顺利无鬼,吉祥无鬼;(九)酒‘鬼’送给你,祝你万圣节顺意开怀!

24、 如果你怕鬼,万圣节你来吓鬼,如果你信鬼,万圣节你来扮鬼,如果你爱鬼,万圣节你来追鬼,如果你见鬼,那么万圣节真的到了,抓紧时间去欢笑吧!

25、 今天是万圣节,早上起来第一个想到的就是你,因为跟鬼能攀上亲戚的就你一个,呵呵。祝你万圣节快乐,神仙敌不过!

26、 万圣节,是鬼的节日,亲爱的,你今天可不要乱出门哦,小心身后有鬼跟着你呢。不过你不用害怕,我会用我的爱为你驱走你身后所有的魔鬼!

27、 万圣节口号:集体神经,万众胡闹,满街鬼嚎,万圣节祝福:吓得死人,乐得倒人,喜得过人,万圣节目标:疯狂一天,潇洒一天,大笑一天,祝你万圣节尽情玩笑,纵情快乐。

28、 如果你怕鬼,我送你安慰,如果你却装鬼,我送你祝福,如果你装鬼很像,我送你快乐,如果你还吓到了人,我为你感动,如果你吓到了人把面具摘了,我为你疯狂,如果你摘了面具那个人直接吓晕了,我表示万圣节真的很适合你,祝你万圣节快乐。

29、 把我的思念化作一团鬼火,把我的关心化作一盏南瓜灯,向有你的方向飘去,愿光亮和南瓜灯围绕在你周围,驱赶你身边的黑暗,让你的万圣过得热热闹闹开开心心!

30、 万圣节里。一万朵玫瑰给你,要你好好爱自己,永葆青春和美丽;一万个圣人祝福你,永远要做“开心鬼”,嘻嘻哈哈万事顺意,永远不做“倒霉鬼”,幸福快乐吉祥如意。




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Halloween means Hallows Evening.It is the evening before All Hallows Day (now called All SaintsDay) ,a Christian holiday,celebrated on the November 1st.

History traces Halloween back to the ancient religion of the Celtics.The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish,Welsh and Scottish people.In the 5th century BC,in Celtic Ireland,summer officially ended on October 31st.On the November 1st,Celtic peoples celebrated the festival of Samhain,which marked the beginning of winter and the Celtic New Year.Celts thought the division between the natural world and the supernatural world became very thin and all time and space was abruptly suspended on October 31st,and then the spirits of the died would come back and move freely looking for living bodies to possess.



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导语:Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!下面是小编为大家整理的精选经典万圣节英文祝福语,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!

1、Its Halloween ... time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! Hope its lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween!

2、You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!

3、Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!

4、My Halloweens happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you ...my friend!

5、Its hell lot of fun when Im with you! Happy Halloween to you!

6、Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.

7、Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!

8、Thank you for making my Halloween so special.

9、Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

10、Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glow!

