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Bacon said: "reading to yi jing, enough to digg, long enough to just." Reading is to increase the key to gain knowledge.

There are celebrities in the world since the ancient times have introduced the benefits of reading, some scholars also once said, reading a good book is like a conversation with noble people.

Reading, can make you gain understanding, and every day to read an article is your knowledge increase many. Reading not only makes you augmented stories, still can increase the extracurricular knowledge. In the textbook knowledge is not enough, want to rely on yourself to read reference books, so read enough to digg.

Reading can help you more, when wonder at you, you can read a book, take a look at the article, can help you TaoYang temperament...

In addition, you can also choose different books to read, for example: adventure of detective novels, deep-rooted love novels, history books about the history... Can read science fiction and fantasy is leading role, to recall within the scene, books have aftertaste. Read some books about travel, like to visit all over the world...

Reading can not only grace to static, digg,, and the way is to increase knowledge, so everyone should take time to read every day.











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目前,日趋严重的毒品问题已成为全球性的灾难。 据联合国的统计表明,全世界每年毒品交易额达5000亿美元以上,毒品蔓延的范围已扩展到200多个国家和地区,而且全世界吸食各种毒品的人数已高达2亿多,其中17~35周岁的青壮年占78%。但更多的是现在的初中生,高中生。据国家禁毒委员会统计,青少年占全部吸毒人数的72.2%,同时摇头丸等新型毒品的主要消费者就是青少年。而我国18岁以下的未成年人有3.67亿。










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After the first world war, in view of the great pain of war bring to people all over the world, the Red Cross first initiative of Czechoslovakia three days each year, the "Red Cross truce" activity. Publicity of the Red Cross humanitarian ideas, enhance friendship and cooperation between the people of all countries, promoting world peace, reduce the risk of war. At the same time, combining with the Red Cross society of business for the national health, the propaganda and education relief, social welfare, etc. These initiatives and practice, attracting appreciation and support of the international Red Cross. The Red Cross and red crescent societies in 1922, the second meeting of the association, according to have the achievements and experience, urged countries to the Red Cross to seriously consider the armistice day of the Red Cross. Subsequently, the 11th international conference of the Red Cross again after the review, Suggestions in a day is the day of the Red Cross worldwide regulations.

In recognition of the movement of the Red Cross founder Henry dunants merit, international federation in 1948 decided to his birthday on May 8, named the world Red Cross day.






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International Day of PeaceSeptember 21st In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace.

The Assembly declared that the Day be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day. It invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the Day in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in establishing a global ceasefire.

Peace Day for Young People at the United Nations

Since 1997, the World Peace Prayer Society has assisted the United Nations Department of Public Information in producing a program for New York school children at UN Headquarters, including a World Peace Flag Ceremony. On Sept. 23, 2002, this program included greetings by Mrs. Nane Annan, Under Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor, and a videoconference with children in five countries that had recently experienced war.

International Day of Peace Vigil

The goal of the International Day of Peace Vigil is: To encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the International Day of Peace, Sunday, 21 September, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world.




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At present, the humanitys common mother - the earth, she for us, even his ill have no complaint, and we also - should take care of mother?

As long as you to the earth mothers blood - stream, the stream will find there are often animals such as in shat people littering caused the river smells like vomit. Another small fish and other animals in survival rates. The earth mothers bones, mountain is also at stake; Hair - woods also disastrous. Those who give loess to dig down, and then sell it to others with a high price. And the earth mother is brimming with his pain and fear his cry will cause floods. The birds in the trees are also being shot to death of the human race. Number is being with that sharp axe or chainsaw destroy forest.

Nowadays, people to see the earth mother in such pain also has the environmental protection consciousness. People slowly made public service ads, but also made environmental signs, but also on March 12 as Arbor Day. The villages have special sanitation workers.

And our students what to do to protect the environment? Actually very simple, we only need to bent down to pick up a pick up trash, pour a garbage, stop the mom and dad do not environmental protection, use less a chopsticks, etc.

We have only one earth, we need to protect our earth!








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1. 制毒之人真可恨,害人害家害社会。贩毒之人真可恶,制毒爪牙人切齿。吸毒之人真可厌,家财吸尽家难全。国际禁毒日,打击制毒贩毒,增强戒毒力度,保社会平安!

2. 毒沁肺腑,染片刻逍遥,毁一世健康。毒漫心间,得一时之快,灭远见豪放。残精神,蚀精气,毁家庭,摧幻想。珍重生命,远离毒品。

3. 罂粟漂亮妖艳,沾染生死两难,吸毒飘飘欲仙,戒毒难于登天,焚烧知己康健,骨肉不再相连,呐喊共同防备,无毒爱满世间。国际禁毒日,让我们把爱心传递!

4. 罂粟花绽美妖娆,花香醉人是毒草。莫要眼迷去沾染,懊悔终身前程渺。痛下决心进监牢,戒掉毒瘾身体好。温馨家庭重再现,畸形生活逞英雄。禁毒日:青山仍旧人未老,洗心革面皆欢笑。

5. 毒品切莫品,一品入深渊。身体被击垮,精力遭捣毁。钱财将散尽,良知会泯灭。家庭失协调,幸福已遁逃。置身高墙里,悔适度余生。世界禁毒日,劝君要谨记,切莫染毒品,健康好人生。

6. 禁毒途径很艰巨,捉住源头是要害。制毒之人应严办,看待贩毒不可宽。戒毒场合要齐备,加鼎力度保康健。宣扬毒品之迫害,警示后人不再沾。国际禁毒日,大家独特举动起来,制止毒品蔓延!

7. 洋房别墅抽掉了,奥迪轿车吸跑了。身体健康薰垮了,抛弃事业迷毒了。孩子教导辍学了,父母妻室离散了。生活仿佛乞丐了,财产家业冒烟了。国际禁毒日:觉悟悔恨已晚了,毒性成瘾灾害到。下定决心戒毒掉,从新做人阳光道。

8. 毒品害人真不浅,多少家庭被离散。一失足成千古恨,身材钱财难顾全。前人教训在面前,千万牢记莫重蹈。国际禁毒,愿你克制刚强,远离毒品,健康幸福!

9. 制毒贩毒定严办,堵住源头是症结。禁毒戒毒加力度,健康身体有保障。损害生命奢财钱,四分五裂无家还。皮包骨头行路难,亲戚朋友不敢见,伤感语录。国际禁毒日:严打制贩强力度,珍惜生命远离毒。

10. 云雾围绕一时光,只觉如梦似神仙。当时舒畅挺安乐,感到精神更倍添。犯瘾之时就难捱,全身犹如蚂蚁钻。亲朋劝告全不听,只觉命丧在眼前。为吸毒品抛所有,亲情财产不再见。国际禁毒日,愿你远离毒品,重返幸福人间!

11. 毒品之害猛于虎,取人道命毁家庭。瘦骨嶙峋两眼凸,东倒西歪健康无。父母妻儿都离去,朋友鄙弃不会晤。为吸毒品去犯险,法律眼前受制裁。国际禁毒日,懂得毒品伤害,远离毒品,幸福安全!

12. 毒瘾袭来身无力,趴在门口直喘气。斯声力竭翻白眼,口出污语骂妻子。家人视看就来气,败家吸毒谁人理。瘾君露出真面孔,送进囹圄戒毒气。国际禁毒日:友人看你得过且过啥人样,下定信心戒毒瘾言归于好。

13. 父母年老乐淘淘,儿子膝前尽孝道。妻儿幸福人夸赞,丈夫为家做奉献。忽有一日日月变,家庭破碎父母哀。只因沾上毒品源,家财耗尽天良丧。骨瘦如材成鬼样,世人唾弃不愿前。国际禁毒日,远离毒品,保幸福平安!

14. 人的生命只有一次,怎能挥霍白白丢?毒品本是万恶源,害人生命毁人生。一旦沾染难抑制,家财耗尽不罢休。父母劝告不愿听,家庭粉碎难回头。国际禁毒日,愿你远离毒品,珍爱生命,享受幸福!

15. 毒品是罪恶的深渊,它把健康吞噬,把幸福掩埋,把人生覆灭,把生命缩短,把心智混乱,把岁月消遣,把气节葬送,把良知泯灭,把美妙兼并,把悔恨留下。国际禁毒日,切莫让毒品走进本人的生活。

16. 深吸猛吐似饿狼,渴牛见到臭水塘。行尸走肉醉迷离,提起放下一滩泥。梦幻意地步府游,鬼门关前遇阎王。奉劝囹圄戒毒瘾,再享二旬阳寿命。6.26国际禁毒日:珍惜生命毒戒掉,续走二十阳光道。

17. 美好青春好少年,励志成长书人生。英姿飒爽昂首行,锦绣前程在眼前。一不留心染毒品,如醉似痴沉其中。不顾家人心哀伤,忘记自己鸿鹄志。相貌消瘦筋骨散,心智迷离狂似癫。步入高墙顿悔过,涕泗横流改前非。全国禁毒日,切莫沾染毒品,让自己后悔不已。

18. 意醉神迷似自得,灯红酒绿毁前途。看似舒服能神游,实则伤身又害体。毒瘾祸患丧心智,酒囊饭袋丢秉性。任意妄为浑不觉,身陷囹圄幡然悔。国际禁毒日,远离邪狠毒品,切莫追悔莫及。

19. 眯眼养仙人界游,似醉非醉魂魄丢。吃苦一刻一世休,身体被蚀恶梦始。家财不觉全耗尽,壮志尽毁亲情离。专心只想毒品抽,众人唾弃难回头。国际禁毒日到了,加大宣传力度,了解毒品危害。远离毒品,能力享受幸福生活!

20. 一时的迟疑换来一世的麻痹,一时的快感换来一世的痛苦。毒品成瘾凶似虎,一次吸毒毕生误。莫拿生命赌明日,落入虎口悔当初。

21. 不法分子黑心肝,毒品果壳汤汁添。进步鲜味把钱赚,害苦庶民上了当。人不知鬼不觉毒瘾上,回首再食他的饭。坏了良心坏事干,食客苦楚怨声喊。6.26国际禁毒日:整治商贩黑市场,打击不法贪老板。

22. 美貌如仙蛇蝎心,罂粟花开香千里。制成毒品害人深,一朝上瘾人成鬼。面无人色骨如柴,哈欠连天涕泗流。家人奉劝全不听,家财耗尽骨肉分。生涯如同地狱中,只为毒品吸一口。国际禁毒日,重蹈覆辙需牢记,莫将幸福容易丢!阔别毒品,才干幸福永驻!

23. 虎门销烟始自开,戒毒场所不会衰,吸毒吸得财散尽,家人离弃路人踹,骨瘦如柴行自倒,意志低沉站欲睡,若想弃前重美好,戒毒必定要做好。

24. 一口毒品一份灾,鬼门关前路自开,身影漂移行不定,心坎煎熬苦自来,从此难以归正路,家人摈弃财产败,二心颓丧直到逝世,早日戒毒早日嗨。

25. 毒品危害乃公敌,意识坚定牢树立,大家谨慎多注意,发现情况要分析,不去劝说不声张,交给警方来处理,禁毒工作责任大,扫除罪犯要彻底。

26. 社会很大,容易迷恍,毒品中间,飘飘欲仙,飘来飘去,钱财飘光,半死不死,半活不活,想要活命,所里看病。

27. 青少年们要听真,合成毒品真害人,毒害家庭和亲人,被人唾弃不翻身。

28. 人生短暂把命珍,不打吗啡不吸毒,照看父母不迷途,老婆孩子常相伴,亲戚朋友齐称赞。

29. 毒品之害如饮鸩,饮后看似很兴奋,若要长期不注意,不知不觉被套进。如今青年潮流跟,待到醒时毒已深,莫到悔时方恨晚,健康人生才是真。

30. 就算没有父母疼爱,为什么要吸毒?你有自己,有朋友。就算没有朋友关心,为什么要吸毒?你有梦想,有未来。就算没有钱财住房,为什么要吸毒?你有双手,可拼搏。

31. 毒品无情人有情,莫让父母亲伤心,一时吸毒好心情,一世上瘾难撇清。少男少女正年轻,光明未来向前进!

32. 小小毒品,夺了青少年的心,忘了人世间的情,小小毒品,伤了父母亲的心,花了数不清的金,小小毒品,换了一身子的病,赌了一辈子的命,请远离毒品,珍爱生命!

33. 由于青少年的追求新奇,由于青少年的追求刺激,由于青少年的充沛精力。我们祖国的未来,社会的栋梁,明天的希望,变成了染毒的重点人群。希望青少年能树立积极的品质,追求高尚的目标,选择健康的生活。

34. 禁毒是为了保护人民的身心健康,禁毒是为了促使社会和谐向上,禁毒是为了历史的油轮正确远航。6.26国际禁毒日,世界禁毒感谢你的参与。

35. 青少年是祖国的花朵,毒品是摧残花朵的恶果,青少年是未来的寄托,毒品是阻碍未来的枷锁,青少年是家庭的成果,毒品是腐蚀家庭的污浊。远离毒品,青年成正果!

36. "贩毒是杀人吸毒是自杀,敲开毒品的门挖好自己的坟,预防毒品危害保障身心健康,无毒邻里称颂有毒家破人亡,坚决抵制毒品坚持勤劳致富."

37. 沾上了毒品,健康从此远离了一旁,事业也一落千丈,家庭生活变的无比凄凉,毒品带给我们多少心伤。远离毒品,让幸福留在身旁。

38. 小小一颗摇头丸,无知少年尤其爱,即使明知是毒品,觉得年轻无伤害,莫名兴奋很刺激,飘飘欲仙真愉快,此物虽小能上瘾,远离此物要赶快!

39. 今日社会在发展,与时俱进皆向前,也有罪恶来侵蚀,如同毒品来食蚕。毒品之害如丝缠,一旦陷入苦难言,青年切莫去糊涂,远离毒品尽乐园。

40. 毒品威力可不小,伤害身体很不好,见到毒品赶快跑,家人朋友全都好。

41. 美色的后面有危险的深渊;金钱的后面有虎狼的魔爪;毒品的后面有毁灭的陷阱,懈怠的后面有失败的人生!

42. 远离毒品关爱家人,远离毒品亲近朋友,远离毒品爱护自己,远离毒品创建和谐,626禁毒日请远离毒品。

43. 毒品形势很严峻,青少年朋友要看清;毒品多含海洛因,摧残健康的身心;引发犯罪危害大,沾上很容易上瘾;毒资消耗钱财多,破坏幸福好家庭;传染病增长比较快,毒具都为不干净;人人思想够稳定,社会和谐构筑成。

44. 青少年犹如早晨七八点钟的太阳,朝气蓬勃走在上学的路上,口中喊着坚定的禁毒标语“真爱生命远离毒品”,从我做起。

45. 毒品害处真是多,害人害已害社会,伤了身体还不说,让你清家又荡产,最后走上不归路,后悔已经来不及,珍爱自己和家人,远离毒品是正道。

46. 禁毒日里说禁毒,忆起当年国耻辱,虎门销烟人心快,只为振奋我民族。如今青年不识苦,霓虹灯里去摆舞,劝君迷途要知返,努力拼搏为正路。

47. 饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙;如果常下去,保证你完蛋!睡觉一支烟,梦里也香甜;习惯成自然,不死也很难!醒来一支烟,清醒一整天;真是这么做,寿终要提前。看到我短信,抉择你来断,信不信由你,全凭你意愿?

48. 听说你爱上了吸毒,为它乐不思蜀;听说你爱上了吸毒,为它痴迷无度;听说你爱上了吸毒,为它憔悴无数;听说你爱上了吸毒,为它抢劫拦路;听说你爱上了吸毒,为它进了大狱。

49. 国际禁毒日,远离毒品,真爱生命,让我们把短信传递下去,让毒品不再危害我们自己。

50. 6月26毒品一扫净;传统毒品海洛因已经慢慢被新型毒品所取代大家一定要提高警惕不要为其所害‘原理毒品真爱生命

51. 眯眼养神高枕头,似醉非醒魂飘游。象是享乐实受罪,有体无魄难行走。毒瘾袭来最好受,爹妈妻室都犯愁。疏忽枉法自难控,送进高墙醒知忧。国际禁毒日:早知本日此下场,悔恨当初瞎乱忙。

52. "毒品就是毒药,危害健康,腐化灵魂。毒品是罪恶的深渊,走进去,失去的是生命。远离它,得到的是快活与幸福。"

53. 罂粟花美毒深沉,一朝染上命伤害。面黄肌瘦体衰弱,意志含混心无主。良心泯灭起恶意,杀人越货自此始。妻离子散家破亡,人生虚度无前程。国际禁毒日,切莫感染毒辣品,健康人生到百年。

54. 多少鲜活的性命,由于被它妖艳的表面所引诱,从此踏上了一条不归路。多少仁慈的灵魂,被它激烈的毒性损害,从此泯灭了性灵。国际禁毒日,为了咱们的来日,请爱护生命,谢绝毒品,不要贪图一时畅快,毁掉毕生幸福!

55. 似幻如梦云雾漫,由由然然若神仙。贪图享乐成果哀,吸毒上瘾命难捱。家财万贯都吸尽,亲情友谊都再见。双眼凸出如鬼现,骨瘦如材病魔缠。国际禁毒日,远离毒品,重返人间!

56. 健康不是用来浪费的,毒品不是用来吸食的,幸福不是用来损坏的,财产不是用来浪费的,真情不是用来扭曲的,生活不是用来懊悔的。国际禁毒日,远离毒品,安然度日。

57. 鸦片是个坏货色,吸毒贩毒是罪行。无志无德去吸毒,染上毒瘾没法治。毒瘾缠身好疼痛,倾家荡产似水流。国际禁毒日来到,严打毒贩不留情,齐心来把毒害刹,国度法令要遵照,莫要执迷懊悔迟。

58. 以禁止毒品为荣,以传布毒品为耻;以举报毒品为荣,以携带毒品为耻;以监管毒品为荣,以交易毒品为耻;以拒绝毒品为荣,以吸食毒品为耻。国际禁毒日,以踊跃禁毒为荣。



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Today, I went to the bookstore, took a bottle of mineral water to three layer directly, picked up a book to read with relish, suddenly, hand touched a book named "Sophies world", Im very interested in its name, then pick it up.

Story say is a 14-year-old girl Sophie discovered a letter when I come home in one day, the only brief three words: "who are you?" Envelope clearly written "three alfalfa road, Sophie", did not write the senders name above, also didnt stamp, this mysterious messenger Sophie fell into a meditation. In this way, in some mysterious mentor, under the guidance of Sophie began to think about, from ancient Greece to Kant, from kierkegaard to Freud, you master the fundamental problem thinking. At the same time, Sophie constantly hear from some of the unusual, the world like a mystery in her eyes. Sophie girl born savvy and nurture knowledge, attempt to unravel the mystery, however, the truth of the matter is far more weird than what she thought, more extraordinary.

"Sophies world, is not only the wisdom of the world, is also a dream world. It will awaken everyone heart to the praise of life and the ultimate meaning of life care and curiosity. World for us, it is the combination of many unknown mystery, is speculation, one end life all dont know what happened and the beginning, only free to live every day, is the life.






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It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite.

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What’s more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it’s high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.

With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.



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Yesterday afternoon, when I was on my way home, it was snowing heavily. This morning, when I looked out of the windows, everything in the world turned white.

I know few people like winter, because it is so cold. But we all like snow, because it is so beautiful. After a heavy snow, the fields are covered with thick snow. We feel happy walking in the snow. And many people go out and take a lot of photos in the snow.

How wonderful the white world looks! I love snow!




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Now,more and more students cant have enough sleep.We all konw that it will do great harm to our life if we dont have enough sleep.The following is the harms.

Firstly,it will affect our study.We may feel sleepy and cant listen to the teacher carefully during the classes.Secondly,it will have bad effects on our health.We may have a bad headache and dont want to eat anything.But how can we improve our sleep.Here are my advice.

Above all,you can do some sports during the daytime such as:running,jogging, payling basketball and so on.It will improve your sleeping quailty.Whats more,youd better have a noon nap.With sleeping at noon,you mind will be clearer.Last but not the least,when you are ready to sleep,put all the troubles away your mind.It will help you have a good sleep.

March 21st is the World Sleeping Day.It means the sleeping problems have caused worldwide attention.So,just have a good sleep for your future.Hope my words can help you.







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Earth day is under the background of environmental pollution is increasingly serious. The world earth day originated in the United States. On April 22, 1970, the United States for the first time held a huge "earth day" activities, on this day, in the United States has more than 2000, ten thousand people, 10000 primary and secondary schools, 2000 universities and 2000 communities and groups took part in this activity. People held a rally, parade, preaching and other various forms of propaganda activities, called on everyone to act, to protect and save the planet. This is the first time in human history of large scale mass environmental movement. This activity was a stunning success, a year after the "earth day" are in focus. This is the first time in human history of large-scale mass environmental movement.

As the beginning of modern environmental movement, "earth day" activities to promote the establishment of a number of national environmental laws and regulations. On April 22, 1990, more than 140 countries around the world, more than 200 million people across the country at the same time held a variety of environmental protection campaign. This activity obtained the UN approval. From now on "earth day" has become "the world earth day"





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water is essential for life. yet many millions of people around the world face water shortages. many millions of children die every year from water-borne diseases. and drought regularly afflicts some of the worlds poorest countries. the world needs to respond much better. we need to increase water efficiency, especially in agriculture. we need to free women and girls from the daily chore of hauling water, often over great distances. we must involve them in decision-making on water management. we need to make sanitation a priority. this is where progress is lagging most. and we must show that water resources need not be a source of conflict. instead, they can be a catalyst for cooperation. significant gains have been made. but a major effort is still required. that is why this year marks the beginning of the "water for life" decade. our goal is to meet the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015, and to build the foundation for further progress in the years beyond.

this is an urgent matter of human development, and human dignity. together, we can provide safe, clean water to all the worlds people. the worlds water resources are our lifeline for survival, and for sustainable development in the 21st century. together, we must manage them better.





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"Ordinary world" is a good book, because hes characters and the plot is very real.Straight lets a person as if place oneself in that era, experiencing the ups and downs of The Times.Let a person very inspired after see, delicious.

This is a book worth reading of each and every one, as for some writers on the criticism of this book, I dont think the writer must be a genuine writer.Because he didnt realize that the book in the true sense of genius.This book is not only able to interpret from the literature.Why dont dream start, the true value of because he has not been found."Ordinary world" in the future a certain period of history would be like a dream of red mansions by many experts to study the book.The value of it is that it gives us a generation, is the very book that we need.

What we need is such a book!Not those who read the book without feeling after.Do you agree?



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"Ordinary world" is a good book, because hes characters and the plot is very real. Straight lets a person as if place oneself in that era, experiencing the ups and downs of The Times. Let a person very inspired after see, delicious. In simple language and true feelings to witness the faith and of the ordinary life of ordinary life. Blundering s, ignoranting society like a cup of clear water scaling back despite the clarification, but not calm. Lu yaos characters are so personality is distinct, little, little flat in the books, and others are a symbol of that era will be affected by the limitations of The Times, but also is therefore is real close, lifelike.

First of all, I am very fond of lu yaos starting point: ordinary world. His world is ordinary, this is just on the loess plateaus thousands of villages in a. , small author characterizes each ordinary ordinary people life journey, foil the era of rapid change, reflect peoples thought, give a person with close, give a person with enlightenment. But lu yao is his character in the ordinary extraordinary. Such as sun shaoping, I think that the character of sun shaoping is the backbone of the text as a whole, through his growth and mature experience, show in front of everyone is a generation that time a vision of life and helpless. He received a high school education, through self-study degree can be thought to explore with college students. Overcome difficulties, to get rid of the bondage, let people yearning for a better life, how to experience life in the middle of the family love, friendship, love, learn to life, know how to cherish, for our generation, is also a warning. In lu yaos world are ordinary people, it is in these ordinary people he describes the human nature of good and beauty, ugliness and evil. In his world, one of the biggest advantages is to realize oneself is ordinary. This is the most prominent from sun shaoping. He realized the ordinary, also chose the ordinary.

Ordinary life, from the ordinary to thrive, you can see, is suffering the confidence, cant take away the hope, love never fails, bitterness, in the ordinary and the pride of this life.






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The history of mankinds first "Earth Day", April 22, 1970, sponsored by the Law School of Harvard University American a just turned 25 years old students in the campus and the organization -- Dennis Hays. He was known as the "father of earth day".


But in fact, "Earth Day" the earliest promoters is not his, but USA a political celebrity Gaylord Nelson. In 1969, America Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed an environmental problem in the university campus lectures. Hayes heard this proposal, on the idea of holding a friendly talks in Cambridge city. So, he went to Washington to meet with Nelson, talked about his idea. Nelson immediately offered appointment Hayes, and even encouraged him to drop out of school to concentrate in the environmental movement. Thus, Hays decided to drop out processing procedures. Soon, he had the idea of expanding the Nelson, set up a America around in large-scale community activities. In April 22, 1970, American held in human history the first large-scale mass demonstrations and presentations Protect environment. The nation of about 20000000 people, 10000 primary and secondary schools, 2000 universities and 2000 community and various groups took part in the "Earth Day" activities.


"Earth Day" activities as the beginning of modern environmental movement, which greatly promoted the establishment of environmental regulations in the western countries. Held the 20 anniversary of the "Earth Day" in 1990, Earth Day activities extend from the domestic to the world American, became the first "world earth day". In April 22nd of that year, the world has more than 140 countries and more than 200000000 people participated in the "Earth Day" activities. Since then, the "World Earth Day" has become a worldwide environmental movement.



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This year’s observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on “Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women”.

Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world. Moreover, that number could grow, since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation.

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed. This finding is even more worrisome since young people who smoke are likely to continue in adulthood.

Evidence indicates that the prevalence rate of tobacco use among women is on the rise in some countries. Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke — especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children. As WHO data show, of the 430,000 adults who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two thirds are women.

Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use. Most of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Without concerted action, that number could rise to 2.5 million women by the year 2030.

We must turn back the global tobacco epidemic. On World No Tobacco Day, I urge all Governments to address this public health threat. Tobacco use is not stylish or empowering. It is ugly and deadly.










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World Health Day each year on April 7, is World Health Day, aimed at aroused the concern of the World to Health, Health work and to improve the quality of the peoples Health and knowledge, emphasize the importance of Health for the labor to create and happy life. In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

World health day is a global opportunity, focus on the impact of the international community major public health problem. World health day start longer-term propaganda and planning, until April 7.

The world health organization (who) to the theme of world health day 2007 identified as "investment in health, to build security in the future", which calls for attention to the new and traditional diseases and major sudden public health crisis brings to the human disaster, increased investment in health care to ensure that future generations can live in security, development and prosperity of a harmonious society. The world health organization on April 2, was held in Singapore, entitled "the necessity to improve international health security" high-level debate. Countries in politics, business and media controller together, send a strong message: only immediately increased investment in health, to build a secure future for mankind.

每年的4月7日是世界生日World Health Day ,旨在引起世界对卫生、健康工作的关注,提高人们对卫生领域的素质和认识,强调健康对于劳动创造和幸福生活的重要性。1948年,第一届世界卫生大会要求建立“世界卫生日”以纪念世界卫生组织的诞生。自1950年以来,每年于4月7日庆祝世界卫生日。每年为世界卫生日选定一个主题,突出世卫组织关注的重点领域。






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My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much, it is my little world. I put many toys in it, I decorate this cabin so well. I can do what I want in this little world, sometimes I will ask my friends to come. I have a good time in my little world.




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On Jan 18, 20XX started doing business window of the Shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful Shenzhen bay bank, the area 480,000square meters. The scenic area divides into the world square, theAsian area, the Oceanian area, the European area, the African area,the Americas area, the world sculpture garden and the internationalstreet eight wide ranges according to the world region structure andthe tour active content.

As take brings honor to the world cultureessence as the subject large-scale cultural traveling scenic area, shegathers together 130 worlds famous landscapes, the collection naturalscenery, the folk custom character and style, the folk dance, thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden, has reappeared a wonderful world.






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On July 22, 1946, the UN ecosoc held an international health conference in New York, more than 60 countries signed the charter of the world health organization, the world health organization (who) charter take effect on April 7, 1948. By day, to commemorate the organization charter in June 1948, the United Nations in Geneva on the first world health assembly was formally established the world health organization (who), and decide on July 22, from year to year would be a "world health day", the initiative countries hold commemorative activities. The following year, the second session of the world health assembly considering most of the national school has summer vacation in July each year, unable to attend the celebration, and regulations since 1950 on April 7, as a global "world health day".

Determine the purpose of this world health day is to draw the world attention to the health problems, and mobilize the people all over the world widespread concern and improve the health status, improve the level of human health. World health day, the world health organizations member states, including China, are celebrating, promote and popularize health knowledge, improve the level of the peoples health.





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Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.


Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.


One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends.

