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I like the flowers of spring, prefer the fruits of the fall of the land everywhere.

Autumn sky is particularly charming. You see, the sky is so high, then blue, looks particularly clean, like washed the same. The sky of white clouds, for a while into a sheep, for a while into a cow, while again into a mountain, river, very interesting.

Field, the golden rice laughed, from afar, endless rice fields like a golden ocean. The sorghum burns its own torches, as if it were illuminated by the peasant uncle! The corn from the thick clothes inside secretly flashed his beautiful "curly hair", the cotton girl exposed the white smile. People are busy in the ground, everywhere a bumper harvest,

Orchard, the apple exposed red face, Huang Chengcheng oranges, red glowing persimmon like a small lanterns like hanging in the tree, you squeeze me touch, as if waiting for people to pick it, the air filled with fruit Sweet taste.

In the park, chrysanthemum opened. Into the door, they smell the scent of chrysanthemum. Some chrysanthemum or budding flowers bones children, and some just open, and some have been completely open, colorful, contests, very beautiful!

Leaves yellow, a piece of yellow leaves floating in the wind, like a dancing only yellow butterfly; grass is also like a big yellow to the ground covered with a warm yellow cotton quilt.

Autumn is really beautiful, I like autumn.




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Summer sister quietly gone, the autumn girl came in a hurry, she did not pay attention to you, the autumn door opened.

Pear baby and persimmon baby one by one to fill the big orchard; purple Yingying grape lady special beauty, she is in the purple (white) The face painted with a layer of sparkling powder, from a distance, like a string of purple pearls, looks very attractive; chubby pomegranate looks very cute, he will give the autumn girl what? Did not expect, Mr. pomegranate actually gave the autumn girl a bag of red pearls, flashing, lit the whole large orchard.

Watching the park is really lively! Colorful chrysanthemum contests, white like snow, yellow tournament gold, pink like Xia ... ... colorful, beautiful! Her posture is also very moving: some Minato together, like a few Good sister in the whisper; some lowered his head, like a shy little girl ... ... is really graceful! Golden yellow sweet-scented osmanthus exudes a refreshing fragrance, really "Osmanthus bloom, fragrant floating ten miles" ah!

The woods, a piece of leaves fall, like a butterfly in the forest flying, there are red, yellow, green, and purple ... ... very beautiful ... field, the golden rice laughter Bent over, people feel shines.

This is my eyes beautiful autumn scenery, let us enjoy this charming scenery together!



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I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, i like giant pandas best.


Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animal. when a giant panda was born, it looked like a white mouse and when it grows up, it looks like a bear. i think it looks lovely. it usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves. i hear that giant pandas ate meat long long ago but now they never eat meat. it lives in bamboo forests so it can climb trees. i like it because it can make me happy.

大熊猫是美丽的黑色和白色的动物。当大熊猫是出世,它看起来像一只白老鼠,当它长大,它看起来像一只熊。我认为它看起来很可爱。它通常吃竹笋和竹叶。我听说大熊猫吃肉很久很久以前,但现在他们从来不吃猪肉。它生活在竹林中,它会爬树。我喜欢它是因为它能让我快乐。Many people say china is famous for the dragon, but i dont think so. i think china is famous for giant pandas. the chinese government often sends one or two giant pandas to the other countries as a present. this year, the chinese government sent two giant pandas-- tuantuan and yuanyuan to taiwan. they live in the zoo now and they are popular and welcome in taiwan. a lot of tourists to taiwan would like to go and see them.


But the number of giant pandas is getting smaller and smaller. many hunters kill them for their fur and farmers change the nature reserves to make more farmlands. i think giant pandas need our help. we should take actions to protect animals. encouraging hunters and farmers to leave reserves is the most important. though im still a student, i can write to newspapers and magazines about protecting animals. i hope animals can live a happy life.




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1) 她生气的时候两片薄薄的红嘴唇微微向上翘,活像个熟透了的小樱桃。

2) 他的嘴闭得紧紧的,像是刚刚捕捉到手的蚌。

3) 这老人的牙齿就像掉了齿的木梳,残缺不全了。

4) 他露出一口排列整齐的牙齿,好像珍珠一般。

5) 这孩子黑虎头似的脸上,生着一对铜铃一般的大眼睛,十分精神。

6) 她那冷得发青的小嘴巴,噘起老高,看样子像是在和谁怄气似的。

7) 奶奶一脸慈爱沧桑,年轻时乌黑的头发已有如严冬初雪落地,像秋日的第一道霜。根根银发,半遮半掩,若隐若现。脸上条条皱文,好像一波三折的往事。

8) 他那红嘟嘟地脸蛋闪着光亮,像九月里熟透地苹果一样。

9) 他那张嘴就像噘嘴鲢鱼似的老噘着。




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其貌不扬 蓬头垢面 弱不禁风 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁

出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉 倾国倾城 国色天香

鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲 心慈面善 张牙舞爪

愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵 文质彬彬 威风凛凛

老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉 容光焕发 落落大方

骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦 其貌不扬 蓬头垢面

弱不禁风 眉清目秀 容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉

冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理 闭月羞花

沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然 秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑

傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟

鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色

面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面

铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 瘦骨如柴 大腹便便 仪表堂堂

玉树临风 鹤发童颜 闭月羞花 冰肌玉骨 才子佳人

沉鱼落雁 城北徐公 齿白红 愁眉啼妆 出水芙蓉

绰约多姿 淡妆浓抹 二八佳人 傅粉何郎 姑射神人

国色天香 国色天姿 花容月貌 环肥燕瘦 娇小玲珑

绝代佳人 梨花带雨 林下风气 眉目如画 眉清目秀

美如冠玉 靡颜腻理 明眸皓齿 千娇百媚 倾城倾国

螓首蛾眉 如花似玉 双瞳剪水 亭亭玉立 我见犹怜

仙姿佚貌 小家碧玉 秀外惠中 夭桃秾李 一表非凡

一表人才 一笑千金 仪态万方 月里嫦娥 稚齿婑媠

掷果潘安 朱唇皓齿 肠肥脑满 丑态百出 怪模怪样

尖嘴猴腮 面目可憎 蓬头历齿 漆身吞炭 其貌不扬

穷形尽相 三分像人 七分像鬼 头童齿豁 獐头鼠目

鸱目虎吻 蜂目豺声 凶相毕露 张牙舞爪 眉清目秀

容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉 冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁

明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然

秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿

衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮

短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色

一表人才 风度翩翩 大腹便便 膀大腰园 披头散发

虎背熊腰 衣冠楚楚 相貌堂堂 眉清目秀 容光焕发

美如冠玉 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然

秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 靡颜腻理 傅粉施朱

婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜

鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤

面有菜色 蓬头垢面 囚首垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面

铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 骨瘦如柴 药店飞龙 大腹便便

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉

倾国倾城 国色天香 鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲

心慈面善 张牙舞爪 愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵

文质彬彬 威风凛凛 老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉

容光焕发 落落大方 骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦





























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外貌描写要求是:根据需要,抓住特征,绘形传神,刻画性格,显示灵魂。通过一些关键词可以表达出一个人的性格,尽量不写太过于老套。要有新意。其关键在于:第一,进行肖像描写,据情节发展的需要去写,不是写到人就必须写人的肖像。有的作者不懂得这个道理,因而他笔下的肖像描写有时是不必要的。写肖像,不能眉毛胡子一把抓。鲁迅告诉我们,要"画眼睛"。"画眼睛"是写人物外貌的关键。鲁迅是很善于"画眼睛 "的。他在《祝福》中14次写到样林嫂的眼睛,而一次眼神的变化,都透露出人物当时的心理和性格的变化,需要着重指出的是:"画眼睛",这是比喻的说法,并不意味着描写人 物外貌非得画眼睛不可。

鲁迅所说的"画眼睛"意思是:善于细致地精确地描绘人物外貌最富特征的部分,而舍弃 与表现人物性格和精神面貌无关的其它东西。鲁迅写祥林嫂是"画眼睛",但也写了祥林嫂 "花白的头发";写阿Q则着重写他头上的瘌疮疤,却比写眼睛更能表现出他的精神胜利法;写闰土,在写眼睛的同时也写到闰土的手:"那手也不是我所记得的红活圆实的手,却 又粗又笨而且开裂,像是松树皮了。"反映了闰土生活的艰辛和痛苦。写孔乙己却没有写眼 睛,而是写他那件"又旧又破的长衫。"

写肖像的高要求是刻画、显示灵魂。鲁迅曾立志画出中国国民的“活的灵魂”,列夫 托尔斯泰写出了玛丝洛娃的灵魂,勾勒出玛丝洛娃在牢中的内心世界,曾对玛丝洛娃的外貌描写修改了二十次。



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Our life will change greatly in the future.

In the future,every family will own at least one computer,with which we can shop online without going out.

That is really fantastic.Also,robots will be employed by every family.They can help do much of the housework.

Therefore family members will have more free time to spend time together.

In the future,kids dont need to attend school any more.

There is internet access in every family,with the help of which kids can study by themselves.



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There is a saying that “You can either travel or read,but either your body

or soul must be on the way.” With the improvement of living standards, more and

more people have time and money to travel. Duringtraveling, one can meet

various people, make new friends and experience various lifestyles of different


Almost everyone has their own favorite place to travel because of specific

reasons, such as the people, climate or scenery of that place, the influence of

friends or some beautiful memories and so on.

Nowadays, people do not have to think much about transportation. People can

travel by car or driving themsleves to near places, or by train, plane to far

places.So, if you have a place want to travel, just go and relax yourself.



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I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with。 I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate。 She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear。 Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics。 When she is hungry, she often barks loudly。 At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her。 She is keen on beef and fish。 Sometimes, she also eats some rice。


Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving。 She seems to be my best friend。 As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer。 Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family。 I really have the pleasure of her company。




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I am called the panda, is country extremely protect animals. Our pandas life cannot leave four conditions: First, the glossyleaf chinacane cover, that is because our panda only eats the bamboo. Second, Shan Gaogu is deep; third, the changes in temperature are moderate; fourth, running water trickle. What kind, our panda is very nitpicking? Who is called us is extremely protect animals, Which do you know my hometown again,Tells you, my hometown in the Sichuan Wolong mountainous area. the people said that I am the nature star, you knew why this is? Let me tell you. First, because my contour is beautiful, is lovable; second, because my appearance gentle leisurely and carefree; third, because I treasure the animal; fourth, because my posture teases funnily; fifth, because I am the friendship messenger.



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I have a dog。 He is my favorite pet。 He is very lovely。 His name is Peter and he is two years old。 His fur is long and white。 He has big black eyes。 His nose is very good。 He can smell very well。 He is quite small。 He weighs about two kilograms。 Peters favorite food is meat。 He also likes bones。


Peter is very friendly。 I feed him every day。 He never barks or bites。 Peter likes lots of exercise。 It is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy。 So I play with him every day in the park。 Peter likes to run in the park。 He often chases cats and birds。 It is very interesting。 Peter can find the way back easily。 I think he is the cleverest animal of all。


I like my dog and he loves me too。 He is very healthy。 All my family like him。 We look after him very carefully。 Ill make a small and lovely house for him。 I think he will be happy to live there。 Do you like my dog?




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The wind of autumn is a key. It is cool and gentle, slowly, slowly, while you did not pay attention to the door of the border to open the border. As soon as you enter the autumn world, you will soon see the harvest orchard. Pear fragrant, pineapple sour, apple sweet. Uncle aunt is busy putting these delicious fruits in the basket.

You see, orange, persimmon seems to wait, you squeeze me touch, scrambling to people to pick it. The west side of the orchard is a large garden of Guan Li. The garden is open all year round. What is the twill of this season? Oh, it was beautiful chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums are purple, yellow, golden, white, pink ... ... really colorful, very beautiful off!

Guan Lis chrysanthemum nodded slightly in the autumn wind, like a little girl of Guan Li. There is a wide field in the southeast of the garden, and the fields grow millet and corn. Golden grain is wrapped in the valley, like a baby in the burden, had to be quietly crowded together. Corn cob in the corn grain like a golden little teeth, it is truly cute. Corn and millet are bowed, modestly invited the master to harvest.

Field east is a woods. The woods planted with white birch, trees, pine and cypress, ginkgo tree, dragon claw Huai, Ching Chung, Guan Lai extremely. Every fall, the leaves fall from the tree down, leaves like a yellow butterfly in the forest dagger dance, pine and pine and cypress is more green.

Autumn is really beautiful, I love autumn!



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The autumn girl drove the summer heat of the summer heat, and brought the cool autumn.

Autumn girl ran into the orchard with her wand a little, the orchard faction of the scene. Mature grapes like a string of crystal clear agate, looks like a mouth-watering, taste a grape in the mouth of the sweet juice in the mouth aftertaste infinite, really people eat a want to eat the second and third Stars. Orchard in the orchard fire red, like a group of burning fire is burning. I could not help it temptation to take off a red hawthorn taste, sour me. I think this hawthorn is really looking good, but eating is really not delicious ah I can no longer be confused by the appearance of the future. Orchard jujube also one by one hanging on the branches, picked down a large and red dates, a taste of sweet and delicious, sweet and crisp very delicious.

The orchard of the persimmon one by one to the branches bent to the waist, one of the Huang Chengcheng persimmon is like a hanging in the branches of a small lantern. I taste really amazing, it is very sweet taste, like sugar as sweet, very delicious really want to eat one. Pomegranate in the orchard is also cooked, one by one grinned his mouth, inside the fruit is like a piece of ruby. In the mouth of a bite rotten, sweet juice to spray out, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Autumn orchard is really a good harvest season it!



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Autumn weather is clear, breeze Xu to.

The flowers in the garden are colorful and colorful. There are lovely trumpet, like a small speaker. There are blood red roses, you see it red face, too cute! There are yellow tulips, smell a smell, really fragrant!

Here the grass color is different, there are dark green, light green, there are green and yellow and white. Suddenly a sudden wind blowing, flowers and grass like a bit of a singer, singing from the first wonderful march, really lively it!

These wonderful march, caused a group of small bees and dancing butterflies, they sing and dance, held a grand dance.

Autumn garden really beautiful!



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Autumn is a bumper season. In the autumn of a sunny, miles clear weekends, father, my mother took me and small partners to go to the orchard pick fruit.

It s near the orchard. We look from the car to the orchard: wow! Orchard densely planted a lot of fruit trees! There are apple trees, pear trees, orange trees ... ... hundreds of trees fruit trees together, just like the tree of the sea! Branches fruitful, full of sweet fruit, red apple, yellow pear pear, orange orange ... ... is really dazzling!

Finally reached the orchard. We suddenly found that the orchard also planted some chrysanthemums. These chrysanthemums are red, blue, yellow, white ... ... they are different colors, posture is also different: chrysanthemum some of the Hanbaoyufang, and some opened half, and some have blooming smile ... ... mix, very beautiful The

For a while, we started picking. We leave the basket, from the tree off one another fruit. A basket, two baskets ... ... fruit filled with a basket and a basket, the orchard is full of laughter.

I see some tourists regardless of the fruit ripe cooked into the basket, and then throw the ripe fruit again. Just listen to a farmer said: "fruit from the flowering to the results to go through how long years! You so it lost it, do not feel very waste?" I listened to him, thought: Yes, fruit ripe to experience How much wind and rain, so lost it is really wasted, it is life!

This time to the orchard, I not only appreciate the beauty of autumn, but also feel the precious life!



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10、她是我们班的一个女生。高高的个子,瘦瘦的。()平时总是梳着一把细细长长的马尾辫。黑珍珠似的大眼睛忽闪忽闪的。高高的鼻梁上架着一副亮晶晶的眼镜。圆润的脸上长着一张能说会道的小嘴。她总是穿着整洁大方的衣服,背着粉色的Hello Kitty的书包。








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travelingis usually boring. There are always too many people in the places

of interest in China and it is crowed everywhere, when it comes to the golden

weeks, this situation could be worse. Just imagine that you are waiting in line,

hungry and thirsty. All you want is a ticket that can get through the door to

see the beautiful view. You may complain: “why am I coming to the terrible

place? Why I do this to myself?” If you are unlucky, you may encounter a bad

guide who forces you to shop here and there. How horrible it is! What’s worse,

you may spend more money than usually does.

Why don’t you just stay at home and enjoy the cozy life? You don’t need to

go outside to see the view, you can just turn on the TV or computer, the amazing

view will represent in front of you. You not only save a large sum of money, but

also your precious time. And you can do other things too, such as watching a

classic movie, chatting with friends on the phone or surfing the Internet. This

could be so much fun! Therefore, I prefer to stay at home instead of going

