初三毕业演讲英语作文四篇 作文范文(精彩20篇)

挫折,是指人们在有目的的活动中,遇到无法克服的阻碍。以下是小编整理的初三毕业演讲英语作文四篇 作文范文,欢迎大家前来查看,仅供参考哦!






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What will our world be like in 20 years.I can’t imagine. It must change a lot. If I meet myself who comes from the future, I will ask her whether my dream comes true or not.

My dream is to become an excellent interpreter. When I was in Grade 1, I began to study English. At that time, I was so excited for learning a new language. Because of English, I know that America is a beautiful and polite country. From then on, I hope I can speak English very well and have chance travel to America some day.

Nowadays, English is widely spoken throughout the world. What’s more, plenty of people have realized its importance. In order to make my dream come true, I try my best and work much harder. I start to watch America drama to practice my English. And I also read some English books now. I talk with others to practice my oral English as possible as I can. But the path to the success isn’t smooth. Sometimes I want to give up. But it’s my dream, I can’t give up easily. Shelley said” if winter comes, can spring be far behind”

On the other hand, with the development of China, more and more people are interested in our culture. Some enjoy Beijing Opera, some study Chinese Kongfu, some even learn to speak Chinese, etc. As a Chinese, of course I will help them to know more about Chinese culture. I want to be an envoy of cultural exchange between China and America. So if I am an interpreter, I will introduce China to the world. I believe if I work hard enough, my dream will come true.




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Enjoy Yourself While Fulfilling Responsibility

In my 18 years of life, there have been many things. University days are the best part of them. I can never forget the days when I stepped into my university. I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. I at once fell in love with it.

After the arduous military training, I get absolutely absorbed in my studies. The classes given by the teachers are excellent. They provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can.

Frankly speaking, at first I had some difficulty following the teachers. However, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers guidance, I made remarkable progress. Now Ive benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports.

Learning is a long process; Ill keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. This summer I got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. A publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and revision.

At the beginning I was belittled by my colleagues. But they were really surprised when I translated seven English articles over 5,000 words on only one day. Gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. In their opinion I turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague.

I also realize that only those who bring happinefor others can be truly happy. So I often take part in activities concerning public welfare. I once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. We taught the kids there who could not afford school. While showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, I was deeply touched by their eagerneto learn, their honesty and their purity. I couldnt control my tears on the day when we left. The precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers.

Besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well. I do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. We also write a play and put it on in our spare time.

Campus life is the most splendid time. But different people have different choices. The majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day theyll become outstanding. But there are indeed some students still under ignorance. They gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards. Theyre busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They forget completely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland.

Finally, I do hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy citizen of the country. I do hope everybody can become the backbone of our nation and make great contributions to society



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All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a persons character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.



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Dear David,

Thanks for you latter. I’m very happy when I know you will come to Changsha soon. You said you wanted to learn Chinese. I think you can learn Chinese well. Because you love Chinese and you are a good boy. Now, I will give you some advice about learning Chinese . If you want to learn Chinese well ,you should read a lot and read aloud when you begin to learn it. I think you’d better learn Pingyin fisrt, then you can watch some Chinese movies and listen to some Chinese music. If you study hared , your Chinese will be good soon.



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As soon as we became students of Grade 3, we had to make up our minds to study hard. Because we have the motive forces of study. They may be our dreams of life.

We must all want to study in Haimen Middle School in the future, so the competition for study will be very fierce. Both in class and after class, we think about our knowledge and work on the hard problems. We all believe that the harder we study, the better we will become.

But we have to face difficulties and hardships. Even though, we cant give up our life dreams. When you suffer a setback, think about your dream, then rally your forces. Make a spurt towards your dream!

[关于初三英语作文:Our Dreams Of Life



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Today is Labor Day I wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not want to mother and father ran hastily from which my father said He Shan and I want your mother to buy a big market Guangcai furniture at home idle you nothing you do for a long time on the work you did not clean your room on ah finished cleaning your room left.

Fathers work, then how can pyronaridine I do not sound lazy to climb up to wash clothes brush it started cleaning the garbage I have to say about a good clean-up to blame the sorry though I am a girl but the room was indeed a public In fact, the landfill vice table I put things out of the room to have a short while into the living room sofa table are filled with things I used Then I put the cloth to clean the table a second time to I have lived for half a table wiping the sweat as well as silk, such as rain fell like a short while, after all, summer is coming so hot on my hand wiped sweat not continue to the table that I am now seriously discredited it So the every corner of the floor had become dirty clean call me a bum sitting on the bed followed by breathing only clean up the garbage on the line out of the room worked hard in my finally clean.

Although I am very tired but neat room, I watched very happy!



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1. 同学们,青春是一本太仓促的书!三年的时光,一千多个日日夜夜就这样匆匆擦肩而过,今天你们以学校为荣,明天学校以你们为荣!

2. 时光如梭,不知不觉间,你们渡过了初中三年的学习生活。三年来,你们在校园里,留下了脚印,放飞了理想,挥洒了汗水,带走了成熟,留下了回忆。几天来,在我的脑际里,时常会呈现存你们伏案作业的情形;疯狂打闹的笑声;艺术节上的嘹亮歌声;体育场上拼博的身影。

3. 你走了,我来送行。你的路,是我用目光铺成,想你时,我就站在这里眺望,夜里,我会做个好梦。如果,我将来与你告别,希望你也用同样的目光,送我到遥远。因为,世界上可以没有路,但不能没有友情。

4. 如果我能,我愿将心底的一切都揉进今日的分别。但是我不能啊!那么,就让我们以沉默分手吧!这是一座火山的沉默,它胜过一切话别!

5. 迁徙的大雁已在长空排队列行,报信的春花已绽放花蕾,亲爱的同窗好友,我们如此相惜相爱,分离只会让我们的心靠得更近。

6. 愿你在平凡的岗位上,创造出不平凡的业绩来,直到实现远大的理想。

7. 愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。

8. 让我们用共同的信念铸造的航船,到生活的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。

9. 自爱,使你端庄;自尊,使你高雅;自立,使你自由;自强,使你奋发;自信,使你坚定……这一切将使你在成功的道路上遥遥领先。

10. 老同学,得到你以优异的成绩考入清华学府的消息很是高兴,在此你的几位同窗拍手为你叫好。希望你珍惜已取得的成绩,再接再厉,争取在学业上有所造诣。

11. 生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进,已吹响出征的海螺;彩霞,正在将鲜花的大旗飞舞……

12. 有人说:“人人都可以成为自己的幸运的建筑师。”愿我们在走向生活的道路上,用自己的双手建造幸运的大厦。

13. 不要忘记自己的路,那些洒着汗珠.闪着光彩的路,那些惊心动魄.披荆斩棘的路,那些崎岖不平.备尝艰辛的路,那些浸透泪水的路……自己走过的路,是自己最贵重的财富。只有记住这些路,才能走好以后的路。

14. 青春的花开花谢让我们疲惫却不后悔,四季的雨雪纷飞让我们疲惫却不堪憔悴。在时光的洪流中,我们都要长大,来到了初三这个该奋斗该拼搏的学期,行流如水的时光犹如竹隙间流淌的细水,瞬间已有十五个春秋离我们而去,多少个日日夜夜就这样过去了。我们回首望着那些走过的路时,眼睛一下子模糊了……

15. 三年来,在延安精神的指引下,我们逐渐成长。是老师无微不至的关怀使我们学会做人,学会求知,学会办事,学会健身。老师的谆谆教导让我们懂得了自信自强。正因为有你们,才有了我们的现在和将来。感谢您,老师,感谢您,母校。

16. 不论经历多少岁月,不论走过多远路途,我都深深怀念那条路,它曾经引导我与你相遇。

17. 让欠产手牵着手,彼此将一切欢乐和幸福传给对方!我祈祷上苍让欢乐时时刻刻充满我们的时空。

18. 美丽的梦和美丽的诗一样,都是可遇而不可求的。我真喜欢那样的梦,明明知道你已为我跋涉千里,却又觉得芳草鲜美,好像你我才初次相逢!

19. 我们即将步入新的生活,前面的路还很长很长,让我们更加珍惜今天所拥有的青春和友谊,用真情去浇灌友谊的花蕾。

20. 当你孤独时,风儿就是我的歌声,愿它能使你得到片刻的安慰;当你骄傲时,雨点就是我的警钟,愿它能使你获得永恒的谦逊。

21. 不管未来有多长久,请珍惜相聚的每一刻; 不管多少个春夏秋冬,我们是永远的朋友。

22. 我深深地理解,耗费了多少时间,战胜了多少困难,你才取得眼前的成绩。请你相信,在你追求.拼搏和苦干的过程中,我将永远面带微笑地站在你的身旁。

23. 那以往的同窗生活,是一串冰糖葫芦,那迷人的甜与酸将永远回味不完。

24. 岁月的年轮,像那黑色的旋转着的唱片,在我们每个人的内心深处播放着那美丽的旧日情曲!•

25. 朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁!

26. 思念是多情的海滩,将我丝丝思念化作暖暖的祝福,捎给远方的你

27. 寄给你无限怀念,在每一个时刻,为了年轻,为了欢笑,让我们彼此祝福,彼此珍惜!!!

28. 美好的友情,就像那一缕芳香,会把你引向清新的世界.......

29. 只要还有一点记忆,一点机缘,一个故事就会永远永远......

30. 句句心语是我浓浓的思念与祝福,愿永远系着你温暖与喜悦,无论你在何方,但愿我们在同一片星空下纺织思念......

31. 从五湖四海来,到天南地北去。不管走到哪里,不管在什么岗位,让我们继续填写好人生的履历表,交出事业的优秀答卷,为母校的旗帜增辉添彩。

32. 我们相逢在陌生时,我们分手在熟悉后。明天,我们要到生活的星图上去寻找自己的新位置,让我们用自己闪烁的星光相互问讯.表情达意。

33. “经得起各种诱惑和烦恼的考验,才算达到最完美的心灵健康”。愿你毕业后,能经得起各种考验,做一个有益于社会的人。

34. 三年,在人生的旅程中不过是短短的一段,然而和你同桌三载,却使我终生难以忘怀。你是我记忆中的一粒珍珠,心里天幕上的一颗明星。

35. 与你相识,我感到无比幸运,而能与你相知,我倍感生命的充实,以前嬉笑相伴的日子我将深藏,以后不可测的日子,愿你多保重。

36. 很远了,还看到你挥动的手,也许不是你,但我宁愿相信是你。

37. 纵使你的足迹踏遍天涯海角,走过千山万水,我将永远记住你.......

38. 三年来,每当我在学习上有了疑惑时,生活中遇到挫折时,总是你的声音在耳畔响起,疑惑迎刃而解,挫折变成为动力,促使我不断向前。请接受我的一片敬意。别了!我的朋友!

39. 你生就的一种娴雅的气质和诱人的魅力,使得你在认识你的人们的心里永久存在。你像那山间的百合,独自荣枯,无以为憾。盛开时不矜夸,衰谢时不悔恨。清雅留芳,归入永恒的春天。

40. 友谊是一首无字的歌,在你淡淡的季节里开一树美丽的花,在深深浅浅的脚印里,为你不退的步伐奏一曲动人的华尔兹。年年岁岁,岁岁年年。

41. 我的朋友们,我们要暂时分别了;“珍重珍重”的话,我也不再说了。在这欲去未去的夜色里,努力铸造几颗小晨星;虽然没有多大光明,但也能使那早行的人高兴。

42. 自爱,使你端庄;自尊,使你高雅;自立,使你自由;自强,使你奋发;自信,使你坚定……这一切将使你在成功的道路上遥遥领先。

43. 生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进,已吹响出征的海螺;彩霞,正在将鲜花的大旗飞舞……

44. 从五湖四海来,到天南地北去。不管走到哪里,不管在什么岗位,让我们继续填写好人生的履历表,交出事业的优秀答卷,为母校的旗帜增辉添彩。



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The sun is lazy, the white clouds are lined with blue sapphire. The sound of the car is a discordant episode. How can the cicadas come out today? Is it a matter of mind?

No matter whether it has a heart or not, I have a heart. I was depressed, thoughts such as Piaoxu, some inexplicable sadness sour my nose, and I think that in the graduation old thing.

Speaking of graduation, I can see that the old scene is still holding up tears. The picture has been fixed in my mind. Maybe I would think it was a great play at that time. I will disdain to think, "is not graduation?" Graduation does not represent a farewell, we can also contact ah, and not no more. Its ridiculous to think about it now, and I didnt know if I was in contact with you after graduation. Graduation seems to be a growth, but also a cruel dismancling.

Perhaps, I once again opened the junior high school, graduation, I will show a smile and a heart when they think primary school can not let go, the mouth may be saying: "this group of people can be really memorable, stupid every day and I am funny......"

Perhaps, so when I was in high school, once again opened the graduation, I would have a nose acid, who may visit your curious mind primary school, you may regret muttered: "I was so...... Early know that... "

Maybe, when I was in college, when I opened my graduation picture again, I could not stop my tears in the last second.

The next second, I will laugh, I laugh good memories between us, because I was crying or not forget them, forget the smiling faces, or to the primary school since then attachment, I may point to the childish graduation photo can not let people say: "fool, I didnt forget you......"

Perhaps, I grew up, once again opened the graduation, I will feel the time how so fast, this sentence may be you are tired of listening to adults, mouth talking about how time flies we cant understand, because you dont know if you have the time of your life is the most valuable and most worthy memories of time.

Maybe, we will no longer contact after graduation, but I will always be waiting for your blessing to my 20**.



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My family and I went to the seaside. My dad went fishing in the sea. My mumstayed under the umbrella. She read a book. My uncle ate an ice cream. My consins ate bread. My brothers made a sandcastle. My sisters bathed on the sunny beach. Mike went swimming in the sea. Kate and I played football. We were very happy.



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child will be the national future host, therefore, how to provide the child a good family, the society perhaps the learning environment, is goal which various countries will devote. in August, 1925 convened in the Swiss Geneva about in child welfares international conference, proposed “the International Childrens Day” for the first time concept. this congress has 54 national loving care child representatives, gathers holds “the child happy international congress” in the Swiss Geneva, "Safeguards Child Manifesto through Geneva". In the manifesto, proper enjoys, deprived childs relief, the child danger work regarding the child spirit to avoid, the child making a living opportunity acquisition, as well as how to rescue raises questions and so on child, has the warm discussion.after will be inferior from now on the congress, so as to the one hand the inspiration child, lets the child feel happiness, joyful, on the other hand also to cause the society to take seriously with to cherish, various countries government successively schedules “the childrens day”.



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Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years, It has been almost over forty years since man s first landing on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point out the thct that it cost billions of dollars to can3 on the space research, but a little infrmation was brought back. In addition, the time and money spent on space exploration is too much to calculate.

However, every coin has two sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of space programs, and they have benefitted people all over the world. And what s more. scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by the mankind.

We benefited a lot from space exploration. We believed that it will bring more benefits in the future, which perhaps we can not even imagine now. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That s why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.

[Do We Need Space Exploration初三英语作文



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An Accident


It was Saturday. Mr, Li was going to go fishing.He put a fishing pole on his shoulder. His dogs were running after him.

But he forgot there was something wrong with his bike, and he hadnt mended it.He was so excited that he couldnt watch buses and ears carefully.Suddenly, a truck was coming and he didnt notice.He was hit by the truck and he threw away the pole. His bike was broken and a lump appeared on his forehead.


但他忘了他的自行车有毛病,还没修理。他特别兴奋,没注意来往车辆。突然一辆大卡车开过来,他没看见。他被撞着了, 鱼杆扔了,自行车也坏了,前额还起了个大包。

Working for My Mother


The summer vacation began. I decided to work to make money for the next term.

But I didnt know what work I could do.At that time, my mother was writing a book.I decided to type for her for pay. She agreed and paid me 5 yuan for 1000 words.

I began to work.I typed so slowly that I could type only several hundred words a day.It was a hard job for me.I kept typing all day long.

I finished the work two weeks later.I came to know how hard it was to make money.


但我不知道我能做什么工作。那时,妈妈在写一本书。我想为她有偿打字,她同意了,答应每千字付我5元钱。 我开始工作。我打字很慢,每天才能打几百字。对我来说这是一项辛苦的工作,我只能整天工作着。 两周后我终于完成了这项工作。我认识到挣钱是多么的不容易啊!

My Life in Summer Holiday


Good morning, my dear fellows.I am happy to see all of our classmates come back to school.I would like to

share my life in holiday with you.This summer holiday, I spent most of my time in playing, like watching TV, playing games, outing with friends and so on.But I also pay attention to my study.For example, I like watching the educational TV programs, so that I can both have fun and learn something new at the same time.Besides, I get up early to do some morning reading to practice my English.Of course, I finish my summer exercises on time.In short, my summer holiday is colorful and meaningful.How about your life in summer holiday?I am eager to know.




A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat.A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat.It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful.Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.

Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers food.

During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse.There are fewer tigers left in the world now.Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces.We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.




Dont Watch Too Much TV


Tom watched TV too late last night. He didn't go to bed until twelve.This morning he got up late. He hurried to school without breakfast.He got school at 8:20 and he was late for class.When his teacher asked him a

question in class,he couldn't answer it.AFter he came back home, he couldn't finish his homework.He felt very sorry and decided not to watch too much TV.

Last night Tom watched a TV play until after twelve.He got up late this morning.He had no time to have his breakfast and hurried to school.

When he got school, the first class had begun.He felt so sleepy that he got to sleep after a while.The teacher asked him to answer a question, but he couldn't.

After school he came back home, but he found it difficult to do his homework.He needed to have a good sleep at once.He felt very sorry and decided not to watch TV too late.





After Supper


After supper, my father leaves the table fight away and starts to water his dear flowers on the balcony every day.He takes his sprayer in his hand, appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance.Sometimes he smiles at the flowers, as if he is talking with them.Mom washes the dishes, cleans up the floor and at the same time singing Beijing Opera. Sometimes she stops to ask me how I do in my school.After supper, I play the piano for two hours.What a happy life we live.


The Color I Love Best


Of all the colors, I love blue best.Blue is the color of sky and sea.When the sky is blue, we will feel happy to

have a nice day.Blue is also related to the sea.When we come to the seaside, the deep blue color will attract us much.I like swimming in the sea very much. It makes me feel free and happy.Blue can make us feel easy, cool us down when we are too anxious.Its a color of ration and calm.


My Family


In my life, I am proud of having a happy family.I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little brother.As most other families, there are laughs and tears at my home. My father is friendly to others.Our neighbors speak highly of him.Mother is strict to me and my little brother. She has high expectation to us, wanting us to have bright future.My little brother is a primary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playing with his friends. It worries my parents a lot.But in general, we have more laughs than tears.I love my lovely family.




It is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag.Why?Because the national flag is the symbol of a (the) country.To respect it means to respect the country.In other words, if a man loves his country, he must love the national flag.

In school, the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day.Then the principal, teachers, staff and students are to (must) stand before it and sing the national anthem.It is indeed extremely meaningful to attend such a ceremony.



Make Dumplings


dumpling is a traditional chinese food.On the lunar new year s day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings.To make them, follow this easy process.

The first step is to mix the flour with water.when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers.we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook.when the wrappers are done, it s time to prepare the filling.Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it.we must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly.When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings.First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper.Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest.Don t just cover the filling with the wrappers.The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea.The smell can make your mouth water.


第一步就是把面粉和水和在一起。和好面之后,我们可以开始擀皮。我们使用一个滚动杆,把它揉成又薄又小的圆形面皮,这样会比较容易煮。皮弄完后,就是弄馅的时候了。通常我们用肉(比如牛肉和羊肉)还有蔬菜(比如白菜和胡萝卜)作馅。 你可能选择任何你喜欢的馅包进去。我们必须把这些东西剁小。然后放上盐,油和其他调料搅拌它均匀。当所有这些准备工作都完成了,我们就可以开始包饺子了。首先放一勺馅在皮的中心。然后把两个相反的两边粘在一起,然后就是其他的了。不只是只是把馅包在皮里面。饺子最好看的形状是像一艘船,因为当它们在锅里煮时,他们看起来就像是大海里的船只。它们的香味会让你流口水。

Why Are Bicycles So Commonly Used in China


Bicycle is a convenient means of transportation. It has been very popular in China.During the rush hours, particularly in big cities, you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in the streets.People can ride bicycles to their working places, to schools, to shopping centres and so on.In a word, bicycles play an important role in daily life.



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how to learn english well

First of all, reading is very important if we want to learn English well. When we are reading English articles we not only get to know a lot of English words and expressions, but also get a sound sense of English language (英语语感).

Then reciting english words is also necessary because without enough vocabulary we can not understand well.

Lastly, grammar is also improtant for us because if we dont know the basic knowledge about English grammar we may not understand the sentence structures. It will cause us a lot of problems.

Of course, we will also try hard to listen more and try to talk with people in English. In this way, we can learn English well.

[初三以how to be learn为题写英语作文



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木棉花总在新生来的时候与老生毕生的时候开放,满目的艳红,灼灼其华,仿佛我们用汗水与心血祭奠的青春,一去不返。树下刻着谁和谁的名字,承诺着 友谊长存 的誓言,却还不明白一辈子的约定是多么奢侈。曾经手拉手地畅谈心事,却可能终究抵不过拉着行理箱在校门口你往右走,我向左走。

操场静下来了,往日与同学们的呐喊声、加油声收藏在哪里了呢?被秘密定格的雨水顺着叶子的脉络滴下,有多少件心事还来不及分享?有多少个公式还来不及默写?有多少个面孔还来不及铭记?随着 咔嚓 一声,毕业照上呆呆的笑脸为一切画上了并不完满的句号。

此刻,只剩下一些模糊的粘稠的丝网缠绕着心扉。教室讲台上的座位表是否成为解锁的密码?在老师眼皮底下的 恶作剧 偷走了我们多少的窃喜与害怕?厚厚的书墙,埋葬了我们多少的操场梦想?把你的背景剪成窗花贴在心上,朋友,这样还会把你忘记吗?当记忆被岁月一点点漂白,一点点磨平,是否会再也叫不出你的名字?








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Thirty percent choose to enter vocational schools, and the rest ten percent plan to go abroad for further studies.

(1)I think we have more freedom to choose what we would like to do after graduation. Going to college is no longer the only choice for most of us as it was years ago.

OR:(2)I think our city government has made more efforts to help the non-local workers. For example, their children can enjoy the equal right of a good education with the city students.

OR:(3)I think with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up businesses here and they are happy to send their children to local schools to learn more about China and Chinese culture.

I believe the future of the education in our city is promising!

That’s all. Thank you.










