有关于描写兔子的英语作文实用三篇 作文(优秀20篇)






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A pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard.

Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion.







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Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see?

Often products show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form of adver-rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different products. When you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product or company.

Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain company. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste.

It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad.

All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why dont you buy it and be like these people? You can be young, modern and trendy, too."

You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product?



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每当我念起这首儿歌,便会想起那两只逗人爱的小兔子。 我以前养过两只兔子。



我喜欢“雪雪”,因为它最文静。它总是眯缝着眼睛,有时用两条后腿站起来,两只前爪在脸上舞来舞去,好像在“洗脸”,真是爱干净。“斑斑”可不一样,它闹的可凶了!两只前爪总是扑扑腾腾,没有多少停歇的时候,把笼子里搞的“云山雾罩”的。哎,这也不能怪它,“雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离”嘛! 每到“进餐”的时候,“雪雪”就惨了,每当它正津津有味地品尝胡萝卜时,只要被“斑斑”发现了,“斑斑”就会立刻跳过来,和“雪雪”争抢起来,谁也不肯让谁。结果还是“斑斑”这只小壮兔力气大,占了优势,“雪雪”只好少吃点儿了! “雪雪”和“斑斑”吃饱了,就一改争食时横眉冷对的劲儿,亲密地挨着肩大睡起来,还发出“呼呼”的声音,总算有个安宁之时了!

“小白兔,白又白,两只耳朵竖起来。爱吃萝卜和青菜,蹦蹦跳跳真可爱!”我喜欢“雪雪”的文静,也喜欢“斑斑”的活泼。这两只小兔子给我的生活带来了无限的快乐! 永远的小兔子 家里不知什么时候来了个朋友。一身洁白无暇,毛茸茸的;长长的耳朵,非常机敏一双红通通的大眼睛,机警地环视四周。它就是——只活泼机灵的小兔子。它实在太可爱了,让人一见就生爱怜之心。瞧,这会儿,它正在吃青草叶。它只直勾勾地看着我,对我充满了敌意。

这还是暑假,我把小兔子安置在一个笼子里,笼子里食物充足,光线充足。小兔子整天无忧无虑,对我也放松了敌意。我想,这样下去不是个办法,小兔子整天吃吃睡睡,像个啥呀!所以我决定把小兔子带到乡下去“散散心”,活动活动,不要成为一只小懒兔。出乎我的意料,它很快爱上了那块长满杂草的土地,在上面玩耍睡觉。这时它还不会跳,只能慢吞吞地用后腿吃力地走。有时,我在院坝里做作业,小兔子就在我周围小跑,一会儿去向小狗扮个鬼脸,一会又神气十足地用后腿踢踢鸡舍。有一次,它竟然学着我的样子坐在地上翻起书来,一翻就是一大叠,可逗人哩!看吧,连动物也在努力学习,何况是人呢? 我不管它。就是大门敞开着,它也顶多只在门口站上一会儿,决不跑出去。 渐渐地,它学会了兔子都有的本领——跳,而且胆子也大了许多,有时会跳出门去,但不久就会回来。我也很放心,在学校跑步得第一名的姐姐也追不上它,它每次都乖乖地回来。我还记得有一次,它回来时后面跟一只大狼狗,多亏小狗“护驾”,才没有酿成悲剧,但是却让小狗和它化敌为友。

我默默地看着。这小家伙跳到我面前,我用手摸了摸它那细腻的毛,它也不怕,反而友好地蹭我几下。 这是暑假的最后一天了,我坐在树下和小伙伴玩“跑得快”。它居然跳到我的两条腿交叉形成的圆圈里,我不在动了,生怕吓跑它。过了一会儿,我朝下一看,这家伙睡着了。我用一只指头轻轻点了一下它,它没动,睡得好香!还不时蹭蹭我,难道在做梦…… 暑假过去了。我告别了小兔子回城里上学了。不过每周我都会回来一次。 小兔子长得又结实又强壮。其实,如果它不长就好了,现在爷爷和外婆要决定把它杀了,在我的万般阻拦下,他们才没有动手。 周末,我依旧去看小兔子,见外婆正把小兔子给别人。 “外婆,你干什么?”我大吼到。 “没……没什么,我让它帮我看一下兔子是公是母。”外婆强颜欢笑。 “噢,那就算了,最好是母的,多生些兔宝宝。”我嘻皮笑脸地扮了个鬼脸。 我越想越不对劲儿。看兔子为什么找个五大三粗的,像个杀猪的男人?谁会特意骑车帮你看兔子?对了,车上的筐里还有许多大兔子! 糟了,我赶紧跑出去,摩托车已经发动了,走了很远。我含着泪水追呀追…



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winter is my favourite season. because my birthday is in it. it lasts from december to february. in winter it is cloudy, windy, cold and dry. in winter i take off my dress and put on my coat. i can make a snowman, go sking and go skating in it. i can drink chocolate. but i can’t drink cold water and eat ice-creams. winter is white. i like winter very much.



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My mother is a kind and gentle woman。 She is always very gentle。 She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school。 I have two brothers and two sisters。 So she gets five children in all。 She gives us every comfort we need。 We all love her very much。

My mother has too much to do in bring us up。 As our family is not rich enough, my mother always hits to do a lot of work。 She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day。 She works very hard, yet without complaining。

My mother is also a thrifty and industrious woman。 She saves every penny that she can to keep everything in order。 As she has been busy ever since she was young, she looks older than she really is。 Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, some of her teeth become movable。 But she works as hard as ever。

My mother often says to us," work while you work, play while you play。 If you did not work, you will become lazy and of no use to the society。" What a good piece of advice it is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our minds。




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Yesterday, after a long meeting in the class, all the students had been told about the safe issues, then the summer vacation finally came. All of us felt so happy and liked a free bird, rushing to home quickly. I had been looking forward to this holiday for such a long time, I really needed to take some rest after studying for a semester. I have made some plans for my summer vacation. First, I wanted to spend some time to stay with my grandparents. I miss them all the time and they always tell me to visit them when I have the time. My grandma will cook the delicious food for me. Second, I want to read some books I like, such as the fiction books. I don’t have much time to read fiction books because I have to focus on my study. Summer vacation provides the time to adjust myself.




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Under the snow all day yesterday, my mother and I got up early today, because I dont want to miss a good chance to see snow.

Snowy morning, snow mountains, great! Like a wonderful hand painter painted a beautiful picture. Path has been covered with a layer of long white carpet, so pure, so crystal clear, look really dont have the heart to put his foot on; The grass on both sides of the road has been out of sight, because the lawn covered by a thick layer of the quilt; Small trees compose full of honeysuckle, furry, thick, than the original big pine is more beautiful, would like to open full of pear flower, was "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open"!

My mother and I breathe the fresh air, enjoy the nature gives grace. We heartily in this beautiful world of the snowball fights, a snowman, although I flushed with manual, but my heart happy!

Because have school, so we had to leave. Bye beautiful lawn, pine trees, the beauty of nature!







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The winter is coming, the weather is getting cold. After the second day of the afternoon, we all pleasantly surprised to find the rain! The rain outside the window da da da da hit the window, the outside of the ground has accumulated a small puddle, the rain into a small puddle to form a A small ripples, to the surrounding waves open to go. I can not wait to open the window, a cold wind blowing, I stretched out his hands, thin rain hit my hand, slightly hurt.

Afternoon after school and Luo Shu Tong, Yang Ruoxin went to Xu Baihui home rehearsal English drama, out of the school I found that when the rain than the second class after the larger and dense, the rain is like a shell On our umbrella, the rain fell into the puddle and burst into a transparent, round and small blister. Roadside trees on the leaves have many raindrops down, then the temperature is lower, and to Xu Baihui home I feel almost frozen ears.

Night my father to pick me home, on the road I think the rain seemed a little bit a little, but still very close. The lights were raindrops, and they fell like a root from the sky. The way people riding a bike umbrella, bow quickly ran home to go.

Now the night has been deep, the rain is still under the rhythm of the next. The earth quietly, only to hear the rain hit the window on the drop of da da sound. Old people often say: "rain hit the ground under the snow." Tomorrow it will be under the snow, right? We can snowball, snowman.



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My family has a puppy. Its my mothers birthday present to me on my birthday. I like it very much. My mother gave it a lovely name.


Every day I come back from school, the first thing is to take things to feed Wangwang, my mother said, to be friends with the puppy, it must be good to it.


So I usually shower it and take it out to play. Want to be naughty, and at the beginning of each time to help it wash, it is always reluctant to, every time I wet my clothes, but I did not angry, mother said, and more help it wash a few times, it will get used to it.


Every night after dinner, I will be holding the dog and her mother went to the outside for a walk, take it to the park and other puppies playing together, but I was too naughty, bullying next O king, mother said, dont take it out. Wangwang although a little naughty, but I still like it, I will always be friends with it.



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Winter morning really beautiful ah!

The sun also feel a bit cold, holding a white scarf around his neck, the earth also paved a layer of milky white veil. Distant trees, houses are showing a touch of shadow, like the painter with light ink outlines the lines. The whole earth are shrouded in the thick white fog, nothing can not see. Eyes only white vast fog, wet fog, cool foggy fog.

I took my school bag toward the school, the streets from time to time someone rush to and from. At first, you can only hear their footsteps, and then to see their blurred silhouette close to see their face, the fog gave them a clever place in the make-up, their black hair dyed silver, their Eyelashes sparkling crystal beads.

Came to school, the campus everywhere misty, as if to the school covered with a layer of silver and white veil, really "do not know the true colors" mystery. I put down my bag and finished my homework. "Ding zero" - morning time to go, the students have returned to their seats, concentrate on reading the book. Suddenly, the campus book sound Lang Lang. Into the classroom, like into the rain after the bamboo forest, a green tree to drop the spring bamboo in the rain under the moisture of the first to fear to grow seedlings.

"Ding zero" is a crisp ringtones - morning time to run. We arranged a neat team as usual to the playground running. We are wearing neat school uniforms, like a long dragon dance in the playground. In the sound of music, we run in a consistent manner. I can not help but exclaimed: This is really a world of hope!

The winter morning is full of life, full of hope, how can not let people love it?



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In winter, the air wave with large snowflakes, not for a moment, then on the ground covered with white snow, people stepped in the thick soft snow, really comfortable ah! The branch also put on the White House jacket, with a string of pearls like ice, in the sun, her tears, with his last time to let people see her shining side. At this time, a few naughty figure on the streets, they wear a thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, hats and gloves, playing in the street. The snowball was flying in the air, and the sound of a child. The people heard the sound of running out, together, enjoying the beautiful scenery, watching the children playing happy scene, laughing and talking, people face exposed happy smile. This is a village - my hometown, how beautiful, harmonious, I love my hometown of winter!

冬天,空中飘舞着鹅毛大雪,不一会儿,地上便铺满了洁白的雪,人们踩在这厚厚的软绵绵的雪上,真舒服啊!树枝也穿上了那白色的棉袄,房屋上结了一串串珍珠似的冰,在太阳的照射下—她流着泪,用自己最后的时光让人们看到她闪闪发光的一面。 这时,街道上出现了几个淘气包的身影,他们穿着厚厚的棉袄,围着围巾,戴着帽子和手套,在街道上玩耍。雪球在空中飞舞着,时不时传来一个孩子的叫声。人们听见这声便跑出来,聚在一起,一边欣赏着美丽的景色,看着孩子们玩耍时快乐的情景,有说有笑,人们的脸上都露出了幸福的笑容。 这是村庄—我的家乡,多么的美丽,和谐,我爱家乡的冬天!



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Once, my father took a holiday at home, that our family needs to keep some small animals so that some lively home, so he wanted to raise kittens and puppies, but they are afraid of their bacteria will be transmitted to us ... ... after some wits, father Decided to raise small goldfish.

So, my father and I go to the bird market to buy goldfish, where the goldfish is extremely beautiful. Bulging eyes, round mouth mouth, fat body, long tail. The tail of the goldfish is like a rudder, a pectoral fin like a paddle, a dorsal fin like a sail, and they are free to wander in the water. Little goldfish dressed in colorful "clothes", there are red, white, black, and flowers, I really want to buy them all. So, I picked a number of different varieties of different colors of small goldfish.

After returning home, I took a tube, put three quarters of the water, put some big soda in the water, stir with a chopstick, the small goldfish and the water in the bag into the water , I want to see how small goldfish is free to swim, but I was disappointed that the small goldfish is not as swim in the bird market so happy, it seems not satisfied with their new home. At this time, my father again the fish tank, air pump and fish are bought back. Then I put the bucket of water and small goldfish are poured into the fish tank, plug the pump, also put a little fish and insects.

After a few days, may be familiar with the environment, and small goldfish polymerization in the fish tank, shaking his head and tail to enjoy swimming. Some of them are scattered; some quietly stay in the side, a small mouth together to spit blisters; some sideways leap from the water, and then Twist the body, to a sharp turn, and finally the back down into the water; some ridge up, belly close to the surface, jump from one place to another ... ...

Looking at these little goldfish, I remembered the situation with the little partners to play, but also so happy and comfortable.



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Autumn is Jin Gui fragrance, day high clouds, trivial season, let us into the autumn, to feel the beauty of autumn.

In the orchard, the fruit is ripe, the sweet fruit is the childrens feet are hooked it! That apple is big and red, covered with branches, pear fragrant, sweet pineapple, children holding a basket and ladder Pick it!

Autumn, maple leaves become red, red maple leaves like drunk people like, maple leaves very red and red, red like fire! Look at the red maple leaves I think of a poem "cream leaves in February Flowers. "A gust of wind blowing, maple leaves like a lot of red little hands to greet us!

Autumn, sweet-scented osmanthus opened, drifting thousands of miles. Waves of fragrance drift into my nose, I always can not help but take a deep breath, really fragrant! Osmanthus petals rolled out, that golden petals like a small gold it is not beautiful, but it is not beautiful Thick smell of refreshing. They are together to gather together, as if in a meeting, like a baby asleep, is doing sweet dreams!

Autumn, sentence chrysanthemum in full bloom, colorful red, white, yellow, there are many colors, chrysanthemum has a touch of fragrance? Chrysanthemum variety, and some like a hydrangea, and some like aunt Curls, and some want to fly down the waterfall.

I love the beautiful autumn!



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I have a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him. My mother and my sister look after him every day. When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much. Do you like him?

翻译: 我有一个。他的名字叫鲍勃。他两岁了。他是黄色的并且非常胖。他有两个大眼睛。他穿着一件黑色的衣服。我经常跟他玩。我妈妈和姐姐每天都照顾的他很好。当我回到家的时候,他经常围着我转。他非常可爱也很友好。我很喜欢他。你喜欢他吗?



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台风来了(Typhoon coming)

Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season. They Are great wind storms; when they strike land they may do great damage. However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way. He will send out warnings about.

People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time. In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also, we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity. Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.




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In winter, the cold wind blowing in the face like a knife, large snowflakes up, like a beautiful white butterfly landed on the branch, fall on the grass, how pure. After a while, on the floor like a layer of white carpet, from afar, the pines in the snow stand in the snow, Lamei laughter, kids skiing happily in the snowman, happy, really very happy! But the boa constrictor and hedgehog, they are cold to get into their bed, began to hibernate. Winter is really beautiful, I love the beautiful snowflakes, I love the beautiful winter



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We had a sports meeting last Friday. All of the students took an active part in it. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. The boys won the boys 400 metres, and the girls won the girls 200 metres.

I joined in the sports meeting, too. In the long jump, I won the second prize. But unluckily, I was the last one in the high jump.

Though the sports meeting has been over, Ill always remember the spirit of Faster, Higher and Stronger .



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The autumn girl drove the summer heat of the summer heat, and brought the cool autumn.

Autumn girl ran into the orchard with her wand a little, the orchard faction of the scene. Mature grapes like a string of crystal clear agate, looks like a mouth-watering, taste a grape in the mouth of the sweet juice in the mouth aftertaste infinite, really people eat a want to eat the second and third Stars. Orchard in the orchard fire red, like a group of burning fire is burning. I could not help it temptation to take off a red hawthorn taste, sour me. I think this hawthorn is really looking good, but eating is really not delicious ah I can no longer be confused by the appearance of the future. Orchard jujube also one by one hanging on the branches, picked down a large and red dates, a taste of sweet and delicious, sweet and crisp very delicious.

The orchard of the persimmon one by one to the branches bent to the waist, one of the Huang Chengcheng persimmon is like a hanging in the branches of a small lantern. I taste really amazing, it is very sweet taste, like sugar as sweet, very delicious really want to eat one. Pomegranate in the orchard is also cooked, one by one grinned his mouth, inside the fruit is like a piece of ruby. In the mouth of a bite rotten, sweet juice to spray out, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Autumn orchard is really a good harvest season it!



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I have a lovely little cat, whose name is "flower". It has a long peary hair, a pair of bright little eyes, a sharp little nose, and a brown mouth. Because the mouth of the flower is brown, so I think it is so cute!

The flowers are not only cute, but also very smart! Once, our family to do fish to eat, small flowers look at the fish, greedy too DC saliva, its small eyes squint for a while come up with a ghost idea. It is hard to cling to eat, the whole family thought it would like to go to the toilet, there are pots, looking for sand, everyone busy enjoying themselves, do the fish still stood on a small table. Little flower to see no one, and suddenly jumped to the table on the fish Diao to the table under, and then relish to eat a meal. And so we come back, the small flowers are proudly licking his mouth! Haha, we actually on the small cat when the really dumbfounding it!

Sometimes the flowers are also very naughty, take the last time it is right That day, I saw the flowers channeling to channeling, like a small madman, I have a look, oh, it was funny to play a small insects to play it. Flower to seize it, look at the left to see, may feel that it is not easy to eat it, put it down, the small insects took the opportunity to escape, spend hot chase. So once ran a chase, catch the release, put the chase, spend play can be energetic, and really a "naughty ghost" it!

Flowers are very human, and it is also very close to me. It was born twenty days, my mother took it home, and I slowly fed it with a small spoon to drink, every day so, I would like to spend the flowers, so flowers with my friendly, love And I "shake hands". Whenever I go home from school, the first thing is to see the flowers, then, the flowers will jump to me, stretched out a small claw and I shake hands. We are still a good friend who does not talk about it. If I have any trouble, you can talk about flowers, it head down, as if for my share of worry.

Flower is my "good partner" is my pistachio, I really like it!
