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We have many friend.But my best friend are three.The one is Pan Jinying.

She is not beautiful and not ugly.She good at running.She likes English best.She likes eat fish.I think she will be tall,because she likes playing basketball.




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1. 当年我高考的时候,俩眼一闭,两腿一蹬,救过来了,如今,你这么炯炯有神,志气高昂,青春活力,一定会顺利登第,金榜题名。愿你高考顺利。

2. 寒窗苦读,今朝场上试;金榜题名,展翅正当时;壮志在胸,前程铺锦绣;豪情不改,未来倍精彩。高考日,愿你昂首向前冲,一举实现心中梦!

3. 忆往昔三年,朝九晚五,埋头在书本之间,奋斗在高考一线;而今,怀揣梦想,坚定信念,成功就在不远前。祝你能够金榜题名,考试高中!

4. 寒窗苦读十几载,只为今日露锋芒。高考场上不慌张,从容答题心顺畅。才思敏捷审题准,难题下手也不挡。金榜题名在今朝,父母亲朋赞声扬。祝你高考取得好成绩!

5. 天蓝蓝,水清清,愿你态度端正头脑清,游刃有余思路清;云淡淡,风轻轻,愿你准备充分压力轻,看淡结果心态轻。祝你高考顺利!

6. 六月到来迎高考,天气炎热心烦躁,平和心态战高考,生活习惯莫改掉,放松心情压力小,考完一科忘一科,越战越勇志气高,金榜题名乐逍遥!

7. 终于历经一番高考的苦战,大学生活开始了,站在新的旅途上,一定要成为时代的弄潮儿,肩负着自己的使命,努力吧!未来属于你!

8. 豪情满怀进考场,壮志凌云压群芳,雄鹰展翅任翱翔,骏马奋蹄勇敢闯。十载苦读在寒窗,一举成功题金榜,祝君高考获头彩,前程似锦宏图长!

9. 高考三字经:进考场,入佳境,先简单,后艰深。考题易,莫大意,我觉易,人觉易。考题难,莫心烦,我觉难,人觉难。出考场,不议题,待明日,再搏击。

10. 十年寒窗,发挥在此时,精神抖擞,奋战考场中,放松心情,沉着来应对,充满信心,考出好成绩,祝高考的学生,身体健康,学业有成。

11. 几度播洒汗水,即将迎来收获;几度辛勤耕耘,即将结出硕果;几度怀揣梦想,即将放飞希望;成功已在招手,只等最后拼搏。高考加油,期待奏响凯歌!

12. 步入金秋,迎来丰收。寒窗苦读,收获多多。经历高考,踏入大学。新的开始,新鲜事多。有学有玩,趣味多多。好好学习,奖金也多。

13. 人生最大的考验,请朋友不要紧张,发挥出正常水平,相信自己一定行。不经风雨怎见彩虹!10年辛苦高考必胜,祝愿高考旗开得胜,一鸣惊人金榜题名!

14. 高考在即,祝你一鼓作气,不二话,做一个拼命三郎,学为上。愿你携四方之志,起五更,熟读着六韬三略,思不惰。祝高考成功,一切顺利。

15. 高考到来,秘笈送到:给自己加油,给自己打气,给自己一份信心,忘掉烦恼,忘掉失败,成败未定不能放弃。不抛弃,不放弃,为了梦想拼搏,无怨无悔,方成大气!

16. 高考结束啦,秋天来啦,收获的时节到啦,金榜也题名啦,新的学习开始啦,以为着新的使命来临啦。愿你发扬以前的刻苦努力学习一刻不放松,创造美好未来,创造绚丽多彩的人生。

17. 毕业赠言:想说爱你,感觉太沉;想说喜欢,感觉太轻;一天天地眷恋,一夜夜的无眠,我只有数着相思的绿莹帘珠,托星月寄到你窗前.祝高考顺意!

18. 高考结束尘埃定,金榜题名遂心愿。多年苦读结硕果,梦想实现笑开颜。父母亲人齐祝贺,街坊邻居佳话传。山窝飞出金凤凰,学府深造出人才。祝你前程似锦绣,宏图大展创未来!

19. 高考就要到了,我将文曲星的智慧和幸运神的祝福融进这小小的短信里,护佑你从容心应对,宁静心面对,自信心翻倍。祝你成功!

20. 十年寒窗为今朝,临危不惧迎高考;十年艰辛来苦读,只为今朝收获足,十年磨剑剑更锋,考场之上逞英雄;十年辛苦十年盼,更为人生立宏愿。祝莘莘学子高考顺意!

21. 用信心做笔,雄心做卷,用心执笔答称心之卷。顺心做陪,舒心作伴,满心乐观获甜心之绩。除去忧心,放下担心,万事遂心,盼你开心。祝你高考顺利,金榜题名,马到成功。

22. 送走五月花丛的芬芳,迎来六月桃李的时光。高考在即,给你发条短信:你可以不用理我,但不能失去自我;你可以不看短信,但不能没有自信,祝高考顺利!

23. 高考到,眼直跳,心情紧张上下跳;一路走,一路想,脑海徘徊是试题;街边景,喧闹声,独自沉寂幻想中;迈开步,大声喊,紧张疲劳渐渐跑。

24. 高考第一天,精神放自然;保持平常心,考试要放心;审题要细心,答题要专心;检查要耐心,思考要用心;一定要信心,才会考开心。

25. 高考贴士:保持清醒头脑,缓解紧张情绪,如深呼吸,热水泡脚。戴好手表计时。答题规范,注意审题,正确表达。轻松上阵、金榜题名!

26. 今天高考到,决战在今朝,细心看试卷,下笔如有神,努力来发挥,机智来应对,父母命在肩,老师心期盼,愿高考成功,成就大学梦,祝学子快乐。

27. 让你难过的事情,有一天,你一定会笑着说出来,但让你笑着说出来的事情,不一定是曾经让你难过的事情,比如曾经的高考。

28. 当年高考,我问佛祖不会怎么办?佛祖送我四字:事在人为;考试前我又问佛祖,佛祖又送我四字:一切随缘;考完我又问佛祖,佛祖沉默半晌后说:重在参与!

29. 辛苦操劳,注意身体,高考在即,莫要焦虑,成败未定,仍需努力,放松自己,平常心意,多多调整,平静出奇。原君如意,高考胜利。

30. 遥想当年高考时,决战6月7、8日,十年磨剑试锋芒,武林盟主你称霸!今日又到高考日,愿历经过高考的“战友”们明天更灿烂!

31. 十几年的寒窗,今朝梦想圆满,心中还有惆怅,理想就在前方,离开了温暖的家,肩上责任重大,大学新生就应该自信迎接挑战,早日成就自己的梦想。

32. 即将踏入大学的校门,面对新的环境,新的校友,新的生活,祝愿你们前程无忧,顺顺利利,做一个对社会有奉献的大学生。

33. 大学,就像是军队,把你武装;课堂,就像是训练,把你变强;书本,就像是钢枪,赐你武器;学识,就像是子弹,天下闯荡;把握好大学时光,知识给予你力量,大学新生活,祝你好运!

34. 大学是展示自我的舞台,好好锻炼,多参加活动,开阔视野,多结交朋友,你的生活会很精彩,祝学业有成,生活如意!

35. 进入大学后,可以放松的生活,但不能放松求知,可以放纵心情,但不能放纵自己,可以放弃娱乐,但不能放弃学业,最后祝大学生活愉快,硕果累累。

36. 寒窗苦读的日子过去啦,美好的大学生活开始啦,紧张的气氛此刻没有啦,时而激动时而兴奋啦。肩负新一代的使命啦。祝你在大学学有所成,把理论知识和实际相结合,创造一个新未来。

37. 因为你们年轻,所以无所畏惧;因为踌躇满志,所以奋斗不止。在大学校园里,你们将接受文明的积淀,探索科学的奥秘,实现理想的技能,大学将让你们成才,你们将为大学添彩,大学新生,加油!

38. 愿你带着焕然一新的心情,走进耳目一新的大学,学到日新月异的新知识,成就新的未来;祝你在大学里万事更新,学习顺心,快乐开心!

39. 在大学,如果你快乐,请记得你的快乐是用你辛勤的汗水和过人的智慧,还有你父母的支持换来的,所以,如果你想继续快乐,永远快乐,那么不要忘了在快乐的时候仍然要奋斗再奋斗!

40. 大学四年,是我最美好的时光;同寝四年,是我最幸运的福分。感谢有你的秋冬春夏,嬉笑怒骂。愿你毕业后一帆风顺!

41. 恭喜!你付出的所有辛劳和汗水,终于在今天结出了硕果,沉积成幸福的泪水,希望你再接再厉,早日实现自己的人生理想,祝你前程似锦,在大学的学习生活如鱼得水,大鹏展翅,一飞冲天!

42. 恭喜你金榜提名,考上自己所期望的大学。上帝是公平的,寒窗十年你奋斗的成果,终于有了好的收获,祝你在踏入大学后继续努力,学业有成。祝贺你,朋友!

43. “大学”是一辆急驰而来的“青春快车”,载满欢乐、知识、智慧、财富。愿你旅途幸福、一路顺畅、收获多多!

44. 美好的大学生活开始了,祝你在学业上有所斩获,在学途上一帆风顺,在学校里风生水起,大学新生活,把握好自己,做成功的自己!

45. 告别炎炎酷暑,迎来金秋如画。踏上他乡征程,各自海角天涯。结识新交,不忘故知,张开双臂,一起拥抱美好的大学生涯!

46. 风是有了梦想才去追逐,云是有了梦想才去远足,花是有了梦想才会灿然,你是有了梦想才会步入大学校园,祝你学有所成,不要贪玩,勤学苦练,梦想实现!

47. 年前曾经有遗憾,过去曾经有不满,目标或许有偏差,理想可能未实现,新的学期重新开始,拼搏向前放开过去,全身心,满斗志,努力拼搏,让新的生活充实满意。愿即将迈进大学的你,勇闯一片新天地。

48. 出门在外多有不便,随遇而安学会坦然;生活琐事莫要计较,和和气气更显畅快;努力学习莫要过度,劳逸结合注意身体。短信关怀愿你牢记,祝你大学新生活精彩不断!

49. 祝贺你金榜题名,走进大学校门,我送你‘文房四宝’为你壮行;‘金笔’绘出人生图,‘银砚’磨出光明路,‘铜墨’挥洒青春志,‘铁纸’刻画好前途;愿你在大学里学业有成,再放光芒!



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XX is my good friend. She’s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She’s a model student. She’s clever and she’s helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. XX is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other.



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My friend

One of my friend is a beautiful and clever girl whoes name is Li Hua.

with rosy cheeks,she has a pair of bright eyes,which shine below her

arch eyebrows. within her small mouth there are two lines of white teeth.

Her hair is straight and long. hanging down to her shoulders. she is healthy and attractive.

she is loved by her classmates.








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I have the same routine from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at five fifty. Then I have breakfast. At six thirty, I go to school. I don’t ride a bike. I go to school on foot. I have five lessons in the morning. I do morning exercises with my classmates after the second lesson. At eleven thirty, I go home for lunch. In the afternoon, I have three lessons. After class, we often have sports in the playground. At five, I go home. After supper, I do my homework. At about ten, I go to bed. I am happy every day.



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My best friend

My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.

Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?




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Dear Tony,

This was you takes the pen pal to accompany me the 3rd year. I am very happy, has your accompanying in these three years. Under yours care, I realized the warm feeling. I to have you such pen pal to feel proud. In these three years, can and you shares mine some happy matters be my being honored. Thanks time which your for three years accompanied me to pass. I hoped that we can forever be the friends.





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With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life。 However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university。 There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university。




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At the end of the summer vacation, I cant help feeling excited and curious. How many times I have dreamed that my university life will be meaningful and beautiful.

At the beginning of university life, I think study and exercise are the most important thing. So I must improve my spoken English and written ability. Besides, I will make more friends and participate in other activities. Fortunately, I took part in two departments successfully. What a happy new for me! In my opinion, importantly, these departments can promote my comprehension and communication ability. At the same time, I will get many chances to exercise in new school life. It will make my life become more and more colorful.

After I entered the new university for two months, I adapt the new environment and meet many classmates and teachers. I feel happy when I made friends with them who can bring me more happiness and challenging.

There are many different aspects between high school and university. Firstly, I think independence is an ability for oneself in the university, but it is not in the high school. You must do everything by yourself. Secondly,we will have a lot of spare time,and we can do many things in this time. For example,we can read in our school library,we can play basketball or football in the stadium, we can have a rest in your dormitory and so on. Thirdly, you will have many activities and you can participate in it. At the same time,you have many chances to exercise your ability,study how can we do it better and promote our team spirit. Compared with high school life, I think my university life will be better and more interesting than high school.



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I have a good friend. His name is Wang weidong. He is my classmate and we often go to school together. He is tall and handsome with a pair of glasses. He is friendly and kind. He is always ready to help others. He is good at English and I am weak in English so he often helps with my English. He likes doing sports, reading and traveling. He can skate and ski very well. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met. 我有个朋友,他叫王卫东。他是我的同学,我们两经常一起去上学。他个子高高的很英俊。他戴着眼镜。他很友好善良,总乐于助人。他擅长英语而我英语不好,他总帮我学英语。他喜欢运动、阅读和旅游。他滑冰和滑雪都非常棒。他是我见过的知识最渊博的人之一。




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Henan has a humid warm-temperate climate. Dry and windy in winter and spring, the province is hot and rainy in summer and bakes in strong sunlight during the autumn months. Rainfall averages about 600-1000 millimeters increasing from north to south, as does the annual temperature which increases from about 12.8C in the north to 15.5C in the south.

Henan province is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization due to its location on the Yellow River. This rich historic heritage has endowed Henan with numerous historic treasures, from primitive dwellings to earliest wheel thrown pottery. The remains of some of the earliest human settlements have been unearthed here, including the over 7000-year-old Peiligang Culture Site, the 6000-year-old Yangshao Culture Remains and the 5000-year-old Dahe Culture Remains. All these cultural remains have profound significance in the history of Chinese civilization.

Luoyang City has been the capital of nine dynasties since the time of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770BC-221BC). There are many historical sites to be viewed in Luoyang as well as the opportunity to purchase replicas of the famed Tang three-glaze horses. Luoyangs Longmen Grottoes, famous for its grand treasure trove of Chinese Buddhist statues, are located 12km (7 miles) south of Luoyang. First sculpted and chiseled around 493 AD when the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) was moved from Datong City to Luoyang, the grottoes of Luoyang house an awe-inspiring collection of sculpted Buddha and other religious subjects.

Kaifeng, one of the ancient capitals, also boasts the following buildings worthy of a visit: Iron Pagoda (Tie Ta) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Dragon Pavilion (Long Ting) - site of imperial palace of the Song and Jin dynasties - and the 1400-year-old Xiangguo Temple which is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in China. Also on view in Kaifeng are ruins of the Shang Dynasty, an important part of human cultural and historic heritage. The Shang Dynasty Ruins, also known as the Yin Ruins, are famous because of the unique style of the large palace and its grand mausoleums, in which emperors of the Shang Dynasty are buried. The bronze vessels of the Shang Dynasty, which were both finely decorated and popularly used by the citizens of the Shang Dynasty, are well-known at home and abroad.



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In the third grade, I met a girl called Zhang Zheyu, dont see her name is not outstanding, but she is very cute! She has a pair of watery big eyes, like talking, full of reiki. She has a special long braids, black beauty. A bright and cheerful disposition, she receives a good laugh at from time to time. We soon became good friends.

Once, on a drawing class, I very not easy finished works have been deskmate accidentally broke, no place is reserved for internal heat. At this moment, Zhang Zheyu pen dropped on the ground, rolled under my chair. She asked me to help her pick up the pen. I was angry and my work was broke, she also mood let me help her pick up a pen? So I pretended not to hear, not to her.

After class, angry, I also wrote a piece of paper, says she has no hands. But soon, I will regret it, Zhang Zheyu just asked me to help her pick up the pen, ou spirit how can I talk to her? I was about to go apologize to her, but I found that there is a pink pencil case paperboard, it says, I know your work was damaged, I have a double-sided adhesive can lend it to you...

Looked at her silk show words, my face burning hot, at this moment, must be better than the rising sun is red.







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Let me introduce one of my best friend! His name is D Jay with big eyes and short hair, and he is twelve years old this year. He comes from HuBei province,and he is be keen on singing and dancing. Of course, he likes playing computer games best! Whats more? He is very kind and always prepared to help others! So I love him very much! Thats all!



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University, where many senior students yearn for. College life, every high school student is dreaming of something to experience. At least I was at that time. But, to tell you the truth, University is just a beautiful imagination for me at that time, but how on earth is it? I think I have a certain understanding of him now.

In the University, on no teacher, education and anti-corrosion tireless; not every day do not finish the exercises and test papers; not every day to score, ranking and anxious, upset...... During this month of experiencing college life, I had a deep impression on this matter: in the first class of the University, there were two girls who were late for a few minutes. But later, the teacher said, "in college, if you are late for class or want to leave early, you dont need to report, you just go in and out of the back door, and dont affect everyone." After that, I have encountered other things that I didnt even think about in high school. For example, you can get in and out of the dormitory and the school gate at any time, because you need to do something to skip classes.

So, I conclude that the university is a completely self-conscious process. If we are a nestling in high school, we can say that the university has grown up, away from the patronage of the parents, away from the teachers supervision, and the rest is only his own master.

So now we have to manage ourselves well, plan our beautiful university life, and make sure that we can laugh at our university life in the future.

The second characteristic is that the university has more time and space, there will be no university from 5 in the morning out of the dormitory class until 10 pm before going back to rest; not because of love to see "a dream of Red Mansions" but was afraid the teacher was found and hiding things, more importantly, there are a variety of activities waiting for you to participate in and experience in the University, and those in high school were regarded as a waste of time. In fact, from these things, we can also learn a lot of knowledge -- knowledge that is not in textbooks, learn many experiences or lessons, and learn the richness and richness of University.

So, I think, more important than knowledge is ability, and ability to cultivate a process, the university is such a good process.

Therefore, we need to seize every opportunity to better ourselves, improve ourselves, and enrich our university life, and win more fortune for ourselves.

University, and the various characteristics of the past:

In universities, where we can use mobile phones or computers, we can no longer bother to check electronic products for teachers, or even hide cellphones in trash cans or ceiling.

In addition to teaching outdoor, you can also go to library and participate in club activities. Besides, we dont have to live in monotonous or dull life everyday.

Universities do not have to make all sorts of reasons for asking for leave for a trip to the school.

The university will not be invited to the office by the teacher in charge of a few times with a friend of the opposite sex.


College life is really different from the learning life we have experienced in the past, and it contains at least a lot of surprises and highlights for me now. Of course, university life is too tempting for us, so this requires us to face with a correct and positive attitude and learn better address temptation.

If there is a chance that I can still struggle with university alumni to say a few words, I really want to tell them: work hard, strive for an early to experience college life, because imagination and true feelings really are different! I also want to say to the students who want to give up the University: University, it is a beautiful 4 years, do not leave a lifetime of regret for yourself!

In the end, I can also say: my college life is really wonderful!



















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New life begins! Ive been expecting this moment for a long time.Finally,I become a college student .

All good things must come to an end ! I am now apart from my family members and many good friends.I am awared that I will have to do everything on my own .

Being responsible is the exact thing that I am supposed to think about! Im now dealing something responsibly with my new rommates.I enjoy being together with them,they just like my good friends in high school,being kind and thoughtful !

My college is a place for a new beginning ,Im sure Im taking a new life ,everything here is full of challenge,quite different from things in high school,teachers are not going to tell you exactly what you are going to do ,you will have to make your own decisions.

So far,Im geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,Im going to make a difference to my life!And I have every confidence on myself.I will still have to move on......








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Nowadays,the unprecedented surge of Chinese tourists gives rise to high visibility for them,and the misbehaviors and bad manners of them abroad are even making headlines around the world.Spitting,cutting in lines,arguing,scribbling on historical buildings,and even fighting after minor accidents have all been attributed to Chinese tourists,causing much embarrassment and soul-searching in China.

In general,there are several reasons for the prevalence of this phenomenon.On the one hand,some people want to express their strong feelings,and some people release their stress.On the other hand,there are still others who just have a poor sense of public morality.All these may lead to their uncivilized behavior in public places,which greatly damages the environment of the tourist sites.

To deal with such wide-spread image damage of the country.We should arouse people’s social conscience to stop staining the tourist sites.The improving of manners and behaviors of the people is a constant work,and it should begin from the very beginning of school.




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Good morning/afternoon:

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview. I hope I  can make a good performance today.My name is xx. I am 20 years old,born in a  little village in Southern Zhejiang. My parents are farmers,and I am the only  child. Though not well-to-do,the family always be hopeful. My major is  engineering technology. I will graduate in July,2011. I have some hobbies like  listening to music,swimming,and especially seeing western movies.

In the passed two years,I have learned some practical skills and gained  some major certificates. I paid more attention to learn Engling,and I have  passed CET4 in my efforts. I am looking forward to becoming a member of your  company . Thankyou!



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july 15, 201x

dear bob,

im very glad to learn that you will come to our city to study chinese in jianxin college of chinese in september, and equally glad to find a place for you to live in。 ive found a flat with a bedroom, kitchen and a bathroom, which is on the third floor of a building on fangcao street。 the 35-square-metre flat with furniture costs 500 yuan per month。

whats more, youll find it very convenient to live here because a bus stop is right at the foot of the building。 and the college you will study in is at the next stop。 you can go to the college either by bus or on foot。 in addition, the environment of this area is very beautiful and people there are very friendly and helpful。

i hope you will come soon and enjoy your stay here。

best wishes!


li hua




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my new friend

in this chapter of the novel,jane met her new friend-helen。what helen said really impressed me a lot,driving me think deeply。

life is too short to hate other people。we all have faults,but when we die,only the pure flame of the spirt will be left。thats why i never think of revenge,i never consider life unfair。i live in calm,looking forward to the end。

honesly speaking,i plained about my life or people around me now and again,wodering why it was always unfair to me。however,think it over,i shouldt have been so mean。time flies。we need to expand the width of life instead of wasting time to think about something meaningless。



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My friends and I

I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didnt go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We havent enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us.



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导语: 高考刚刚落下帷幕不到半个月,现在高二的同学们马上就会升到新高三年级。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!

I am hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I am very happy to learn that youre going to stay with my family while youre in Beijing.

While you are here,well provide you with a room of you own with a bed,a desk,a couple of chairs and a TV. Youll also have you own bathroom. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike. At noon well eat at the school dinner hall. Im sure youll like the delicious Chinese food there,and enjoy talking with friends over lunch. Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon.You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming.Ill be a lot of fun.

If you have any questions or requests,please let me know. Well try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience.




