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Weekend again, is the most exciting. When the sky is gray, I am still lying in bed, covered with a quilt, in fast asleep.

When our factory do the fond dream, dad grabbed a quilt, loudly say: "get up early to bed and early to rise to good health!" But I shuffled and dragging the quilt. Dad said, had to use a killer ─ ─ scratching, I burst out laughing, had to open a quilt, put on clothes. Dad went on to say: "go, go with me morning." I stretch and lazily said: "so cold day, stay warm when well see." At this time, the father to take a harsh glare, I I had to go with him.

We came to the park and run around the park. The foggy, covering over the park. Flower also stained with dew drops; The fishes in the fish pond is not wake up yet; Basketball court is trying to open the heavy eyelid; Willow is tearing strips to sleep. Imperceptible in, have already run a circle, "on the face is full of water." I will pretend tired to dad said: "very tired, take a break." "No, a circle is tired?" My father said. I pointed to the face of the water, said: "look! All is sweat." Father asserted that it was the fog. There is no way, had to run with him. A circle and a circle, also dont know how many laps, run more and more sleep only spirit. Unconsciously, dawn broke dawn mist, we happily go back.

Strange to say, after the run, I feel particularly human spirit, work especially excited, soon, I will give the week with the homework finished.

Originally, so good movement. I found it not only gives me energy to welcome a new day, let a person more healthy, but also cultivate the peoples will and perseverance. Exercise is great!









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I attended Jacks birthday party tonight. After dinner, Jack gave cigarets to our boy students present.

At the important moment, I stop them and told them the bad effects of smoking: firstly Smoking is a waste of money and its greatly harmful to our health. And it can lead to fires easily. So we should not smoke at all.

But it seemed helpless and they wouldnt listen to me. Somebody even said that body and health belonged to themselves and its up to them to decide whether to smoke or not. I told him calmly, "Even if you have the right to harm your own body, but it doesnt mean that you have the same right to harm others."

At last, they agreed with me, and some students said that they would never smoke any longer.

For the next one hour, we danced and sang happily, and nobody did smoke again.I felt very happy that my classmate all understood the harmness of smoking.








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我是个喜欢运动的孩子。清晨,小区的运动场上有我矫健的身姿;傍晚,我像小燕子一样在跑道上飞奔。人们看到这情景总会羡慕地说:“看!那孩子的身材多像运 动员,天生就是运动的料。”听了人们的夸奖,我把脑袋摇得像波浪鼓似地说:“你们错了,过去的我呀,可不是这样。”

小学二年级的时候我还不喜欢长跑运动,那时候我长得十分瘦弱,同学背后给我起了个绰号:“豆芽菜”。不仅如此,我还是医院里的“贵宾”。要知道我可是那里 的常客哟,会三天两头光顾的,医生护士都能熟悉地叫出我的名字。爸爸妈妈的工作都很忙,无暇照顾我这个“病秧子”,只好把外地的奶奶接来帮忙。尽管这样, 只要有个风吹草动,那第一个生病还是难逃噩运的我。爸爸妈妈为了我的身体绞尽脑汁,他们一位做医生的同学建议我练长跑来提高身体素质。

一个星期天的早晨,我从睡梦中被喊醒,妈妈兴奋地告诉我:“冠一,我们一起去开家庭运动会。”来到小区的停车场,首先由裁判长妈妈宣布比赛规则:“冠一和 爸爸赛跑,以小区停车线为起点,围着小区跑,以妈妈站的地方为终点,谁先到谁羸,奖品就归谁。”妈妈边说边将手里的奖品高高地举起,我定晴一看,那不是我 央求妈妈多次都不肯给买的手表吗?我不由地想:“哼,老爸,今天一定要羸你!”只听妈妈一声令下,我撒腿就跑,回头看看被甩得远远的老爸,得意极了。可没 过一会儿,就开始心跳加速,呼哧呼哧地喘着粗气,速度也逐渐慢了下来,眼看老爸就要追上来了,我仍拼命向前跑 ,谁知两条腿像灌了铅一样沉,一点也不听使唤。我又吃力地向前跑了一小段,实在坚持不住了,就像泄气了的皮球瘫软下来。这时爸爸追来了,对坐在地上的我 说:“冠一,妈妈就在前面的拐弯处,你不想得奖品了吗?”听了爸爸的话,我噌地站起来:“对,就要到终点了,我不能白跑。”于是迈腿继续向前跑,可是到了 拐弯处,哪有妈妈的身影啊?我失望地回头看着爸爸。爸爸一拍脑门说:“嗨,我记错了,是下一个拐弯处。”“爸爸你骗人,不跑了。”爸爸嘲笑我说:“再跑一 点就能得奖品了,可是有个小傻瓜却不想跑了。”爸爸边说边得意地甩开我自顾向前跑去。我想我才不是傻瓜呢!我要证明给你们看,于是打起精神向前冲去。前面 的爸爸似乎也跑不动了,脚步明显放慢,我暗自庆幸,一股作气超过了他。“冠一,加油!冠一,加油!”妈妈站在我的前边不远处边喊边舞动着手里的奖品。我用 足力气加速,一下子扑到了妈妈身上……妈妈将奖品放在我手上。爸爸满脸的不服气,看着他的表情我兴奋地说:“老爸你不服气,今后继续比,我一定让你输个心 服口服。”妈妈赶紧说:“对,我作证!” 就这样为了能让我每天坚持跑步,爸爸妈妈费尽了心思,想尽了一切能想到的办法。

一天又一天过去了,我已不再把跑步当成负担,相反倒成为每天必须做的功课。渐渐地速度真的比爸爸快了,每次超过爸爸,他就会拍着我的肩膀说:“姑娘,你又 进步了!”再经过一段时间,爸爸已经不是我的对手了,我干脆淘汰了这个对手开始一个人长跑了。在练习的过程中,我逐渐掌握了起跑、加速、冲刺各个环节的要 领,并像运动员一样做得有板有眼。





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recently, more and more people stay at home watching tv and surfing the internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.


this is no doubt that sport is good for our health. a person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. what’s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and confident. if you usually take exercise with your friends, you will be close to them. after all, sports can make your life more colorful.


nothing is more important than doing sports. its time to take actions to stay away from the tv and computer and to take part in sport activities.




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If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should

get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more

exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat

healthy food——more fruit and vegetable s and less meat. If you don’t feel well,

you’d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and

drink enough boiled water every day. It’s necessary for our health.

We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It’s

also very important.



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All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a persons character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.



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尽管身高不是很适合运动,但是这不影响他对运动,对体育项目的兴趣,反而增加了他的兴趣。爱好体育,让他拥有健康的身体,开朗的性格 。








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Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.




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I think healthy habits are very important for us.


I think healthy habits are very important for us.

All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health.Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies.Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.

If we can do all above, we can live a healthy life.







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In the morning, first walk the square. On weekdays, our class walk phalanx, it can be said that formations are not lined up, shouting slogans are not loud. In the process of waiting, several lower grade classes are still shouting slogans. Zhu teacher, said: "you see, these low grade class, the shouting of slogans, than you! You can see many conditions not good!" after hearing Zhu teachers words, I thought to myself: "come on! Never let Zhu teachers underestimate our class." I think our class teacher Zhu "to stimulate the monstrous war". When I arrived at my class, I felt the voice of the class shouting slogans, that was two or three times as usual.

Here is the radio exercise. The distance between each of us is very close. This we must play a super level to exercise. Everyone in our class need to exercise, and also to adjust the distance between each other. Avoid the parties do not hit, do not affect the exercise schedule.

Then its time for the game. During the game, we didnt participate in the game, all crazy writing. The people in our class worked hard, but the writers were also struggling. Halfway through the game, only two people were not playing. For this reason, this is our class schedule to stop.

One day, I think it seems exciting for the three events. Those three events are 60 meters, 800 meters, and relay race. 60 meters is a fast race for each class, and the distance is short, very exciting. 800 meters test is endurance, stamina and physical strength, good, running 800 meters is absolutely no problem. If two or three people are "three good". The 800 meters can be a big spectacle. This will be a game between the top players of each class, and a small mistake will lower the competition.

Finally, thanks to the efforts of all aspects of our class, we have received three awards, all of which have our class. This is the best sports game in history.




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Hi,Jack,we’re going to have our school sports meeting on the playground next week.It will last three days from Thursday to Saturday.We have many competitions in running,such as 100-metre race,200-metre race,400-metre race and the .Please be on time,wear your sports shoes and take a bottle of water. Good luck to you!



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My favorite Sports is basketballI think it is so cool. Basketball requires speed height and skills. I run jump switch and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like wind flying in the playground for my goal which makes me feel so great!


Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes it may disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle decide and judge quickly as a leopard and run for it as a wolf.


Further more basketball is a sports more than just exercising It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side I should learn to show my teammate what I need. At the same time I need to keep an eye on the whole game knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved more cooperation and strategy.


I played basketball more for about 5 years now. I make many good friends throught this sports. It is proud to win honor for my team and my school. Also I enjoy all games with my friends. Basketball will be my best friends in the future and my best memory about school life.




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Nowadays, a large number of students do not have breakfast everyday since they would like to spend more time making up their sleep.In addition, some girls hope to keep slim by not having breakfast.

However, at the same time, they also get some unpleasant results. For example, they feel sleepy in classes and cannot concentrate attention on their study completely. What’s worse, over a long time, their bad conditions will result in the deterioration in quality of their study and the decrease in grade.

Therefore, having breakfast is significant for us. For one thing, the breakfast provides 30 percent of energy we need for the whole day. As the saying goes, “Make your whole years plans in spring and your days plan early in the morning”. If we do not have breakfast, we would not have enough energy to deal with the matters in the whole day and the result of things we done can not run up to what we have expected. For another, having breakfast is conducive to strengthen our creative thinking. Only in a good condition in the morning can we come up with more fresh ideals.

In a word, having breakfast is indispensable. No matter how busy or sleep we are, we should have breakfast on time everyday.



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A Sports Meeting校运会

Last Thursday and Friday, our school held the 40th sports meeting.It is one of the biggest activities each year in my school. All the students badly expect to it.All games in the sports meeting werevery exciting and running was the most intense.Class 4 Grade 3 did the best in the sports.They got the highest scores.My class won the third but it was the best in the six classes of my grade.Liang Wen and Qiu Lu are my classmates. They both won first in the running competition and high jump competition.There were other classmates got scores in other games.Although they didnt won the first, they tried their best.Friendship first, competition second.Winning was not our only purpose.The most important was that we were happy in this activity.



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During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to improve my skill. In high school I spent many hours playing outdoor sports. I enjoyed team sports like basketball and volleyball. In my senior year I started to practice tennis. Sometimes I would find a partner to play tennis with me, but as yet I am not very good at this sport. Tennis requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as strong concentration on the game.




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Eating patterns change over time. Ingredients cannot be seen before in a

country might begin to appear in local markets , shipped from abroad. Migration

causes cultures to change, and eating patterns invariably reflect new


In the 20th century, few people have the time to go home for lunch, and

many city dwellers find themselves in need of grabbing a bite to eat in a place

close to their offices. As a result, the popularity of fast food and takeaway

food has risen . In many urban areas, people who traditionally ate their main

meal at midday now enjoy it in the evening, after work.

Changing eating patterns have an effect on other aspects of society. Meals

have traditionally been times when members of a family catch up with each other.

Fast food and quick meals sometimes threaten such family get-together.



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