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Our school had a sports meeting last week. Eleven classes took part in it. The weather was sunny and warm, and the whole playground was quite exciting.

In the boys relay race, Class 6 fell behind at first. But the second runner Li Lei ran faster than any other runner. Then he caught up with others little by little.

At last, their classmate, Wang Lin passed the finishing line first. Besides, Li Lin from Class 7 broke the school record for 100-meter race and Class 11 won the team title. The headmaster gave the prizes to the winners.








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生命在于运动。是的,生命不息,运动不止。因为运动,让我们拥有健康地体魄;因为运动,让我们享受快乐地成长,因为运动,让我们的生活变得更加五彩斑斓! 我的运动之旅源于一双旱冰鞋。有一天,妈妈带我去广场玩,宽敞地广场上到处都是锻炼身体的人。突然,我的目光被一位大姐姐深深地吸引住,她脚上穿着一双旱冰鞋,像一只快乐地小燕子敏捷地穿梭在熙熙攘攘地人群里,灵活优美地身姿令我非常羡慕。妈妈一眼看出了我的心思,第二天就送了我一双漂亮的旱冰鞋,拿到鞋子的那一刻,别提我有多高兴了。 自从有了旱冰鞋,使我更热衷于运动。第一次穿上它练习,因为急于求成,一个没留神,就像踩上了光滑地香蕉皮,重重地摔了一跤,痛得我直掉眼泪。我气呼呼地把旱冰鞋丢到一边,这时妈妈鼓励我,万事开头难,我们不能因为一次的失败就气馁,应该再接再厉,掌握好技巧多多练习。听着妈妈的一番话,又看见一个比我小的女孩穿着旱冰鞋像蝴蝶似地自由飞舞,不服输地脾气又上来了。在妈妈的指导下,我慢慢地把腿张成八字形,小心翼翼地一步一步向前滑动,虽然每次跨出去都是步履蹒跚,但我的信心在慢慢地回升。旁边的大哥哥大姐姐看见我滑稽的样子,都忍不住哈哈大笑。我不加理会,认真练习,10分钟、20分钟、30分钟……功夫不负有心人,一个下午的辛苦练习,我勉强会滑了。在后来的不断摸索下,我也可以穿着旱冰鞋身轻如燕地运转自如。是运动让我学会了耐心,学会了遇到困难不折不饶,才会最终体会到收获的快乐。啊,运动!让我们敞开怀抱尽情享受你带来的灿烂阳光,去品味运动生命川流不息地激情。 因为运动,我健康,我快乐。



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Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very

exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My

school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the

students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so

nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final

line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so

exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody

can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me

so many beautiful memories.



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Some people like the high jump, long jump some people like, some people like to play badminton, shuttlecock was like, but I love jumping rope alone.

Skipping is a very good sport. Both to enhance immunity, enrich school life, but also to exercise, so I like to jump rope. There are many jumps rope skipping, such as: being able to jump, can rebound, can jump rope flowers, flower jump positive rope, rope ...... anti flowers of all kinds, to make people see dazzling.

Every time the bell rang, I would like Mustang, like outside the classroom, the teacher said, although a few times to keep the sprint on campus, but I still can not change, because interested in playing too high. Students threw me praise eyes, applause rang immediately. I am very happy, but I am proud that no one, other students are also taught how to dance more. Since then, I told the students a learning school, skipping a class.

Students, rope skipping is a good event, I hope the students after a lot of jump rope!





[英语作文 我最喜欢的运动



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Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions.

Some people prefer wealth, holding that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing. In order to accumulate more money they can do anything. However, other people regard health as more important. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money.

As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more. Everybody wants to live a happy life. So they try their best to earn money which can ensure they lead a comfortable life, but if happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy? Without health money becomes meaningless.

In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, just do our best to keep healthy.



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② 请谈谈怎样才能保持健康。



范文:Every one wants to keep healthy today, especailly our students. But we dont pay attention to our health. Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. Some students and pupils play computer games or watch TV all day, espacially at the weekends. Many boys think it is cool to drink or smoke.

It is important for us to have good habbits. We should eat breakfast every morning. We can watch TV or play games for a short time, then have a rest. We also can take part in some clubs. I think it is necessary for us to keep healthy.



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With the upcoming of the London Olympic Games, the anti-doping is being hotlydiscussed again. Its said that the analeptic inspection of London Olympic Games is the most stringent ever. Some athletes resort to stimulants to boost their competition results, because a good competition result means a lot to an athlete, glory, repuation and money. But almost all people think that the stimulants should be banned in any kind of sports games. I strongly support it.


First of all, using the stimulants will destroy the athlete both in physical and in mental. Taking stimulants can release the energy within a short period of time, using up athletes energy and making them totally excited, even crazy. After the games, they have to rest for several days to recover. Furthermore, the athletes may become addicted to the stimulants. Its kind of drugs that hardly to get rid of.


Secondly, taking stimulants violates the spirit of the Olympic Games. If every athletes take stimulants to get better competition results, theres no point in holding any kind of sports games, because it would be the competition of stimulants rather than the competitive level of athletes.


In short, the athletes should stay away from stimulants and rely on their hardwork to win the gold medalin the sports games.




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All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second,we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third,we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally,we should be happy everyday. Because smile will make us younger。

That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life。





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Wake up in the morning, it was time for exercise, a lot of weight this summer vacation, belly also more than a swimming laps, should be reduced. So my parents asked me to exercise every morning. In order to improve the enthusiasm of my mom and dad also accompany me to go together. "Oh hello -" I reluctantly a yawn.

We run to the south culture square.

Do sit-ups. Get everything ready, his hands, take a deep breath. "Oh well, work hard, ah, ah hey..." Myself cheer yourself up, first physical ok, easily get ten, there are twenty, I lubrication on the lips with her tongue. The momentum, "ah -" I use all my strength "eleven, twelve... two three ~ ~ ~ ~ nine, ten." I havent even count strength of the final. Well done task today. Hey, go to do push-ups.

My father and I climbed onto the grass beside, the two of us put his hands on the grass. Just now the sit-ups do all my strength is gone. The skylight, finally finished twenty, too tired to my breath.

Half an hour later, Im too tired to full head big sweat, and was out of breath ran home.

It seems my strength is not enough. Later have to exercise a lot.









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People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people dont know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good.

First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because life depends on exercise. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts and lungs . In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight.

If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.






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What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green

foods, no junk foods. The green food is those pollution-free, high quality and

nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so

on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the

junk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt or

oil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods will

cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases. We should keep a

healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy.



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Whenit comes to team sports in university will help students be successful in life,there is no completely agreement, some people advocate that team sports play akey role in students life while others think doing sports is wasting time andstudents should focus on their Study .Weighing up these two ideas, I prefer theformer one.


Ihave three reasons to support my view. Firstly, playing team sports helpstudents cooperate with others more easily and enhance their teamconsciousness. When students play team sports, they have chance to demonstratetheir leadership and train their executive ability. They may support each otherwhen they meet problems, and share happiness when they win in the game. Thisexperience makes them matured and understands the real meaning of unity. These studentsalways do things at the big picture, and often are recruited easily by bigcompanies than other students.


Secondly,students body will increasingly heath if they do more exercise. There is nodoubt that student who do physical exercise regularly grow stronger andhealthier than those who don’t. Besides, after taking physical exercises,students usually become refreshed and can return to class work moreenergetically. Whats more, students could exercise a good figure if theyinsist doing sports. Boys will have much muscle and girls will be thinner. Theywill be more confident than before.


Thirdly,playing team sports not only is a bridge for students to build friendship, butalso help them learn communicating skills. In a team, students have sameinterest which will take them short time to be familiar with each other. Inaddition, students need train together, share their achievement together andovercome the hardship together. This experience has established a deepfoundation to their friendship. Furthermore, when they get alone with eachother, they could learn how to speak in an appropriate way and how to avoidconflicts with members.


Fromthe foregoing, I could draw the conclusion that playing team sports in schoolhave benefits to students’ life due to its unique charm. I advise students tojoin in team sports as soon as possible and it won’t make them disappointed.





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My favorite Sports is basketballI think it is so cool. Basketball requires speed height and skills. I run jump switch and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like wind flying in the playground for my goal which makes me feel so great!


Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes it may disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle decide and judge quickly as a leopard and run for it as a wolf.


Further more basketball is a sports more than just exercising It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side I should learn to show my teammate what I need. At the same time I need to keep an eye on the whole game knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved more cooperation and strategy.


I played basketball more for about 5 years now. I make many good friends throught this sports. It is proud to win honor for my team and my school. Also I enjoy all games with my friends. Basketball will be my best friends in the future and my best memory about school life.




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听,体育课上传来了时而明快,时而和缓的音乐,轻松的音乐声中不时有“turn left turn right”的英语口语响起,还有那生动活泼,充满童趣的主题式情景教学,孩子们在“向小猫学本领”的故事中学会了跳跃、爬行,在“穿越大森林”中知道了如何越过障碍,懂得了团结协作的重要性。








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A famous ping-pong player Zhang Yining is a famous Chinese ping-pong player.She was born in Beijing on the fifth of October,1982.She is 1.68 meters tall.She started to play ping-pong when she was six years old.In 1991,she joined the Beijing table tennis team.When she was 11 years old,she joined the national table tennis team.At the age of 16,she became a ping-pong champion.In 2004 she took part in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens and won two gold medals.And she won two gold medals at the 48th World Table Tennis Championship in 2005.



相关标签: 学习Study 坚持Insist 运动sports 比赛Match 目标Target



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Everybody knows that Brazil won the World Cup in 2002 in Japan. But do you know who helped Brazil football team win it? It was Ronaldo.

In the 17th World Cup match in 2002, Brazil beat seven football teams and won the World Cup. Ronaldo scored 8 goals in 7 matches, so he won the best shot. He also had a goal in the match between Brazil and China. I think many Chinese remember it. Though he didn’t win the MVP, he really played very well in the matches.

Now Ronaldo plays football in Real Madrid Football Club in Spain. In the last season, Real Madrid didn’t win the Champion and Ronaldo didn’t win the best shot. But this season many good players joined this club. In the first eleven matches, Real Madrid won seven of them. Ronaldo also scored seven goals. I believe Ronaldo will get the best shot and he can help Real Madrid win the Champion this season.[作文]

Ronaldo is a very good football player. I like him very much.



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As we know,sport plays an important role in our daily lives.

Whenever you do some exercise,you can get a whole new refresh feeling through your body.It really does good to you.For example,going out to play ball games, which is becoming more and more popular these days,can get rid of bad moods,and help you be energetic again.In order to keep fit,you can keep a habbit of doing sports regularly.Youll benefit a lot from it.

All in all,wed better pick up our balls,and go out,to have an exciting game.Ready?Go?
