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图表类型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph

描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent

内容:figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion


一般:have 10%; at 10%;over 10%

最高(低)点:peaked; reached a peak/high(point);bottomed out; reached the bottom

变化:recover 略有回升; increase; jump; rise/rose; climb;decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reduce fluctuate

浮动,摇摆不定:remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change

变化程度:sudden/suddenly 突然的,意外的

rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的

dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的,生动的

significant/significantly 有意义的,重大的,重要的

sharp/sharply 锐利的,明显的,急剧的

steep/steeply 急剧升降的

steady/steadily 稳固的,坚定不移的

gradual/gradually 渐进的,逐渐的

slow/slowly 缓慢的,不活跃的


stable/stably 稳定的

表示范围:from…to… between…and… for …to …多长时间直到

表示程度:almost adv. 几乎,差不多

nearly adv. 几乎,密切地

approximately adv. 近似的,大约

about adv. 附近, 大约,转向,左右,周围

just over 刚超过

over adv. 结束,越过,从头到尾

exactly adv. 正确地,严密地

precisely adv. 正好 精确地;清晰地

比例:20 percent 20%

one in three 1/3

one out of every four 1/4


significant changes 图中一些较大变化

noticeable trend 明显趋势

during the same period 在同一时期

grow/grew 增长

distribute 分布,区别

unequally 不相等地

pronounced 明显的

average 平均

no doubt 无疑地

corresponding adj. 相应的,通讯的

represent vt. 阐述,表现

overall 总体上讲

except 除外

in the case of adv. 在…的情况下

in contrast 相反,大不相同

in conclusion adv. 最后,总之

in comparison 相比之下

inversely adv. 相反地,倒转地

in general 通常,大体上,一般而言

rang from excessive adj. 过多的,过分的,额外

lower v.降低,跌落

elapse vi.(时间)过去,消逝

category n.种类

government policy 政府政策

market forces 市场规率

measure n. 尺寸,方法,措施 v.估量,调节

forecast n. 先见,预见 v. 预测


上升:increase rise ascend core surge go up climb mount level up

下降: decrease fall drop descend decline reduce lessen level down

平稳:stable steady remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to

波动:fluctuate fluctuation rise and falls up and down

占:occupy take up account for gain

而:while however whereas on the other hand actually/in fact

相比:by contract on the contrary likewise compared with

最高点:the highest the top the summit the peak the most

最低点:bottom less least rock bottom

平均:mean average

趋势:tendency trend inclination


达到顶峰: mount to

在***中占***:***gain the percentage of***

有一个稳定的过程:a stable period can be seen




1. 要认真解读图标,切勿疏漏重要数据信息和细节提示,不必每个数据都涉及,但重要数据必须提到。

2. 对图表中的内容分析、数据说明一定要简明扼要,尽量使用简单句,因为复杂的句式往往起不到清


3. 结论性的表达要从图表信息分析或数据归纳而来,这样才能使得语言有说服力,切忌主观判断,



1. Here are the results of my survey.

2. According to the graph, we can find…

3. The chart reflects several trends.

4. We can find many important changes in…

5. From the diagram, we know that...



1. 对于上升趋势的描述:

a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组:

to increase

to go up

to rise

to grow

to jump

to leap

to soar

to shoot

to pick up

b. 可以使用的名词:

an increase

a growth

a jump

a soar

an upward trend

2. 对于上升到某个位置的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the peak of+具体数据。

c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the peak of +具体数据。

d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。

e. to peak at + 具体数据

f. to climb to + 具体数据

3. 对于上升的程度的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+by + 具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。


1. 对于下降趋势的描述:

a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组:

to fall

to decrease

to go down

to slide

to collapse

to decline

to drop

b. 可以使用的名词:

a collapse

a decrease

a fall

a decline

a drop

2. 对于下降到某个位置的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the bottom of+具体数据。

c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the bottom of +具体数据。

d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。

3. 对于下降程度的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+by + 具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。(见



to hardly change

to have little change

to keep steady

to level off

to remain constant

to stay the same


1. 程度较大:











2. 程度较小:











at the start of ……

by the end of ……

over ……

at the end of ……

throughout ……

时间"s + 具体数据


1. 先上升后下降的句型:

…… increased slowly during…… and …… but fell sharply in ……。

A steady fall in …… during …… and …… followed the sharp increase in ……。

2. 先下降后上升的句型:

…… fell before …… began to make a recovery ……

…… continue the recovery, climbing to ……

…… dropped during …… but increased again in ……

…… fell and then pick up during ……

…… collapsed before rising to ……at the end of ……

3. 起伏波动的句型:

…… fluctuated sharply all through ……

4. 波动不大的句型:

…… hardly changed through the period between ……and ……





…… % the …… is/has/have/are ……

…… accounts for ……% of the total

…… takes up ……% in the whole chart


1. 表示相似的句型 (实例) :

Both share prices rose sharply in January.

Neither company has made a profit yet.

Like X, Y fell in June.

X rose just as sharply as Y.

2. 表示差异的句型(实例):

X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.

X fell quickly compared to Y.

Unlike Y, X rose by 10%.

X rose far more dramatically than Y.

3. 表示倍数的句型:

the …… doubled/tripled in …… compared with those in ……

4. 客观比较的句型:

…… is …… in contrast to ……


1. 表示不足的词或词组:

up to





2. 表示超过的词或词组:


more than

just over

3. 表示大约的词:






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7月17日 星期六 天气 晴 今天早上,我早早地起了床,匆匆的打了一个电话给哥哥,原因是今天早上十点钟我要和哥哥一起去看电影——《长江七号爱地球》。电话刚接通,我就说:“喂?是聪聪吗?哦,聪聪啊,我们不是说好要到电影院去看《长江七号爱地球》吗?我准备今天早上去看,你有时间吗?嗯,就这么说定啦!回头我到你家接你,打个电话就下来哦!886!”我马上完成了洗漱换衣扎辫子,坐下来对早餐一阵猛吃,好不容易吃得肚子发胀,往老妈汽车上一跳,以最快的速度赶往聪聪家——要迟到了,到了聪聪家,聪聪一阵拖拉好不容易出了家门,妈妈则以最快的速度冲向电影院。一到电影院,我们傻眼了——这哪是10点钟的电影呀?分明是10:30嘛!悲愤啊!在一阵磨磨唧唧后,我们终于挨过了半个小时,立马进入了座位席等待电影开始。电影开始了,我看得津津有味,直到电影结束后还意犹未尽。这部电影大致讲的是小狄的爸爸在垃圾堆捡到了一个刚从飞船上掉下来的“弹球”,由于小狄最近喜欢一个叫“长江一号”的玩具,就给这个弹球取了个名字“长江七号”不想这个弹球尽然变成了一只“四不像”四不像给小狄一家增添了不少乐趣,直到有一天,同学“蛋挞头”喜欢上了“七仔”,逼着爸爸买,“蛋挞头”的科学家爸爸无意中发现了“七仔”惊人的能量,就把“七仔”偷来做实验,结果造成了环境的破坏,由于“七仔”的能量还在爆发,大家纷纷从即将倒塌的实验室里逃了出来“七仔”、小狄、爸爸、袁老师也经过一番努力逃了出来,实验室却爆发出威胁生灵的毒气,关键时刻,“七仔”转化为神兽,吸进了所有毒气,自己却中毒生亡……看了电影以后我十分感动:一只外星生物竟可以为了地球的环境献出自己的生命!就像影片里所说的,环保这条路其实并不难走,只是没有人可以迈出第一步,“七仔”就迈出了这第一步,让人类拥有了环保的意识,虽然它为了地球牺牲,但是它的对环保功不可没!七仔,你永远是我的榜样!



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Today at noon I to the public outside for lunch. The dinner, I Wolf down to get up. Because I am impatient, accidentally make a savory chicken leg bone fell to the ground. Im too lazy to pick up, continue to eat. After dinner, I just want to go to pick up a chicken leg bone, but found in bone, there are many of small black spots, careful have a look at the original is a group of ants. "Come on, let the meal!" I said to himself. So I walk away.

Slept nap, I finally find that the ants are a robber bond. I just want to eat the cake and found it has a lot of ants. In my anger I, to kill the ants cleaners, but the cake is ruined. I seek the arrest of fish, found the ant hole. I think for a long time, finally came up with many trick kill ants.



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A sunny Sunday, usually every day and sleep until the sun father-drying bottoms climb to get up early and get up in red, wake up my mother. Drowsily mother slowly said: "Today what the section, from Why so early?" Little Red said excitedly: "Mom, do not install confused, you said that today took me to the park!"

Came to park, mother and son were two beautiful scenery attract: kids, some kite-flying, and some shooting while playing ball ...... red bumper cars, while also playing slippery slides, played with enjoying themselves, was sweating profusely.

Little Red hobbled down to holding mothers hand while walking while singing. Suddenly, a banana peel, a red block of the avenue, little red slip banana skin reminded once again to see if the banana peel to her protest, then do not fight a gas, the foot kicked the banana peel. Mom saw, as if aware of her mind like, and did not criticize her, she just pulled the banana skin side next to her while saying with great earnestness: "I know you have been slipping on banana peel, very angry, but you should From the perspective of others think that if you somehow accidentally stepped on a banana peel how to do? red listened to, very ashamed, the banana peel thrown into the bin.

Little Red looked at the move, my mother smiled.

Yes ah! Would it not everyone should be protected?



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The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most important holidays in the Chinese calendar (the other being the Chinese Lunar New Year), and is a legal holiday in several countries. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date.Traditionally, on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pomeloes together. It is also common to have barbecues outside under the moon, and to put pomelo rinds on ones head. Brightly lit lanterns are often carried around by children.

Together with the celebration, there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense, planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers, and fire dragon dances. Shops selling mooncakes, before the festival, often display pictures of Change, floating to the moon.

Mooncake is often eaten during the festival.Typical mooncakes are round or rectangular pastries, measuring about 10 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm thick. A thick pasty filling is surrounded by a relatively thin (2-3 mm) crust and may contain yolks from salted duck eggs. Mooncakes are rich, heavy, and dense compared with most Western cakes and pastries. They are usually eaten in small wedges accompanied by Chinese tea.



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I really had a wonderful summer holiday. I finished doing my homework on time and prepared for the new lessons. I visited my grandparents and spent a week with them. There I helped my parents with the housework and climbed the mountain with them. I do sports with my friends nearly every afternoon. Besides, my parents and I went to visit Shanghai and we enjoyed ourselves very much. Whats more, I also read some interesting books and went to movies with my friends. What a happy and meaningful summer holiday.



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In spite of the flood disaster, a good harvest is still in sight.

Yesterday we went to a nearby village to help the peasants get in the crops. We left our school early in the morning. It took us half an hour to reach the village. As soon as we got there, we joined the peasants in their harvesting work. They taught us how to cut rice, and how to tie it. It was in the fields that we had our lunch. After lunch, we had a short rest. We were fascinated by the beautiful scenery of the countryside. It got dark when we returned home. We were very tired, but we felt very happy.



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I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood

is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life. Children show you their true


They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults.

In their world, all real thoughts are presented.

They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never

understand what is animosity.

They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social

communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil

plans hidden and never intrigues against each other.

Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more


I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did

in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and

the world would be a better place to live in.



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As the winter vacation is drawing near,I have a plan about my vacation.I am going to do what I want to do.I am going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term.After finishing all my homework.I am going to enjoy myself in the sea of konwledge.Reading must be a good idea.I am going to keep fit at the same time.I will get up early in the morning everyday and play sports.I really love speats.Besides that,Eating a balanced diet is also good for my healthy.


I will be in the third grade in the next term.Sin ce the highschool entrance examination is coming soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies.

From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after cla, the contemporary exercises are necessary.

Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again.

From March to April, review all I have learned a second time.

Beginning from April, models tests should be the all.Several days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the pa-pe-rs and have a good rest for the exam.

Today is March 8th, the new term, the last but the most important term of junior high has been on for more than seven days. It means that there are only about three months left for us to study. We suddenly feel that time passes so fast. We still remember the first day we come to this famous middle school, but now, two and a half years has passed. Have you ever looked back and thought, what you did and learnt in the two and a half years? And how much did you learn from teachers, books or in any other ways?To ask yourselves, have you ever wasted time? If you say “never”, that’s very good. But if you say “Yes, often,” it is so regretful. But everything has passed anyhow, we can’t get it back, so the only thing we cann do is, to make better use of the time.

From now on, study hard. It’s not so late that everything can’t be changed yet. Everything is possible only if you try your best to do it. Believe yourselves, “Every man has his price.” Maybe you are good at study, you are good at singing or you do well in drawing……

So I always believe myself no matter where, no matter when. It’s very important, I think. Let’s try our best and put our heart into it. Wish you make good results in the last exam.




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i’m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. on the fifth day, i’m going to do my homework. of course, i’m also going to do some housework. lunar new year’s day, i’m going to take a trip with my parents. i think it must be very happy. i can hardly wait!

in the first six days of february, i’m going to visit my relatives. it’s going to be fun! after a few days, i’m going to finish my homework, because i am going back to my school on february 16th.






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Summer holiday is coming. How excited! I havemade a plan for my summer holiday. First of all, I will go to Hong Kong tovisit my aunt. And then I will stay with her for a while. As Hong Kong is the shoppingparadise, of course, I will ask my aunt to go shopping with me . I will also eatthe delicious food there. And then I will go home. I know that study comesfirst. So I will finish my homework first. After that I will go out play withmy friends. And then I will take a good rest to prepare for my coming back toschool.




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My holiday life will be busy but interesting. I am going to do my homework every day so that I can finish my homework on time.I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books so that I can read some interesting books. I am going to play sports such as playing basketball, table tennis, swimming and so on . Of course I am going to help my parents do some housework because they are busy with their work every day.I am going to spend a week in Shanghai with my parents so that we can see the expo. I am sure I am going to have an interesting and happy summer vacation.




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A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyones life.

Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.

When you’re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on.

So cherish your friend, Do not save your loving speeches.for your friends till they are dead.Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead

初二英语作文:Information Age

Its the age of information now and information is very important in the society.we need verious of information to live a normal life.we need to know the lastest news ,listen to the weather forecast,learn about the newly published books and many other things we are interested in and want to know.

There are many way of acquiring information,for example we can watch TV,listen to radio, read newspaper and magazines and go on line which is to most popupar ,convienent and effective way now.

Living in such an age of information,what should we to to face up to the challenge of it?I think we should try our best to learn as much knowledge as we can and try to master the new techonology.

奥运英语作文 北京奥运第一枚金牌属于谁?

北京奥运第一枚金牌属于谁?(Who will win the first gold medal?)

The suspense over who will win the first Olympic medal and in which event is really a interesting thing. Chinese officials are determined to make sure China, as the host country, wins the first gold of the Games. The womens 10m air rifle - which includes two Chinese medal favorites - has its final scheduled at 10:30 am on Aug 9 and should end about 20 minutes later.

If all goes as planned, either reigning gold medalist shooter Du Li or world champion Zhao Yinghui will raise 2008s first gold at the Beijing Shooting Range.

But if Du and Zhao are too far behind in points going into the final, the rumor says, organizers will delay the last ten shots of the final while the weightlifting final goes on as planned so China can secure the gold.

I think the first gold medal must belong to we Chinese, let wait this moment together.

奥运英语作文 关于北京奥运会开幕式的

关于北京奥运会开幕式的(About Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony)

The Olympic Opening Ceremony was an international event and the whole world was watching! The event was held in a stadium designed to seat a large group of people.

The athletes entered the stadium in a specific order. The athletes from Greece entered first in honor of the original Olympics held in Greece. Then, the other athletes followed by nation in the alphabetical order of the host country’s language. The host country’s athletes came last. So for this coming Olympics 2008, the athletes from China will enter the stadium last.

The chief of state of the host country declared the games open, followed by the raising of the Olympic Flag. Music was played and fireworks were set off in salute. Then, doves were released into the air as a symbol of peace. Runners in cross-country relays brought in the Olympic torch. The running of the torch began four weeks before the Olympic ceremony and thousands of runners took part in this. Planes and ships transported the Olympic torch to each country that lies between Greece and the host country. The most exciting moment of the Olympic ceremony was when the torch entered the stadium and lit the Olympic Flame. The Flame was kept burning until the end of the Olympic games.

奥运英语作文 关于北京奥运会闭幕式的

关于北京奥运会闭幕式的(About Beijing Olympic Closing Ceremony)

The closing ceremony must take place in the stadium after the end of all the events. The flag bearers of the participating delegations and the name-board-bearers enter the stadium in single file. Behind them march the athletes, without distinction of nationality.

The flag bearers then form a semi-circle behind the rostrum.

The President of the IOC and the President of the OCOG mount the rostrum. To the sounds of the Greek national anthem, the Greek flag is hoisted on the flagpole that stands to the right of the central flagpole used for the winners flags. The flag of the host country is then hoisted on the central flagpole, while its anthem is played. Finally, the flag of the host country of the next Olympic Games is hoisted on the lefthand flagpole to the strains of its anthem.

The mayor of the host city joins the President of the IOC on the rostrum and returns to him the Olympic flag. The president of the IOC then entrusts it to the mayor of the host city of the following Olympic Games. This flag must be displayed in the latter citys main municipal building.

After an address by the President of the OCOG, the President of the IOC gives the closing speech of the Olympic Games, which he ends with these words:

"I declare the Games of the ... Olympiad closed and, in accordance with tradition, I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now at ... to celebrate with us there the Games of the ... Olympiad".

A fanfare then sounds; the Olympic flame is extinguished, and while the Olympic anthem is being played, the Olympic flag is slowly lowered from the flagpole and, unfurled horizontally, carried out of the arena, followed by the flag bearers. A farewell song resounds.


奥运英语作文:我最喜欢的中国射击运动员(The Chinese sport shooter I like best)

The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol events.

Wang won his first Olympic medal in the Los Angeles games at the age of 23. After this, the Air Pistol event was added to the program, and this is where he has achieved his greatest accomplishments. He won the 1992 gold medal only days after a new medal in the 50 m event. His three attempts to repeat the victory have provided impressive results and very tight duels:

In the 2004 competition, Wang scored 590 once more, but lost the Olympic record to Mikhail Nestruev (Russia) who achieved 591. However, Wang Yifu chased quickly and eventually won by a margin of 0.2 points to get his second Olympic gold.

I like Wang Yifu, and I also like his great sprite.



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Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happiness

to us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed. Therefore, we should be

positive toward life, so as to get happiness.

Actually, happiness is everywhere if we keep a good attitude. As we keep a

good mood, our world will be a sunny land, which is resounded with soft music.

However, if we are pessimists, well find our world is full of darkness.

While on the other side, happiness is not a destination but a

journey.Because theres no paradise at all, but we can make a paradise if were

hard-working and intelligent. So we should work like we dont need money, smile

like weve never been hurt, and perform ourselves like no one can see us.
