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When we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. Dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. Reality always frustrates us to be successful. We need to balance them. First, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. Second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality.






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In recent years,Wechat is becoming increasingly popular.Many people express themselves,exchange ideas and deliver information by Wechat.

There are a number of reasons for Wechat to be known.To begin with,Wechat is a relative cheap way of communication,which cuts down a great deal of the cost of making a phone call.Next,Wechat is to the taste of the majority of people.Its attractive interface and various functions are loved wildly.Furthermore,convenience also accounts for its popularity.It is available everywhere and at any time.

However,problems exist meanwhile.Firstly,our identity can be revealed when we use Wechat.As a result,we can be in trouble.Moreover,it may make communicating with others face to face less.To make the matter worse,relationship could break down.Last but not the least,our attention might be drawn too much to focus on study.

Thats all.There is no doubt that Wechat will improve as time goes by.
















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The environmental matter is a hot topic nowadays. Not only does it affect our health, it also has a great impact on our future.

Due to lacking of environmental concepts, peoples health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. In order to live a better life, we need a cleaner world. We should now be concerned for environment by creating a better future for our next generation.

In conclusion, the environmental matter is an important issue that directly affects very human in the world! ​







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中考英语作文1:my friend

Han Mei is my best friend. We know each other since we were born. Because we are twins. She is my elder sisiter. Like most twin sisters, we look almost the same. The most easy way to to distinguish us is that she has a scar on her arm. It is my fault. When we are six years old, we played beside the stair, and then I pushed her down the stair accidently. She got hurt but not blame me at all. That is the history of her scar. Since then our parents always recognize us with that mark. Han Mei is better than me in study. So, sometimes I was criticized by our mother for failing the exam, she will pretend me to receive the criticism, without making my mother see the mark. I’ m so thankful for this. So sometimes I will pretend her to take part in the piano class, as she is not interested in it. It is so interesting to play such game.

中考英语作文2:my friend

My good friend is Mei. She’s a girl. She is my classmate.

Mei is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and long hair. She likes listening to music and reading books. Sometimes we listen to music together. She likes summer. Because she can swim in the summer holiday. She likes pink and white. She is in Class Four, Grade Six with me. She usually goes to school by motor cycle. Sometimes she goes to school on foot. We often go shopping together on the weekend.

We will be good friends forever.

中考英语作文3:my friend

My best friend is --- He is 15 years old. We are both in the same class. He works very hard. He is never late for school and he does well in all his lessons. He is always ready to help others. My math is very poor, so he often helps me with my math after class. His parents are both teachers. They are very busy, so he often helps do the housework at home. He is a little shorter than me but he is very strong. He likes playing football very much at school. We often play football together and he plays it pretty well . He gets on well with us . Everyone in our class likes him .


篇4:中考英语作文:Let’s Do Sports350字

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I think it’s very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because they’re not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends in the swimming pool. After swimming,I usually feel happy and relaxed. What’s more,Ican put more energy into my study. SoLet’s do sports,and we will become stronger and stronger.



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第一招:审题细心。审题好比驾驶员打方向,方向对了,哪怕开得慢点,也会顺利到目的地。如果审题不清,书面表达的成绩不知道会有多惨。学生真正开始写作 前,必须花相当一部分时间做写前阅读、思考等准备,包含以下四方面:1)审体裁。根据情景提示首先要弄清写何种体裁文章。2)审结构。明确开始部分、正文 部分和结尾部分,定好段落。3)审格式。如日记、便条、书信、通知的格式等。4)审内容。弄清什么必需写,哪些略写,尤其是图画式书面表达,要学会连贯 性,读懂图的意思。5)审人称和时态。弄清书面表达要求用何种人称,根据材料确定短文的基本时态。

第二招:衔接流畅。恰当使用逻辑词语,使各要点间连贯,行文通顺。比如表并列或递进: and, both…and, neither…nor, not only…but also;表选择:or, either…or; 表转折或让步:but, although, though, however, even though, in spite of, on the contrary; 表对比:like, unlike, while; 表举例:for example, such as, that’s to say; 表强调:in fact, of course, besides; 表时间顺序:when, after, before, as soon as, soon after; 表因果关系:because, since, as, for, for this reason,as a result; 表结论:in a word, to sum up. In summary, in conclusion, on the whole;


第四招:句式丰富。一篇可读性强的文章,通常能较好体现学生对英语语言结构、词块、句式的运用。因此各类句式的多元呈现往往可以提升书面表达的成绩。初中 阶段英语写作常用的句式如下:There be…;the more…the more…;It’s adj for sb to do something;I think/believe/suppose…(宾从); It can’t be put into real experiment。(被动)等。尤其是复合句的适恰运用对提升文章的层次很有帮助。对大多数同学来说,仿写很重要,在教材和很多的阅读书籍中都蕴含着 丰富的好词佳句。

第五招:情感真实。同样的话题,有些文章没什么情感,冷冰冰;有些 文章很有温度,有真情实感。情感真实主要可通过如下方法实现:1)内容的呈现。比如:2012年的中考英语书面表达My dream,大部分的作文都还是停留在表面上。但这个例子:I want to be a good father because my daddy was always so busy when I was a little boy.He had no time with me and my mum…虽然文章的文采并不是很好,但很有真情实感,令读者有心动的感觉,也是好文章。2)副词的运用。在句子的某些位置,添加副词,可以使句子和文段更 有人性味,更有情感性。如:I really enjoy the beauty of the sea in the sun。加了一个really,就有味道了。

第六招:思维多元。从杭州近五年中考书 面表达命题情况看,书面表达话题虽多元,但在设题上基本为半开放形式,因此半控制部分学生需要涵盖题目所给信息并进行适当发挥,而半开放部分,则要求学生 根据话题内容、自己的生活阅历、个人思维层次结合自己的英语表述自己的个人看法。有些学生的英语水平比较好,但因为在思维上比较局限想不出比较有深度、宽 度和广度的观点,这也会在一定程度上约束书面表达的质量。

第七招:整理独到。进入八 年级以来,在平时写作、单元练习、期中期末考试中,考生已积累了一定量与教材同话题的自己写的英语小短文,建议在临考前的最后阶段把自己八年级以来写的不 同话题的文章进行修改,润色、整理、汇编成册,制作一本个性化私人定制的“书面表达秘籍”,以备中考前高效复习用,以不变应万变。

第八招:卷面美观。1)不做涂改。需要在平时的书面表达中养成简列提纲、打草稿,再誊抄到答题卡的习惯。2)及时补救。如果对答题卡上的书面表达有修改, 建议用斜线划掉相应部分。3)勤练规范。临考前一个月,以中考答题卡的行距和长度为参照,设计自己字的大小,字的间距,每行的字数,以看起来舒服为准。



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As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____。 From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________。

There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______。 On the one hand, ________。 On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________。 In addition, ________ is responsible for _______。 Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________。 But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.

As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______。 I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.



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1.Were often told that that...But is this really the case?


2.People used to... However,things are quite different today.


3. Some people think that... Others believe that the opposite is true.

There is probaly some truth in both sides. But we must realize that...


4.Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.


5.It is another new and bitter truth we must learn to face.


6.In short, we must work hard to make the world a better place.


7.Lost time is never found again.


8.Everybody should have a dream.


9. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


10.Failure is the mother of success.


11.Lets look on the bright side .




intend /plan to do 打算做......

be going to do 打算做......

decide to do决定做......

determine to do决定做......

be determine to do 决定做......

make up ones mind to do 下定决心做......


want to do= would like to do想做......

hope to do希望做......

expect to do期待做......

wish to do 希望做......

consider doing 考虑做......

looking forward to doing盼望做......

dream of doing 梦想做......

cant help doing 情不自禁地做......


like /love doing 喜欢做......

enjoy doing 喜欢做.......

be fond of doing 喜欢做......

be keen on+n/doing 喜欢做......

prefer to do A rather than B 宁愿做A也不愿做B

be interest in n/doing对......感兴趣

show/take interest in n/doing 对......产生兴趣


keep on doing 坚持做......

keep/stop/prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做......

be busy (in) doing= be busy with +名词 忙于做......

spend time/money(in) doing =spend time/money on+名词 花费时间做......

have fun/have a good time/enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心

have trouble/have problem/ have difficulty (in) doing 或with +名词 做...有困难


1.Its adj for sb to do 做...对某人来说是...

2. ...so...that ...如此...以至于...

...too...to do 太...而不能...



4. The reason why+句子 is that +句子...的原因是...

5.That is why+句子 那是...的原因

6. That is because+句子 那是因为...

7.It is said that+句子 据报道...

It is reported that+句子 据报道...

8.There is no doubt that+句子 毫无疑问...

9.It goes without saying that+句子 不言而喻/毫无疑问...

10. There is no need to do 没必要做...

11.There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义

12. You had better (not) do ...最好(不)做

13.How about /What about doing...怎么样?

14. I think you should do我认为你应该...

15. I suggest that you (should) do 我建议你做...

16. If I were you, I would do...我要是你的话,我会做...



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20% 活动少,体质差;50%作业多,学业压力大;30% 父母要求严,相互沟通少;20%---twenty percent of the …

活动少---don’t often do sport;体质差---not health, be weak in health;作业多---have too much homework;学业压力大---feel stressed too much; under too much pressure;父母要求严--- be strict with sb.;相互沟通少--- don’t often talk with sb. ;



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Winter holiday will soon be over, really is coming. See, it is such a rich and colorful holiday ah, what to compare it to, it is like seven rainbow of colors, like a changeable clouds, like colorful shells... Always beautiful, brilliant. How could such a good winter vacation life, I was the only one person alone, write it out, let everybody a enjoy!

One of my winter holiday life: study. Holiday life, learning is indispensable, consolidate the previous knowledge that can let you can also preview in advance once you are going to learn after the part. Learn to learn well, dont half-hearted by playing. I have more than 4 hours of study time every day. Of course, I also have a few hours of exercise time, go out for a walk, many activities, some exercises. Sometimes I read some books, the expanded aspect of knowledge, of course, is the computer class, because I like computer, dont make the vision loss.

My holiday life # 2: sports. To do more sports is the guarantee of a healthy body. Everyone should have a favorite sports, I like most is skating and playing badminton. The skating sport is very simple, but you really come to ice are different! This is not your imagination of so simple and easy. Stand up, it is very simple, of course, but you slip a lap down is very difficult. Because I spent a long time, technology also can also wrestling this word is very strange to me now. Badminton everyone who will, learning to learn tired want to relax, you can play a minute ball, it can be you tired when I let you relax.

My winter holiday life # 3: the computer.

Computer is wonderful its hard to express in words. Do you know? The size of a small mouse mouse, can bring you into a magical world of computers. You can use it to play computer games interesting, to carry out the exploration of one adventure; You can use it to mail hair net friend, share strangers friend sent joy; You can also use it on the Internet, enjoy the fun of surfing the Internet. In this high-tech virtual world, how can you know the progress of modern science and technology rapidly, the pace of the modern human is powerful.

This is my winter holiday life, my life colourful winter holiday. It has trained me a loving heart, I love all beautiful things in the world. All, how can I was the only one, write it out, let everybody a enjoy!









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I saw an interesting scene from a TV show. A girl and a boy were forced to have the blind date, and they know nothing before they came to the dinner table. They felt embarrassed and after introducing each other, the girl began to speak English with the boy. The parents did not know what they were talking about, but they felt happy to see them communicating. Actually, the boy and the girl said they didn’t want this date and decided to tell their parents the truth, and they felt relieved. Mastering another language provides people more ways to communicate. Sometimes we can use it in the fun way.




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Each people all have own dream, of course, I was no exception, some people want to be scientists, some people want to be an inventor, there are people who want to be a writer, while I want to be a teacher.


If I really became a teacher, I would make a good teacher and students, as long as one has the time I to be with them happily.


If, I really became a teacher, Im doing a become classmates door friends good teacher, as long as there is a time, and they talk together, let them to know that they are interesting things to say it together.


If, I really became a teacher, I would make a fine good teacher, students progress, I will praise him and reward him some stationery, let him do it again. If, who is learning a step backwards, I will let him not to lose heart excitation.


If, one day, I really became a teacher, I would like I said: do a student into a mix of students, become intimate friends, reward points good teacher.



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假如你是Han Mei,下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。

提示词语:listen to,mothers love,care about,communicate with,get along with,smile


Dear Han Mei,

Im afraid Ive got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me,“Be careful while crossing the street。” “Put on more clothes。” “Did you do a good job at school?”And so on. Im annoyed(烦恼)。What shall I do?



Dear Alice,

As a teenager,I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you。

Your mother talks much,because she cares about you. Maybe its not a good way,but it shows your mothers love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mothers,you can communicate with her,and tell her what you are thinking about。

If your mother doesnt take your advice,just keep silent and give her a smile。

I hope what I say here can help you a lot.



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中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说XQis extremely strong。观点明确,这一句足矣。2014年中考英语写作技巧

第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten mealseveryday!详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day!详举做了什么运动。

第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,Howstrong and robust XQ is!I hope to be him one day!


这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first,second,third,finally等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先),in addition,whatsmore,moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word,all inall(表示总结的)。转折:but,yet,however等。真正有经验的阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。








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1. it, fine, last sunday

2. we, go, west hill, by bus

3. some, plant trees, other, carry water

4. because, we, work hard, tired, happy

5. all, know, stop… form, blow, and, city, make, beautiful


it was fine last sunday. we went to west hill by bus. some students planted trees, others carried water. because we worked hard, we were tired, but we felt happy. we all know trees can stop the wind from blowing the sand towards the city, and they can make the city beautiful.

[中考英语作文训练:去西山植树去(Goes to Xishan to plant trees)



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假若今天是香港回归5 周年纪念日,你观看了中央电视台的专题节目,看到了香港回归所发生的巨大变化。


1. 香港、澳门和台湾自古以来就是中国的领土,由于历史的原因被分割。

2. 1997 年 7 月 1 日香港已经回归祖国, 1999 年 12 月 20 日澳门也回到了祖国的怀抱。香港和澳门的明天会更加美好。

3. 台湾是中国领土不可分割( integral )的一部分,中国人民,包括生活在台湾的绝大多数人都盼望台湾赶快回归祖国。

注:英语短文的标题已经给出,全文约 100 词。

How I Wish China Would Be United Sooner!


How I Wish China Would Be United Sooner!

July 1st, 2002 Fine

Hong Kong and Macao are parts of China in history, but they were separated from the motherland for some political reasons. China has been getting richer and stronger since its opening to the outside world. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong finally returned home. On December 20, 1999, Macao returned home, too. Great changes have taken place in both Hong Kong and Macao. It shows the development and great strength of our country.

Taiwan is an intergral part of China. The Chinese people as well as most of the people from Taiwan are looking forward to the day on which Taiwan will return home. We are sure that day will come sooner or later.




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1. 参加者:美国北地中学校队和我校校队

2. 地点:水泥球场

3. 时间:2005年11月20日(星期天)下午4点

4. 组织者:我院学生会文体部

5. 海报发出时间:20XX年11月14日


Friendly Basketball Match

Under the auspices of the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students Union of our school,a friendly basketball watch will be held between the visiting U.S.Northfield Team and ours on the cement basketball count on Sunday, November20th 2005 at 4:00 p.m.

the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students Union

November14th 20XX



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Class 1,Grade 7

Beijing Sunshine Secondary School

Sunshine Town


April 20


We are happy to invite you to________________________________ We’ll hold___________from…to… (time). We will meet at________ _________(place) and have it at _________(place). We’ll do_______ (activities). We’d like everyone _____________(reminding).

Please complete the note on the next page to tell us if you can come. We hope you can come. We look forward to seeing you at out party. Yours faithfully ∕ sincerely,

(Signature) (打印)

Amy (手写)

Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7



1.Will you do us a favor of joining our party?您能光临我们的聚会吗?

2.May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture?我可以借此机会邀请您到我们大学给我们演讲吗?

3.If you have no other plans for Monday, May 15th, will you come to our party at my home?如果本周五,即五月15号,您没有其他安排的话,可以来我家参加我们的聚会吗?

4.Shall we have the pleasure to invite you to our party this weekend?我们可以荣幸地邀请您参加我们本周末的聚会吗?


1. If you haven’t made any definite plan for the coming weekend, I’d love to invite you to come to our school and join us in the party.如果您本周末尚无安排,我想邀请您来参加我们的晚会。

2. If you haven’t promised to join your friends elsewhere, we shall be delighted to have you with us.如果您还没有答应别的朋友的邀请,我们将十分高兴地邀请您到我们这儿来。

3. With your presence on this occasion, we are sure to have a most delightful evening.您的到来一定会让我们的晚会增色不少。

4. All of us here are longing for the pleasure of seeing you.您这儿的所有朋友都在盼望着能见到您。


Address of sender


Name (Title)of receiver

Address of receiver

Dear _________(Greeting)

I’m writing to recommend sb. To become/be ______(Subject)

Para1: abilities

Para2: personalities

Para3: examples of details

Para4: Ending: We all think … should… Para1--- Para4: Message Yours sincerely,_____ (Closing)

(Signature) (打印)

(Signature of sender) ((手写)

Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7(Title of sender)



1. 在新的主体部分的首尾各用一句话明确表示写此信的目的,如:

篇首:I’d like to recommend sb. to be/do…

篇尾:We all think sb. should be…/should get the reward

2. 文中所写的这个人的性格特点与能力要与所推荐的任务或职位相关。

3. 在用事例说明这个人的某个优点时,事例要与该优点相吻合。


1. I would like to recommend sb. to be /become….我愿意推荐某人成为/当/做….

2. It’s my pleasure to recommend sb. to be /become….我乐意推荐某人成为/当/做….


1. I am writing to recommend Mary to become the new chairperson of the Students’ Union.我写此信的目的是推荐玛丽当学生会的主席。

2. May is a hard-working and helpful student.梅是个努力且乐于助人的学生。

3. I think John is good enough to be the chairperson. I hope you will agree.我认为约翰很适合主席这个职务。希望您能同意我的想法。


Date of writing

Name(Title)of receiver


I am writing the letter to say thank you for______(Subject)

Para1: reasons for writing the letter

Para2: examples or details

Para3: Ending: Thank you for… Para1--- Para3: Message

Yours sincerely,_____ (Closing)

(Signature) (打印)

(Signature of sender) (手写)



1. 在新的开头,第一节中明确表示感谢,即“开头言谢”;

2. 信的主体部分要写出感谢的原因。如果原因不止一个,要分段写。每段写一个主题句,表明一个原因,再辅以具体的事例进行说明,使感谢落到实处,不让人产生客套或做作的感觉;

3. 在信的结尾,还要把感谢的话再说一遍,并加上对对方的祝福。


1. With many thanks to you for entertaining me so generously.非常感谢您如此慷慨大方的招待。

2. Indeed I do not know how to express my appreciation for your valuable services.对您优质的服务我无以言谢。

3. We express our sincere and hearty thanks for the favors you have done for us.衷心感谢您为我们所做的一切。

4. It will give me much pleasure to do whatever I can in return for your favor.若能对您的好意有所回报,我将不胜荣幸。

5. Please accept our warmest thanks for what you have done for us.您如此帮忙,请接受我们最热忱的谢意。


1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your letter and for your kindness to me during my long illness.衷心地感谢您在我漫长的卧床期间给我来信,给我关心。

2. I am grateful for your kind wishes for my success.感谢您对我成功的祝福。

3. Thank you very much for the letter of congratulation and the nice gift you sent to me.感谢您寄来的祝贺信及礼物。

4. I’d like to thank you for always being by my side on Thanksgiving Day. 值此感恩节来临之际,感谢您一直以来陪伴在我身边。




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Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment

It is recently reported that some rivers and lakes have dried up in South China. A lot of fishes died. The bottoms of the rivers and lakes have become grass land. The water is becoming less and less because of the bad weather.

So everyone should do something to save our environment. First, we should save every drop of water, such as turning off the taps after using it and recycling the water. For example, we can water the plants and clean the rest room with our used water. Second, we should save energy, such as less turning on the lights and turning off the lights when we leave;Do more walking, more bicycling and less driving and so on. Third, we should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.

Let’s act now from everything to save our environment. Don’t let our tears be the last drop of water in the world!








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Guyu twenty-four solar term of the sixth year solar term, as the sun reaches 30 degrees for the rain, "rain from the valley". "The filial piety" Qi Wei - aid God said: "after fifteen days Qingming, Guyu Chen refers to the Big Dipper, as, in March, said Yu Sheng hundred valley water is clean."


Because after Guyu solar term rainfall, air humidity gradually increased, so we should change followed the natural solar term in health, nursed back to health according to the climate characteristics. Guyu solar term is the incidence of neuralgia, sciatica, such as intercostal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia. At the same time, because of the weather turns warm, peoples outdoor activities increased, the northern region of the peach blossom, apricot blossom is open; Yang Xu catkins, flying around, atopy friend should pay attention to prevent allergy and allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma. In the diet should reduce the intake of high protein, high calorie foods.


In the spring, liver wood exuberant, spleen weakness, Guyu before and after 3 days 15 days and the last in the spleen, in a strong period. Spleen stomach the strong will be strong, so that the digestive function in a strong state, strong digestive function is conducive to the absorption of nutrients, so it is a good time to make up the body. But the compensation should be appropriate, should not be too, this time not as winter tonic, should be appropriate to eat some blood and Qi foods. It can not only improve the physique, but also lay the foundation for their summer. Guyu before and after eating some also suitable to relieve mental stress and emotional regulation of food. Eat some more food containing vitamin B has a significant effect on improving the depression.



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Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup. There was a football match between China and Brazil. We know Brazilian Team is the top one of the world. Though the players of the Chinese Team tried their best, they still lost the game. The result of the game was 4:0. I think they did better than the first game.I believe they can learn a lot from Brazilian Team.

I hope the team of China will be a strong team one day.



Yesterday evening the team of China played against the team of Brazil. The game started at 7: 30. It was an exciting game.Brazilian Team is the best one in the world. Everyone in the team of China tried his best, but the team of Brazil was too strong.Chinese Team couldn't stop them. They kicked four goals, and our team lost the game.

We hope the players in Chinese Team can make great progress, and it will be a strong team one day.


