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Today is Mother’s Day.I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework,others are going to buy some flowers for their mothers.I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart.I think only girls can do that.My mother is very kind.She takes care of me day and night. She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need.

This time I must show my love.I am going to give her a card and write like this, “I love you, mother!” I am going to put it under her pillow.




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When we are little, we are eager to grow up, so that we can break free of

parental discipline even leave them far. Since we were a little child, we have

to be governed by teachers in school and endure parent’s ramble at home. These

are our growing pains. Besides, study, friendship, sometimes campus romance may

trouble us. However, as we grow up, we gradually find that things mentioned

above are not pains at all. There are much more serious things brother us. For

example, we may be less sensitive to the simple happiness and loss them

gradually. It’s hard for us to laugh from our heart. Moreover, we are in the age

that we are eager to grow up but afraid to grow up either. The ambivalence

afflicts us a lot. However, no matter what happens in our growth, they are parts

of our lives. We must accept them actively and do not let the pains prevent us

from happiness.



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Recently, I have seen an impressive film—“Meet the Parents”, which is about

a woman Palm brought her boyfriend Greg to her parents’ home to spend holiday.

In the film, Greg was so dishonest to Palm’s parents that Palm’s father is

suspicious of his behavior and quality. As a result, Greg is obnoxious to all

and has to leave. As far as I am concerned, the consequence is heavily caused by

his dishonesty. If Greg could be real him all the time, he would get much

respect and appreciation and would not get much frustration. From the film, I

have learned that being honest was extremely important and necessary. In other

words, being honest is a basic principle for us to deal with others.

For one thing, we will not get others’ trust unless we are honest. If we

deceive others, we would get the same in return, and even no one would make

friends with us or even communicate with us. For another, we will get others’

respect and appreciation if telling the truth. Telling the truth and being

ourselves, we will get a healthy and peaceful surrounding to grow up better.

However, something strange happens in our society. There is a strange

phenomenon that honest people suffer but the dishonest benefit a lot. It made

some people have a suspicion that being honest is not so important.

But I still believe that these are just a few cases, since honesty is

deeply rooted in our minds and we still consider it as a basic principle in

social contacts.


篇3:高一年级英语作文:My school

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There is a beautiful school in the Shanghai West suburbs----Qingpu senior high middle school. She covers an area of simple more than 150 mu. And it is one of the lodge senior middle schools in Shanghai. That is my school, my family.

Judging by her system, it is not hard for us to know, every student who studies in the school should live at school. Really so, I live at school all the day.

Our school is a modern senior middle school .In each classroom there is a computer which controls a projector. It is the paperless teaching that the teacher attends class. Students dive into it completely.

The environment in the school is also the most. There is a river in the school side. And water in river is limpid, in which there is several small fish and some shrimps etc.

The gym installations of our school are complete. She not only has a tartan track, a basketball court and a football field, but also has a tennis field ,a shuttlecock field ,a table tennis house and gymnasium etc . Everything needed is there.

This is my school, my family.

I love my school, and I love my family!



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④深秋的一天,我睡得迷迷糊糊的,感到嘴里干渴,嚷着要喝水。父亲过来习惯地摸我的额头:“这么烫, 又发烧了。”他迅速地给我穿戴好,叮嘱了母亲几句,就去推自行车,领我去镇上的医院。当我坐在父亲自行车的后座的时候,才知道,此刻天刚蒙蒙亮,路上几乎没有人。深秋的早晨寒气袭人,父亲飞快地骑着自行车, 我则昏昏沉沉地靠在他的背上。镇医院离家并不远,很快就到了,听诊、化验、取药、打针……这一系列过程,小小的我已是非常熟悉了……出了医院已是9点多了,小镇上早已热闹起来,父亲带着我往家赶。晴朗的天,阳光是金色的,照在一张张兴奋的脸上,我无力地靠在父亲的背上,什么也不想说,也不想看,我只觉得自己与这充满活力的景象格格不入,我像是被快乐遗弃的孩子,不知道自己还能不能长大。我无声地哭泣着, 泪水将父亲的外套弄湿了一大片。他感到了什么, 车子骑到前面一个转弯处忽然改变了方向,父亲对我说:“咱们抄小路能近点。”我从来不知道这条小路也能通向村子。说是一条小路,其实是灌溉渠的渠岸,这条水渠很深,也很宽,渠岸大约一米宽,并不是很平坦。我坐在后座上,觉得有点紧张,便坐直了身子,也没有了一丝困意。

⑤我的眼前忽然一亮,就在前方渠边斜坡上竟然有一大片一大片白色的花,在阳光的照耀下,开得那样鲜艳,那样精神。“爸爸,那是什么花?你放我下来吧。”我从自行车上跳了下来。父亲说:“这是白菊花,像是野生的。”我蹲在了路边兴奋地看着这些花,A一丛丛,一簇簇。紧密地挨着,矮矮的,却精神抖擞,一些小虫在上面跳跃飞舞,花朵不大,可开得那样灿烂,没有一丝倦怠之意。我已无法准确地描绘那个时刻小小的我的心境,我只记得那一刻有一幅画面深深地刻印在我脑海里:清凉的风,湛蓝的天,金闪闪的阳光,加上一大片白色的野菊花明艳美丽,清香袭人,一个瘦弱的小女孩看得痴迷,看得绽放了久违的笑颜。而就在那一刻, 她坚定地告诉自己,她要生长得像这花一样美丽……


⑦多年以后,我终于摆脱了疾病,健康地长大,并没有留下一丝疾病侵扰的痕迹。B 如果说生命是一件完美的艺术品,那么在我生命的这幅画卷中,那路边的野菊花就该是神来之笔吧!











篇5:中考英语记叙文:flower survived

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Mrs Wang decided to make a trip to Beijing.When she told her son about her decision,he was so overjoyed that he jumped up.They began to pack their luggage.When the day came,the son became worried,for noboday would take care of his flowers.They would die if they were not watered.Suddenly a good idea came to his mind. "Mum",he said to his mother, "we can use a piece of cloth to take care of the flowers". He showed her mother what he meant by putting one end of the cloth into the basin, full of water,and the other end into the flower pot.

Three days later,when they came back from Beijing, the flowers were still alive and even started to bloom.



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My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent. There was

no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall: "Life

is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will

show. "They didnt have to talk about it--they demonstratedthe motto by the way

they lived. They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal

standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is

not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for

judging your behavior.Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today--and

getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society.And it

is something we must demand of ourselves.

A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Trial,

which consists of three key principles: Stand firmly for your convictions in the

face of personal pressure.

When you know youre right, you cant back down. Always give others credit

that is rightfully theirs. Dont be afraid of those who might have a better idea

or who might even be smarter than you are. Be honest and open about who you

really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors--their

looks or status---in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will

do everything they can to preserve this facade,but they will do very little to

develop their inner value and personal growth.

So be yourself. Dont engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are

unpleasing in your life. When its tough, do it tough. In other words, face

reality and be adult in your responses to lifes challenges.

Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity

and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Integrity means you do what you do because its right and not just

fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to

the seductive sirens of an easy morality,will always win the day. My

grandparents taught me that.



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Everybody has his or her interest, and interests differ widely from person

to person because of age, sex health and education. To some extent, interest

also reflects ones ability or wish. Interest plays an important part in our

daily life. As a middle school student interest is of great importance in study.

If you want to learn something well, you have to show interest in it, which is

quite possible. Once you have found your way into the subject, you may have also

found a world of curiosities.

In our times, interest may not only result in skill and knowledge but also

lead to great inventions and discoveries. To be a successful person in the world

one should develop ones interest.



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In my mind, there are many people who is worth I admire, but there is a person of character, and make my lifelong benefit - cleaner.

Remember in the cold morning, on my way to school, vaguely see a person, the man with a broom in sweeping the floor. Walk into a look, turned out to be cleaner. Just then, I thought: such a cold day, the cleaner in sweeping the floor, isnt it cold? Saw her wearing a uniform, with masks, left hand holding a broom, her right hand to the dustpan, thorn face brings her ears are red.

Her left hand holding a dustpan, right hand holding a broom, and patience and carefully. She sweep up the stolen goods, and sweep up the piece of stolen goods, such action also dont know how to repeat again. Look, her hands how tacit understanding! If dustpan full, carefully pour into the truck, afraid to drive just sweep clean and dirty. Pour out, and then began to sweep. I see from her eyes, she is how I hope you will no longer throw stolen goods, keep the road clean. At this time, the wind is blowing, blow the roads and dirty. The cleaners helplessly say: "alas, true cant, I need to scan again." And then, call forth spirit said: "it doesnt matter, I will be able to finish cleaning!" Then Saul again, and this time, she first sweep rubbish, and dustpan sweep the garbage into the dustpan. Full use broom mouth, dont let the junk, and into the truck. I think: it can save more time, sweep the garbage out. Thinking about thinking, cleaner to sweep out the rubbish. I dont went into his YouZi ceasing, laughingly said: "thats very kind of you! I want to learn from you that silently dedication spirit!" Cleaners listened, smiling eyes.

This is the person I admire most. One day, a person in silently every day. Is the persons character is not worth me to learn?







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Grateful mother, it is hard, she endured the October be pregnant is looking forward to I will be in the room. As my first sound loud cry, the mother began to day after day, year after year endless sacrifice, for I worry, complaint or regret, care and parenting, I carefully. Let me live in happy happy environment, let me free to healthy growth.

Grateful mother, is she taught me to learn to be, is she taught me how to communicate with partners communicate with each other, is she taught me to help and love from person to person. Is the most profound in my memory on one occasion, my mother and I go home together, home cousin are playing a game model of the toys, I also very want to play a gun up, but my cousin take back, I was punched in the past, my cousin also dont get back to me, so we played together. When my mother saw hurriedly pulled me aside to. Because I am the only child in the home at ordinary times, everybody affectionately to me, this let me formed the character of swashbuckling would not agree. Wanted to mom this time will call my cousin to give me play the toy, but mother didnt do that, but pulled me aside to me to apologize to my cousin. At first I hated cousin very much in the heart, which will easily agree? Mother looked at will comfort me and patiently enlighten me, give me about the story of "jung let pear". After listening to the story, I also recognize the fault, and apologize to my cousin to apologize. Since then my Cousins and I are very friendly to get along, never quarrel with each other. Mothers teachings in my young mind leave deep memory, in my own life to learn to be nice, tolerance, apologize to each other.

Grateful mother, is she gave me the most unselfish love, she is always worried about my food, clothing, shelter, line. Thank for a mother for giving me the concern of dribs and drabs. The ancients cloud: "dripping of grace, when animals are reported". Ancient huang-xiang temperature had seats, carp lying ice... The story of 24 filial piety. This is Chinas mule Meng Peijie touched story. But now there is something in my gratitude for the mother of way, also dont finish. From now, I want to help my mother share housework more at ordinary times, reduce the mothers work, study hard work more at ordinary times, in order to reduce the worry about mother. Give mother some greetings, as she poured tea water, wipe the sweat back rubs.

All in all, to thank for a mother for too much too much, I remember meng jiao has become a "the wanderer", "the loving mother hand line, wandering onto clothing. Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay. Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui." Now I also send the poem to my mother, to express my gratitude to my mother.







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Mothers Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating

motherhood,maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society.Its a day to

showthanks to mothers.This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and

modernMothers Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the

secondSunday of May each year.Mothers usually receive gifts on this day

andcarnation is regarded as the flower for mother.In China, the flower formother

is day lily,also known as Nepenthe(忘忧草).In addition, cleaning upthe room, doing

housework and a big dinner are considered to be the bestMothers Day gifts.



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Since I went to middle school, I grew up very fast. On the one hand, I live

in school from Monday to Friday, so I need to learn to get along with roommates.

We share the cleaning work to make sure a good environment. It is everybodys

duty to sweep the floor on turn. On the other hand, I need to solve the problems

from life by myself. Without parents by my side all the time, I learn to face

troubles and figure out all the ways to solve them. I become much independent

and stronger. Now I can deal with my stuff alone.


篇12:高一年级英语作文:Thanksgiving parents

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Thanksgiving parents English composition

Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ...

If, like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to the parents. They let me come to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, I am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in my frustration, I am encouraged by, I am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the parents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body.

If you only Thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. We would also like to live Thanksgiving. As long as grateful, then your life will be happier! Life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. Despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. This is the life, gave us hot Suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. No matter the kind of situation is that Thanksgiving should live, or where colorful? !

But also everyone around Thanksgiving. Grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because His temper your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability to ... ...

Thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment;

Thanksgiving know a person, just like the flowers bees encounter, as encountered in the desert oasis, just like horses came face in the world so beautiful!

Lets hearts with gratitude, singing aloud in front of the world, the heart of Thanksgiving, thank you, with my life ...



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As is known to all, food is a priority for the mon people.Recently,

however, reports about food problems have often been seen in the newspapers,

showing that people have always been concerned about what they eat every day.

The reason for this problem is that some of the food producers are too fond of

making money, leading to the result that they use whatever will make the food

look good or taste better without considering the bad consequences。 This is not

normal because people just cannot live without eating anything.

So we should take all the measures necessary to forbid the food producers

to make food that is not safe enough. Laws should be strengthened and the

government should have more control over these producers。 Only when people are

no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not can they enjoy a

better life.



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In the young generation, their lifestyle is different from the old

peoples. They like to stay up and join many night activities, then they wake up

very late. The new expression of brunch fits them so much, which means the

people to have a meal combining with breakfast and lunch. But their health is

under threat. Some young peoples stomach hurts and cant digest food well. In

order to keep healthy, we need to do some exercise and eat food regularly.

Whats more, the balanced diet is very important, as the saying that an apple a

day, keeps the doctor away, so we need to eat properly. The healthy lifestyle

makes us live happily.



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It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I’m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV.

Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.



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Dear Mary, Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. I know you are under too much pressure. You can’t get on well with your classmates; you may worry about your exams. I’m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of training classes at weekends.

Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with your parents is necessary to solve the problem. Less pressure, better life! Best wishes to you! Your, Jane





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It was Mother’s Day.Sun Zheng thought he should do something for

hismother.He decided to help his mother do some housework.After school he went

toa shop to buy some food on his way home.

When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he

couldn’tdo the cooking well.Thenhe cleaned the room.He felt very tired, but he

wasvery happy.

When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and

disheswhich weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper

together.Hismother said, "Thank you,my child!"
