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世园会设计了"护照",根据场馆的不同,每个章子也不同 ,一共有108个,我总共积了52个,成绩还不错吧!

世园会之旅结束了,我的暑假旅游也快要结束了,这种经历让挺高兴的。 我很期待参加下一次的世园会,不论在哪里举行!




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We live on the earth, the earth there are many things we need protection, but we didnt care.


Some people do not cherish the earth gives us all, for example, people cut down many trees, the extensive use of disposable chopsticks and throw plastic bags, producing white garbage has to nature brought many environmental problems, a serious impact on our lives. There are air pollution, acid rain and the ozone layer damage caused is human nature to bring disaster, people cut down many trees, throw plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, which is that people do not respect the nature and cause, no nature, no human beings. This is a big world, plain truth, people just blindly grab the nature, conquer nature, will only bring trouble to oneself, the destruction of the ecological system, humans dilemma. Remember, Protect environment is to protect our own living environment.


We want to protect this fragile earth, dont let the dense forests, vast grasslands and boundless ocean has become our memories.


Now, we should Protect environment, to defend our homeland.



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The Importance of Breakfast

As people are so busy with their work, they go to work directly in the morning without eating breakfast. Some people think not having breakfast does no influence on their body health. Some believe breakfast is important to peoples body health. In my opinion, Im convinced that we should have breakfast because it is good for our body health.

First of all, breakfast offer us the energy we need for the day. Before breakfast, our body has consumed all the energy we get from previous meal. Consequently, we need to eat some food in the morning to get enough energy and nutrient to support our body. If we dont have breakfast, then we have no enough energy to do our work efficiently.

Secondly, people who skip breakfast will get weight easily. If you dont have breakfast, then you will eat more food at noon and in the evening. Generally speaking, we dont have much excise in the evening while we eat too much food. As a result, the surplus calorie will be stored in our body and make us fat.

All in all, people should eat breakfast for the good of our health and for the good of keeping a good body shape.






篇3:My good friend_150字二年级英语作文

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I have a good friend .She s a girl .Her name is Shu Xiaoxian .She s from China and she s chinese .She has two big eyes,long hair and small nose .She s in class one .She likes listening to music ,riding a bike and reading books .Her favourite fruit are apples 初中作文 www.zuowenren.com,bababas and pear .Her favourite sports is runing !

Look!This is my friend !



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(1)致欢迎词; (2)介绍本班任课教师情况;


(5)家长交换经验; (6)任课老师与家长交换。





(4)您如有事不能出席家长会,烦请您与班主任主动联系,可委托支属参加,以便及时了解家长会相干内容。班主任: 电话:





学生姓名 班 级

家庭地址 联系电话






篇5:初二年级英语作文:Beautiful park

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In xiamen there is a park. it’s a big and beautiful park. it has two gates. they are the north gate and the west gate. many people park their bikes in front of the gates.

There is a shop at the north gate. when you go into the park through the north gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you. in the west of the park, there is a playground.

Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat. in the middle of the park, there is a lake. there are many boats on it. there is a hill in the east of the park.

The park is very beautiful. i love it very much. will you come to visit it some day?



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My Attitude towards Life

Life is an endless voyage, as theres no destination in our life. Life is also very fickle, since anything may happen in our life. We may be successful or defeated at any time.

Sometimes, I have the feeling that I was successful, but that happiest time has already passed away. Sometimes, I feel as if I went to the end of my life, but after a long tour, I find I have a long way to go. I always miss myself in this endless road and I feel very lonely. But in this loneliness, theres nothing to fear. So I have learned to grow up. I have learned to hold back my tears. I have learned to smile to others.

Im not defeated. However hard the situation is, I will never give up! However hard the situation is, I will never say I cant! However hard the situation is, I will never stop running! Never!






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“又是考大学。我才初中耶。” 小虎心里嘀咕着。挺好的食欲给说没了。小虎想诅咒发明高考的那个人,弄得他吃饭不香睡觉不甜小小年纪饱受折磨。昨晚要不是忙着做老师发的那么多简直能压死人的复习资料,他也不会早晨起迟了。








见他迈着假模三刀的八字步从后门踱出去,小虎舒了一口气。刚才一通瞎念纯粹是比谁的嗓门大,小虎已经累得气喘吁吁了。这时,小萌用肘点了点他。“嗯?”“书拿倒啦。”“啊?呵呵……” “再过一个星期就要期终考试了。我想你们谁也不想一个假期过得不称心吧。所以……”班主任用再过一个星期地球就要爆炸了的神情告诉全班这次考试是如何如何地重要如何如何地划时代如何如何地里程碑,就差说他们考不好就直接影响他的工资奖金福利职称住房等等诸如此类只要影响了一丁点就像要他命一样可怕的东西。全班同学的表情加起来也没有班主任一个人的丰富。小虎只有听的份,没有抗议的权利。






“不是。” 小虎这几天累得连饭也吃不下,成天地背成天地写,以至大口喝水冲谈了胃液导致食欲不振,拿笔拿酸了的手连握筷子的力气也没有了。小虎真想好好放松一下啊。





“真的?太棒了!” 小虎兴奋地跳起来。他的目标是云梦山。他很早就想去那儿玩了,可惜一直没机会。




“妈妈来喂你。”妈妈拿起调羹笑眯眯的将小虎喜欢的炸牛排送进他的嘴里,小虎一边嚼一边想幸亏自己的手是写作业弄的,要是通过其他不正当途径诸如玩游戏机诸如打假弄得就是饿死也没有人心甘情愿地喂他东西吃了。小虎的感觉是妈妈不在喂他而是喂大学。 第二天早读未下,班上已有一大半的同学知道了小虎要去攀登云梦山的消息了。这条消息在如此沉闷如此干燥的考前教室里不啻是一支清凉剂。


“那当然,我爸亲口答应我的。” 小虎喜形于色。其自豪骄傲之情不亚于告诉他们自己是从月球上刚下来的。







“当然可以啦,可是,我也是小动物啊。我妈说我成天跑来跳去,跟小猴子似的……” 小虎故意说。


“呵呵,作为道歉,我多拍几张小猴子的照片送你,可以了吧?” 小虎赶紧说。

“那还差不多。”小萌咯咯笑起来,“你这个小猴子还是蛮聪明的嘛。” 考前的手忙脚乱。无聊的晚自习。荒唐的星期天。


小虎带着满脑袋稀奇古怪的公式定理符号单词走进考场,像到电影院找座位一样对号入座,但其本质的区别在于前者叫享受,这个叫受罪。接下来是每人分到几张写满不知所云何物天方夜谭般的文字图形数码的纸。他们的任务是用墨水把这些纸涂满涂匀涂得老师心情舒畅涂得家长手舞足蹈涂得自己稀里糊涂。受罪开始…… 漫长的三天。





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Someone says: are you a silkworm, spit of the continuous filament and die. Someone says: you are the candle, to the best of the last drop of tears to illuminate the dark night sky; Someone said, you are the morning dew, often before dawn, moistens the land silently all things... You, is my respected teacher, non-existent.

Non-existent with tall, round face, with two arch eyebrows on his forehead, under the arch eyebrows with a pair of bright and sharp eyes, she has a plausible mouth, a smile, mouth petal meniscus as quiet.

Non-existent at ordinary times is very strict with our requirements. Each lesson learned to write the book of copying, will ask us to write the word is very good, to write bad words will never let go, until it is written. Words because some students in our class wrote too fast and some bad, non-existent will let them change to come over, we all have greatly improved.

Non-existent also care about us. Remember once, I was a bit uncomfortable, go to the clinic under temperature, amount of 37.5 degrees, non-existent just said to me: "if uncomfortable, he said to the teacher, the teacher will and parents said." Non-existent for we really care about.

Teacher, I salute you! Is that you get ignorant we into the space of knowledge, sowing love with you that like the sound of a song! Like a candle, burn yourself, you give we lit the fire of hope, with your persistent enthusiasm to guide us to open our science maze! Thank you, teacher!








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Times are changing day by day. Doing the shopping is easier. Most people

are better-dressed and they enjoy modern life.

Girls are changing, too. There are many differences between the older and

younger generations.

I know a twelve-year-old girl, who, to my surprise, has little time to

play. She told me that she dreamt of being a dancer, so she must learn to dance,

play music and so on. Sometimes, she is out of breath under such pressure, but

she can’t stop because modern life is busy.

In addition, I find those girls know more and more. Although they are

little girls, they know how to dress fashionably. Sometimes they look older than

their age, though.

As an older female, I realize that compared with the modern girls, my

generation is less well-educated and takes part in fewer leisure activities. I

realize that we don’t make full use of our time the way they do. Therefore, we

should try our best to value our time and pursue our dreams.

Confident, proud and energetic, modern girls represent new times.



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The Rules of Making Friends

We all like to make friends, we live in a society that we need to communicate with others. Without a friend, one can never express his emotions, no one share his sorrow and happiness. Making friends balances ones emotions, you can talk to friends any things, like secret, which you dont want to share with our parents. But here is the fact that not everyone is suitable to be friend, we need to obey the rules. First, the guy must be honest. Honesty is the base of the being friends, to be frank and then to be close. Second, there is something common in you two. The same interest always brings two hearts close, the more something in common, the better, thus he will be your best friends, you can share things with him. Making friends is a big deal, cause if you make the wrong one, you may get the negative thing from him.




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我们来到了舞狮团旁边。我瞧了瞧舞狮 团,才二十几个人。他们有的在敲锣打鼓,有的在看着,有的在指引着。他们的衣服都是黄色,有两只狮子,一只红色一只黄色,红的是公,黄的是母,就像一对夫妻。它们在路中央戏耍,你挨着我,我挨着你。渐渐地,人变得多起来。在人的海洋里,我也情不自禁地欢笑起来。那两只美丽的狮子在人群玩耍,表演得真逼真啊!那两只狮子就像真正的狮子一样,活蹦乱跳着。

到了晚上,我和爸爸到江滨堤园放烟花,放鞭炮。我们来到一片空地上,爸爸首先拿出“五彩游春”点燃它的引线,过了一会儿,只听见“嗖”的一声,五只彩色的蝴蝶立刻飞上了辽阔的天空,去寻找奇妙的大自然了。接着,爸爸又点燃“小鸟”烟花,“扑”的一声,小鸟冲破了笼子,飞了出去。刚放完烟花,就放大礼花了,它真美啊! 有的像弯弯的垂柳,有的像无数颗流星,有的像五光十色的花朵,还有的像天上的七仙女下凡来到人间似的,撒下朵朵神花,整个四会笼罩在欢乐之中。我正沉醉在放大礼花的情景中,另一边又开始放烟花,把大地照得如同白昼一样。多美呀!令我目不暇接。






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It is said that Guilin is a beautiful place, the water is so clean and the mountain is not like the ordinary one. I want to go to Guilin and see its scenery. I have a chance to go to Guilin, my parents visit my aunt. I see Guilin’s beautiful mountain and the clean water, I know why people call Guilin’s scenery the most beautiful.



篇13:高三年级英语作文:My hobbies

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A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, weave bas-kets, or carve soap figures and so on. In a word, hobbies offer en-joyment, friendship, knowledge and relaxation.

Then, what is my hobby? Well, what I like most is singing. I began to sing songs when I was very young. My uncle was studying in a college then, so he could sing lots of songs, and he taught me several songs. I showed great interests in the music then, for they were pleasing to ears and easy to sing. My uncle told me they were called pop songs.

When I grew up, my music teacher found that I had a good voice, so she sent me to the Childrens Palace to study vocal mu-sic. From then on, I began my vocal music training. And then I knew there were several kinds of songs, like folk songs, pop songs and so on. What I had learned most was the songs for children. They were all simple ones but our teacher trained us very strictly. We practiced how to produce sound and how to make our expres-sion more natural and more pleasing. Those simple training didnt reduce my interest in singing at all and I won awards one after another in several kinds of competition. Actually I began to make up a dream of becoming a famous singer in the future.

As time went by, I came to realize that my dream wouldnt come true for there were strict conditions of being a singer. But I still took singing as my hobby since I found in music the interests which were lost in the exams. When I put all my emotion into singing a song, it gave me very good and very pleasant feelings, and a good chance to relax. Besides, it was a good way to learn things that couldnt be easily found in life.

Now as Im saying goodbye to my childhood my voice has changed into a deep male voice, and therefore I can sing a lot of songs written for adults. I am often deeply moved, by the melody or by what the song.



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My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I dont have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because its very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.

My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And its very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.





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My mother is 36 years old, long longhair, intermediate mixed with a few gray hair, a pair of gentle eyes, high nose, big eyes, in my opinion, mother as a whole is very beautiful.

Since I started in elementary school, my mother said to me: "you must good good study, as a child to go to school to listen to the teacher, finish the homework carefully". Mother after school every day the first thing to do is ask me: "what the teacher tell you today, my homework is what?" Although very nag, but I know it is the mothers care to me, so every time I am very serious answer. When you do your homework, I encounter a difficult problem ask mom, mom said: "go to their own brain to think about first." Each make a problem, mom will let me remember this way, also let me next time wont go wrong.

Mother not only care about me, in the study on the life and meticulous care me, mom often teaches me to be, just like a lamp that rev beacon to guide my direction, my mother taught me to be honest, to credit. In the daily life of my mother has always been very generous, every day after school, I entered the house, you can taste delicious food.

Mother, you comforted me in my sad; You encourage me when I encounter a failure, you guide me when I walk in the wrong direction. Strict with me in your learning; You to me in life takes good care of me.

Ah! Your mother for the sake of my life, learning to pay a lot, I will not live up to your expectations, study hard and make a good filial piety you in the future, contribute to the country!


从我开始上小学时,妈妈就对我说:“你一定要从小好好学习,上学要听老师的话,认真完成作业” 。每天放学妈妈第一件事就是问我:“今天老师给你讲的什么,家庭作业是什么?”尽管很唠叨,但我知道这是妈妈对我的关心,所以每次我都很认真的回答。做作业时,我一遇到难题就去问妈妈,妈妈便说:“先去自己动脑想想” 。每做对一道题,妈妈便让我记住这种方法,还保证让我下次不再出错。






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Books are our best friends. They are very dear to us because they give us a

lot of pleasure and sincerely advise us how to get alone in this world. And when

we come across difficulties, we often turn to them for help. Good books in need

are good friends indeed.

However, not all the books are worth reading. Some books contains violence

or sexual scenes are not good for people, especially teenagers to read. While

some books are too simple or too difficult, others are not interesting enough.

As time is quite limited, so it’s wise for all of us to choose to books that

suit for us to read.

So, it is important to make the wise use of books. We should read different

kinds of books. The books that give us knowledge which we can not learn in the

class, the books give us pleasures and the books which remain us do not forget

the past. What’s more ,we must try to apply to practice what we learn from




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篇19:高三年级英语作文:Be grateful for friends

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It is a celebrating day. I got in touch with Michael whom I have been losing contact for one year.

It is really magic. I was searching online aimlessly yesterday when an idea struck me suddenly: since Ben can find out my secret by keying in my name in the search engines, why can’t I do so, either?

I intended to find out something about Ben in revenge in the first place, but soon extend my name list to a wider category. It was then that I recalled Michael suddenly.

We have lost contact since our last correspondence in my senior 3. He mentioned to me in his last letter that he was preparing for going to UK to further his education. I, shamefully, was too busy to reply his mail then. When I was recommended to ZJU and won the final freedom, I thought he had already been in UK so I had no idea where to write him.

I used to think that we would never meet again. However, when I browsed the entries about him, I found out excitedly that he is still in P.R.C.!!

Without a moment hesitation, I ran upstairs to my dorm and found out my old address book. Thank goodness, his home no was still there.

After 3 times calling with no answer replies, I eventually got him on the phone. He was more surprised than I could imagine that when I asked for his hp no he was too nervous to remember it. :P Hehe.

Life is enjoyable in moments such like this. Old friends meet again surprisingly, on a road of their own ways to their dreams. they look at the face of each other, and recognize the old pal. It is such moment that makes me feel grateful to life: whenever I set off for a new destination, I see I have friends in the same direction, with whom I won’t feel alone any more.


篇20:A Warm-hearted Man!_150字二年级英语作文

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one afternoon an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand. she was going to do some shopping.

just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down. one of her legs was hurt and she couldnt move any more. a kind cleaner saw whis and rushed to her at once. he helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. what a warm-hearted man he was!
