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Birds dont fly high up in the sky. The air is too thin.

It is hard for birds to breathe in thin air. Thin air doesnt hold them up.

Birds fly near the ground so that they can see where they are. The birds look for places they know. Then they do not get lost. Some birds fly so low over the ocean that the waves often hide them. Many birds fly a long distance in the spring and autumn.







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Dogs belong to the canine。

When a dog follows its nose, its actually being led by thee key senses。 Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree。 Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but its also how canines make their long distance calls。 Smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together。

Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans。 Through them the dogs brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million。 It gives the dog: a completely different picture of the world, based on what it smells, rather than what it sees。

Flowers are irrelevant to a dog。 So their scent is meaningless。 But food is a serious matter。 What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog。



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Mrs. Li has left a very good first impression on us. She is a beautiful young lady, enthusiastic and energetic. Now we know that she is a really wonderful teacher. Not only does she explain everything clearly but also she is very patient with us. Besides, her class

is well organized and in class she always encourages us and avoids making us feel embarrassed even when we make mistakes, so every student is very active in the class discussing.

So far, Mrs. Li has been teaching us for only two weeks, but she has already been popular with all of the students in our class! With Mrs. Lis help, we have learnt a lot of new words, phrases and sentence patterns. I am sure that we are going to make great progress in English with Mrs Li teaching us.



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I sit at the same table, ZhongWenJuan call. She is not high, the figure some fat, round head, big eyes, very lovely. I took a privately to her nickname: aunt clock. Why give her such a laoqiguangqiu nickname? Because she like big niang do anything.

First, her tone as big niang. I slightly procured(招惹), she is a hit me. Sometimes the fork wear a waist said: "the kid, old niang, want to live."

In addition, she also like the big niang warrn-hearted behavior. Remember this semester, I wrote, approved by the teacher didn’t approve her pen to write, she had to write? GangBiZi. While I go to the toilet that day, when she secretly to help me write with a pen finished homework. Clock woman! You don’t help me, because it is kiss! I still have to redo again…

Aunt clock normally giggly(嘻嘻哈哈), loquacious character is like a woman. The thing about the clock too big niang, three days and three nights also does not say. Oh, mama! Clock woman comes, I slipped quickly…

[中学英语作文My classmate(我的同学)



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4、他有一颗冬瓜头,生气的时候脸一下子拉得很长,非常像马。他单独面对你的时候总是摆出一副善解人意的慈爱样子,同时不停地摇晃脑袋,远看像漂浮着的一个大灯笼。他的眼睛,你知道吗?大大的,灰黑色,很深邃,长在那张马脸上显得非常病态,他说话时喜欢对所有人乱飞媚眼,小心别让它撞到你,那会使你魂飞魄散的。他的胳膊啊腿啊细得像竹竿,衣服酷似床单披挂在身上,飘忽飘忽的,特别有神秘气质,这决定了我们在表演一切恐怖剧的时候都由他戴上假发来演女鬼。 、玲玲不到两岁,胖墩墩的。红扑扑的小脸蛋上,有一双水灵灵的眼镜。小辫儿朝天翘着,粉红色的发带在头上一颠一颠的,像两只飞舞的彩蝶。尤其逗人喜爱的,是她那张伶俐的小嘴。



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My dogs character is weird. Say it is gentle, it is really obedient. Let it lie there tease it to play, the United States and the United States looked at me, soon as not out. However, when it is eating, no matter who, that is, usually the best friend to its side will not work. It is so fierce, it is true ah, or how friends do not go to it around it? However, it came to see my grandfather will hide, for fear that grandfather see, because grandpa played it, it is so Gall bladder

If it is happy, can be cute than anyone else: turn around and turn around, the back of the tail shake to shake, as if you are affectionate. Or when you walk, rushed to your pants, let you stop walking.

It is a child can be pleasant to love! Just came to our house just full moon, the road is still bad, they learned to play their own. Walking around in the house, I do not know what to find, round little ass twisted, people laugh. Where is he beautiful, suddenly, hit the mans legs, back a few steps back, buttocks hit the wall again. Although it hit two, but it did not cry at all.

Then I do not know where to find a small ball, went to the yard to play. The small ball Diao Diao to go. It bite it all can not see the way.

I always like it and never say it. Look at it so lively and lively, not enough I like it, how could it be said?



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Winter quietly away, it received a voice. Connect with lightsome pace, came to the grass, hide and seek in the grass, hidden in the grass, the grass grow the bud, become full of vitality; Connect again came to the forest, standing on the treetops sing a beautiful song, the tree immediately more green than before; Connect again came to the river, see willow messy hair hanging over the little river, voice hurriedly ran, as the willow comb my hair, after a while, willow hair look brand-new.

Connect will never forget its best friend - fields. The field scenery beautiful, like a beautiful walked into the continuous picture; The wild flowers of the field is really brilliant, brilliant have attracted many bees to honey. The food of the field is really green, green like the green grass.

Connect to the wheat field, and the field to play games, connect to farmer uncle pull weeds, water the young trees flower and Chinese cabbage, the fields into the sea of green.

Connect the nature plant flowers and plants become more green and more vibrant, watered farmer kind of wheat and cabbage pulling weeds fertilizer, let pests away from wheat and cabbage...

Connect to the nature and the farmer uncle kind of food added the awaken of spring, I love spring.








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Our Chinese nation since ancient times there is the traditional virtue of the tree "love tree"; The afforestation can reduce the air pollution, beautify the environment, purify air, safeguard peoples physical and mental health; Afforestation can reduce the noise, the protection of the ecological balance, provide the ideal for people study, work, entertainment and life; Forests have loyal friends of human beings.

But you know? Amount of deforestation in China is the worlds first; Long-term deforestation destroyed trees, and the resulting soil erosion, flood disaster, every year to the state and the peoples cause huge economic losses.

Again from our side to have a look, popular people use wood furniture, trees into peoples family. In the hotel, disposable chopsticks, one-time toothpicks, we see; In spring everything begins to grow this is, to some of our classmates in the trample on flowers and plants, the school in the lawn, not found with deep footprints; In some places have also go into bare trail. Protect forest resources, take good care of our environment, in fact is so near to us.

The classmates! We are masters of the 21st century, afforestation, environmental protection, greening the motherland let us start from oneself, starts from now. I firmly believe that as long as everyone sacrificed a little love, our campus will be more beautiful, our city will be more beautiful! Our country also will be more bright tomorrow!







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Through the ages, the earth mother milk with sweet nurtured a countless generations. The original she was the XiaoBei decorated lovely. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her eyes out. There is only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. "Saving the earth" has become the worlds strongest voice. The deterioration of the environment around, I feel heartache, I think: as the future successors of teenagers, if dont understand the gravity of the environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, our lives will be destroyed in his hands, and god will make serious punishment for us.

Therefore I determined to start from me good care environment, protect our homes, the survival of a environmental protection guard. In just the past year, I actively participate in school activities for planting trees, leading us six (2) squadron of the class cadre created the "green angel" plant green armor, encourage players green groups on campus adoption a young trees, use after school time for it to dress for its towering trees, grow and lay the foundation. In the school organization "let the earth vibrant" signature activity, I solemnly in signing their names above, and wrote his determination and expectations for environmental protection, the vision of the future. I actively participate in school in the world environment day, serious prize held consulting, collect got all kinds of material, to make social investigation, writing about environmental management idea articles, I often go to school organization environmental lecture, watch the footage of environmental protection, actively contributing to environmental protection knowledge interlocution survey, fill in every item questions.

I participated in the "red scarf plant green protect green team" website construction, in the above picture released a lot of environmental protection and environmental protection knowledge, as well as about environmental protection all aspects of legal knowledge in environmental protection in China, developing tendency, the situation of environmental protection in countries around the world; Every month I have used the Internet, newspapers, find some latest different projects and plate "environmental information" to tell everybody; Also making some XuanChuanBan regularly to promote environmental protection knowledge and life in environmental sense. Improve everyones environmental protection consciousness; Calls for students from different aspects to love his home, start from around things, and for the environment around dedicated an own strength!

I actively mobilize people around him come according to law, protect and construction human common is also the only home, in order to promote the sustainable development of economy and society for human civilization to make the contribution. I also jointly sponsored students and "raise a potted flower, adopted a tree, sparing the every piece of green space, let us surrounded by green" and "with a small plastic bags dont use foam lunch box and disposable chopsticks, let us from white pollution" initiative. Let us down convenience bag, took food basket, let us common to a wonderful green tomorrow, to glory, the bright future!






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Xinjiang is located in the motherland as inland by a strong continental climate, where gathered a lot of ethnic minorities, most of the residents prefer to meat-based diet, beef and mutton can be seen everywhere here, so that by the Xinjiang sure to try the local Kaoquan Yang, as well as a real string of Xinjiang lamb, lamb pilaf and hands. Pasta is the main staple food in Xinjiang, where the more common one called "Nang", showing apricot yellow, surrounded by thick, thin middle. There sesame Nang, meat Nang, Nang layers, such as g Nang and other varieties, is a kind of flour mixed with yeast su**ce, light salt and noodles, baked cake made of. Nang mind when doing thin at the bottom of the bundle of numerous holes, each affixed to Nang Pit, to be braised roast 10 minutes later, crisp taste of "Nang" on the pan, and this "Nang" may keep well, and So many visitors to Xinjiang deliberately brought back taste of this food. According to Xinjiang because it is a long time here than other places in the fruit sweet, so Turpan grapes, Hami melon is well-known at home and abroad. Xinjiang cuisine: roast lamb pilaf thin-skinned dumplings baked buns Kaoquan Yang Xiang-Fen Tang Nang La striped clutch jen na Smoked breast meat Ma Ma San intestinal oil seed oil tower sub-hanging braised pork noodle soup Niangpi seed oil San Kuqa sub-Pal Wood breast milk horse milk wine.


新疆位于祖国的强烈的大陆性气候,内陆地区,那里聚集了大量的少数民族,大多数居民喜欢以肉食为主的饮食,牛肉和羊肉在这里随处可见,所以到了新疆一定要尝尝当地的考泉洋,以及真正的新疆羊肉串,羊肉和手抓饭。意大利面食是新疆的主要主食,其中较为常见的一种叫“馕”,呈杏黄色,四周厚而薄中间。有芝麻馕、肉馕、鸡蛋馕、馕等多种品种,是一种掺有酵母粉、淡盐和面条、烤糕做成的糕点。心里想着,在做薄底的时候扎上无数的洞,每贴上馕坑,待焖烤10分钟后,脆上“馕”的锅上,而这个“馕”可能保存得很好,于是许多来新疆的游客特意带回了这道菜的味道。据新疆人介绍,因为这里的时间比其他地方的水果甜,所以吐鲁番葡萄,Hami melon在国内外都很有名。新疆菜:烧羔羊肉抓饭薄皮包子烤包子烤全羊乡坟塘朗La条纹离合器仁钠熏胸肉Ma Ma三肠油种子油塔子挂扣肉汤面酿皮籽油三库车子PAL木奶马奶酒。



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Since I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to the site when I have a chance. I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the books, I also watch it through TV.

Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to there.



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My classmate

I have a new classmate.She is Huang Jie.She is girl.She is twelve years old.She has long hair.She has big eyes and small nose.She is tall.My classmate likes reading book,playing computer games,listening to music,but sometimes she likes playing sports.

This is my classmate,What about you.





[英语作文:我的同学My classmate



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Like worker ants for ant nests, out for food, protect the nest from other animals, work day and night. They is such that anyone who is regarded as rubbish things, they will be removed, so the protection of the street, so clean alleyway, so hard work, never a word, this silent is a group of a brave man, in my mind as a dustman.

Cleaners of maintaining a clean and tidy streets every day, early in the morning the sun has not yet been probe, to all the night, when people are still in the sweet sleep, cleaner has been greatly small streets, and even troubled cleaning to do their own on the highway. They do not complain because of their filth, and do not retreat from the stench, and do not retreat from danger. They suffer from dust, suffer from drunks, and suffer from diseases. Such sacrifice is said to be the brave man of the brave.

Once, when I was in an elevator, there are a pair of mother and child in the same elevators and a dressed in shabby clothes, hand cart full of clean appliance cleaner, mother gushing tell children in the elevator, want to have a read, dont like the "cleaner" after growing up, down and out. In the face of this vitriolic speech, the cleaners head is silent, but silently absorb... . , on general social widespread discrimination cleaners, it seems that the mention of "cleaner", and "unclean", "dirty" and "disgusting" of the adjectives in the equal sign, often with a strange look cleaner, eyes filled with contempt and disgust, but their efforts for the street; The giving of people; The dedication to society, the thought and the spirit, is definitely more qualified to be called "the brave" than many industries in society.

Cleaners seem small, but these small screws, less gear will be messed up the whole society rhythm, theyre a little giant may be poor in money matter, poor but never mind, for me, they are always respected "brave".



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My little dog looks very cute, round head with large amber eyes. It has a powder doodle tongue, summer is always stretch out. Its strong limbs, pea is white. Really cute.

The dog eating with nose smell, it always first with the tongue lick slowly again. When I put the cake, cake in hand, the dog not only eat them quickly, and ate with relish.

One day, a little black dog chew bones, the puppy immediately jumped up to rob. The little black dog a flash, let the dog closed on empty air. Then, the dog suddenly stood up, front legs forward, body and tail of a pretty, "call" to the little black dog ran. The little black dog a strange call and dog fighting. They screamed out "wang wang", move down the road. Puppy seize opportunity, ruthlessly put the little black dog bit the leg, the little black dog bellow out a cry and limped down bone, with tail slipped away. The dog licked his body on the ground and ate with relish.

So lovely, fierce dog called how could I dont like it?

If it happy, than who are diligent, gentle than anyone. It will rush you bark, or rubbing on your leg told you to turn it into her arms, gently stroked it, it against in your arms, quietly lying down, enjoy your caress, as if a docile child. It also very considerate, when you write your homework, it is also not noisy, just quietly lying on your side, Bob looked at you, or play, is not to bother you; If it is not happy, the mood is not high, you call it, it doesnt often, are more willing to hide in a corner, curled up, sleeping; If you training it at this moment, its a small temper, will be with you in anger, and then "run away", go out one day is not a shadow, let you miss it.








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The Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.

On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.

At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.



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nobody can tell what would be the life like after one hundred years or, at least the ordinary people like us can not do that. however from level of development of todays technology and science, one thing that everyone can be sure about is that life of future will definitely be much more easy and convenient than the life of today(provided only if the environmental issues do not get worse). moreover, many new stuff will be created or rather i should use the word invented in order to satisfy the needs of people of our future generations. with these new creations ,inventions and technologies, things like travelling on the moon or some other planets for vacation with our families, which would only happen in our dreams at present age will possibly become true in one hundred years time. what is more, those new creations may also allow the scientist of that time to not only carry out their researches on land but in the deep blue occean as well, what i mean is that they could live under the sea and do their study just like how they did it on the land for as long as they want. people could almost do anything they like without leaving their houses, they could just simply make some click on the keyboard to satisify their every needs like shopping and body check-up. and parents of the time do not need to worry about the education problems of their children because internet could provide everything they need and want to learn about. by that time, maids or servants will no longer be needed as robot would have replaced them to be the mechanical housework expert of the new era.





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If we dont take care of our lovely campus and make it hurt, we will suffer harm and harm our health.

Today, we need to protect the environment as our obligation to protect the environment with our actual actions. We should know how to protect the environment is to protect ourselves, we should not only use resources rationally, whenever they want to protect the environment, as a student, we should create more green campus. Starts from the minor matter, starts from now, starts from the care for the campus and protect the environment, picked up a piece of paper on the ground and save every drop of water, cherish every inch, walk more, dont cross the green, the grass. I believe that in the near future, our life will be another scene!

Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, the environmental awareness is not limited, we are looking at the campus. "Do not be good and not evil," for our common campus, let us act immediately.



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Green, tree and grass planting. Growing these plants containing chlorophyll, is of great help to improve air quality.

First of all, the green plants can be in the sun for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Studies show that plant growth and each 1 ton, can produce 5 tons of oxygen. Per hectare woods can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide every day, 0.735 tons of oxygen; The grass can absorb every day 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare, produce 0.6 tons of oxygen. Adequate and clean oxygen can keep human body and mind health.

Second, trees on earth every day can send out 170 million tons of terpenes substances into the atmosphere, the aromatic substance has incomparable sterilization ability and excitation.

Then, the green is good for the dust in the air, dust filtration and absorption, and dust into the air dispersion can stop work. According to the determination, the atmosphere through the forest, can reduce dust amount 32% - 32%, fly ash quantity reduced by 30%.

Do you know? The negative oxygen ion in forest can reach 10-1 million. Negative oxygen ion can adjust the excitement and inhibition of the nervous system, improve the function of the cerebral cortex. Medical experts to simulate forest magic effect, negative oxygen ion into ward. The results found that when the environment is negative oxygen ions and the proportion of oxygen ions control at 9:1, for asthma, burns, ulcers, the treatment of trauma patients can promote role

In addition, greening and absorb the noise, reduce water loss and soil erosion, etc. Your a power to go into our countrys green enterprise, the green idea slowly tell it to you will reap the benefits.









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I have many friends in my class. theyre interesting and lovely. I would like to introduce some of them. Sue is very cute. shes also kind to everyone and shes very enthusiastic.

Shes always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. she always forgets to bring her text books, but our teachers always forgive her. Ken is the most talkative boy in our class. his nickname is “chatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh Lily is a quiet student.

She is good at every subject but she never shows off. Ken is a very tall boy. he plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. he often says, “playing basketball is good for your health.” how about your classmates? Do you like them? try to admire your classmates. you will be happier.
