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亲爱的爸爸妈妈: Dear parents:












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Dear Mrs Hu,

I am very glad to write to you about what I think in my mind.

First of all, I think I have to admit that you have excellect command of

English and teach us much knowledge, which is not only English but also lots of

thinking on life .

Next,You help us how to see the world and even how to apply for a good


but I think what impressed me most was the way you work. You do everything

so patiently and carefully, which is highly thought of by all the

classmates...All of these leads us to respect you very much.

Well,AS for me,I think full of humor is your another impressed

charactistics.You know, I just regard your class as a very enjoying meal. I

guess It’s widely acknowledged that all of your students like It very much.

To conclude,I think you are a very good teacher. I hope you will pay more

attention to your health and be happy every day.


Zhao zhouxing



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Of course in the whole wild world, there is only one place with which is

the coldest; and that is in Antarctica.

It was a beautiful fact that once or twice a year, there was going to be a

big parade; now nobody ever heard of that story; but let me tell you all about

it, one the North pole until all the way to its opposite.

After a day or two, the magnificent magician of the great London, is ready

to travel for its reward, of saving he town from a dangerous earthquake. After

that, he helped the poor people recover and saved a lot of townspeople that were

suffering for life.

When he was fully packed to go and travel, he double checked everything had

he was going to use or should I say need. Then he went to the airport ready to

take off they always made sure safety first. When it was ready, the manager

counted, “One, two three, get set; go!” and then the plane took off. It flew a

good distance, until it reached the beach. There the man enjoyed his life, but

was not quite astonished a bit.

When he was sick of that place, he decided to change another place to enjoy

his life. And so on he hopped onto the plan. When it took off, the man was

wondering what place are they arriving now? When he opened his eyes, he found

himself in the North Pole. There he rested and enjoyed his life. When it was

time to go and find another place, he decided to go to its opposite; Antarctica.

He was so very, very, very excited.

The plane took off again, and it flew a while until they reached

Antarctica; it was quite a long trip, but when they finally landed on land, the

man as so excited that he switched on his clothes immediately and went to


He was having a very good time; at last he chose his place.

He went to the manager of the airport, and said that he could now rest;

because he had finished his work in finding his place of life.

He was very glad, and when he was ready to build his home, he thought about

the penguins. He had played with them a good time; at last he finished building

his house. He had made friends with the penguins too.

Happy day!



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There was once a little girl named Jerry that lived with her mother in a

small cottage in the forest, they were very poor, and could only afford to eat

bread. “Oh no!” cried Jerry’s mother one noon, “We ran out of bread, and it is

almost time for supper!” “Do we have any eggs left?” asked Jerry, “No, none;”

said her mother very worried.

“Don’t worry mother,” said Jerry suddenly, “I shall go and get some in the

market.” Then she ran off through the forest to the market with her basket.

Along the way, she was quite tired, and so rested upon some big rocks. It

gradually became late and Jerry decided to go and buy the bread, but suddenly a

wolf cried out behind her; “Please, please help me!” cried the wolf, “I have a

problem that nobody wants to help!” then he held out his paw to Jerry, there was

a thorn stuck to his paw. “Is this a trick?” asked Jerry, “Because wolves like

to eat people.”

“Oh no,” answered the wolf, “We do not eat people now, we only want to eat

some bread with mustard on top;” then he cried again. Jerry quickly knelt down

and removed the thorn from the wolf’s paw; “Oh thank you! Thank you!” shouted

the wolf joyfully, “I shall never forget your kindness!” then the wolf returned

to his home. Jerry walked to the market to buy healthy fresh bread, and then she

ran off home with a full basket of it.

On the way, she was still tired; and so she stayed at the same place and

the same time. As she was about to go, some greedy wolves blocked her way; they

had water in their mouths and said, “Give us the bread!” said a wolf, “Where are

the mustard?” asked a second wolf, “Just give it to us!” shouted the third wolf.

Jerry had no choice, as she was about to give the fresh bread away to the wolf,

the wolf that she had saved before rushed out and said, “Leave her alone!” he

growled, “That girl saved me before, and so leave her alone!” he shouted


The other wolves had no choice but to obey, they walked away. Jerry thanked

her new friend the wolf, and the wolf said that he was supposed to do that in

return. And so to show Jerry’s respect for him, she gave him half the bread, and

returned home immediately to tell her mother about it.

They had some bread that evening, and Jerry’s mother including Jerry

herself all became good friends with the wolf; the wolf also had plenty of

bread, and moved his home close to Jerry.

The moral of this story was, if you help others and they will help you, you

help them again then friends you’ll become. It will be a peaceful life if

friendship is all around us; and that would be great for an important




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A little boy wanted to read a book, but he had no money; he decided to earn

some in return. But he had nothing to do, and so he just had to stay at home

just like usual life; he was very sad.

Suddenly, a strange thing took place, and he began to make use of something

that he wanted to try. After a short time, he came back from the basement with a

ruffled shovel in his hand. When it was time to finish the work that he was to

earn money, he smiled happily.

His work was to shovel snow for the other neighbors in the winter, because

most of the times when snow was very, very big; some of the house doors got

block, and they need to pay $100 for a builder to come and shovel the snow out

of way. But now the boy will help shovel the snow, and they need only to pay $10

in return. At first the boy was not good at it at all, but soon he got the use

of it, and earned lots of money. When it was time to use the money, he figured

that he didn’t have enough to pay for the grammar book that he wanted for

school. It was not that big of a deal of very much; but was not quite things of


He kept on this work for 4 years, until he had finally got enough money to

buy the grammar. He was so very excited, that he jumped about in the room from

brick to brick. When he went to the store, he figured it was closed; all the

grammars are sold out, but in the other hand in opened because he shoveled the

snow away which let him get enough money to buy another grammar in another


It was almost summer and the snow melted away, a statue of him was made up

in the town square where he lived; for making the snow disappear. He was also

the first in the class every morning, because he was willing to learn some

identities to learn grammar. He loved grammar. And when it was time for him to

head home and buy another harder one; he used the same plan just a little


And when people saw his statue shimmering in the morning sunlight, they

would remember his gratitude for everybody in the town.

It was a “Magnificent” day; it was already beheld the shoveling day.



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Dear Mr. X,


You are the most respected teacher in my mind, although you are very

strict, but you put your heart on us. You work from dawn to dusk, thinking about

better teaching methods. You are like a candle, let me feel the infinite future

of the bright, but burned themselves.

Trees cant grow without sunshine, rain and dew, only their selfless

charity, will have a vibrant. The life of a flower is inseparable from the

earth. With the nutrition provided by the earth, there will be a beautiful and

moving flower. And our life, inseparable from the teacher, with your enthusiasm

to help, with your inculcate, will have our healthy growth... Thank you so much,

teacher! Shi-en is like a fish in water. In the past three years, you have

taught us with great care. Every one of your epigrams is still vividly in my

mind, which reminds me of a lot of things.

It is because of your education, we can have todays knowledge, will have

todays such a talent to learn, it is because of your care, we these "flowers of

the motherland" to healthy growth, it is because of your little teachings, we

understand the truth of life. You are like a tree, we thrive under your shade.

You give us care like a mother, let me feel very happy, let me have the interest

of learning, let me feel that you give endless strength, let me feel that you

are my rely on, let me feel inseparable from you. Teacher, our good grades

cannot do without your hard education, our good grades cannot do without your

careful cultivation. Every step forward is inseparable from your hard sweat.

Teacher, thank you for our serious and responsible education, thank you for

your concern about us, thank you for teaching us a lot of knowledge, thank you

for your selfless dedication to us, one thousand ten thousand "thank you" can

not return your teaching to us.


A healthy body

Your students












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Dear Lisa,

How was your day off?Did you have fun playing volleyball?Iwas very happy in my day off.I went to the movie with my friends.That movie was interesting,and I went to my cousins home.I played computer game with him.It was so great .I went to the gift shop and saw many nice gifts.Of course.I bought a gift for my friend. It was a really nice gift.Oh,that day was so great!See you soon!





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I have many reports that I need to tell you guys, and it is about love. I

know that some of you hate this word and think that it was some of my mean

tricks again, but I just want to tell you that this was no joke, because I had

put my heart on this report.

It was the summer, and I was just doing my homework as usual holidays; I

was actually having a very good time and what was being told of me, and I went

down stairs to get a snack. When I saw this cool girl named Marinette, she was

cool; and I just wanted to talk to her. I didn’t actually have a crush on her; I

just really liked the way that she looks. I just went outside and stopped to

say, “Hi,” she said HI back, and I was actually astonished to see her quite

surprised; she looked like she had a very good surprise that she was having at.

I looked all the way through this and saw no such thing; I shook my head, and

went inside.

After I had finished lunch I went down stairs t get my bag and get ready

for school. When I got into my seat, I started to think that something strange

is up with Marinette; it was actually not quite astonishing to hear this; but it

was actually what I was hoping for, I started to jump up, and rushing to the

bathroom. I scolded some people on the way, and Plad came out of my pocket, you

know the flying cat: What’s your problem; maybe you have a crush on her; “No, of

course not.”

I blushed, and was waiting to transform to figure what was up. I figured

that some people didn’t want somebody rummaging around somebody, and so I

transformed back, and went to class.

I sat on my seat quietly until the school bell rang like the signal that it

was time to go home. I started to have a low voice, and I actually even began to

learn swimming. It was very strange that somebody could learn that, but many

people do have that kind of habit.

I started rummaging around my room, and found some cool diaries from so

long ago; I checked on them and went to bed, and thought all about love for the

next few hours until I fell asleep. It was kind of cool, but I prefer it that

way since I didn’t even know that it was time to be reflected by your personal




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爸爸妈妈,你们辛苦了,儿子唯一能做的就是好好读书,将来做一个有用的人! 儿子祝你们身体健康,工作顺利!





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There was once a little boy that wanted to be an inventor. It was a very

big job, but it was almost his dream; and nobody ever questioned him about it.

It was spring, and the birds began chirping around the forest again. The boy was

glad that they were here, because he wanted to do some tests on them. When it

was finally the ending of what was going on, the boy went across the fields and

found out why the birds couldn’t speak, the most reasonable answer was: Because

those birds couldn’t speak, was first:Those birds have no tongue, and so they

couldn’t use their tongues to touch the places where they were supposed to. And

second they have no teeth.That was why the boy became a scientist after


Everybody was very astonished to find out that a little boy who was only 5

years old to find out why a bird couldn’t speak. It was quite surprising for the

boy’s family too. They were all very, very, very proud of him. And there was

even a grand parade that day; and when this piece of news was reported,

everybody in the whole world knew all about it, maybe even China, or Hawaii; it

was really weird all of a sudden.

It was the time when the boy was to be a grownup; and it was also the time

when he was to find a job, because his inventor job had been canceled; for he

failed on one of the easiest tests in a contest.

Before what was repaired full of the training essays, somebody resigned the

exit sign to the elevator department, and was in big danger. The boy was the

only one that had figured out how to do this method. And so the manager called

him to repair this thing, and so he came here and finished his job; he was back

in business again.

Since the 63-year-old manager passed away, the boy became a manager. It was

a big duty that was on his honor, and when the time had arrived he hopped on the

scooter and drove out the balcony. It was quite an astonishing effect, but it

also proved of what the manager said actually the opposite of the single method

was the people pray.

After the most precious thing that had been used, it was the time for the

boy to return, but he yet never returned.



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Dear Robert,

Im glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan

for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I

think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses.

Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last,

I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a

pretty vacation.




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Dear Tony,

This was you takes the pen pal to accompany me the 3rd year. I am very happy, has your accompanying in these three years. Under yours care, I realized the warm feeling. I to have you such pen pal to feel proud. In these three years, can and you shares mine some happy matters be my being honored. Thanks time which your for three years accompanied me to pass. I hoped that we can forever be the friends.





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I always imagine how nice if I can fly, I am so free, I can fly to the

place I want to go to. If I have the wing, I will fly to my hometown and see its

beautiful scenery, the trees must be so green and the water must be so clean. I

also want to fly to the Great Wall, I have heard about it long time ago, I want

to appreciate its beauty.



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It was all that could be done for the whole wide world, for there was only

one of the man that care mostly for him than it is to other things or objects or

things like that; well mostly he cared for himself as I said.

One day he was going to work when he found a very big rock. He loved it and

so carried it to work; when he was there his companions argued with him because

rocks were not allowed in his office or his work area I said.

The man didn’t care for as I had said before this greedy man cared the most

was him and not others. When it was at the end of the day the man went home and

of course went to the mirror to look at himself perfectly. When it was time for

another day at work, the man was very, very, very sad; for his rock was gone.

Now it all happened that there was this rock collector that wanted to collect

all the rocks in his country.

When his companions told him about that he was not happy to hear it, and so

the man had decided to go on an adventure to find the one that had stolen his

rock; even though he didn’t even know what he looks like, but he had a sick plan

which will fool the one that won’t confess his fault. After giving or preparing

the things he’ll need, he hopped on his scooter and drew off to find the guy

that he was searching for.

The guy was soon found out and when he had been caught by the police, then

that time was the guy’s end. Everybody was happy to get their rock back, and

even though they knew that rocks didn’t have their lives; they were still happy

together. Now you know the meaning of rebound, it means: When you do a bad thing

then another bad thing will happen to you. I hope this story will teach you

something important.

And for the one that had stolen the rocks from other people, he knew his

own fault, but it was too late to confess it…

Even if the guy didn’t go to jail, he still knew his own fault and I am 100

percent sure that he will confess it too you know…



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慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报的三春晖 。








儿子 陈佳瑞



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I like rabbits. They are cute and beautiful. Their eyes are red and their tails are short. They like eating carrots and vegetables . I have one at home . It is in a small cage. I often play with it when I am free? , but it does not listen to me . It looks unhappy . I think it doesn’t like living in the small cage . I think I will take it out to the field tomorrow. I will open the cage and let it run and jump in the open air freely.
