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1。 蝴蝶披着彩色绚丽的衣裳,盘旋飞舞在花园之中。

2。 啄木鸟会替树木看病,好像是树医生。

3。 蝴蝶在花丛里翩翩起舞。

4。 早上我还没有起床,感觉有东西在拨弄我的鼻子,睁开眼睛一看,原来是我家的小贝贝,她很恳切的看着我,好象在说:“主人,快起来带我出去玩吧!天气好好哦!”我就带着她出去了。她非常高兴,在草地上跑来跑去。锻炼身体呢!

5。 蜘蛛把苍蝇拖来拖去,等苍蝇累得筋疲力尽,蜘蛛才高高兴兴地享用了这顿美餐。

6。 春天到了,小燕子匆匆忙忙地赶回来报信。

7。 啄木鸟会替树木看病,好像是树医生。

8。 兔子的耳朵又大又长,只要听见一点轻微的声音,就会“唰”地一下竖起来,灵巧地四面转动,寻找声音发出的地方,直到声音没有了,才恢复常态。

9。 小白兔吃饱了的时候,就仨一群俩一伙地在沙地上跑来跑去,像一个个小雪球在滚动。

10。 小花猫的脑袋圆圆的,顶着一对尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的绿眼睛瞪得像两盏小绿灯。

11。 小猫“咪咪”的那一双大耳朵,一天到晚都直竖着,哪个地方有声音,马上往那边转,活像一架有特殊性能的雷达。

12。 这只花猫的全身是白底黑斑,远看上去,像一团雪白的棉花点上了几滴墨汁。

13。 我家养了两头小白猪。它们全身雪白,一对大耳朵像两把有力的扇子,忽上忽下不停地扇动;鼻子长长的,一对圆圆的鼻孔,像两个小山洞;鼻子下面藏着个大嘴巴,不仔细看,真不会发现鼻子下面还有张嘴;鼻子上面有一双让人捉摸不透的小眼睛,满脸的皱纹,实在不怎么好看。

14。 蜘蛛把苍蝇拖来拖去,等苍蝇累得筋疲力尽,蜘蛛才高高兴兴地享用了这顿美餐。

15。 小猫鼻子下面有一张人字形的嘴巴,两旁有6根白色的胡须,常常一扇一扇的,挺神气。猫的胡子非常硬,像钢针一样,能量出洞口的尺寸。

16。 小黑猫长长的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右摇摆。

17。 小猫有一对透亮灵活的大眼睛,黑黑的瞳仁还会变:早晨,像枣核;中午,就成了细线;夜里,却变成两只绿灯泡,圆溜溜的,闪闪发光。

18。 小花猫早上起来先伸一下懒腰,然后再坐起来,用两只前爪在舌尖上舔一点唾沫,像人一样地洗着脸,再用舌头不停地舔着自己的毛皮,直到有一点光亮为止。

19。 那条小狗一身金黄色的毛,闪闪发亮,像刚刚擦过油似的。

20。 这只天真可爱的卷毛狮子狗,小黑尾巴一摆动起来,像个滚动的小绒球。

21。 那条小黑狗,一身乌黑发亮的皮毛,就像黑缎子一般油亮光滑;雪白的小爪儿,像4朵梅花;那条撅着的小尾巴,总是悠闲不停地摇摆着。

22。 老练,一动不动蹲在那里,雄纠纠张开胸脯上绒样的长毛。

23。 狗的叫声不像猫的咪咪声那样有气无力,也不像老虎的叫声那样恐怖,而是中气十足,使人听起来有雄壮干脆的感觉。

24。 这头大肥猪,屁股溜圆,肚子蛮大,由于脂肪过度丰富,它只得慢慢走着,好像架子很大的老爷。

25。 这只猪吃东西的时候,两个耳朵像大扇子一样一扇一扇的,脑袋一颠一颠的,眼睛紧紧地盯着食物。

26。 猪吃完食乖乖地走到圈里,懒洋洋地躺下了,还不时地哼哼两声,好一副心满意足的样子。这匹马,全身皮毛黑发红,红中透亮,油光水滑,像刚从油缸里跳出来似的。

27。 这匹枣红马,长长的鬃毛披散着,跑起来,四只蹄子像不沾地似的。

28。 这匹高头大马,浑身的每个部分都搭配得那么得当,每块肌肉都显示出力量,让人一看就觉得那么柔和,那么健美。

29。 刹那间,“千里雪”平稳地腾到空中,简直像滑翔一般地飞过了深沟,轻轻地落在对岸,继续前奔。

30。 小毛驴是那样惹人喜爱,黑眼珠滴滴溜溜乱转,撒起欢儿来像一只小鹿。

31。 呱哒……”驴蹄声均匀而单调,像墙上那面挂钟的砣在摇摆。那头骡子仰着头,皮笼头上的红缨,像是秋雨里一朵艳红的鸡冠花。

32。 这些奶牛,身上白一块黑一块的,好像穿着花棉袄。

33。 这条牛的两只眼睛像铜铃一样大,两只弯角青里透亮,特别是那一身黄毛,像绸子一样光亮。

34。 凶恶,两眼大如乒乓球,红如火焰,头上两只尖角,利如锋刃。

35。 像圣洁的哈达。

36。 草原上游荡的羊群像是一堆堆滚动的白银。

37。 暴风雪越来越猛,刮得羊群像棉花团似的滚动着。

38。 一峰峰骆驼,在大漠的孤烟中慢慢移动着身影,像小舟在大海里航行,乘着风,迎着浪。骆驼的眼睫毛是双重的,当风起沙扬的时候,双重的眼睫毛像卫士似的,将沙挡住,不使它吹进眼里。

39。 太阳鸟的嘴巴生得十分奇特,很像一把锥子,又尖又长,略微有点弯曲。

40。 太阳出来了,照在小鸟黄澄澄的羽毛上,全身变得金灿灿的,简直像神话中的金翅鸟一样。到了林中,百鸟的喧鸣,仿佛奏起一曲永不休止的乐章,连微微颤动的树叶都好像在歌唱着。

41。 跳跃着,有时也扑打着,像一群不知疲倦的孩子,给这幽静的山庄更增添了情趣。

42。 各种声调的歌唱家,在这里举行着歌唱大比赛。

43。 黄相间,像是无数只大眼睛。

44。 只见一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得哗哗响,那漂亮的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,慢慢散开,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,非常美丽。

45。 孔雀飞起来就如同一朵绮丽的绿色彩云,从山顶上飘过。

46。 只见花孔雀拖在尾后的长长的羽毛都挺直起来,围成一个圆圈,像一把五颜六色的大花伞,又像一块圆形的彩缎。

47。 孔雀开屏时,犹如一把碧纱宫扇,尾羽上那些眼斑反射着光彩,好像无数面小镜子。

48。 那儿的孔雀多得出奇,路边上,野地里,三个一群,五个一伙,好像美人儿拖着翠色的长裙子,四处转游,根本也不避人。

49。 那些天鹅用粉红色的脚掌划着湖水向前游,湖面上荡起一圈圈粼粼的波纹,远远望去好像一只只白色的帆船在水中荡来荡去,又像天上的朵朵白云映在水面上。

50。 白天鹅用红脚蹼使劲地划动着那绿色的湖水,身体就像一只小艇模型那样摇摇摆摆。

51。 天鹅那白瓷一般光滑的羽毛,没有一丝杂质,就好像一团浓墨泼上去,也会整个儿滚落下来,沾不上一星半点。

52。 一对雪白的天鹅,像两朵硕大的白莲似的浮在水面上。

53。 湖面上,当天鹅伸展着宽阔的双翼,引翅拍水行进时,犹如一叶叶的扁舟,一张张的风帆。宽阔的湖面上,成群洁白的天鹅,在悠闲地游荡,像朵朵白絮在随风漂流。

54。 湖面平静,水清见底,山光水色融为一体,洁白仿佛置身于仙境之间,流连忘返。

55。 天鹅时而挺脖昂首,神气如同将军;时而曲颈低头,闲雅胜似仙子。

56。 这一群油黑发亮的鱼鹰,脖子上长着白色的细丝一般的羽毛,细长的嘴巴尖上有一个小钩。鸬鹚捕鱼时,像一只鱼雷,在水中拼命地追捕着鱼儿,鱼吓得丢魂失魄,胡乱地逃窜。

57。 鱼鹰飞行的时候,翅膀扇得特别快,发出“嗖嗖”的声音,好像生后怕下来似的。

58。 小白兔的嘴是“丫”字形的,好像合不拢,露出两排碎玉似的小牙。

59。 春天到了,小燕子匆匆忙忙地赶回来报信。

60。 小猫还有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,瞳孔也能随着环境而忽大忽小。三角形的鼻子两侧长着许多胡子,闲着的时候它常在阳光下捋捋自己的胡子。

61。 小白兔的眼睛是红色的,好像两颗闪闪发光的红宝石。

62。 小白兔的尾巴很短,活像一个小绒球球贴在屁股上,蹦跳的时候,一撅一撅的,可有意思了。

63。 兔子躬着身子用后腿在地上使劲一弹,呼的一声直窜出去,像飞起了一团白雪。

64。 狗狗用它那双明亮的大眼睛委屈油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟋们在这里弹琴。

65。 小鸭子在水里快乐的跳舞!

66。 金鱼羞答答的在水里游来游去!

67。 仓鼠慌张张的在洞穴里窜来窜去!

68。 春天到了,小燕子匆匆忙忙地赶回来报信。

69。 鸟儿在树上欢快的唱着歌。

70。 当白鹤展开美丽的双翅,翩翩起舞的时候,那修长的双腿,那优雅的舞姿多么像杰出的“芭蕾舞大师”。




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My family has a black and white kitten, it has a pair of big eyes and pointed ears. I gave it a name, called flowers. It is the most favorite fish.

Once again, I came back from school, saw it sleeping at the table, eating, I threw a fish bones to go, flowers came over, eating fish bones, they issued a creak sound, as if to say; "really delicious."

My cat is very cute, I see this cat is very lovable.



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my pet is a toy bear. his name is small white. he is white. he has blue eyes and blue ears. his hands and feet are blue too.he is naughty.

he likes to make fun of me. he likes reading.

when i am unhappy, he accompanies me.

he is my good friend.



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保护动物An Appeal for Animal Protection

I am a student from Xinhua Middle School in Chongqing,China。 Informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, I cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals 。


In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals。 Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless fort and pleasure。 I have been a panda lover since my childhood。 Panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country。 Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth panies。


It is my belief that all human beings can make a difference together。 I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval。




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At present,the endangered animals are increasingly fast.How to protect them become our priority.People are crazy about killing animals for their meat, fur.But it is wrong because that animals are our friends, we should try to protect them,instead of killing them to die out. Pandas are represents of endangered animals, which live in the forest and live on bamboos for food. They only depend on the nature reserves to live. We should stop killing animals, and protect them better



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I like the flowers in full bloom in the spring, because of her beauty; like the sun like the fire, because of her enthusiasm; also like snowflakes flying in the winter, because shes lovely; but I love the fruit of the fall.

Fall to the harvest season is also coming, we came to the countryside orchard picking fruit.

Into the orchard, the first thing that catches the eye is the apple tree, one by one like a small ball so much apple red glowing, like a childs smiling face; pears like and Apple like the United States, one by one off the white coat , Exposed Huang Chengcheng body; persimmon is not far behind, clawed leaves, revealing the fat body, hanging on the branches, from a distance, like a light lantern; a string of golden banana like a necklace wear In the banana tree "neck", the banana tree dressed more beautiful. The most striking is the grapes, clusters of grapes, green and green, like a piece of agate like, shining charming glory, so you can not help but shed saliva. Went to the grapevine, tiptoe, take off a big grape, peel the skin, to see the transparent crystal like meat, people can not wait to put the meat into the mouth, gently a bite, that juice immediately Overflowing mouth, really sweet ah! People eat the first, but also want to eat second, third ... ...

At this time, the side of the children have picked up a basket full of fruit, I do not want to show weakness, learn their way, began to pick up, but I like everything, had to pick each fruit, the sky has been In the evening we are happy and happy.

Autumn orchard is really linger!



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Winter is a clean little girl, she was a silver suitcase came to the earths mothers arms.

Winter carrying a "little flower basket" which is filled with beautiful snow, gently covered the snow covered the earth. A piece of white snowflakes like a elf dancing beautiful dance, like feathers, and like butterflies, fluttering sprinkled in the earths mothers arms. Look, has long been to the trees put on a white clothes, to the earth covered with a thick quilt ... ... afar to a fairy tale like a white world.

The children can not wait to reach out of the small hand to catch the crystal translucent snow, who knows a small snow like a naughty doll in the twinkling of an eye disappeared without a trace, turned into a stain on the clothes wet marks.

Winter also brought us endless fun. Campus get out of class we have a small footprints in the cotton-like snow, and would like to draw a beautiful picture, everyone in this flying snowflakes together to play with snow. And some in the snowball fights, that little snowball flying in the air like a bullet as quickly flew to each other, hit a lot of students clothes. And some in the snowman, they first piled up two big snowballs to do the snowmans body, give the snowman fitted with eyes, mouth ... ... snowman to do a good blow! A gust of wind blowing, the snowman seems to be waving with us smile. Campus suddenly full of laughter, to the cold winter brought a warm color.

This is the beautiful picture drawn in winter, the gift given to us in winter, ah! I love this beautiful winter, more like the winter wizard-like snow.



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The Great Wall

The Great Wall building has a long history, vast engazuowenng magnificent, is the worlds rare miracle. The Great Wall is the four corners of the world, stretching in our great motherland vast land. It looks like a great dragon, surmounts lofty hills, through the vast grassland, across the vast desert, towards the vast sea. According to historical records, more than 20 states and feudal dynasty built the Great Wall, if constructs each time the Great Wall together, about 100000 miles above. The length of the Great Wall that was built by The Qin, Han, and Ming 3 Dynasty was more than 10 kilo miles. Now our country Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan and other province, city, autonomous regions have the ancient the Great Wall, peak fire platform remains. Of which only the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the Great Wall amounted to more than 3.

The Ming Dynasty in the" outside" beyond the Great Wall, also built" inside" and" three" the Great Wall the Great Wall. " Neiguan" the Great Wall in the Northern Qi Dynasty had built for the foundation, from Inner Mongolia and Shanxi at the junction of west east “Pianguan”, the Yanmenguan, flat various pass into Hebei, and then turned to the northeast, Fangshan, Changping, the source

of all counties, to pass, and then by the North and East, Huairou to the four customs, and" outside" is connected to the Great Wall, Zijingguan as the center, generally in a north-south direction. " Three" the Great Wall in many places and" inside" the Great Wall, some places two cities are separated by only tens of in. In addition, but also to build a large number of" repeated walls". Yanmenguan area" repeated walls “to have 24 much!

The Great Wall is the working people in ancient China created the miracle. Beginning with QinShihuang, constructs the Great Wall always is a big project. According to the record, QinShihuang used the million of labors to build the Great Wall, occupy countrywide population 1 / 20! There were no machinery, in addition to earth, carrying bricks can use donkeys, goats can climb the cattle, all labor and all must rely on manpower, work environment and high mountains and lofty hills, cliff. Can imagine, no large crowds on hard work, is unable to complete the great project.

The great wall of the engazuowenng quantity, according to rough estimates, only constructs take the Ming Dynasty as an example, if its masoy, earth is used to build a thickness of 1 meter, 5 meters high walls, circled the earth for over a week. If used for paving a 5 meters wide, 35 cm thick road, it could circle the earth three or four

weeks. If all dynasties built a total of 50 thousand kilometers calculation, then this wall can rotate around the earth several weeks, this road, around the earth in thirty or forty weeks.

“Because of the terrain, with risks for plug" is the construction of the Great Wall is an important experience, in the age of QinShihuang had it down, Sima Qian writes it to" historical records". Later each dynasty build the Great Wall are in accordance with the principle of. Who built Guan Cheng pass are the right and wrong choice between two mountains canyons, or river turning point. Or flat contacts pass through, so as to control is important, and may save the manpower and materials, to achieve “If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through. Ten thousand cannot force it," effect. Built a castle or Beacon Tower is selected in the" appeared to place" for building a wall, is the full use of the terrain, such as Juyongguan, the Great Wall in Badaling are built along the mountain ridge, some lots from the lateral walls look very steep, we receive" inside is smooth, easily defensible ." effect of. In the territory of Liaoning, Liaodong town of Ming Dynasty the Great Wall has called a precipitous wall, wall of the hill, is the use of vertical cliff, precipice slightly to split cutting you will become the Great Wall. Some places

completely using the cliffs, rivers and lakes as a natural barrier, it can be called art beats nature. The

Great Wall, as a great project, become the Chinese nation is a valuable heritage.

长城修筑的历史悠久,工程雄伟浩大,是世界少有的奇迹。长城东西南北交错,绵延伏于我们伟大祖国辽阔的土地上。它好像一条巨龙,翻越巍巍群山,穿过茫茫草原,跨过浩瀚的沙漠,奔向苍茫的大海。根据历史文献记载,有20多个诸侯国家和封建王朝修筑过长城,若把各个时代修筑的长城加起来,大约有10万里以上。其中秦、汉、明3个朝代所修长城的长度都超过了1万里。现在我国新疆、 甘肃、 宁夏、 陕西、 内蒙古、 山西、河北、北京、 天津、 辽宁、 吉林、 黑龙江、河南、山东、湖北、湖南等省、市、自治区都有古长城、峰火台的遗迹。其中仅内蒙古自治区的长城就达3万多里。





叫山险墙、劈山墙的,就是利用悬崖陡壁,稍微把崖壁劈削一下就成为长城 了。还有一些地方完全利用危崖绝壁、江河湖泊作为天然屏障,真可以说是巧夺天工了.长城,作为一顶伟大的工程,成为中华民族的一份宝贵遗产。



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There is a saying that “You can either travel or read,but either your body

or soul must be on the way.” With the improvement of living standards, more and

more people have time and money to travel. Duringtraveling, one can meet

various people, make new friends and experience various lifestyles of different


Almost everyone has their own favorite place to travel because of specific

reasons, such as the people, climate or scenery of that place, the influence of

friends or some beautiful memories and so on.

Nowadays, people do not have to think much about transportation. People can

travel by car or driving themsleves to near places, or by train, plane to far

places.So, if you have a place want to travel, just go and relax yourself.



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Last night a strong wind "woo, woo" to scrap a whole night, until the early morning to stop. Morning, on the way to school, I found the sky was shaved blue, like the spring as translucent. Sky side of a red day, according to people in the warm, no longer like the summer so roast, giving a kind of feeling. A few snow white clouds dotted in which people look relaxed and happy.

The wind of the autumn is like a magician, and it blushes the maple leaves in a red, like a stamp, and gives the news of the autumn. It is ginkgo leaves shaved golden yellow, like a small fan, fan fan ah, to the people fan to the fall of the information. It is the cell door of the two rows of persimmon tree persimmon shaved Huang Chengcheng, like a small bowls of light, heavy bending of the branches, to the people sent the sweet autumn. It is the grandfather kind of gourd scraped into a yellowish, shook the wind shake, as if to say: "my treasure gourd hidden in a lot of autumn secrets?" Every time I go through it always want to pick a look Look inside what hidden secret.

The wind of autumn is warm, and it shines away from the heat of summer. It makes people out of the air-conditioned room, put on bright clothes to embrace nature. It let the grandfather grandmother out of the house, sitting downstairs empty field, basking in the sun, chatting parents in the short thing.

Autumn wind is refreshing, it makes the grandmothers big flower dog, no longer like the summer spit tongue, breathing heavily, motionless lying on the ground. But jumping in the garden running around.

This is the wind of autumn, it is not as wild as spring, not as hot as the summer, not as cold as the winter. It is pleasant, it is warm, it is colorful, I like the wind of autumn



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My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: Mr Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much. But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty.

My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend.

This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too?



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In the corner of my living room, stood a small fish tank. Fish tank four or four square, four walls like a trapped that goldfish. Fish tank is very small, can only accommodate two small goldfish. Since the other goldfish died, the rest of the goldfish no partner.

My family sometimes changed water for goldfish, but many times forgot to feed it, but it never starved to death. Although I rarely see it, but every time I see it, it is still very pleasant to swim. Sometimes, it saw me, more in the water with the tail, as if very happy.

One night I could not sleep, out of the living room to find something dry, but pay attention to the fish that fish. It swim alone, never stopped. This goldfish, even in such a harsh environment without any biological friends companion, lack of food, may not be sufficient space for the event. But also feel that this is a miracle: it is always healthy and happy to live. Small goldfish have succumbed to all the factors that are detrimental to it, the requirements of the living environment is just a box of water.

If this goldfish compared to people, perhaps, it is a poor, livelihood is enough to make ends meet, but he is still optimistic to live. Maybe he will look forward to the future, and the world really have such a person. Now, the society is rapidly changing, willpower weaker can not stand the changes in society, so self-mutilation reported when heard. Do not we even a goldfish is not it?

Work in this society, in addition to stress wisdom, but also need enough resilience - who knows you will not be demoted, deducted artificial, or even dismissed? As the goldfish, the harsh environment is not the same The most important thing is, how will you go to face if everyone is faced with difficulties and obstacles. Can think of the spirit of the goldfish, social negative emotions can be greatly reduced. Can everyone smile to face adversity, is not it more effective than escape?



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My family has a small rabbit, looks very cute. It is white, snow in the winter when it is like a pile of white snow, it is also a long head on the long ears. The best look, or it is the fiery red eyes, like two red ruby ruby.

Every day after school, I went to the fields to pull it to eat or to the market to buy carrots to eat it, whenever I put the tender green grass in front of it, it first smell with the nose, and then look at me, and finally, It is assured to chew up, it is like eating, really lovable!

Later, I put the white rabbit into the "its room". After a while, I came to the white rabbit did not sleep, did not expect, white rabbit lying in the nest motionless, I thought it was dead, to be afraid to call my mother, my mother came over and looked and said: "Really fuss, little white rabbit is sleeping." Suddenly, my face becomes red and thought, I thought: I must learn the basic knowledge of rabbits.

The personality of the white rabbit is gentle. Start, I and it is also a little strange, but not a few days, then I became a good friend. Usually, I often train it to understand what I said, now the white rabbit to me can understand a lot of words.

Little rabbit gave my life a lot of joy, I really like it!



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Winter morning is sometimes good, sometimes bad, really make people wonder.

It makes me know what the cold and windy, let me know the taste of the knife, but it is sometimes good.

Open the window in the morning and found the earth covered with a thick layer of white cotton blanket, bare tree also put on a white clothes, from afar, beautiful ah! Ran out, playing in the snow two roll, Kick a few feet, race a few times to run, catch a few times to hide, playing a few snow battle, heap a few snowman. Ah, really happy!

Into the foot of the forest, the forest is not a spring of vitality, but I believe that the spring will come. Climbed to the mountainside, has been about to see the end of the town. At this time, the town has been a pair of white hands to protect. Climbed to the top of the hill, the sun has been from the horizon, struggling out. At this time, found the town is so cute, surrounded by several hills to help the town against the cold wind.

My favorite winter snow. Snow is the beauty of beauty: powder makeup jade puzzle, snow vast. In the morning, open the doors and windows: a tree tree with a long blossoming pear. This reminds me of the "Suddenly the night of the spring, thousands of trees million pear tree open."

In this morning full of infinite dreams, I understand that people simply so easy. Winter morning beauty, with us to enjoy. Winter in the context of nature, enjoy blooming with their own grace, for our lives add infinite vitality and vitality.



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Here is a small zoo. I like the tiger,although they are very ugly,but very imposing. Also has the national treasure panda,they are a little shy,does not dare to look at us. Who are those? they are elephants,you look at they to be huge,also has a point to be interesting. I do not like the lion,they compare the tiger clown,is also unimposing.

This is the small zoo.

3.Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus. They made me think of my pet from childhood. When I was little, we had an owl at home. It was small, gray, and had two big eyes. We liked it very much. Every time I went home, it greeted me by making “goo-goo” sounds. We always played with it and talked to it. It would blink its eyes just like it understood what we were saying. It was like my best friend. But when the weather became colder, we forgot to keep it warm, and it died. It made us sad for a long time, and it also taught me how important it is to take care of animals.



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My family has a smart, sensitive kitten, my grandmother gave me, I called it Cong Cong.

Cong Maos hair is black, the hair on the limbs is yellow, long beard, sensitive ears, as well as a pair of pearl-like bright eyes, very lovable.

Cat and mouse is a matter of course, Cong Cong found the mouse, the pounce up, with the front jaws to seize the mouse, hold down the fixed, then eat the mouse.

My family Cong Cong is a clever cat, but also a small lazy cat, sometimes just a good cat, and sometimes only greedy cat ... ...

I put it in my arms, like holding a piece of cotton as soft, really comfortable. It was so cute that he was sleeping in my hands motionless.

I really like this kitten. Its my playmate, its my pet.



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My classroom in tonghai mountain elementary school most chung emerald green building on the west side of the position, if you walk into our classroom, look, is so spacious and bright. Look! Is in the middle of the classroom, the teachers desk, table, neatly lined with books and a pen, desk surrounded by the students desks, looking at the desk, as if heard the classmates that lang langs top, in are the students do on the blackboard, the blackboard content rich, the pattern is exquisite, is the window of the classroom, a medal, is hung above the blackboard reads "civilized class" three red bright red big word, in the medal of the left, a few gold shining with certificates, it is the students efforts. In the left side of the citation is the students books Angle, there are a lot of books for the students to watch. On either side of the board, have greatly small window, the window with a light green decorative pattern looks pure and fresh quietly elegant, across the window there are two doors, a front door and a back door, very convenient, in the top right-hand corner of the back door, have a "voice" three characters, there with the students to do nice CARDS, CARDS on your inner voice.

Look! This is my classroom, a clean, spacious and bright, with an invigorating top students the classroom!

Oh, I love my classroom!






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Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.


