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我是一名医生,面对疫情,救治病人是我的职责;我是一名共产 党员,面对困难,挺身而出是我的责任。”清河县人民医院内一科主任张春营坚定地说。连日来,清河县人民医院198人响应号召,主动请战。在他们的“请战”申请中,总少不了“我是党员”这一坚定理由。

有着近20年党龄的张春营更是身先士卒,舍弃春节期间与家人的团聚,投入到发热门诊的忙碌工作中。2020年的春节,似乎注定就是那样的不平凡。不走亲,不聚会,不来...这别样的节日气氛中,我们经历的其实太多。在这太多的故事、人物中,总有太多的感动,让人情不自禁地忆起魏巍《谁是最可爱的人》中的感慨:“在朝鲜的每一 天,我都被一些东西感动着, 我的思想感情的潮水, 在放纵奔流着。

” 随着新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的蔓延,防控工作越来越艰巨,面临的问题也越来越严峻。在这没有硝烟的战场上,“我是党员, 我先上”依然是最响亮的口号,最豪迈的誓言。为什么该是“我先上”,因为“我是党员” , 这个因果关系显现出的是党员的本色。

作为工人阶级的先锋队,能否发挥好党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,群众的困难就是试金石。面对无情的“疫情",从个人而言,谁都希望避而远之,但是,为了群众的平安,为了祖国的明天,党员干部们就应当冲锋在前,甚至将生死置之度外,给群众作出表率。就像新闻中讲的,全村30名党员喊出了“我是党员, 我先上”的口号,村内126名群众被党员的奉献精神所感染,主动加入队伍,分别投入到志愿服务岗位。无论是革命战争年代,还是和平时期,我们前行的路上都不会-帆风顺, 特别是肩负民族复兴重任的党员干部,更随时都会面临千难万险。但“红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲",中国共2党领导下的革命队伍,正是有了这种“不怕困难”的精神,才能取得前行路上-个又-个的伟大胜利。

不管是个人的人生之路,还是党和人民的事业之路,都需要披荆斩棘、勇往直前。在每一个困难面前,是迎难而上还是知难而退,“我是党员, 我先上"就是人生的高境界。

高尔基说:”感到自己是人们所需要的和亲近的人一这是 生活最大的享受,最高的喜悦。这是真理,不要忘记这个真理,它会给你们无限的幸福。”是呀,这些主动“请战” 的党员干部.在这场疫情防控阻击战中,也许会付出许多意料之外的代价,甚至有被病毒感染的可能,但他们的内心是幸福的。”每天和数字赛跑、 和时间赛跑、和生命赛....这是另一场"飞夺泸定桥”的战斗,把安全留给别人,把危险留给自己,这其中的无限幸福,只有真正的共 产党人,只有心中有他人的勇士,才能体会得到。

“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。”尽管打赢这场新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情阻击战还困难重重,但是,有广大党员干部“我是党员,我先上”的请战承诺,有一线的科技、医务“勇士"们的不懈奋斗。有全体人民群众的共同努力,必将迎来“柳暗花明”。“我是党员, 我先上”,是情怀,更是担当,唯有将自己的一切,包括生命都交给党和人民的人,在困难、危险面前才会说得出并做得到。同志们,行动吧!让”我是党员,我先上”蓄起“冲锋陷阵”的强大动力,伴随这飘扬的党旗奏响胜利的凯歌!




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Tomorrow is dragon boat festival, I and father mother go together Woerma goes buying a zhongzi.

Arrive Woerma, I run to look for a zhongzi with respect to rapid ground. Wow! Here huge crowd of people, really lively. Well? How is that place person special much? Taking away doubt I looked in the past after all. Oh! Buy a zhongzi so, the zhongzi breed here is really too much: Of beef stuffing, of red jujube stuffing, of chop stuffing, of earthnut stuffing... my what look saliva should flow. Took a bag rapidly, say to mom: "Mom, I like to eat fresh chopped meat, I should be bought more a few. " mom nods express to agree, then I bought the zhongzi of a lot of fresh chopped meat.

Buy a zhongzi, we bought a lot of things again, have a meal in hall of Xiang Shang coffee next, had eaten a meal, we came home cheerfully, really happy today!

Look! This is the zhongzi that I buy, but delicious!



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Last night, I ate a lot of food, such as KTC and ice cream, before I slept,

I ate some cold food in the fridge. At midnight, I felt my stomach hurt badly,

my family was woke up, they sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, he

told me that I had eaten too much food, what’s more, the food was not healthy,

so it hurt my stomach. Since then, I realized that I should not eat the rubbish

food often, I should keep the healthy diet. Now my diet is regular, I won’t take

in much food before sleeping, my body is becoming healthy. In the morning, I eat

an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins. Even when I see the rubbish food

is tempting, I take no hesitation to say no to them. I am so proud of




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I have a wide range of interests and enjoy doing many things during my free


I am fond of reading. I often read after class. My classmates like watching

TV while I prefer to read. I read various kinds of books and newspapers that

they afford me stories and news. The book I like most isThe House on the Mango

Street. I am also a music lover. Pop music is my favorite. I often listen to the

music programs on radio and I also have an MP3 downloading all my favorite

songs. In addition, swimming and badminton are my favorites, too. They help me

build a healthy body.

In short, I enjoy my life in school very much. Reading books, listening to

music and doing sports are very helpful to my health and my studies.



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1. It has increased by three times as compared with that of 1998.

2. There is an increase of 20% in total this year.

3. It has been increased by a factor of 4since 1995.

4. It would be expected to increase 5 times.

5. The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.

6. It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996.

7. The total number was lowered by 10%.

8. It rose from 10-15 percent of the total this year.

9. Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent.

10. The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995.

11. It has decreased almost two and half times, compared with…


1. Everybody knows that…

2. It can be easily proved that…

3. It is true that…

4. No one can deny that

5. One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is…

6. The chief reason is that…

7. We must recognize that…

8. There is on doubt that…

9. I am of the opinion that…

10. This can be expressed as follows;

11. To take …for an example…

12. We have reason to believe that

13. Now that we know that…

14. Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned…

15. The change in …largely results from the fact that

16. There are several causes for this significant growth in…,first …,second …,finally…

17. A number of factors could account for the development in…

18. Perhaps the primary reason is…

19. It is chiefly responsible of…

20. The reasons for…are complicated, And probably they are found in the fact…

21. Here are several possible reasons, excerpt that…

22. Somebody believes/argues/holds/insists/thinks that…

23. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon…

24. Different people observes it in different ways.


1. As the proverb says…

2. It goes without saying tan…

3. Generally speaking…

4. It is quite clear than because…

5. It is often said that …

6. Many people often ask such question:“…?”

7. More and more people have come to realize…

8. There is no doubt that…

9. Some people believe that…

10. These days we are often told that, but is this really the case?

11. One great man said that…

12. Recently the issue of… has been brought to public attention.

13. In the past several years there has been…

14. Now it is commonly held that… but I doubt whether…

15. Currently there is a widespread concern that…

16. Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…

17. There is a general discussion today about the issue of …

18. Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently.


1. from this point of view…

2. in a word…

3. in conclusion…

4. on account of this we can find that…

5. the result is dependent on…

6. therefore, these findings reveal the following information:

7. thus, this is the reason why we must…

8. to sum up …

9. as far as…be concerned, I believe that…

10. It is obvious that…

11. There is little doubt that…

12. There is no immediate solution to the problem of …, but …might be helpful

13. None of the solutions is quite satisfactory. The problem should be examined in a new way.

14. It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on…

15. Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclustion that…


1. As it is described that…

2. It has been illustrated that…

3. It provides a good example of…

4. We may cite another instance of…

5. History man provides us with the examples of…

6. A number of further facts may be added…

7. The situation is not unique, it is typical of dozens I have heard.

8. A recent investigation indicate that…

9. According to the statistics provided …

10. According to a latest study, it can be predicted…

11. There is no sufficient evidence to show that…

12. All available evidence points to the fact that…

13. Examples given leads me to conclude that…

14. It reveals the unquestionable fact that…

15. The idea may be proved by facts…

16. All the facts suggest that…

17. No one can deny the fact that…

18. We may face the undeniable fact that…



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The Mid-Autumn Day

August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of

the most important traditional festivals in China.

On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family

will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food

is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon.

The moon is the brightest this night. People eat the delicious food while

they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old

people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about

the rabbit on the moon . The children really believe that there is a rabbit on

the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one day.

What a great festival!









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Orginate in America in the Mothers Festival. May 9,1906, American consuming

city Jia-Wei the mother misfortune of silk dies , her grief extremely. Avoid

Japan in annual mother death anniversary, Miss An Na organizes catch up the

campaign of Sai mother, encourage other person to also express the gratitude for

own loving mother with similar way.

Hereafter, she convinces people everywhere and establishes the Mothers

Festival to the appeal of all sectors of society and call. Her appeal gets warm


Through draft resolution, on May 10,1913, American Senate and House of

Representatives signs by president Wilson second that announces and decides each

years May for Sunday, is the Mothers Festival.

This measure arouses world countries, is imitated one after another,

install to 1948 Na pass away , 43 countries have established the Mothers




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Dear mother:


Mom, this is my first time to write to you, very excited, many words do not

know where to start, usually I am more willful, there are a lot of thanks to

you, and do not want to say to you. Today, let me take this opportunity to tell

you a daughters gratitude.

When I was young, you began to have long hair for me. You said girls had

long hair and beautiful hair. But this is a lot of trouble for you, but for your

daughters beauty, I wash my hair once every 32 days and comb a beautiful

hairstyle. Every time I wash my hair, Im afraid Im cold or ironed. You always

adjust the water temperature so well. The children in the community envy me that

I have a good mother.

After I go to primary school, you always get up early every morning and

wake me up after a good meal, but sometimes I still pick and pick, and dont eat

well and make you sad. But you never get angry with me. Instead, you do it for

me on the second day. On the way to school, I saw other children taking the cake

and eating while walking. I wanted to tell you, "Mom, how nice you are!"

Remember last semester, when the math unit test, there was a simple

formula, because of my carelessness made a mistake, you see after very angry,

very hard to criticize me. At that time, I almost cried by your quarrel, but I

knew in my heart that your severity was for my good.

Mom, here I want to say to you, "Mom, I love you!" You are hard! "



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dear dick,

i’m very glad to hear from you again. from your letter i know you want to know more about reducing learning load for primary and middle school students in china. let me tell you. before learning load was reduced, i had had to do my homework, so i could not go to bed until half past eleven; but after learning load was reduced, i can visit museums, take computer and painting lessons. at night i can read books and newspapers or watch tv. now i usually go to bed at ten. we are all like it very much.

best wishes.


li hua



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The cold air has come for a while, I stayed at my house all the time, as

there was nothing for me go do, I watched the movies. When I saw the beach and

sunshine in the movie, I miss the sunshine so much. Today is lucky for me, the

sun finally comes out, I decide to go out for a walk and take in the fresh air.

The breeze blows me softly, I can sense the coming of spring, I walk into a

coffee shop and choose a table which is near the window. I sit down and watch

people just walk by, I see all kinds of face expressions, I try to read them.

There is a girl who is talking to his boyfriend, maybe he is proposing her, I

can see from the girl’s sweet smile. There is another man sitting alone, may he

is waiting for his wife. I have a great time in the bright afternoon.



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In recent years, the global warming gets increasingly attention. More and

more people make contribution to stop the global warming. Therefore, a new

lifestyle occurs--low carbon life. What can we do to live in low carbon?

First, remember to turn off lights and turn off the faucet when you do not

need to use. Use the energy-saving lamps. There are many small things we can do

to save resources. Second, when we go out, take public transport as much as

possible, to reduce gas emissions and to ease the transporting pressures.

All in all, there are many other things we can do to live in the low carbon

life. It needs us to do something practically. If everyone can keep this

lifestyle from now on, it will greatly change the situation and our home would

become more beautiful.



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The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most popular traditional festivals

celebrated in China, which is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month, also known

as Duanwu Festival. It’s said that it is to commemorate the death of a Chinese

patriotic poet, Qu Yuan, who was snared by corrupt officials in ancient China

and finally committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River to protest

against them.

The traditions and customs held on this festival differ from place to

place, but there are some common in them. First, the most famous and great

tradition is holding Dragon Boat races, which are held by fishermen’s attempt to

protect Qu Yuan’s body against attacking by fishes and other animals in the

river by beating drums and row the dragon shaped boat. Nowadays dragon boat

races have been an annual popular sport activity among people. In addition,

making and eating Zongzi—a dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo

or reed leaves—is also a popular custom during this day. It can be made by many

kinds of stuffing. What’s more, hanging herbs on the front door, drinking

realgar wine and pasting up picture of Zhongkui—a mythic guardian figure in

ancient china—are also popular during the festival, which are mean to protect

people from evil and disease.

These customs and traditions have been changed a little in recent years,

but they still make contribution to the spread and inheritance of Chinese




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In modern society, the problem of heavy traffic has aroused a wide concern.

Concerning with this problem, different people hold different opinions. As far

as I am concerned, to solve this problem, we need to begin with the following


First, limiting the number of private cars is a significant step to solve

the problem of heavy traffic. Private car occupies a larger space and it is

responsible for traffic jam to a large extent. Less private cars will accelerate

the flow of traffic. Second, it is also a good means to open up the special

roads for buses. By doing this, the phenomenon that the buses block the street

when passengers get on or get off the buses will not occur again. At the same

time, it will upgrade the efficiency of buses. Finally, reinforcing punish

toward the over-speed cars and drunk driving so as to reduce the rate of traffic

accident, and then decrease traffic jam.

To put it in a nutshell, only we put the above advice into practice

together can we solve the problem of heavy traffic.



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Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been

disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button

across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public

health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online

edition of the People Daily. ?

There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this

undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we

ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More

importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal

producers enforces the trend. ?

As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict

measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should

launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws

to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from

entering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through our

combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days




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Dear mother:


Dear mother, you have given me life, and my body has run through your

blood. It is your milk, heart, blood, tears and sweat that have become the

greatest liquid of human life and have nurtured me. It is you who feed me from a

hungry child to a primary school student.

Dear mother, there are many kinds of love in the world, but maternal love

is the most selfless, sincere, broadest and most merciful. When praising the

affection of human beings, you are the eternal theme. When you sing the sincere

love of the world, your love is called the first love in the world. Selfless is

your character, dedication is your feelings. You are the embodiment of goodness.

You are a symbol of greatness. Everything beautiful in women is condensed in

your image.

My dear mother, though the hardships of life have made your hands rough,

however, these hands are still so gentle, it always soothes my heart and gives

me infinite comfort; although the heavy work makes your head white hair, but the

body is still like the wing, caring for me all the time. The hard work of hard

work makes your face wrinkle. However, the face is still so kind. It teaches me

the true meaning of life and gives me confidence and strength at all times.

My dear mother, you are the resting place for your daughter. You are the

harbor for your daughter to escape from the wind. With you, our home will be

peaceful and warm. With you, our family will be happy and happy.

Dear mother, your great love is the greatest and selfless, your love in the

heart of the daughter turned from the bottom of the heart from the bottom of the

heart out - only the mother is good, the mother of the child like a treasure,

into the mothers embrace can not enjoy happiness.



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Mothers Day Mother’s Day is a holiday when children honor their mothers with

cards, gifts and flowers. In many countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Italy,

Turkey, Australia and the US, people cel lebrate Mother’s Day on the second

Sunday in May while many other countries of the world celebrate their own

Mother’s day at different times through out the year.

One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is to give your mom the day

off. Let her relax with the rest of the family doing all the housework. Usually,

dad and the kids will let mom sleep late that morning as they go into the

kitchen to prepare her favourite breakfast. Never forget to place a vase with a

single flower on the table beside the food. The kids can pick up the flower from

the garden or buy one from the shop. Arrange everything nicely before mom wakes

up. Some families will carry the food and mom’s favourite sections from the

newspaper to her bedroom so that mom can have breakfast in bed. Presents and

cards from the kids can be handed to mom by themselves or just placed on the

dining table.

After breakfast, go anywhere mom likes to go. Shopping, swimming or going on

a picnic in the garden. Make a special Mother’s Day dinner or take mom out for a

great meal in a famous restaurant she loves most.

Anyway ,let mom enjoy the whole day and feel your love, and then the Mother’s

Day can be a good one. As Mother’s Day is around the corner, it’s time to take




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Last year, I went to Guilin for travel. On the train, I felt so bored. A

girl who sat next to me was reading a book, which caught my attention. I asked

her about the book, I found that I had read it before and then we discussed

about the novel. We talked happily, when the train arrived, we got off together.

When we got aparted, we promised to keep in touch. We communicated by the

computer. Now a year has passed, we become good friends and I miss her all the

time. She is a genuine friend. I plan to go to Guilin again and then we will




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The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing

biggest, most integrity of thou building cluster.It is been one of five greatest

temples in the world by the fame.

The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum have the

size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the

Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum

wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter

wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks.The

Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west

door Xihua door, north door Shengwu door.



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Many years ago, when the online business first became popular among the

public. The manufacturers tried to make some slogans so as to catch more

customers. Then the day of November 11th was named the single day, and they gave

great discount. Today, it has become a shopping day.

There is no doubt that e-commerce is the future. With more young people

rely on the Internet, they get used to purchase online. Looked at the past five

years, November 11th gala has been famous around the world for the great profit

gained on that day. According to the report, the total income of e-commerce on

this gala surpasses the rest days of the year! What a surprise data.

The businessmen sense the great market potential and they advocate people

to make purchase on that single day, because there is great discount. If they

miss it, they will be regretful. With the successful marketing strategy, all the

people are so crazy about this gala. No one can resist the temptation, because

there is always something they want.



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Today is New Years Eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. As long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a Red Sea. The family have their own homes going up in the beautiful, it seems like in the match. My family is no exception, sweeping, glass, cabinets, such as rubbing. Prepare the arrival of the New Year. 今天是除夕,上午,鞭炮声劈啪劈啪的响个不停。只要你向外面看一看,到处都是红红的鞭炮,汇成了一条红海。各家人都把自己家打扮的漂漂亮亮的,好像在比美似的。我家也不例外,扫地、擦玻璃、擦柜子等。准备新年的到来。 Afternoon, we posted in accordance with the custom of the Chinese New Year couplets, father and a good paste, and then said to me: "I paste you posted, I looked at the high level you say rich, said that if the lower rising good you ", I asked my father why? Dad said: "The plan is a lucky," "Oh, I understand," We posted on the Alliance are: evil Hongfu family happy is: wang gas people to come into everything. 下午,我们就按过年的习俗贴春联,爸爸和好浆糊,然后对我说:“我贴你看着高低我贴高了你就说‘发财’,如果低了就说‘高升’好吗”,我问爸爸为什么呢?爸爸说:“就是图个吉祥”,“噢我懂了”我们贴的上联是:家有宏福千般喜,下联是:人来 旺气万事成。 End paste New Year, we began dumplings. Good luck to Tim, we are still a dumpling in a bag of coins. Dinner, my folder, a Dumpling, one to eat, "cough," the voice of a coin吃出for my whole family applauded, and say that I am lucky this year. After dumplings, we saw the Chinese New Year Festival, my favorite essay nd "yellow soybeans." Liu Qian first a one-dollar coins into the cup, then into the host egg rings. "Bean yellow" in a person to "take off clouds" that they "Li Xiangyun" really funny. No wonder people say: "Spring Festival Evening Show" is a cultural feast. 贴完春联,我们就开始包饺子。为了添吉祥,我们还在一个饺子里包了一个硬币。吃晚饭时,我夹了一个饺子,一吃 “咯”的一声,吃出一个硬币全家人都为我鼓掌,说我今年有福气。吃完饺子,我们又
