2015关于元旦灯谜大全及答案 作文英语【合集20篇】

我的卧室是个9平方米大小的房间。卧室并不大,我却很喜欢它,它仿佛是我的乐园。你知道怎么写我的房间的英语作文吗?下面小编给大家精心挑选的小学五年级英语作文my room,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!






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It’s the New Years Day today. I got up very early! I heard the bird singing in the trees. After breakfast, my mum, my father and I went to the local park. Everything was beautiful there,

We saw many boats in the lake. Later on, we went to my grandfather’s home. There are many trees and some flowers.

At seven o’clock, we went home. It’s a happy day today.




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Dear Parents of students:


New Years Day is approaching, the school staff to your way: "Happy New Year!" According to the provisions of the superior documents, our school New Years Day holiday date: January 1-3, 20__ (Sunday - Tuesday). In order to ensure the health and safety of students on New Years Day holiday, and in order to make students spend a meaningful short holiday, here, we hope you can cooperate with us to do the following work:

1. Students have entered the comprehensive final review stage this term. Please urge your children to do their homework and prepare for the final exam.

2. Please strengthen your childrens safety education. First of all, pay attention to fire safety. Now the temperature drops, the wind high dry winter, is the high incidence of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning accidents season, please strengthen the childrens fire safety education, do not play with fire, do not start fires, in case of fire and other incidents to learn to save themselves, to ensure their own safety, and timely dial 119 fire alarm; Secondly, pay attention to traffic safety. To consciously abide by the traffic laws and regulations, do not ride motorcycles, under 12 years old students are not allowed to ride bicycles, do not take no license, no license, illegal transport of vehicles, etc. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the safety and reasonable diet of household gas and electricity, so as to prevent the occurrence of overeating, food poisoning and other harmful events.

3. Please ask the children to strictly enforce prohibition of drugs, alcohol and smoking, prohibit to play games in the game hall, prohibit reading and watching pornography, violence and other books, films and TV programs, prohibit to go to pornographic websites and do not play games for teenagers, prohibit to go to bars, karaoke bars and other game places. Parents, please strengthen supervision, nip in the bud.

4. Educate children to learn self-control, improve the ability of self-management and self-protection. Guide children to learn various safety skills, deal with illegal infringement, in order to timely carry out self-protection.

5. During the holidays, please encourage and support children to participate in community public welfare activities and improve their social practice ability. Should arrange the child attends recreational and sports activity appropriately and other quality education activity, instruct the child to deal with the relation of good recreation and study.

6. During the festival, our school leaders are on duty. Parents can contact us at any time if they need. In case of any special circumstances, please contact the school immediately.

The safety education of students holidays cannot be separated from the support and cooperation of families. Lets work together to ensure that children have a healthy, civilized, safe and fulfilling New Years Day holiday.

May your children make progress in their studies! May the whole family be happy and healthy!



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My new years resolution is very very brife.

New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Most people spend the New YearsDay in hotels.January 1st is considered as the New Years Day.most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time.

People prepare for New Years Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January.

The New Years meal is also prepared from the end of December.During the New Years Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Years Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.On New Years Day,people fiest greet each other.

Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.



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Dear parents of students: Hello!

First of all, thank you for your continuous support and understanding of the school work! Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year for your family! Now I would like to inform you of the New Year holiday in 2014. I hope you can arrange your children to study and live and go to school on time.

1. The New Year holiday will be on January 1, 2021 (Wednesday). Classes will begin on Thursday, January 2, 2021.

2. Plan your vacation well. Let students watch TV news and read extra-curricular books; To take part in housework within ones power and improve self-care ability; Arrange your time to review your lessons and finish your homework carefully.

3. Ride safely. Strengthen safety supervision, educate children to pay attention to traffic safety and obey traffic rules. Children are prohibited from taking the "three noes" (i.e., no drivers license, no license plate, no operating certificate) vehicle; Do not use scrapped vehicles, assembly vehicles, motorcycles and other illegal operating vehicles and vehicles in poor condition and other non-standard vehicles; Do not ride in vehicles that are overloaded, overloaded or not qualified to pick up students.

4. Fire prevention in winter. Educate children to fully understand the importance of fire prevention and improve fire prevention awareness. Strict fire source management to effectively eliminate fire hazards. Master fire self - rescue methods and common sense. Call 119 in case of fire.

5. Eat safely. Firmly establish food hygiene and safety awareness and self-protection awareness, do not eat unlicensed food vendors; Do not buy food with incomplete labels such as no trademark, no date of production, no manufacturer, no shelf life, etc.; Dont eat food that has expired or gone bad.

6, prevent drowning, prevent electricity, prevent gas poisoning. Educate children to understand fire, electricity, gas related knowledge, pay attention to eliminate water, fire, gas, electricity and other aspects of safety hazards in life. Use electrical appliances correctly and do not allow children to move, unplug wires, sockets and appliances. Parents and friends, I hope you pay more attention to children, let us join hands to create a safe and harmonious growth environment for children.

Ruixiang Experimental School。



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两眼外秃大嘴巴,有个尾巴比身大,青草假山来相伴,绽放朵朵大红花。(猜水中动物) 答案:


全身片片银假亮,瞧来神气又威武,有翅寸步飞不起,无脚五湖四海行。(猜水中动物) 答案:

似鸟又非鸟,有翅身无毛,一脸丑模样,专爱夜遨游。(猜空中动物) 答案:


一身白袍衣,两只红眼睛,是和平化身,人人都喜欢。(猜空中动物) 答案:


远瞧犹如岛一座,总有水柱向上喷,模样向鱼不是鱼,哺乳幼儿有一手。(猜水中动物) 答案:


纵横沙漠中,展翅飞不起,快走犹如飞,是鸟中第一。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


活动地盘在墙壁,专门收拾飞蚊虫,尾断无碍会再生,医学名称是守宫。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


个子虽不大,浑身是武器,见敌缩成团,看你奈我何。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


绿衣汉,街上站,光吃纸,不吃饭。(猜一物) 答案:


半空中,一只碗,下雨下不满。(猜一物) 答案:


千根线,万根线,落到水里就不见。(猜自然物) 答案:

一间屋,叁个门,里面只住半个人。(猜用品) 答案:


浑身毛,一条腿,不怕灰尘只怕水。(猜用品) 答案:


稀奇稀奇真稀奇,拿人鼻子当马骑。(猜一物) 答案:


四四方方一块田,一块一块买铜钱。(猜食物) 答案:


一双玉燕靠地飞,早上出门夜里归。(猜用品) 答案:


有风不动无风动,不动无风动有风。(猜一物) 答案:


一只狗,站门口,打一枪,就开口。(猜一物) 答案:


滑溜溜,光亮亮,眼睛生在屁股上。(猜一物) 答案:

盖一半,露一半,太阳出来晒一半。(猜一物) 答案:


此物大而轻,肚内火烧心。(猜一物) 答案:


水皱眉,树摇动,花弯腰,云逃走。(猜自然物) 答案:

硬舌头,尖嘴巴,不吃饭,光喝茶。(猜用品) 答案:


性情躁烈爆,常批黄皮袄,山中称大王,我说那是猫。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


黑背白肚皮,一副绅士样,两翅当划桨,双脚似鸭蹼。(猜水中动物) 答案:


不管翻地或打洞,天生爱动到处钻,松松土来施点肥,人人称我为地龙。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


细细身体长又长,身後背着四面旗,斗大眼睛照前方,专除害虫有助益。(猜昆虫) 答案:


椎子尾,橄榄头,最爱头尾壳内收,走起路来慢又慢,有谁比他更长寿。(猜水中动物) 答案:


任劳又任怨,田里活猛干,生产万顿粮,只把草当饭。(猜陆上动物) 答案:

一身金钱袍,猫脸性残暴,爬树且游水,嗜肉不食草。(猜陆上动物) 答案:

此物生的怪,肚下长口袋,宝宝带中养,跳起来真快。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


从头到脚硬盔甲,走起路来横着走,张牙舞爪八只脚,两把利剪真吓人。(猜水中动物) 答案:


顶上红冠戴,身披五彩衣,能测天亮时,呼得众人醒。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


小小娃娃兵,四处寻猎物,物虽比己大,团结便解决。(猜陆上动物) 答案:


尖长嘴,铁刺骨,咬一口,走一步。(猜用具) 答案:


要玩他,才买他,买了他,却打他。(猜娱乐品) 答案:

会走没有腿,会吃没有嘴,过河没有水,死了没有鬼。(猜一物) 答案:


一对夫妻,同命相依,白天结合,晚上分离。(猜一物) 答案:


一物不才,比客先来,客来他不见,客走又出来。(猜用具) 答案:




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1.元旦放假,明天上班(打一成语) 答案:一不做,二不休

2.元旦(打一古文句) 答案:是清明前一日

3.元旦(打一打《三字经》一句) 答案:我周公(打一周公名旦)

4.元旦献词(打一教育词语) 答案:第一节日语

5.晁盖四点三分到 (打一节日) 答案:元旦

6.云儿抹远山,天端掩明月 (打一节日) 答案:元旦

7.元旦离家除夕还(打一天文词语) 答案:回归年

8.元旦赐爵(打一邮政集邮词语) 答案:首日封

9.元旦来信(打一邮政集邮词语) 答案:首日封

10.庆祝元旦(打一中国地名) 答案:贺,阳朔

11.元旦(打一字谜) 答案:明

12.元旦出世(打一字谜) 答案:腥

13.元旦离别去台南(打一字谜) 答案:酝

14.元旦落雨(打一字谜) 答案:一

15.先后一致尽左袒 (打一节日) 答案:元旦

16.查完一半,对调位置(打一节日) 答案:元旦

17.元旦出门除夕回 (打一成语) 答案:满载而归

18.元旦离家除夕还 (打三字天文名词) 答案:回归年

19.元旦赐爵 (打一邮政集邮词语) 答案:首日封

20.元旦春节传捷报 (打一成语) 答案:节节胜利

21.元旦写景(打一猜一艺术品) 答案: 年画

22.元旦初生婴儿 (打一四字新词) 答案: 新新人类

23.元旦结婚 (打鲁迅篇目二) 答案:过年,偶成

24.元旦 (打一外国人名) 答案:春日正一

25.电厂二度改革 (打一节日) 答案:元旦

26.在园中待一日 (打一节日) 答案:元旦

27.真心求改革,一切为四化 (打一节日) 答案:元旦

28.元旦之初,建厂从严? (打一字) 答案:晋

29.元旦 (打一成语) 答案:有朝一日

30.欢度元旦(打一部门单位场所) 答案:节能中心

31.元旦钟声(打一常言俗语) 答案:新起点

32.元旦出门除夕回(打一成语) 答案:满载而归

33.元旦春节传捷报(打一成语) 答案:节节胜利

34.元旦休假(打一金融词语) 答案:年息

35.元旦结婚(打一篇目) 答案:过年,偶成

36.元旦(打一日本人名) 答案:春日正一

37.买早了,元旦过后会降价 (打一宋词一句) 答案: 可惜明年花更好

38.元旦国外一日游(打一字谜) 答案: 园

39.一一看分明(打一节日) 答案:元旦

40.元旦 (打三字经一句) 答案:周公



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1.What month do soldiers hate?

--March (三月,行军)

2.How many feet are there in a yard?

--It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)

3.Why is an empty purse always the same?

--There is no change in it. (零钱,变化)

4.What book has the most stirring chapters?

--A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的)

5.What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?

--Hot dog. (热狗)

6.What is the smallest room in the world?

--Mushroom. (蘑菇)

7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?

--Drink well water. (井水,健康的)

8.How do we know the ocean is friendly?

--It waves. (起波浪,招手致意)

9.Which can move faster, heat or cold?

--Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)



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My new years resolution is very very brife.only three piece of advice .one ; get good grade ,at next. now,hard study ..as for ,goodgoodstudy,,day day up ,,my math isnot good,,so i can practise everyday ,then i am eating more vegetables and going to exercise more to keep fit next , i am going to take guitar lessons .because i really love music .so guitar .i love too ,,these are my new years resolution s i hope itis,, reality ,but,,realityneed my hard ,i think i can successful.



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Today is the New Year’s Day. I have a three-day holiday, so I can go out have fun or stay at home to have a good rest. Today, my parents take me out. We go to the mall. Many things are cheap so my mother buys many. I have a new cloth and a pair of shoes. I am so happy. They are the gifts for the New Year. At night, we have a big dinner outside. The foods are so delicious. Today is a happy day.



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Ancient Chinese New Years day, is not a general "Gregorian calendar" -- the Gregorian calendar on January 1. From Yin dynasty set as the beginning, at the beginning of the lunar December in first lunar month as the beginning, to the han dynasty have been repeated many times of change. To the republic of China, sun yat-sen in nanjing in early January 1912 as the temporary President for "farming", "statistics", set the first lunar month as the Spring Festival, change to the Gregorian calendar on January 1, known as the "New Year", at but it is still called "New Years day". Until the liberation of the central peoples government promulgated uniform "whole nation year section and the memorial day holiday", the Gregorian calendar January 1 as New Years day, and decided the national in this stanza day off. At the same time as the difference between two New Year the lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar, and in view of the lunar 24 solar terms of "spring", just before and after the lunar New Year, so the change of the first lunar month is called "Spring Festival".

"New Years day", "yuan" refers to the beginning, is the first point, the beginning of every number is called "yuan"; "Dan", pictographs, the above ", "on behalf of the sun, the" a "represents the horizon below. "Denier" as the sun rises from the horizon, symbolizes the beginning of a day. People put the "yuan" and "denier" two words together, is extended to the first day of the New Year began. New Years day is also called the "three yuan", namely, the yuan, the yuan, at the time of yuan. On New Years earliest begins with three sovereigns, tang fang xuanling and others write the Book of Jin upload: "xu emperor for Meng Chun in yuan, at that time is: New Years day in the spring." That call on the yuan, the first for the denier. Southern liang people LanZiYun dielectric jas poem or cloud: "the new New Years day, four gas Wan Shouchu today."





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The history of the New Years day

hinese new year is a chinese traditional festival.we also call it the spring festival.it is on lunar january 1st.

on new year’s eve,all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner.there are some vegetable s,some fish,some meat,some fruits and some drink like juice,coke,pepsi and some nice wine.overall,this is a good and delicious dinner.after dinner,we always watch tv new year progammes.we have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.

on the first day of the spring festival,most of people get up early and say “happy new year”to each other.for breakfast,people often eat dumplings and baozi.after breakfast,people often make many delicious foods,and children often play cards,computer games and fireworks.on the second and third day,we visit friends and relatives.

Everyone is busy on chinese new year,and everyone is happy,too.








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New Years day ", "yuan" refers to the beginning, is the first point, the beginning of every number is called "yuan";" Denier, "pictographs, the" day "on behalf of the sun, the" a "represents the horizon below." Denier "that the sun rises from the horizon, symbolizes the beginning of a day. People call" yuan "and" denier "two words together, to start on the first day of the New Year. New Years day is also called" three yuan ", namely, the yuan, the yuan, at the time of yuan. New Years day is a word begins with the earliest three sovereigns, tang fang xuanling and others write the Book of Jin upload: "xu emperor for Meng Chun in yuan, at that time is: New Years day in the spring. "That call on the yuan, the first for the denier. Southern liang people LanZiYun dielectric jas poem or cloud:" new New Years day, four gas Wan Shouchu today. "

There is a legend, is over 4000 years ago the ancient rao war, yao right in diligent people do a lot of good things for the people, is popular with the masses of the people love, but because his son was not out, he didnt pass "son of heaven" the throne to his son, but rather to shun the character can have both. Yao to shun said: "you in the future must hand getting the devotee, wait for after I die also can be at ease with open eyes." Shun later put mercy to flood active yu, yu also like shun his populist did a lot of good for the people, are very popular. After the death of the yao people later ShunDi sacrifice to heaven and earth and emperor yao first on that day, as the day of the beginning of the year, called the homonym for "New Years day", or "yuan", this is the ancient New Years day.





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At the first day of New Year,I was so excited that I got up very early in the morning.But Mother was earlier than me,and she had gotten the breakfast ready.Dumplings,thats my favourite.After the wonderful breakfast,I left home with my parents to visit our relatives.On the way,I said "Happy New Year" to everyone that I met and they all said that back to me.Everyone is happy and friendly.In my relatives house,they prepared many sweets and snacks for visitors.They are all very delicious.The more exciting thing was that I got some money from my relatives.I had a fine day in my relatives family.

My first day of New Year was very happy.It was a good start,and I would try my best to make this happiness last for the whole year.



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庆祝元旦英语作文2017年:欢庆元旦佳节New Year‘s Day celebration today under drizzling skies, the weather is particularly cold, but I was very happy because today is the first day of the New Year. Today, Mom and Dad took me to the streets, colorful flower show in my eyes, exceptionally beautiful; the streets are covered with colorful ribbons; children wear clean clothes and beautiful, with the smiling father and beautiful mother took lively streets, and why? Because today is the first day of the New Year. Back to my grandparents‘ house, kitchen in steaming hot, grandmother chop the vegetables and meat, vegetables wrapped in northern strip, a short while tasty dish on the side bar on the table, bite in the mouth fragrant and delicious aftertaste infinity, we talked and laughed cheerfully, and why? Because today is the New Year. Today is the first day of the New Year, is the starting point for the new year, we are a year older, and I must consciously strive to learn in the new year, promote the advantages and overcome the shortcomings, I want to grow up quickly, building a more a better tomorrow.庆祝元旦今天的天空下着毛毛细雨,天气也特别地冷,但我却很高兴,因为今天是新年的第一天。今天爸爸妈妈带我去街头,五颜六色的花展现在我的眼前,格外美丽;大街小巷挂满了五光十色的彩带;小朋友们穿着干净又漂亮的衣裳,跟着笑容满面的爸爸和秀丽的妈妈涌上热闹的街头,为什么?因为今天是新年的第一天。回到爷爷奶奶家,橱房里热气腾腾,奶奶剁着菜和肉馅,包着北方菜条,不一会香喷喷的菜条就端上了桌,咬在嘴里又香又好吃,回味无穷,大家有说有笑乐呵呵的,为什么?因为今天是新年。今天是新年的第一天,是新的一年的起点,我们又长大了一岁,我要在新的一年里自觉努力学习,发扬优点,克服缺点,我要快快成长,建设更美好的明天。



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When the midnight bell rings tonight, let it signify new and better things for your life; let it signify a realisation of all the things you wish for Wishing you a very prosperous new year!


May the joy and happiness around you today and always


on this season,Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year I hope you will continue to enjoy good health


If it didnt bring you joy, just leave it behind Turn a new leaf with the smell of new rain Happy New Year!


To wish you joy at this holy season Wishing every happiness will always be with you


May many fortunes find their way to you!


I want to wish you longevity and health!


Take good care of yourself in the year ahead


Wishing you many future successes


On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together


I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future


May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!


Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year


Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year


With best wishes for a happy New Year!


I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year


With the compliments of the season


May the seasons joy fill you all the year round


Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year




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New Year:

Chinese New Year (Simplified Chinese: 春节, or 农历新年; Traditional Chinese: 春节, or 农历新年; pinyin: Chūnjié, or Nónglì xīnnián), or the Spring Festival/Lunar New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. The Chinese New Year period lasts for 15 days, beginning on the first day of the first lunar month (正月 Zheng Yue) of the Chinese calendar. The holiday period ends with 元宵节 (Yuan Xiao Jie), on the 15th day of the festival.

It is possible that the beginning of the year began with month 1 during the Xia Dynasty, month 12 during the Shang Dynasty, and month 11 during the Zhou Dynasty in China, but intercalary months were added after month 12 during both the Shang Dynasty according to surviving oracle bones and the Zhou Dynasty according to Sima Qian. The first Emperor of China Qin Shi Huang changed the beginning of the year to month 10 in 221 BC. Whether the New Year was celebrated at the beginning of these months or at the beginning of month 1 or both is unknown. In 104 BC, Emperor Wu established month 1 as the beginning of the year where it remains.

According to legend, in ancient China, nian ("Nyan"), a man-eating beast from the mountains, could infiltrate houses silently to prey on humans. The people later learned that nian was sensitive to loud noises and the color red, so they scared it away with explosions, fireworks and the liberal use of the color red. So guo nian actually means surviving the nian. These customs led to the first New Year celebrations.

Chuxi or 除夕 in Mandarin Chinese. Chu means "get rid of" and xi is the day of the legendary man-eating beast, nian, that preys once a year on New Year Eve. When nian arrived, people used firecrackers to scare him away. Once nian ran away, people joined together to celebrate for another year of safe life.

Celebrated internationally in areas with large populations of ethnic Chinese. Chinese New Year is considered to be a major holiday for the Chinese as well as ethn




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New Year arrived, another year passed, and ushered in a New Year - 2016, in this New Year, we are going to do some meaningful things can get through this a long 2016, let us act together!

As the saying goes, "the New Year will have a new look." its good to speak this word, in this New Year, I have a lot of things want to do: to learn to learn, a successful ` exercise the body, let oneself body getting better, dont partial eclipse, should eat what eat what, also can not to waste money... Say learning first, first put in front of winter vacation homework conscientious finished, although have a little arrangement diary teacher six chapters, but I want to do a few more, one is to exercise their writing level, the second is to allow yourself to practice patience, I also want to read more books, let oneself of the rich knowledge, I often read books, but like watching gobbledygook, dont take notes. This is no good, so in the end not enriched knowledge knowledge, it is a waste of time, a waste of time. Such as in the past winter vacation, I must study hard last term, in elementary school when miyoshi students, dont understand to ask, Im sure can do it, also please believe me!

As for exercise? I think Im too have no confidence, for instance said shooting, because I so small basketball in my hands touch the basket, I practiced for several times without success, feel oneself always shot, try a few times is useless. Later, I think learning anyway, dont go up, its no use, so, I have achieved in the final exam is not ideal. I will be patient ` confidence in doing anything, because only in this way can succeed in doing things.

Later, I must be in accordance with the plan to do, because it can make great progress.







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As we all know, New year is the start of a year,and Spring Festival is a new start in lunar calendar.Most Chinese like me will celebrate both of them. However, we celebrate the two festivals in many different ways. I usually stay up late and celebrate the New year with my close friends together.We will go to an interesting place to have fun,so the New Year is usually a relaxing holiday.Spring Festival is more important than the New  year.I usually stay up until 12 oclock with pocket money from grandparents. From my point of view I prefer celebrating Spring Festival. I like it not only it is our tradition but also the nice atmosphere when all the family members get together. As we are busy for a whole year, a festival for us to be reunion and chat can be necessary. In a word,I prefer Spring Festival most.

Both the New Year and Spring festival include peoples good hope of the next year,they are our best expectation.



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I havent been so moved for a long time. Just four or five hours before the party began, I was afraid that the program would not be good and the scene would be cold. However, this period of time really moved me a lot.

First of all, I would like to express my appreciation to the participants of tonights party for their outstanding performance, arranging the venue and tuning the sound equipment, although everything was prepared in a hurry. However, you gave the audience a perfect New Years Party.

Secondly, I would like to thank our host for his excellent performance, which made the atmosphere of the whole meeting very high.

Another is our tuner and cameraman, from the beginning to the end of the evening, kept busy, coordinating with the host, from the beginning to the end of the tension, there is no mistake.

I would also like to thank __, __ and others, who have been busy choosing programs, making procedures, planning games and buying gifts from the very beginning. I would like to express my thanks to you for your painstaking efforts for this party.

Thank you to the actors and actresses for the wonderful evening. I would like to express my deep appreciation for your efforts.

Thanks to all the staff, it is you that let me realize that our team is so excellent, and it is your every work that ensures the smooth running of the whole party.

Thank You to Hinoqin Group, Jinhai Support and Xinying Support group, Thank you to China Mobile, thank you to China Telecom, thank you to Mengsimei, thank you to bug image, thank you... Thank you so much. I would like to express my deep gratitude to you again for your efforts. Wish you all the best in 20__ and the spirit of Longma.

Thank you to all the audience for your participation and support. Thank you for your interest and support in our activities.
