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Recently, it has been reported that a boy argued with his father and then

he left home and the policed found him, taking him home after half a month. It

sounds so ridiculous for the boy to leave home for such a long time, but

thinking further, the lack of communication between the father and the son makes

this joke. There always some people wonder why we need to get higher education,

because we may not earn money as much as the workers. In my opinion, the purpose

of education is not for the money, but for the better person we will become. If

the father knows how to communicate with his son and his son is considerate,

then things wouldn’t become so bad. We need receive education and become the

wise person, so we can communicate better and create a harmonious





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My hometown is in a mountain village near the water.

The back of the village is a large forest, the birds chirp to sing the songs in the trees, the singing is really move!

In the front of the village is a piece of green, as the eye can see the edge of the big rice paddies, dew play on wheat and rice.

Paddy fields, the bottom is a winding river, the fish in the river happy swimming in the water, they are your head above water blowing bubbles, some in the play, and in chat...

The sides of the river is a large lawn of wearing green clothes, open colorful small wildflowers there, the grass dressed up colorful, very beautiful!

Beside the small wildflowers are tall and big willow, willow seems to be played a happy dance in the breeze, like as the swallow song dance.

Under the willow is the lively and lovely children, they are in the running, some in playing games, and in the mining of wild flowers... The children play really happy ah!

This is my hometown, this is my beautiful hometown! The villagers here a happy life.











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Mike is bad at English. Yesterday, he had an English test. He failed again.

He dared not tell his mother the low marks. On his way home, it rained heavily.

So he got a good idea. Why not take the paper as an umbrella? He just put the

paper on his head and began to run home. When he arrived home, the paper was all

wet and almost torn to pieces by the rain. When his mother asked about the

marks, Mike showed the paper to his mother with an embarrassed smile.



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根据所给的四幅图画,以“Mikes Test Paper”为题,按顺序写一篇不少于80字的短文。内容必须符合题意。


Mike is bad at English. Yesterday, he had an English test. He failed again. He dared not tell his mother the low marks. On his way home, it rained heavily. So he got a good idea. Why not take the paper as an umbrella? He just put the paper on his head and began to run home. When he arrived home, the paper was all wet and almost torn to pieces by the rain. When his mother asked about the marks, Mike showed the paper to his mother with an embarrassed smile.


篇4:初一年级英语作文:Mothers love

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All the people often say:"mothers love is the greatestin the world!"Yes,mothers love is very great.We mother give us very too much love.But a big number of us. dont know our mother give us too much love.Mothers are very tired .We dont know make her to rest.Mothers are thirsty.We dont know give they a cup of tea.When we beacome to father or mother.We know our parents give us much love .So,at this moment.We mut reture a good grades to our parents.



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This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.



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1、《在山的那边》选自《长江文艺》,作者王家新。出版诗集:《纪念》、《游动悬崖》 这是一首现代诗,诗人运用象征的手法,取象于群山和大海。用大海比喻理想,用群山比喻重重困难,用爬山比喻艰苦奋斗。告诉人们:奔向理想的人生征途是漫长的,但是,只要百折不挠地坚持奋斗,理想境界终将实现。

2、《走一步,再走一步》美国莫顿·亨特:作家,心理学家。代表作:《痛击》、《心理学的故事》 本文记叙的是“我”童年时一次“脱险”的经历。文章却蕴含着一个哲理:在人生道路上,不管面对怎样的艰难险阻,只要把大困难分解为小困难,一个一个地认真解决小困难,终将战胜巨大的困难,赢得最后的胜利。

3、《短文两篇》①《蝉》作者:小思 本名:卢玮銮,生于香港,有散文集《承教小记》、《路上谈》、《彤云笺》等 。 ②《贝壳》作者:席慕蓉,台湾著名诗人、散文家。代表作有:诗集《七里香》《时光九篇》散文集《有一首歌》《我的家乡在高原上》等延续新诗温柔淡泊的风格。

4、《紫藤萝瀑布》选自《铁箫人语》,是女作家宗璞的一篇散文。原名冯钟璞,著名哲学家冯友兰之女。短篇小说:《红豆》、《桃园女儿嫁窝谷》、《不沉的湖》、《后门》、《知音》等。中篇小说:《三生石》。长篇小说:《野葫芦引》。 这篇文章通过对一树盛开的紫藤萝的驻足观赏,使原先的悲痛和焦虑化为宁静和喜悦。悟到“花和人都会遇到各种各样的不幸,但是生命的长河是无止境的”。不能让昨天的不幸把人压垮,每个人都应该像紫藤萝的花朵一样,以饱满的生命力,投身到生命的长河中去,在闪光的花的河流上航行。


6、《理想》作者:流沙河,原名余勋坦。当代诗人.著有诗集:《流沙河诗集》、《故园别》、《游踪》等。 这首诗是一首现代哲理诗。从理想的历史意义、人格意义和人生意义三个方面告诉人们:人生要有理想,只要树立了理想,并为之不懈地奋斗,就会取得丰硕的收获。

7、《短文两篇》①《行道树》是由台湾女作家张晓风所作。中国作家之一。散文集:《地毯的那一端》《愁乡石》《步下红毯之后》《你还没有爱过》《再生缘》《我在》《思想》及《从你美丽的流域》。 这篇文章借行道树的自白,抒写了奉献者的襟怀,赞美了奉献者的崇高精神,文中行道树的形象就是无私奉献者的形象。 ②《第一次真好》,由台湾女作家周素珊所作。著作有《故国梦重归》、《风雨故人来》、《寂寞黄昏后》、《心灯集》 文章表达了作者的感悟:生命中的第一次愈多,生命也就愈益多姿多彩。当然,作者所说的第一次,都是有益身心的第一次。

8、《人生寓言》作者周国平。随感集《人与永恒》、《尼采与形而上学》、诗集《忧伤的情欲》、《只有一个人生》、散文集《善良丰富高贵》、 其中《白兔和月亮》告诉人们:拥有巨大的利益会勾起无穷的得失之患。《落难的王子》通过王子的经历又告诉人们:厄运能使脆弱的人变得坚强起来。

9、《我的信念》玛丽·居里波兰著名科学家,研究放射性现象,发现镭和钋(pō)两种天然放射性元素,一生两度获诺贝尔奖(第一次获得诺贝尔物理奖,第二次获得诺贝尔化学奖)。 在这篇文章中,作者阐述了一个位科学工作者应当具备三个方面的品质。其一,科学工作的宗旨是探讨真理,而不是“谋求物质上的利益。”其二,科学工作需要自由,需要宁静,需要时间。其三,科学研究需要献身精神。其中献身精神是全文的核心。也是居里夫人思想品质的根本。



11、《春》《春》是一篇写景抒情的散文,作是朱自清,字佩弦,现代著名散文家、诗人、学者、民主战士。诗文集《踪迹》,代表作品有《背影》《欧游杂记》等,收在《朱自清全集》里。 在《春》中,作者按照盼春、绘春和赞春的思路来结构全文。在绘春部分,依次描绘了五幅美丽的图画,分别是春草图,春花图,春风图,春雨图和迎春图。最后运用比喻,突出了春天新、美、力的特征。

12、《济南的冬天》老舍,原名舒庆春,字舍予,满族,北京人,现代著名作家。代表作还有话剧《茶馆》《龙须沟》,长篇小说《四世同堂》等,被称为“人民艺术家”。 《济南的冬天》一文,开篇就以对比的写法突出了济南无风、无雾(响晴),无毒日(温晴)的宝地特点,然后,从阳光朗照下的山;薄雪覆盖下的山;不结冰的水三个方面写了济南的冬天。表达了对济南的赞美之情。


14、《秋天》选自《预言》。作者何其芳(1912~1977)现代诗人、散文家、文艺评论家。原名何永芳,散文:《画梦录》,诗集《预言》《夜晚和白天的歌》等。 这是一幅绚丽多彩的乡村秋景图。由农家丰收图、霜晨归渔图和少女思恋图组成。

15、古代诗歌五首分别出自汉乐府、唐诗(五律、七律)、宋词和元曲。 ①《观沧海》魏武帝曹操,字孟德,东汉末年杰出的政治家、军事家、文学家、诗人。庙号太祖。 全诗以“观”字统领全篇,通过描写茫茫沧海波澜壮阔的景象,表达了诗人宏伟的抱负、宽广的胸襟,表现了诗人豪迈自信的思想感情。这首诗的基调苍凉慷慨,历来被视为“建安风骨”的代表作。 ②《次北固山下》由唐代诗人王湾所作,作者通过对江南残冬早春景象新鲜而又精致的描绘,表达出诗人无比热爱江南水乡和怀念家乡及亲人的思想感情。 ③《钱塘湖春行》白居易字乐天,晚年又号香山居士,我国唐代伟大的现实主义诗人。他的诗歌题材广泛,形式多样,语言平易通俗,有“诗魔”和“诗王”之称。代表作品: 《白氏长庆集》,《长恨歌》,《琵琶行》,《卖炭翁》 这首诗通过抓住环境和季节特征,选取典型景物描绘了钱塘湖的早春风光,抒发了作者的喜悦心情。 ④《西江月》辛弃疾,南宋爱国词人,字幼安,自号“稼轩居士”。 辛弃疾存词600多首。强烈的爱国主义思想和战斗精神是辛词的基本思想内容。他是我国历史上伟大的豪放派词人、爱国者、军事家和政治家。与苏轼齐名,并称苏辛,历史上与李清照并称“济南二安”。其词热情洋溢,慷慨悲壮。笔力雄厚,艺术风格多样,而以豪放为主。代表作有《稼轩长短句》。 这首词通过描写农村夏夜的清新景色,抒发了作者的闲适心情。词的上片写景其实是烘托,下片写避雨才是本意所在,也是词的意趣所在。 ⑤《天净沙·秋思》马致远。与关汉卿、郑光祖、白朴并称“元曲四大家”,是我国元代时著名大戏剧家、散曲家。






20、《山市》选自《聊斋志异》。作者是清代文学家蒲松龄,字留仙,别号柳泉居士,世称“聊斋先生”。 出生于一个逐渐败落的中小地主兼商人家庭。直至71岁时才成岁贡生。


22、《羚羊木雕》张之路,著名作家。电影文学剧本:《霹雳贝贝》《魔表》《傻鸭子欧巴儿》。话剧:《双龙花盆》。童话剧:《野猪的首领》《大鼻头和黑眼圈》。小说集:《在楼梯拐角》《题王》。长篇小说:《第三军团》等。 以“羚羊木雕”为线索, 通过“查问木雕——赠送木雕——取回木雕”几个情节,表现了一家人不同的心态,并提出疑问:要木雕还是要友情。要不要取回木雕是整个事件的高潮和矛盾的焦点。


24、诗两首①《金色花》泰戈尔(1861~1941)印度作家、诗人、社会活动家。 诗集:《暮歌》《晨歌》《吉檀迦利》《新月集》《园丁集》《飞鸟集》。 剧本:《修道士》《国王和皇后》《摩吉多塔拉》《邮局》《红夹竹桃》。 长篇小说:《小沙子》《沉船》《戈拉》。 歌曲:《人民的意志》被定为印度国歌。 他的创作对印度文学的发展影响很大。1913年获诺贝尔文学奖。 《金色花》以“假如我变成了一朵金色花”生发想象,展开三幅耐人寻味的画面,让我们感受到母子情深,感受到母子之爱,那么一种亲昵,那么一种亲热。寄寓了母子情深以及人类天性的美好与圣洁。 ②《纸船》冰心1900~1999)现代散文家、小说家、诗人、儿童文学作家。翻译家。原名谢婉莹,,主要作品短篇小说集《超人》,诗集《繁星》《春水》,散文集《寄小读者》《再寄小读者》《往事》等,她的散文,委婉、秀丽、清新、自成一家,被人称为“冰心体”或“闺秀体”。 《纸船》采用托物寄情的手法,表达了远离家乡的游子对日夜思念的母亲的深情呼唤,是献给亲爱的母亲的一曲深情的颂歌。文中纸船象征漂泊无依的孤独,象征思念母亲、思念祖国的一颗心,象征诗人纯洁、美好的心愿。


26、《皇帝的新装》安徒生,丹麦著名童话作家,代表作有:《皇帝的新装》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、《丑小鸭》、《夜莺》、《海的女儿》、《拇指姑娘》、《白雪公主》、《小克劳斯和大克劳斯》等。 本文通过一个昏庸无能而又穷奢极欲的皇帝受骗上当的故事,揭露和讽刺了皇帝和大臣们的虚伪、愚蠢和自欺欺人的丑行。

27、《郭沫若诗两首》郭沫若 (1892~1978) 原名郭开贞。中国现代杰出的作家、诗人和戏剧家,马克思主义历史学家和古文字学家。历史话剧:《棠棣之花》《屈原》《虎符》《高渐离》《孔雀胆》《蔡文姬》《武则天》等,另还写有诗集《战声》《蜩螗集》《女神》,历史论著《甲申三百年祭》《青铜时代》等。学术论著《李白与杜甫》等。现有《沫若文集》行世。 《天上的街市》取材于我国古代有关牛郎织女的传说。它借丰富新奇的联想和想象,描绘了美妙的天街景象,表达了诗人摆脱封建束缚、追求理想、向往自由幸福的思想感情。《静夜》在写法和风格上和《天上的街市》很相似,都是在前面写景的基础上,转而进入想象的世界,收尾出人意料,让人产生无尽的回味和向往。这首诗立足“静夜”,描绘月光、松树、疏星等景物,展开联想,有一位鲛人在天河岸边对着月夜无声地流下了珍珠泪。寄托诗人的失望情绪,隐含对祖国、家乡和亲人的思念之情。



30、伊索寓言①《赫耳墨斯和雕像者》——《伊索寓言》——伊索——公元前6世纪古希腊人,善于讲动物故事 对盲目自高自大的赫耳墨斯进行了讽刺,告诉我们要重视事物的本质,不能爱慕虚荣; ②《蚊子和狮子》则提醒我们,取得成绩后不要骄傲自满,得意忘形。 ③《智子疑邻》——《韩非子·说难》——韩非,战国末期韩国人,著名思想家。他出身贵族,屡次上书向韩王进谏,都未被采纳。后来,他得到秦始皇的赏识,在秦国任客卿。不久便被他的同学李斯等人谗言所陷,下狱后被逼自杀,著有《韩非子》一书,常用寓言故事阐明事理【提醒我们不能根据亲疏远近去判断人和事情,不能心存偏见。】




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How to protect the environment has become one of thebiggest problems in the

world .

It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matterwhere we live , we

should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy. We can collect

waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We shouldplant more trees and

we should prevent those factories from pouring waste waterinto rivers, lakes and

fields. Weshouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We

mustn’t pickthe flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his

best toprotect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and

ourlife will be better and better .



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My uncle has been in America for quite a few years. He used to live in Pudong. He wanted to come back to his homeland very much. Last summer he came to Shanghai and I took him to visit Pudong. He said the streets became wider and the buildings became higher. I told him, "Many people have moved into new and big flats. It is very convenient to go shopping here." He couldn't find his old house. He said, "What great changes!" He decided to stay and spend the rest of his life in Shanghai.


篇9:初一年级英语作文:My school

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My school is at Haimen Town. It is very big and beautiful. There are forty-three classes in it. When you come to our school, you can see the modern teaching building. Our teachers work and do practice in it. Behind the building, there are two classroom buildings and a school library. In the library there are thousands and thousands of books. After class you can borrow the books you want and also you can read them in the reading room at any time. Beside our classroom, there is a big playground. At about 4:30 p.m. every day, many students play football, basketball and some of them play tennis. All the playground is alive.

Our school is a model school in Jiangsu. I like my school very much.



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My mother is a good woman. She is very good for me. Everyday she gives me a good breakfast. Then we go to my school, when I go to my class, she goes to work.

I love my mother!

Every night, she and I go to my room. She says: “Good night! Jenny.” “Good night!” I say. Then she goes to her room.

I love my mother!

During her work time, she does not rest. But she still picks me up at school everyday. When we get home, she gives me some milk and some beak. Then I go to my bed.

I love my mother very much!

[初一英语暑假作文:I love my mother



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A friend who is a police in Guangzhou got married yesterday.He once helped me get out of a very sticky situation without asking for any demand. I am sorry that I couldnt give my congratuation to him in pern his big day. Two years ago, a stuffy summer evening I was robbed when walking on the street with my another female friend after we left a hair salon.

Two guys riding on a motorcycle behind us rushed onto the sidewalk and pulled my purse away. I fell down on the hard concrete ground and the mortorcycle was hitting by a electricity pole.They quickly shifted the direction and zipped away. We were so appalled and black-out that we forgot to dial 110.I called my friend, the police, for help with tears in my eyes. Ten minutes later, he showed up and send me to a hospital nearby. The young resident took little care of my spot where I got hurt. Misfortunes never come alone.Three days later, it became so inflaming and swollen because of the heat of summer that I couldnt walk. I vented my anger and anxiety everywhere I could and decided to change another better hospital.In order to avoid making further and worse problem then and future, I decided to let a specific doctor to diagose it. It was a bolt out of the blue to learn that I needed a surgery, whereas it was incredible to undertake a surgery without any local or gerenal anesthesia. I extremely suffered from it. It was him who held my hand tightly without any hesitation during the whole process and it was him who took me back and forth to hospital to do the daily checks. There were no sufficient words expressing my thanks for him.It took me a month back to the normal track until the Mid-Autumn day.My friend availed himself of the benefit from his job to offset the 70% of the total costs. However, what the quite unhappy thing was a hard-to-miss and hard-to-fade mark on my right leg.

[初一英语作文 An unforgettable friend



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The summer vacation this year, our family person went a lot of a lot of

amused interesting place plays, we went 101 buildings, lunar eyebrow explores

Eden, gao Tie explores a house... etc amused interesting place plays, what I

feel happy days always passes is very fast, I spend the summer vacation this

year very happily, so I just can feel happy to light always passes very quickly.

I am written down so that our family has the summer vacation this year the 101

buildings that go to Taipei city, when elevator still does not have attic, can

see Taipei city, I feel I am like is big giant, the house resembles is toy

house, the car resembles is toy house, the person resembles is small ant euqally

small, I feel absorbing.

Besides, our family still has go lunar eyebrow explores Eden, over there

very big! We play skyscraping annulus first, skyscraping annulus can reach very

tall place, we play corsair later, corsair left and right sides shakes special

stimulation, we still have go playing very resemble rotating the You Le

establishment of coffee cup, establishment of this You Le is very amused, if did

not help good armrest up to be able to slip all the time,will slip, this I feel

very interesting, we still have go playing imperial crown swing, establishment

of this one You Le wont be very exciting, when rotating, have slightly wind is

blown, this feeling seems to blowing fanner, nevertheless, the fanner of its

nature, besides this a few swim interestingly again amusedly outside happy

establishment, still have a lot of amused You Le establishment! The summer

vacation this year, our family besides go 101 buildings and Eden of lunar

eyebrow exploration play, still have go Gao Tie explores a canal to look around,

gao Tie has the thing of a lot of a lot of Guan Wugao iron inside exploration

house, have: Film appreciation, the game that fish, drive Gao Ties game, for

very the appearance of Gao Tie is 3 pediform principle... wait a few amused

interesting establishment, I acquired a lot of knowledge inside house of tall

iron exploration.

I feel although this one summer vacation passes exceedingly quickly,

nevertheless, I went to the place of a lot of playing in this one summer

vacation, also increased the knowledge of a lot of in a lot of place, I saw

Taipei city in the 101 buildings of Taipei city, also explored a house to

understand Gao Tie in Gao Tie, had termed begins now, my hope is fine

nevertheless summer vacation comes quickly, can look around to each district and

amuse oneself.



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Happy summer holidays

my summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. it is very beautiful there. there are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. i spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. i wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

besides that, I helped the children in the neighbour hood with their lessons. i helped them read english improve their spoken english. their parents thanked me for this.








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Punctuality is a good habit. It means to do things at the fixed time. When others are late and you have waited for a long time,you must be angry. And then you should try to be punctual. So you will win others’ trust. At the same time if you are always not punctual, you will become lazier and lazier, even fail in the life.

No punctuality is a bad habit. We should get rid of it. We should try to be punctual forever.




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Hi,everyone,Im excited to introduce myself to you.My name is __,and you can call me__.I was born in a tradition family,my father is a __,and my mother is a __.I am intrested in learning __,and in my spare time id like to play__.Now,we have went step to junior high school,Id like to be friend with you,angI think we will learn more during this period together.



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My name is Liu xia .I am a girl .My frist name is xia .My last name is liu .I am twelve years old .Ihave brother and sister .My mother and father havent work .I like English and art .I have a big eyes and long hair .I like play ping-pong and reading books .I want to be a doctor .



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【范文】Shen Zhen is my favorite city. It is a young and promising city. I have been living in this city for over ten years. I love the seafood in this city as well as its beautiful scenes. In summer, I can go to the sea to see the sun rise, or enjoy the fresh cool sea water. On weekend, I can go to the park to have a walk. Shen Zhen is my hometown. When I grow up, I want to make contribution to this city and make it becomes a better city.




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1. 审题不清





误 my father and my mother is all teacher。

正 my father and my mother are both teachers。

