如何进行演讲 英文作文(精彩20篇)

能遇上是莫大的缘分,能结婚是莫大的福分,当朋友们结婚的时候,送上自己的祝福是应该的,即使不能亲自到,也要把心意送到,下面请欣赏红包贺词吧!接下来就是小编给大家整理的关于如何进行演讲 英文作文优秀作文,仅供大家参考,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的!






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Dear Ms. Fu,


I would like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you gave to

me when I was in junior high school. I enjoyed being taught by you immensely.

You are an excellent teacher and inspired me to continue learning with an open

and positive mind.


I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what

is responsibility. You helped me how to find the best place for myself and look

for the personal values. I remember you gave me a book as a present of the

Spring Festival. You are the first teacher who gave me a present which I was

moved for a long time.


I would further say that you gave me so good memories that I wish I could

go back to that time again. It was you who encouraged me to overcome obstacles.

It was you who cared about my emotions. I appreciate all you have done for me,

which meant so much to me. I hope that this letter brings my best wishes to you

and I once again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life,

which I shall cherish forever.


Sincerely yours,




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Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。

Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。

Blood will have blood.血债血偿。

Books and friends should be few but good.读书如交友,应求少而精。

Business is business.公事公办。

Cheats never prosper.骗人发不了财。

Business is the salt of life.事业是人生的第一需要。

Cannot see the wood for the trees.一叶障目,不见泰山。

Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。

Caution is the parent of safety.小心驶得万年船。

Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言传。

Choose an author as you choose a friend.择书如择友。

Come what may, heaven won‘t fall.做你的吧,天塌不下来。

Complacency is the enemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。

Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是走向成功的第一步。

Content is better than riches.知足者常乐

Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。

Count one‘s chickens before they are hatched.蛋未孵先数雏。

Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.来而不往非礼也。

Creep before you walk.循序渐进。

Cry for the moon.海底捞月。

Custom is a second nature.习惯是后天养成的。

Custom makes all things easy.有个好习惯,事事皆不难。

Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手。

Do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。

Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人。

Doing is better than saying.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。

Do it now.机不可失,时不再来Do nothing by halves.凡事不可半途废。

Don‘t claim to know what you don‘t know.不要不懂装懂。

Don‘t have too many irons in the fire.不要揽事过多。

Don‘t make a mountain out of a molehill.不要小题大做。

Don‘t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。

Don‘t put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置。

Don‘t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.不要自找麻烦。

Don‘t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.不要班门弄斧。

Do well and have well.善有善报。

Each bird love to hear himself sing.孤芳自赏。

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。

Easier said than done.说得容易,做得难。

Easy come, easy go.来也匆匆,去也匆匆。

Eat to live, but not live to eat.人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。

Empty vessels make the greatest sound.实磨无声空磨响满瓶不动半瓶摇。

is good when new, but friends when old.东西是新的好,朋友是老的亲。

Example is better then percept. 说一遍,不如做一遍。

Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.经验是智慧之父,记忆是母亲。



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Today is June 21st, Fathers Day. There is an indescribable feeling in my

heart, because I am not by their side, my parents are over 50 years old, and a

son cannot be filial by his side, and when the family is busy with farming, he

has to go to the construction site to sell his coolies in exchange for a little

bit. Poor wages.

I deeply remember the year when I went to school in 1999, my father told me

a sentence: "I can only put you in the car, and the future is up to you." I

understand what he meant, he was in Tell me that your brother went to a normal

school, and I will also enroll you in a secondary school. After school,

everything is up to you. My fathers teachings are like a lamp, illuminating my

future and inspiring me all the time.

I am a native rural boy. At some point our way out is to go to school. My

three brothers and sisters all went to secondary school, which is a huge expense

for a rural family. But in the eyes of my parents, we must be more promising

than them, not to farm at home, even if the family is busy with farming, we

should read books at home. I clearly remember that when I was in the first grade

of junior high school, my father and mother were working in the farmland. When I

went home to fetch water to drink in the field, I found that I was not reading,

but watching TV at home. Dad was very angry at the time, and asked me to take

the book and follow him. I followed him in despair. When he got to the field, he

asked me to read books there. He even found an umbrella for me so that I would

not be exposed to the sun. Although Dads eyes were harsh, they were more warm

and caring. At the time, I didnt understand the good intentions of my parents,

but now I really feel guilty when I think about it.

Dad, today is Fathers Day. In the past 28 years, you have done so much for

us. I can never repay in my life. I hope you are happy every day, healthy and


Whenever I walk heavy, I can always remember the power of your gaze and

move forward. Dad, you are my crutch at all times, give me support, give me

direction, give me strength, so that I can walk every step of the way in the

future. Even if you are not by my side, that deep fatherly love will still help

me forever!

Now that I have become a father, I have a deeper understanding of the kind

of expectation and care I have for my children. Dad I will always love you.

Again, I wish the parents of the world good health and long life.



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Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practise using the microphone and any visual aids. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers. Know your material. If you’re not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase. Practise your speech and revise it if necessary. Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don’t want you to fail. Don’t apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience’s attention to something they hadn’t noticed. Keep silent. Concentrate on the message — not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your nervousness will dissipate. Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm. Gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need. 熟悉场地。争取熟悉你要在那里发表演讲的环境。提早到达并巡视讲台,练习使用麦克风和其他辅助视觉设施。 熟悉听众。在听众进入会场时向他们致意。向一群朋友演讲总比对一群陌生人演讲来得容易些。 熟悉你的讲稿。如果你不熟悉你的稿子或者对它不满意,你的紧张感就会增强。练习一下你的演讲稿,并且做必要的修改。

放松自己。做些准备活动松弛紧张的神经。 设想你自己演讲时的情景。想象你自己在侃侃而谈,声音洪亮、吐字清晰、充满自信。倘能设想自己成功,你就一定会成功。





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Dear customers

All sensors is pleased to announce that we have been acquired by Amphenol

Corporation. We are very excited about this event. The daily business of our

respected customers and all sensors will not change. We will continue our

business as usual, and your dedicated sales, customer service and engineering

liaison staff will continue to work to meet your needs for pressure sensors.

Amphenol group is the worlds leading sensor technology driven company, and

the acquisition here will provide more opportunities to provide better solutions

through collaboration, and to meet your demand for pressure sensors by realizing

a larger product portfolio.

All sensors will continue to drive new product development, similar to many

new products and more complex digital products launched in recent months. All of

these low range and high precision sensing solutions continue to keep the

industry leading.

For more product details and new product information, please feel free to

contact your local regional sales staff.



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This is my room.

A computer, a pencil case and some books are on the desk. The baseball is under the desk. My backpack is on the bed. look! Here is my watch. Its on the dresser. Where is my notebook?

Oh,Its under the bed.



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Today, I came to the breakfast. See the lads with chopsticks busy busy. So

I took a seat, a young man walked to come over and ask me to eat something, so I

had a bowl of beef noodles peppers. Soon, a noodles. I take chopsticks, soon

finished eating. On the way to school, I also think that bowl noodles.




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求职通常分为几种类型,包括索取公司应聘申请表及详细资料的不带的求职信,附简历的应征求职信,试探性的求职信等等。 那么,英文有哪些呢?


在招聘广告中,常要求有意申请者可致电或致函索取公司的申请表格。索取这类申请表格的求职信一般都比较简短,格式参照范例。 得到申请表格后,仔细填写后一般与简历一起交给公司。申请表格的填写。

附简历的应征求职信具有向招聘者说明简历和具体求职内容的作用。简历中你已经将自己的职业经历或教育情况列表说明了,在求职信里就应着重表达自己的意见。在求职信里要简短地对简历中提到的与应聘职位有关的职业经历和技能加以说明。但是,只是简单的重复简历里的内容是不够的。要把简历里没有的内容充分添加进去,显示出与其他应聘者的差别。你需要表达的观点是:渴望、确信、真诚(I am keen, I am clear and I am sincere)。在第一段里,陈述你渴望得到这个空缺职位,第二段说明你已了解这项工作和公司的要求,说明你为什么认为你符合它们的招聘条件。第三段讲清你本人希望在何时面试,何时可以上班。第四段采用能使公司相信你对这项工作真正有兴趣的语句结束这封信。







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Travel security, is not only related to his own life and safety, also respect others life to reflect, it is to build the harmonious societys important factors. Through the flow traffic, "loving the life, safe travel" eight words in my mind appears more prominent. Mention travel security, it is hard to let a person think of traffic safety. In daily life, traffic safety always around us. As long as you travel with traffic safety, and hit the idea. An absent-minded, when walking when crossing the street when a fluke, drive a violation, is only a little oversight, all these will make a life is transient.

Fly xuan wheels will mercilessly devoured the pedestrians life.

Ever seen a story:

"national every 6 minutes will have one person died of a wheel under". This is not true.

Bitter facts once again give us was a wake-up call: "civilized journey, civilization walk". Modern traffic developed although has brought people endless facilities, but also increased a lot of security lapses. Someone once said traffic accident for "modern social traffic war", traffic accidents like an invisible killer, lurking in the road waiting for illegal illegal person appear. Therefore, people should learn to protect themselves, make a civilized journey, civilization walk habit.

"Human life only have once," "the most precious is life", the blood tragedy told we must abide by traffic regulations, accomplish truly "loving the life, safe travel".

Safe travel, builds the good traffic running environment for the harmonious societys construction unconscious, and building a harmonious society and to the construction of traffic safety hold up a blue sky. This is a win-win wisdom. As an ordinary pupil, abide by traffic regulations, maintain traffic order is we should have the social morality. "Civilization walk, to construct harmonious", this requires each citizen starts from oneself, from small start, let "peace avenue" more unimpeded!



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The main importance of goal setting is that it provides us with direction and purpose. When we have goals, we know what we want to achieve so that we can focus our mindson a single worthwhile target and avoid getting distracted easily. Personal goal setting also provides us with motivation to achieve what we want to achieve.

Goal setting is of especial significance for today’s students. A study reveals that when students set goals, they learn the importance of taking responsibility, of minimizing excuses and of helping others. Goal setting is a lifelong skill that first helps students succeed in school and then later in life.



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Ofo is very popular nowadays, which brings great convenience to people. For

foreign media, they even treat Ofo as one of new four inventions in China. I

like to use Ofo so much. I can take exercise and enjoy the scenery. But the news

reported that a lot of Ofos had been destroyed. some were stolen and some were

broken. Ofo is the new industry, which needs to be supported. While some

peoples bad behavior hurts publics interest. I believe that most people will

protect the bikes and they return them on time. It is everybodys duty to

protect the public property. Dont be greedy for the small advantage.



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Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem comes that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is. For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 2000, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary. Lets imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation.



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July 18

I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my

friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn’t go to

someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were

having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends.





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work at home ,a special computer ,instead of

robot , confortable What people s Life In the Future Will Be

In the future, people will work at home since robots(机器人)will do most of the work instead people. Even those have to go to important work only need to stay at home in front of a special computer which can control the work far in the factories. All in all(总之),people will lead a comfortable life in the near future




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When winter comes, especially the cold wind blows, I dont want to go out

of the house. Though the outdoor activity is limited, I still can find a lot of

things to do. The happiest thing for me is to eat hot pot with my families, at

the same time, we watch TV show. Doing these two things together can help us

better communicate and enjoy the family hour. The second thing I want to do is

to stay in bed and play computer. The warmness makes me feel so comfortable. I

will bring some snacks and then enjoy watching movies. Staying indoors also can

make me happy.



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When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it,too. Success without some luck is almost impossible. The French emperor Napoleon said of one of his generals, “I know he’s good. But is he lucky?” Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world can’t make up for bad luck. However, hard work can invite good luck.

When it comes to success, luck can mean being in the right place to meet someone, or having the right skills to get a job done. It might mean turning down an offer and then having a better offer come along. Nothing can replace hard work, but working hard also means you’re preparing yourself opportunity. Opportunity very often depends on luck.

How many of the great inventions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance? One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus’ so-called discovery of America. He enriched his sponsors and changed history, but he was really looking for India. However, Columbus’ chance discovery wasn’t pure luck. It was backed up by years of studying and calculating. He worked hard to prove his theory that the world was round.

Success that comes from pure luck and no hard work can be a real problem. For example, consider a teenage girl who becomes a movie star.

Imagine she’s been picked from nowhere because of her looks. She is going to feel very insecure, because she knows she didn’t do anything to earn her stardom. On the other hand, think about an actress who’s spend years learning and working at her craft. When she finally has good luck and becomes a success, she will handle stardom better, she knows she earns it.

People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready opportunity knocks. When it comes to success. I think that hard work and luck so hand in hand.




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“抢”“扯”“裹”“塞 ”几个动词,准确生动地表现了刽子手康大叔的蛮横态度,不耐烦的心情。“抓”“捏”两个动词准确地写出了他接钱,数钱的熟练程度。这一连串的动作,十分形象生动地刻画出了康大叔凶残、贪婪的嘴脸。

而肖像描写是指对人物容貌、神情、姿态、服饰等外在特征的描写,它同样是刻画人物性格和心理的有力手段之一。成功的肖像描写能表现人物的社会地位,生活环境,思想情绪,提示人物的内心世界和性格特点。人的服饰也往往与人的性格、身份有关,能反映出一个人的追求、好恶。à 句就是对人物服饰的描写,属于肖像描写。句中虽然有动词“装”“放”“装”,但这并不表示别里科夫正在做着“装”“放”“装”这几个动作,有这样几种行为,而且作者也不是有意想通过这几个动词来揭示人物的性格特点或反映出人物的心理。事实上这几个动词也无法把“个人的性格、思想和目的”“人的最深刻方面”凸现出来。这一段描写和另一段? “穿上雨鞋,带着雨伞,而且一定穿着暖和的棉大衣”描写一样,都是对别里科夫服饰的描写,属于肖像描写的一个方面。课文第一部分作者正是运用这种夸张的语言,漫画式的勾勒来揭示别里科夫种种有形的套子及自愿入套的心理,因循守旧的性格。这种独特的肖像描写,显得幽默诙谐,令人忍俊不禁,具有强烈的讽刺意味,给人留下了极为深刻的印象。从某种意义上说,正是这种独特的肖像描写,奠定了别里科夫在世界文学画廊中的独特地位,使他超越国界,具有更广泛的典型意义。





