如何进行演讲 英文作文精选20篇

能遇上是莫大的缘分,能结婚是莫大的福分,当朋友们结婚的时候,送上自己的祝福是应该的,即使不能亲自到,也要把心意送到,下面请欣赏红包贺词吧!接下来就是小编给大家整理的关于如何进行演讲 英文作文优秀作文,仅供大家参考,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的!






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“民生在勤,勤则不匮”。辛 勤劳动至少要包括这样几个内涵:一曰诚实。此乃“进德修业之本”、“立人之道”。其对立面是欺骗,弄虚作假。经济领域的制假贩假,政治领域的耍花架子,搞形式主义,虚夸浮报等,都是好逸恶劳的表现。二曰敬业。对待劳动和工作尽职尽责、精益求精。一个人懒的根源在于缺乏责任心、进取心和事业心,贪图安逸终究难成大业。三曰勤俭。“历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭败由奢”。热爱劳动的人必然十分珍惜劳动成果,珍惜财力和资源,精打细算,绝不会不计成本,挥霍无度。



时隔几十年,祖国没有忘记他们,人民永远怀念他们。他们用实际行动告诉我们:辛勤劳动光荣,以自觉的行动树起劳动光荣、热爱劳动的道德风范。其次,全体检察干警要抵制各种错误思想腐蚀,筑牢拒腐防变思想堤坝。“忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身”。在当今经济大潮的冲击下,各种腐败现象不断膨胀和漫延,使得检察人员也面临了形形色色的考验,我们要向先进典型方工、吴顺海、刘邦闹学习,清正廉洁,在工作、生活各方面严格要求自己,防微杜渐,在纷繁复杂的形势面前,经受住金钱、权力、人情和各种利益的考验和诱惑,用辛勤劳动的汗水去洗刷思想污垢,鄙弃追求享乐、贪图安逸的错误思想行为,做为人民群众谋利益的典范,使自己永远配得上人民检察官的光荣称号。第三,要进一步坚持勇于探索改革、不断开拓创新的作风。检察工作要改革,要发展,是要付出艰苦的劳动的。我们要努力克服目前少数干警中存在的安于现状、精神不振、不思进取、得过且过、不注意学习新知识、不认真开拓工作新局面、靠老办法、老经验“吃饭”等不良习性,使全体干警都振奋精神,不断提高学习与工作自觉性,拓宽视野,尊重客观规律,积极探索检察工作发展的新观念、新思想、新 路子、新机制,使检察工作不断适应新形势大发展。




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1. abandoned

forsaken by owner or inhabitants


Adopted children must face issues of abandonment as they grow older.

2. aggressive

characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight


But Bowser could appoint new and aggressive leaders in other city agencies, where Gray’s appointees have tended to be more cautious.

— Washington Post

3. alienated

socially disoriented


The more vigilant Allen was, the more resentful and alienated Nicholas became, and the worse things got.

— Class Matters

4. apathetic

showing little or no emotion or animation


“And some people are able to inspire otherwise apathetic young people to vote.”

— Forbes (Oct 21, 2014)

5. ashamed

feeling guilt or embarrassment or remorse


Then, ashamed and embarrassed, he disappeared under a duvet and grieved.

— BBC (Nov 4, 2014)

6. astonished

filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise


"Oh my God," he sputters, clearly astonished by the claim.

— BBC (Oct 18, 2014)

7. avoidance

deliberately avoiding


A small percentage use it for avoidance, to create a distraction, and an even smaller percentage use it to get attention.

— New York Times (Oct 30, 2014)

8. awful

exceptionally bad or displeasing


Well, its ugly, its awful, but at least its official.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 2014)

9. confused

unable to think with clarity or act intelligently


Veterans service organizations had braced for a flood of calls from confusedveterans, but said so far they’ve not heard any complaints.

— Washington Times (Nov 11, 2014)

10. courageous

able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching


"To share in this way is courageous, powerful and generous," Dunham tweeted at the time, adding a link to Dylan Farrows letter.

— Seattle Times (Nov 4, 2014)

11. depressed

filled with melancholy and despondency


Hours of rehabilitation left him feeling depressed at times.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 2014)

12. detestable

offensive to the mind


Instead of making him more likable, it made him more detestable and he ended up becoming passive-aggressive.

— Salon (Oct 19, 2014)

13. devastate

overwhelm or overpower


In the aftermath of the quake, ordinary Italians were devastated and outraged.

— The Verge (Nov 11, 2014)

14. disillusioned

freed from false ideas


People were scared, disillusioned and confused, so they didn’t vote.

— Salon (Nov 10, 2014)

15. distant

remote in manner


Her parents, though, were distant, and the young Jean soon developed the strong independent streak which has characterised her life.

— BBC (Nov 10, 2014)

16. eager

having or showing keen interest or intense desire


Democratic-primary voters are always eager to see a fresh potential candidate.

— The New Yorker (Nov 10, 2014)

17. ecstatic

feeling great rapture or delight


"I was just so ecstatic to get the ring back."

— Chicago Tribune (Nov 6, 2014)

18. embarrassed

feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious


Together, they embrace then pull apart as if embarrassed by the physical closeness.

— Seattle Times (Nov 10, 2014)

19. energetic

possessing or displaying forceful exertion


Niall had been a goofy, energetic, creative kid who wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do with his life.

— Washington Post

20. enraged

marked by extreme anger


When he returned home, he searched his wife’s cell phone and becameenraged when he found a picture of another man, prosecutors said.

— Reuters (Nov 7, 2014)

21. frustrated

disappointingly unsuccessful


"But it still make me sad that I can’t speak well. I call my interpreter when I get frustrated."

— Reuters (Nov 12, 2014)

22. furious

marked by extreme anger


White House officials were furious, calling Krones behavior "unprofessional."

— Seattle Times (Nov 10, 2014)

23. hateful

evoking or deserving hatred


Most people have been supportive, she said, but others have been hateful.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 9, 2014)

24. hesitant

unable to act or decide quickly or firmly


He is hesitant around me, kind of respectfully shy.

25. hostile

characterized by enmity or ill will


They continued to back Mr. Dunkle, saying an independent investigation had found he had not created a hostile work environment, Bishop Sisk said.

— New York Times (Nov 7, 2014)

26. hurt

psychological suffering


“It hurts me and it pains me. Paul is with him, but I sometimes feel like I’m failing as a mother.”

— New York Times (Nov 12, 2014)

27. ignored



Have you ever felt ignored for no reason at all?

and inadequate.

28. indifferent

marked by a lack of interest


A few staffers, though, seemed either indifferent or downright surly.

— Forbes (Nov 7, 2014)

29. inquisitive

showing curiosity


Her older sister, Boedges added, “is an inquisitive girl, very talkative.”

— Washington Post

30. insecure

lacking self-confidence or assurance


I was so insecure, and I hated myself.

— Time (Nov 1, 2014)

31. insignificant

of little importance or influence or power; of minor status


“Hell, a kid’s already scared of being small and insignificant,” he once said.

— The New Yorker (Nov 5, 2014)

32. intimate

marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity


The couple grew so intimate that the woman promised she would move to New York in six months.

— New York Times (Nov 7, 2014)

33. jealous

suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival


"I think it was really hard. I think he was a little jealous of the video guy at first," Gomez joked.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 6, 2014)

34. optimistic

expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds


She said the talks were going well and she felt optimistic that progress could be made.

— BBC (Nov 12, 2014)

35. perplexed

full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment


The bankers who arrange the loan deals say that they are perplexed.

— New York Times (Nov 4, 2014)

36. playful

full of fun and high spirits


He says the fourth “Toy Story” installment will “open a new chapter” in the lives of Woody, Buzz and their playful pals.

— Washington Times (Nov 7, 2014)

37. rejected

rebuffed (by a lover) rebuffed (by a lover) without warning


The break up with his best friend left him feeling lonely, rejected, and generally out of sorts.

38. remorseful

feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses


In a statement, Chow said the running back was “contrite, embarrassed andremorseful.”

— Washington Times (Oct 15, 2014)

39. repugnant

offensive to the mind


These incidents now strike us as repugnant discrimination.

— Slate (Nov 7, 2014)

40. resentful

full of or marked by indignant ill will


This is how we, the electorate, are being described: sour, dyspeptic, demoralized, disgusted, rebellious, frustrated, resentful, angry.

— Seattle Times (Nov 7, 2014)

41. scared

made afraid


"Im scared right now," she said as she watched smoke from the burning house.

— US News (Nov 11, 2014)

42. skeptical

marked by or given to doubt


Faced with skeptical — or sexist — editors and colleagues, the women found that work sometimes came at the price of their personal lives.

— New York Times (Nov 12, 2014)

43. submissive

inclined or willing to give in to orders or wishes of others


Finally, a textbook that teaches women the manly pursuit of science in terms that our feeble, submissive lady brains will understand.

— Salon (Oct 14, 2014)

44. terrified

thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation


"She knew she was going to be murdered. She was terrified".

— BBC (Nov 12, 2014)

45. threatened

likely in the near future to become endangered


"I was disgusted that my voice was ignored, but they felt threatened after being called by a politician."

— BBC (Nov 12, 2014)

46. victimized

of persons; taken advantage of


Any girl suspected of being attracted to girls was gossiped about, victimized, and shunned.

— Middlesex: A Novel

47. vulnerable

capable of being wounded or hurt


"She is so funny and vulnerable," he said.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 12, 2014)

48. withdrawn

tending to reserve or introspection


Executive coach Maureen Moriarty believes that those who fail to communicate their feelings at work are often perceived as aloof, cold,withdrawn or untrustworthy.

— US News (Nov 11, 2014)

49. worried

afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble


According to the survey, 80% of Americans are worried about the government’s monitoring of phone and Internet communications.

— Wall Street Journal (Nov 12, 2014)

50. worthless

lacking in usefulness or value


“I was just tired of it. I was letting my family down; I was feeling worthless.”

— US News (Nov 5, 2014)



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how to discribe my father s characator seemed very easy in the past.but , maybe i ve got wrong and been wrong all the time.

in the past , when my nature mother was still living with us , he had a savage mood which often frightened both my mother and me .after they got quarrelled , a fight was unavoidable .maybe a fight contains misunderstandings of both ,but in those day ,i thought that it was all my father s fault.i hated him! he was the ghost in my life!

when i was sixteen ,my life changed because of the death of my mama.she was badly hurt in a home accident, and though the god she believed had no power to rescue her.from then on ,my figure change a lot ,from a naughty, passionate boy to a quiet and diffident boy .i didn t want to talk with anyone .my father ,however was seriously flustrated, he also had to take the reponsibility of bringing me up.during that very hard moment , on one hand ,he had to stand up for the tragedy, on the other hand ,he had to work hard to support my education. as in that time ,all me got in hand was only 3000 yuan , if i succeeded in entering a higher school ,at least ,would cost 7000 yuan a year,that s not a money of bit.

i ve always thought that i must be the most unfornate one in the world .when i got frustrated in life , i d nowhere to explain as i d been used to express my heartache to my dear mother and now she wasn t there .every time i saw the mothers and sons pass aside me ,i felt so sorrow ,and i knew how longly i was!i was sure indeed i was the most sorrow one !




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dear teacher,

i am not feel verwell thidays,and cough seriously,so,i went to see a doctor yesterday, the doctor told me that i have had a badlcold, he let me stain bed daand night, taking pillthree timea day.ayou know, i can not go to scholl.cared bmfamilies,i am sure i will get well soon,i will trmbest to catch up with mclassmates. thanks!





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Following the rules can make the world in order, so that everyones time

wont be wasted. But there are always some people try to break the rules, just

to show how different they are, some even think it is cool to do it. Recently, a

young guy was riding his sliding plate in the railway station. He ignored the

staffs warning and just kept the way he was. He even shouted at the staff. At

last, when policeman came, he apologized and promised would not do it again.

What a rude boy. He only thought about himself and ignored the rules. What he

did wasted everybodys time. Breaking the rule only got himself a bad




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Hello, everyone. I’m very happy to stand here to introduce myself. 大家好,很高心站在这里介绍我自己。

My name is Wang Xiaoming. I’m 14 years old, from Zhen Jiang Zhong Shan Road Primary School. It’s a beautiful school, and I love it very much.  我叫XXX。今年14岁。我来自镇江中山路小学,这是一所美丽的学校,我很喜欢它。

I’m a happy and talented boy. I like to make friends with others, and I get on well with my classmates. Basketball is my favorite sport. I always play basketball in my spare time. Through this game, I get many benefits.  我是一个快乐、聪明的男生。我喜欢交朋友,并且我和班上同学相处的很好。篮球是我最喜欢的运动,我经常在空余时间去打篮球。通过这项游戏,我获得了很多有益的东西。

At school, I study Chinese, Math, English, History, and so on. I like all of them. And I’m doing well in my study. I’m interested in learning English very much. I believe that I will do well in future. I won’t let you down.  在学校,我学了语文、数学、英语、历史等课程。我很喜欢这些可能,并且好好学习它们。我很有兴趣学习英语,并且我相信我能学好它。我不会让你失望的。

Thank you for your listening. 感谢您的聆听



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Tourism in China

Recent years have seen a tency in China that tourism is growing faster. According to a recent survey made by some experts, about 47% urban resits travel regularly, and 28% rural resits also make their tour across the country. The survey also shows that more people are interested in tourism, and will join the army in the future.

Facing this tency, we can&’t help exploring some underlying factors that are responsible. In the very first place, with the policy of reform and opening up, Chinese people&’s living standard has been greatly improved, and therefore, most of them can afford to travel around. What&’s more, it is believed that people now take a more positive attitude to tourism, and regard it as a life style. In addition, tourism facilities are becoming better and better. For example, transportation develops fast, and many scenic spots are available now.







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Dear mom and dad:

In the last night, I and you had a quarrel. Now I know yourself wrong, in

this specially apologize to you. I know that I sometimes is very capricious, but

Ill certainly be correct. Look at my future performance. Ill work harder you






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Dear pen Pal ____ :

Hello,my pen Pal!Let me talk about my favorite animals.

I like cats,because he has a round face,big eyes,always so lovely.His ears were small,furry above.It is small,my favorite.

The second is the dog.Some dogs have curly body.And it also and humans are good friends,it often helps to human beings.His faithful let me also like it.

I also like the rabbit.Especially those with white rabbit fur,wool is slippery.At the same time it is also very good,so I like it.

I like the three small animals,I dont know what do you like?

I wish you:

Learning progress

your pen Pal:



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我最喜欢运动员 My Favorite Player

I like to play basketball very much. I will ask my friends to play match every week. Yao Ming is my favorite basketball player. He is so great, he not only plays so well, but also has the fans from all around the world. I fall in love with basketball because of Yao. Though he is retired, he is still the great idol in my heart.





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Dear, thank you for liking and using Mary Kays products. As a professional

beauty consultant, I will teach you how to use the products better.

1。 Mary Kays formula requires very high requirements. If a friend gives

you a set of Mary Kay, or a formula selected by her own feelings, the formula

may not be completely targeted at your skin, and it will not have any effect,

which wastes time, money and feelings. Be sure to consult a beauty consultant to

design the formula for you! Skin needs to change the season to adjust the

formula, so you need to contact the beauty consultant regularly to accept the

guidance of changing the formula!

2。 Mary Kays skin care products are maintenance type. The longer you use

it, you will start conditioning from the bottom of the skin. From the inside of

the skin, it will be tight, full of elasticity, more and more transparent, and

more and more healthy, so dont rush for success!

3。 Mary Kays tripeptide one molecule is the worlds first small molecule,

with strong absorption and penetration, which has surpassed the technology

content of Lancome and Estee Lauder and other first-line brands! After long-term

use, the skin will always be very tight! There is a tripeptide in the magic time


4。 Mary Kay products are passed the food and drug testing standards Oh! So

if our friends around us are pregnant, we can still rest assured!

5。 Mask two times a week must be done, mask is to help us get through the

pores, better absorb products, you can put the mask on the side of the wash

basin, wash your face directly after painting! For eXample, it can be fiXed on

Wednesday night and Saturday night!

6。 Since the establishment of Mary Kay company for 50 years, it has become

the first brand in cosmetics industry.

7。 If your skin has ever used freckle cream or whitening and anti acne skin

care in a beauty salon, and your skin is thin and sensitive to red blood, the

bottom layer of your skin must contain impurities and toXins. At this time, Mary

Kay products will help us to metabolize impurities and toXins in the skin. If

the impurities are not metabolized clean, the skin with toXins can not be

absorbed, let alone absorbed Skin will get better!

8。 During this period, the sales volume eXceeds RMB 700 million in one day!

This is the miracle of the whole cosmetics industry, created by Mary Kay! Very

shocking number! All over the country.

9。 Do remember, when we tell you that there is a discount during the

promotion, we must take it seriously, so that your interests will be maXimized!

Adhere to the use of beauty and happiness will always accompany you!



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I had an unforgettable birthday party when I was thirteen years old. Before

that, I had never invited my friends to my birthday party and it was my first

time to do that. When the party began, we had chocolate and juice at home and we

played a funny game. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, I liked them very much.

Later we went to a restaurant and had a big dinner. I had a birthday cake with

thirteen candles. I blew out them. My friends said, “Happy birthday to you!” I

was so excited. I cut the cake into pieces and gave them to everyone. I did not

do well in it, but we laughed and laughed. We were happy that day.

Money doesn’t mean everything, but friendship can make us happy. I can’t

forget that birthday party and I miss my friends very much.



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The day after tomorrow, that is, on __ 20. Is fathers day! You ready to

give dad what gift? As I give you advice?

Most of his father likes to stay up late at night watching the game, if you

also like me, is a small fan, then follow your father the old fans watching a

wonderful game!

If your dad doesnt like football, and the day is not at home, that you

will take advantage of this opportunity, your dads shoes, socks, clothes...

Take out all washing!

But if you do the coolie live, will help your dad to quit smoking! Not a

lifetime all dont let father smoking, but in this days, dont let father

smoking again, and said to him: "today is fathers day, you cant smoke, smoking

is harmful to health!"

Again, if your father is a do not smoke, drink, people who do not like

football, then you can help my father to reduce a little to work, if your father

is a man at night to write files or something, then you can help my father

rushed a cup of coffee or tea!

Anyway, fathers day, be sure to let dad healthy and happy!

So, my gift to good, are you prepared to on fathers day to dad what kind

of surprise?



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我首先来到了李叔叔家,李叔叔是个农民,靠种植大棚蔬菜走上了财富之路。我恭祝他:“新春万事顺!蔬菜长得旺,价格一路长!”乐得李叔叔连忙塞红包,盛情难却,只好收了。我又来到了瓦工张叔叔家,他们一家正在喝茶,我祝他们:“身体健康!万事如意,钱财如砖砌墙,越摞越高!”王阿姨听了合不拢嘴,给了我满满一捧糖果。接着我又来到了杨奶奶家,祝她老人家“身体健康,万寿无疆!越活越精神 ! ”她一高兴竟然笑掉了假牙,我也跟着乐开了怀。就这样,我挨家挨户给乡亲们送上了新春的祝福。我的口袋里塞满了红包,带来的方便袋也都装的满满的。



My most anticipated day —— the Spring Festival finally came, because in this festival, we children have good food to eat, new clothes to wear, lucky money to spend, and little friends to play。 What makes me happy is to give the people a new year。

At the three or four oclock of the first day of the year, I could not wait to hurry Dad up。 Our custom is on the first day of the new year, when the owner of the family opens the door and sells the rice, so I cant wait to finish the reunion tea。 After that, I find several convenient bags and I cant wait to get ready to go。 Mom jokingly said: "the family bought so many delicious, you are not the only cat to eat!" Oh! Mom, how can you understand the mind of the son, I dont give the people a new year to give them a new years blessing! I went to the village of West swiftly, and had been waiting there buddy confluence, began to give folks pay New Years call。

I first came to Uncle Lis house。 Uncle Li was a farmer, and he went on the road of wealth by planting vegetables in the shed。 I wish he: "spring maestro! The vegetables grow well and the price is long! " Uncle Li was hastily stuffed envelopes, shengqingnanque, had received。 I went to the Mason Zhang Shushu home, they are a cup of tea, I wish them good health。 "! Good luck in everything, money such as the brick wall, the more the higher the stack!" Aunt Wang was grinning, gave me a full of candy。 Then I went to Yang grandmother, wish her good health, a long life "! The more alive the more spiritual! " She was happy off teeth, I also follow the music open arms。 In this way, I sent my family from door to door to the people of the new year。 My pocket is full of red envelopes and all the handy bags are full。

After I pay New Years call, and buddies joined together at Home Xu Xu Grandpa, grandpa is an old revolutionary soldier, his four brothers are in the Anti Japanese war in the glorious sacrifice, he also because of the war and lost a leg, could not get married this year, 90 year old Xu Grandpa, lonely and helpless to sit down on the bed, and my buddies to him after, his money gave him a total of two thousand yuan。 We also classified the peanut melon candy in the bag and put it on Grandpa Xus bed。 Grandpa Xu was moved to tears and thanked us。 In fact, we should thank the old revolutionary soldiers such as Grandpa Xu, without their throwing head and blood, which has our life so stable and happy today。

The winter holiday was over, and the celebration of the Spring Festival was close to the end。 I think it was one of the most meaningful things I did during the Spring Festival。



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Lost and Found

On the evening of September 9th, 2011 , I lost a Samsung digital camera in the English reading-room on the 4th floor of the new library in the west district of our uruversity.

The digital camera can be generally described as follows. It is brand new and silver gray in color with a black leather coat. Whats more, the camera is as big as a piece of cake and as light as a regular mobile phone.

This camera is a birthday present from my best friend, so losing it upsets me a lot. The one who found it please contact me at 13811111111 from 19:00 to 22:00 in the evening or email me atwww.thanks@sina.comatany time. Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



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"La Traviata" is the most successful Dumas pen works. It tells the story of a dirty whore in the eyes of the world with a romantic, inexperienced youth poignant love story.

The theme of "love" is an indispensable part of literary creation. Depicted in Dumass love and will not feel embarrassed, shy, and I read his description in, see is sincere and pure love.

I was moved by the image of the heroine, Margaret. The author was not afraid of her prostitutes habits: loved luxury, dissolute life, often binge drinking. It is the real image that makes me feel the truth of the story and the delicacy of the emotion. On the other hand, the author goes deep into the inner world of the character. The life of merry is a reflection of Margarets abandonment of life and the reality of ambition. Similarly, Margaret also has some simple things. She pursues this sincere love, is willing to sacrifice herself, abandon the luxurious life, and also with the beloved. Everywhere for Valentines Valentines sake, do not want to spend a penny, so she sold her carriage, jewelry, shawls. In the end, even for the future of the lover and for the marriage of the beloved sister, give up the happiness that he has already got. You say that this woman is not worthy of love?

"In a Zhang Yan hues oval, inlaid with two black eyes, like painting Daimei - curved, general: this pair of eyes covered in thick eyelashes, when the eyelash falls, red cheeks seemed to cast a shadow on the nose, delicate, graceful, full of aura, nose a little outward open mouth: well proportioned, soft lips enlight gracefully, then revealing a white teeth, a layer of hair and skin colour, like people without hands touched the peach." this is the same sweater Dumas description of the Margaret trade, meticulous, clear and vivid. She seemed pretty face just act on paper, want to let people enjoy a.

In the article there is such a scene: Margaret is an alcoholic, put his body down, pain, heartache Armand Margaret, hold her hand, put it on his lips, two drops for a long time could not stop the tears dripping wet her hand. Armand loved tears and wept for Margaret. She didnt care for her tears. Armand didnt retain his feelings to express his feelings. Margaret was so touched by the fact that his work was so successful through the description of the task and the portrait of love.

Such a sincere, lovely woman, the last fate is miserable: soon after leaving her lover, she dies due to pain. When they die, they rush to collect accounts and interest immediately, and rush to auction her articles.

Margarets red and purple, behind but very lonely.



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A: The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street.

B: The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street.

分析:is in是常见词语,而situates in则是《大纲》上没有的,属于高级词汇。


A: At weekends, we have a lot of homework to do.

B: At weekends, we have endless homework to do.

分析:B句在表达时没有使用过于直接的a lot of,而是使用了endless。endless就是由《大纲》词汇end加后缀-less变化来的。


A: The bathroom and the kitchen are good.

B. The bathroom and the kitchen are well-furnished.

在表达要点时,B句使用了well furnished,这比good语气强,也显得生动。




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A pair of bright eyes and high nose up again with a glib mouth. One of my best friend -- Shen Huaqiao, he is honest, love to help the friends, so everyone loved him "have a hobby is love to engage in some activities of science and technology.

Once, I went to the science and technology group with him to sign up, and the teacher "hired" two of us on the basis of the performance of our class. This time, the teacher gave us the content of assembling the "simple robot". At the beginning, we installed the printed circuit board. We installed everything very smoothly, but later, the teacher asked us to install the outline of the robot. However, this is not how he installed the smooth, or not the screw, or the robot to the wrong bone - the reverse.

In a moment, I saw Shen Huaqiao in a bit of a hurry. The sweat on his face had been seeping out, and even the thread on the screw had been tortured, but he was still undaunted. After a long time, two feet were over, and he continued to work on the sweat. But his hands were not so easy. When I was about to finish the work, he just put the outline on the air and gasped for breath.

Then the teacher according to the time for our elected man of the match, let Shen Huaqiao who didnt get the ranking to come Thursday, after his efforts, Shen Huaqiao appeared on the entry list, he revealed the joy, but behind it is a success, and he has much hard work.

From what he did, I really learned a few words: "perseverance, hard work, success."
