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The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually

in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han

Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance.

This days important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han

Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that

Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddhas

body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar

month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to

show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a

grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central

Plains to the whole of China.

Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the

country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets,

attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns

to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited. "Guessing lantern riddles"is

an essential part of the Festival.

Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the

lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out

and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will

get a little gift. The activity emerged during peoples enjoyment of lanterns in

the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of

wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.

People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also

called the "Yuanxiao Festival."Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is

small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean

paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling.

Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and delicious. What’s

more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan”, meaning

reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the


In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern

dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and

beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent

lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks

from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local

governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first

full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing

fireworks and bright moon in the sky.




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For most western countries, Christmas Day is the biggest festival, and all

the people will have the long vacation, just as Spring Festival in China. With

the development of globalization, Christmas Day is celebrated by people around

the world. When the day comes, Christmas trees can be seen in many shops and

some products have the great discounts. One of the main reasons for people to

love Christmas is that they can get the great discounts from some products,

which saves them a lot of money. For American people, Christmas Day is the great

moment for the families to get together and enjoy the family hour, while for

some people they just treat it as the shopping day.



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记叙文也称叙述文,是一种以记叙/叙述的手法来表述人物、事件的文体。常见的属于记叙文文体的作品有:故事、游记、通讯、新闻报道、历史、 人物传记、日记和回忆录等。记叙文大致可以分为两大类:以记人为主的记叙文和以叙事为主的记叙文。前者主要是对人物的经历、活动或者性格特征进行叙述;后者则是对某一事件的发生、发展过程和结果进行叙述。前者重在描述人物的活动,而后者则重在表述事件的发生发展过程。


记叙文的写作要注意交待清楚六大要素,即时间(time)、地点(place)、 人物( character)、事件的原因(cause)、经过(process)和结果( effect)。




记叙文讲述的大多是过去已经发生的活动或事件,因此用过去时态(一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时)的作品比较多。但有时为了使文章显得更加真实、亲切和生动,也可以使用现在时态(一般现在时、 现在进行时、现在将来时、现在完成时)。


记叙某个人物的经历、活动或某件事情的经过离不开叙述的主体,即 “人称”。记叙文中的人称大多采用第一人称或第三人称的形式。第一人称的叙述主观色彩较浓,可以增强文章的真实感,有利于表述细腻的情感和细节的过程;第三人称的叙述可以超越时空的限制,更加真实、客观地表述某一人物活动或事件的全过程。

无论采用第一人称,还是采用第二人称,都要保持全文叙述主体的人称的一致性。注意:句式尽量要多变,不要通篇文章的句子都以人称代词开头,否则文章会显得单调沉闷。例如: I loved the book first because of its beautiful heroine. Then I found it a romantic love story which greatly moved me. I now find that it is better taken as the growth story of a naive girl into a strong-willed woman. I realize that it is the essence of the book that attracts such big number of faithful readers.



在全国大学英语四级考试的各种作文体裁中,记叙文需要应试者具有更全面的语言技能与篇章组织能力。四级考试中常见的议论文和说明文分别要求语言的准确性和论证的合理性、可信性;而记叙文的语言则以生动、真实、 贴切为准则。同一个记叙文题目,不同的人会描述不同的人物经历或事件,又很少有固定的表达或句式可供参考,这时作者的综合语言水平就会表现出来,对能否取得高分起到了相当重要的作用。 这就要求考生平时要多注意语言的磨练和积累。


1. 仔细审题,明确主题,选准素材,罗列提纲。

2. 写好第一段



The results of the college entrance examination came. I tore open the envelope. As soon as I saw the score,tears streamed down my face. I fell into my bed and did not get up the whole day. All was over. What is the meaning to live on earth? For the first time, I thought of death, of being a vagrant and of being single all my life. I was only seventeen. Wasn’t it cruel to me? My father was hurt and he could not stand it that his son was a disgrace. He was angry beyond words. My mother kept silent,and often I saw her in tears. Horror filled the house.


3. 结构要清晰


4. 尽量多使用表示转折、顺接、因果和时间的连接词

如first、second、moreover、for one thing…for another、on the one hand…on the other hand等。这样既可以显示语言功底,又增强了记叙内容的连贯性和生动性。

5. 文章不要写得太长

有的考生遇到触动自己内心情感的记叙文题目时就“一发不可收拾”,但由于时间有限,结果草草收尾,甚至没有结尾。四级作文毕竟是应试作文, 只要充分发挥出自己的英语语言水平,表述出所规定的内容就可以了。

6. 要多用四级词汇,要使句式多样化

没有语言错误并不是高分作文的保障(基本没有语言错误只是8分的基本要求) ;作文想达到11分以上,四级词汇和句型必须达到一定的比例。如,表示“重视”的词汇有stress,emphasize等,但选用短语attach importance to更能吸引阅卷人的注意;disagree和frown on sth. 都表示反对或不赞成,前者就平淡,后者表达意思很生动,更能引起阅卷老师的注意。


(1) 名词化手段:用名词或名词词组替换一个句子或句子的主要部分,然后使这个名词或名词短语成为另外一个句子的组成部分,以达到合并句子的目的。如:

We were very much surprised. Mary refused the invitation.

We were very much surprised at/by Mary’s refusal of the invitation.

(2) 定语化手段:根据语义关系,可以把其中一句转换成形容词或形容词性成分、分词短语、定语从句等,如:

The winnerwas in no mood for speeches. The winner was hot and tired.

Thewinner,hot and tired,was in no mood for speeches.(转换成形容词短语) 7. 字迹清楚,卷面整洁。尽量不涂抹。 8. 最后的2—3分钟,进行修改检查。




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Every May in Chinese lunar calendar is Dragon Boat Festival, do you know anything about it? Let me speak for you.

Once upon a time, there was a patriotic poet Qu Yuan, once he went to Beijing to go to work, see a decline of state variable, then vote Miluo River to commit suicide. Before he died, he wrote a poem. People in order to commemorate the patriotic poet, the annual Lunar New Year in May at the beginning of a dragon boat festival.

The main contents of the Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon boat racing, zongzi.

Dragon boat racing scene is very lively, crowded shore. Just listen to the sound of gunfire, paddled boat people desperately, but the river is full of cheering.

Rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, is for filling, with glutinous rice. When the package is very sticky, not professionals, but the package is not good!

According to legend, the dragon boat race is to salvage the Miluo River to die of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Threw rice dumplings into the river, is to let the fish and shrimp to eat, not eat Qu Yuans body.



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I am a girl of ten, and I live in a small mountain village far from Taiyuan. The only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is away for eight years, working in a city.

During the Spring Festival, my father came back home. He looked thin and tired. He gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city He stayed at home for only ten days.We are living a poor life now. But what I want most is not money, but my father. I miss him very much!



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My uncle has two dogs. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much.

One day, Mr. Smith came to visit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, he was surprised and said, ;My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?; ;Let my dogs come in and come out, of course,; Mr. Smith asked. ;But why are there two holes? One is enough!; ;But how can the big dog go through the small hole?; my uncle said.

Sometimes a clever man may make such mistakes.


有一天,史密斯先生来看他。当这个朋友看见门口上有连个洞,一个是大洞和一个小洞时,他感到吃惊并说,;我亲爱的朋友,为什么你的门上有连个洞?;我的叔叔回答说:;当然是让我的两条狗进出了。 史密斯先生问到:"为什么门上要两个洞呢?一个就足够了。"我叔叔说:;大狗怎能走小洞呢?;



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(一) 在丰富学生的表象中发挥学生的想象力



(1) 创造性观看电影、电视节目。


(2) 从参观、访问中寻找灵感。


(3) 在劳动、活动中进行创造。


(4) 利用十分钟队会,发挥想象,激发真情。










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My birthday is on XXX. I always have both happy and sad feelings on my birthday.

Why I am happy? I have group of friends that come over to celebrate with me. And they give me birthday presents, sometimes the gifts surprised me very much. Also, I can feel how much my family loves me because my parents always make a birthday cake for me.

They do not go to buy one, but make one themselves. I feel so happy about that. However, I understand my mother was the one who suffered the most pain on the date I came to the world. I feel so sorry for my mother for what she had suffered. But I promise her, I will take good care of her when I have that ability.







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During the winter vacation I did a lot of things. But I think this is the most meaningful thing. Do you want to know what it is? Let me tell you.

One day I was taking a bus to the park. There were so many people on the bus that some people had to stand. Suddenly an old man got on the bus. The driver said to the passengers,"Please give the old man a seat." But nobody gave his seat to him. I was angry at this. In our society respecting the old and cherishing the young is a traditional virtue. Id like to say "Please offer your love to others!"

From this thing I recognize that its important for us to help the people in difficulties.



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一年一度的广播比赛开始了,今天下午是我们三年级组比赛,大家充满了紧张和开..... 事不凑巧,偏偏我脚上有伤,不能和大家一起做操了,只能看着同学们做了,有些遗憾。

比赛在紧张热烈的进行着,轮到我们三4班上场了,只见同学们有模有样地迈着矫健的步伐走上台来,班长程宇豪带领大家喊起了嘹亮的口号:三四三四,团结一致,汗水辛劳,我能坚持。口号声在操场上回荡,震撼着我的心灵,班级荣誉感在我心里油然而生。大家广播操做的非常认真,排列整齐的像刀切过似得,每个人的表情都很专注,额头上的汗水都没人去用手去檫,身怕多余的动作会影响到整体的一致,大家一丝不苟的完成了整套动作体系后才长松了一口气,下来便是观看其他班级了,比赛缓缓进行着...... 全体比赛结束了,我们全校师生集合在操场上等待教导处长宣布成绩,此时此刻大家的心都提到了嗓子眼,我心里默默的念叨着:三四班一定是第一。当念到第一名时,我们全班同学屏住呼吸,竖起耳朵听……

"三四班第一”,此刻全班同学沸腾了,欢呼声响彻整个操场,全校师生也在为我们鼓掌,一时间操场成了欢乐的海洋,这一切被站在三楼的我看得一清二楚,我内心无比激动,我为三四班感到自豪。 这是一场在我缺席时,三四班仍能勇夺第一的一次难忘的广播操比赛。




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It will rain tomorrow.

He often runs in the morning.

They cried.

Tom exercises every day.


I miss my mother very much.

She wants to go home now.

The English club is going to hold an English party.

They all love her.


The music sounds wonderful.

The leaves have turned red.

She is a student.

We keep silent about that.


The teacher gave a book to him.=The teacher gave him a book.

They told me an interesting story.

The waitress offered me a bottle of wine.

My father will buy me a bike.=My father will buy a bike for me.

Miss Smith teaches us English.

5主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语:                                      S+V+O+C

They call me Xiao Wang.

I saw him swimming in the river.

We elected him monitor of the class.



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这个暑假每天,我们全家都会在电视剧前为奥运喝彩。今天,我们全家又围在一起看比赛。这但是是一场精彩的游泳比赛呀! 中国两名小将刘子歌,焦刘洋与世界记录保持者杰西卡.希佩尔展开了激励的战斗。裁判的哨声一响,选手们就像一支支离弦之箭一样跃入水中。她们双脚并在一起摆动,真像一条条美人鱼。呼吸时,嘴中吐出的泡泡晶莹剔透,就像一串串珍珠。在转身时,选手们双脚一蹬池壁,同时头往下一钻,猛力摆动双臂,四周泛起一朵朵美丽的“白莲花”。最后五十米,不可思议的奇迹发生了,只见刘子歌加快了击水的速度,奋力向前,好像一条飞鱼穿梭与碧水之中。似披荆斩棘,如入无人之地。当她到达终点时,整个水立方响起了雷鸣般的呼喊声。她以二分零四秒十八的成绩获得了冠军。焦刘洋也毫不逊色位居第二,同时二人多打破了世界记录! 我真佩服这二位运动员,因为她们在世界记录保持着面前,也那样的沉着,稳定,敢于拼搏!在这里我情不自禁的想说:中国加油,中国必胜!



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22 March 2006

Dear Tom,

Im just writing to let you know that were all well, and I hope you are, too. Unfortunately, Ive got some rather bad news for you: Im afraid I made a bit of a mess of Johns car. Anyway, heres what happened.

We were on our way to Carols after a long party, and I suppose it must have been about eleven o’clock. Well, the last few miles back home were really dark and deserted. I now realize I was probably going a bit too fast for a country lane because, although the road was fairly straight, I drove up onto the curb and went into a tree.

Of course, John was absolutely furious and started shouting at me and cursing. After we d argued for a few moments, we decided to look at the damage, and he calmed down a bit. Well, we found we could move the car, but the wing was caught on the wheel, so we couldnt drive it. I tried to pull the wing clear, but I didnt succeed.

Anyway, John went off to phone for a breakdown lorry, but while he was away, I had another go at the wing and this time succeeded in pulling it right off. I threw it onto the back seat, and by that time John got back and we were ready to go?so we didnt need the breakdown lorry at all. John has more or less forgiven me now, but he was very angry with me for a few days. I suppose I was a bit careless.

Well, thats all for now. Next time I write I hope Ill have better news for you.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Chen



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I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival.

Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy, Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day.”

On Christmas Day, shops are red and green. There are so many Christmas cards, Christmas hats, Christmas dolls and many colourful things. So shops look very beautiful. We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “Merry Christmas.” By the way, I think studying can also become much more interesting.

Christmas is coming, it also means a new year will come. Let’s study harder to welcome the new year!


it was christmas day yesterday. we had a christmas party at school. many friends of mine came to the party. after we said"merry christmas",we began to sing christmas songs, such as edelweiss, andso on. then we told some christmas stories, such as christmas father. then i danced and laughted with my friends. we all had a good time. when the party came to the end,we said "happy new year" to each other.


christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of december and has the same importance as chinese new year to people with english backgrounds. the celebration is for the birth of jesus christ, who is the son of god in christianity. now days christmas is no longer only celebrated by the christians, but by most people from all over the world.

on the twenty- fourth of december everyone gets excited for it’s the day before christmas which is called christmas eve. the children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “santa claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” the younger kids actually believe that santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that’s pulled by his reindeers. food like short bread and beer are prepared for santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in).

rise and shine on christmas morning! the children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. present wrappers everywhere! they look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….i hope no one’s disappointed. i feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. the christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. the tradition of christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. the rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good


Christmas is the most important festival in the western world.It falls on December 25th.When my mother and Istayed in America,we were invited by one of my mothers friends to have Christmas with an American family.We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house.They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house,such as Christmas candles,cakes,cards,little toys,biscuits and so on.A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall.How beautiful it was!We were impressed by these.We had abig meal.After dinner,they told us some interesting stories about Christmas.We learned that Christmas had something to do with God.We went to bed at midnight.Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true,we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presents.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.This Christmas was really unforgettable.Not only did Ihave agood time,but also Iknew something about foreign culture.



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The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said

it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.


The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play

basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain

stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.

