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幸福 姓勇敢,因为途中会有各种困难需要勇敢去面对,只有那些渴望梦想的人才会追求梦想。




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突然间,有一种念头窜上脑海:我每天为什么要过这样的生活呢?这样碌碌无为的生活,有什么意思呢?每天吃、喝、睡、机械的学习,这样是不是很无聊呢?我有梦想吗?我的梦想是什么呢? 吃过早饭,匆匆忙忙抓起书包赶去上学。仰头看,外面的天气格外的晴朗,格外的热,天高云淡,按常理来说,我的心情应该会很好。可是,火辣辣的太阳照在头上,心情格外的烦燥,我莫名的有些伤感,我知道这些伤感来源于我学会了思考,而这些思考让我无法理清头绪。我希望,现在的天气,如果是阴天雨天,会更好,这样我的头脑会更加的清醒。

上学的路上,我思考了很多。我相信,在世界的任何一个角落,随着生命的诞生,一个需要追求的梦想,也会随着它诞生。因为梦想要被实现,所以,我们要去追求,要去为它而努力。每个人都会在人生道路上不停的奔波,也会随着时间的推移,而改变自己对未来的追求。所以,每一个人都需加油,为自己与众不同的梦想而加油。 可能,每个人,都会对不同的人有所“辜负”,但是,每个人,都不会放弃梦想。因为有梦,所以,才有这个世界。人生就像一片茫茫的大海,没有梦想的人,永远找不到正确的方向。梦想,就是指南针,带着我们,引领着我们,走向正确的地方。因为有梦,我们在浪头中,有着一种不甘的想法。

因为有梦,所以,我们不向命运低头,我们不会屈服。梦想,带着我们,一路走来,让我们憧憬美好的未来…… 在陌生的地方,出现一张张陌生的面孔,一句句陌生的话语,但是,因为心中的梦,所以,我们不再退缩,我们不再害怕,不再犹豫,我们昂首挺胸,勇敢的面对自己的未来。

因为有梦,我们的未来不再是神秘莫测。因为有梦,不再胆小,不再畏惧,勇敢面对,因为,心中有梦。 有梦想,飞得更高!追求自己的梦想,永不放弃!



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Yesterday, we had a discussion. the topic is. What is my dreamEvery one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.

My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly iii. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. they took me there. I was saved.

A good doctor can save peoples lives. From then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will come true.



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可是有些人,每天自暴自弃,他们直想不劳而获,完全没梦想,甚至烧炭自杀,自己想不开而做出不好的事;或者失败就一直责骂别人,怨天尤人,一切都是老天爷不公平,一切都是别人的错……却不知:“天下没有白吃的午餐”,“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。”只要努力追梦,就可能实现自己的梦想。可是努力不一定会成功,但 我相信如果不先努力,梦想就一定不会实现,正所谓“自助人助天助”。只要自己先努力,老天一定也会帮助我们完成梦想。






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同为中国人,我们怀着同一个心,2008是每一个中国人的向往,是令每个中国人振奋的一年,是伟大的中华民族永远也不能忘记的一年。 奥运为中外的朋友建造了桥梁,让我们与世界更好的沟通。点燃奥运,点燃激情,点燃人与人之间久久熄灭的灯。 在2004年雅典奥运会的赛场上。外国人们为中国而感到震撼。中国奥运健儿们在短暂的17个日日夜夜里,一举夺下32枚金牌 ,17枚银牌和14枚铜牌,并且打破了世界记录。在雅典奥运会时,五星红旗冉冉升起,中国的健儿们热血沸腾,泪流满面,正是这种拼搏的精神和自信,使五洲四海的友人,都感到了一种震撼。每当欣赏奥运奖牌的时候,我就会为我是一个中国人而感到自豪!




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Since I was a little child, I had a dream that I wanted to be a doctor.

When I was little, I watched many TV series and movies about doctors. I thought

they were so great. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a doctor. In my opinion,

doctor is the people who can help patience get out of sickness and pain.I want

to be the person who can help others. However, being a doctor needs so much

professional knowledge and there is a long way to go. So I have to try my best

on my study and go to a good college.



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Everyone has aDream, and what is my dream? I dream said easy, it is very easy, says it is difficult, because the final success is minority. My dream is to be a football team.

Why I have such a strange dream? It is made up of many factors. I have to make a long story short, the main reason is that I like to play football; I love playing football; I want to play football; I would like to play football; Hope to be able to play football. But my mother gave me to the football class, and this is not a main reason, its just for my dream in the direction of the sweep of a burst of anterograde winds. It also further enhance the possibility of the dream come true. Although there is a good start and a half of success, although there are my inspiration for football, but want to succeed must not only have a good beginning and inspiration, depends on the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Someone once said: success is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. So even ninety-nine percent efforts to the day after tomorrow.

I will let myself to realize this dream! I will be in football career moves towards magnificently!







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Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it.


Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, remember that your destiny is hiding behind them. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices youve made, have faith in your judgment, catch the star that twinkles in your heart, and it will lead you to your destinys path. Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you.


Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but dont let them discourage you. Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.





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这是一个关于爱、关于梦想、关于生命 的故事。在这个故事里,我看到了紫岚为了“狼王”不惜一切,为了实现有价值的生存方式而展现的荡气回肠、震撼天地的精神世界!



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I am studying in a middle school now, it is my second year.If you ask

mewhat my occupation is, I will answer you that my occupation is student.I

havestudied for many years, many students don’t like being a student, but I am

notof them, I enjoy being a student.For me, I don’t have to worry about the

moneyissue, I can go to play with my friends, the most important thing is, I

likereading all kinds of books.I especially like to read the books about

travel.Ihave a dream, when I earn enough money, I must travel around the

world.So Imust work hard to realize my dream.



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Some people say that youth are a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.

80 years ago, in order to expel darkness for light, for an independent homeland and the rich and powerful, a group of high-spirited youth with blood and lives to write the song the most magnificent song of youth, drawn on a most magnificent picture of the youth.

Today, "54" Sports as a glorious page has been included in the annals of the Chinese nation. However, "54" is much more than just a historical case, it is a spirit, to show young people of our nation fiery love for the future and destiny of the country concerned about the performance of duty and mission of young people.

Today, we had the honor of this generation of young people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium on. We are fortunate. Facing the new century, our responsibility. Recalling our carry forward the "54" the spirit of thinking seriously, and they should have a kind of youth, what kind of life. Recall that the initial start Know "54" is a history lesson from the primary and secondary schools began. At that time, the teacher talked about "54" exercise, to us, on the imperialist powers of the various Chinese bullying on young people gave their lives for the motherland at various feat. At that time, although we still can not fully understand one of the profound truth, but like a ray of hope to illuminate the wilderness of ignorance, our young minds have sown the seeds of patriotism. Gradually, we grew up, we become their prime of youth, we more deeply understand the traditions and spirit of 54. Think of us once and almost 54 young people it big! They already provide us with the tender shoulders of a salvation from the task, and today the important task of the construction of the motherland will have no choice but to fall on our shoulders of the people of this generation, we should be even more prosperous homeland and dedication of us all?

Ah yes, we do not small, we should not stop at Forever Parent generous shelter sheltered under the wings. May 4 this year, we will take part in the swearing-in ceremony for adults. That means we will have the same father who together put up a blue sky.

Elders often say that we are people of this generation tank foam honey baby, with less sense of urgency, and less sense of responsibility. Indeed, compared with them, our lives more comfortable, more comfortable. But this does not mean that we can relax his efforts to reduce the duty on the shoulders.

People often talked about our old Subei always feeling great. Subei earth, are a beautiful and magical land, our region has Yanfu at the history of the Chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter. Army horse倥偬era, the land side, once for the Chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price. After new China was founded, the people here with their own hands, with people Subei diligence and wisdom, so that their homeland has undergone enormous changes. Speaking of all this, our hearts are always filled with pride. However, we should also see that here with the motherland when compared to other developed regions have a large gap between the individual places where poverty has yet to be further management. Here is the economy as a whole have to be further off. Us, as Subei youth, first of all should feel what? Calligonum duty, duty should be felt. "Health is my land, take care of me are this piece of land." We loved this piece of land at the foot. We have to assume the construction of homeland, prosperous homeland responsibility.

In my homeland, there is a father with my peers. He is nationally renowned for its rural Technology iron man. Him based on farmland, tirelessly studied the wheat, cotton, how to land on the homeland can have higher output. When his research has made the preliminary results, the cancer again and again to hit him. He did not fall, the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the Agrocybe visited farmers at home. Tireless efforts, he produced the fine varieties have been promoted by the popularity of plant technology, grain output increased peasant hands welcome such agricultural Members. Put him as the "Agricultural Iron Man." He is our example of good old youth. Last year, his swearing-in ceremony of young adults in our city on earnestly warned us, for the old economy to take off, it is necessary to study hard and master the scientific and cultural knowledge, based on their own, holding a heart, the non-semi-root grass go! We remember the iron man, we be aware of her own duty, our Yanfu old youth who will try our best.

Yes, our duty on the shoulders of every youth, if we look to the new century, the entire nation, and the construction of homeland, we will not shrink.

Li Dazhao had at "their youth," one paper wrote: "burst the shackles of history, wash away the history of Tourettes plot, the new national life, to restore the nations crisis." Although we have today without the face of lost territory, subject to war without smoke, but The task before us arduous same. We should strive to become Luxun described as "the creation of human history there has never been on the third generation." " dared not country" the world as, youth blood Xian homeland, tenacious efforts and selfless dedication for the prosperity of the motherland and contribute their wisdom and strength of all. Today, we are filled with people of talent, and tomorrow are the pillars of society, it is necessary to set off waves of Chinese take-off.













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Unlike Martin Luther King’s, my dreams are fair and plain, and there are

many of them. I have a dream from the first time I sit in a car—I want to


Driving is like running without foot, racing without strength. It’s the

most meaningful way to meet human being’s desire of “faster”. When driving, I

have to put all my spirit to. Operating a car at ease will cost years of


Driving will take me to my wanting destination, no matter it rains or snows

or winds. I never am afraid of shoes wet, umbrella broken or ears frozen. A car

is rather like a moving house, which protects me completely and helps me rush

directly to the aim hanging ahead. That suits my nature perfectly: love to take

risks conservatively. A smooth ride in a good car is an enjoyable satisfaction.

Seeing rows of trees moving backward rapidly, a feeling of stepping forward will

fill fully in my mind. With music hovering, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the


I was always sick when took a ride of a car, especially when I was young.

Father told me that a driver would never have carsick. That may be one of the

important reasons for me to desire driving.

This summer I am going to learn driving and get my car license. The dream

with all my heart will follow the promise it had made.



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Each people all have own dream, also have a dream in my heart, it deeply buried a pregnant with my ideal seeds, in my heart to take root, sprout.

Each people all have own dream, some people want to be a writer, someone wants to be a pilot, someone wants to be an astronaut, I want to be a human engineer teachers. Someone may ask me: "when the teacher have a good, low wages, work hard again, still not taken seriously by people", "the home has five grain, improper king" but has it ever occurred to you, if there is no teacher to teach knowledge, then we wouldnt it be a fool, because with the teacher teach us knowledge, we human beings can become more and more intelligent, more and more developed, it is because the teacher has given us a seam, we can swim in the sea of knowledge. During the day, the teacher standing on three feet platform for us to the lecture; Night, the moon has climbed up the tree, but the teacher in the flickering light of hard exercise books for us on the road the bright red tick... Maybe when one is surrounded by the joy of success, he would forget their loved ones, but he will never forget my teacher, because he has a teachers success is a credit.

I also is same, no matter how I look, how far, I will not forget my respected teacher, because I am in the teachers care, love grow up under the influence of bath, wherever I go to the end of the world will not forget their own teacher, so I aspire to the teacher the profession. Now I was a pupil, I must be hard, study hard, study hard, grow up to go in the dream three feet platform.






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Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the direction in the night.

every one of us has dreams,but how to make our dream come true?I think there are 3 ways to make our dreams come true.

first,never give up your dream.you should always do the things which will help you to make your dream come true.

second,keeping reading books every day.Books help us to know what we did is right and what wrong.

finally,be confident.every one should be confident in daily life,especially when faced with difficulties.

Dream ,the most beautiful word in the world.let work hard to achieve our dreams from now.










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When I go to school, my teachers teach me a lot of knowledge and show me

the way to explore the world. I admire my teachers so much, so I have made up my

mind to be a teacher when I grow up. It is always my dream. I must work hard to

realize my dream. From now on, I need to make the plan.



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When I was a younger, I used to dream aboutbecoming a fireman.I thought wow, wouldn’t it be great to ride around,and help people put out fires.

As I got older, I want to be like my father.He taught in a university, and I always look up him.So thats what I became a teacher.

My father and I have different styles, as do all teachers.And were both teachers and Im happy.In many ways, I feel that Im living my dream, I am luck.Sometimes the dreams weve when were younger,well, life may push it in another direction.And at last we actively pursue our dreams we have to adjust.

After all, your dream wont often pursue you,you have to cherish your dream and make it come true.Perhaps compromising a little is good, perhaps it matters to try different things.

We have to go through that positive limitations.For example, I tried to be a salesman, and I tried to be an invent manager.Finally I found the place I can grow is help others.Everyone has a dream, the question is can you make yours reality!

Talk about it:Are you living your dream?Do you have a dream to do something? What is it?What steps need be taken to achieve that dream?Would you ever quit everything to pursue your dream?

How hard it will be to change your mind to pursue your dream?What do you think of people who do this?Do you ever regret not following your dream?What stops people from pursuing their dreams?



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