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when we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. the opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. reality always frustrates us to be successful. we need to balance them. first, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality.

in this way, our dreams can achieve. lets work hard together to make our dreams come true.



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我要学好英文,因为当医生最重要的就是英文,而功课也要好,高中读完我想选择报考医学系,之后继续读到硕士、博士再实习,我会好好加油。当歌手最重要的就是学会写谱还有唱出来的歌要好听,如果比赛说要唱外文歌曲的话就要先学会讲英语,虽然我英语不是很好,可是我还是会尽我最大的努力。当医生开刀的时候不能分心,如果一分心,手术就有可能不成功,看到那些病人病还是没好,我会觉得很对不起他们,因为他们也花了很多钱在治疗,结果他们听到开刀结果是没成功,他 们心里一定也会很难过的。





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5岁,一个小孩应该沐浴童年幸福的时候 我自豪的认为自己已经长大了,每天看着电视里的作家出那么多书,有那么多钱,还能自己买吃冰淇淋,我极羡慕他们。我幼稚的跑去跟爸爸妈妈说,我要当作家,说作家能挣很多钱,可以买好多冰淇淋吃。没想到,他们说我还小,这些事以后再说。我不服气,心想:我还小吗,我都5岁了。我想证明给他们看,于是,我找来一本自己根本看不懂的大书,拿来纸和笔,有模有样的抄起了上面的文章,虽然我一点也看不懂,但我还是根据字的样子抄了一篇。

我理直气壮的拿给爸爸妈妈看,他们哈哈大笑了起来,我被搞的一头雾水,当作家就这么难吗? 9岁,人生的转折点 我慢慢长大,小时侯幼稚的想法早已更新,我又有了新的梦想。每次上美术课时,看到书上一幅幅美丽的画,看到杂志书封面上可爱的卡通,手痒痒的,总盼望着我也能画出那样的画,于是,我有了新的追求——当画家。为了实现这个梦想,我又去缠着妈妈给我报美术班。起初,我仅仅是为了当画家,可是,学了一段时间后,我对绘画的兴趣越来越浓,我越发感觉到,我学习绘画不应该只是为了当画家而已,也许它还可以给我带来很多快乐,陶冶我的情操。不用说,我这个梦想又泡汤了。不过,它让我明白了一些道理,也算有所收获吧。

12岁,思想渐渐陈熟的阶段 我12岁了,思想又变了。现在,我的梦想可不是那么简单了。我是很有爱心的,看到那些没钱读书的孩子,我很同情他们。如果有那个条件,我一定会去帮助他们。没错,这就是我现在的梦想,我要成为世界上最有爱心的人。我要凭我自己的能力,去帮助那些没钱读书的孩子,用什么呢?这又牵引出了我的另一个梦想,我要当一个世界闻名的导演,等我得到奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演的时候,我一定把所有的奖金都捐给希望工程,那一天,全中国,不,全世界的孩子都能读上书了,我也 世界闻名了。不过,我可不止是为了闻名世界哦!




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Once a man, get a good bow, the bow shot far and accurate, but the bow hunters believe that the appearance of some heavy, let people carve it in a picture. After the carve, the man tightened his bow and tried it, and the bow broke.

This little story tells us that the appearance is beautiful and luxurious without practical value. Such things are nothing, and the inner beauty is the real beauty.

Like some women in the society, they are unscrupulous in pursuit of the beauty of their appearance. Weight loss, cosmetic, breast augmentation, although their appearance may be more beautiful than the other women, but the injury to the inner body is not to be underestimated. It is reported that a woman has been taking a lot of weight loss drugs in order to lose weight for six months, though she lost more than 60 pounds. But when she went to the hospital for examination, she found that more than 70% of her organs were completely necrotic and could not be repaired. The appearance is beautiful, and the body and mind are devastated, so is it worth the beauty of the exchange? Try to think, a person who even discarded at all, more appearance decoration is not worth, but also make people joke.

Unlike the pursuit of beautiful appearance, the famous historian Sima Qian, in prison by castration of torture, looks very poor, looks ugly, but Sima Qian did not give up on the pursuit of the value of life, with his indomitable perseverance, written by Lu Xun as "historians of the masterpiece, without rhyme" Lisao "historical records". Can Sima Qian write this vast historical monumental, if he emphasizes the gain and loss of his appearance, and does not have a strong heart? It can be seen that the inner strength is truly powerful, and the inner beauty is the real beauty.

As we all know, Newton, a famous physicist, is always dressed and disheveled, but will you ignore his achievements and despise him? Deng Xiaoping is a short stature, but will you disdain the greatness of his "reform and opening" theory? Beethoven was deaf in his ears, but would you deny his creation in the hall of music? Cant, Ordinary dress and face can not cover up the light of inner fullness. To this, even the bright dress and appearance, but also enrich not ignorance and empty heart.

No matter in the past, or now, there are always some people who make jokes because they are overly interested in the attraction of their appearance. In the "treasure hunt" program, such a thing happened. A farmer took a ceramic expert to identify it. Experts identified it as the porcelain of Song Dynasty, but strangely, the appearance of porcelain was very bright and beautiful, and it was not like the cultural relics buried in the ground for thousands of years. Experts questioned this. The farmer answered that: the excavated porcelain was rusty, very unbeautiful, and let the friend paint it. In this way, a very valuable porcelain, it becomes Fenwenbuzhi. At the same time we exclamatory the ridiculous events, we can not help but feel sad for the farmer to pursue the gorgeous appearance. The farmer, in pursuit of the beauty of the surface, violates the desire and loses its true value. Is it not worth our deep thought that this practice, but the pursuit of external beauty?

Pay attention to the appearance, ignore the inner quality, the cloth that brings us is only regret, even tragedy. What is the "apple of Sodom" more helpless people sadder? "Maiduhaizhu" left is not right.

In life, we need the United States, but we have to mark occasions and to time, the connotation of internal cultivation and never give up the pursuit of physical beauty.



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Recently, the phenomenon of students pursue famous brands has become the focus of the public concern.They always do anything in order to buy what they want. What has caused this problem?It is no easy/simple task to offer the reason for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor.

There are two aspects reason as follows. On the one hand,with the development of the economy/society/people’s living standard, we can afford the articles of luxury. On the other hand,the mind of rivalry is the most important reason.The topic of the famous brands is the main idea among the students, they think a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste.

To change this situation, I suggest that college school students should cultivate positive values and look at things in a proper way.Although brand is the best way to show their status,we shouldn’t pursuit brand blindly.students ought to pay much attention to their studies.




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Should Class Attendance be Required?

Nowadays required class attendance is very common at colleges and universities. Most people accept ti as a necessary policy t ensure the normal teaching order and create a good study atmosphere. Besieds, they think it is a good urge for those students who lack self-discipline.

However, still some others do not agree this argument. In their opinion, rigid attendance policies do not benefit students studies. A student may have to give up a lecture which he finds bital to his studies simply because he dare not run the risk of being penalized for his absence of his course. Besides, they say there is no proven correlation between attendance and performance.

As for me, I am in favor of the latter opinion. Required class attendance may secure one hundred percent attendance for a course, but it does not make much sense. A student may never be absent in a course, but who knows whether or not he is just sistting there daydreaming all the time. Therefore, a student should allowed to decide for himself whether an in-class wxperience is worthwhile.




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I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its belief: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood; I have a dream .....

That one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state suffering from the heat of unfairness, suffering from the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice; I have a dream

That my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character; I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its evii racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and invalidity, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers; I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be gone,every hill and mountain shall be made Iow, and rough places will be made plane and crooked places will be made straight,and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.




我梦想有一天,在佐治亚洲的红色山岗上,原先奴隶的子孙、和原先奴隶主的子孙能够围坐在一起,亲如兄弟;我梦想有一天—— 就连密西西比州这个饱受压迫和不公正待遇的荒漠之地也会变成一片自由和正义的绿洲;我梦想有一天——我的四个子女将生活在这样一个国度:在这个国度中评判他们是非曲直的标准不是肤色而是其品质;今天我有一个梦想。





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My dream is to become a doctorEver since I was little, Ive had a secret desire inside of me that Ive been almost ashamed of: I want to be a doctor. I dont know why, and Ive always known its ridiculous, since my worst subjects are math and science. Im not altogether terrible at them, but Im more of a literature person.

Im also pretty lazy, which makes me think theres no way I could survive medical school. Should I make myself stop? Is there any chance of me being somethign Ive always wanted to be?



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I have a dream, that is, when a women, since the childhood I have seen many TV series about a soldier, let me by a lot of inspiration, let more determined at the same time, grow up to be a women, in fact, a soldier is not difficult, the key is to see if you can be a good soldier, to protect our country, it is the duty of each and every one of us Chinese people, I think if you want to work for the country, should start from around things, in fact, if you are careful observation will find we have a lot of studying to do in life

As a soldier, very few people are willing to go, but I am different with others, I think a soldier time good things, while a soldier some bitter, but can really exercise yourself, have a responsibility to the country, the classmates all say a soldier is bad, but every time I see people who take long, envy to them, they wear uniforms look very handsome, not because I want to go to the army only pretending, because want to do more service for the people, the people need me, I can arrive in time, the people have a difficult time, to be able to support them, let them feel the army concern to them, let them feel the warmth of the society.

Into an own strength to the nation, for the people, seeking truth from facts, do the real benefit of the people, is the responsibility of soldiering.






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Can open a shop when the boss, is the goal of every businessman, is everybodys dream.

If I really became a boss, want to open a store, that is, of course, want to open a senior restaurant, developing different creative food every day, let the boss when I try to eat, after my mouth and accreditation, you can share with customers.

So that I can not only meal a day, also can sit on the seat, waiting for everyone to taste my food, that is what a wonderful thing!

When a senior restaurant boss, eat every day to make money, eat fat, long like a maitreya, I am also willing to.

My goal is to introduce the worlds top chefs, contacted me this piece of diao mouth, also take care of my loyal customers, how to serve several.

Occasionally can also held a big stomach king game, see who can eat this store large twenty doses of pasta, launched by the first name can be obtained by the house of the prize "twenty doses of pasta to a", let the guests can always think of our meals.

Think "eat", I came to this shops dream, will make me work harder toward the dreams.











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Girls’ Dream

As a girl, I just like other girls, like to imagine how my future husband is. We imagine him as a prince, riding his white horse, coming to us. This is every girl’s dream, we hear so many fairy tales, in the story, there is a prince saves the princess from the difficulty. In girls’ hearts, there are heroes, they give the girls expectation for future.





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my secret dream

Everyone has his or her own secret dream. I wonder why I am gonna tell you my secret dream. No way! Heheh... I am gonna make up one secret dream for you. Any way, you will not copy everything I have written down. I am sure that you will get good ideas about writing it up.

When I was much younger, I had some secret dreams. One of mine was about becoming a super hero to save the world. Hehe. I hope it doesnt sound funny to you. Another secret dream of mine was about being the most handsome and intelligent man in the world.

Yeh, I know that sounds unrealistic. After all, that was a bubble dream only. I had a lot more secret dreams when I was a little boy. Some of them came true!




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My dream is very simple, it is also difficult - travel painter. Since I was young, I want to be a painter, but I dont want to be a painter to draw in the studio all day. I like to travel, like watching the scenery, want to see the landscape, so when I grow up I want to be a painter, travel at a place, a place, I painted all the pictures make it a memoir, to the old time will be very pleased.

Make travel painter is very simple, it is also difficult, simply because the painting can follow ones inclinationsly, difficult because require a lot of money, if the money up, everything is not so difficult. So I always think of it as a distant dream, not desire anything. I was stupid, not the topic, others taught several times I also learn cant, so I can only rely on study hard, but I am trying to learn, also can be to average. Mother is very worried about my study, I know I like painting, just give me a quote for a painting class. I will go to in order to dream, learn to draw, start is difficult, then more draw more skilled, up to now I have to calligraphy and painting a picture intermediate difficulty of feng shui and sketch. If you ask me to learn a few years of painting, painting now? I sorry to tell you: "five years, um... study on the pictures." But you dont laugh oh, Ive been coming to the end, the clever boy than I also want to learn at least four and a half years.

Remember I also cant talk at all at the age of three or four, others see I dont speak, think that Im a mute, mother heard, very afraid, teaches me to mother tongue every day. In five or six years old, I would speak, but up to now, I speak not clear, sometimes against the elder sister call I couldnt say any words clearly, so I practice every day. What does this have to do to talk with travel painter? Then you have to go listen to me carefully.

Painting at the age of five or six, I see this two word, mother didnt teach, I just say out, mother very happy, just call me a pen to draw, then, of course, I can only draw four feet birds. And so it all began.

Time flies, suddenly I have already become a big girl, but never change is I the passion for painting.








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I have a dream about my career. I want to be a teacher, because I think teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge. They can help students to enrich their knowledge. Besides, teachers can communicate with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart. Finally, teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to realize my dream.

