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Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. Children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The Christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. The tradition of Christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!



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Dear everyone,I think you arent really happy every day,so I have some advice for you to keep happy every,if you finish,I think you can be very happy.Firstly,make sure that you pay enough time in your studing,because if you get good grades,you can be happy and have enough patience.Secondly,you d better join some clubs,a good club can happy you to be happy,and it can make you really health ,too.Thirdly,you could communicate with others,and youll be happy after you communicate with your best friend.Why dont live some place quiet,and you can listen birds singing and dancing.Its really a good way to keep happy every day.I hope you have a good time recent



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1、 圣诞节,是耶稣降生的日子,是幸福光临的瞬间,是好运环绕的时刻,是快乐送出的季节。祝你天天好心情,事事都如意。圣诞节快乐。

2、 遇到冬天,才知道什么叫温暖;遇到圣诞,才知道什么叫欢乐;遇到你,才知道什么叫挚友。亲爱的朋友,感谢你的陪伴,愿你拥有一个快乐的圣诞节。

3、 铃儿响叮当,小鹿跑得欢。满载幸福来,装点你人生。圣诞老爷爷,笑声响云霄。带着好运来,装饰你的梦。祝你常开心,快乐每一天。好运永相随,幸福到永久。

4、 白色的圣诞节,飘落的雪花承载着一片片期许,好运与快乐在空中碰撞,洒落在你的心上。圣诞节,让你我共享快乐,共享浪漫。

5、 送你一棵圣诞树,树上的星星都记住了我的许愿,愿你健康平安。送你一张圣诞卡,卡上的字字都带上了我的寄语,祝你吉祥如意。圣诞节快乐。

6、 为你采撷雪花一片,用爱心温暖你的心田;为你点亮烛光点点,摇曳我的思念无限;为你挂满圣诞之树,把真心祝福藏在叶间;圣诞节,为你发送短祝愿,愿开开心心过圣诞!

7、 让鸿运扮靓青松,愿你的生活和和美美,让吉祥点燃鞭炮,愿你的事业红红火火;让如意敲响钟声,愿你的身体健健康康。圣诞节,让欢悦染红祝福,愿你的愿望美美满满。

8、 白雪皑皑的街头到处都是人群,大人小孩拥满街道,手捧雪花堆着雪人---圣诞老人。给圣诞雪人戴上红帽子,穿上鞋袜,把雪人装扮的神圣祥和,并向人们示意问好!把祥瑞、幸福、甜蜜的滋味展现给人们。“圣诞节”祝愿:你我他幸福安康如意!美好快乐长寿!

9、 圣诞的雪花在飘舞,喜庆的歌声在飞扬。欢乐的人群闹街头,门前的雪人穿戴艳。圣诞的老人问你好,祥和的面容喜庆笑。圣诞节祝你:一生安康吉祥无病疾,一辈如意幸福一帆顺。

10、 雪花飘舞着祥和,钟声传递着喜悦,苹果注满了平安,糖果填满了甜蜜,颂歌洋溢着快乐,短信充满了我最真挚的祝福。圣诞节,愿你快乐悠然,幸福安康!

11、 圣诞来到喜洋洋,阳光照身暖洋洋,心花怒放懒洋洋,吃吃蛋饭福洋洋,喝喝美酒醉洋洋,哼哼歌曲乐洋洋,百事顺利美洋洋,愿你圣诞节开心幸福沸洋洋!

12、 钟声敲响“平安”;炉火燃旺“狂欢”;雪花飘舞“吉祥”;圣诞树下“许愿”。祝愿朋友,圣诞快乐,开心平安,幸福无边!

13、 圣诞老人是爸爸,顺着烟囱往下爬,礼物塞满圣诞袜,平安糖果一大把,只为让我笑哈哈,爸爸爱我我爱他,在此说说心里话,愿爸爸圣诞节快乐,身体健康,永远幸福。

14、 我向圣诞老人许了个愿,希望他把快乐、开心、浪漫、幸福、甜蜜、吉祥、温馨通通装进我的袜子里捎给你,放在你的枕边,让你睡觉也能闻到我浓浓的气息——小样,熏死你!

15、 风在刮,雪在下,圣诞老人来我家,吃吃圣诞果,喝喝圣诞茶,送送圣诞袜,说说圣诞话,让我笑得哟像个小傻瓜!他还要我带句话,你若笑得像朵花,吉祥马上送你家,让你圣诞娃哈哈!

16、 有个叫“圣诞”的老人给你送了份快递!盖着快乐邮戳,来自幸福国度,用好运包装,有平安签名。不用担心,该礼免费包邮,只需你在圣诞节时用微笑签收。

17、 好运铃铛为你欢笑,快乐驯鹿为你开道,平安雪花为你飘摇,圣诞老人向你奔跑。圣诞节,快接收这祝福的讯号,愿你感受温暖的美妙,品尝幸福的味道!

18、 为啥今天叫圣诞节?因为过了这个节,就还剩下一个元旦!愿你把握机会,让快乐翻倍,和好运同醉,把幸福追随,在本年度剩下的日子里过得不平“旦”!

19、 圣诞节到了,铃儿响,鹿儿跑,愿欢快的乐曲赶走你的寂寞。发一条短信,寄牵挂,送祝福,愿真诚的问候,温暖你的忧伤。祝幸福安康。圣诞节快乐。

20、 砸光烦恼蛋,剩下的是快乐蛋;砸光倒霉蛋,剩下的是好运蛋;砸光失败蛋,剩下的是成功蛋;砸光所有坏蛋,剩下的是好蛋。你是“剩蛋”,幸福灿烂!

21、 圣诞树上挂满长长思念,为你长出温馨的硕果;圣诞颂歌演绎喜悦旋律,为你制造快乐的氛围;圣诞苹果注满深深问候,为你一生平安保驾护航;圣诞短信写满真挚祝福,祝你圣诞节快乐,生活有滋有味!

22、 洁白的雪花飘落吉祥,温馨的灯火照亮前程;奔驰的驯鹿频传喜气,清脆的铃声声声美妙;悠扬的钟声快乐回荡,真挚的祝福源源不断。朋友,圣诞来到,祝你圣诞开心,快乐无边!日子红火,幸福无限!

23、 最是浪漫圣诞雪,丝丝凉意都快乐。最是实惠圣诞靴,盛满礼物福满多。最是温情圣诞树,闪闪发光皆礼物。最是温暖圣诞帽,藏满祝福藏满笑。祝:圣诞快乐!

24、 圣诞佳节又到了,实在没钱巴结人,圣诞老人借五百,开开心心给你送,百事可乐天天喝,百里挑一谈恋爱,百无一失生活美,百战百胜工作顺,百尺竿头升高官。祝朋友圣诞快乐!

25、 慈祥的圣诞老人,迈着快乐的步伐,背着好运的包裹,穿过吉祥的烟囱,拿起如意的袜子,塞进幸福装满健康,让甜蜜融入你的梦乡,笑颜挂在你的脸上。圣诞节到了,祝你快快乐乐过圣诞,幸福健康一整年!



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evely nation has its own folk festivals. those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fiiendship. the spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.

the spring festival and christmas have much in common. both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food. however, the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents. the westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other.

nowadays, some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas, following the example of the westerners. perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.














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Speaking of winter, winter is my favourite season, although it was very cold but full of emotional appeal feeling. Standing in a do you think the highest place overlooking hope, you will suddenly feel that the world is so beautiful so fine.

When I was a child, I will only in the winter with my friends to play with snow. For example a snowman ah, I like a snowball fight! This series of play snow method. Every winter grew when I wont go to play with snow filled with childishness, Ill use appreciation vision to enjoy the beautiful snow, occasionally the snow hold it in your hands careful observation of snow is how warm hand in my melting. Again fine point you will feel snow really good beautiful beautiful! Breathtaking dare not to trample. I sometimes find the white snow into the mouth taste it is what taste. Wow! Good cold ah. It melted quickly just on the mouth cape side becomes water, sometimes also want to snow will meet any setbacks, will we do meet with difficulties, then by their own belief the setback and difficult to solve.

Now Im junior middle school second grade students. Time eye passed. Some memories do before regret only alas! Sigh. The snow in winter is still so pure so charming. The snow in winter I like you I think you let all my things away, troubling all my wishes are realized. The snow in winter you really good beautiful beautiful!



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快乐,就像影子一样,形影不离地跟随我们,给予我们幸福。当你快乐时,心情会格外舒畅,什么东西看起来都是美好的。我的快乐,有很多很多,不用急,等我细细说完。 Happy, just like a shadow, follow us in shape and give us happiness.When you are happy, your mood is particularly comfortable, and everything looks beautiful.My happiness, there are many, dont worry, wait for me to finish it carefully.










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放学回到家,我心想:也没人送我礼礼物,真是的,太没情调了!写完作业的时候已经好晚了,我“扑通”倒在了我舒服的小床上。“哎呦!”一声惨叫。怎么回事,掀起被子来一看:原来是老妈送给我的礼物呀!是什么呢?一双臭袜子?当然不是,而是美味的巧克力!哈哈,巧克力,我的最爱!一看到巧克力,那我就会象饥饿的人见了面包一样。我一口气吃了7,8个,结果晚上睡不着觉了。不知是这个,我好不容易睡着了吧,半夜十二点的时候我老妈又悄悄地进到我的卧室里,一下子掀开我的被子说:“圣诞快乐!”oh,天呐,我要是说不快乐还能睡觉吗?于是我便回答:“I‘m so happy !"刚准备睡,老妈又掀起我的被子说:“12点了,还不快许个愿?”“哦”许完愿,我祝妈妈圣诞快乐以后,我终于进入了甜美的梦乡。




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茜宝,咱的 公主,







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The annual Christmas is childrens favorite holiday, is also a time for the kids happy adults busy, because that adults need to prepare a Christmas gift.

Every child likes gifts are different, and my favorite gift is two skirt beautiful temperament, its a pity that its too expensive, so mom dont buy for me, but my mother said, wait for a discount can buy, then I dont know what disappointed, or the happy? Every child hope can get your idea of a gift, but some parents have no way to give their children a gift they "hope".

I think I was lucky, thank my parents work hard to make money, I didnt have such a nice family. Christmas that night, I should get Christmas presents, but I still want to wish, let me get I want a Christmas gift, also hope to have a happy Christmas. But even if I didnt get what I want gifts, I will cherish it, cherish it.






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Four great early morning, the father pushed open up windows, only heard the bang exclaimed: "wow! The world of ice and snow you beautiful!" I am delighted to hear, hurriedly dressed, then mother and father down the stairs while also taking the side shouting excitedly: "snowball fights myself! snowball fights myself!"

A fierce war began. And my father put the car leaves, the bridge to stop poles and snow on the ground have made a snowball from the mother when the referee started to snowball fights. One time, I saw flying snowball dance, laughter is also flying dance, my side chasing side playing, father fled the side edge back, I am pleased to sing: "The imperialist tail between its escape." At this time a father snowball fly over, I quickly returned fire.

Accidentally, the snowball hit my fathers feet, I angrily put a snowball flew into the fathers neck, the father ran one straight side in cases of doubt: "I die of cold!ah!" I shouted: "Oh, a win, a win!" happy mother laughed!




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Hello! My name is Wang Yueqi. My English name is Steven. Im a boy. Im twelve. Im in Class 2, Grade 6. In our class, every student has an English name. Our classroom is wide and bright. There are forty-six students in my class.

We have Chinese, maths, English, science, music, art and PE lessons every day. Our English teacher is Mr Zhang. He speaks English well. He is very kind to us. My classmates love him very much. We like to play football with him after class. We read English every morning. We say "Hello!" and "See you later!" to all the teachers in our school in English. Other teachers say "Good morning." and "Sit down, please." to us in English, too. We are all glad to hear that. So we are very happy in our school life.


My life the most unforgettable is my primary school. Because I do not have to early to go to school every day。 Need not very tired. And also very early from school in the afternoon. Work is very less. Knowledge is also simple. My primary school life is so colorful.


I like my school .My school life is nice,too.Now,I will tell you something about my school life.I usually qo to school at seven o"clock.We have eight lessons every day.At about five o"clock,Igo homeand do my homework.My school life isn"tvery intreseting,but it is very useful for me.


I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school in my mothers car. It takes us more than half an hour to get there.

We have four hour classes in the morning. I have luch at my grandparents, because their home is nearer to my school.

After two classes in the afternoon, school is over. Then we clean our classroom.

I get home at about half past five. We have dinner at seven. After dinner I do my homework. If I finish my homesork early, I can watch TV for half an hour. I go to bed at half past nine or ten.



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Christmas is a grand festival of the west, is every childs favorite holiday, because the childs parents will buy some Santa costumes, dressed as Santa Claus, after the child fell asleep, the children want presents on socks, etc. Let the child find tomorrow morning, give the child a surprise.

Once, when mother woke up I was sleeping, yi! Socks had the a gift, it was a beautiful crown princess headdress, let me happy all day.

At school, students are asked me why I so happy, originally, because I received a Christmas present. Made me glad Christmas gift, make me happy, makes me very excited that I...






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"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas…"Have you heard that song? Yup! Its Christmas time! This Christmas, I stayed with my "host family"1. It was an amazing experience to see how a typical American family would celebrate the biggest western festival of the year.

Christmas, like our Spring Festival, has a meaning in itself. Christmas Day, which is on December 25, is the birthday of Jesus Christ--the son of God. Thats why it is called Christmas. On that day, Christians would get together with their families to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. But nowadays, the religious meaning of Christmas has become less emphasized. To many families, it is just a time of family reunion and the ever-exciting present-giving.

Our school had been on winter vacation since December 11. I stayed at my friend, Stephen Stapczynskis house--his family was my "host family". Although Christmas was still more than ten days ahead, the festive spirit had already been teeming everywhere. The Christmas tree had already been set up, and on every windowsill, there were Christmas lights. On the first day I arrived at their house, Stephen and I helped Mrs. Stapczynski put decorations on the Christmas tree. The tree looked so nice with all the lights on and the beautiful ornaments dangling from its branches.

As Christmas came closer, the whole neighborhood had made preparations too. Some people would hold parties at their houses, inviting all their neighbors to come. So every night, if you went out, you would see a long line of cars parked in front of some house--a partys on!

Whats more, the Christmas decorations that some people put on their windows and in gardens were just amazing. On one night, we went out in our car for a "tour of lights". There was one street that was so famous for its lights that it got its way into the local paper. We had a hard time finding the well-hidden street, but it turned out to be worth the effort. Lights shone brightly in front of nearly every house, on trees, bushes, doors, windows…everywhere, taking different shapes, making it seem almost like daytime. Huge inflatable figures in the front gardens were waving to us: there were Santa Clauses2, of course, chuckling merrily away; and there were also other Christmas figures, like Rudolph3--the red-nosed reindeer--with his red nose gleaming ever so brightly; even Bart Simpson--a character in the famous comedy The Simpsons--had joined the jolly party, wearing a Santas hat. The street set off a lot of "ooh"s and "aah"s inside the car.4 When we left, there was a line of cars in the street, all there to see the lights.



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This years Christmas, I am very interesting, I received a gift from Santa Claus gave me not only, but also made 11 yuan of money. And you share together.

December 24th is Christmas Eve, after school, I and ten students in the class by our mothers to tongzhou Simon high traffic place selling Christmas fruit, moms let us experience life, these children also have an unforgettable Christmas.

To the site, we two people a group, is divided into five groups, each group of a small basket, filled them with six peace fruit, our action began, parents are watching.

We saw a aunt went by, we can shout about 10 people surrounded the past say: "aunt, buy a Christmas fruit, 5 yuan a, I wish you a merry Christmas." Ten people noisy, are competing to sell their own, the result is scaring away aunt, who didnt buy, we have ten people begin to blame each other, and began to chirp quarreling. Our mothers look at we quarrel all without a word, just looked at us. For a while after the quarrel, we should feel distance, cant be together at, I took two apples to overpass and sold it, I asked a few people, uncle and aunt, they do not buy, Im crying, apple in hand, with tears in eyes, a look back, the mother behind me with a smile said to me: "kid, I want to buy a Christmas fruit, how much money a?" I said: "dont sell you, look at me, I will be able to sell." Then came an aunt, I walked over and said: "aunt, you buy a Christmas fruit, 5 yuan a, I wish you a......." My words havent say that finish, have never thought the aunt said: "children, I bought one." Aunt give me 5 yuan. "Yeah, I sold a safe fruit." Im happy to jump very high, Im so happy, forget the cold, forget the sad just now. I then sold two apples, one is for $5, is 1 yuan to buy a, I sold a total of 11 yuan.

Mothers make collections, we are going to have a meal, I took his earning up to 11 yuan, flattered. Mothers asked us this than 10 kids to eat buffet, we eat special special fragrance. While eating, we also sell more money than those who, brand Chen firm sold the sunrise 50 yuan, at most, there are five yuan. Ha ha, Im not the last name.

Next to the table, the mothers at dinner, they were talking about us, all have a mother smile tears out.

This years Christmas, I realized, really not easy to earn money, to do things I cant give up, believe in yourself and insist on. Life is very interesting, I this years Christmas play good. Little friends, do you have this experience? Also to share with me.

Is an unforgettable Christmas, although I only sold 11 yuan of money, but, but I feel a lot.











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December 25th is Christmas day, the school held a Christmas activities. Our first point group, and we have the moonlight, ice, wind could also day team and so on. 12 lets go to the cross, a search for a needle in a haystack, have a look at the picture story telling, you are not, than hand painting feet, with pink world, amoeba, hair styling... Among them I like the hairstyle design this. Because I like to help others to hair.




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MY father!Father devotes all himself to our family. As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age. In spite of all this, father never complains to us.

It is his full devotion that were living a better life now. It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college. Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well. Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself. If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hesitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor. My mother suffers a bad disease.

Father looks after her very carefully. He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field. Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others. Father is a person full of optimism. He never complains about our poor life. He is never frustrated by trouble. He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life. Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man. He plays an extraordinary role in my family. We cant have anything without him.

Now Im pursuing further studies at college far away from father. I miss him very much. And I often see him in my dreams. His great image is deeply carved in my mind. Dear father Im so happy that I can be with you on that day! Do you remember that when I was 5 years old,I didnt want to go to school ,then you beat me .Naw my left hand is still ... But I have never hate you . Do you konw the reason ?

Now,let me tell you: Since you beat me,I know that studying is my duty whatever my age is. On top of that,you let me konw I should be responsibly. In fact,I thank you so much,beacuse you teache me we person shouldnt be lazy! Dad,I love you! Happy Fathers Day!

Yours , little daughter.
