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I am ___________. I was born in _________ . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.





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- You can do it well only in this way.→ Only in this way can you do it well.


- A young woman sat by the window.→ By the window sat a young woman.



为了使表达更生动,更富表现力,同学们在写作时应尽量避免重复使用同一词语来表示同一意思,尤其是一些老生常谈的词语。如有的同学一看到“喜欢”二字,就会立刻想起like,事实上,英语中表示类似意思的词和短语很多,如 love, enjoy, prefer, appreciate, be fond of, care for等。

- I like reading while my brother likes watching television.→ I like reading while my   brother enjoys watching television.




- He may be busy. If he’s busy, I’ll call later. If he is not busy, can I see him now?→ He may be busy. If so, I’ll call later. If not, can I see him now?

他可能很忙,要是这样,我以后再来拜访。要    是不忙,我现在可以见他吗?

- If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If it is not fine, we’ll not go.→ If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If not, not.


- She could have applied for that job, but she didn’t do so.→ She could have applied for that job, but she didn’t.




- When he heard the news, they all jumped for joy.→ Hearing the news, they all jumped for joy.


- As I didn’t know her address, I wasn’t able to get in touch with her.→ Not knowing her address, I wasn’t able to get in touch with her.




-At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. Then we had a short rest. Then we began to play happily. We sang and danced. Some told stories. Some played chess.→ At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and playing chess.




- He has decided to be a teacher when he grows up.→ He has made up his mind to be a teacher when he grows up.


- He doesnt like music.→ He doesnt care much for music.


- He told me that the question was now under discussion.→ He told me that the question was now being discussed.




- He was very tired. He couldn’t walk any farther.→ He was too tired to walk any farther.


- The film was very interesting. Both the teachers and the students liked it.→ The film was so interesting that both the teachers and the students liked it.


- Your son is old. He can look after himself now.→ Your son is old enough to look after himself now.你的儿子已经长大,可以自己照顾自己了。



- Dont worry. Be bold and try it, and youll learn it soon.→Dont worry. Just go for it, and youll get it soon.


-Thank you for playing with us.→Thank you for sharing the time with us.




- We had to stand there to catch the offender.→ What we had to do was (to) stand there, trying to catch the offender.


- If her pronunciation is not better than her teacher’s, it is at least as good as her teacher’s.→ Her pronunciation is as good as, if not better than, her teacher’s.




- As the proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Though you fail this time, you needn’t lose heart. As long as you work hard and stick to your dream, you will succeed one day.- There is a proverb goes like this “Life isn’t a bed of roses.” It is ture that it is likely for everyone to meet problems and difficulties in life.- In the modern world, more and more people live alone, which is not so good for our life. It is better for us to make more friends and enjoy friendship. Just as a proverb says, “A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.”



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1.Both together do best of all. 二人同心,无往不胜。

2.A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二个自我。

3.A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友难,失朋友易。

4.A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之时方知友。

5.A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you.

6.A friend without faults will be found.没有十全十美的朋友。

7.A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水(字面:朋友之间有所界限 才能让友谊之树长青)。

8.A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光。

9.Without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations, are silent joy and sharing.在友谊里,不用言语,一切的思想,一切的愿望,一切的希冀,都在无声的欢乐中发生而共享了。 --(黎)纪伯伦

10.A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. 只有经常“浇灌”,方能保持友谊天长地久。

11.a bosorn friend after brings distant land near 海内存知己,天涯若比邻.

12.A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. 兄弟未必是朋友,而朋友总是兄弟。 ——Benjamin Franklin

13.A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

14.A friend exaggerates a man’s virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过

15.Without confidence there is no friendship. 没有信任,就没有友谊。——Epicurus

16.A friend indeed is a friend in need.患难见真情和患难之交才是真正的朋友.

17.Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.---Benjamin Franklin, American pesident 选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。 ---美国总统 富兰克林

18.Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。

19.Because friendships enhance our lives,it is important to cultivate them. 培植友谊十分重要,因为友谊能提高生活的价值。

20.Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 背信弃义会迅速而痛苦地断送友谊。---美国思想家 爱默生

21.A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. ---Samuel johnaon, British writer 人应该经常维修友谊。 ---英国作家 约翰逊

22.A true friend is for ever a friend. ---Grorge Macdonald, British novelist 真正的朋友是永远的朋友。

23.Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. 告诫朋友要在私下里,但是夸奖朋友要公开。

24.Animals are such agreeable friends --they ask no questions, they pass no criticism. ---George Eliot, British novelist 动物是极易相处的朋友,它们不提问,也不批评。 ---英国小说家 艾略特

25.Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself. 不要向不如你幸福的人说你自己的幸福。 ——Plutarch

26.Don’t ask others to also do not allow others to do the dirty things, as a principle of friendship既不请求别人也不答应别人去做卑鄙的事情,为友谊的一项原则。 --(古罗马)西塞罗

27.Long together share sb.’s joys and sorrows together, in order to have friends with complete mutual understanding长期在一起同甘共苦共患难,才能有莫逆之交。 --(古罗马)西塞罗

28.Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something. 爱情、友谊和尊敬都不如对某物的共同的恨那样能把人们团结起来。——Chekhow

29.Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness,some common interests.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 确保友谊常青的要素是:诚实、朴实自然、体贴和某些共同兴趣。---美国思想家 爱默生

30.Suspicion is the poison of friendship .---St, Augustine, Bishop of hippo 怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药。---希波主教 圣奥古斯丁

31.The course of true love never did run smooth. 通向真爱的路从无坦途。——Shakespeare

32.Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others’heart through appropriate ways.---Socrates, Ancient Greek philosopher不要用馈赠去获得朋友,你必须奉献你诚挚的爱,学会怎样用适当的方法来赢得别人的心。---古希腊哲学家 苏格拉底

33.Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. 友谊如金钱一般,容易得到却不易保持。 ——Samuel Butler

35.Friendship is the biggest effort and a friend to show our flaws, but he saw his own defects友谊的最大努力并不是向一个朋友展示我们的缺陷,而是使他看到自己的缺陷。 --(法)拉罗什夫科

36.Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the world. 友谊是一根金线,把全世界的心连在一起。 ——J.Evelyn

37.Friendship is the greatest pleasure in life友谊是人生最大的快乐。 --(英)休谟 名人名言

38.Friendship often ends in love, but love, in friendship—never 友谊常以爱情而结束;而爱情从不能以友谊而告终。——C.C.Colton

39.Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. 幸福犹如香水,你不可能泼向别人而自己却不沾几滴。——Emerson

40.Happiness is when the need of sincere friendship, especially in times of trouble幸福的时候需要忠诚的友谊,患难的时刻尤其需要。 --(古罗马)塞涅卡

41.He that will not allow his friend to share the prize must not expect him to share the danger.---Aesop, Ancient Greek fable writer 不肯让朋友共享果实的人,不要指望朋友与他共患难。---古希腊寓言作家 伊索

42.Hypocritical friendship is like your shadow; when you are in the sun, it will closely follow you, but once you go into the shadow, it will leave you.虚伪的友谊有如你的影子;当你处在阳光下时,它会紧紧地跟着你,但你一旦走到阴暗处时,它立刻就会离开你。 --(英)培根

43.if you would be loved, love and be lovable. 想被人爱,就要去爱别人,并让自己可爱。 ——Benjamin Franklin

44.In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends. 在顺境中,朋友结识了我们;在逆境中,我们了解了朋友。——C.Collins

45.It is impossible to love and to be wise. 爱令智昏。——Francis Bacon

46.Life can’t live without friendship, but to get the true friendship is not easy; friendship is always needed loyalty to sow seeds, with passion to irrigation, using

47.The only way to have a friend is to be one.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 唯一能获得朋友的办法就是自己先当个朋友。---美国思想家 爱默生

48.the principle of training, and understanding to care人生离不开友谊,但要得到真正的友谊才是不容易;友谊总需要忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。 --(德)马克思

49.True friendship is like health, not to lose, can not appreciate the precious真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵。 --(英)培根

50.Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. 有没有爱情的婚姻,就会有没有婚姻的爱情。——Benjamin Franklin



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My name is WangKe. I am work in China Minsheng Banking for five years.


At the start,I try my best to study professional knowledge .


When I was a customer servicer of pesonal loan,I knew well withLending policies , Preferential measures ,Accumulation fund ,Lending rates 。


In these basis ,I was buying a house in 2009 early.I use the best way to repay loan.


The most important is thehouse price in shanghai was rising and rising.


Thank God,I love this job.It made me spend less money to buy the house.




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Miss Hou is my university English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away. She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher during my high school study. She is special. She will show an English song to us before her class. A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us. It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word. I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so that our whole class’s English is good. Happily, she is our friend after class. She always palys badminton  with us. She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy. In my mind, a good teacher is more than a million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teacher, I love you.



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making friends is a skill like many other skills. it improves with practice. if you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take some actions. you must first go where there are people. you won’t make friends staying home alone. join a club or a group. taking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier. or join someone in some activities. many people are nervous when talking to new people. after all meeting strangers means facing the unknown. and it’s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown. most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves. we imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or to short, too this or too that. but don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. try to accept yourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease. you’ll both feel more comfortable.

try to be self-comfident even if you don’t feel that way. when you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look directly at other people and smile.

if you see someone you like to speak to, say something . don’t wait for the other person to start a conversation.

just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that person-Friendshipis based on mutual liking and “give and take”. it takes time and effort to develop.



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Hello everyone。Today Im glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University。

First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school。For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on time。But now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my class。And then even worse there would be nobody remind me



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Of our mixed life two quests are given control: food for the body, friendship for the soul. Friendship, like colorful candy, always filled with the people.

Friends can give you encouragement to overe the difficulties and bring brightness to your life. Sometimes, you may extend your gratitude to them for their being there with you.

Some people may forsake their friends in favor of money or power. Thats absolutely wrong. You should know that money and power are temporary and that friends are everlasting .That should be everyones creed. To me, without friends,I am nothing.

There was a time when I was heart-broken. My friends stood by me and offered continuous quantities of sympathy,encourage and love, which cheerd me up. Then, I was aware that I was so blessed and lucky!

In my opinion, no man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy. I will cherish my friendship from the bottom of my heart.



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My name is liu * *, for the sake of the name, I used to call themselves the Internet the queen of the "star". Do not think I am too mad, because the stars themselves both ordinary and flash, so I like them. One of the numerous stars, of course, also want to be. If one day, you met online a girl named "star dance", it must be me - 11 years old, monkey, virgo to choose a suitable text book

Of course, I have like stars very ordinary appearance: small eyes - but very bright. Neither tall nor short nose; Not big not too small mouth. Fair skin, a long or a short horsetail plait, stuck high in my brain, flash flash, very naughty to choose a suitable text book, but I have my hair cut short now, mother to)

My hobby is widespread, such as: music, microcomputer, aoshu, choose a suitable text book of English ha ha, there is a you sure cant think of! To tell you the truth, that is, space exploration, such as: Stonehenge, crop circles, alien to choose a suitable text book in a word, I like all of the unknown things. I like music, especially since 6 years old I began to play the piano, less than nine years old, I was out of the piano level 6. Whenever I bounce

Mendelssohns "boat song of Venice, I as if place oneself in a ripple on the boat on the water, the surrounding silence, moonlight, like mercury, scattered on the surface of the flash, good beautiful, choose a suitable text book

I also love the guitar, just learned two lessons, I began to play the chords. Now I have learned many years ago, "walk" "red river valley" "childhood", etc.

A lot of beautiful sounds of music to choose a suitable text book

You have to ask why I love this music, in fact, I dont know. But, when I am in the rhythm of the music, I felt a great deal of enjoyment.

I also like the Olympic math, because it can develop my intelligence, makes me on the head turn, turn. Difficult as past castle, although it is difficult to overcome, but as long as I use your head, you can feel the joy of success. Of course, there must be less than America and China, my shortcomings is very sloppy, every day to find things at home, watch on today, tomorrow to find, everything all over the place. Alas! The family and I cant, dont look at me in the life is very careless, but I dont careless, to solve the problem. I can check each question carefully. , however, and the occasional careless like that I do, because not serious topic, papers clearly demand reduction ratio, I have made for ratio! Worse, dizzy, abbreviation! Just because of this, the teacher gave me a buckle 4 points. After this lesson several times, I must be in the future to correct this bad habit, sloppy bull is not blown oh! Believe me!

Paint bottom like me? In the future there will be three years of time to test and verify. I really really want to do the north star - the brightest the star sky, of course, this need me to pay a huge effort.

The above is my personal introduction, hope in the next three years, the teacher and the students get along well, and the teacher the students were rushed through the difficulties!




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My Mother

when i sat at the desk, trying to write the essay, i found it hard to set pen to paper. staring at the topic i deliberately chose for myself my mother, i felt the memory of 20 years with my mother suddenly turned into a haze, blurring my eyes to discern the past, with nothing towering, nothing flaring, nothing impressive or special enough as a landmark. the haze gradually cleared away, revealing the image of an amicable woman. i recalled a line from the famous movie sleepless in seattle. the radio column hostess asked sam, whats so special about your wife? he answered, thats millions of small things. right,trivial and commonplace, like obscure beans, yet woven into the most spectacular necklace by the power of love. my mother is ordinary, but in my eyes she is special.

my mother gave birth to me with eceptionally difficult labor. father received an emergency notice and was faced with a choice between the adult and the infant. of course,the adult. so my coming into this world was an unepected fortune at the price of mothers painful insistence. thus my 20 years began like this my mother eerted every effort to give me love, but i returned her with a deep scar that was to stay with her all through my growth.

my mother is a senior high school english teacher. under standably, she wanted her daughter to pick up english early to give her an edge to later study, which i did not understand at the age of eight. i was so obsessed with fun and games that i hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words. i wondered what pleasure mother seemed to have found in teaching me a,b, c. wasnt teaching at school tire some enough for her? i went on strike, refusing to spell a single word no matter how tender or severe mother tried to be with me. for the first time in my life, mother beat me, imprinting on my mind. the physical pain was gone long, long ago. but i have finally come to understand how it pained my mother to beat me for my obstinacy and disobedience, and i ache at her pain.

mother never gave up evoking in me an interest in knowledge. she placed the most emphasis on my education and took the most pleasure in my gradual formation of self-discipline in preparing myself for future development. thanks to her effort and influence, i have been doing well, not only in english, but also in my positive attitudes and conviction towards life.

now i am so grateful to my mother for everything she has taught me, but at that time it was far beyond my comprehension. as a little girl, i thought of my mother as meticulous and my father as a best playmate. i still remember i wrote in my elementary school a composition dedicated to my father about how he cared for me. naturally mother felt she was ignored, so i wrote another one for mother, intending to tell her she was so good a teacher that she sometimes had only students on mind and neglected her daughter. unepectedly, mother was gloomed and her eyes went wet. i am so sorry now for that affected composition. i am mothers daughter, and i am mothers student. i could never be neglected by mother, because i am the forever scar on her body, the forever pain on her mind, yet the forever bliss in her life.

i did not write much in the past about mothers love for me. today, this essay is for her, and for her only. i wish to let her know my regret and gratitude. i wish she could hear, i love you, mother.

简 评






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Today, my brother went to school in Jinan and my father brought me up. Dad wanted me to feel the life of the University. We came to Shandong Normal University, and that was the fathers alma mater. The entrance is very blocked, because today is the date of new arrival, so there are so many vehicles that we cant go in very easily. Once we enter the mountains, we have many big sisters and big brothers, holding the brands of their colleges to welcome the arrival of new students. The first picture was the statue of Chairman Mao. An air of teaching building, a clean lawn. There are tall laboratory buildings, libraries, and hundreds of thousands of books, books, books, books, books, books, books, and books. It is a sea of knowledge. My father said so, I want to go in and see, but dad said that there must be a card to go in to see, but I had to imagine in it.

Every time I go to a place, I will ask my father what it is for. My father introduced me like a tour guide, and I listened carefully. Dad told me that he was in college at that time. I think college life is really meaningful. We came to the dormitory imperceptibly brother, I look dumbfounded, the corridor inside the dark, than I imagined. My father was busy explaining to me that I knew the house was a few decades old, so it was so old. Let me have a bad feeling about college life. I said, "I cant test this school in the future, and the environment is too bad." But I listen to my father that the learning atmosphere of this school is still very strong, everyone can learn. I want to grow up quickly and get into the dream college life earlier.



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As a primary source of information as well as an efficient means of communication, the Internet offers people a colorful and convenientlife. Just by clicking the mouse, we can enjoy a brilliant and easy life that could not be achieved ever before: shopping, making friends, contacting

relatives, looking for jobs, downloading music and movies, conducting business deals, and freely airing our opinions.

For its convenience, the Internet has attracted people like magnets and some people even claim that it is indispensable. To them, life can’t go on without it. Every day millions of people spend hours on end surfing the Internet. They are obsessed with it so much so that they forget many other important matters.

As far as I am concerned, I don’t approve of uestrained Internet reliance. Although the Internet is a gift of the technological revolution and a blessing of this information age, we should never let it control our life. The Internet absolutely doesn’t mean the whole world to us. Instead, we should guard against its negative effects. To those Internet addicts, I would add: “Self-control can make or break your life. With proper use, the Internet serves you; otherwise, it kills you.”



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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about an opening speech. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 表明你的身份和事件

2. 对到场领导老师的支持予以感谢并阐述体育运动所带给大家的好处

3. 宣布运动会开幕并预祝此次运动会取得成功.

An Opening Speech

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning! I am Oscar, the spokesman of the Students Union. On behalf of the Students Union, the main organizer of todays sports meeting, I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium. After two months preparation, our annual sports meeting is held on schedule.

Thanks to the support and help from our school leaders and teachers. Though they have many school responsibilities, they have taken time off to take part in our sports activities. Lets give them a big hand. Through sports, we can not only develop our physical prowess, but also promote social and emotional skills, and even intellectual skills, which will matter in our future lives substantially. So hope everybody here cherish this opportunity and enjoy it.

At last, best wishes for the success of the sports meeting and best wishes for the good results of our athletes. It is my pleasure to announce the open of the sports meeting. Thank you and good luck!




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Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me  introduce myself. My name is ,24. I come from Nanchang,the capital  of Jiangxi Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University  in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate  examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a  head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a  result since I have a chance to be interview by you.

I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare  time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books,  especially those about ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making  comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a  Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network  application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching  for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my  favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on  learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous  University,I will spare no effort to master a good command of advance  ******.



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My name is XXX, i wish to be your member one day, your english club is fomous for your amazing english. and i know your club also help people to learn english. do you hear the saying: never too old to learn? it means a person should learn knowlege till he /she is old . i have a warm heart to learn english since i touch it . please , let me be one of helpful members in your club. i am happy to hear from you.



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After passing the 2012 College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list ofNanjingAuditUniversitywhich many young people dream of。 As a boy of 18, I am happy to go to such a famous university, so that I want to make my life colorful and fruitful in university。 Heres my plan for university life。




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As we know, many people favor the idea that the University life is free and comfortable, but I’d like to say it’s not true. As a matter of fact, my life in university is so busy that I wonder if my energy is enough. As to my University life, I divide it into four parts, including study, student activities, library and the others.

Firstly, I want to talk about the study. In my opinion, study is the priority in University. When I received the letter of admission in summer, I knew clearly that what I should do. So I make up my mind to study hard and pursue learning as much as possible. I’m greatly convinced that knowledge can change my life. Therefore, I often go to the quiet study room where many people study there. By working so hard, I get good grades in the exams.

Secondly, student activities play an important role in our University life. To be honest, the student Union is a good place where one can develop social skills, get his abilities trained. I take part in many student activities. For example, I’ m a volunteer, teaching the kids to learn to dance and write. I think it’s meaningful for everyone to give a hand to others. I can also do some jobs in the Student Union, including receiving and sending fast mail, selling papers and magazines. I think they’re unforgettable and worthwhile experiences for me.

Thirdly, I also visit the library constantly. It’s said that “shelves of books, oceans of knowledge”, so I read books that I’m interested in. In this way, I can share stories with my new friends and it also changes my horizons .When I’m sad, lost or in trouble, staying the library makes me quiet and comfortable. After all, every life has bad moments as well as good ones, and the library for me is a support in bad moments. So it’s wise choice for me to stay in the library.

Finally, I often do other things in my spare time. In order to alleviate parents’ burden, I often do some part-time jobs and write some articles to earn money. It helps me to be independent and improve my social skills.

In short, my life in university is busy but valuable. You can see that study brings me knowledge, student activities improve myself, library changes my horizons, the others things make me independent. They get all my abilities trained. And I see that the chance will come only if you have a prepared mind, so I’m sure that I can achieve my dreams in University life.



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How to protect our environment

We all know it is becoming more and more important to protect our environment well.We should stop cutting down trees ,dropping litter everywhere and throwing waste before it is processed. It has caused lots of problems such as much rich land becomes desert;Rivers become dirty ;The air is becoming worse and worse ;The temperature is becoming hotter and hotter.So we must do something to change the situation.Wed better walk or ride bikes to work or go to school instead of driving a car,We mustnt use plastic bags.Our government must take some measures to prevent factories producing smoking etc.




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Good morning/afternoon:

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview. I hope I  can make a good performance today.My name is xx. I am 20 years old,born in a  little village in Southern Zhejiang. My parents are farmers,and I am the only  child. Though not well-to-do,the family always be hopeful. My major is  engineering technology. I will graduate in July,2011. I have some hobbies like  listening to music,swimming,and especially seeing western movies.

In the passed two years,I have learned some practical skills and gained  some major certificates. I paid more attention to learn Engling,and I have  passed CET4 in my efforts. I am looking forward to becoming a member of your  company . Thankyou!



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Hello ! I m XX ,I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company. I’m 22 years old and in good health. After graduation from XXXXa middle school, I have studied IT for many years. I am a better man.Do well in personal responsibility ,I am good at both operating a PC,I like palying basketball.computer and listening to the music.I’m interested in the position .

I want very much to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company.



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Friendship is very important to ones life. Friendship is like sunshine. It brings us warmth and happiness. When we meet with difficulties, our friends will come to help us. A saying goes,"A friend in need is a friend indeed."

Nobody would refuse a real friend, but friendship is like every living thing that needs nourishment. Only with constant care will the tree of friendship be ever green.


