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Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years, It has been almost over forty years since man s first landing on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point out the thct that it cost billions of dollars to can3 on the space research, but a little infrmation was brought back. In addition, the time and money spent on space exploration is too much to calculate.

However, every coin has two sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of space programs, and they have benefitted people all over the world. And what s more. scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by the mankind.

We benefited a lot from space exploration. We believed that it will bring more benefits in the future, which perhaps we can not even imagine now. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That s why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.

[Do We Need Space Exploration初三英语作文




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The environment is very important to human beings, but some people dont care for the environment, also do not know the importance of environment for human.

You see, many people dont care for the environment, they throw garbage everywhere, some people think: what is a garbage? However, many a mickle makes a muckle, and neighborhood became a dump the most beautiful place. Some people cut trees to build houses dig mountain, beautiful hill into desert and house. Some people dont have time to cook, just walk outside in the fast-food restaurant to buy rice, I eat, after dinner they also put the disposable lunch box, disposable chopsticks thrown to the ground. Some people in order to display their own home is very rich, driving a car on the road around. They didnt realize that both environmental pollution and waste of energy. Some factories take some sewage, smoke into the rivers and the sky.

For the sake of our environment, for the sake of our life, I want people to throw garbage into the trash can, little cut down a tree much afforestation, try to go home for dinner. Will exhaust waste water is introduced into the ground, dont show how rich, attention should be paid to energy conservation and emissions reduction.

Believe in you in the near future, with the help of our city will be more beautiful!







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A: The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street.

B: The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street.

分析:is in是常见词语,而situates in则是《大纲》上没有的,属于高级词汇。


A: At weekends, we have a lot of homework to do.

B: At weekends, we have endless homework to do.

分析:B句在表达时没有使用过于直接的a lot of,而是使用了endless。endless就是由《大纲》词汇end加后缀-less变化来的。


A: The bathroom and the kitchen are good.

B. The bathroom and the kitchen are well-furnished.

在表达要点时,B句使用了well furnished,这比good语气强,也显得生动。






A: There was a strong earthquake in Tangshan in the 1980s.

B: A terrible earthquake hit/struck Tangshan in the 1980s.

大多数同学使用了there be结构,这是对的,但是B句却摒弃了常见句式。另辟蹊径而使用了“主语+谓语+宾语”结构,且使用了terrible,hit/strike这样的词汇,更是难能可贵的。


A:I received your letter which was written on August 15th this morning.(多数人使用的方式)

B: Your letter of August 15th reached/ got to me this morning.(与多数人使用的方式不同,简洁)



A: Ah Fu saved my sister.(一般句式)

B: It was Ah Fu that saved my sister.(强调句式)


A: We were glad to see crops and vegetables growing well.(一般陈述句)

B: How glad we were to see crops and vegetables growing well.(感叹句)

3、句式多样,复杂得体。在写作中应避免使用相同长度的相同句型,而应注意句式的变化,如长短句结合,简单句、并列句与复合句共用,还可使用简化句等;一些较复杂的结构如独立主格,分词结构等也可使用。下面的表达中A句简单句多,而且多处使用there be结构,显得单调、乏味,而B句就有自己的特色(请同学们自己分析)。


A: Its a flat of 25 square metres. There is a bedroom in the flat. There is a bathroom and a kitchen in it, too. In the bedroom, there is a bed; there is a sofa, a desk and a chair as well.

B: Its a flat of 25 square metres, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.



Opinions are divided on the question.

60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.

On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardens and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggested, however, fees should be charged low.

1)该文使用Opinions are divided...作交代句,开门见山,随后两个段落均使用了主题句(见黑体字部分),使全文结构紧凑,表达严谨。

2)在表述要点时范文还对要点出场顺序作了调整,如“40%的同学认为应收门票,但不宜过高。”前部分作为主题句放在句首,而后部分另起一句放在句末:They suggested, however, fees should be charged low.这样就分清了轻重缓急,主题突出,条理清楚。

3)范文使用了and, what is more, however等连词,在段落之间使用了on the other hand(说明前后两个观点是相悖的),这些连接手段的运用加强了句子之间、段落之间的联系,使文章表达连贯,浑然一体。

4)范文在第二段为说明不收门票的“原因”时增加了Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away.等细节,这也是解决句与句之间缺少连贯性的常见方法。



对大多数学习英语的同学来说,英语的词汇量、句式的积累还极其有限,远不能达到用英文流畅表达,挥洒自如的境地。在这一阶段进行创作是不合时宜的,如果非要创造,只能写出“long time no see”这样的文字来。因此,模仿是这一阶段的必经途径。




最后,模仿要体现在实际动笔上。比如说,新概念第三册有一个句式说:“…for the simple reason that…”表示某种现象的原因是什么,用在大学英语考试中,我们就可以拿来解释为什么自行车在中国如此的流行,表达为:“the bicycle is very popular in china for the simple reason that…”。然而,很多同学经常背了这些句式不用,一谈到原因仍然是“…because…”,等等。



有个翻译界的故事说:在某大型国际会议的招待会上,一道菜是用鸡蛋做的。与会的客人问翻译:“what is it made of?”本来是非常简单的一个问题,结果翻译太紧张,忘了“egg”这个词,但是他急中生智,回答:“it is made of miss hen’s son.”这里,就是一个灵活变通的范例。绕道表达,是写作中应该常常运用的一种方法。



比如说,在正式文体的写作中,很少用 “it isn"t”这样的略缩形式,而往往是一板一眼地写作 “it is not”。同理,在正式文体中的日期一般不缩写,阿拉伯数字一般会用英文表达(特别长的数字除外)。


最后,许多同学在写作文时,习惯于把 “since” “because” “for”这样的词放在句首引导原因状语从句。事实上,在我们见到的英语报刊杂志文章中,这样的从句一般都是放在主句之后的。另外, “and”也常常被误放在一句话的开头,表示两个句子之间的并列或递进关系。其实,经常留心地道的英语文章能发现,如果是并列关系,完全可以不用连词;如果是递进关系,用 “furthermore” “what is more”更为普遍。



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In your busy days, you can look up at the sky and see the stars twinkle. Twinkle, I put my blessing on him, lonely night, let him send you blessing. Life keeps us from losing our joys and sorrows. Your choices make us miss them. Absence makes me appreciate more, you and I are connected, that is the evidence of friendship. Miss, leave a long lament, I hope that the thoughts like the sky, forever bright......

At dusk there is a helpless figure, she is waiting for what. Who is that? Thats me, my friend. Will you come back?

In your busy days, you can look up at the sky and see the stars twinkle. Twinkle, I put my blessing on him, lonely night, let him send you blessing. Life keeps us from losing our joys and sorrows. Your choices make us miss them. Absence makes me appreciate more, you and I are connected, that is the evidence of friendship. Missing, leaving a long lament, I hope that the air color, forever bright.



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Changing in the information age, we can from different channels, and get the same message, the transmission of information and get more and more convenient, the ancients said: "a scholar need not leave his home to know whats going on in the world." As a student of I, is a new era of youth, how to enrich oneself is very important.

The ancients said: "read ten books, winning thousands of miles way." Understand this sentence tell the benefits of reading, so I can read extracurricular books, learn other peoples words and sentences, and make him my composition ability of power. In the usual time to form the good habit of reading and more reading can improve understanding, thinking, judgment, can through the knowledge of current affairs, raises concerns social, because enriching themselves not only in terms of their studies, for the ordinary life, or to understand and care.

Time flies, time flies, time passed so hasty, we want to know the value of time, as long as the use of a few minutes of time every day to enrich themselves, accumulate over a long period, many a mickle makes a muckle, and can help you to save every bit of wisdom, piggy bank, so I want to read to be my good habits, and increased my wisdom enrich my life.

在资讯发展日新月异的时代,我们可以从不同的管道,得到相同的讯息,资讯的传递与取得越来越方便,古人说 :“ 秀才不出门,能知天下事。“身为一位学生的我,又是新时代的少年,如何充实自己是很重要的事。

古人说: “ 读十卷书,胜走千里路。”这句话明白的说出读书的好处,所以我可以多阅读课外读物,吸取别人的名言加句,使他成为我作文能力的助力。在平时的时候就要养成多读书的好习惯,多阅读可以提升理解力、思考力、判断力,可以藉由对时事的了解,培养关心社会,因为充实自己不只是在课业方面,对于平常的生活或时是都要了解并关心。

光阴似箭,岁月如梭,时间过得这么匆促,我们要懂得爱惜时光, 只要每天利用几分钟的时间充实自己,日积月累,积少成多,就能帮自己存一点一滴的智慧扑满,所以我要让读书成为我的好习惯,增加我的智慧丰富我的人生。



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Why to find suitable for you at the center of the target, you must ask yourself these questions: where I know I to go and why? I why want to do is do? What I want to stand and believe what? I get up every morning is for the sake of what? The things I do every day is for the sake of what? In my life the most important value? In fact, the reason why you set a goal is far more important than the goal itself.

Dedicated to the pursuit of their goals and life value is clear why I have these dreams. They spent a lot of time to think before every important aspect of his life, they will think about who you are, what they want to do and want to make what kind of contribution. If you do not have clear goals, also could not find support for the urgent reason, finish your dream, you cant like myself.

No dream, no hope, you cant do any meaningful things. If your whole life just go with the flow, there is no goal that you cannot really love or respect yourself.

If you just mix one day for a day, every day after work and weekend holiday, are made with TV and boring dinner party to pass the time, then you cant get any sense of achievement, there will be no satisfaction, let alone happiness.

We all need to have a goal to release the full potential. The target is larger, the greater the can inspire the potential of the. Studies show that many people are not happy, feel pressure big, like the debate and argumentative, because cant find meaning in life, goals and direction. They think life is too boring!








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Today is Qingming Festival. Its a traditional Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival. Dad drives grandma, mom, my brother and I to Xianyou home together. My hometown is on a big mountain near Xianyou County town. After 1 hours of winding roads, we finally arrived at the destination -- my familiar hometown in dreams.

As soon as we got off the train, we could smell a fresh country smell, surrounded by green hills, and the whole countryside was so peaceful. We walked a few minutes to see an old house covered with mud, a place where Grandpa, grandma and Dad had lived before, and only Granny and grandfather lived there. As soon as I entered the door, I saw grandpa and grandma. They were elderly people. They smiled when they saw our arrival. After greeting grandpa and grandma, we are going to sweep grandpas grave. We climbed the hillside behind the house. Sunny, bright spring days, both sides began to busy road. The small green grass shows the small head, the busy ant in the spring transportation, the spring bamboo shoots also sneak out the small head, the mountain path is really interesting, while the chicken, the duck and us play, and the little sheep and the puppy race us in a moment. The distant green wheat fields and golden rape flowers add a bright color to the hometown of spring. After a while, we came to Grandpas tomb. My father took three bow to Grandpas gravestone with my mother and me. How I wish Grandpa would live beside us and enjoy this wonderful life with us.



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These years, Internet is becoming more and more important for people. Many students like making friends on the Internet.

However, every coin has two sides. On the one hand, you may meet a good person and he or she can talk and play with you. And he or she may even help you deal with some problems in your life. But on the other hand, our students are really too young, we can not protect ourselves at all!

So I think you’d better make friends in the real world.




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No matter when and where, in no circumstances can we deny the great importance of manners.


Firstly, a person with good manners is often considered to be more trustworthy and easygoing, which helps him make more friends and get needed help from others. Besides, people are more willing to show their respect to the polite people and cooperate with them, bringing them many opportunities to change. Still most importantly, being polite helps reduce misunderstanding between people, contributing to a harmonious and enjoyable relationships.




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Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today.In many countries,more and more women are acting as workers,farmers,scientists,and even leaders.We can say that almost all jobs which men can do are done successfully by women.Women are no longer looked down upon by society.

With the changes in their social role,womens position in family has been improved as well.Husband and wife are now equal in the family.They deal with problems of daily life together,and share happiness with each other.In todays families,women are not usually the ones busy with dinners.

In spite of these changes ,the liberation of women has not been completely realized.A number of men are self-centered,who regard women as incapable.Few women are allowed to attend important international meetings dominated by men.Thats really the problem we should solve immediately.



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初三英语作文:Our School

Our school, which was set up in 1945, lies in the south of Changchun City. It is famous in our city.

It has 24 classes. 8 classes in each grade. The number of the students and teachers adds up to over 2,000. In the front of the school stands a high classroom building, behind which is a lab buiding. We have many of our chemistry and biology classes in it. Between them is a new library built 3 years ago. There are a large number of books there. After lunch a number of students like reading there.

On the right there is a football field and two basketball courts. They are our favorite places in our spare time. It is said that a swimming pool will be built to the left.

Our school is big and beautiful, covered with green trees and colorful flowers. Many piople call it a garden school. It’s really a good place for us to study in.

[关于Our School的初三英语作文



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201x is coming, we this a group of lovely children on holiday again!

Winter vacation coming, do you have any good plan? I have oh! In this cold winter holiday, I plan to continue here in shenzhen longgang. I also want to mom and dad, brother elder sister go to shenzhen window of the world! We are the window of the world spent a happy afternoon. In the evening, its a good time for a rising tide, this is my cousin told me oh!

So, when we had dinner in the evening go to the big plum sand for a swim. Swim there is super fun! Also recommend everyone out to play together! In the big plum sand there, we can play with sand, and picking up shells and sand building! Is really fun. After hearing what I said, do you have the idea of want to go to the big plum sand?

My winter holiday and plan! Im going to buy some books about learning. Well, I have put the drawing technology, painting a picture of the difficulty of general drawing every day. I have a winter holiday plan, that is the preparation in advance. Know what meaning be? What I mean is this: on the computer to find information related to the grade four part ii, the text... I prepare to "offer". In class, so I can answer the teacher asked the question a lot!

This is my winter vacation plan, do you like?








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In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities.Dolphinis one of those great creatures, whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors, Dolphins possess something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures. It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains. Dolphins brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head. They live for a ling time.

Dolphinsbabies are born in the water. They can grow up to three and a half meters long.

Dolopins use sound to help them find their way, look for their food and talk with each other. Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.



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Today, as the economy develops fast, people can buy what they need, the producers provide them all the new things, so the factory produce many products, in order to make the biggest profit, they don t deal with the pollution. Water gets polluted, it does harm to people s health, we drink water everyday, the government controls the producers to figure out some ways to deal with the water pollution.


[初三英语作文及翻译:Water Pollution



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My favorite festival is Spring festival,It is inportant holiday in every year .

First, it is a good chance to rest after a year s hard work . It is a great pleasure to prepare for the festval ,by shopping and cleaning up.And Spring Festival can bring many friend people. And we can stay at together, watching TV , playing the cards and singing.

Secondly, the celebration of the Spring Festival highlights traditional Chinese culture. People write in gold on red paper expressing good wishes around the doorframe and set off firecrackers.

Finally ,Spring Festival is stand for a begin in next year ,we should have a good wises ,and believe these can bring good fortune .

In a word,I l like the Spring Festival!








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My Low-carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut

down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon

life to save energy and reduce pollution.

Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I

always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I

always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more




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people often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. but i dont think so. in my opinion, to read books is more valuable than anything else.the old saying“to open a book is always helpful”clearly shows us how good it is to read a book.

books are our friends. they introduce us different kinds of knowledge.they lead us down the road to success.books are our teachers. they teach us truth, science, literature, and philosophy of life, besides they increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience, strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do without them.we have to learn as long as we live. but our life is limited, and the knowledge is boundless. there are many things which are very necessary to learn and there are also many which should be avoided. books tell us what is good and what is evil. and only books can tell the good from the bad.

therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students。






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Water is very important. It is the source of life. Everything in the world can’t live without water. The proportion of water and a person’s weight is about 70%. People can live without eating food for three days, but they will be very close to death if they don’t drink water for three days. The same goes for other creature. What’s worse, without water, everything will be stop. We can’t have power, and the world will be in the darkness. The parts of cell phone can’t be made. Then we have no way to connect with others. In a word, water is pretty significant. We need to protect it and save it.


[初二英语作文水是生命之源 Water is the Source of Life



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Linda is my best friend。 She has changed o lot in the past two years。

She used to be short and have short hair。 However, now she is much taller

than before。 She has long hair。 She used to like playing ping-pong, watching TV

and chatting with friends。 But she likes playing the piano, reading books and

taking a walk now。 She used to be outgoing。 Now she is a little quite。

I think people sure change as time goes by。 Even though she has changed a

lot, we will be the best friends all the time。



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My ambition is to be a teacher.Because I love the children. I want to stay with then. Then I feel happy and young. And the most important thing is I can teach them many thing. I will tell them love is very important. I will try to love others around you. Then others will be friendly to you.The world will be more and more interesting.Do you think so?

To make the goal ,come true,I will study hard.


