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Which place we look forward to university, the number of students of senior three. University life, every high school students dream of want to experience. At least I was at that time. But, to be honest, the university for me at that time is a kind of imagination of good, but how, I want to now I didnt have a certain understanding to him.

In college, we wont have the teacher make the teachings and anticorrosive tireless explains. Wont have too many exercises and tests every day; Dont every day in order to score, ranking and anxious, upset... In the experience of college life this month, there is such a thing let me more impressive: in the first class of the university, there are two girl for a few minutes late, according to the habit of playing before the report into the classroom. But then the teacher said: "in the university, if you be late for class or something you want to leave early, you dont have to report, just quietly in and out from the back door, it is good to do not affect you..." After this, I also met in high school even dare not even think about other things. Can at any time in and out of the dormitory and the school, for example, because of the need to accomplish something to skip class, etc.

So, I concluded that university, is a completely on the process of consciously. If high school we or a chick, so we can say of university has been growing up, away from the shelter of parents, away from the teachers supervision, the rest of the only one to do the master of himself.

So, now we are going to manage themselves, their planning their beautiful university life, and ensure that the future can smile about their college life.

At the university of the second characteristic is to have more time and space, the university will have a class from 5 points to the dormitory in the morning until 10 PM back rest; Also wont because like to see a dream of red mansions but afraid to be the teacher found and hide things, and more importantly, there are all kinds of activities in the university for you to participate in and experience, and these are considered in high school is a waste of time. In fact, we can learn much knowledge from these things - and without the knowledge of the textbook, learned a lot of experience or lessons, learn from the university of rich and colorful...

So, I think, is more important than knowledge ability, and ability to training needs a process, the university is such a good process.










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1.下列有关文学常识的表述,错误的一项是 ( B )





2.下列作家与他们的字、号、谥号、别称一一对应有误的一组是 ( C )

A.李白—青莲居士 欧阳修—六一居士 白居易—香山居士

B.杜甫—子美 柳宗元—子厚 苏轼—子瞻

C.范仲淹—文正 陆游—放翁 柳宗元—柳泉居士 (蒲松龄号“柳泉居士”)

D.陶渊明—五柳先生 韩愈—昌黎先生 李清照—易安居士

3.下面作品、作者、国别(或朝代)对应全都正确的一项是 ( A )

A.《墙头马上》—白朴—元代 《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》—普希金—俄国

B.《文心雕龙》—刘勰— 唐代 《巴黎圣母院》—雨果—法国 (南北朝)

C.《人间词话》— 顾炎武 —清代 《羊脂球》—莫泊桑—法国 (王国维)

D.《长恨歌》—白居易—唐代 《悭吝人》—莫里哀— 英国 (法国)

4.下列表述有误的一项是 ( B )





5.下列对作家、作品的表述错误的一项是 ( B )





6.下列有关文学常识的表述,正确的一项是 ( C )





7.下面作品、作家、国别(或朝代)对应全都正确的一项是 ( D )

A.《汉宫秋》—马致远—元代 《草叶集》—惠特曼—英国 (美国)

B.《喻世明言》—凌蒙初—明代 《浮士德》—歌德—德国 (冯梦龙)

C.《秋》—巴金—现代 《钦差大臣》—屠格涅夫—俄国 (果戈理)

D.《围墙》—钱钟书—现代 《静静的顿河》—肖洛霍夫—苏联

8.下列作品、体裁、作家(或编撰者)、朝代(或国别)对应不正确的一项是 ( C )

A.《搜神记》—小说—干宝—晋代; 《琵琶记》—戏剧—高则诚—明代

B.《红烛》—诗歌—闻一多—现代; 《东方》—小说—魏巍—当代

C.《上尉的女儿》—诗歌—普希金—俄国; 《包法利夫人》—小说—福楼拜—法国 (小说)

D.《海的女儿》—童话—安徒生—丹麦; 《玩偶之家》—戏剧—易卜生—挪威

9.对文学常识的表述,完全正确的一项是 ( C )

A.曹禺、原名万家宝,我国著名的戏剧家,代表作品有:《雷雨》《日出》《虎符》《北京人》等。 (《虎符》—郭沫若)



D.雨果是19世纪的浪漫主义文学运动的领袖和代表作家,其代表作品有:《悲惨世界》《巴黎圣母院》《幻灭》《九三年》等。 (《幻灭》—茅盾)

10.下面作品、作家、国别(或朝代)对应全部正确的一项是 ( C )

A.《离骚》—屈原—春秋 《高老头》—法国—巴尔扎克 (战国)

B.《喻世明言》—冯梦龙—明朝;《堂吉诃德》—塞万提斯—挪威 (西班牙)


D.《长生殿》—孔尚任—清代; 《威尼斯商人》—莎士比亚—英国 (洪昇)

11.不属于四大文明古国的是( C )

A、中国 B、古印度 C、古希腊 D、巴比伦

12.《资治通鉴》是我国北宋年间何人主编的一部编年体的历史巨著?( B )

A.王安石 B.司马光 C.欧阳修 D.苏

13.在中国现代文坛上.以诗歌为主的作家是:( B ).

A.郭沫若 B.艾 青 C.郁达夫 D.朱自清

14.下列不是莎士比亚的作品的是: ( C )

A.威尼斯商人 B.仲夏夜之梦 C.茶花女 D.王子复仇记


A.《天方夜谭》 B《圣经》 C《玩偶之家》 D

16.老舍的戏剧作品有: ( A )

A.《龙须沟》 B.《日出》 C.《四世同堂》 D.《子夜》

17.下列不是俄国作家的是:( A )

A.泰戈尔 B.普希金 C.高尔基 D.契诃夫

18.不负民族气节.在苏门答腊被害的现代著名作家是:( B )

A.沈从文 B.郁达夫 C.徐志摩 D.柔 石

19..请问拜论是哪个国家的伟大的浪漫主义诗人?( C )

A法国 B瑞士 C英国 D意大利

20.18世纪早期.英国作家笛福的小说反映了资产阶段上升时期敢于进取追求财富的冒险精神.请问这部小说的名称是什么?( A )

A《鲁滨孙飘流记》 B《巴黎圣母院》 C《人间喜剧》 D《复活》

21.我们都知道《老人与海》是美国当代文学大师海明威的顶峰作品.那小说中的主人公老渔夫是在等待了多少天之后才捕到鱼的?哪年获得诺贝尔奖的?( D )

A86天.1952年 B85天.1953年 C80天.1950年 D84天.1954天

22.我们平时常说[如果冬天来了.春天还会远吗?"请问.这句名言出自于英国的哪位作家?( C )

A雨果 B拜论 C雪莱 D普斯金

23.现在的中学生都喜欢看侦察小说.那《福尔摩斯探案集》是谁的作品呢?哪国人?( A )

A柯南道尔.英国 B哈代.英国 C柯南道尔.美国 D哈代.美国

24..李白的诗风是 ( B )

A.沉郁.雄浑 B.豪迈.奔放 C.通俗.易懂 D.狂傲.不训

25下列哪把宝剑是王勃《滕王阁序》里提到的( C )

A.莫邪剑 B.干将剑 C.龙泉剑 D.鱼肠剑

26.名著《呼啸山庄》是采用了一种什么叙述方法( B )

A.倒叙 B.插叙 C.补叙 D.顺叙

27.下列不是吝啬鬼的是 ( C )

A.严监生 B.葛朗台 C. 希礼 D.阿巴贡

28.“字字写来都是血,十年辛苦不寻常”和“文不甚深,言不甚俗”分别讲的是中国古典文学中的( D )

A.《水浒》和《聊斋志异》 B.《西游记》和《聊斋志异》

C.《儒林外史》和《三国演义》 D.《红楼梦》和《三国演义》

29.下面作品、作家、国别(或朝代)对应全都正确的一项是 ( D )

A.《汉宫秋》—马致远—元代 《草叶集》—惠特曼—英国 (美国)

B.《喻世明言》—凌蒙初—明代 《浮士德》—歌德—德国 (冯梦龙)

C.《秋》—巴金—现代 《钦差大臣》—屠格涅夫—俄国 (果戈理)

D.《围墙》—钱钟书—现代 《静静的顿河》—肖洛霍夫—苏联

30. 下列有关文学常识的表述,错误的一项是 ( B )








31. 下列作家与他们的字、号、谥号、别称一一对应有误的一组是 ( C )

A.李白—青莲居士 欧阳修—六一居士 白居易—香山居士

B.杜甫—子美 柳宗元—子厚 苏轼—子瞻

C.范仲淹—文正 陆游—放翁 柳宗元—柳泉居士 (蒲松龄号“柳泉居士”)

D.陶渊明—五柳先生 韩愈—昌黎先生 李清照—易安居士

32. 下列说法有误的一项是( A )





33.下列说法有误的一项是( B )





34.下列说法有误的一项是( B )





34、下列说法有误的一项是( C )







35、下列说法有误的一项是( C )







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Music is a kind of beautiful enjoyment, it makes me happy, makes me feel better. The music brought joy to people!

The grass to listen to music, grow more and more flourishing, more and more green. Several long more and more high wood to listen to the concert. People listen to the music is good, can relieve pain, fatigue, also can turn a bad mood into a good mood, still can make people happy, let people follow the music dance dance to.

If the world without music, the grass will not listen to music, will wither. The trees will not thrive without the music, also wont grow taller. People wont listen to the music, will feel very lonely, lonely, will feel very depressed.

He said mom and dad!!!! They go to work, a days hard work, come back in the evening to listen to music, relax the mood, relieve the body of a long day, also can relieve fatigue.

Grandma is very lonely one day, I went to school in the morning, mom and dad go to work, my grandfather has also gone out to the park. Grandma leg is not good, is more walk leg ache, so grandma had to stay at home. Grandma do not work, just listen to music at home, so she didnt feel lonely, also have things to do.

People alive, be without music, without music, the world will be very pale, our life is monotonous, boring, so the music is very important to us.









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Everyone is good, I should be more obedient, I like green, blue in my heart is a symbol of freedom, happiness and loveliness. I wont be furious when Im angry, but I just face it.

Remember again, my deskmate clashed with another classmate, my deskmate fell in my bag, my bag is pressed by him, I was very angry, picked up his pen to fling caution to the winds and threw all of a sudden, pencil, pen, ruler of the fly.

Look at it! I can lose my temper in some times, but most of the time will be very obedient. Are you willing to be my friend?



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"Spring, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening". Spring is the most beautiful season in a year. The twinkling of an eye, charactizing a fine spring has come.

I myself have a heart in the spring. After spring, with tender green grass, grass, crammed with all sorts of flowers, the grass decorated like to embroider the flower green carpet. I walk on the grass, feel the foot soft, very comfortable. There are many butterflies on the grass. They were wearing colorful make-up, or flying up and down, or through the grass. To go far, a large area of a large fields, fields, fruit trees into shadow, red fruit hanging branches, like on the trees full of numerous large stones. Over the orchard, and many birds fly light dances; They are covered with colorful feathers, singing songs. Through the forest a brook, extends to the green grass, from my feet flowed. Sends out the ringing sound when water bottom, stream, want to heart making the music of this song is moving, and the song of birds should be matched.

On both sides of trails, covered with many beautiful flowers, yellow, white, red, purple... Its colorful, very beautiful flowers. Especially flowers everywhere filled with large poppy flower. It is so bright, red dazzling, bright yellow, under the sun, peoples eyes were drove hard to open...

This is the spring, this is the spring in my heart. I couldnt help shout out: I love you, in the heart of the spring!







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Most people has a sweet home, so have I. I think my home is sweet because

it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents.


I can remember clearly. Once I came back home late because my teacher

didnt want me leave until I finished my homework. At that time, the weather

became colder and the wind became stronger. I was so hungry and cold at that

time! I felt I cant take it any more, so I ran to my home quickly. When I got

my home, I felt much more warmer and happiness than ever before!


Thats why I love my sweet home. Dont you think so?




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I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t know

to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was

ill because of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My

parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. I was always in

the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went

out, the high temperature disagreed to me.At last, I was ill.




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New Years day is coming, and came to this glorious moment, how many people are there, waiting for you, because of, New Years day, to bid.

Outlook 2016, how much suantiankula, how much the success and failure, how much pain and unwilling to let him, let them reduced to ashes, into a new day, let us together, to witness our glorious.

Humans in calling, brilliant glory, in calling upon the sea, brilliant brilliant, blue sky in the call, brilliant glory, glory, belongs to you, also belong to me.

This is a new starting point, is also the beginning of our dream. While in 2013, left a lot of regret, but, I believe that these regrets, some can be fill in the following year, this year, is to belong to us, let us once again, to create brilliant.

In order to let the huns in invasion, in order to let the Turkish is not rampant, in order to not disgrace by five hu, in order not to let Mongolian a presumptuous guest usurps the hosts role, in order to not let the enemys line, in order not to let qing back to grassland, in order to let the British and French troops chilling, in order to make the eight formidable, in order to let Japan is no longer so arrogant, for the development of new China, in order to the partys interests, to the Chinese peoples happiness, we must study hard and recasting I big Chinas glory.

Do you still remember, Japan for Chinas public provocation, it is Chinas shame, we, should good good study, more not humiliation by the Japanese. Ancient times, everyone must die wen tianxiang, have a great hunger meal hu lu yue fei of the meat, what have I big celestial absence or.

Not everywhere highway at the foot of the fantasy, not fantasy head a sunny days, in the future, the land of blue sky will have us to set up, we firmly believe that we will not live up to what our elders of entrust.










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I have a pair of small turtles, black-green, shaped like a compass. Its head has a pair of eyes, like black agate, its mouth is very big, very sharp teeth. Its neck can long to short can be fun. Its four feet thick and powerful, the web is available in the water. With it the turtle in the water faster than the land, and its claws are very sharp. Its shell other small animals are not allowed to hurt yourself, its shell not only can protect themselves, can also dress up oneself, brown and green.

It exhaled to eat, it is not a vegetarian dishes, only eat meat, it rarely move, also not much. But there are times when it swimming in the water tanks, like looking for something.

There is one thing that makes me very angry and funny, just let me get it cant. Once I put a small goldfish turtle tank next to the tub, the turtle saw the climb, climb on water crock mouth, head forward, feet a stirrup, fell into the small goldfish in the tank. The turtle into a small goldfish tank, are constantly chasing small goldfish, small goldfish swim everywhere disorderly. I took the little turtle on the ground and gently pat it a few times. It shrinks the head, as if to say I cant anymore. Then I put it back into the tank, this time it a chastened, never climbed out.

I love my little turtle!







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I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year.Playing

basketball is always my favourite,so some of my classmates and I will form a

small team and play basketball together.Sometimes we may have a match against

some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.




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Dragon Boat Festival is a very grand festival in China. It is to

commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in the Warring States period. Now

Chinese people still continue this custom, even a legal festival.


The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar.

Every family needs to make zongzi. There are also interesting dragon boat races!

Grandma has cooked delicious zongzi at home. When she opened the pot cover, the

fragrance of zongzi was floating all over the house, making my mouth water

continuously. I cant wait to peel off the zongzi leaf and eat it with relish.

Its really memorable!


After eating zongzi, my father took me to watch the dragon boat race. There

are lots of people here, and the traffic is very busy! The race started, and

every team is ready to go. With a burst of gunfire, each dragon boat flies

across the water like an arrow. The audience cheered and shouted, cheering and

encouraging for the contestants. The contestants listened with confidence and

strove hard to paddle, and the water splashed everywhere. Each dragon boat

chased after each other. At last, the laggard No. 1 finally caught up with the

far ahead No. 2. The audience couldnt help cheering. There was a sea of joy

everywhere. Ah! This is the most unforgettable day for me.


There are also many traditional festivals as interesting as Dragon Boat

Festival. We should protect Chinese traditional festivals together.



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Today the crime rate in cities of our country is rising. Many citizens

often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken palce in the areas

they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective

measures to reduce the crime rate.


Faced with criminals, some people are so frightened that they shamelessly

give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them. However, some

people are brave enough, to risk their lives to fight the criminals.Their

fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils, saved the victims,

and protected the public properties.


To reduce the crime rate, we all the people should receive a law education.

Criminals must be severely punished. Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to

reward those who fight criminals. It is also important to call on people to

learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.




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It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。我必须去!我非常渴望。



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导语:春天的草那么绿,春天的花那么红,春天的天那么蓝! 下面是yjbys作文网小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。


When the stream to play the piano, when the primrose, sing the spring, when the warm spring breeze, I will know that business is full of spring had come.

Connect force to pull out the grass is sleeping underground, wake the flowers hidden in the underground. The jujube tree in the yard is like just connect to wake up from a dream, it woke up, the body bare, still hang a few dead leaves! Can a few days later, body and filled with green, tender leaves. It wag of branches, please the bird to be a guest, a shake the branches, with voice "hello."

Willow trees by the river began to take new branches, long out of the green leaves, like handfuls of a sword, and like a few equals. It reminds me of a colourful depiction of the poetry of willow: jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash. Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors. Colorful flowers make a colorful painting, bright red, white jiao, the beauty of yellow, pink tender, around the spring in the air. The geese flew back from the south, while arranged in the "people" glyph, for a while in the "big family" shape, for a while in the "one" glyph.

I like the white winter, I like fruitful autumn, I like hot summer, but I prefer the colorful spring!






In a year the four seasons, I like the beautiful spring, sister because when spring comes, the nature is beautiful.

Green LiuShao, when the spring breeze blows the green grass blowing, blowing is wrinkly to knit the river water, blowing drum the buds of plants. In the winter, the willow like a dying old man, dying, waiting for the final death, but at this time, saves the life of the willow spring elder sister come back, he lifted his head to willow, like a gentleman, the protection of the lake is good, not to let the human throw garbage in the lake. Spring elder sister the day really, lively, naughty to catch the birds, the birds are chirping in the same tree in concert. Suddenly, a bird flew away, I followed it, but this only birds are being naughty mouth pecked the basketball goal in our school on the net, like death, together with the basketball net fight until the last possible moment.

In the spring, spring sister put myself on a beautiful make-up, help the grass and flowers a makeup, make flowers more bright, more sweet, spray a little perfume.

Connect through the whole nature, through our red scarf, let it blowing in the wind, blowing the trees and flowers, let them become more beautiful, green trees and red flowers.

I love this charming and beautiful lovely spring.








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How to protect the environment?

Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition, there are a few factories often cutting down the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.





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Today ,my mother and I cleaned the house. I cleaned the windows hard because

it is so dirty. Then I cleaded it again. After that, I cleaned the floor and

swept it. I thought it is dirtier than windows. Then I cleaned the tables and

lots of chairs. We washed all of the clothes and quilts. Until four o`clock, we

tidied all of the rooms up. My room was the cleanest and brightest. I was so

happy and satisfied. Then my mother said: "You`re successful."




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Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and honest.I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet,playing computer games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolize purity.

大家好 我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实.我擅长英语和数学. 我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视 和旅游.我也喜欢打乒乓球.我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员.最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边.白色是我的最爱.因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征.



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My school is Tailan primary school, Thats a good place, this is a

beautiful school.

There are many flowers, many classrooms, many leaves, many offices, a large

hall, a playground in our school, in the playground we can run and play. Also

there is a garden in my school, many flowers and trees in it, we often walk in

the garden after lunch.

I like my school very much! Do you like my school?






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We need to protect wild animals, because we protect wild animals, wild animals will be very friendly to us.

Like the swallow, swallow can help us to eat the pests in the field. If we human beings killed to catch them, they will eat mosquitoes that often to scratch faze us, let us better life? Without the swallow around us become many insect pests, these pests have great harm to our human!

I have an example. For example the frog, the frog can also help us to eat the pests in the field, can be said to be the police in the field. Once we kill them, not the frog, the pests in the field more and more, pest constantly eat vegetables, dont we will have a good harvest?

I have an example. Such as w, w is a doctor in the forest, it can help us to eat the pests in the tree, the tree back to health. We killed them, pests will be more and more trees, trees will slowly decrease. No trees on earth, floods, earthquakes.

My last an example. Such as owls, catch rats, the owl is good for us human beings, human is often hunt them. No owls, voles will increase. Rats ate the crops and vegetables is more, we human beings did not have a good harvest.

So, we need to protect more than animals. At the same time, we also need to protect other wild animals!









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mount jiuhuait was a fine day in may. i took a bus to mount jiuhua. as the hus was passing half way through the mountain i saw a sea of green trees and bamboos. the trees were standing straight pointing upright to the sky. white louds floated in the blue air.

the bus zigzagged to the cable station. i got on the cahle car and soon i was in the air. the mountains and pavillions were underneath. then we came to the foot often king peak the highest among all peaks. the short cut ia steep and more difficult to climb. only the brave few took the path. following the guide i began climbing on all fours. it was a test of physique as well as courage.

our guide kept reminding ua of keeping away from looking at the scenes while climbing. the narrow steps in the mountain led ushigher and higher to the summit. stopping to take my breath i saw the candle like stones and the isolated pine against the sky above the mountain.

the climbing continued and i could not but think of the labouring people who braved the trail for us to follow. what wonderful work! at last we got to the summit. the squirrels were jumping in welcome. steam was rising up from the mountain below. standing above and looking down everything was in sight beneath me. it was magnificent and enlightening.








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Dear Tom,

How are you doing? Currently, 为了欢迎新同学,晚会在我们学校被举办。

inordertowelcomethenewstudents,aneveningpartywillbeheldinourschool. As the chairman

of the Students’ Union, I’m writing to invite you to join us.

Here is a 简单(简洁)安排briefschedule . First, it

will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. next Sunday.

Additionally, 将会有很多被老师和学生们所呈现present的很棒的表演(there be句型)therewillbemanywonderfulperformancespresentedbytheteachersandstudents, such as singing, dancing, performing plays and so


Everyone is longing for your coming, and


I sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation and I have the

confidence that we students would be extremely delighted to see you.


I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua
