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理想是什么?理想,是一个人对未来事物的想象和希望。纵观人类的历史,就是一个不断把理想变成现实的发展过程。 人类就因为有了理想,有了奋斗的目标,才走出了茹毛饮血低级动物的圈子,才一步步从野蛮走向文明,成为统治这个星球的霸主。作为人类中的一员,从来到这个世界的一天起到长大成人,由于受人文思想的熏陶,谁没有理想呢?其实,一个人的成长过程就是不断接近目标、跨越目标将理想变成现实的过程。 虽然每个人都有自己的理想,但是由于每个个体所处的物质和社会环境的不同,所受的文化教育不同,因而个体之间的理想也就大不相同。有的人追求腐朽糜烂的生活,其理想是钱财的不断占有,成为亿万富翁;有的人追求的是显赫的社会地位和无所不及的权势,其理想是成为高官显贵;有的人为了幸福他人快乐他人而活着,为了人类社会的不断发展进步而活着,其理想是将人类世界建设成一个和谐的生命乐园……不同的人,有不同的理想,就是同一个人在不同的时期、不同的人生阶段也有着不同的理想。 比如少年时期的理想大多是希望长大了能成为一名教师、一名医生或一名科学家、作家等等,这其中有很大的成分是幻想;青年时期的理想是报效祖国,轰轰烈烈地干一番事业,能在社会上争得一席地位;中年时期,由于生活的磨砺和现实的残酷,再加上肩负着养老扶幼等重担,这时的理想便是安居乐业,能有一个和谐的家庭环境和社会环境;进入老年后,由于对生活、对人生的洞视,这时的理想便是寻找生命的最终归宿,永恒的精神乐园。 理想,它是一个人生活的希望,追求的目标,灵魂的家园。现实生活中的人,谁没有自己的希望、追求的目标和精神家园?不过是大小不同,高尚与低级的区别罢了。一个人一旦失去了理想,灵魂没有了归宿,也就失去了追求的目标,失去了对生活的希望,就会变成一具行尸走肉。





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Dear Harry,

Thank you for writing to me. Id like to tell you something about what I am going to do in the future.

Well,I agree that its difficult to choose our future occupation as there are a lot of different jobs. However,I wouldnt like to follow in my parentsfootsteps as Im not interested in their professions. Ive asked my parents for advice and they believe I must choose my career according to my preferences.

As for me,I enjoy travelling and I want to see the world. So Id rather be engaged in tourism﹣related occupations but I havent made the final choice yet.

Some people turn their hobbies into their careers. Do you have any hobbies?What are your favorite leisure activities?

Hope this helps. Remember to drop me a line when you can.

Best wishes!


Li Jin













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Directions: Write a composition entitled Ideals. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 人人都有理想;

2. 实现理想的因素是什么;

3. 你的理想及实现的途径。



Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And

However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another.

My ideal is to become a doctor. It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving peoples lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. Im sure I will realize my ideal if I keep on striving for it.




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Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas。

Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, and she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He’d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He’d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe。

Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future。



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I am Mary .My father is a teacher,and my mother is a teacher ,too. They think teacher is a good job. But they hope I can be a great scientist. I want to be a scientist. Because I can make our country strong. I am interested in science. I know it not easy to be a scientist. I often do morning exercise. I am doing my best to make my dream com ture.



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When people ask me what kind of job I want to work on in the future, my

answer is to be a teacher, which is my ideal job. I like to pass knowledge to

next generation and lead them to find their own place in the world. What’s more,

I can live near my families, so I can go home often and enjoy the dinner with

them. I dont want to work far away from my parents, because money cant make up

the time we stay together. When I become a teacher, I will have the long

vacation, then I plan to travel around the world. The place I visit will bring

me a lot of knowledge and open my vision. I will show what I learn to my

students and let them know more about the world. I must fight for my ideal




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Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “My Ideal Job”. You should write no less than 100 words.(我的理想工作)


The work in the construction industry for several years, my ideal job is to be a great engineer, but want to become an excellent engineer is not an easy thing, first of all I must be familiar with the relevant budget quota,valuation table, standard fees, with a full set of construction drawings;joint examination of construction drawing me in order to participate in theconstruction, points out the problems and suggestions related to theproject cost, rationally determine and effectively control, through reasonable and effective control of project cost to continuously enhance the level of construction cost management, secondly, the engineering cost documents provided by the cost engineer in practice, to safeguard the national and social public interests,



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when i got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things to eat. one day, my father saw me, i am afraid to say that i grew up as a cook. i immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "that is not my ideal. when i grow up i want to it (information technology) industries. "yes, i bought a computer five years ago after his father, i am familiar with it day by day. until last year, and i have formed a deep bond with it. from then on, i want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer. but my father said i could only do in the field "testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the report there will be any games. i think what he said is not their fault, i always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like flash. in recent days, i sprouted out of a bad idea : i will be playing the game that the network server to the black. my account will revise the highest level. however, i xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not good. when hackers but also need high computer skills. as a member of the it industry is my ideal, i would like to advance this goal, to improve their computer skills.



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组员 理想职业 原因

mary 时装设计师(fashion designer) 喜欢漂亮衣服,擅长绘画

kate 园艺工(gardener) 喜爱植物,想让城市更美

mike 作家 愿意与别人分享精彩故事

tom 厨师 为别人煮健康美味的食物

你 ? ?



recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.


hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.

★ 范文

recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.

mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, and she wants to make the cities better. mike would like to be a writer. he’d like to share his wonderful stories with others. tom would like to be a cook. he’d like to cook delicious food for others. i would like to be a policeman. i want to protect the people safe.

hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.



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Today, as the development of technology, people can change their faces by doing plastic surgery, because of the commercial ads, people are highly effected by the exaggerated facts that they can be the shining stars. So people pay special attention on the outlooks, they want to look perfect, as far as I am concerned, the true beauty is nothing with perfect looking, only the inner beauty makes you shining. In the fairly tale of Cinderella, the prince chooses the poor girl instead of the beautiful girls, because he admires Cinderella’s inner beauty, though she is nobody. Though it is just a story, it tells people that inner beauty makes one outstanding. People can make their faces perfect, but there is no way to fulfill their inner beauty by technology. Inner beauty is the most precious thing, beautiful outlook will fade away with the time, but inner beauty won’t, it only getting valuable.



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时间象条无始无终永远奔流向前的河,我们是恰巧经过这条河流某一段落的匆匆过客。河岸上一路花开花落,如若,世间所有的相遇都是久别重逢,那一朵又一朵与我们相遇的小花,就是与我们有缘的前尘和过往。日动影移,日穿帘隙,时间悄无声息的流逝着,温柔而苍凉。不经意回头望望,不免有些慌张,原来那么多日子已经翻过,人生已走了这么远。只是那些灿烂过我们生命中缤纷的花,还都依稀记得吗?曾经年少无知,却总喜欢写些忧伤的诗句,如今尝尽惆怅滋味,却习惯了一副没心没肺一脸阳光的摸样。是时间让我们成长。曾经怎么就可以那么天真简单,总以为那些一起哭过,一起笑过的人,就会相伴永远。只是后来才知道,没什么可以永远,没有什么可以一成不变。一路上我们会遇到很多人,会经历很多事,有些人注定与我们只是擦肩,虽然这和相识时间的长短无关,有些人相识再久也只是熟悉而已。 但是有些人,却温暖的陪我们走过一段路程,一起对酒当歌过,一起少年纯真过,一起倾心承诺过,要做一生一世的死党。只是,彼此还是走着走着就淡了,走着走着就散了,蓦然回首,那样少年相知如今能够遥遥相望的还剩下几人呢一直以来喜欢绵绵细雨天,有人说喜欢雨的人,骨子里是浪漫的,也许浪漫的不是那个雨天,是青春年少时与你躲过雨的那个屋檐。曾经那样高高大大的你,却每每说话都会羞红了脸,吹着婉转的口哨,吟唱着青春的爱恋;曾经在那散发着清香淡紫色的丁香花下,你说:“你穿这件裙子真好看”;曾经你最喜欢哼唱的一首歌是《我是一只小小鸟》,“我是一只小小鸟,想要飞,却总也飞不高。。。。。”,磁性好听的声音似乎从没走远,似乎还在耳边,以为会牵手飞翔,还是中途折断了翅膀,终究还是天涯两茫茫了。时间走过,而记忆的长廊,也变得好久好远。有些人总是不知不觉的就淡出了我们的世界,总是在不知不觉的就在我们的世界里变得模糊,是时间让一切改变。有时候不免有点感伤,为那些少年痴狂,为那些信誓旦旦,为那些无限大的梦想,就这样被现实击得遍体鳞伤。我们一路上跌跌撞撞,一边寻找,一边遗落,总以为前面会有更美丽的花开,却不知道最珍贵的已经错过。懂得的时候总是太迟,而时间总是一路兵荒马乱的样子,让人在措手不及的时候唏嘘不已,人生似乎什么都不容易,只有遗憾来得太过容易。



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My ideal is to be an astronaut, because this is my dream since I was a child, so, this dream has been hiding in my heart, never retreat.

In October 2003, Chinas first five shenzhou manned space shuttle successfully flew into space, the astronaut Yang liwei, he gave us others adds one more confidence in the advancement of science and technology of China. When I saw here, I have been occupied by astronauts great image.

In October 2005, the second shuttle shenzhou vi, also flew in space, astronauts from one person to two people, one is called fei, a man named nie, they created two people on the spacecraft, China makes Chinas science and technology are a step forward.

When I saw this scene on TV, the in the mind is very excited, thinking they will be a good astronaut when he grows up. But I cant think, astronauts also must carry on the substantial training every day, to reach this point, and dont panic when in danger, not nervous, but to calm, calm. But their patriotism or touched me, their courage and perseverance to stay in my heart deeply. When the space shuttle take off and down, and everyone will be scary, but astronauts face calm, calm. I admire their strong patriotism, they just want to let the motherland, make the motherland forever.

When astronauts, must want to good health, good character, good work attitude, for the motherland proud heart requirements, etc. And in this way can when astronauts, such ability win honor for our country. Although I also sent a few, but my heart is the honor for China, if I can when astronauts on I must win honor for our motherland.

When astronauts is small, with patriotism is a great honor for the motherland is the big deal, I want to let the motherland more prosperous wealth, more full of vitality!









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My Ideal Work and Corporation

I am a girl with relative strong afility , tolerance for loneliness and be specific concentration on things thatI preferred.In view of above reasons,Iwould like to work in a scientific research institution or be a lecturer in an university.And whoever the students are,I will communicate with them attentively.

If I am lucky enough having an oppotunity to enter in a corporation which famous for its scientific research level,I hope it could possess these characteristics described as bellowd.

Firstly,the corporation should be liner organization structure which has the advantages of power concentration,authority and resposibilities clear devided,unified command,information communication convenient,facilitating a unified command and centralized management.Absolutely, this structure has some defects and requiring a master with universalmanagement talent is one of the biggest disadvantages .Thus,a functional organization should be created to assist the manager to manage the corporation.Aparently,a business with this kind of organization structure could not be huge size for its limits in management.

Secondly,the corparate culture is one of the most important components for a corporation.As far as I amconcerned,a dynamic enterprise culture should have a clear and positive goal which induce its employers to realize the value of their life in the course of acheiveing it.Besides,the enterprise must has the pursuit of innovation which is the core competitiveness of a corporation.In addition,a strong sense of responsibility is essentially concerned for a firm because no business can thrive strongly withoutsharing resposibitities and risks.If it comes down to a type,it may be“work-hard,play hard ”culture.This category of organization culture perhaps be the most appropriate one for me because I do not like an atmosphere which filled with the smell of gunpowder.

As for the department I prefered,it is undoubtedly that Iwould chooseresearch and development department for I want to live up to my years of education and make my value of life come ture.The research and development department serve three paramount purposes:the development of new products,the improvement of old products andeach post personnel responsible for the relevant documents.I wish to be an environmentalist from my adolescence so I try to exploit some products with my professional skill that environmental friendly and simultaneously,bring benifitsto humanbeings.

In a word, the ideal corporation I worked on could be small but has humanistic care and the colleagues worked with me could be positive and diligent to work.The boss I worked for could be a person who is strict with our work but concurrently be friendly and relatively equal to everyone. It can not be better if the address of the enterprise could be near to my home and the traffic condition is not so bad.



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My Dream School

I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn.

We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn’t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.

Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.

I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there.




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he environment is beatiful now? No,it is not.But why?I think that because most people do not protect the environment:throwing much litter everywhere,pouring some dirty water into the lake,spitting on the road,standing on the grass,cutting down the trees...So much insanitary actions made the environment worse and worse.Do you agree with me?

To keep the air clear and make the envinronment more beautiful is our baby.We must protect the trees and flowers,not do harm to the environmental things.

人与环境Man and His Environment

What is the relationship between man and his environment? Man is to his environment just as fish is to water. Environment provides us with air, water, plants and numerous resources. We cant imagine that man can live without environment. But with the development of agriculture and industry, our environment is deteriorating day by day. Just look around, every day, every hour, the air, forests, soil and fresh water are becoming dirtier and dirtier. Whats more, many kinds of natural resources are diminishing because of humans excessive exploitation. And every day we will still produce a lot of monoxide, sulfur and other solid rubbish. If we still brush aside this severe problem, we will not only destroy the environment but also kill ourselves. .joozone.com

