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I have a dream about my career. I want to be a teacher, because I think

teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge. They

can help students to eich their knowledge. Besides, teachers can communicate

with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart. Finally,

teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I

like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to

realize my dream.




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Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream of being freelancers, and so on.


However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself. More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites.


In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and handwriting abilities.




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Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become

civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream

of being freelancers, and so on.

However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a

high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the

children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have

summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself.

More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge

to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t

imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites.

In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire

more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and

handwriting abilities.



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Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the direction in the night.

every one of us has dreams,but how to make our dream come true?I think there are 3 ways to make our dreams come true.

first,never give up your dream.you should always do the things which will help you to make your dream come true.

second,keeping reading books every day.Books help us to know what we did is right and what wrong.

finally,be confident.every one should be confident in daily life,especially when faced with difficulties.

Dream ,the most beautiful word in the world.let work hard to achieve our dreams from now.



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What do I want to do when I’m older?Someone wants to be a doctor.Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport.Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing.Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.

I like playing the piano and I good at it.So I want to become a piano player.Play the piano is very interesting.And you can learn something of music.Piano can make you like music.A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.examda

I play the piano when I’m ten years old.Now I’m in grand five.I hope when I’m sixteen years old ,I can become grand eight.I’ll be harder and harder to practise.

Become a piano play is a hard job.But I believe I can do it.



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Friends can be classified into two kinds, good friends and evil friends. Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good ones drive us towards the right and make our life successful.

Two of them exist in our daily life. However, ideal friends exist in people s mind. They should be diligent, successful and loyal. When you need help, they will stand beside you and be delighted to give you a hand. Also you can share your happiness and sorrow together.

In my opinion, friends can share something but they also should keep their own secrets. So I wish my friends wouldn t interfere in my privacy too much. On the other hand, my friends should have Something in common with me, at the same time something special. In this way we can attract each other and learn from each other.







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Young People Should Have Ideals

What are you going to do when you grow up? When I was a child, people often asked me this question about the ideal. Undoubtedly, every individual, especially a young person, should have an ideal. Hardly can we find any great people we know ideal when they were young。

An ideal is a vital importance to ones growth and success. On the one hand, an ideal is the target of ones life. Once you decide what your ideal is, you know where to go, and which way to take. Otherwise, you might become puzzled in many things in your life. On the other hand, an ideal is like the engine of vehicles. Only when we have our own ideals, can we find the origin of energy and enthusiasm in life, and become active and perseverant. Whatever your ideal is, careful plan and preparation is vital to its realization. Of course, the path from where you are to where you want to get is not always smooth and straight. Therefore, an optimistic, positive mind is indispensable in the process of your persevering your ideal。

In a word, only if you have an ideal, you will have the chance of realizing it。



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每个人都有一个理想,每个人生阶段的理想也许会是不同的。但是有一个理想,一个信念对人生的重要性是不言而喻的。 在我还是很年幼的时候,我的人生理想就是每天都能够睡懒觉,然后做自己喜欢做的事情 这个想法一直持续到小学时,那段时间无疑是比之前轻松的时间苦闷的多,而且又有为数众多的测验及相应的考试,所以当时所最为期待的无非是周末那闲憩的一段时间。 知道上了中学,适应了规律的学习生活,这时才不致太过无聊了。在经常看望过医院里的奶奶之后,看到医院里医生的尽职尽责。救死扶伤,那在病人痊愈后的惊喜与自豪,深深的吸引着我。 所以,现在我的理想,就是一名为人民服务的医生。 我想起了医院里新来的实习医护人员,他们的眼中总是有着近乎虔诚的期待而又愉悦的光芒。 我想,也许在某一天后,我也会像他们一样,以着那样一个身份进入到哪个神圣的领地,我的眼中也会有着和她们一样的神采,期待能让世间多一个鲜活的生命。




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时间象条无始无终永远奔流向前的河,我们是恰巧经过这条河流某一段落的匆匆过客。河岸上一路花开花落,如若,世间所有的相遇都是久别重逢,那一朵又一朵与我们相遇的小花,就是与我们有缘的前尘和过往。日动影移,日穿帘隙,时间悄无声息的流逝着,温柔而苍凉。不经意回头望望,不免有些慌张,原来那么多日子已经翻过,人生已走了这么远。只是那些灿烂过我们生命中缤纷的花,还都依稀记得吗?曾经年少无知,却总喜欢写些忧伤的诗句,如今尝尽惆怅滋味,却习惯了一副没心没肺一脸阳光的摸样。是时间让我们成长。曾经怎么就可以那么天真简单,总以为那些一起哭过,一起笑过的人,就会相伴永远。只是后来才知道,没什么可以永远,没有什么可以一成不变。一路上我们会遇到很多人,会经历很多事,有些人注定与我们只是擦肩,虽然这和相识时间的长短无关,有些人相识再久也只是熟悉而已。 但是有些人,却温暖的陪我们走过一段路程,一起对酒当歌过,一起少年纯真过,一起倾心承诺过,要做一生一世的死党。只是,彼此还是走着走着就淡了,走着走着就散了,蓦然回首,那样少年相知如今能够遥遥相望的还剩下几人呢一直以来喜欢绵绵细雨天,有人说喜欢雨的人,骨子里是浪漫的,也许浪漫的不是那个雨天,是青春年少时与你躲过雨的那个屋檐。曾经那样高高大大的你,却每每说话都会羞红了脸,吹着婉转的口哨,吟唱着青春的爱恋;曾经在那散发着清香淡紫色的丁香花下,你说:“你穿这件裙子真好看”;曾经你最喜欢哼唱的一首歌是《我是一只小小鸟》,“我是一只小小鸟,想要飞,却总也飞不高。。。。。”,磁性好听的声音似乎从没走远,似乎还在耳边,以为会牵手飞翔,还是中途折断了翅膀,终究还是天涯两茫茫了。时间走过,而记忆的长廊,也变得好久好远。有些人总是不知不觉的就淡出了我们的世界,总是在不知不觉的就在我们的世界里变得模糊,是时间让一切改变。有时候不免有点感伤,为那些少年痴狂,为那些信誓旦旦,为那些无限大的梦想,就这样被现实击得遍体鳞伤。我们一路上跌跌撞撞,一边寻找,一边遗落,总以为前面会有更美丽的花开,却不知道最珍贵的已经错过。懂得的时候总是太迟,而时间总是一路兵荒马乱的样子,让人在措手不及的时候唏嘘不已,人生似乎什么都不容易,只有遗憾来得太过容易。



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之所以说是“最崇高”、 “最光辉”,就是因为教师是“人类灵魂的工程师”。建造一座房子或桥梁,我们称他为建筑工程师;设计工厂的合理流程,我们称他为工业工程师;研究更好地养花种花、美化环境,我们称他为园艺工程师。然而教师却是灵魂的工程师,那就意味着是塑造人类的思想、建设人们的精神世界,是精神文明的设计者和创造者,是精神花园里的一个园丁。无论在中国还是外国,久远以来,教师这一行业就已经作为独立的一门职业门类而存在了。


“师者,所以传道、授业、解惑也。”传播人生道理,讲授专业知识,解除心中困惑。在这个过程中,等于是把知识的火炬一代一代地传递下去。所以,在我认为,教师更像一个接力赛的队员。这个接力赛的总长度是人类的整个时间长河,前不见古人,后不见来者,悠悠无尽头。历史赋予我们特定的一程,我们从上一代手中接过知识接力棒,然后跟时间赛跑,直到跑完我们的这一段,把接力棒传递给下一代的人。 教师对学生的爱是无私的,在当今社会更是难能可贵的。不求别的,单是在街上遇到了,他们大声的叫我一句:“老师好!”只这简单的一句话,就会满足。因为我是一名光荣的人民教师。



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he environment is beatiful now? No,it is not.But why?I think that because most people do not protect the environment:throwing much litter everywhere,pouring some dirty water into the lake,spitting on the road,standing on the grass,cutting down the trees...So much insanitary actions made the environment worse and worse.Do you agree with me?

To keep the air clear and make the envinronment more beautiful is our baby.We must protect the trees and flowers,not do harm to the environmental things.

人与环境Man and His Environment

What is the relationship between man and his environment? Man is to his environment just as fish is to water. Environment provides us with air, water, plants and numerous resources. We cant imagine that man can live without environment. But with the development of agriculture and industry, our environment is deteriorating day by day. Just look around, every day, every hour, the air, forests, soil and fresh water are becoming dirtier and dirtier. Whats more, many kinds of natural resources are diminishing because of humans excessive exploitation. And every day we will still produce a lot of monoxide, sulfur and other solid rubbish. If we still brush aside this severe problem, we will not only destroy the environment but also kill ourselves. .joozone.com




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"My ideal" (Author : A fourth-grade students, male, Parents markets selling chickens) is the ideal, I do Yituo droppings, Yituo big smelly droppings. I go to my classmates Chousi XXX, because he owes me the money has not also gave.

I also take classes in the book is zoned chaos. I also Xiusi my class, I find her remarks are each collect so much money, I would like to Chousi her. I also Xiusi math teacher this semester Every time I passed the examination is not, in fact, I can pass. But he will not let me copy.

I also Xiusi principals, why he can stage a flag-raising ceremony Monday speech, we should be below drenched. Finally, I would like to Chousi myself, I Xiusi so many people, a police officer and pulling to jail, I will not go to jail. I also Chousi.




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The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth.

—— [ 德国 ] 爱因斯坦(Germany) Albert Einstein

有理想的人,生活总是火热的 The life of a person who has an ideal is always hot

—— [ 德国 ] 弗里德里希·恩格斯 Engels

生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活 The ideal of life is to live for ideals。

—— [中国] 张闻天

理想越崇高,生命越纯洁。 The nobler the ideal is, the purer the life is.

—— [ 英国 ] 艾捷尔·丽莲·伏尼契(Britain) Ethel Lilian Voynich


Ideals are like the stars —— we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart out course by them.

—— [ 美国 ] 舒尔茨(America) Charles Schulz

Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to

effect.(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家莎士比亚.W.)

Dont part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist ,

but you have ceased to live.(Mark Twain , American writer)


Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer)

理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家托尔斯泰. L .)

If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?

( P. B. Shelley , British poet )

冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(英国诗人,雪莱. P. B.)

Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.(John Ruskin)


The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it.(Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German Poet and dramatist)

人生最重要的事情就是确立一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。(德国诗人、戏剧家歌德. J . M .)

The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds .(Mark Twain , American writer)具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。(美国作家马克·吐温)

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.(Franklin Roosevelt , American president)

实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。(美国总统罗斯福. F .)

The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.(Montaigne)


In the long run men hit only what they aim at.(H. D. Throeau)


When the fight begins within himself, a man’s worth something.(Robert Browning)


between the ideal and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow.------ thomas stearns eliot, british poet and critic 理想与现实之间,动机与行为之间,总有一道阴影。------ 英语国诗人、批评家 爱略特·t·s

do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.------ william shakespeare, british dramatist

不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。------ 英国剧作家 莎士比亚·w don’t part with your illusions. when they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. ------ mark twain, american writer

不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有的时候,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。 ------ 美国作家 马克·吐温

have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted. ------ r.peters, american jurist 人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。------ 美国法学家 波得斯·r



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I grew up and want to do many things, but can not do everything, so we have to choose.

I want to be a teacher, is a math teacher, because being a teacher, and easily and high salary, also can sit in the office every day and have air conditioning, but also can play computer, and can improve the level of their own eloquence, can pass his maths knowledge to more people, let the students of our next generation have more abundant knowledge to live better, let foreign people know how great our country.

I want to do the police, the police can make a more peaceful state, no thief, first rule, let us speak civilization,. Let drug rehab, those who buy drugs, stealing underworld all broken, let me door countries all have to help each other, credit good moral character.

I wanted to be a designer, because I want people to put on my clothes, I design clothes all over the world famous, to make even foreign people sing I design clothes, with our pride. Let me door country put on my clothes, let they all have a taste.

I want to make a contribution to the nation, built a and a hope primary school, dont let the learning school.

Now I know how hard it is to find a job.









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When students go to college, they need to think about their future career, because the major they choose will decide what kind of job they will work on. The better school they enter, the higher expectation the students get. The news reported a girl who graduated from the first class college chose to work as an anchorwoman of the Internet games, then the public felt pity on her, because they thought such an excellent girl should work in the office as the leader or made her own successful business. I have different opinion, everybody has the right to choose what they want to do, though what they learn has nothing to do with the work, they get improved by learning more knowledge. There is no need to feel pity, because she is still the successful person no matter what she does.



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My ideal school day starts at 8:30 a.m. It finishes at 3 p.m. so we would have a lot of time for after-school activities.

We have half an hour for lunch. We can eat anything and chat with each other. We can also listen to pop music in the hall. We eat an apple every day, because it can keep us healthy.

We have Chinese, Maths, English and physics every day, because they are useful and very important. We wear school uniforms on Monday.

My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other. We have a big library with a lot of useful books. We also have a swimming pool and a tennis court. We can do any activities after school or at weekends.

We only have half an hour of homework every day. We do not do homework at weekends. Every month, we go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre. In the summer time, we can go to Beijing or Shanghai. Every week, we go to Dongzhou Park or shopping malls.

I like my ideal school very much.




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每个人都有一个理想,每个人生阶段的理想也许会是不同的。但是有一个理想,一个信念对人生的重要性是不言而喻的。  在我还是很年幼的时候,我的人生理想就是每天都能够睡懒觉,然后做自己喜欢做的事情  这个想法一直持续到小学时,那段时间无疑是比之前轻松的时间苦闷的多,而且又有为数众多的测验及相应的考试,所以当时所最为期待的无非是周末那闲憩的一段时间。  知道上了中学,适应了规律的学习生活,这时才不致太过无聊了。在经常看望过医院里的奶奶之后,看到医院里医生的尽职尽责。救死扶伤,那在病人痊愈后的惊喜与自豪,深深的吸引着我。  所以,现在我的理想,就是一名为人民服务的医生。  我想起了医院里新来的实习医护人员,他们的眼中总是有着近乎虔诚的期待而又愉悦的光芒。  我想,也许在某一天后,我也会像他们一样,以着那样一个身份进入到哪个神圣的领地,我的眼中也会有着和她们一样的神采,期待能让世间多一个鲜活的生命。




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Mary 时装设计师(fashion designer) 喜欢漂亮衣服,擅长绘画

Kate 园艺工(gardener) 喜爱植物,想让城市更美

Mike 作家 愿意与别人分享精彩故事

Tom 厨师 为别人煮健康美味的食物

你 ? ?



Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.


Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.
