保护水资源英语作文汇总两篇 作文怎么写(推荐20篇)







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记得看一个关于缺水的新闻:炎炎烈日和肆虐的干热风使河北省经受着日益干旱的严重威胁。根据最新统计,截至5月底,河北全省的受旱面积达到3752万亩。水库、洼淀可用水量仅为12亿立方米。446座水库干涸,滦河断流,白洋淀水位降至干淀水位以下,16万眼机井出水不足或抽不出水。据河北省农业气象中心介绍,今年1至5月份,河北省平均降水量47毫米,比常年同期减少32%。河北北部张家口、承德、唐山、秦皇岛的绝大部分地区一直没有有效降水,属特大干旱。目前全省南部、北部未经浇灌的耕地干土层已达10厘米。 干旱使河北全省农业生产受到严重影响,城乡供水紧张,全省11个地级市普遍陷入缺水困境。其中兴隆县的人畜饮水已成为相当突出




一、 水是生命之源,节约用水,保护水源,爱我太湖,爱我“母亲河”,爱我300万平方公里的富饶海洋,爱护祖国的所有“蓝色国土”。

二、 节水为荣,随时关上水龙头,防止滴漏

三、 慎用清洁剂,尽量用肥皂,减少洗涤剂中的化学物质对水的污染。

四、 提高工业用谁的重复利用率

五、 农业上改打水灌溉为喷灌、滴灌、淋灌

六、 改变一些不良的用水生活习惯,如洗衣,刷牙似的不间断放水改为间断放水

七、 使用新技术、改革工艺,如生产节水型用具和家电

海洋也是水资源中的一种,海洋的污染也是十分严重的。 海洋污染的危害




1. 共同建设“节约型社会”,节约一滴水,节约一度电,节约一张纸。

2. 节约用水,用完水后及时拧紧水龙头,避免大开水龙头,提倡用脸盆洗手、洗脸;节约用电,电器不使用时应关闭电源;节约用纸,多用手绢、抹布,尽量两面使用纸张。

3. 实行垃圾分类化。这样不仅能减少环卫工人的工作量,还能更好地起到废物利用,减少污染。

4. 节约资源。建议大人买菜时,少用塑料袋,尽量用竹篮子。用笔尽量用可换芯的,减少圆珠笔外壳的浪费与垃圾量。

5. 外出吃饭尽量不用一次性饭盒。绿色消费,尽量少使用一次性用品,多使用耐用品。

6. 人类要想征服可怕的大自然,就必须尊重自然,爱护树木,爱护动物,爱护大自然的一切。





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Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.

This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what’s next and the joy of the game of living.

In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.

When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you’ve grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there’s hope you may die young at 80.



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Everyone can do something for our environment.What Can I Do for Our Environment?


Everyone can do something for our environment.As a student, we should build the sense of frugality in our daily life in the school.I always turn off the lights in the classroom when I leave.Both sides of the paper can be used if it is possible.After school, I bear the consciousness of environment protection in mind.In order to protect the forest I often refuse to use the paper cups and disposable chopsticks consciously.I believe that individual contribution to the environment will build a more beautiful world.





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Blue whale is the worlds largest animal, the body was blue-gray. Now catch the l argest blue whale to the site in the Atlan tic near the Falklands. This 33.5 m long b lue whale, weighing 195 tons that is muc h greater than its tongue elephant weigh ing about 3 tons of its 700 kg heart weig ht, lung weight 1500 kg, the total blood weight of about 8 tons to 9 tons, intestin es are half a mile long. Such a large bod y can only live in the vast ocean. Whale i s an outstanding singer in water, "singer" When push "humpback." In 1971, biologi sts from the United States under the sea seeking the "humpback" voice is analyze d and found a very special sound signals . The original of these "humpback" issue d a series of beautiful sounds, sound mil dly varying tone. These sounds continue d for 30 minutes, then sing from scratch, from the cadence, to judge the degree of light sweet Man, can travel to sea whale s never lost. Usefulness of the people all the whales is very good, a lot of dead wh ales now, so that human beings are to b e discarded, we need to protect the whal es, so they continue to multiply Health h abitat. Let people according to their ben efits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Why touch? Yes , I have here a bit information: whales, s ea travel will not get lost all use of the w hale is a very good person, and now a la rge number of dead whales, so that hum an beings are discarded, we need to pro tect whales, so that they continue to suff er from habitat reproduction. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human friend. Whales every day to sleep. Sleep, always a few heads together, and if ther e are sound, they scattered and went aw ay. Whales can live for decades or a cent ury.

蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物,全身呈蓝灰色 。目前捕到的最大的蓝鲸地点在大西洋的 福克兰群岛附近。这条蓝鲸长33.5米,体 重195吨这远比大象大得多了它的舌头重 约3吨它的心脏重700公斤,肺重1500公 斤,血液总重量约为8吨~9吨,肠子有半里 路长。这样大的躯体只能生活在浩瀚的海 洋中。鲸是歌唱家 水中杰出的“歌唱家”当 推“座头鲸”。1971年,美国生物学家对从 海上寻下的“座头鲸”发声进行了分析,发 现了极其特殊的声音信号。原来这些“座 头鲸”发出一连串优美动听、调子不一的 婉转声。这些声音延续了30分钟,然后 从头唱起,从抑扬顿挫、轻曼悦耳的程度 判断,可鲸遨游大海时从来不会迷失方向 。鲸的种种用处对人是很有好处的,现在 鲸大量的死亡,使人类也走向灭亡,我们 要保护鲸类,让它们继续生栖繁衍。让人 们根据它们的好处,制造出更先进的仪器 ,鲸是人类的朋友。 为什摸?不错,我 这里还有一点资料: 鲸遨游大海不会迷 航 鲸的种种用处对人是很有好处的,现 在鲸大量的死亡,使人类也走向灭亡,我 们要保护鲸类,让它们继续生栖繁衍。让 人们根据它们的好处,制造出更先进的仪 器,鲸是人类的朋友。 鲸每天都睡觉.睡 觉时,总是几头聚在一起,要是有响声,它们 就四散游开. 鲸可以活几十年或一百年.



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Environmental protection is not a new question for us, our government has put forward clear governance objectives. As every ordinary people in real life, although not may be directly engaged in environmental protection work, but we can starts from the minor matter, starts from me.

When see the bathroom faucet is dripping, close is able to raise your hand? When the battery after use can be classified collection processing and not carelessly throw away? Whether consciously or the use of ultra-thin plastic bags when shopping? Them are very small, but it reflects how much we have environmental protection consciousness.

Recycling one ton of waste paper can regenerate 800 kg of paper, can save 17 big tree. Recycling waste 20 boxes can create a beautiful pen container. Recycling one glass bottle to save energy, can make the bulb light for four hours. Recycling one aluminum can is to save the half oil cans. So we should place the garbage classification, reproduction by the relevant department after recycling reuse!

As long as we start from oneself, starts from the minor matter, everybody joint efforts, perseverance, we will be for the society, also a piece of clear water, blue sky for yourself, I hope everybody can voluntarily protect the environment, to make our environment more beautiful life.







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If you see the using life of bridge, would you put down your hand gun; If you saw the dead ant kingdom by compatriots hero, would you put down your hands cut off the tools of ants.

Yes, sometimes life is so slim, slim like sand in the sea. In the summer, when you are running in the grass that you follow the foot to jump, do you know how many creatures will be gone from this world? I can responsibly tell you: you are the one feet for insects, equals eight pounds of C4 explosives! Eight pounds of C4 explosives can blow up a skyscraper! Can you imagine the?

Every 5 minutes on average in the world will be 0.002 species extinction! The earth is warming, glaciers in melt, our beautiful earth will no longer be a home... The kinds of animals in gradually reduce, humans will get lonely; If we dont consciousness, is also want to use the machine to the zoo after animals? !

All of the young pioneers, please join me in calling for: take good care of life is the responsibility of the young pioneers, we should cherish life, protect animals!







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Today, as the development of the technology, people live a much better life than before, the average wage is promoted highly. The economy develops at the cost of polluting the environment, we can see the pollution everywhere, like the river water is dirty, the situation is so serious that we must take some action to control the environmental pollution. First, we should not throw away the rubbish, whenever we have rubbish at hand, we should keep the habit to throw it into the dustbin, sometimes the garbage can be recycled. Second, the government should make some measure to punish the industry which is not deal with the pollution well. With the government’s intervention, the businessmen will pay special attention to the pollution and dare not to ignore it. Protecting the environment needs everyone’s effort, to ourselves and our offspring’s health, we must take action to protect the environment.



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Animals are our good friends, we should protect them, because a lot of animals is beneficial to human.

For example, I like little bees. It is very industrious, arrive every day, honey for the people.

I like the little green frog. It hid in the fields every day, as long as pests, will be the frog to eat into the belly.

I like the swallow. Its a beautiful singing voice, as long as the spring comes, they fly back from the south.

I like worms. It ran winding in the ground, turned out to be digging in to help the earth mother.

I like small gecko. Its tail special magical, broken can come back for yourself. Also can help mankind to catch mosquitoes.

Little friends, do you like the animals? So lovely small animals, we mustnt hurt it.










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he world is not only hungry,but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earths surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.



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presently, the world is faced with serious water problems. but these problems witt become more intense and more comple in the future. our increasing population witt tremendously increase urban waters, primarily sewage. on the other hand, increasing demands for water witt decrease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes.

rapidly epanding industries which involve more and more comple chemical processes will produce large volumes of liquid wastes. many of thesewitt contain chemicals that are poisonous. to feed our rapidly epanding population, agriculture will have to be intensified.

this will involve ever increasing quantities of agriculture chemicals. from this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problems.

there are two ways by which these pollution problems can be lessened. the first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazard. this involves the processing of solid wastes "prior to" disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes to permit the reuse to the water or best reduce pollution upon final disposal.

the second approach is to develop an economic use for all or part of the wastes. farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient. wastes from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained.

liquid wastes from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. only by doing these promptly now can we epect to solve the serious water problems in the future.



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It is widely noted that lots of traditional culture is disappearing along with the development of technology. Many ancient architectures and traditional ways of living have been deserted. It seems that the traditional culture and craftsmanship will be replaced in this modern era.

The following reasons can account for the above phenomenon. Firstly, traditional technologies are always considered ineffective while the new sciences are always highly efficient, because modern science and technology facilitate both our daily and academic life a lot, with which we can save much money and time. Secondly, it is costly to protect the traditional culture, especially the maintenance and repair of the historical buildings.

In my opinion, although traditional culture is an ancient heritage, it couldnt keep pace with the development of society. It is the tide of history that the traditional culture and technology will no doubt be eliminated in the end.



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Nowadays more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Alsothere are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition there are a few factories often cutting down the trees discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harderso we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.





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shark-skin like swimsuit

A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.

The revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

The new swimsuit,called Fastskin FSII,increases a swimmers speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.

Tiny teeth cover the surface of a sharks skin and the shape and positioning of these teeth vary across the body to manage the flow of water.

With these findings Speedo created a full bodyskin with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.



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Environment, is the source of our lives; In this environment, is the human survival; Environment is the human the beacon; If we dont take care of it, it will lead to the death of human society.

In the long river of human history development, there are many celebrities attaches great importance to the environment. British poet byron once said: "I love not man the less, but more love the nature." French monte nie also said: "we have receded from the nature, she was so accurately the way for us, and we want to use her to teach to teach her." What these celebrities said let us understand how important it is to protect our environment.

I cant help but think of the lawn culture in the United States. The lawn for americans create a better living environment, also has brought immeasurable benefit. People can fully share the gift of nature, not only the air is fresh, but also to adjust the temperature, give people the feeling of the quiet and serene. Americans pay attention to the lawn has become a tradition, and even has become a cultural phenomenon. And the lawn culture coexist is American good social morality consciousness. Especially holiday people walking on the lawn, play ball, dinner and all kinds of recreational activities, and in the atmosphere of comfortable, quiet and tastefully laid out and is inaccessible by the indoor activities. We should also like americans, take good care of the lawn, attaches great importance to the environment.

On the other hand, the earth gives all people is the essence of the matter, but in the end, it returns from people is a waste material. In 1991, a team met with snow when climbing mount Everest. To their surprise, the sky floating black and made the earth and the sky shrouded in the haze. Cause of the black snow is the outbreak of the gulf war in 1990, has brought severe disasters to the environment, due to the loss caused by environmental pollution is far more than the direct economic losses of war. From this story, we deeply understand the disaster caused a great loss, we want to make the world become beautiful, must take good care of the environment, cant be destroyed.

"To protect the environment, everyone duty." Lets pull up hand and create a harmonious society; Lets pull up hand, create beautiful homes. Lets pull up hand and create a better tomorrow.


在人类历史发展的长河中,有许多名人很重视环境。英国的诗人拜伦曾说过 :“我不是不爱人类,而是更爱大自然。”法国蒙台涅也说:“我们已经背弃了大自然,她曾那样准确地为我们指路,而我们却想用她的教导来教训她。”这些名人所说的话让我们明白保护环境是多么重要。



