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(一)I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing

and sexy. When we first met I felt her erotic emanation. Now I know that she is

extremely intelligent too.

(二)She is 24 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son. So she is a mother. A sharp mother. She has a piercing in her tongue and two tattoos, one on her stomach (an Indian man’s face) and one on her back (it is non-figurative). I like them very

much. If you meet her, look at her face; it is so sweet. She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose.

(三)Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet. Really. Like a little cat. But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, let’s talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples)




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Since its first appearance in the 15th century in the courts of European royalty, ballet has become one of the most loved forms of dance. One of the most beloved ballets is “Swan Lake.” First performed in Russia in 1895, it continues to thrill audiences around the world today.

The word “ballet” itself is French, and comes from the Italian word ballo, meaning “a dance.” Ballet dancing, as we know it today, is a result of influences from many countries.  Italy, France, Russia, England, and America have all contributed important elements to this style of dance.

Highly technical, ballet is always performed to music and often tells a story. Though learning this style of dance is a difficult process, the results on stage are magical. The graceful moves display the body in the most elegant and beautiful manner possible.



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Better City ,Better life


Environmental problem has become an important and crucial issue. The abysmal lack of fresh water, the desertification, the green house effect and the extinction of creatures are the main issues in environment.


With each second that passes, a water crisis takes another step closer to reality. Consumption of fresh water has tripled since 1950; and fresh water is becoming a very scarce resource. Agricultural practices, mainly irrigation, account for 67% of world water consumption. Over one billion people worldwide dont have access to clean drinking water. So it is incumbent upon all to respect every drop of water and avoid the generation of waste.


The soil under our feet is also getting away from us. Removal of the natural vegetation leaves extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion. Finally, desertification is accomplished. Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: over-cultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and over-irrigation. The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the great difficulty in reversing or even slowing the process. Once the soil has been removed by erosion, only the passage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form. The tree planting is a dominant contributor to the development of the disaster. Another effective measure is to restrain the utilization of the land and to exploit the new technology to improve the productiveness of the arable land.


Our globe is warming up. GHG gases are the main contributor. Carbon dioxide emissions to air are almost exclusively associated with the conversion of energy carriers like natural gas, crude oil, and so forth. Optimization of energy efficiency and, thus, reduction of CO2-emissions and reduction of other GHG emissions contributed from production processes may be the first to be

discussed. And the mitigation of carbon emissions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represents one way of managing a carbon footprint.


The greed of human beings is using up the plants and animals. Tigers once roamed over most of Asia and we can only see them in the zoo. Whales are once the dominant species in the ocean and now they have got out of our sight because of over-harvesting. We must stop harvesting natural resources to excess and bring them back from the brink of extinction. If we take from the wild we must do it in ways that allow natural populations to recover and last long into the future.


The earth is not the human’s planet, it is our planet. It’s time to take measures to improve the environment for both humans and other creatures. A safe, clean and sustainable environment depends on more than lip service. Both the government and individuals have the responsibility to minimize direct impacts against the environment. All of us can start planting plants in our home, limiting the use of private cars and using public transportations. And the government should impose necessary standards upon the whole society. The beautiful and vigorous earth will come back soon.




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当今社会正以迅猛之势飞速发展,归根到底是高新技术产业的进一步深化。不容乐观的就是环境与发展之间的问题还没有得到彻底根除。而下面便是小编整理的关于环境问题英语作文 。

环境问题 英语作文【1】

There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.

One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.

the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.

The polluted water causes diseases and death.

What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.

Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.

Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.

First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.

Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution.

Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.

We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

环境问题 英语作文【2】

With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car.

As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars.

However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air pollution becomes even more serious.

So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life.

My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.

By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment.

Why not have a try, my dear friends?

环境问题 英语作文【3】

Recently,fog and haze has become a imminent threat which most northerners in China are facing.

While the cities of China have greeted striking speed of development with open arms,they suffer greatly from a persistent and dense haze of pollution and smog.

It is high time that we took some methods to protect the environment and ourselves.

Generally speaking,there are three effective ways.

First of all,the government should take into serious consideration the emergency and severity of the air pollution,and take measure to deal with it.

Such as more public transportation systems should be put in use,more energy-saving resources should be utilized.

What’s more,every little effort from individuals counts.

The citizens should contribute to the reduction of pollution by driving less.

Last but not least,try to reduce the time of outdoor activities,especially when the air quality is not good enough.

From what has been mentioned above, to protect our air,we must keep in mind that whatever we give out,we take back in the long run.

So we have to drive less,pollute less and make more changes.

[环境问题 英语作文



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1. 虽述平常事,但分析透彻合理,理性挖掘较深,凸现了事件的本质。

2. 事件虽小,但反映出较深刻的道理,具有一定的普遍性。

3. 从多方面多角度选材,充分体现了人物的个性特征,人物形象丰满。

4. 选材过于通俗,不具一定的代表性,老题材老思想,平淡无奇。

5. 虽然选择了生活中具有一定叙写价值的事件,但由于分析不透彻,挖掘不深,事件潜含的道理未能深刻地体现。

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7. 文章杂而不乱,能做到详略得当,重点突出。

8. 文章对……的气氛渲染充分而恰到好处,对文章重点…作了细腻而传神的刻画。

9. …切合实际,蕴含着朴素而深刻的哲理,读来令人精神振奋,情绪激昂。

10. 这篇文章充满了激情,从字里行间能体会到小作者对…的喜爱之情。全文层次清晰,语句流畅。

11. 事例叙述生动具体趣味性强,且与前面的比喻…一脉相承。最后,作者用寥寥数语,表现出了自已对…的情感,令人感动。

12. 文章前后连贯,形成完整的形象。

13. 文章语言清新活泼,描写能抓住事物的主要特征,篇幅短小精悍,值得一读。

14. 本文内容生动丰富,语言新颖清爽,结构独特合理。

15. 文章有详有略,言之有序,内容生动具体,不失为一篇佳作。

16. 特写镜头别开生面,情趣盎然。全文充满童心童趣,读来倍感亲切。

17. 文章能过清新有趣的语言,描写了…的事。字里行间,充满童年真童趣,欢声笑语不绝于耳,不失为一篇佳作。

18. 详略得当,虚实相生,是本文的两大特色,……内容更丰富更生动。

19. 全文清新秀逸,亲切委婉,朴素而不落俗淘,值得借见。

20. 全文语言生动准确,情节精彩曲折,仿佛将读者带进了开心乐园,令人眉开眼笑。



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One possible version:

The problem of “white pollution” caused by used plastic is becoming increasingly serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role. In China about three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which results in a great waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution. Luckily, The government has put a nationwide ban on the use of free plastic bags, demanding that all stores and supermarkets not provide customers with free plastic bags after June 1. The rule will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance the awareness of environmental protection. It is highly advocated that we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets from now on.



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Tomorrow is fathers day, and my fathers busy figure is shaking in front of

my eyes, how can I express my love for my father? Id like to go, oh, yeah, thats

the way to do it.

Fathers day came, and I said to my mother, "mom, today is fathers day. Lets

give dad a surprise." "Mom said," ok." I put it on my mothers ear and whispered,

"we are..."

My mother and I messed up the house, as if we didnt know anything. Dad went

home, looked at his house and asked, "do you know what day it is?" My mother

said, "let me see, is the world anti-drug day?" "No." Dad pointed to the day on

the clock. I cried out, "its our banjis birthday!" Dad listened, as if his heart

were broken.

Baba bowed his head and entered the room. My mother and I broke into the

room and said, "happy fathers day!" Then my father hugged me and mom, and we all


This is my happiest day of the year.



我和妈妈把家里弄乱,好像什么都不知道。爸爸回家了,看了看家里,问:“你们知道今天是什么日子吗?”妈妈说:“让我想想,是世界禁毒日吗?”“不是。”爸爸指了指钟表上的日子。我大声说道:“是我们班季彦良的生日!”爸爸听了,好像心都碎了。 爸爸低着头,走进了房间。这时,我和妈妈闯进了房间里,同声说:“父亲节快乐!”这时,爸爸一把抱住了我和妈妈,我们都笑了。




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Happiness lie in rendering help to others


Find in helping others is a virtue.


Modernization need find in helping others spirit.


Find in helping others is the embodiment of communism world outlook.


Find in helping others is a virtue.


Only when all contribute their firewood can they build up a strong fire,


When we lift people, we are likewise lifted


As one fence needs three stakes, a good guy needs three fellows.


The snow to send carbon.


I help others, can get the help of others.


the great distance delivers the goose feathers, the ritual light friendship is heavy


Treasure is not really rich, solidarity is happiness.


With all its beauty, the lotus needs green leaves to set it off.


More people produce greater strength, more logs make a bigger fire.


Good things come in small packages.



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暑假里经常闲着发呆,表面上一排安静祥和的景象,而内心却暗潮汹涌。 若切入我的脑剧场,会看见一个想要认真努力当学霸的小红人,和一个悠闲懒散吃喝玩的小蓝人互掐互骂,无疑,小蓝人取胜次数更多,倒霉了小红人,就算是在寥寥无几的取胜时,也早已耽误的多半的学习时间,于是又把后面的时间转到小蓝人旗下。然后,也倒霉了我。



我的人生已经被钉到高考的砧板上,等待两年后被随意宰割,没有回头路可走。我无数次埋怨中国教育埋怨高考,才发现我不是没路可走,而是我的意识里,除了高考便别无选择 。我甚至不知道以前路过的路口在哪里,拐角的地方是否写有路牌告诉我哪个才是正确的方向。但是后来才察觉到,在我过路口的时候,高考已经是天经地义的了。因此,“为何而学为谁而学”这种问题便像秋天里落了一地的叶子,看着漂亮,却只供装饰,没有重量。







其实有时候觉得,初中虽然功利,但其实更加适合我吧,鞭策着我,让我遍体鳞伤血肉模糊, 但至少我还会慢慢的向前爬行。





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Dear Dad,

Do you remember Christmas Eve a year ago? That night, I hung a red sock at

the bedside, in front of you, I closed my eyes and made a wish. When I open my

eyes, my first word is, "Dad, will Santa come?" You say, "It will come!" "Will

he always be with me?" I asked. You do not answer, but I see in your pupils a

little worry.

The next day, I found what I wanted in the red socks. When I held the socks

came to your front, your haggard face bloomed a happy smile, and I in your eyes

caught a trace of sadness.

In a twinkling of an eye, the world as if a lot of old, this years

December 24, Xi son to our home rehearsal program, you sent him away, I still

put the red socks -- or last years socks, hanging in my bedside. I asked you

the same question, "Dad, will Santa come?" "Yes," you replied. "Will he grow up

with me?" I asked. You still did not answer, I in your old face swept a trace of


In fact, I already knew that there is no Such thing as Santa Claus. Last

year, the Santa Claus who gave me presents was you. Nevertheless, with a faint

hope, I asked you the same question I had asked you a year before, but I still

got your silent answer, and I understood everything.

This years Christmas Eve, "Santa Claus" or gave me a gift, But I happily

ran to you there, I suddenly heard you ask: "Son, do you like Santa Claus? I

dont know how to answer. I know its you, but can you give me that wish I had a

year ago? I inadvertently found a white hair on your head, my heart like knocked

over a bottle of taste, I have been in the quilt babble until eleven o


Dad, youre still the Santa I was a year ago, but you cant live up to my

wishes like the legend says Santa Claus can. I finally understand the sadness in

your eyes, and understand the suffering in your heart. Dad, youre an

"incompetent" Santa. I thought you were an ordinary person in the world. But

then I suddenly realized that all the fathers in the world are unqualified Santa

Claus and you are the greatest person in the world!

Dad, I love you!



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Dear teachers and dear friends,

Everybody is good!

My name is Lin junhao. Today, I was standing on the platform for the first time, and the first speech was for the class monitor. At this moment, I am very excited and nervous. The class leader is a job that many students yearn for. I need someone who is capable and caring. I believe I have this ability. I have not been a monitor in the second and fourth grade. Do you continue to give me this opportunity? Let my childhood diary to leave the wonderful memory for the whole class to serve. I am enthusiastic and cheerful, love the collective, unite the classmate, have the love. My weakness is that I love playing games and not listening to other peoples advice to me. In the days to come, I will get rid of these problems.

If I succeed as the monitor, I will do the job well with vigorous energy and clear mind. I will hold a series of activities such as recitation, and of course, I will not say much more. I think we should all be doers, not those beautiful words. If I lose the election, I still have many shortcomings, I will continue to improve myself.

Work has trained me, and life has made me. Dale Carnegie said: Dont be afraid to sell yourself. If you think you are talented, you should think you are qualified to take on this or that position. .

Students, trust me, support me, please vote for me, thank you!

Fifth grade: I love games.



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The Lunar New Year  a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fh and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone  dressed in h or her best. When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.



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Its the new years day. This morning, I went to bed early, youll wake the sleeping mother, told her to take me to play cuipingshan. My mother had no choice but to climb out of bed reluctantly.

We came to the street and the streets were crowds of people. The door of the store was filled with colorful balloons, and the merchants were doing all kinds of promotional activities and attracted many consumers. We slowly came to the foot of the mountain. Also really many cuipingshan people ah. Weve been climbing to the top of the mountain, and we are tired of panting. We run to feed dove. Dove pointed mouth shell, reddish pink. The two eyes were like a black ruby. Its feathers are white and white, and the two claws are pink and very lovely. I feed them with the feed I bought, and they just peck the feed on my hand with a sharp mouth shell, making my heart tickle. These dove are very naughty, they fly to my head in a moment, and then fly to my shoulder, and soon it makes me laugh.

We went to the Pearl plaza. Some people watch fish at the lake, some play badminton, some are skipping rope. They have a bright smile on their faces and the joy of the new year.



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Good afternoon, everyone!

We are studying in this school, and it is our duty to keep it clean and tidy. It’s not good to spit in public places, such as in the school library, in the classroom, etc. We should neither draw pictures on the walls nor throw rubbish here and there. I think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day. If everyone tried his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure it will be more and more beautiful.

That’s all. Thank you.



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Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself. 各位早上好,很高兴在这里介绍自己。 Although this is my first time to introduce myself in English, but I believe that I can make a good

performance . and hope that through this simple introduction, you can

remember my name ,remember my face and i believe that we will become friends in no distant future。 虽然这是我第一次用这种方式介绍自己,但是我相信我会有个良好的表现。希望通过这 个简单的介绍,更多的人们能认识我,记住我的样子。也同样相信我们不久有机会会成为朋 友。 My name is TB and I am 24 years old, born in HEBEI province. I graduated from QinGdao University. My major is Hotel Managerment. I spend most of my time on study and I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an manager in hotel and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. 我叫 tb,24 岁。河北人。毕业于青岛岛大学。所学的专业是旅游管理。上学期间努力 学习专业知识,现在我同样希望能有机会实现我做酒店管理的愿望,充分发挥自己的专业能 力。 In addition to the above-mentioned , in my spare time I like playing badminton, listening to pop music and surfing the Internet. Playing badminton can exercise my body, let me have more perseverance. Listen to music can make me relax, make me more confident. Internet can eich my knowledge, so that I have more experience. 除了上面说到的,在我的业余时间,我喜欢打羽毛球, 听流行音乐和上网冲浪。打羽毛球可以锻炼我的身体,让我有更多的毅力。听音乐可以让我 放松,让我更有信心。互联网可以丰富我的知识,扩充更多的知识。 ok .Thats a little about myself,thank you 好,那就是关于我的简单介绍。谢谢。



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My Winter Holiday Plans Well,winter holiday is coming. So what I am going go do? I am going go read English books,surf the Internet,play badmingoon every day.And first I am going go finish my homework.In addition,I am going go leave Shangou for Xiamen with my family and we are going go stay there for ten days.And after we are getting there, we are going go eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park.That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited.How about you?What are you going go do when the Winter Holiday is coming?



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The recent rainy weather is really not a happy new year, but the show already full in the rainy sky, sometimes see people on the street were home to catch the least things hurriedly, everyones face is wreathed in smiles, their hands still carrying new clothes, it can not help but remind me to new year, the custom of wearing new clothes.

When wearing? * * * Qiao hammer also play hissing? Ne busy chaos benzyl push to put the exhausted ash cellar??? They die cutting process? Yi satin. Gray glare? Suddenly I Meng Yao Li Mei "gun? Nan Jia Yun Yi Li and Huang sole? Mei capsule?? BR>early in the Spring Festival comes before, in order to receive relatives and friends to pay New Years call we will put, inside and outside the home, clean, will put up a couplets on the door, pray for good luck. The traditional poetic couplet is written on black or gold in red paper on the language, what "Caiyuanguangjin" be promoted step by step "and" rich house ", and its all auspicious words.

Send kitchen is big event before the spring festival. Listen to my grandma said, send kitchen is on December 24th of the lunar calendar, the day God banished to the emperor to report the things of the earth. People want God to speak, so that one day people will be specially prepared food offerings to worship god.

The day of new years Eve is very important to people. On this day, people are ready to resign from the old and eat the reunion dinner. Once a year reunion dinner can fully show the family members love each other. After a reunion dinner, began to staying-up late on new years Eve.

The most important thing for children to enjoy is not only to wear new clothes and play firecrackers during the new year, but also to receive the lucky money that adults give to them. The big people send red packets to the younger generation, which means to bring them the best wishes and good luck. The amount of money in the red packet is not important, mainly to make the children happy, the main meaning is in the red paper, because it is a symbol of good luck.

In the sound of the firecrackers, the Spring Festival has passed long ago, but the taste of the year is still lingering, and it still gives people endless aftertaste.



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I like to watch movies so much. Since I was very small, I have watched a

lot of movies. Some people think that it is a waste of time on this amusement,

then I can tell them they think in the wrong way. Watching movies is a good way

to learn things. When I finish watching the movie, I will scan the comments on

the Internet, then the analysis of the movie helps me understand the movie

better. Whats more, I also learn the culture. Like the movie Mummy, I learn the

Egypt culture. When I search more information, I feel like reading a history

book. Watching movie is a funny way to learn knowledge.
