2016年圣诞节祝福语送国外客户 作文英语(优秀20篇)






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1、 圣诞节来到,送你一棵特制的圣诞树:开心是树叶,用欢乐发光装点,再加上无数幸福的礼物,飘落的雪花组成了“圣诞快乐”,祝你身体健康万事如意。

2、 浪漫融合爱情,灯光拉手飞雪,圣诞树挂满礼物,寒冷已被融化,温馨不断涌现,化作心头一句浓浓真言:圣诞快乐!

3、 铃儿响,鹿儿跑,圣诞老人在奔忙;孩童笑,有惊喜,圣诞礼物袜中藏;发短信,传祝福,流金溢彩气氛浓;过圣诞,真热闹,祝福大家喜事多,圣诞快乐!

4、 天气预报:圣诞节当天,全市会下礼物,出行的市民最好带个包,装不下的用外套,捡的越多越美妙,更有机会得圣蛋,祝你快乐幸福每一天。

5、 亲爱的朋友,圣诞老人今年太忙,委托我来送你礼物:貌美如花衣,穿了以后倾国倾城,点石成金手套,财神爷爷都要追你跑,健步如飞鞋,身体健康事事如意!

6、 圣诞节,做盘菜,美名曰,幸福菜:绿油油,鲜嫩嫩,香喷喷,水灵灵,甜丝丝,脆生生,红艳艳。油光闪亮,鲜嫩水灵,细嫩清脆,爽口清脆,赏心悦目,秀色可餐。祝胃口大开,可口可乐、圣诞快乐。

7、 铃儿叮当响,叮当铃儿唱,圣诞快乐曲,愿你心情扬,圣诞祝福信,愿你心欢畅,圣诞礼花放,让你精神爽,圣诞快乐为你送上!

8、 圣诞节告诉你个秘密:“快乐”说她爱上你,“幸福”给你捎情书,“甜蜜”的暗恋明朗化,“开心”的痴情要疯狂,她们都要和你住,不然就去找老爸,她们老爸不可怕,胡子很长叫“圣诞”,礼物很多脾气好,“女儿”全都爱上你!圣诞快乐!

9、 爬过烟囱穿过窗,坐着雪橇踏着霜,挂着礼物化了妆,扮着老人送福光:我爬山涉水,远渡重洋来到你的窗外,不知道你床头的袜子是否准备好了?

10、 圣诞树上,挂满我的祝愿;点点烛光,摇曳我的思念;铃儿叮当,送上我的礼物;一条短信,寄托我的挂念。一年又是一年,为你祝福为你祈安。圣诞快乐!

11、 圣诞到,心欢笑,张灯结彩真美妙;鹿儿跑,礼物到,铃儿叮当响云霄;雪花飘,梦儿好,一早幸福幸福绕;花儿开,鸟儿叫,所有幸福来报道。

12、 星光点点,烛光闪闪,温馨浪漫有你伴;铃儿叮当,鹿儿欢欢,圣诞祝福低头见;信息短短,情谊长长,无限相思是祝愿。幸福常常有,天天是圣诞。

13、 圣诞节日到,短信来问好,圣诞老人到,礼物随车跑,圣诞树上好,霓虹灯闪耀,圣诞就是妙,气氛真热闹。祝你圣诞乐逍遥、消烦恼,财运福运全来到。

14、 戴着小白帽穿着红棉袄的圣诞老人,挂满五彩斑斓的圣诞树,闪闪发光的金色铃铛,圣诞节到了,让自己放松,自由一天,祝圣诞快乐,吉祥如意。

15、 摘一朵圣诞雪,用热心温暖,用温情融化,成一滴圣诞水,用爱心飘洒,用柔情浇灌,生一棵圣诞树,用关心呵护,用真心爱抚,开一朵圣诞花,用欢乐滋润,用祝福孕育,结一颗圣诞果,张着一张幸福的脸,镶着一双祝福的眼,开着一口圣诞的嘴,开口就叫:圣诞快乐!

16、 没想到去年你用来接受礼物的袜子,今年还用而且还没洗,我只能说“I Fu le YOU”,连圣诞老人都住院了,所以委托我短信祝你,圣诞节快乐!

17、 圣诞节来到,美好心愿放在枕头套,圣诞老人送礼让你梦里都笑,兴奋的心情持续有效,快乐每天很美妙,欢笑一直陪你老!

18、 礼不在贵,真心就行,字不在多,真意就灵,虽是短信,祝福深藏,愿你圣诞快乐,天天快乐,收到就可兑现,转发更有惊喜褒奖!

19、 堆雪人、打雪仗,滑雪橇,溜冰儿,唱雪歌,圣诞节,重拾过去美好回忆,找回因忙碌而淡忘的快乐,不管节日里下不下雪,我都要祝福你圣诞快乐!

20、 平时你被工作围绕,下课又被美女怀抱,到了圣诞节,发条短信祝你生活美妙,幸福萦绕,心情要整好,这样快乐才会常来骚扰,让你被欢乐喧闹!

21、 “圣”旨到,要“诞”(淡)定,“节”快乐。圣诞节,愿你永远拥有10岁的心情,20岁的容貌,30岁的身材,40岁的风情,50岁的智慧,60岁的豁达,70岁的坦然,80岁的无所谓,90岁的超凡脱俗,100岁的快乐似神仙。

22、 圣诞节到了,送袜子,一装快乐无极限,二塞好礼惊喜连连,三回收你的压力烦恼,让你轻松每一天,祝你身体健康,每天好心情!

23、 生蛋(圣诞)节到了,送你真强十蛋大礼包:双重甜蜜蛋,双重快乐蛋,双重美丽蛋,双重幸运蛋,双重幸福蛋,祝你开心过圣诞,烦恼都滚蛋!

24、 圣诞节里雪花飘,圣诞老人礼物到,快快打开瞧一瞧,祝福短信有一条,温馨之夜饮美酒,甜蜜快乐无忧愁。祝福朋友天天开心,圣诞节快乐!

25、 圣诞夜,做小偷,爬上圣诞树,偷下圣诞果,吃下圣诞肉,喝下圣诞汁,暖着激动的圣诞心,流着幸福的圣诞泪,传着欢乐的圣诞情,说着祝福的圣诞话,偶尔放下一个圣诞皮(屁),送给你我的同僚:祝你圣诞节快乐!

26、 圣诞节特产:本品采用“天然思念”酿造,“真情流露”制造,“关爱祝福”打造,“真情久久”创造,无污染,纯绿色,不含防腐剂,保质永久,真是出家旅行,过节赠友,必备良品,现赠于你,祝圣诞节快乐!

27、 圣诞节,玲儿响,圣诞祝福响当当,用“真心”拌“诚心”送你“开心”美味餐,圣诞老人梦里闯,礼物多多给你享,大礼小礼“快乐”就是真(礼)理。圣诞节,祝你圣诞快乐,万事如意。

28、 寒冷的冬季,寂寞的天空,飘舞的雪花,红色的圣诞,温馨的祝福,圣诞节就快到了,提前祝你圣诞快乐,开心如意。

29、 错过了平安夜的狂欢,还有这圣诞节的幸福,这一天让我们远离那霓虹闪烁的喧嚣,走进那轻舞飞扬般的浪漫,点燃祝福的烟花,看燃起的烟火落在身边,让拂晓的阳光照向双眼,静静体会那一刻的幸福甜蜜,祝圣诞快乐。

30、 圣诞节就要到来了,愿我的短信传递友谊,让远方的朋友感受到友谊长存的温暖,但愿很快能和好友在一起把酒言欢。祝福朋友圣诞节快乐,幸福开心到永远。

31、 圣诞节到来,送你一首歌,歌唱生活,送你一首诗,诗化梦想,送你一束花,花色爱情,送你一杯茶,茶香希望,送你一句祝福,祝你安康,送你一条短信,愿你圣诞喜洋洋。

32、 我以圣灵圣子的名义:用雪花化成如意圣水,用烈酒化成温暖圣火,用寒风化成平安圣意,用冰霜化成万能圣球;送给圣诞节的你,祝你圣诞节快乐!

33、 圣诞祝福虽紧俏,抢先送你最有效,圣诞礼物很畅销,收到礼物微微笑,圣诞短信很忙碌,好运随着短信到,圣诞祝福转一转,快乐指数转得高,圣诞快乐就好!

34、 到了圣诞节,来到圣诞夜,戴着圣诞帽,穿着圣诞衣,唱着圣诞歌,传着圣诞音,骑着圣诞鹿,拉着圣诞车,载满圣诞礼物,来到你身边,放到你枕边。吻吻睡熟的你,给你个大惊喜:祝你圣诞节快乐!

35、 我把自己挣扎着挤进礼包,提心吊胆溜进圣诞老人的背包,日夜煎熬等待今天来到,都只是为了你开启礼物的时候可以看到我的真心:圣诞节这天开始,让我们一起幸福到老!

36、 那贫乏的文字表达不出我对你的思念,再华丽的字句也描述不了我对你的爱意!这样的日子寒冷,距离那都是白云,圣诞节!亲爱的!我们一起过!





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Christmas Day is important in western countries. It comes on December 25. People have several days off from their work. They go back home to get together for a big dinner. There is a Christmastree in each family. It is decorated with small things and brightlights. During Christmas Day, many shops are busy selling goodsas presents. On that day people often exchange presents. Childrenlike the festival because they can receive many beautiful presents.




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Vanity of build by laying bricks or stones jade world outside the window, the snow outside the window, you only have to pull open the curtain, open the window to see this proud snow ling cream in the winter. In this season, there is a range of holiday: Christmas.

In the days of having a unique style, people will hold many interesting activities, such as giveaways, lottery and other activities. People say that on the night of the Christmas, Santa Claus will sit two sika deer dragging ski car gifts to the children, in the morning you will see the pillow Have a nice gift, this is a Christmas present.

In this AQiChengShuang winter there is also a Christmas Eve, it is on the eve of Christmas, the day everyone to pray for peace, everyone has a patron saint of their own, to protect themselves.

This is impervious to depression in the winter of "merry Christmas!"


在这个别具一格的日子里,人们会举办许多妙趣横生的活动,比如:有奖竞猜,抽奖等活动。人们都说在圣诞节的晚上,圣诞老人会坐着两只梅花鹿拖着的滑雪车来个小朋友们送礼物,在你早上起来就会看见枕头底下 有一份精美的礼物,这就是圣诞礼物。






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Dear teacher,


It is also a harvest season and a safe season. On this special holiday, On behalf of all the students in the Class of Business School x, I would like to extend my most sincere holiday wishes to the teachers!

Time travel, the passage of time, in the blink of an eye we from a naughty child to sensible youth. Two years ago, it was the teacher who brought us to the university gate. In the past two years, we have felt the care of the teachers relatives.

As a Chinese saying goes, "teachers are teachers, so they impart knowledge and solve doubts". In the classroom, I can still see the busy figure of teachers. They impart their lifes knowledge to us without reservation and patiently teach us. I remember that one of our international trade professional teachers often give us lessons in sickness, listening to her hoarse voice so far I can not imagine; We did not have water to drink in the training room. She brought us water to drink by boiling it herself and took care of us like a kind mother.

"A day as a teacher, a lifetime as a mother," in the life of the teacher meticulous care to take care of us. Just entered the university we are not used to the university life, teachers often come to our dormitory to visit us and chat with us. I remember one time when a student in our dormitory got sick at 2 o clock in the evening. After dialing the teacher, the teacher immediately came to accompany him to the hospital. He didnt come back to school until 7 o clock in the morning. When we thank, the teacher said such a situation often happen, you do not need to thank, this is what we should do.

"Happy to go home, safe return to school" every holiday home, business school will be under the leadership of Secretary Xu visited each dormitory, exhort ten thousand safety first.

Out of the school, review the reading career bit by bit, campus events in mind. The heart of gratitude, the presence of exhibitors: do not forget the hard work of teachers, teachers do not respect the teachings. According to the preliminary understanding of the X class of business school internship situation is optimistic. Ask 13 classes of students, most of the number has been in the unit internship. There are internship in foreign trade companies, logistics companies internship also some in the factory tracking orders, like a large number of students chain classes are in the supermarket internship...... Different students are distributed across different industries. They are conscientious in their posts and study hard to live up to their teachers expectations.

Remember that President Wang once said to us: even if you go out of the school but the teachers and students love continuous, always depend on; On campus, you are proud of your school. On campus, the school is proud of you. We will return the teacher with excellent results, live up to the teachers expectations of us.

"Spring silkworm to the death of silk, wax torch ashes tears before dry", looking back yesterday, looking forward to the Ming Dynasty, we thank the teacher for our dedication. Finally to all the teacher sincere tunnel 1: "hard work, teacher!" And I would like to express my highest respect to you! May teachers flourish and peaches and plums fragrance all over the world!





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Christmas is the wests most grand holiday of the year, because that day was the day of the birth of Jesus, as countries friendly exchanges, Christmas was introduced into our country, we have a place called (liuhe village), the village most of them are faithful christians, grand ceremony is held every year, Christmas comes every household is decorated with Christmas colors. Red with Christmas flowers and Christmas candles. Green is the Christmas tree, it is the main Christmas decorations. On Christmas day, the adult children in the village like holidays, set off firecrackers to wear new clothes, decorating, streets, a festive atmosphere, very lively!

In recent years, we here also began to Christmas, now each store is filled with the Christmas tree, various kinds of Christmas gifts...

Nowadays, Christmas is coming. Christmas day by day in memory of the waves near, he always mass with charming fragrance, will always be so. Every winter, people will unconsciously think of Christmas. Indeed, this beautiful and be full of fantasy Christmas holiday, really appeal to me. We are always looking forward to this day, the annual Christmas day coming soon.






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Very long has not related! Recently fortunately? How studied? Thesuch long time not and you relate very are really embarrassed! Whenare you coming China? My father ,my mother and I all very much thinkof you!Christmasday is drawing near, has not fluttered in the snow andice,

The Christmas tree not long is also high,

The Christmas colored lantern has not shone,

The turkey has not been baked,

The sock has not hung up the window,

The gift has not prepared before,

Wishes your * Merry Christmas *

Again comes China time records comes my family place guest weto welcome you very much the arrival.




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Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.


A New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughters.


To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.


We wont forget you this holiday season.


I hope we can spend the holidays together.


Wish all the best wishes for you.


Its really a shame we cant be together at that moment.


A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you!


Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.


New year is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is no class.


To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.


Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.


May the joy and happiness around you today and always.


Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.


Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.


Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.


New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you.


May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peaceand happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.


Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.


May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoymentfor you. Best wishes.


With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.


Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.


May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.


Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year.


A happy New Year to you.



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每个圣诞节给我们带来美好的想法回忆... ,你会得到许多礼物,噢,圣诞快乐! 小编收集了圣诞节给国外客户英文祝福语,欢迎阅读。

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Best wishes on this holiday season.


Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.


We wish you a merry Christmas.


Wishing you a beautiful holiday season.


Happy holidays!


Wishinbg you health and happiness in the year to come.


Seasons greetings.


Wishing you a white Christmas.




May peace,happiness and good fortune be with you always.


Have you been naughty or nice this year?


Dont forget to hang up the sock!


Weve had a rather uneventful year!


May the holidays fill your heart with happiness.




Much joy to you in the upcoming year.


Thank you for all you have done for us.


Well be here after the New Year.


We wont forgetyou this holiday season.


Thank you for your hard work and patience on this holiday season.


Thank you for not as signing homework this holiday season.





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Happiness in Chiristmas Day


Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate. It is on the 25th day of each December.Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ.But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning.The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday.There is always a shopping boom during this period.So its really a happy season for shop owners.





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Christmas Day


Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft and beautiful.


On Christmas Eve, children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them. In fact, their parents put the presents in their stockings.


How interesting it is! On Christmas Day, people say "Merry Christmas" to each other.

你说有趣不有趣! 在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。



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Remember every December, I always took mom and dads hand and asked, mom and dad, Santa Claus will come this year?

Will, will, he will put the present on you of that smelly socks, Christmas will see as soon as you wake up!

I want a car, I want the Ottoman and ice-sugar gourd!

Well, there are! Santa Claus will satisfy you. Mother always says so.

Then, with a hidden desire, quietly waiting for the Santa Claus gift. On Christmas Eve that day evening, mother came to my bed, said to me, as long as my darling sleep, Santa Claus will come for my gifts. Then, the mother would say: ok, darling, darling to sleep. Mother put your dirty clothes to wash, clean tomorrow. Christmas day opened his sleepy eyes, will see a small socks hanging in my bed, it looks heavy. That containing all kinds of gifts, although not the same every year, but is in line with my desire.

Every time I received a Christmas present, always found with all kinds of labels on it. Im sure that is Santa Claus, know what I like, go to the store to buy me.









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Many holidays are there in a year, with Chinas traditional holiday, have belong to our festival - the childrens day, May Day, ten first-class legal holiday. But my favorite is not the holiday, but Christmas.

Christmas is a holiday for all Christian countries in the world, commemorates Christ birth festival. Although it is not important to Chinese people, but we can still see Christmas brings to life change. First of all, some stores began with Christmas sales, shop front were filled with Christmas and related commodity: reindeer! Santa Claus toy! Has become a sale of goods, and was deeply loved by consumers. Second, the school also has carried out many Christmas activities, guess what gift, Christmas party, give a person a kind of strong festival atmosphere. Christmas is coming slowly.

I love the atmosphere of Christmas is not only love it, but also want to get their Christmas presents. Every year on Christmas Eve, I sat quietly, eyes staring at the shining stars in the night, the in the mind with hope, hope that his next day could make every dream come true. I remember last Christmas, I want to get a pen wish, result the second day morning, a new pen is in my bed, I was overjoyed, hurriedly to the big news to his mother, ask her what is going on. Can be looked at his mother confused look in the eyes, a mysterious thought crossed my mind, dont Santa Claus really exist?

Yes, in my opinion, Christmas is just such an atmosphere, full of mysterious festival. And it also inspires me cherish the time, but once a year at Christmas. Every time, is also a significant and we are one year older again, in a year. Do you have any harvest. Have what experience. Whats the shortage and progress? We will be more Christmas as a learning meeting, as a Christmas present for a good years encouragement, the blessing as a spur for next year, its not better?

Christmas with me grow up, I love Christmas!








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Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas"- meaning "celebration of Christ "- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman Mary.

Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to p>

Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date p>


西元纪年创制于西元5世纪,后来圣诞节这一天就按格里高利历法,即西元纪年的“公历”来确定了,而日历按着假定日期把时间分为公元前(耶稣基督诞生前)和公元后(A. D. 是拉丁文缩写,意思是“有了我们主--耶稣的年代”)。后来,虽然普遍教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又因各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,



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In winter, when I was not aware of, quietly coming. Christmas day, the happy holiday, without slipping away again. Christmas is a fairy tale, inside it there is a beautiful story. And my favorite, it is the more beautiful, more moving "Santa Claus" fairy tale.

Tiny, mom and dad told me: "the night before Christmas, Santa Claus will send Christmas gifts to the children. However, Santa Claus will only send to obedient child, not obedient child, can not receive." Around Christmas, therefore, I will be very obedient, clever, just for get the so-called Christmas gifts. Young, I never know that this is just a mom and dad in order to satisfy my little wish and make up a white lie.





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Chritmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born.people in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor.The santa claus will come out and send presents for children.Christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place.The carolling of Christmas songs echo through the air.I am not a Chirstian,but I also enjoy the atmosphere of Chrismas.I wish everybody have a merry Chirismas.

Christmas is the most important festival in the western world.It falls on December 25th.When my mother and I stayed in America,we were invited by one of my mothers friends to have Christmas with an American family.We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house.

They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house,such as Christmas candles,cakes,cards,little toys,biscuits and so on.A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall.How beautiful it was!We were impressed by these.We had a big meal.After dinner,they told us some interesting stories about Christmas.We learned that Christmas had something to do with God.We went to bed at midnight.Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true,we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presents.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.

This Christmas was really unforgettable.Not only did I have a good time,but also I knew something about foreign culture.







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Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25 which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Eastern Orthodox Churches, which use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on January 7 by the Gregorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and neither is thought to be the actual birthdate of Jesus. Christs birth, or nativity, is said to fulfill Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior.

The word Christmas is derived Middle English Christemasse and from Old English Cristes m?sse.[1] It is a contraction meaning "Christs mass". The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter (chi), an abbreviation for Christ .

In Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status as a winter festival. Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time. Examples of winter festivals that are believed by some to have influenced Christmas include the pre-Christian festivals of Yule and Saturnalia.

In Western culture, the holiday is characterized by the exchange of gifts among friends and family members, some of the gifts being attributed to Santa Claus (also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, and Father Frost). However, various local and regional Christmas traditions are still practiced, despite the widespread influence of American, British and Australian Christmas motifs disseminated by film, popular literature, television, and other media.



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Christmas is a grand festival of the west, is every childs favorite holiday, because the childs parents will buy some Santa costumes, dressed as Santa Claus, after the child fell asleep, the children want presents on socks, etc. Let the child find tomorrow morning, give the child a surprise.

Once, when mother woke up I was sleeping, yi! Socks had the a gift, it was a beautiful crown princess headdress, let me happy all day.

At school, students are asked me why I so happy, originally, because I received a Christmas present. Made me glad Christmas gift, make me happy, makes me very excited that I...






全文共 1882 字

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Christmas, annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ。 Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate Christmas on December 25, and many celebrate on the evening of December 24 as well。 Members of the Eastern Orthodox Church usually delay their most important seasonal ceremonies until January 6, when they celebrate Epiphany, a commemoration of the baptism of Jesus。 Epiphany also traditionally commemorates the arrival of the Three Wise Men of the East in Bethlehem (near Jerusalem, Israel), where they adored the infant Jesus and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh。 The official Christmas season, popularly known as either Christmastide or the Twelve Days of Christmas, extends from the anniversary of Christ’s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January 6。  Christmas is based on the story of Jesus’ birth as described in the Gospel according to Matthew (see Matthew 1:18—2:12) and the Gospel according to Luke (see Luke 1:26—56)。 Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, then known as the Feast of the Nativity, as early as 336 ad。 The word Christmas entered the English language sometime around 1050 as the Old English phrase Christes maesse, meaning festival of Christ。 Scholars believe the frequently used shortened form of Christmas—Xmas—may have come into use in the 13th century。 The X stands for the Greek letter chi, an abbreviation of Khristos (Christ), and also represents the cross on which Jesus was crucified。




全文共 1890 字

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Christmas is a time for miracles.It is also a time when the dull things of daily life and the forecast of human hature gives way to a spiritual awakening.Allow me to share with you one truly wonder of Christmas.

Our miracle story comes from an incident that occurred in Flanders, Belgium, at the dawn of World War I. On December 24th ,1914, German and English troops faced each other from the relative safety of their ditches across which no man’s land lying between them. Suddenly, the silence was broken, not by gunfire, but by the strains of Silent Night arising from the German position. It wasn’t long before the English troops responded with a Yuletide hymn of their own. Then an amazing sight surprised the eyes of the English soldiers. A German soldier holding a small tree arranged with lighted candles began to walk across the land toward the English lines. This miraculous scene occasioned the declaration of a truce followed by English and German troops greeting one another, exchanging small gifts and singing songs of Christmas. Word of this incredible phenomenon reached the High Command of both sides.

On Christmas Day, both armies moved from their positions to engage in the killing of war at other battlefields. However, on Christmas Eve 1914 on a field in Flanders, there was Peace on Earth.

Christmas is a truly amazing phenomenon. The day and season perpetuate a miraculous, historical event as an annual presence that challenges an often rough, cruel, and egotistical creature — the human being — to become open and amenable to their Creator’s vision. The great miracle of Christmas continues in the performance of humane acts, moral honesty, and in the spiritual awareness of millions struggling to lead a life of grace.





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On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o‘clock, and most of them are awake by six o’clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.

Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o‘clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.


