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Under the snow all day yesterday, my mother and I got up early today, because I dont want to miss a good chance to see snow.

Snowy morning, snow mountains, great! Like a wonderful hand painter painted a beautiful picture. Path has been covered with a layer of long white carpet, so pure, so crystal clear, look really dont have the heart to put his foot on; The grass on both sides of the road has been out of sight, because the lawn covered by a thick layer of the quilt; Small trees compose full of honeysuckle, furry, thick, than the original big pine is more beautiful, would like to open full of pear flower, was "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open"!

My mother and I breathe the fresh air, enjoy the nature gives grace. We heartily in this beautiful world of the snowball fights, a snowman, although I flushed with manual, but my heart happy!

Because have school, so we had to leave. Bye beautiful lawn, pine trees, the beauty of nature!








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We went to Yulong mountain this weekend. There were six persons in our group. We gathered together at our school gate at 8:00 on Saturday. We started to climb the mountain at 8:30 and get to the top at 10:00 am. We had lunch at the top of the mountain. After lunch, we arranged some free activities , such as singing, dancing and game playing. We returned at 5:00 pm. In order to have a good time, every member of our group prepared necessities by themself, such as tent, sleeping bag, coat, water, food, and so on. What a happy day!



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1、 二哥是卖海产品的,他一年四季风里来雨里去,起早贪黑,非常辛苦。人物描写经典片段。他个子不高,长相也不怎么太好,有时让人看了不像好人,但他卖的货下得快,周围的商贩都佩服他。

2、 小妹五岁了,长得可漂亮呢!好那盛开的玫瑰花一般的小脸。秋水一般的大眼睛,仿佛有许多小问号藏在里边。她那红红的小嘴,微微向上翘,像个小月牙儿,好像总是在微笑。那双葱白般的小手上还嵌着五个浅浅的小窝窝。她的脑后还高高地翘起个马尾辫,唉,我简直无法形容,不管谁见了,都说:?瞧这小姑娘,多漂亮!?

3、 我有一个可爱的弟弟,圆圆的脸蛋,细长的眉毛下长着一对圆溜溜的大眼睛,你要是问一个问题,他那黑葡萄似的眼珠便在眼眶里骨碌碌地转着。在他那高高的鼻梁下边,长着一张小巧的嘴巴。平时总是笑嘻嘻的,要是生起气来,两只嘴翘得老高老高,这时大家都打趣地说:?真可以挂上两只油瓶呢!?

4、 一双炯炯有神的眼睛,一个挺拔的鼻子,一张红通通的嘴,一头黄色的卷发,这就是我的语文老师?郑老师?。

5、 这时,我看见爸爸身后还有一个胖乎乎的小男孩儿。我把他拉到身边打量着:矮矮的个子,圆滚滚的头有点儿歪,一身沾满尘土的衣服包着他小铁蛋似的身子,他眯着眼睛,上下眼皮直打架。长途颠簸,他太累了,我忙把他拉到沙发上坐下。

6、 她上课很严肃,一定要全班四十二双眼睛齐刷刷地盯着她,谁要是做小动作,就会被她的秘密武器--?粉笔头?袭击,如果两个同学在交头接耳,她就会使出绝世神功--?穿心眼?,好像要把人的心看透,有了这两样?法宝?,应该没有人不服气了吧。

7、 弟弟从幼儿园回家后,闷得够呛,趁奶奶在厨房做晚饭,他蹑手蹑脚地溜出屋。路过厨房时,他更加放慢了脚步,用脚尖踮着地,蹿出门去。一出家门,就像个出笼的小鸟跑着,唱着,真快活。弟弟不知往哪儿跑好,他一会儿拿根小木棍指挥蚂蚁?列队出操?;一会儿爬到工地的钢筋架上?探险?。乐得他拍着手直叫好。

8、 我的旁边儿,坐着一个比我瘦小的男孩。蜡黄的脸,嘴唇紧闭,眼睛却很大,露出好奇胆怯哀伤渴望的神情。他没有新衣服,也没有新书包,粗布上衣还有几个小窟窿,短的露出腿肚子的蓝布裤子,一双沾满泥水的赤脚,一个旧布缝制的书包??

9、 语文老师他有一双不算很大的眼睛,但是有着一副很有学问的眼镜和头脑,他是我们班教师中最老的一个也是最尊重学生的一位老师。

10、 我有一个同学,他姓?朱?名?智清?。是不是很耳熟呢?他是?朱智清?而不是大作家?朱自清?!虽说他和大作家的名字只隔一字,但是,他的那个姓?朱?的谐音?猪?让他无地自容??

11、 她,中等个儿,一双明亮的大眼睛忽闪忽闪的,显得格外有神,高高的鼻梁下一张能说会道的嘴巴。你问这是谁?全班同学肯定都会异口同声的回答道:?这是我们班的多功能老师--廖晓鸿。?

12、 等她走近,我才有机会仔细地打量了她一番:只见她齐耳的短发,一双眼睛大大的,嘴角还带着笑。上身穿一件红色衣服,别着?苏州十中?的校微。她温和地对我说:?小妹妹,坐我的车吧!?说着,她把自行车推了过来。

13、 一双水灵灵的眼睛,一个挺拔的鼻子,一张红通通的樱桃小嘴,一笑起来脸颊中间就露出两个小酒窝,虽然算不上美若天仙,但也是百里挑一了,她就是我的同学。

14、 我的弟弟叫博源,他今年两岁了,不高不矮,身子不胖也不瘦。他那苹果似的小脸蛋总是红红的,眼睛小小的就像两颗黑色的小珠子,()小小的鼻子下面有一张樱桃小嘴。真像一个小机灵鬼。他总是抱着我给他买的毛绒绒小老虎玩具,就连睡觉也不松手,因为他就是属虎的。

15、 奶奶为了让上班的妈妈有更多的时间照顾我的学习和生活,她任劳任怨的把家里的家务活全包了。每天放学回家,我都可以吃到热腾腾香喷喷的饭菜,奶奶看到我狼吞虎咽的馋样,总是笑得特别开心。我之所以长的这么高健康,奶奶可是功劳大大的!

16、 我的叔叔二十来岁,是个码头工人,长方脸,脸色黑里透红,个儿挺高,长得很结实,叫人一看就知道是个身强力壮的小伙子。

17、 姐姐身材苗条,长得很健壮,比我整整高了一个头。她的脖子略长些,惹我生气时,我就会喊她?长劲鹿?。她剪着挺有精神的运动头,看起你来,两眼忽闪忽闪的,好像会说话。

18、 是她滋润我们这些娇嫩的祖国之花,她像辛勤的园丁一样,哺育我们成长,传授我们知识。她中等的身材,有一头棕色的卷发,罩着她那双沉稳而又明亮的眼睛。还有一张能说会道的嘴以及一对灵敏的耳朵。

19、 我的表弟帆帆,今年五岁。因为属狗,全家人都管他叫?狗子?。他长得又瘦又小,大脑袋像个葫芦瓢,一天到晚总是晃来晃去的,像是在思考什么问题。

20、 她的成绩好,这时众所周知的,而且她是一名学习委员,可能你会问:她负责任吗?这点是肯定的啦,身为学习委员,就应该负起检查背书默写预习的责任,她工作是一丝不苟的,每次工作时,她向来是一个都不放过,公私分明,可能心里在默念一句话:学习非常重要,但是集体的事情更重要。

21、 我的奶奶今年六十六岁了,她留着一头齐耳的短发,长着一双明亮的眼睛,还有一个很会唱歌的嘴巴,再加上做起事来很麻利,所以显得很精神年轻呢!

22、 小平今年刚三岁,个儿不高,胖乎乎的,很讨人喜欢。别看他人不大,倒是早早地戴上了一副眼镜。不管是跟你说话还是玩儿,他的手总是不时地向上推推眼镜,上幼儿园的孩子就戴眼镜了,真像个小大人。

23、 我有一个妹妹,今年一岁。她很活泼,也很可爱。每次,人家问她眼睛在哪里,她就把眼睛眯得很小;问她鼻子在哪里,她就把鼻子摸一摸;问她嘴巴在哪里,她就把舌头伸出来,非常好笑。

24、 在老妈妈的左边有一位秀丽端庄的姑娘,斜倚在椅子上。她一头美丽的金发,一条大辫子一直拖到背部。一身黑裙更衬托了她白净柔美的脸庞。她低着头朝前面望着什么,眼神中流露出悲愤和关怀。手中的绷带已经卷好,却忘记丢入筐中。

25、 我的弟弟小国,长得挺逗:圆圆的脑袋,脑门上留着巴掌大的一块头发,长着两只招风耳,见人就咧着嘴笑。实际上,他是心里坏。他刚刚会玩,就跟我着对,我拿啥,他要啥,奶奶给我做的纸老虎胖娃娃,他抓过去就玩,我摸都摸不到。我要写字,他就夺铅笔;我吃馒头,他连鸡蛋都不吃了,也要吃馒头??



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Autumn is beautiful and charming. She did not spring so colorful, there is no summer as a sun like fire, but not as cold as winter. But she is a mature season, the joy of the season.

Autumn to the days of high clouds, autumn, pleasant scenery.

Autumn came to the field, far from looking, a golden, like a golden sea, a burst of breeze blowing, the field of rice set off layers of rice waves, like the waves on the sea in the roll. Nearly, corn cob stand upright. And her childs corn cob laughed and opened his mouth. Revealing the golden teeth, as if to say: "Thank you, fall".

Autumn came to the orchard, the tree was covered with heavy fruit. The red apple is covered with branches, like a small red lantern, reveals the joy of autumn; golden pears like a golden bell, waves of wind blowing as if in the tree Dangdang ring.

Autumn is joyful and autumn is intoxicated. Do you see the bright smile of the farmers uncle, the cordial words are not the joy of harvest? I think: I should also in this beautiful autumn harvest a labor outcome - good learning, every day up. Achieve excellent results.



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The wind of autumn is a door. It took it cool and gentle, gently and gently took us into the autumn palace.

The wind of autumn is a little painter. You see, it sprinkled the powder to the dandelion, dandelion really like a parachute, floating Wawa wandering, floated the beauty of autumn. Golden powder is given to the sun flower, the golden petals really like a gold coin. The red is the sorghum, the sorghum put on the red new clothes, in the autumn wind Yaotouhuangnao, shaking non-stop, more than one, how beautiful is it? Like a burning torch!

Autumn wind, hidden very interesting things. Big yan fly south, birds take the new house, as well as chrysanthemum fairy than the United States, leaves the baby to travel, a lot of things are hiding in the wind! Carefully to listen, you will be able to hear.

Autumn wind, blowing a golden assembly number, it tells you, science days to come, the fall to be passed. The turtle indented into the shell, penguin mother weaving a warm bag, the snake is ready to skin ... ... we have to winter.

Autumn of the wind, brought us the joy of autumn, the joy of harvest.



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My school is so beautiful that i cannot think of leaving there for less a day. The lofty trees, colorful flowers and the charming attract me a lot. When i first went there, i was amazed by its wonderful atmospherem peaceful and warm. Everyday, my teacher teaches me a lot of knowledge from different aspects such as Chinese, Math,and English. It benefits me a lot. And there are my schoolmates. We play together everyday, making plenty of fun. When we meet trouble on study, we always get together in a group. Talking about the quickest way to solve the problem, we strengthen our relationship. We become better friends. At the same time, we practice our minds.



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Once, I whim: "Daddy, what color is the fall?"

I looked at my father with a puzzled look, and my father smiled and touched my little head and said, "Autumn? It is golden."

Golden yellow? I quickly ran to the door, a look, and ran back to the father said: "Dad, some yellow outside, why is there red and green it?

Dad said: "Of course, there are other colors, but the autumn is the most yellow, you see, regardless of the red leaves and green leaves are with a little yellow!" I nodded.

I looked up and looked, the golden leaves seem to smell a little bit of fragrance, as if the wind girl dressed in a golden long hair, who wiped the fragrance of autumn.

I went to ask my father, "What is the voice of the fall?"

"What sound?" Dad looked at the golden leaves of the tree and the bare tree bar, "What sound? The leaves, the fruit of the landing sound? Wind sister blowing the sound of the leaves? Poke the fruit of the sound?

"No, no, it s the voice of my laughed, the voice of my running and the voice of my jump.

"Okay!" Dad applauded.

As a result, I asked: "What is the appearance of autumn?" "What is the appearance of autumn? Haha, autumn must be a gentle lady ladies walk like a step, is like a sugar gum lips ... ... This is the appearance of autumn. "

Fall, you listen to me.



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In my mind, often one or two things in the hearts of lingering, so I can not suppress ... ...

Thats my fourth grade. A dawn, I and my cousin riding a bike came to the beach to enjoy the breath of the sea that very fresh air. I happened to find a crab crawling on the beach and sharing the sun with us. I let the cousin and I walk over to see.

We stared at the crabs, and they did not seem to find us, they shook its sharp "knives" and walked around. The cousin told me that the crabs were "doing morning exercise". I am amazed, and they will "do morning exercise". My heart had a thought, I carefully squat, hand a catch. The result was escaped by the hateful guy. I thought: good I copied you! Cousin can not stand still, but also came to help. In our concerted efforts, the guys have been caught by us.

It has been two years after this matter, but it has been branded in my heart.



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Spring is full of hope of planting, summer is full of management of fatigue, and autumn, it is full of the joy of harvest. Then in this joyful autumn I will carry the autumn yearning and curiosity, came to the grandfathers home orchard.

As soon as you enter the orchard, the aroma of the various fruits is blowing. And then saw an apple opened a smiling face covered with branches, it is a lovable. Take off one, bite, thin chew, a sweet taste will be in my heart. The wind blows, the sound of the rustling of the leaves and the sound of the streams that hit the rocks, and the play is a wonderful symphony. So that people relaxed and happy, deeply intoxicated.

Along the meandering path, go inside, one persimmon will be reflected in my eyes, so I was surprised and happy. This heavy persimmon one by one bending the branches, three clusters, five together to hold together, very cute. There is a pond next to the persimmon woods. The pond reflects the persimmon tree, it is a wonderful landscape painting. People met immediately fell in love with it, here linger.

Into the depths of the orchard, a pear will be it covered with "freckles" little face so that you love it. A little look, the tree parked a few birds, twittering cried, it seems to say: this years harvest can be really good, you see, that apple, that persimmon, that pear, one by one will be a big tree mother pressure Breathe. This is the farmer uncle hard labor in exchange for.

This is the autumn orchard, a farmer uncle with hard and sweat watering orchards.



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Wilber Pan is a young star comes from China. He was born in 1980.8.6. He is a lovely boy who has 174cm tall and 69kg weight .

As you can see ,he has short balck hair,erogenous mouth ,handsome face and small eyes.

Alough his eyes arent bigly ,he also has many fans because of his sunshine smell.He is a boy just like a neighborly to you.

He is more a mastermind than a singer.He has a height degree that graduated from California Polytechnic State University ,he is good at singing ,dancing ,presiding and so on.

In private ,Willber is friendly to everyone who aroungs him.

Now more and more people from everywhere develop theirs love for him.



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Generation gap, simply is the idea of the thoughts of the people of different age groups for gap caused by the psychological distance. Just as a ditch, separated by the generation of people, affect the understanding and communication between two generations. But in the new century, the generation gap exists not only between the generation and the next generation, and separated by 10 years, 8 years in age between people, even between senior and junior in the university, there will be amazing. People often say, the generation gap is the trace of time, the pace of change. In that case, a generation gap is natural, but there is no generation gap is not natural, so, the generation gap phenomenon is easy to be understood. But generation gap is after all the difficulties in communication, and easy to increase the likelihood of formation of prejudice and discrimination, one light on either side of the generation gap, mutual understanding, or hostile, so we also should through various channels for various efforts to bridge the generation gap, to fill the gap. Actually, the generation gap is not a physical existence, but a psychological, contact, can let once broken psychological link between generation and generation succeeded, so as to achieve smooth communication and get along with harmony.

Objective existence of the generation gap and calmly treat the generation gap, not only help yourself, also benefit others.

The generation gap is often the deviations in understanding the psychological cause. People choose the different Angle of information, determine someone looks at changes and differences, some focus on the same and similar. So people can not accept directly or next generation and the differences of their generation, often associated with the selectivity of intellectual.

The childs world, very different from adults, geared pretty tube, will hinder greatly the development of the child. This is lu xun said a word.

代沟,简单地说就是不同年龄层次的人因思想观念上的差距造成的心理距离。就象沟一样,隔开了一代一代的人,影响两代人之间的理解和沟通。但是到了新世纪,代沟不仅存在于上一代与下一代之间,而且在年龄相隔10年、8年的人们之间,甚至在大学的高年级与低年级之间,都会有令人惊叹的明显差异。人们常常说,代沟是时间的痕迹,变革的脚步。如此看来,出现代沟是自然的,没有代沟反倒是不自然的,所以,代沟现象也容易被人理解。 但代沟毕竟是困扰交流与沟通的难点,而且容易增加形成偏见和歧视的可能性,代沟两侧的人轻则互不理解,重则抱有敌意,所以我们也要通过种种途径作各种努力来跨越代沟、填平代沟。其实,代沟也并不是一种物理存在,而是一种心理存在,接触,可以让代与代之间曾经断裂的心理联系接续起来,从而达到交流的顺畅和相处的和谐。






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天阴沉沉的,不时刮来阵阵冷风.风刮到我身上,我不由自主地打了寒颤. 语文课开始了,老师要把批好的试卷发下来.教室里静悄悄的,只听见“沙沙”的发试卷的声音,“哗啦!”我的心随之猛跳了一下,一个同学不小心把书碰到地下.同桌的试卷已发下来了,72分,看着同桌哭丧的脸,我不由得心里直打鼓,我紧张得要命,怕自己考砸了.






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1、The Happy Spring Festival Spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month. Chinese people most like the Spring Festival. During Spring Festival, Chinese people like having meals with their families, playing fireworks in the open air. My sisters and I played fireworks on that day. We had many fireworks. They were very beautiful. They were running into the sky and breaking into pieces. They looked like flowers in the sky. We were very happy and excited. After that, I made a wish. I hope that, we can have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family can be happy. I enjoy the festival very happy.春节是在第一个月的第一天.中国人最喜欢春节.在春节期间,中国人喜欢和自己的家人一起吃饭,一起放焰火在空旷的地方.在那些日子里,我和我姐姐一起放焰火.我们有很多的焰火.它们非常漂亮.它们升上天空并且使一些地方变得很亮.在天空中,它们看起来像是花.我们很高兴也很兴奋.在这之后,我许了一个愿,我希望,在来年,我们能够高高兴兴并且拥有健康的生活,还有每一个人在我们家庭里都可以开开心心. 我感到在这个节日里非常高兴.2、有关旅游的;I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer. It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happy on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldnt move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.

The Winter Holiday

I like the winter holiday very much.

Though its very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival.

I can watch cartoon every day.

I neednt go to school frepuently.

Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside.

With the festival coming,I can play all the time.

I can play video game with my brother.

I am good at playing PC game.

So I often beats my brother.

Then more and more relative came to my home.

We had dinner together.

Its so lively that Iam very happy.

But I still have to do my homework.

During the holiday,I learned a lot.

I love the winter holiday.



















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What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.

Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.

In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing methods might be realized.

Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.

People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.

It is hard to detail visions on people’s beautiful life.

Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.

Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.

Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress.



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On Sunday, after breakfast, I went downstairs and walked down the stairs. I saw an iron cage on the lawn. There was a big white rabbit, a small white rabbit and a small gray rabbit.

I quickly came to the cage before carefully watching the rabbit. Saw the rabbit (that is, the rabbit mother, it is white body, the body of the hair smooth and soft, two long ears erected in the head, a pair of ruby-like eyes inlaid in the face, there is a small exquisite nose Like a lipstick like the three petals. Look at the little white rabbit, it is simply the embodiment of the rabbit mother, is exactly the same. Another small gray rabbit, small than the small rabbit, the biggest difference is: Small gray rabbit eyes are gray. They are short legs, hind legs thick. Oh! I finally understand why the rabbit ran so fast, one step can jump so far, the original because of its hind legs thick, so kicking ability But if they run downhill have to turn over the bucket myself! At this time, two naughty and lovely little rabbit playing up, the tail is also a stick of a stick, it is more lovely.

I got a few slices of leaves, swaying in front of the rabbits, the rabbits immediately full of energy, like going to the front line to fight the same. They clawed on the cage and looked at me with hope. I put the leaves into the cage, the rabbit mother immediately devour to eat up. And the little bunny is slowly, slowly, like a gentleman like. After they had finished eating, looked up and looked at me with grateful eyes, as if to say to me, "Thank you, you see, we eat more!"



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Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

Firstly, summer is students the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer. Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally. However, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer. Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.

Secondly, summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits. Ice cream is our all time favourite dessert. Yeh, I love ice cream so much ^_^. I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in summer. There are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere. Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season. All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer.

Thirdly, summer is a hot season for trendy fashion. You will see many sexy and curvy babes in your neighbourhood, on the beach, shopping malls, everywhere in your eyes. Hehe. ^_^ All of my girlfriends and I like to wear as less as we wish in the summer. I like to wear shorts and t-shirts all the time. Dont forget to carrry your sunglasses and put on sun tan lotions before going outdoor.

All in all, I love summer very much! You should start practicing your English from now on. As a 15 years old boy, I am more than willing to practice my English with every opportunity which I have come across. Last and certainly not least, I am very happy to help you with this work. I have learnt a lot!



其次,夏天是一个愉快的季节,各种各样的冷的食物,多汁的水果。冰淇淋是我们所有的时间最喜欢的甜点。叶,我爱冰淇淋^ _ ^。我必须吃一些冰激凌在夏天几乎每天。有很多新鲜的水果销售无处不在。西瓜是自豪地认为是最苛刻的水果的季节。各种冰镇饮料是极大地要求在夏天。

第三,夏天是一个炎热的季节,新潮时尚。你会看到很多性感和弯曲的美女在你的附近,在沙滩上,购物中心,在你的眼睛。呵呵。^ _ ^我所有的女朋友,我喜欢穿和我们希望在夏天一样少。我喜欢穿短裤和t恤。别忘了carrry你的太阳镜,穿上太阳晒黑乳液在户外。




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I have got a pet dog. His name is Bobby. He is very cute. He likes to play with tennis ball. He can also understand me very well. I like Bobby very much. He is my good friend.



I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it very much. It has two big ears, two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown. It has come to my home for a year. It has become a part of my family. It has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed, play in my house. I like talking to it, because its a friend worth of trusting. I would like to share my happy things with it. When I am sad, talking to it makes me feel good. I am happy to have such a lovely friend.




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