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There are many rules in our school.

From Monday to Friday,we have to get to school before 7:00 in the morning.

We must wear school uniforms,and I think it is good for us because uniforms can

make us look smart. We must listen to our teachers carefully in class and finish

our homework after school. We are not allowed to use mobile phones in class. I

think the rules are very strict but useful,and we should follow them. However,we

have so much homework that we have little free time to do what we love to


In my opinion,we should have more free time to take part in all kinds of

activities and improve our abilities.




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As we all know, Beijing is facing the air pollution, a kind of environment pollution. Now Beijing is also famous of hazy weather, which is harmful to people’s health because of PM2.5 and PM10.

Why is our capital suffering the hazy weatherIn my view, Beijing is a center of economy, culture and politics, so she has a heavy traffic. As a result, there are a lot of cars here, then the exhaust of them become a part of reason of the air pollution. Besides, in order to have a good economy development, there are many factories around Beijing, the exhaust of the factories become another part of reason of the air pollution. The most import, our country is a developing one, and do not have enough ability to solve the pollution well while focusing on developing, just like UK was called The City of Fog before.

Now, Beijing has taken a lot of actions to deal with the hazy weather. Firstly, setting up the Bicycle exclusive channel, people are

encouraged to ride but not to drive, in this way, the exhaust of cars is decline. Secondly, many factories are forced to move to Hebei Provence, thus, they can continue to make a contribution to Beijing’s economy development and the air pollution is controlled. Finally, the buses and subway have a lower price than other cities, so that people prefer to go on work by bus or subway. And the limit line caused by tail number is effect, too.

I persist that the air pollution of Beijing can be controlled someday later.



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dear vv,

your delightful present,vv,reched me vv and i must thank you very much indeed for it.it was awfully kind of you to think of me.you could not have chosen anything else that would have given me more pleasure.i put it to use right away,and have already had some pleasant time out of it.

once again,many thanks.





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Dear new and old customers


On the occasion of the coming of the new year of 2014, with gratitude, all

the staff of SJ express their sincere wishes and heartfelt thanks to you and

your family for your support and trust in SJ!

Nine years of wind and rain journey, witnessing the growth, progress and

development of SJ. Todays SJ company has developed into a leading enterprise in

Chinas industrial cleaning products industry integrating production,

processing, R & D, distribution and marketing promotion! We are grateful to

the society, which has given us the opportunity and environment for our survival

and development; we are grateful to our customers, which is your support and

cooperation all the time, and timely market information feedback, so that SJ

products have successfully won the consumer group and market in the process of

upgrading. We know well that the development and growth of SJ are inseparable

from your attention, trust, support and participation. We are honored to be able

to form a cooperative partner with respected customers to achieve mutual benefit

and win-win situation and common development. In the future, we will continue to

forge ahead and create higher and sustainable value for you.

Thank you again for your cooperation and trust, and wish you good health!

Happy family! Prosperous career!



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1.A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight (P.B.Shelley, British poet)

伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱 P B)

2.A novel is a mirror walking along a main road. (Stendhcl,French writer)

一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。(法国作家 司汤达)

3.A picture is a poem without words. (Horace, ancient Roman poet)

一幅画是一首没有文字的诗歌。(古罗马诗人 贺拉斯)

4.A poet is a man who puts up a ladder to a star and climbs it while playing a violin. (E.de Goncourt, French writer)

诗人是这样的人,他架起通向星星的梯子——一边爬梯子一边拉提琴。(法国作家 龚古尔 E)

5.A poet is born, not made. (L.A.Florus, Ancient Roman poet)

诗人靠天分,不是靠培养。(古罗马诗人 弗洛鲁 L A)

6.Any one who conducts an argument by appealing to authourity is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory. (Da Vinci, Italian painter)

一个借着引经据典来辩论的人,不是在运用自己的才智,他是在运用自己的记忆力。(意大利画家 达·芬奇)

7.Art is a lie that tells the truth. (Picasso, Spanish painter)

美术是揭示真理的谎言。(西班牙画家 毕加索)

8.Art is long, and time is fleeting. (Longfellow, American poet)

艺术是永恒的,时间则是瞬息即逝的。(美国诗人 朗费罗)

9.Art is much less important than life, but what a poor life without it ! (Robert Motherwell, American painter)

艺术远没有生活重要,但是没有艺术生活是多么乏味呀!(美国画家 马赦韦尔 R)

10.Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling theorist has experienced. (Len Tolstoy, Russian writer)


11.Art is the mold of feeling as language is the mold of thought. (Susanne Langer, American philosopher)

艺术是感情的模制品,犹如语言是思想的模制品。(美国哲学家 兰格 S)

12.Art is the object of feeling, and the subject of nature. (S.K.langer, American philosopher and educator)

艺术是情感的客观表现。也是本性的主观反映。(美国哲学家、教育家 兰格 S K)

13.Art is the right hand of nature. The latter only gave us being, but the former made us men. (Friedrich Schiller, German poet)

艺术是自然的右手。自然只让我们存在,而艺术创造我们的人类。(德国诗人 席勒 F)

14.Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travel. (Theocore Dreser, American novelist)

好画犹如佳肴,只可意会,不可言传。(法国画家 弗拉曼克 M)

15.Good painting is like good cooking; it ca n be tasted, but not explained. (Maurice de vlaminck, French painter)

简单地说,伟大的文学就是包涵极其丰富意义的语言。(美国诗人 庞德 E)

16.Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree (Ezra Poud, American poet)

幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。(美国诗人 庞德 E)

17.Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain, American novelist)

我写作只是为了增加自身的美。(美国作家 杰克·伦敦)

18.I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me. (Jack London, American writer)

音乐要用心灵去听,用头脑去感觉。(法国作家 雨果 V)




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I made a dicision to run for an election for the monitor.I felt nervous ,because i didnt good at talking with others.After school ,i got on line to look up how tp give wonderful speeches.The artical not only introduced the information on communication skills,but also recommend,a lecture about communication.I bought the admission ticket to go to listen the lecture.The old profferser taught how to keep confident and how to be persuasive.I listened carefully,and praticed a lot of time.

On the eletion day,I deliver a speech on the rostrum,I was confident and determined.When I concluded the speech,the loudly applause told me,I was elected.



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导语:梁山风景区位于山东省济宁市梁山县境内,景区面积4.6平方公里 。因四大名著之一的《水浒传》中的梁山起义得名。以下是小编整理水泊梁山一日英文作文的资料,欢迎阅读参考。

My father said he would take me to liangshan. I was very happy. There were also some lovely little grasshoppers, who jumped at my feet as if I thought I would take them with me.

My father and I came to liangshan and experienced many interesting and interesting things. What impressed me most was that when I went down the mountain, my father and I took a rest, and a few black ants climbed onto my black shoes. They may think my feet are a black car, thinking I can take them to Beijing. Are they good friends with the little grasshoppers?

We saw a deep hole in liang shan. I asked dad what was this? The father said, "this is the footprint of sun erniang." I asked my father curiously: "father, the footprints of sun erniang wont be so deep?" My father said, "it may be the place where the sun is practicing."

We go again, I saw a big stone reads "HeiFengKou" three characters, the book says this is the place where li kui guard, I saw a great stone carving beside the black tornado the statue of li kui, jovian he stood there, his hand two hatchet in her head, as if to say: "what bad guys dare to come I will kill him, I will see which people not afraid dead bird!"

Finally, we come to loyalty don, see a yellow bottom with black flag hanging in the sky, it reads "for good", I went into the front room see sung river sat in the middle, he is to the left of the wu, on the right is the Lu Junyi, the book says and Lu Junyi is sung river wus right-hand man, we are very worship sung river, sung river respectfully ke a head. On either side of the house has the statue of liangshan, a dozen tiger hero wu song, a leopard head Lin chong, black whirlwind li kui, green beast ali, monk, and nguyen lu, three brothers come in all shapes, lifelike.

Finished, we came to the foot down stage mode, through the bridge, then climb a mountain, a wooden bridge, mazes, very not easy to close, two place is wu3 song and lu guard. Then we went to see the war ship, and the ship was large, both of which were as high as two stories.

Finally, we went to the zoo again and saw the cute little white doves and the naughty little pigs on their mothers side, and the beautiful red-crowned cranes and ducklings chasing the game in the water. After watching the animals, we sat on the bus, sang songs and went home happily.











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A folk culture is a small isolated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals. Order is maintained through sanctions based in the religion or family and interpersonal. Relationships are strong. Tradition is paramount, and change comes infrequently and slowly. There is relatively little division of labor into specialized duties. Rather, each person is expected to perform a great variety of tasks, though duties may differ between the sexes. Most goods are handmade and subsistence economy prevails. Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures as are social classes. Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada. Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age. In Amish areas, horse drawn buggies still serve as a local transportation device and the faithful are not permitted to own automobiles. The Amish's central religious concept of Demut "humility", clearly reflects the weakness of individualism and social class so typical of folk cultures and there is a corresponding strength of Amish group identity. Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect. The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order.

By contrast a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group often highly individualistic and a pronounced many specialized professions. Secular institutions of control such as the police and army take the place of religion and family in maintaining order, and a money-based economy prevails. Because of these contrasts, "popular" may be viewed as clearly different from "folk". The popular is replacing the folk in industrialized countries and in many developing nations. Folk-made objects give way to their popular equivalent, usually because the popular item is more quickly or cheaply produced, is easier or time saving to use or leads more prestige to the owner.



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导读:有关儿童节的英语作文怎么写?小编为大家推荐一些关于儿童节英语作文范文,希望对大家英语写作有所帮助! 最后祝大家儿童节快乐 永远年轻!


Childrens Day falls on the first day of June every year. This is our childrens festival and I like it very.

On Childrens Day, the school will host a lot of inte resting activities. For example, we sing and dance. My parents will go to school with me on Childrens D ay if they are free. We are all happy on Childrens Da y.

每年的六月一号是。这是我们儿童的节日, 我非常喜欢。


的时候, 所有人都很开心。


the Childrens Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause ill soon graduate.Even though it doesnt come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable.I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school.

What a unforgettable Childrens Day!




The children`s day is coming .so I am very happy.I think that day I am going to buy a beautiful gift for me.on that wonderful day, I am going to play in that childrens garden whit my mother and father. it will be the most happy day.



On June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day ,we don‘t go to school.Most of the children will go to the park. But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Children‘s Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!




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My father has a good friend, and I called him uncle Li. He works in a

college and teaches literature. Uncle Li is a gentleman, the way he talks and

walks shows that he has received good education. I like to discuss movies with

him. He always can give me profound ideas. No matter where he is, people respect

him a lot. I admire uncle Li so much. I wish someday I could be the person like

him. If we want others to show respect, then we need to make ourselves the

adorable persons. The rude people will never receive respect. Uncle Li wins

everybodys love by his good manner.



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(1)Scholastic aptitude(方面的才能)

a. Native intellectual ability(天赋)

b. Imagination(想象力)

c. Creativity(创造力)

d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)

e. Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心)

f. Ability to work independently(独立工作的能力)

g. Memory(记忆力)

h. Accuracy(准确性)

i. Methodology(研究方法)

j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)

k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)

1. Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力)

m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)

n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)

o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)

(2)Academic performance(学业上的表现)

a. Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富)

b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)

c. Grade or achievement(成绩或成就)

d. Industry, diligence(勤勉)

e. Participation in discussion(讨论积极)

f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟)


a. Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力)

b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力)


a. Honesty; integrity(诚实)

b. Sincerity(诚恳)

c. Sense of responsibility(责任感)

d. Cooperation (合作)

e. Enthusiasm(热诚)

f. Conscientiousness(自觉性)

g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)

h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性)



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"La Traviata" is the most successful Dumas pen works. It tells the story of a dirty whore in the eyes of the world with a romantic, inexperienced youth poignant love story.

The theme of "love" is an indispensable part of literary creation. Depicted in Dumass love and will not feel embarrassed, shy, and I read his description in, see is sincere and pure love.

I was moved by the image of the heroine, Margaret. The author was not afraid of her prostitutes habits: loved luxury, dissolute life, often binge drinking. It is the real image that makes me feel the truth of the story and the delicacy of the emotion. On the other hand, the author goes deep into the inner world of the character. The life of merry is a reflection of Margarets abandonment of life and the reality of ambition. Similarly, Margaret also has some simple things. She pursues this sincere love, is willing to sacrifice herself, abandon the luxurious life, and also with the beloved. Everywhere for Valentines Valentines sake, do not want to spend a penny, so she sold her carriage, jewelry, shawls. In the end, even for the future of the lover and for the marriage of the beloved sister, give up the happiness that he has already got. You say that this woman is not worthy of love?

"In a Zhang Yan hues oval, inlaid with two black eyes, like painting Daimei - curved, general: this pair of eyes covered in thick eyelashes, when the eyelash falls, red cheeks seemed to cast a shadow on the nose, delicate, graceful, full of aura, nose a little outward open mouth: well proportioned, soft lips enlight gracefully, then revealing a white teeth, a layer of hair and skin colour, like people without hands touched the peach." this is the same sweater Dumas description of the Margaret trade, meticulous, clear and vivid. She seemed pretty face just act on paper, want to let people enjoy a.

In the article there is such a scene: Margaret is an alcoholic, put his body down, pain, heartache Armand Margaret, hold her hand, put it on his lips, two drops for a long time could not stop the tears dripping wet her hand. Armand loved tears and wept for Margaret. She didnt care for her tears. Armand didnt retain his feelings to express his feelings. Margaret was so touched by the fact that his work was so successful through the description of the task and the portrait of love.

Such a sincere, lovely woman, the last fate is miserable: soon after leaving her lover, she dies due to pain. When they die, they rush to collect accounts and interest immediately, and rush to auction her articles.

Margarets red and purple, behind but very lonely.



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朋友的 描述英语作文范文一:My Friend Tony Brown

I have a good friend.His name is Tony Brown.His 14 years old.He is an English boy.His birthday is Maech 27th.Ans his telephone number is 256-4561.Hes study in NO.1 Middle School.Hes good at playing violin.He can also play drums and dance very well.His hobby is singsing,too.His favorite song is Justing biebers One time.His favorite subject is music,because its very relaxing.And he likes blue best.Do you like him?



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I dont know what feeling deeply attached.


Love make all hard hearts gentle.


There is no remedy for love but to love more.


Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.


Brief is life ,but love is long.


May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills, all shall be well.


The best feeling in the world is being loved back by the person you  love.


Wish your Mr.Right/Miss Right will appear soon.


May you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of  time.


May you two share every day of life together till forever.


Theres a difference between "love" and "like". If you like a flower you  will pick it, but if you love a flower, you will water it every day.



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My name is azuowen.Im a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.

Im an active,lovely and clever girl.In the school,my favourite subject is maths.Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well.But I like it.I belive that if you try your best,everything can be done well.

I also like sports very much.Such as,azuoweng,volleyball and so on.

Im kind-hearted. If you need help,please come to me .

I hope we can be good friends!

OK.This is me .A sunny girl.



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