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I like the flowers of spring, prefer the fruits of the fall of the land everywhere.

Autumn sky is particularly charming. You see, the sky is so high, then blue, looks particularly clean, like washed the same. The sky of white clouds, for a while into a sheep, for a while into a cow, while again into a mountain, river, very interesting.

Field, the golden rice laughed, from afar, endless rice fields like a golden ocean. The sorghum burns its own torches, as if it were illuminated by the peasant uncle! The corn from the thick clothes inside secretly flashed his beautiful "curly hair", the cotton girl exposed the white smile. People are busy in the ground, everywhere a bumper harvest,

Orchard, the apple exposed red face, Huang Chengcheng oranges, red glowing persimmon like a small lanterns like hanging in the tree, you squeeze me touch, as if waiting for people to pick it, the air filled with fruit Sweet taste.

In the park, chrysanthemum opened. Into the door, they smell the scent of chrysanthemum. Some chrysanthemum or budding flowers bones children, and some just open, and some have been completely open, colorful, contests, very beautiful!

Leaves yellow, a piece of yellow leaves floating in the wind, like a dancing only yellow butterfly; grass is also like a big yellow to the ground covered with a warm yellow cotton quilt.

Autumn is really beautiful, I like autumn.




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In the wonderful kingdom of birds, there are all kinds of birds, some are plump, some are small and delicate, some birds even talk to the scholars! Among them, my favorite is the beautiful peacock.

In the zoo, the peacock like a big star, watch a lot of a lot of it, because every time the tail, its sparkling tails just like the colorful fan, pleasing, and enjoy them.

Tell you, in fact, the peacock is to protect themselves, when it met the enemy and had no time to escape, then open your tail, rustle, like eyes, decorative pattern is moved, the enemy to see the "monster" many eyes also dare not move forward.

On one occasion, my mother took me to the zoo, I immediately ran to the outside of the peacocks cage, waiting for it to the tail, because the weather is too hot, I involuntarily to bright little handkerchief to wipe the sweat, the peacock saw small handkerchief, unfolds in a minute. Surprised and surprised, I asked my mother, "why did the peacock open the screen when he saw a small handkerchief?" Mother touched my head, smiled and said, "its better than your handkerchief!" When I heard her, I waved my handkerchief at once, and the peacock danced. How interesting!

I like the peacock, its beautiful feathers and graceful dancing have been deeply impressed in my heart.








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描写外貌的四字词语眉清目秀méi qīng mù xiù



【示例】:因为本是贵族子弟,所以往往~,举止娴雅,而知识水准也相当高。 ◎闻一多《屈原问题》

明眸皓齿míng móu hào chǐ



【示例】:~今何在,血污游魂归不得。 ◎唐·杜甫《哀江头》诗蓬头垢面péng tóu gu miàn



【示例】:穷人的孩子~的在街上转,富人的孩子妖形妖势娇声娇气的在家里转。 ◎鲁迅《热风·随感录二十五》眉清目秀méi qīng mù xiù



【示例】:因为本是贵族子弟,所以往往~,举止娴雅,而知识水准也相当高。 ◎闻一多《屈原问题》

大腹便便 面如桃花 国色天香 倾国倾城

肥头大耳 浓眉大眼 白发苍苍 眉清目秀

面如土色 骨瘦如柴 楚楚动人 虎背熊腰

衣冠楚楚 玉树临风花容月貌 仪表堂堂

披头散发 老态龙钟 鹤发童颜 如花似玉

眉清目秀 容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉

冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然 秀色可餐

国色天香 粉白黛黑 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿

衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜

鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色

面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 蓬头历齿

鸠形鹄面 铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 瘦骨如柴

大腹便便 仪表堂堂 玉树临风 鹤发童颜厚貌深情 外貌厚道,内心不可捉摸。

绵里藏针 绵:丝棉。棉絮里面藏着针。形容柔中有刚。也比喻外貌和善,内心刻毒。

貌如其心 外貌长得象他的心一样宽厚老实。

心广体胖 广:宽广,坦率;胖:安泰舒适。原指人心胸开阔,外貌就安详。后用来指心情愉快,无所牵挂,因而人也发胖。

虚有其表 虚:空;表:表面,外貌。空有好看的外表,实际上不行。指有名无实。

心宽体胖 原指人心胸开阔,外貌就安详。后用来指心情愉快,无所牵挂,因而人也发胖。

一表非凡 表:外貌;凡:平凡。形容人容貌俊秀又有精神。

一表人才 表:指外貌。形容人容貌俊秀端正。

以貌取人 根据外貌来判别一个的的品质才能。

鹰嘴鹞目 形容外貌奸诈凶狠。

内峻外和 内心严厉而外貌和蔼。

外宽内深 谓外貌宽厚而实则城府很深。

外巧内嫉 外貌乖巧,内心刻忌。犹言口蜜腹剑。

玉质金相 金、玉:比喻美好;质:本质;相:外貌。比喻文章的形式和内容都完美。也形容人相貌端美。




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I have a cat .Its name is Mimi. Its very lovey.My family all like it.

It always plays with me every day .It has black and white fur.As long as we sayMimi,It right away runs to you.

Its very good!so My family all like it!



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Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as well.

It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals, they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.

We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too.




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a、外貌 骨瘦如柴、面黄肌瘦、仪表堂堂、眉清目秀、慈眉善目、虎背熊腰、 蓬头垢面

b、体态  落落大方、亭亭玉立、弱不禁风、 文质彬彬、威风凛凛、老态龙钟、大腹便便

c、神态 全神贯注、兴高采烈、没精打采、和颜悦色、炯炯有神、神采奕奕、笑逐颜开

d、动作  昂首阔步、蹑手蹑脚、手忙脚乱、左顾右盼、东张西望、捶胸顿足、手舞足蹈、


e、内心活动  喜悦:心花怒放、 喜出望外、 欣喜若狂、喜笑颜开 、欢天喜地 、喜气洋洋

害怕:忐忑不安、 惊慌失措、心惊肉跳、 心惊胆寒、 心神不定、惴惴不安、 心猿意马、 心慌意乱、 七上八下


左顾右盼、 瞻前顾后 、 举世瞩目、 东张西望、 望而生畏、一视同仁、

一览无余 、高瞻远瞩、 坐井观天、左顾右盼


深谋远虑、千方百计、 绞尽脑汁、 浮想联翩 、思绪万千 、想入非非

苦苦地想(苦思冥想)、/想得周全(深思熟虑) 想得混乱(胡思乱想)/

想得很多(左思右想) 想得荒唐(痴心妄想)/想得离奇(异想天开) 想了又想(朝思暮想)


口若悬河、滔滔不绝 、谈笑风生、娓娓道来、絮絮叨叨、高谈阔论、夸夸其谈、对答如流

i、表示“走、跑”意思的成语。  背道而驰 、并驾齐驱、 抱头鼠窜、健步如飞、落荒而逃、 龙腾虎跃、 溜之大吉、趋之若鹜 、逃之夭夭 、远走高飞、走马观花

j、 描写英雄人物品质的四字词语  气壮山河、奋不顾身、顶天立地、临危不惧、仰不愧天、力挽狂澜、光明磊落、身先士卒、智勇双全、视死如归

k、描写人物品质的四字词语  舍己为人、不屈不挠、肝胆相照 、大公无私、克己奉公、严于律己、表里如一、忠心耿耿、高风亮节、堂堂正正、廉洁奉公、鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已

l、含有人体器官的四字词语  目瞪口呆/ 头重脚轻/ 口是心非/手疾眼快/ 手疾眼快/ 耳闻目睹/眉清目秀/焦头烂额/提心吊胆/扬眉吐气/胸有成竹/眼疾手快/肺俯之言/嗤之以鼻/大腹便便/耳濡目染/摩拳擦掌/尖嘴猴腮/脚踏实地/趾高气扬/唇枪舌战/面不改色/肝胆相照/昂首挺胸/劈头盖脸/皮开肉绽/唇亡齿寒/捉襟见肘

m、 描写友情的四字词语  推心置腹/ 肝胆相照/ 情同手足/志同道合 /风雨同舟/ 荣辱与共 / 亲密无间 / 形影不离/ 朝夕相处

n、 描写人多的四字词语  人山人海、 摩肩接踵 、车水马龙、络绎不绝 、 成千上万、不计其数、 川流不息、门庭若市、水泄不通、人声鼎沸、 座无虚席 、高朋满座、人才济济、千军万马

o、 含“手”的四字词语  形容极为兴奋:手舞足蹈 形容情谊深如兄弟:情同手足 形容医术高明:妙手回春 形容做事机警、敏捷:眼疾手快 形容重归于好:握手言和形容心思灵敏、手艺精巧:心灵手巧 形容十分喜爱:爱不释手形容技艺娴熟或做事顺手:手到擒来

p、 关于读书、学习的四字词语  坚持不懈、持之以恒、锲而不舍、绳锯木断、水滴石穿、专心致志、目不转睛、聚精会神、全神贯注、才高八斗、废寝忘食、悬梁刺股、凿壁借光、囊萤映雪、通宵达旦、孜孜不倦 学而不厌篇一:描写人物的四字词语分类 四字词语分类


a、外貌  骨瘦如柴、面黄肌瘦、仪表堂堂、眉清目秀、慈眉善目、虎背熊腰、 蓬头垢面

b、体态  落落大方、亭亭玉立、弱不禁风、 文质彬彬、威风凛凛、老态龙钟、大腹便便

c、神态  全神贯注、兴高采烈、没精打采、和颜悦色、炯炯有神、神采奕奕、笑逐颜开

d、动作  昂首阔步、蹑手蹑脚、手忙脚乱、左顾右盼、东张西望、捶胸顿足、手舞足蹈、抓耳挠腮、摇头晃脑、昂首挺胸、前俯后仰

e、内心活动  喜悦:心花怒放、 喜出望外、 欣喜若狂、喜笑颜开 、欢天喜地 、喜气洋洋  害怕:忐忑不安、 惊慌失措、心惊肉跳、 心惊胆寒、 心神不定、惴惴不安、 心猿意马、 心慌意乱、 七上八下

f、表示“看”的意思的四字词语。  左顾右盼、 瞻前顾后 、 举世瞩目、 东张西望、 望而生畏、一视同仁、一览无余 、高瞻远瞩、 坐井观天、左顾右盼

g、表示“想”的意思的四字词语。  深谋远虑、千方百计、 绞尽脑汁、 浮想联翩 、思绪万千 、想入非非 苦苦地想(苦思冥想)、/想得周全(深思熟虑) 想得混乱(胡思乱想)/想得很多(左思右想) 想得荒唐(痴心妄想)/想得离奇(异想天开) 想了又想(朝思暮想)

h、表示“说”的意思的四字词语。  口若悬河、滔滔不绝 、谈笑风生、娓娓道来、絮絮叨叨、高谈阔论、夸夸其谈、对答如流

i、表示“走、跑”意思的成语。  背道而驰 、并驾齐驱、 抱头鼠窜、健步如飞、落荒而逃、 龙腾虎跃、 溜之大吉、趋之若鹜 、逃之夭夭 、远走高飞、走马观花

j、 描写英雄人物品质的四字词语  气壮山河、奋不顾身、顶天立地、临危不惧、仰不愧天、力挽狂澜、光明磊落、身先士卒、智勇双全、视死如归

k、描写人物品质的四字词语  舍己为人、不屈不挠、肝胆相照 、大公无私、克己奉公、严于律己、表里如一、忠心耿耿、高风亮节、堂堂正正、廉洁奉公、鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已

l、含有人体器官的四字词语  目瞪口呆/ 头重脚轻/ 口是心非/手疾眼快/ 手疾眼快/ 耳闻目睹/眉清目秀/焦头烂额/提心吊胆/扬眉吐气/胸有成竹/眼疾手快/肺俯之言/嗤之以鼻/大腹便便/耳濡目染/摩拳擦掌/尖嘴猴腮/脚踏实地/趾高气扬/唇枪舌战/面不改色/肝胆相照/昂首挺胸/劈头盖脸/皮开肉绽/唇亡齿寒/捉襟见肘

m、 描写友情的四字词语  推心置腹/ 肝胆相照/ 情同手足/志同道合 /风雨同舟/ 荣辱与共 / 亲密无间 / 形影不离/ 朝夕相处

n、 描写人多的四字词语  人山人海、 摩肩接踵 、车水马龙、络绎不绝 、 成千上万、不计其数、 川流不息、门庭若市、水泄不通、人声鼎沸、 座无虚席 、高朋满座、人才济济、千军万马

o、 含“手”的四字词语  形容极为兴奋:手舞足蹈 形容情谊深如兄弟:情同手足 形容医术高明:妙手回春 形容做事机警、敏捷:眼疾手快 形容重归于好:握手言和形容心思灵敏、手艺精巧:心灵手巧 形容十分喜爱:爱不释手形容技艺娴熟或做事顺手:手到擒来

p、 关于读书、学习的四字词语  坚持不懈、持之以恒、锲而不舍、绳锯木断、水滴石穿、专心致志、目不转睛、聚精会神、全神贯注、才高八斗、废寝忘食、悬梁刺股、凿壁借光、囊萤映雪、通宵达旦、孜孜不倦 学而不厌



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Quiet warm summer out of the people in the world, the arrival of autumn quietly, summer is not sentimentally attached to this world, because he will come back, however, summer is the best season in my mind, the most beautiful in the summer.

Summer is hot and lovely season, people on the golden beaches of the foot up as soft as snow, blue and sometimes playing pretty deep sea spray, like a soft blueberry jelly, sometimes obvious, sometimes seems like a child playing hide and seek The hide.

Summer grass is always warm sun shining, the sun is particularly bright, some people also like to eat cold summer ice cream.

In the summer season the children who always like to go to a distant village from urban life, always like to sit outside their own thatched shack sun, eat watermelon, summer in the country, like a trace of the cool wind blowing over the side, and exceptionally cool summer countryside, in the clear brook clear slapstick kids in a small stream thorough pants rolled up, cheerful name of water fights, the slightest cool, the body is all wet. But with the summer sun, you will not need to worry about the bodys cold.

Summer is the best season in my mind, in the city, it is like a blossoming bright summer dazzling flowers, always fragrant, in the countryside, the summer is like a clear stream, clean and cool in the summer, the The sun is the most beautiful summer glow!








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A New Year has begun, everyone will have a few new hope, I also like everyone, and hope to be able to achieve.

Resolutions of the first is: I hope my body health, can grow a bit, a bit fatter, this can increase the resistance, less sick, so Im going to exercise more, maintain the vitality of the body.

Resolutions are 2: I hope my brothers and sisters to academic progress, my father, mother, aunt, uncle, aunt and aunt can have a long career, grandma grandpa, grandma, and physical well-being, at the same time also hope that all concerned about me, take care of me, with my friends and relatives, teachers, students can be healthy, happy, happiness and peace.

My New Years resolution is 3: I hope my academic progress, can write speed faster, so that the rest of my time can be used to read more extra-curricular books, let me learn more knowledge, know more interesting things, believe that life will be more colorful.

Finally, my hope is that the economy of our country can be a bit better, let those unemployed, poor people in society, there is a job can be done, let their children can be happy go to school, to find their happiness. Although I can do now is limited, but I in my heart silently pray for them.

Everyone wants to finish his resolutions, I also hope I want to be able to realize, so it must be hard to achieve,) do his bit to handle yourself, believe that hope things will be realized one by one.









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My father is a nice man. He likes to play computer games. He is an owner of a factory which produces many things .He is good at designing. He works very hard. I love him very much because, sometimes, I can help him to do something in his factory .He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time . Therefore, he doesn’t have any time to play with me but I don’t blame him for that.

I often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so I have something to do. My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn’t listen to her. So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I don’t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late.

I love my father but not his job!




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went to the Great Wall with my friends Li Leilast Sunday. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. It was hot and sunny that day. There were thousands of people on the wall. We walked on the wall about two hours. We met a group of foreigner and talked with them in English. I bought a book about the Great wall and my friend bought a pair of sunglasses. We ate our lunch at a restaurent. We didnt go home until 3:00 in the afternoon. Although we were tired, we felt very happy.



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When the trees start to fall, the grass begins to wear clothes. Mysterious, changeful autumn. It permeates every place in the school as an invisible air, which makes people look like a magic magician. Let the tree brother and the younger brother of the grass are put on a comfortable autumn outfit. The autumn sky, as blue as the sea, like rain washed. The fall of earth, like golden cotton, white clouds like a sailing canoe, slowly floating, campus of chrysanthemum fragrance accents full autumn mood. Autumn has come, it seems that with a chill, people began to put on a slightly thicker autumn, although autumn brings great changes to us, but the faces of the people ocean any overflow the eternal, lingering smile. Into the campus, came to our playground, the playground is a row of the south side of the old willow, they are so tall and straight, strong. As the soldiers like to defend territory. A breeze blowing, with the aroma of chrysanthemum to gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, refreshed, so that the campus do not have a charm. Into the teaching building, and through the doors and windows of the classroom can see hard learning and strenuous efforts of the students some homework, some in reading, the intoxicating reading sound echoed over the campus. It is often said that autumn is the harvest season, farmers uncle busy for the rice harvest, and we also not to be outdone, harvest every day the teacher to teach us knowledge. The golden autumn, will our campus decorated so beautiful.


秋天的天空,像大海一样湛蓝,好像用秋雨洗刷过。秋天的大地,宛如金色的棉田,朵朵白云犹如扬帆起航的轻舟,慢悠悠地漂浮,校园里的菊花争香斗艳充满了秋高气爽的情调。 秋天来了,似乎带有阵阵寒意,人们开始穿上微厚的秋装,虽然秋天给我们带来巨大的变化,但是人们的脸上任洋溢着那永恒的、挥之不去的一笑。





Do not know how long the effect, as if the fight was a nervous gradually revealing the known, the field from its broad chest in long plume from the atmosphere on the slopes and there is water ongenerally spread at the Qingming, round trees and crops have begun to sway in the breeze, the leaves become calm and. Dew back in the early morning and evening wetting the ridge, quietly put up the field. Lu Lan also came upquietly afloat, no longer go back to the valley. Although the sun is still bright, but the pain is no longer the backbone of Sunburn people become, Kiyosumi, as if it was weak, and can not be distilled into a field, it is the field of reconciliation and the like; ... ... Autumn is here!




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Spring morning is spring, the summer morning is tree-lined, autumn morning is the fragrance of Osmanthus, then the winter morning is how it?

"Tinker bell ... ..." a harsh ring tones abruptly pulled me from the dream back to reality. I opened my eyes, slowly from the blanket out of a hand. Oh, its a lot of time! I seem to fall from the warm paradise directly into the cold hell. Turned to look, mist is lying on the window whirring sleep! Outside a gray, the sun seems to give yourself a holiday, sleep at home, Lanjue. I secretly said: the sun is stolen lazy, but I have to go to the dark to go to school, really heavenly difficult ah! "The real warriors dare to face the bleak life." Suddenly, my mind Sentence. So I bang, from the blanket jumped out.

One out of the house can be thousands of times better than the house cold. The cold wind piercing, straight to my neck drill. Even known as "Maxima" car at this time also like a year more than seventy years old man had severe general, turtle speed moving with. Trees put on a white coat, but the wind was still ruthlessly swept away the leaves, leaving only bare branches. People who come and go are all armed, leaving only a pair of eyes dripping, even those who love the beautiful slim girls willing to wrap themselves into a round "dumplings". I mention the collar, I thought: the classroom but also so dead it.

But a walk into the classroom, that scene and just really different world. "Pa Pa" do not miss a minute to learn the opportunity, like being nailed to the stool, hungry to learn the knowledge, do the book really have gold house? "Naughty" is like a stool was Put a few nails, restless, they got up like a rhinoceros rampage. And those who suffer from the "severe delay" of the students are fiddling words to fill the job, their hands like a machine generally kept running ... ...

Winter morning not only chill, but also steaming. It can freeze the growth of all things, but could not freeze our warm heart.



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About Friendship

Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.



懂得了友谊是多么宝贵之后,就应谨慎地选择朋友。真正的朋友品性良好,能力上等,心地善良;真正的朋友能分担我们的忧伤,倍增我们的欢乐。交友之 时,要谨慎选择具有这样美好品质的人。然后应以礼待友,当心不要无理地妨碍他们,不嘲笑他们的所作所为。我们应原谅朋友的失败,并尽己所能帮助他们。 简言之,建立了友谊之后,要通过言语和行动来珍惜友谊,像爱护宝物一样爱惜友谊。只有这样,才能发展真正的友谊,让神圣的友谊之灯照亮我们一生。




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Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. And if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.

Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.

All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.



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Turnip greens, all have love. Some people like to bounce the little rabbit, some people like well-behaved little cat, and I like my home that shaking his head and wagging the little black dog.

My dog has a pair of water Lingling, shiny, talking big eyes. In addition to the dog on the legs and belly hair is white, the other places are black. Every time we eat, it is lying on the door, waiting for the owner to feed it. I remember once, the dog did not eat a day, and at night when the grandfather to go, it was like a child holding the grandfather holding, until the grandfather said to give it to eat, it was down.

My puppy usually likes to sleep, like shaking the tail on the ground. You can not underestimate it all day lying on the ground, it has a pair of sensitive ears. Every time I go home from school very far away, it will run out to meet me. It put his legs on my lap, tongue licking my hand, or else licking my clothes, the kind of intimate strength unspeakable, often made me covered with dog hair.

Yesterday at noon school, it also wanted to follow me to school. I went back and said, "Ill go back to school in the afternoon." Do you want to run at home and know that? "It looked at me like a pair of eyes. When I went to the corner of the street, I saw it still standing there motionless ...

I like my dog!
