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Dec. 7th

Dear mother,

I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday. Do you miss me? Why don’t you call me? I’ve got a lot of things to tell you. One of the things is about foreign teacher’s daughter. Her name’s Skyler. She lives in Canada. She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class. This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always haven’t got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can’t find her. So we don’t have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I’m very happy! Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I’ll be happy, too.” So you have to be happy, because I’m happy! I like you when you are happy!

In the end I wish you everything is just fine!




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Genius only means hard-working all ones life .( Mendeleyer , Russian Chemist)

天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。(俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫)

I have nothing to offer but blood , toil tears and sweat . (Winston Churchill, British Politician)

我所能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家 丘吉尔 . W.)

Man errs so long as he strives. (Johan Wolfgang Goethe , German poet and dramatist)

人只要奋斗就会犯错误。(德国诗人、剧作家 歌德. J. W.)

My fellow Americans , ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country . My fellow citizens of the world ; ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man . (John Kennedy , American President )

美国同胞们,不要问国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为国家做些什么。全世界的公民们,不要问美国将为你们做些什么,而要问我们共同能为人类的自由做些什么。 (美国总统 肯尼迪. J.)

Our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity . (Richard Nixon, American President )

命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。(美国总统 尼克松 . R.)

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet . (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker)

忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。(法国思想家 卢梭. J. J.)

Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow .

(Emerson, American thinker )

进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。(美国思想家 家默生)

The world can be changed by man’s endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . (Franklin Roosevelt , American President )

人经过努力可以改变世界,这种努力可以使人类达到新的、更美好的境界。没有人仅凭闭目、不看社会现实就能割断自己与社会的联系。他必须敏感,随时准备接受新鲜事物;他必须有勇气与能力去面对新的事实,解决新问题。(美国总统 罗斯福建. F.)

There is no royal road to science ,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits . (Karl Marx, German revolutionary )

在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着其崎岖之路攀登的人,才有希望达到它光辉的顶点。( 德国革命家 马克思. K .)

The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )

凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)

To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom .(Ronald Reagan , American President )

为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。(美国总统 里根. R.)

We cannot always build the future for our youth , but we can build our youth for the future.(Franklin Roosevelt , American president )

我们不能总是为我们的青年造就美好未来,但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。(美国总统 罗斯福. F.)

Where there is a will , there is a way .( Thomas Edison , American inventor )

有志者,事竟成。(美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)


篇2:小升初英语作文:Happy Primary School Life

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Happy Primary School Life

My name is Daisy, I have a happy and full primary school life. I normally get up at half past six in the morning to go school from Monday to Friday. When I get to school, I do the morning reading and hand in my homework firstly. There are three classes in the morning as the same as in the afternoon. At the lunch time, my grandpa takes me home for lunch and rest after lunch, then drives me to the school at two p.m.

The last class in the afternoon is usually our handicraft class , music class, art class and other extra-curricular classed, we can choose one of them to take part in, it is our favorite time.

At half past five, class is over, and my mom drives me home. I can play with my friends after my homework finished. My primary school life is full and happy.



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原句:While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.

修改后:During tennis she started an argument that lasted all morning.

原句:When you come to the second traffic light, turn right.

修改后:At the second traffic light turn left.



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原句:While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.

修改后:During tennis she started an argument that lasted all morning.

原句:When you come to the second traffic light, turn right.

修改后:At the second traffic light turn left.

二:删除诸如"who is"或"that is"之类的关系代词,变从句为短语,例:

句:The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that took place in the Middle Ages.

修改后:The three-part novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.

注:把句中的"three parts"改用形容词来表达,节省了四个不必要的单词"which is written in"。我们经常可以将关系代词如"that"去掉,这只会引起最少的变动。


Two joint partners will present their views over a long-distance telephone call. 写完这样的句子后,你自己再读一遍,挑出单词"joint"和"telephone",注意删去不必要的词。



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3rd April 2008

Dear Mr. I

How are you these days? I will go to shanghai for my holiday.

Yours truly,



师耳目一新。例如:如果要孩子们来写holiday。很多孩子们一开始就会写I went to …… last year. 用went就很大众化了,但是如果用take a trip这个词组就会显得你的英语水平跟其他人不一样了!对于词汇这个点,我向孩子们提两点建议:






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there are many television programs in Taiwan today, from TV aeries, quiz shows, soap operas, movies to cartoons. Of all the programs, I like to watch cartoons the best, like Cartoon network, Disney and many others. I like to watch cartoons because they are funny and very interesting, especially when I am sad, tired or bored. I also like cartoon characters. they are so cute and vivid. We must use our imagination when we watch cartoons. Because they are often exaggerated, so you need to have a sense of humor



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Each people have, but each family and each home is different.


My home is the home of three generations, father is Grandmas youngest son, mother is their least a brother and sister. Needless to say, of course I also in the big family of a minimum of. Grandma said we are three families.


My mother is a middle school teacher, my father is busy with his things, we have a family of four, only in the evening every day to get together. At that time, is my happiest time. After dinner, my mother checks my homework, my father taught me to learn English, if you have time, Ill give them to play the piano, singing, reading a few text. We have a very happy. In the study, if I got good scores, they will be more happy than me.


Grandma at home taking care of our lives and health. Grandma is very strict with us, too nagging. She is very kind, we all respect her.


Life in the sea of love, happiness and joy



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My hometown is located in western hubei province, is a good place for beautiful scenery. Today Ill give you introduce the scenic spots in my hometown.

First of all I want to introduce is "shennong xi". It is a beautiful river, the river clear, on both sides of the picturesque, like a beautiful little girl between the mountains.

My hometown has a mysterious "passive hole". It is located in the mountains between, very long and narrow hole, the hole of the water is warm in winter and cool in summer, strange stalactites cave there are a lot of image, and bats, for passive hole was always full of suspense adds a layer of mysterious color.

Finally, I give you introduce "autumn pavilion". The connections that it is very big, because KouZhun young was once 3 years in our badong county magistrate, KouZhun county government is located in the autumn wind pavilion. The autumn wind pavilion modelling beautiful generous, majestic, when people see it will think of great feats of KouZhun was set in padang.

Friends! Our hometown is beautiful? You are welcome to our home a guest!








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I am a 10 years old boy. Smart and handsome. I am proud of myself. Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, math and English. It is not good enough, I am also proud of being an elder brother. That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. My parents were both cooking for dinner. I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. My mum said, “Are you sure you can?” “ Yes ,believe me I can.” I answered. Then mum went to the kitchen. I went towards my baby brother. “ Oh baby, don’t cry. I will sing a song for you…” I carried him and sing songs for him. After a while, he was asleep. I was so tired. My parents were happy and praised me a good boy. This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself.



Hello! (sir / madam / ladies and gentleman)

My names (中文名字), and you can call me (英文名字).

Im eleven years old.I study in……Primary School,and Im in Class 5,Grade 5.Therere three people in my family,theyre……my mother is a (职业)……my father is a (职业)……I do love my happy warm family!In addition,Im sunny boy with lots of hobbies, for instance,stamp-collecting, swimming,reading, etc.But I prefer……because……and I have learned since I was……years old.Soon I will graduate from primary school, and I sincerely hope that I can continue to study at this school.Thanks for your attention!


Introducing yourself is very important when you meet new people. You always want to make a good impression when telling others about yourself. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Pat and Im from Taiwan. Right now, Im a student. I study very hard every day. I like going to school because Im eager to learn. I enjoy learning English. Its my favorite class. I like to make friends and I get along with everyone. This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people. It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do.





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In my numerous holidays are hiding many secrets, it grew up together with me, it goes away with me. But this winter vacation is different from previous holiday life, past I was always very carefree, all have nothing to do, but this years winter vacation for two weeks on Saturday, I suddenly want to; So how line! As a fresh graduated from grade six students how? I want to in my book wrote a diary, a week after that and can improve the level of composition, and practice a day and can make the word practice is more beautiful, neat. You see the schedule below:

1 every day to see the composition 2 article, look at other people, how to write, learn other peoples writing method, written in the book, have a good word we put it on another book.

2 write 4 composition every day, and want to change again and again.

3 search on the net prize essay, read, take a look at why he wrote, the benefits of writing in where? What rhetorical devices.

Contribute 4 a day to take a look at the composition of take a look at the teacher comment on, and the earnest revision.

5 good word we remember more, help composition level.

This is my holiday schedule, what is your holiday schedule? Come and write a write your holiday schedule!









篇12:小升初英语作文:My new school

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I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in Beijing. It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. Its quite different from my old school. Its larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.



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小升初英语题中, “书面表达”往往是最后一项,有的学生把最后几分钟用在写作上,匆匆了事,这是很不明智的。学生用在写作上的时间应不少于10分钟,力争不丢分,少丢分。


写之前一定要认真阅读写作要求,切忌见题就写。小升初英语作文主要有两种类型: “提示作文”和 “看图作文”。 “提示作文”一般已经给出要点,而 “看图作文”则需根据图画及提示在很短的时间内将要点列出。把要点列出后,在草稿纸上写提纲,打草稿,就可以看出大概有多少字。在正式往试卷上写之前,根据题目要求适当增减内容,保持卷面整洁。











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Life is happy to have trueFriendship.

I never thought our friendship could be so long. We are classmates, not only are still friends. We was like peas and carrots, no words do not say, learn from each other, to long for short.

Name is ling-ling jin, she is my good friend, she is fat, black hair like a black waterfall down vertically, a pair is eyes, his mouth with a knife. She commanded, considerate, in her heart is how to think how to say, serious and responsible. Speak is a disadvantage, but she is hurt others self-esteem.

We have two years of friendship, can be said to be my friend stay together life learning the longest time of friends. But sometimes, the cup of friendship, we sometimes jokes, but dont to heart. Until that time, we continue to cold for three days, meet dont say "hello", also no longer together, become a stranger, with indifference. Several times we all want to apologize, to lose me, she in and out of a person, very lonely, she and I justdont willing to give up this friendship. After days of ideological struggle, I decided to be friends, although the fault is not in me, we still made up. I often think: true friendship is to pass the test. From now on, we cherish the friendship

True friendship, it is purity transparent ice and snow, the cold the unity, the more tight.

True friendship is a clear spring water, not only to the column into the withered life vitality, but also can wash the stain of the mind

Original all stronger after the test of friendship, will never be apart.










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Dec.6th .2005

Dear dad and mum,

I have been very happy in the school. Sometimes, at night I cry in the bed because I miss you very much. You always say “Learn well and I will be happy.” So I work hard in the school every day. After class I play with my classmates. We skip rope, play cards and ball and so on. I spend a lot of time doing my homework. After lunch we have to do Kumon. When I finish, I play Pingpong with my friends. Then I spend some time reading my English notes. At six o’clock I have my evening class. Then I have my evening snack at twenty past seven. After that, I have some free time. At eight o’clock, I go to bed. This is a day in the school. Mum, you always tell me “Happiness is very important in our life.” So I want to be happy every day. If you are not happy, call me please.



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a long time ago, and has a small drop of water in the east china sea listening to the story of the east china sea grandpa stresses. it is aware of the east china sea using miles apart, can not be described in a vast sea, with 1000 960 high enough to describe the depth of the sea. it is very envious of the east china sea. therefore, it asked the east china sea grandfather : "grandpa east.

why then has the vast east china sea so deep? "east grandfather told it :" i also another little drop of water, i and many partners around the clock to muddy pool together a small partnership, it becomes a small stream. but we do not stop pace, the united states is continuing to pour forward, and then became rivers. finally many rivers come together, it becomes a sea, the formation of the east china sea. "small drop asked : "we really have so much power? can be turned into a stream, into a river into the sea? "east grandpa replied : "of course not! can not become small rivers flow, so you can become the sea. also, into the sea, do not forget the existence of small water droplets, not to overlook the power of small water droplets, but it is the source of our life! without it, we would not. "small drop in the east china sea remember his grandfather, finally became the famous south china sea.




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My mother is a housewife, but my mother to do many things every day, busy as a bee.

Remember one day, I got up early and have found that mom has go out to buy food, after a while, mother came back. She bought a lot of vegetables, pant shout into the house, moms food on the table, although the mother has been very tired, but she still insisted to send me to school.

Come back from school, my mother and I saw the door on the ground are all deadwood rotten leaves, then, my mother began to sweep the floor. She brought a broom and dustpan, first with a broom sweep dry to a place, then put them together into the dustpan, then pour it in the trash. Finally mom broom and dustpan in the corner, to wash your hands to eat.

At eight o clock in the evening, after I had finished my homework, get ready to go to play with mom animal checker, found mother still doing manual work. I said to his mother: mom, dont do it, take a break. Mother said: "no, now the factory are in urgent need of the goods, I must do hurry up." I said: "that you finish the rest." "No, I have to wash the dishes?" Mother said. I said, "that I wash it for you." Mother smiled: "no, you have school tomorrow, they play for a while they go to sleep." Listen to the mother, I had to take a rest.

Half asleep, I heard the voice of the water and bowl chopsticks collide with each other, in the heart silently say: "mother, you too hard, when I grow up I will repay you."








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Thanksgiving parents, always thought it was a simple thing, but it is only one word, difficult. However, we have only two words to parents, thanksgiving.


If we want to parents, parents tend to give us something, is it you feel warm? We met with difficulties, not the parents to help us solve?


We always say that grow up to repay their parents, parents of the day but waited too long for too long, we should start from the little things, do every detail to let parents moved, after growing up, parents of this day is happy, moved.


We should repay my parents, if parents beat you is because you are naughty, many parents have children, look into the Phoenix womens expectations, after growing up, dont failed to live up to what your parents expect of you.


篇20:小升初英语作文:Happy Holiday

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May Day is coming. I’m so happy because my father and my mother take me to Wu Quan Park this holiday.

In the park, I see many trees and beautiful flowers. There are many children and many happy playing games, too.

My parents take me to the zoo. There are lions, tigers, eagles, bears, deer, monkeys, and so on. I like the monkeys best because they are very clever and they make us laugh. How lovely they are!

I have a good time that day. What a beautiful and happy holiday.
