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As a student in Yibin, we should behave well.

First, I think it’s very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Then we’d better not talk loudly in public. Don’t throw litter or spit about. And remember to obey traffic rules.

Finally, learn to work with others. We need good team work in our life.



篇1:初一英语作文:The Importance of Electricity

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When you go to work in the morning and find that traffic lights dont work, the traffic jam will certainly happen. A patient needs to be operated on at once. What will happen if the operation cannot be made because of the electricity. Without electricity, we can neither watch TV, listen to the tape, nor chat on line. Electricity is closely related to our daily life.

How terrible it would be if there were no electricity!



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Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey. Monkey is a kind

of lovely animal. Many people like monkeys very much. Generally, monkey has

small body covered with fur. Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears

and a long tail. I can see them on TV or the zoo. Every time I go to the zoo, I

will go to see them. Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them. They are

so lively and favorable. When they are happy, they will act for visitors. It’s

very funny.



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Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft and beautiful.

On Christmas Eve, children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them. In fact, their parents put the presents in their stockings.



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At college, i missed my parents a lot. as the term was drawing to an end, i eagerly looked forward to going home. and i planned to do a thousand and one things during the vacation. above all, i wanted to help my mother with housework. i also wished to read many hooks which my teachers had recommended. however, at home, my mother would never let me do anything. she completely deprived me of sharing her work. as soon as i opened a book to read,she would sit down beside me and ask me about all kinds of things at the college. to please her,i told her one thing after another,and soon i forgot all about books. even when i was actually reading,she would, now and then,insist that i should eat an egg or drink a cup of tea. when i left home at the end of the vacation, not a thing in my plan had been carried out. but i felt very happy. i believed much more deeply than before in the old saying: home, sweet home. there’s no place like home!



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The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It’s on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house. In the evening,we have a big dinner. Look,there is lots of food on the table. They are chicken,fish,crabs and so on. They’re very delicious. We can drink a glass of juice.

We stand beside the table and we say,“Cheers,cheers,happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night,the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes,too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival,my parents and I are all very happy and excited.





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Is a national territory that aureate autumn scan widely 9,600,000 square kilometers again up, all over the place golden, prosperous brocade, the high building stands erect, coal ocean current gold, ocean Yang wave, the Great Wall dances.

In autumn, always bring people pleased celebrate, bring poetry, bring fancy, bring to imagine, bring a hope more, but this years autumn, not- same sort, more and not and usually.In this fine season, arrive to°from Chiang-Nan water country a northland backland, from the Gan river strand to pull Sa Lin Ka, hot soils of republic each square kilometer soak through exultant and happiness, flow to drip sweet with sing.1,300,000,000 China childrens with heroic the singing arousing more put to fly aureate ideal and imagining of rose and put to fly hard go such as the conviction of huge rock and the poem lauding to the great motherland.

Ha, the motherland, my mother, celebrates the quarter of your birthday 60 anniversaries in the joys, I have a boiling passion, thoughts and feelings surge.We want to speak to you how much considerate words son, have how much laudatory song son sing to you.60 years, at Be just fillip in the mankinds history long river a flick, however, great of the motherland occurrence turns over the variety that sky replies ground.Everywhere is change with each passing day of creation.Everywhere is canvass business to lead a property and promote the big current of economic development.I imitate the red ship that the Buddha sees south lake to bathe the gold Hui of the sun, to drive today.The red flag of well Kang-shan, the cuckoo smiles dimple and reflects the mountain is red of strong the United States is like of the red glow at sunset style style float.The hot breeze of pagoda mountain postpones arousing of river water wave, the story of green yarn debt rides on the Qiong syrup of yellow river and conceived the children of ten million heros.

Ha, the ancient Great Wall starts to stand unyielding chest, Yangtze River dashing about turns over a radiant wave flower, a long distance steppe resounds the Matouqin voice of deep feeling and pull Sa Lin Ka is spreading to herd a people to rush toward the happy song joke of middle-class family.Hence, I see up broad earth in the motherland, China children in in the whole world lead to utter high song.The joys celebrates a mother 60-year-old birthday in motherland, sends best regards to the motherland in the name of republic children and blesses for mother.

Ha, motherland, you are like one Fan of leaf hope and drove from the republic founded a nation the Long Long gun salute voice of big Dian;Drove from Mt. Heaven the foot hot tile just with the three-stringed piano moving musical sound;Drove from the yellow river aroused a more rising big wave voice and ten thousand precinct chief, river, the ship work number son voice of the male Hun;The absolute being state No.5 cosmos airship that embarked from Yang Li Wei of aerospace hero roamed about at pleasure to drive in the good news of space;Blue print and country that developed from reform in the city wealthy civilization fantasy drove in the song.Hence, I see the spring breeze blow into a hundred million happy doors and windows, heardthe story in spring resounding through China the earth.The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.It was glorious in the boundless process of half several centuries, there is frustrate.The Chinese of diligence braveness leader in 3 and under the party central leadership, unity of will is a formidable force, overcome all difficulties, with tremendous passionate devotion economic development ofdevelop China, strengthen my national prestige.History tells us and tells future, Deng Xiaopings construction contains the socialism theories of Chinese special feature and is like the rich brocade future prospects that the lighthouse illuminates a motherland, the party is central the Jian being leading people of the whole country effort go three representativess, with accompany into, constuct middle-class family completely society, head for fine future.

In the great military advance constucting socialism modernization big country, the China children created numerous miracles, in the race of world of Lin Rang people of this world in different light.You see, Shenzhen, bead sea, etc. a batch of special areas in Xiamen starts to dig Kingsoft, the river bank east new area sticks out the chest, the pride also expresses to write the refreshing headline of developing the China.Nine Tengs in the steel Ultrasaurus big city fly south north, display the magnificent posture of China.Hong Kong regression, regression in Macau, Peking states Ao success, the China children all receives due acclaim and attention, the Hao feeling is ten thousand Zhangs.

The capital city in Peking, an overseas Chinese of over sixty years of age visited city appearance in Peking with the regiment, after watching review troops the troops dominant performance, the hot tears maneuvered.His regrets ground says:lately Chinese be really getting stronger now, there is motherland doing strong backing, oversea overseas Chinese the waist pole is harder, our body is in the overseas and hope a motherland strong, prosperous and prosperous.Listen the old mans heartfelt words, I imitate a Buddha to touch him that very hot patriotic heart.At the moment, my ear again response my I patriotic of heart, the great wall never pour this male Hun, arouse more of singing.This singing calls China children to make great effort to make country strong and create more a house fine tomorrow.

The friends faces the sun, the autumnal winds sends great, let us stand ancient Great Wall up with deep feeling, with a kind of heroic, with a kind of rites of majesty, start to carry a gold cup, drink to hearts content a joys to celebrate of beautiful wine, lightly soft hand each inch of foot of land, bless our dear people Anne from country Tai in motherland together, have a bright future.

国庆节演讲稿 中文




啊,一分钟,多么令人心颤的一分钟!看到这儿,我的心被震撼了,泪水也止不住掉了下来。我想,别说他们在那里要为我国在世界高技术领域占有一席之地,为实现中华民族千百年来的“飞天”梦想而拼搏,就是呆在那儿,也是奉献。 是的,作为军人,我知道,在雪山,在海岛,在荒原,在戈壁,有无数与小赵小张一样的士兵,为了祖国的强盛和人民的安宁,在默默忍受着艰辛与寂寞。作为军人,我更懂得,是军人这特殊的职业赋予了军人特殊的使命,特殊的使命赋予了军人特殊的追求。军人,也许就意味着奉献与牺牲。 难道不是吗?翻开中国革命的历史画卷,不难发现,其中最引人注目的便是那些为了祖国和人民的利益而驰骋疆场、马革裹尸的军人。从万里长征、八年抗战、南征北战到自卫还击、抗震救灾、抗洪抢险,多少年来,这支人民的军队,在党的绝对领导之下,经受着无数次血与火的洗礼,一次又一次向党和人民交出合格的答卷!就说那300公里航天大动脉,当年修建时就有120名忠骨埋在了沙丘。

小时候,我曾羡慕穿身军装,现在我终于实现了这个梦想,如今,我又跨进全军的高等学府――国防科技大学的校门。在这里,我又读到许许多多的银河人,他们将银河精神在新时代高高奏响,为响应江总书记“科技强军”的号召,在夜以继日的、默默的耕耘与劳作。 周光铭院士在接受记者采访时说过这样一句话:“我一生也就做了六台机器。”朋友,你想想,这六台是什么样的机器啊!难道还不够吗?这,就是我们老一代银河人的骄傲!

在研制银河Ⅲ期间,卢锡城同志带领年轻人向新的技术制高点冲击,有11名同志是在攻关战斗中度过新婚蜜月的,不少人连续三次春节都在机房里度过。就是凭着这种精神,他们创造了新的辉煌。这,就是新一代银河人的自豪! 如今,再看看我这身军装,我应该掂得出她的份量。在新的历史时期,我们军队仍然肩负着重大的历史使命。放心吧,祖国,放心吧,人民,时间流逝,斗转星移,永远抹不去的就是战士对党和人民的一颗赤胆忠心!青山和大地会证明我们的忠诚,蓝天和白云会昭示我们的誓言,“奉献”,我们认了,“牺牲”,我们说值!那是因为,共和国军人的心中只有一个期盼,那就是:为了共和国明天的辉煌!



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I have experienced a lot of interesting things in this winter holiday, and the most interesting of them is the Spring Festival.

In the evening of February 17th, aunt and uncle went to our home and spent the Spring Festival with my family. My aunt and aunt came here, and I went up to them to greet them. I smiled and said, "wish aunt and uncle a happy new year." "I wish you a happy new year and good academic progress." Then, the aunt from her bag and took out a big red envelopes for me, I opened one, wow, there are 1000 yuan!

I took the money carefully into the red bag, held the red bag in my hand, and flew into the room and put it in the drawer. Time to eat, everyone excited to come to the dinner table, dinner can be really big ah! There is Eight Delicacies Rice, Double cooked pork slices, fried octopus, ten dishes, all my love, I see slobber to flow out. Everyone sat on the seat and began to eat after each others blessing. The meal was finished, I was full of food and full, and the belly drum was like a big ball.

Its eight oclock. Lets watch the Spring Festival party together. The Spring Festival Gala programs can be really wonderful ah, there are humorous sketches, beautiful dance, songs of various exquisite beyond compare, everybody clap. I love comedy starring Zhao Benshan "plan", it is very interesting, I laugh all stomach pain, their mother is laughing. The Spring Festival evening finished, we went to the outside put firecrackers, firecrackers have all kinds of types of Mantianhong, cupola, the lamp...... The number is not over.

My father got a cigarette, pointing to a string of firecrackers and said to me: "come, you go to that point." I took the cigarette, slowly walked to the string of firecrackers, put the cigarette head to lead to "burn!" I screamed and ran as fast as a rabbit hid behind my mother. Snapping me tight over his ears, eyes closed. Pau finished everyone see me, laugh, I also smiled. I have a very happy Spring Festival this year, and I look forward to the early arrival of the Spring Festival next year. .



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Students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax, but in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. It’s harmful for students’ growth. Teachers ask students to spend most of their time on studies. But when they feel tired and bored, students can’t concentrate on studies. They are in bad health.

It’s necessary to give students enough time to do outside activities. After good relaxation and rest, studens will work harder.

Pay attention to students’ health and growth.






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Whenit comes to team sports in university will help students be successful in life,there is no completely agreement, some people advocate that team sports play akey role in students life while others think doing sports is wasting time andstudents should focus on their Study .Weighing up these two ideas, I prefer theformer one.


Ihave three reasons to support my view. Firstly, playing team sports helpstudents cooperate with others more easily and enhance their teamconsciousness. When students play team sports, they have chance to demonstratetheir leadership and train their executive ability. They may support each otherwhen they meet problems, and share happiness when they win in the game. Thisexperience makes them matured and understands the real meaning of unity. These studentsalways do things at the big picture, and often are recruited easily by bigcompanies than other students.


Secondly,students body will increasingly heath if they do more exercise. There is nodoubt that student who do physical exercise regularly grow stronger andhealthier than those who don’t. Besides, after taking physical exercises,students usually become refreshed and can return to class work moreenergetically. Whats more, students could exercise a good figure if theyinsist doing sports. Boys will have much muscle and girls will be thinner. Theywill be more confident than before.


Thirdly,playing team sports not only is a bridge for students to build friendship, butalso help them learn communicating skills. In a team, students have sameinterest which will take them short time to be familiar with each other. Inaddition, students need train together, share their achievement together andovercome the hardship together. This experience has established a deepfoundation to their friendship. Furthermore, when they get alone with eachother, they could learn how to speak in an appropriate way and how to avoidconflicts with members.


Fromthe foregoing, I could draw the conclusion that playing team sports in schoolhave benefits to students’ life due to its unique charm. I advise students tojoin in team sports as soon as possible and it won’t make them disappointed.





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Lets take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours.Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight.A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain,The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six.Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two.We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng.Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.



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what! The summer vacation goes by so fast, fifty days will pass in a blink

of an eye. During this summer vacation, I spent most of the time playing

basketball. Sometimes I go swimming with my friends. Sometimes play with small

cards. If I was alone, I would ride a bicycle for a ride around, or watch TV, or

go online to find a classmate I miss, chatting, bickering, and solving the pain

of missing. There are many, many programs to play, but my favorite is still

playing basketball.

During this summer vacation, my mother signed me up for a basketball class,

so that I could keep fit and keep my body in good shape. At the same time, I

also want to find my own fun and hobbies. Make this summer a little more


When I first started learning, I could not learn the basic skills given by

the coach. Even sometimes the coach has already taught me hands-on, and I still

dont understand. Just when I lost my confidence and was about to give up, the

coach came to me and said, "It doesnt matter, whoever learns skills will not go

through a little setback and will be smooth sailing? Who has an amazing talent,

one step to the sky? Dont you rely on the accumulation of bit by bit to make

the same movement well? As long as there is perseverance, the iron pillar will

be ground into a needle!"

After listening to what the coach said, I was at a loss. Begin to practice

hard: I practice pitching on the court while the coach calls everyone to rest.

The coach said that when school was over, I practiced three-step layups on the

court and didnt leave until my family came to tell me. I also often share my

experience with my classmates...

As the saying goes, hard work pays off, and my hard work is not in vain -

now, my basketball skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and I dont only

know a little bit like before. And my physique has also improved, I wont run

out of breath after running 400 meters like before - playing basketball is happy

and healthy!

This summer vacation is happy and fulfilling, and I look forward to the

next summer vacation coming soon!



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March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day. On that day, we didn‘t had classes. The teachers and our classmates planted trees around our school.

We began to planted trees as soon as we got to school. some students dug the holes. Some students put the trees into the holes.

Some students put the earth back to the holes. Then we pushed the earth hard with our feet. At last we watered the trees as much as possible.

From then on we looked after the trees carefully and the trees grew very well. It made our shcool more beautiful .And How happy we are!







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Some people say yes. The intemet helps students make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies.Others, however, think students should not make friends on line.They say it is a waste of time. besides, some students get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.





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Stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure.

Both our feelings and our bodies get upset.

We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress

for too long. Stress can come at us from every direction. For instance, it can

come from fights with other people. It can come when we have too many things to

do and too little time to do them. It can also come when we do not have enough

money to pay for what we want. Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn

how to deal with it. There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal

with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways to cut down on stress include

changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with

people or to stay away from them. We can decide what to do now, what to do

later, and what to leave off doing forever.

We can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want.

We should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on

stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our

work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.



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My uncle has been in America for quite a few years. He used to live in Pudong. He wanted to come back to his homeland very much. Last summer he came to Shanghai and I took him to visit Pudong. He said the streets became wider and the buildings became higher. I told him, "Many people have moved into new and big flats. It is very convenient to go shopping here." He couldn't find his old house. He said, "What great changes!" He decided to stay and spend the rest of his life in Shanghai.



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On Monday the typhoon had gone. Luckily it was not hurricane. And it had only been here for 2 days. Also after this typhoon, not many people lost their lives. On Saturday I finally finished my second learning. Some students were very happy because we finished all summer learning. But some students sighed because of the heavy homework. I wasn’t sad and wasn’t happy, either. I just know we have been junior three students. We must work hard to enter a good senior high school and pave the way for the future. So heavier homework, shorter holiday and more study are all a must
