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As a middle school student,I dont have much free time,but I still have a lot of things to do.

I like listening to music and reading,so in my free time,I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour.Its a good way to relax myself.I always do some reading before go to bed.Besides,I always go to swimming after school.Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study.As the same as other students,I often watch TV in the evening,but I have to finish my homework first.

At the weekends,I will help my mother with the housework,such as clean the house,do some washing.




[我的空余时间 My Free Time初一英语作文带翻译



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How to Learn English Well

English is one of the most important subjects in middle school.  Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.



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When it comes to the 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, you will think of Dragon Boat Festival and zongzi. Do you know the origin of Dragon Boat Festival? Let me tell you something about it.

Qu Yuan, a doctor in the state of Chu, had always loved the country, but his patriotic heart was unfairly treated by Zi Lan and Jin Shang. In the early May ad 278, five, Qu Yuan was patriotic and angry, holding a big stone, jumping into the Miluo River and suicidal. The people of the state of Chu were all sorrowful. They all rowed a boat to save Qu Yuan. But a vast ocean, where there was Qu Yuans shadow, the gang had been in the Miluo river for half a day, and had no choice but to find Qu Yuan corpse. The bamboo tube in Steamed Rice cast the hope that the fish in the water is not the original body of gnawing humiliation. After that, every year on the 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the local people rowed the rice into the river in the bamboo tube, and later, the rice in the bamboo tube was changed to zongzi.

On the annual Dragon Boat Festival, people pack zongzi, buy zongzi and eat zongzi. The shape of zongzi is very special, neither square nor round. The zongzi is wrapped with green rice dumplings wrapped in glutinous rice and jujube. The color and appearance of the dumplings are very good. The taste of the dumplings is unique. It is a unique taste of the zongzi. It is both a delicacy of summer and an appetizing food, and a good nourishing nourishing product.

Whenever I eat zongzi, I think of Qu Yuans patriotism.



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January 28 2010 it was the third day of our winter holiday. today, there are many business in my mother‘s company. so my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company. i sat in my mother‘s office and help her answer the telephone. while i was free, i was writing my homework. although i also have a lot of time to do my homework, i still do it. because in my mother’s office, i had nothing to do. if i did nothing, i was wasting my time and my life. i can‘t do the foolish thing. we should take good use of our time.



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Today, my mother and I went to Xiaohe Gou, and we had fun.

When we got there, we saw that the fish pond in Xiaohe ditch was covered with ice. I want to go down to play on the ice, so I decided to try the ice thickness first. Because there were no thick branches on the riverside, so I lifted a big stone and threw it all in to the ice. There was a huge hole in the ice, and the shadow of a small fish was hidden below. Fortunately, I didnt go down easily, otherwise...

We continue to move forward. Those fish ponds show their true colors: I have made the "mask people" one by one.

A small stream blocked our way further. I looked at what could be used without wood boards around. Because the water is very shallow, I move a piece of big stone, three lower five in addition to two set up a stone bridge, my mother and my mother passed the brook, and also helped people to pass a bridge.

After crossing the bridge, we began to move forward. We saw a vacant area in front of us, and it was scraped evenly by bulldozers. Mother said that it might have been a natural ancient granary. The center of the loess slope is a circular open space, which is transformed into a natural granary. Why do I think so good things should be leveled and destroyed? I ask mother, mother said that this is the conflict between modern civilization and ancient history, and now people have destroyed the historical relics left by their predecessors for their own existence. If I want to live in the air, I will not destroy so many precious and rare historical sites.

Im very happy to go out today. At the same time, I realized the importance of life to human beings, and realized that the development and construction of society could damage the civilization of ancient society. I think life is very important, but ancient civilization is also important. We should coordinate the relationship between the development of modern civilization and the preservation of ancient civilization.



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上一周我们学校进行了一次月考,试卷下发后我进行了深刻反思。我班学生人数相对其他班少,现有人数47,及格44人,满分一人,90分以上28人,70到90段13人,本次试卷是一单元检测题,题目没有做过但比较简单,全在课堂教学训练的范围,通过分析尖子生太少,需要加强对尖子生的培养和训练,提高90分以上学生的做题能力,努力打造70到90段学生,加强对这一段学生的辅导和督促。前一段教学从26个字母开始,对学生要求平等,这次通过成绩发现了学生的差异,根据学生成绩,在以后的教学中加强分层教学,减轻学生心理压力,提高学生学习效率。在教学中注重培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园 FFKJ.Net]良好的学习习惯,提高学生认真细心做题的能力。


上周四学校进行了月考,试卷是第一单元检测题,试题的安排非常合理、科学,注重基础知识,但是也有能力的提升,是一份比较好的试卷。学生的成绩并不是很好,虽然90分以上的人数不少,但是学生的答题情况并不理想,有一部分学生的单词拼写,大小写方面不规范,应该大写的没有大写,说明学生的习惯养成不好,以后在这一方面要加强对学生的要求和训练。还有课代表和老师和学生之间的不协调,不[内容来于斐-斐_课-件_园 FFKJ.Net]同步,很多时候老师布置的作业不能按时完成,课代表和学生互相推卸责任,长期下去势必会影响成绩,所以要加强师生的沟通,团结协作,更好的提高学生的成绩。



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尊重生命是护生的最根本的原则,但在人们为了食用肉食,而伤害动物的影响下,人们对杀害动物已显得稀松平常,当然对动物的尊重也消失得无影无踪。许多人都以不合法的方式,抓走或是破坏动物的栖息地,动物跟人其实是一样的,他们如果对人发展攻击,也是因为他们想维护自己生存的权利。除此之外,社会新闻也常出现一些有关 父母伤害小孩的事件,有些小孩一出生就被抛弃,有些小孩被父母虐待,甚至直接杀死小孩,小孩是父母身上的一块肉,但为什么他们可以做出如此残忍的事?他们等于抛弃自己的一块肉,他们早已迷失了所谓的“良心”。

爱惜生命是护生的最根本的原则,我们除了要尊重别人的生命,也要爱惜自己的生命。有些人因 为一时的挫折,而选择走上自杀这条路,但为什么不想想那些天生有缺陷的人?他们虽然有缺陷,但是他们却化缺陷为一种个人特色,并以乐观的心情面对,他们比 我们更坚强、更懂得生命的真理。而我认为每个人都是独一无二的,没有谁可以取代谁,我们应该欣赏自己独特的生命并珍惜它,因为这是上帝赐给每给人最好的礼物。

生命是无价的,没有任何东西可以换取生命,所以我们更应该珍惜生命,也要尊重别人生存的权利。尊重别人的生命,也是对自已生命的一种敬重 ,当我们懂得去维护别人生存的权利时,我想我们自然而然也不会做出伤害自己的事,等到那时候,我们就能领悟赋予重大意义的护生智慧。




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My mother is the loveliest person in the world. She Ioves her children very much and is always kind and gentle to us. Every mother is kind to her children but my mothcrs kindness to us is unlike others.

She never gets angry and never loses her temper. When we are naughty and do not listen to her words, she truly pretends to be angry and walks away. She will come back to us later and asks whether we like to be good boys and good girls again. She is so gentle and patient to us.

My mother is busy all day. She cooks for us, washes our clothes and also teaches us to do our homework. We all love mad respect our dear mother.




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我在这里写的是一位普普通通,平凡得不能再平凡的人民教师,50来岁,由于终日为我们不辞辛苦的操劳,脸上布满了皱纹,她的两眼黑得发亮,锋利的目光,仿佛要把什么刺穿似的。我有点害怕。她只教我们还不到四个月,但是,每当我想起她时。她对我们的严就像教练训练运动员那样一丝不苟;她对我们很关心,体贴,就像对待自己的儿女一样。 但是,那一次,我尽对她起了怨恨。那是一节自习课,英语老师让同学们把作业本A订正好交到办公室去批改,作业本B作好的也去批改。我怀着喜悦的心情拿着作好的B去批改,"报告""进来"她的声音很平稳,我走了进去,队伍并不长,我跑到英语老师右边去批改,无意间发现了电脑里有语文竞赛的成绩,我便很期盼得到自己的成绩,不听话的手尽往鼠标地区前行,不经意间,我触摸到了,这下手更不听使唤,一直往下翻动着,"啊"我目瞪口呆,倒数第三,我的喜悦心情沉淀了下来,"谁呀,谁在动我的电脑?"一声果断而又严厉的语言向我发起进攻,我吓了一大跳,我心里想:哎呀,这下怎么办呀,不如来个死不承认,或者,英语老师的教棒在桌上"吃吃"作响,"把手拿过来。"我害怕极了,真想使用一下神仙的仙术,把英语老师的教棒变成长长的棉花棒,只有我能看见,而老师看不见,软软的棉花棒触摸了我一下,"哇!"教棒落下来了,打得好痛呀,我有点生气,心里暗暗想着;你这个老太太,太坏了,我只不过碰了一下鼠标,看了电脑屏幕一眼,也不过如此,您竟打我,只要教育几下就行了嘛,我可是个怕痛的女孩。我心中的怨恨一直不能平静。但刚想完,那教棒的滋味和对老师的怨恨跑掉了,我寻找着,发现它屹立在英语老师身上展现出来的无可抗拒的人格魅力上。




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犹太大作家威塞尔曾说:“美的反面不是丑,是冷漠;信仰的反面不是异端,是冷漠;生命的反面不是死亡,是冷漠。”“正能量”,就如同一首没有唱完的歌,将由我们继续唱下去;“正能量”就如同一封没有写完的信,将由我们续写下美妙的篇章;“正能量”,就如同一杯热气腾腾的暖茶,温暖你的身心;“正能量”就如同海边那各式各样的贝壳,闪烁着独特的光芒。“正能量”是一种强大的能量,童年的一件事让我真正明白了它的意义。 Jewish writer Wessel once said: "The opposite of beauty is not ugly, indifferent;"" Positive energy ", just like a song that has not been sang, will continue to sing by us;" positive energy "is like a letter that has not been written, and we will continue to write a wonderful chapter;" positive energy "Just like a steaming warm tea, warm your body and mind; "positive energy" is like the various shells by the sea, flashing with unique light."Positive energy" is a powerful energy. One thing for childhood makes me truly understand its meaning.








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In the 21st century, the scientific and economic development of mankind has

reached a high degree. But I want to ask: have you ever thought that the exhaust

gases from the industry pollute the air? Does the industry waste water seriously

contaminate the water? A lot of snacks will eat the ozone layer to make

ultraviolet radiation harmful to human health?

In scientific and economic development, we should also think about the

environmental damage and the causes of global warming. Protect the environment,

trees, flowers and birds will bring you wonderful scenery. Can you listen

carefully to the graceful singing of the birds? Can you ever stroke the birch

smooth coat or the rough skin of the pine? Can you smell the intoxicating

fragrance of the flowers?

Let the stream crowd through your open fingers. You will feel the beauty of

nature. Let the wind blow you, you will feel the wild nature. Let the rain be on

you, you will feel the naughty nature of nature.



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Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival. It usually es in September or October .On that day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes. It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife,so he made mooncakes. It looks like the moon.

There are many kinds of mooncakes. They are small round cakes with meat,nuts or something sweet inside . eating mooncakes has been our custom. Families stay outside in the open air eat a big dinner and mooncakes. The most important thing is looking at the moon,On that day,the moon kooks brighter and rounder. We call this moon the full moon.

On that day,families get together,so we call this day getting together. This is Mid-autumn Day. I love it very much. Because on that day I can eat mooncakes. And my brother es back home. He works outside all year. Only that day and the Spring Festival. He es back. So that day I am especially happy. On that day my family gets together.






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初一英语作文用词要恰当,不可逐句把提示翻译成英语。写作时,应尽量选用你最熟悉、最有把握的词和句型来表达思想。如果有些单词不会些,有些句型不会表达,可以设法绕开,用熟悉的同义词、同义短语或同义句来代替。要学会善于运用适当的关联词,如and, or, but, so,because, since等,以使初一英语作文行文逻辑紧密,自然流畅。





1.表示并列或递进: and, as well as, both…and,

not only…but also, neither…nor;

2.表示选择: or, either…or;

3.表示转折: but, however, although, though, after all,

4.表示因果: because, so, therefore

5.表示条件: if , unless

6.表示对比: instead, not…but,

on the one hand…on the other hand;

7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as,

that is to say, in other words;

8.表示顺序: to begin with, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next,

later, since then, from then on, finally, in the end;

9.表示强调: also, besides, what’s more, actually,

in fact,

10.表示结论: all in all, altogether, in a word,generally speaking。



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In 2014, when June comes, it means the college entrance exam comes, too. It is the most important moment for the high school students, they have worked for three years, they are ready to go to further study.

This year, on that day, some accidents happened, some gangsters cut people, two brave high school students stood out, both of them fought for the gangster, and stopped the tragedy happening. The brave students got hurt, they missed the important exam. They are the real heroes, they never thought a second to stopping the gangster, other students chose to be quiet.

In my eyes, they are the most beautiful students, their spirit inspires the young generation, they are the new Lei Feng. The public is touched by their behavior, some colleges are willing to offer them the chance to go to college.

I am so happy for them, because they deserve the chances.







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In modern society, pressure is ubiquitous. As students, we have to endure

the pressure from examination, from homework and from our parents’

expectations.As workers, people are faced with the pressure from deadline, from

difficulties and from finance and so on. Here I would like to give some

suggestions about relieving pressure.

First of all, to confide to others is an efficient way for relieving

pressure. When we feel so anxious and worried that we cannot continue to work or

study, go to talk with our friends or family members and we will get some relief

and feel better. Second, to do some exercises is another way to relieve

pressure. If we are under pressure for a long time, doing some exercises can

make us refreshed and regain power to continue our task. Finally, another common

way for women to relieve pressure is to cry. The effect of crying is the similar

as the effect of confiding to others. After crying, we would find that we are

relaxed and then we have spirit to fight against difficulties again.

In a word, there are many ways to relieve our pressure. But the most

important point is that if we cannot solve the problem at once, we need to call

off our attention from the pressure we are faced with to other things. Only in

this way we would not be entangled with the pressure for a long time.



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How to improve students mental health

Students mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life. There is a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains.

Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems. Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances for the young men to ease their attention. Whats more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats. Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance. Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time. Facing the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opportunities to save us than others.

From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure. Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue.

