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Autumn with a golden, walked the pace of light, quietly came to our side.

The sky is blue and blue, blue is like a sea of water, like a just washed sapphire. A blossoming white clouds like a small fish in the swimming, really like a beautiful ink painting.

We came to the orchard, the apple grinned, as if to welcome us to taste the fruit, the pear fragrance to our feet hooked, pomegranate grinned mouth exposed a ruby.

We came to the field, the autumn girl has been here into the golden yellow, the whole field into a golden ocean. Corn exposed a grain of yellow gems, sorghum laughed waist, farmers uncle in the harvest of rice, rice seems to say: "farmers uncle to raise our small, thank them for their parenting,

Now we can finally repay the peasant uncle, and the farmer uncle is also proud of their own results.

Autumn is really beautiful! I love this charming fall.




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The wind of autumn is a key. It is cool and gentle, slowly, slowly, while you did not pay attention to the door of the border to open the border. As soon as you enter the autumn world, you will soon see the harvest orchard. Pear fragrant, pineapple sour, apple sweet. Uncle aunt is busy putting these delicious fruits in the basket.

You see, orange, persimmon seems to wait, you squeeze me touch, scrambling to people to pick it. The west side of the orchard is a large garden of Guan Li. The garden is open all year round. What is the twill of this season? Oh, it was beautiful chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums are purple, yellow, golden, white, pink ... ... really colorful, very beautiful off!

Guan Lis chrysanthemum nodded slightly in the autumn wind, like a little girl of Guan Li. There is a wide field in the southeast of the garden, and the fields grow millet and corn. Golden grain is wrapped in the valley, like a baby in the burden, had to be quietly crowded together. Corn cob in the corn grain like a golden little teeth, it is truly cute. Corn and millet are bowed, modestly invited the master to harvest.

Field east is a woods. The woods planted with white birch, trees, pine and cypress, ginkgo tree, dragon claw Huai, Ching Chung, Guan Lai extremely. Every fall, the leaves fall from the tree down, leaves like a yellow butterfly in the forest dagger dance, pine and pine and cypress is more green.

Autumn is really beautiful, I love autumn!



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Animal world in my eyes, is so fascinating, that emotional mixed with the mysterious and curious, the same I have raised the goldfish. Although they have not been with me so far, but gave me the mind left a fun memory.

Goldfish is a wild crucian carp, it has a lot of color on the surface of the fish, swimming in the water, sparkling, it is the color of the tail color colorful, the body is very smooth, the head is very flat, especially the eyes convex, I keep the goldfish very lively, very cute, very naughty, they are in my feeding time, swim, like a group of children, scrambling to grab fruit like, in my careful care, the fish in the fish Clear water in the life, the sun shining goldfish, warm, and I grew up with my fish. Goldfish is a very delicate animal, careless care, it will make it sick. It is a very hard thing to keep them, and I have been careful to take care of them, not only when they are fed, but they can not get too much. Goldfish is very timid, the fish in the water there are some fluctuations, they will immediately fled around, turn in the calm, you put your fingertips gently on the water, the fish will swim over, with their small Mouth sucking, your heart will be a kind of itchy feeling, you can not help but shrink back, but you will go aftertaste, you will want to do that fun again action.

One day, goldfish really die, do not know how, and perhaps I was not careful, perhaps they are too greedy, of course, more important is the weather changes so that they have become a farewell to me. I looked at the empty fish tank, and my heart was very sad. In fact, the world I live like a goldfish world, I have been living in the care of their parents, the superior life so that we partial eclipse, wayward and squeamish, really one day, we left their parents, lost the kind of favor, we It will not be like goldfish as no helpless, can not survive, right?



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My writing teacher, Cissy, was the most meticulous and the strictest teacher I had ever seen. Pursuing a nearly perfect class, she had high requirement in our photos’ presentation. Although the presentation was limited within three minutes, from selecting the photos to organizing the language to thinking about the nuclear idea, all of the processes should be prepared a long time and couldn’t be dealt with causally; otherwise, you would receive her merciless comment. Any unsatisfactory words occurring in the presentation, breaking in without waiting for the students finishing their speech, she pointed out their faults by sharp words, making you heartbroken and feel like suffering a heavy rain suddenly in a sunny day. Although in simple recital, her strict style still played an important role in it. Disappointed and sad, everyone had experienced the criticism from Cissy, because she thought that not only did we lack right rhythm, but also we couldn’t express our emotion completely and adjust our volume. As a result, receiving her praise was seen as the great honor in our class. A meticulous attitude should be kept in her class. To show respect to the speaker, she didn’t allow us to whisper and after every presentation, genuine applause should be given. It was as a punishment that anyone who forgot to take her picture in the presentation would be cut down her scores and delayed her presentation in the last class. Indeed, being her students made you in risk of being engulfed by her sharp words, but in the same time, due to her strict and meticulous attitude, you would be greatly improved in writing.





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Today, the way home from school, I am far to see a person in the trash to find something, I feel very strange.

I approached a look, the original is a grandmother, her hair gray, wrinkled face, wearing a ragged clothes, a black and black hands in the trash to find. Suddenly her face showed a smile. It turned out that she found a few empty vials. I think: a few empty vials worth a few cents, she was so old, should have been comfortable living at home, and she was in such a dirty place to pick up trash, her family must be very poor, she was so poor Oh!

I looked at my heart very sad, I gave my mother to my breakfast money to the grandmother, grandmother said to me: "You really a filial child, thank you!" I quickly said: "do not thank!" Go home.

I was in a good mood on my way home because I made a meaningful thing today.



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Should men and women be equal? Different people have different ideas on this issue. Some people think that men are superior to women, because men are physically strong. They are better at heavy labor work. And they can also carry on the family lines and hold the important positions. However, other people don’t agree on this idea. They believe that women are as capable as men. Sometimes, women can even do a lot of things better than men, for they are more careful, patient, and responsible. Now there have been so many women leaders and women scientists in the world. Accordingly, we shouldn’t look down upon women. Instead, men and women should be given the equal right and chance to study and work, so that they can do some even greater contributions to our nation. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter.




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16.羡慕我们吗 白云和蓝天。嫉妒我们吗 清风和雨滴。我们为这童年的灿烂深深的感动。童年真好 真好童年。

17.我们一起用心捧起童年的雨滴,我们一起用双手挽留童年的风。我们在春天的田野上祝愿童年的生活 可以永恒。




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I have a loving kitten around me. I liked it, my mom and dad liked it too.

Its head flat, a pair of sharp and flexible big eyes, will shine at night, even a small mouse can not escape its vision. There is a sweet mouth, his mouth has four small teeth, a smile will be exposed. Mouth and a beard, used to measure the size of the hole. I gave it a name called "yellow".

One day, I just returned to the door, yellow heard the sound of the door, immediately went to me where I clamor "meow meow" to call, as if to say: "little master, you finally come back, I really want You oh. "When I do not do business, when doing something else,

It is in the "meow meow" barking, as if to remind me to seriously do homework. My kittens brought me a lot of happiness, my good friend, I love my kitten.



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1、小玛拉哈(蒙古族),眉清目秀,唇红齿白,圆脸蛋,高鼻梁,一脑袋乌黑卷曲的头发,挺俊气的。只是耳朵长得老长,真难看 ,可老人们说,那是“佛相”,有福气。






















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"Mow meow, meow" You heard the little cat without our family started to call, really troublesome, it started from the early morning called, called people can not sleep, I thought: "The little kitty is definitely Hungry, or why is it so called? "I got up and put on my clothes, just my mother was doing it early, and I had eaten the way to the little kittie, and it was full for a while. It is really interesting, you have not seen it! It first with a claw wash your face, and then licked his hair, anyway, the whole body is combed again and again, and then lay there snoring. Little cats temper is not small!

I play every day and it will be accidentally caught by it, or will come to bite you, really makes people again and let people like it. My little cat is all up and down with black and white colors are mixed together, people say it is a small cat, its small head round, long two pointed ears, small nose, mouth on both sides also Grow a few beard, with a long hairy hair tail. I especially like to play with my little cat, because my little kitten is really very beautiful and very cute.



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其貌不扬 蓬头垢面 弱不禁风 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁

出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉 倾国倾城 国色天香

鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲 心慈面善 张牙舞爪

愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵 文质彬彬 威风凛凛

老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉 容光焕发 落落大方

骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦 其貌不扬 蓬头垢面

弱不禁风 眉清目秀 容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉

冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理 闭月羞花

沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然 秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑

傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟

鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色

面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面

铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 瘦骨如柴 大腹便便 仪表堂堂

玉树临风 鹤发童颜 闭月羞花 冰肌玉骨 才子佳人

沉鱼落雁 城北徐公 齿白红 愁眉啼妆 出水芙蓉

绰约多姿 淡妆浓抹 二八佳人 傅粉何郎 姑射神人

国色天香 国色天姿 花容月貌 环肥燕瘦 娇小玲珑

绝代佳人 梨花带雨 林下风气 眉目如画 眉清目秀

美如冠玉 靡颜腻理 明眸皓齿 千娇百媚 倾城倾国

螓首蛾眉 如花似玉 双瞳剪水 亭亭玉立 我见犹怜

仙姿佚貌 小家碧玉 秀外惠中 夭桃秾李 一表非凡

一表人才 一笑千金 仪态万方 月里嫦娥 稚齿婑媠

掷果潘安 朱唇皓齿 肠肥脑满 丑态百出 怪模怪样

尖嘴猴腮 面目可憎 蓬头历齿 漆身吞炭 其貌不扬

穷形尽相 三分像人 七分像鬼 头童齿豁 獐头鼠目

鸱目虎吻 蜂目豺声 凶相毕露 张牙舞爪 眉清目秀

容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉 冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁

明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然

秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿

衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮

短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色

一表人才 风度翩翩 大腹便便 膀大腰园 披头散发

虎背熊腰 衣冠楚楚 相貌堂堂 眉清目秀 容光焕发

美如冠玉 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然

秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 靡颜腻理 傅粉施朱

婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜

鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤

面有菜色 蓬头垢面 囚首垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面

铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 骨瘦如柴 药店飞龙 大腹便便

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉

倾国倾城 国色天香 鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲

心慈面善 张牙舞爪 愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵

文质彬彬 威风凛凛 老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉

容光焕发 落落大方 骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦





























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This is a small cat is a grandmother from someone elses house to hold, it is busy all day to catch the mouse, for grandparents to prevent things stolen, security family peace, it is the grandfathers grandfather in the eyes of grandparents. Its hair is a mature piece of wheat-like color, the eyes are golden, look carefully, like a pair of sparkling yellow gems ah! His claws stretched, that sharp pointed out will be exposed, as if In the door to show off: "Look! My paw more windy ah! Who can escape my claws?"

The cats character is really weird. That he is lazy, it sleeps all day; that it is diligent Mody, a whole night busy catching the mouse, that it is greedy it, it is out for most of the day; that it timid Mody, see the dog even the hair are Stand up; say it brave, and sometimes dare to fight with the bucket ... ... it is not happy, sleep on the day, who also ignored, from time to time issued a "snore snore" sound. It is happy when you rub your legs with your body, but also climbed into your arms, let you smooth hair for it, scratch itch.

That day, I was writing a summer job, it jumped to the table, in my homework on a few "plum India". Say it is angry, it is happy to play with you; say happy it, after all, it is dirty, it makes me dumbfounding.

Once, it lying on my lap, whirring sleepy sleep, I gently stroked it with its golden fur. Suddenly, I hit a nap and threw it on the ground. It was anxious, and turned over and jumped down the steps, meowly went to the river, and I chased it behind, has been chasing the uncles home, it lying in the uncles home, do not look at me, so I am boring Go and let it go home alone at night.

After this thing happened, I to please it, went to the river to catch a lot of fish, put it in its small bowl to let it eat. It stretched out claws a grasp, to deftly put a fish into his mouth, "Gollum" about to eat, really fun. It is also to me "meow" call, obviously it is good with me.

Later, when I returned home, the lovely little cat always inseparable and I caught small fish, catch butterflies, catch the dragonfly, catch squirrels ... ... with me through how many memorable good times.



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I got out of the door, can not help but take a breath after the rain, the air is so fresh. I saw the blooming plum blossom last week was scared to fall down.

Flower beds, a piece of dead leaves fell above the rain sink into a bowl of bowl of spring water. Walking in the Indus Road, a piece of Indus leaves stacked on the ground, the north wind blowing, they like a group of naughty cute little bikes went to the road, the north wind blowing into my clothes in the cool. Several chrysanthemums on campus add some vitality to our campus. The pines in our plot endure the breeze of the winter wind, it still stands on the earth, the leaves are still as green as before.

However, the most people can be at home can be the first to feel the breath of winter, winter fog is really changing, and some like snow-covered Changbai Mountain, and some like red leaves like Fragrant Hills. Fog at the foot of the floating, people seem to be able to cloud on the ground, leisurely like, this fog is really white ah! White like a white gauze satin, but also just under the snow, so clean, so moist.

Although the winter is very cold, but how much I want to let the winter come, so I can win the snow battle!

I love the winter morning, beautiful and quiet morning.



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Spring is coming. Every life revives. Grass turns green in Fudan and everyone seems to be full of energy. A good time for exercising, isnt it? As darkness falls, thegymnasium is open for those who have a strong desire to strengthen their bodies. Soon the gymnasium is full of people, the weak, the strong, the tall and the short.

The first person that comes into my sight is standing in front of the mirror. He is quite muscular. Of course he wants everybody here to see how strong he is, so he is stripped to the waist and poses like a Greek statue, wearing a look of pride on his face. If you feel weary of this self-love fellow, please direct your sight to another person. He lifts a barbell above his knees and keeps this posture for a long time. His face turns red while he keeps shouting to support himself. Others cant help worrying about him for his blood seems to burst out from the vein on his face. At last he puts down the barbell and only then have I come to notice that his T shirt is soaking. From the silhouette of his back, I can see every piece of his muscle. Thelast person that draws my attention is in the corner. He sits on a chair with two dumbbells in his hands. He keeps lifting them, speechless. After a while, he drops the dumbbells and start to exercise on other body building apparatus without amoments rest. He is like a machine that never feels tired.

Besides the three people, everyone here makes a deep impression on me. They prefer the dull exercising to playing outside. They win my respect for they are true men.



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My school encourages students to take part in out-of-class activities. After a busy day, it can help us to relax and build a healthy body. We usually take part in out-of-class activities on the playground. Some students play basketball, football and badminton. Some play Ping-Pong or swim. Besides, some students read books in the library. They think reading is also a good way to relax. As for me, I like running and reading.





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The snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places.A snake has no legs or feet,but it can move very fast on its stomach.Snakes usually have green,yellow or black skins,which make them difficult for their enemies to find them.Some kinds of snakes live in water.They can swim as freely as fish.



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I like dogs, because they are man s good friends. They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people s lives. So they re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.

