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My Hometown

My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low GREen hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.

But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.

Everything has changed since liberation. The people, led by the Party, have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river, streamers and boats come and go busily, day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.

I love my hometown, and I love its people. They also have changed. Healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.








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Guyu "the valley", every year in April 20th or 21, the sun reaches 30 degrees for rain. "On seventy-two designate variorum" said, "in March, after the rain, the soil paste pulsation, today and its valley in the rain water...... In this case seeding, from bottom to top ", hence the name. Grain rain season, the South "poplar fall cuckoo cry", liuxufei falls, the cuckoo crying, Peony Blossoming azaiea, Cherry ripe, the natural scenery tells us: it is the late spring. At this time, the temperature increases rapidly, usually in late April average temperature, in addition to the north and west of Southern China area, has reached 20 to 22 DEG C higher than 2 DEG C, mid. In eastern Southern China, often have one or two days of high temperature of more than 30, people began to have hot feeling. The low altitude Valley industry to enter the summer.


Grain rain last spring throttle, then Tanaka plug seedlings early crop of new species, most need the rain, so that the spring precious as oil". At this time, most parts of South China in the east when the rainfall is abundant, the annual rainfall in late April, about 30 to 50 mm per year, the first heavy rain appeared in this period of time, planting rice and corn and cotton seedling growth. But the rest of Southern China are mostly less than 30 mm, irrigation need to take measures to mitigate the effects of drought. The plateau of the northwest of the mountain, still in the dry season, precipitation is generally only 5 to 20 mm. Southern China Guyu before and after the rainfall, often "wind sneaked into the night, moisten things silently", this is because the evening rain appears most frequently in 4 and May. Chang Shu day rain, the river toward the threshold has been cleared, the rain day sunny weather in spring and early spring crop harvest is quite appropriate.


Guyu Festival weather proverbs most rain no rain around this center, such as "rain cloudy, Li Xia Yu," and "rain rain, forty-five days no soil" and so on.


Such as high temperature and the grain rain, rain frequent, will make three wheat diseases and pests occurrence and epidemic. The vast rural areas according to the changes in the weather, do a good job in the three wheat diseases and pests control.



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美 谢尔?希尔弗坦斯










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My mothers name is # # # , a forty-three-year-old businesswoman. She loves vegetables and fruits, because they can help to lose her weight. In addition, she likes animals very much, especially dogs because she thinks they are sensitive as well as cute. She likes watching TV except for the sports. She really likes going shopping although she doesnt have too much time.

My mother has got long, brown hair and pretty big eyes. She is really beautiful and looks very young. In life she is a very lovely woman always with a bright smile on her face. Of course, Shes also very outgoing and generous.

My mother has been very popular with her friends and customers, perhaps because she not only has a good temper but also such a helpful personality. All of her friends are willing to get along with her. But sometimes she is strict with me. I think the reason for that is that she wants me to study hard in order to get into a better university. In her free time, she always cleans up the house to create me a comfortable learning environment. I am constantly thinking about how to express my appreciation for what mother does for me. Maybe silence is the best key before my dreaming mansion is built.

I love my mother and may she be healthy and happy forever.







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古语说,流水不腐。水一旦不能流动,就会成为死水。水色渐渐变得浑浊,水面上泛起了白沫或是漂浮着杂物,水失去了生命的活力与光泽。化学里学到,水是液态,没有固定的形态。它或为井,或为湾,或为湖,或为溪,或为河,或为海。水适应着不同的环境而成为不同的形态。海固然可以吞吐日月,湖亦可把天空与白云揽入怀中,而一滴水同样可以反射太阳的光辉。 In the chemistry, water is liquid and has no fixed form.It is a well, or a bay, or a lake, or a river, or a river, or a sea.Water adapts to different environments and becomes different forms. Although the sea can swallow the sun and the moon, the lake can also take the sky and white clouds into the arms, and a drop of water can also reflect the glory of the sun.

生活就是我们的生存环境,让我们像水一样吧,去适应生活。即使我们是一滴水,也用不着妄自菲薄。我们同样能反映出生活的五彩缤纷。天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之先也。这是老子的一句话,此语道出了水的柔弱秀美与坚韧顽强。每次到海边玩耍,看着手中的圆滑光洁的鹅卵石,看着被冲刷成姿态万千的礁石,我总有种莫名的感叹:这就是水啊。 The world is weak than water, and the strong person who toughs is also Mo Zhixian.This is Lao Tzus words, and the words are weak and tenacious. Every time I go to the beach, watch the smooth and smooth pebbles in my hand, and look at the reefs with thousands of postures. I always have an inexplicable sigh.: This is water.

水与石哪一个更坚硬?柔与刚哪一个更永恒?女人是水做的。如水一样柔弱秀美,如水一样坚韧顽强。当苦难让男人长吁短叹,当不幸让男人仰天长号,当命运让男人卑躬屈膝,女人用自己柔弱的手,拉起自己的男人,扯上自己的孩子,一步一步艰难的向前走着。有时我想,女人便如那被禁锢的水。当堤岸牢不可破时,你看到的是波平如镜,水光涟滟,天光云影;可一旦堤岸塌毁,水无尽的潜力瞬间被释放出来,一泻千里。 Women are made of water.As weak as water, as tough and tenacious as water. When suffering, the man sighs, when the man is unfortunately let the man look up, and the man is humble when the fate is humbled.Turking on his child, walking step by step. Sometimes I think that a woman is like the imprisoned water.When the embankment is not broken, what you see is the flat -like mirror, the water light, and the light of the sky; once the embankment collapses, the endless potential of the water is instantly released, a thousand miles.

水是无色无味的。而我们喝的水却是有味的:泉水是甜的,海水是咸的,除非是蒸馏水。为什么水会有味道呢?答案很简单。水中含有“杂质”。看来某些杂质并非不好,这正像山泉,因其富含多种人体所需的矿物质元素而备受人们青睐。有杂质并不可怕,最要紧的是它是有益的,并且能化有形为无形,将自己融入水中。 It seems that certain impurities are not bad. This is like mountain spring, which is very popular because it is rich in mineral elements required by a variety of human body. It is not terrible to have impurities. The most important thing is that it is beneficial, and it can be tangible into the water.




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Dear Peter,

Hi,I am Lihua.I am you best friend. l hear that you are portically

interested in our Chinese culture,so I invented you join confusion


At the beginning of,l will sound you join confusion institute for you


Secondly, confused Institute including major Charities is kongzi.he is the

oldest world thinks and famous.He think a human being should kindness and hope

to peace,he has many students.so think studying mix to image.more and more

thinks. I will sent you to the email, I hope to for your hhelp.

Nowadays, there are more and more confucius Institute, its important to

learn Chinese culture.

As far as I know,many people join confucius Institute,I hope you take hold

of the chance.

Finally, I am looking forward to your come and letters.

Yours sincerely,




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Dear Li Lei,

I havent heard from you for a long time. Im glad to tell you that Ill visit Beijing this summer vacation. It is said that Beijing is a great city with a long history and more changes have taken place since the 2008 Olympic Games. I would like to know something about Beijing, such as places of interest, the environment, traffic and people there.

Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.



★ 范文

Dear Tommy,

Im glad to know you will come to Beijing.

Beijing, the capital of China, is one of the largest cities in the world. There are many places of interest, such as the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. All of them are beautiful and well-known to the world. Great changes have taken place in Beijing since we successfully held the 2008 0lympic Games.

Now, people pay more attention to the environment. More trees and flowers have been planted. For the traffic, it is very convenient for people to travel around Beijing, because several new subway lines have been built. If you come to Beijing, you will find people here are very friendly and helpful. Whats more, a lot of people can speak English. Beijing is really an attractive city with a long history.

Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Li Lei



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I think much about my future that it’s good. First of all, I must have a healthy body so that I can work or do anything. I strongly support that saying that the body is the root of the revolution. Besides, I think I will have a harmonious family with my wife and children. I am the support of my family. I must work hard for them, so a good job is necessary. I want to be an engineer that earns a lot. And I will support my parents and my wife’s. From this point, a good job is extremely important. However, I hope I still have some free time for leisure, like traveling or do something I like. In short, I want a peace but rich future with my families.




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My family, there is a mountain, this is my father. He is a man of humor, sometimes is also a serious person, when I did on the exam, he is engaged in the smile, said: "my daughter is really cool." But when I take an examination of is not good, also a in two different conditions. See if my paper is careless mistake, my father will be severely criticized me. 2. Hell take a look at my test paper, if I really dont, he doesnt speak, I also want to pull me to the in front of him, ask what the hell am I going, sometimes he told me more than an hour, you know I will so far, this is my father, a sense of humor and serious man,

In my family, there is a beauty, this is my mom, is a man with big eyes, the nose is very clever, how to say, she is probably the most beautiful Ive ever seen a young mother, my mother wont say me, but when I get bad she cant talk but with his eyes looking at me, I can see thick affection from her eyes, and my eyes is deeply sorry, and I will take an examination of well, next time to give them a replacement.

Dont forget, I still a little people in the family,I am a very happy person, from say, I am an optimist, and one more thing, my father and mother are all people, with a pair of glasses to me here, didnt wear glasses, and his eyes still surprisingly good, may come to me is a variable. I always say: "you have to wear glasses, why I dont wear glasses?"

Anyway I have a happy family!







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2.地球所提供的足以满足每个人的需要,但不足以填满每个人的欲望。 ——甘地

3.大自然是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。 ——雨果

4.人生欲求安全,当有五要:一要清洁空气;二要澄清饮水;三要流通沟渠;四要扫洒房屋;五要日光充足。 ——南丁格尔



7.人法地、地法天、天法德、道法自然。 ——老 子

8.久在樊笼里、复得返自然。 ——陶渊明

9.俯仰终宇宙、不乐复何如 。 ——陶渊明

10.山中何所有?岑上多白云 只可自怡悦、不堪持寄君“诏问山中何所有”,赋诗以答。——陶弘景

11.仓满鼠雀喜、草尽兔狐愁。 ——包拯

12.只有服从大自然,才能战胜大自然。 ——达尔文

13.水光山色与人亲,说不尽,无穷好。 ——李清照

14.人们常常将自己周围的环境当作一种免费的商品,任意地糟蹋而不知加以珍惜. ——甘哈曼

15.大自然的每一个领域都是美妙绝伦的。 ——亚里士多德

16.没有一个清洁美好的环境,再优裕的生活条件也无意义。 ——曲格平


18.人只有按照自然所启示的经验来生活。 ——叔本华

19.大自然斯不会欺骗我们,欺骗我们的往往是我们自己。 ——卢梭

20.一切都是一个行列,宇宙便是用完美的步伐前进的一个行列。 ——惠特曼







24.除了足迹,我们什么也别留下;除了摄影,我们什么也别带走 为了子孙后代,请留下一片净土。





27.鲁迅 :不在污染中爆发,就在污染中死亡。







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①在此结构中,there是引导词,在句中不能充当任何成分,也不必翻译出来。句中的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语的数保持一致。例如:There is a man at the door. 门口有一个人。

当主语是由两个或者两者以上的名词充当时,谓语动词be要跟它邻近的那个名词的数一致(就近一致)。例如:There are two dogs and a cat under the table.桌下有两只狗和一只猫。 比较: There is a cat and two dogs under the table.

②There be句型中的be不能用have来代替,但可以用lie(位于,躺),stand(矗立),exist(生存),live(生活)等词来替换。例如:There stand a lot of tall buildings on both sides of the street. 街道两旁矗立着许多高楼。

There lies lake in front of our school. 我们学校前面有一个湖。

Once there lived a king here. 这儿曾经有一个国王。

There is going to be a sports meeting next week. 下周准备开一个运动会。

与there be 类似的结构: there seem(s)/happen(s) to be…

There seems to be one mistake in spelling. 似乎有一处拼写错误。

There happened to be a ruler here. 这儿碰巧有把尺子。

There seemed to be a lot of people there. 那儿似乎有很多人。




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Long so big, lived a fairy carefree life, many people think we are very happy, in fact, we also have some trouble, such as I had a long is not high.

I this year 13 years old, is also and 10 years old children metre almost 4 a few, but not that I dont, just grow slowly, only a few centimeters a year, I mother worry dead, I am also very worry, hope I hurry up taller, because of the high long not too much trouble.

First, let me no face very much, the students often that I joke, such as once, Lin Qizhe and I went to the toilet, standing next to a four young children, he found a little bit taller than me. Yu Shilin kai zhe shame asked him: "kid, what grade are you?" "The fourth grade." And then he laughed at me said: "the fourth grade is higher than yours." I felt no face very much.

At another time, I went to the supermarket shopping and Lin Qizhe is originally very happy one thing, but when I came to the checkout counter, that aunt asked Lin Qizhe with smile: "the kid is your younger brother!" I nearly fainted on the spot, Lin smiled and explained the penguin, walk out the door he added opportunity to laugh at me, I think should make friends with him. This is a let me remember, I want to find a chance to even the score

Second, let me always sports than others, however, is not tall certainly sports is not good, especially what I run theres no way.

And one more thing is I in the morning exercises team is always the first, for six years, never change, once again, under the national flag, the front of the host is to find the nearest answer this question, I was just recently, he asked me, I didnt know, where is she reminded me that I didnt understand, let me very embarrassing, couldnt find a disappear. The back of the natural dont have to worry about finding yourself.

I couldnt get taller, but instead, I had to laugh at themselves: "concentration is the essence." "Im not a dwarf, but is not obvious." But I still want to grow taller.










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假设你是李华,David是你的美国网友。他对目前中国出现的霆天气很关注,来信向你询问此事。请你给他写封回信。主要内容如下:1.感谢他的关注。 2.简介雾霾 (smog) 天气给人们的身体、生活带来的危害。3.谈谈你的感想。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯流畅;开头与结尾已写好,不计人总词数; 词数:120左右Dear David,

Im glad to receive your letter. _______________________________________


Li Hua


Dear David,

Im glad to receive your letter. I have learned from your letter that you are concerned about the smog which frequently appears in some areas of China. Thank you for your concern. Im also very worried about such terrible weather because it has brought much inconvenience or rather harm to peoples health such as traffic jam, road accidents, bad coughs, throat hurts and ever lung cancers and so on.

As everybody knows, a good environment comes from good protection. So we should do what we can to make a difference. Try to drive less and choose air-friendly products. Only when everyone has the environmental awareness can we have cleaner air.

Hoping to hear from you soon and share your good ideas.



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With the improvement of living conditions, more and more people can live

longer. However, many old people always suffer from loneliness, which is one of

the major problems in today’s society. To make the old people live better, some

good advice must be followed. Firstly, the young should spare more time to talk

and communicate with their parents, so as to relieve their loneliness. Secondly,

the old ought to understand the work pressure and family burden of the young.

Furthermore, the society are supposed to organize more activities for the old,

so that they can make more friends and have more joys and happiness in their




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The Low-Carbon Economic

Nowadays,with more and more serious problem such as the global increasing temperture,the melting ice and the rising sea-levering,people are recognizing the important of developing the low-carbon economic now.

There are many ways we can do to reach the loe-carbon economic.Fristly,discovering others fuels which is more clean and more green to instead of the using of carbon.Secondly, we should have the save-energy conscious and do something which we can make,for instance,using the bus ranther than car when you go out,re-use the thing that can be recycle used,reducing the use of plastic bags.Last but not least,we should plant more trees or other greenplants,in which way we can not only improve the environment,but also can make our home more beauty.

In my opnion, the most important thing to reach the low-carbon economic is everyone must try their best do what they can do for it.Once everyone have the sence of low-carbon economic and have the action by themselves ,it will be earlier to reach it.



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1.People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer .


2. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.


3. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself.


4. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


5. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.


6. The information Ive collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


7. Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.


8. This is a matter of life and death--a matter no country can afford to ignore.


9. For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons:


10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.


11.There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.


12.An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.


13.A proper part-time job does not occupy students too much time .In fact ,it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study .As an old saying goes :All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


14.Any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.


15.An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


16.When it comes to education ,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


17.The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills ,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


18.It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure.


19.Although this view is widely held ,this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


20.No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.


21.According to a recent survey ,four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


22.The latest surveys show that Quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


23.No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


24.People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


25.Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness.


26.Nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.


27.In view of the seriousness of this problem ,effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


28.Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


29.An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city .However ,this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents ,who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


30.Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus ,which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.




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