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它的建筑风格体现了大都市的气派。那里的大厦高低错落,一栋接着一栋,站在平顶山眺望宛如一条巨龙盘旋在半空,碧蓝的大海向母亲一样把这座华丽的城市拥在怀中,平静的海面波光粼粼,一望无际的海面只能看到几艘豪华游轮慢慢行驶着 ,就像一幅美丽的油彩画。我还体会到了海底世界,里面的生物类、贝壳类、鱼类,五颜六色美丽可爱,有的是奇形怪状丑陋无比,有的上蹿下跳、有的憨厚朴实,它们就像一个大家庭互相衬托着自己的美。传说中的(唐老鸭、米老鼠)那就是迪士尼乐园。里面设施齐全,想玩什么都可以尽情的玩,最让我留恋的是园内的气氛,随处可以看见装扮成小丑和各种动物的人,还有几十人组成的乐队。他们冷不丁的和我招招手或是翻翻眼,偶尔也会突然来个大拥抱,逗得大家哈哈大笑。





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On Jan 18, 20xx started doing business window of the Shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful Shenzhen bay bank, the area 480,000square meters. The scenic area divides into the world square, theAsian area, the Oceanian area, the European area, the African area,the Americas area, the world sculpture garden and the internationalstreet eight wide ranges according to the world region structure andthe tour active content.

As take brings honor to the world cultureessence as the subject large-scale cultural traveling scenic area, shegathers together 130 worlds famous landscapes, the collection naturalscenery, the folk custom character and style, the folk dance, thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden, has reappeared a wonderful world.



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Hong Kong (Chinese:香港), officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China,is a largely self-governing territory of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), facing the Guangdong Province in the north and the South China Sea to the east, west and south. A British dependent territory until 1997, Hong Kong has a highly developed capitalist economy and enjoys a high degree of autonomy from the PRC under the "one country, two systems" policy.Beginning as a trading port, Hong Kong became a crown colony (later dependent territory) of the United Kingdom in 1842, and remained so until its transfer of sovereignty to the Peoples Republic of China in 1997.

Under the "one country, two systems" policy, Hong Kong enjoys considerable autonomy in all areas with the exception of foreign affairs and defence (which are the responsibility of the PRC Government).As part of this arrangement, Hong Kong continues to maintain its own currency, separate legal, political systems and other aspects that concern its way of life,many of which are distinct from those of mainland China.

Renowned for its expansive skyline and natural setting, its identity as a cosmopolitan centre where east meets west is reflected in its cuisine, cinema, music and traditions. Although the population is predominantly Chinese, residents and expatriates of other ethnicities form a small but significant segment of society. With a population of 7 million people, but only 1,108 km2 (428 sq mi) of land, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world.




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Nowadays,the unprecedented surge of Chinese tourists gives rise to high visibility for them,and the misbehaviors and bad manners of them abroad are even making headlines around the world.Spitting,cutting in lines,arguing,scribbling on historical buildings,and even fighting after minor accidents have all been attributed to Chinese tourists,causing much embarrassment and soul-searching in China.

In general,there are several reasons for the prevalence of this phenomenon.On the one hand,some people want to express their strong feelings,and some people release their stress.On the other hand,there are still others who just have a poor sense of public morality.All these may lead to their uncivilized behavior in public places,which greatly damages the environment of the tourist sites.

To deal with such wide-spread image damage of the country.We should arouse people’s social conscience to stop staining the tourist sites.The improving of manners and behaviors of the people is a constant work,and it should begin from the very beginning of school.




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Nowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. The other day I read a report about the ways people spend their holidays. It is reported that in recent yiars several new holiday habits have been developed. Among them, the most interesting one is the growth of the so-called holiday camps.


From the report we can see that in 20XX,40 percent of people stayed at home for holidays. But now the proportion has reduced to 9 percent. More people go out for fun. The proportion of camping and traveling abroad was increasing steadily, from 10 percent in 20XX to 38 percent in 20XX, and 12 percent in 20XX to 26 percent in 20XX respectively. People enjoy the fresh air, clean Water and green hills when they go camping in the suburbs. In 20XX,38 percent people enjoyed going to the seaside while in 20XX only 27 percent prefer to go there. What great changes!


Why did those changes appear? I think there are several reasons. First, it s because people can afford traveling. Second, people prefer to pursue a high-quality and colorful life. Third, their attitudes to relaxation have changed. Less people want to save much money by leading a simple life. In short, peoples living standard today has been rising greatly.




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Summer comes , and the weather has become irritating. My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax. I thought about it for a while and agreed. Hainan is really a good place, where palm trees are abundant.

We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks. We also went to visit the monkey island. The monkeys were really cute to look at.

After we came back from the travel, we found that our bodies have become stronger and healthier than before. My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.

We really enjoyed this trip. We were very happy!







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The Spring Festival is a traditional festival for all Chinese people. On

that evening there is a very traditional ceremony----Spring Festival Gala, which

is the favorite for many people. It brings so much happiness to Chinese all

around the world .

When asked about their opinion on Spring Festival Gala, people always

reason differently. Some people deem that it should be cancelled, while there

are also other people who argue that it should be continued.

Some people take it for granted that the Gala should not exist because it

is too boring on the evening of the Lunar New Year. Besides, the form of the

Evening seems the same every year. In comparison, there are, however, a large

number of people who hold a different view concerning this issue, they insist

that the Gala must be continued. They argue that it is one of the most important

celebration customs. And they think the Gala is worth expecting.

As far as I am concerned, I am intending to stand on the side of the latter

group of people. Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable, but the

latter is more persuasive. Taking the above-mentioned factors into

consideration, I can safely conclude that the Gala just needs a reform in the

future but not to be cancelled.



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7月28日早上5点,我的闹钟就把我叫醒了,我真不想起来,可是我非起不可呀,这是我第一次去香港,我渴望去那很久了,听说香港呀,富丽堂皇,人杰地灵,资讯快速,物流迅速,高新科技飞速发展````````真是说也说不完。 首先,我们先去了香港出名的海洋公园,山上以海洋馆、海洋剧场、海涛馆、机动游戏为主。山下则有水上乐园、花园剧场、金鱼馆及仿照历代文物所建的集古村,仿中国宫廷建筑,村内有亭台楼阁、庙宇街景,反映中国历史风貌,使中国古代街景重现,并有民间艺术表演。我再那玩得可开心拉,那些机动游戏真够刺激,玩过山车,跳楼机的时候弄得你惊心动魄,但玩玩后又使人回味无穷。玩玩之后就是看表演了,那是我最喜欢得动物-------海豚表演,我当然不能错过拉,看表演前有一些歌手搞搞场面气氛才开始海豚表演,你瞧,小海豚正在水里随着音乐和工作人员指挥的节奏舞动呢!那动作可滑鳍了,精彩的海豚表演吸引了游客的目光,令人流连忘返。最后,又看了海底世界,鲨鱼馆,就依依不舍的离开海洋公园了。

接着,我们就和表姐去逛街,去逛街当然去香港最热闹的地方,而这地方要数铜罗湾了。街道两旁,高楼大厦鳞次栉比。街道上人流如潮。商店里的商品琳琅满目,让人眼花缭乱。人们个个兴高采烈,满载而归。我也不是两手空空,我买了鞋,衣服,手表``````香港真不愧为 “购物天堂”。






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Uncivilized behavior in Tourism

With the gradual improvement of peoples living standards, more and more people choose to travel during the holidays. Many people choose the humanities history and scenic spots to travel.

But with the increasing number of tourists, the uncivilized behavior of tourism is

increasing. Visitors free climbing, take pictures, in spots random graffiti, lettering, damage to vegetation, dont speak hygiene, waste discarded everywhere. Uncivilized phenomenon in tourism, is continuing to damage the image of Chinese tourists.

I believe that the cultural tourism can focus on the following aspects: first, tourists should improve cultural quality, do civilized travel, dont do some damage to the culture, and timely reminder of the uncivilized behavior of others. Second, the tourist guide and the scenic spot management office should discourage the uncivilized behavior of tourists. Third, the media should increase the degree of exposure, so that people gradually realized the seriousness of the

uncivilized travel. Finally, the government should implement some punitive measures according to the behavior of the passengers, improve the relevant laws and regulations. I believe that these problems will be solved step by step, and a beautiful tomorrow is waiting for us.



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i was happy on tuesday because i went to chimelong paradise with my classmates and teachers。 there were 8 groups in my class and 5 people in each group。 we enjoyed ourselves。

first, we went there by bus。 it took an hour to get there and once we were there we took pictures in front of the gate of chimelong paradise。 the pictures were very beautiful。 then we went inside。 first。 my group went to the screaming zone。 we rode the 10-inversion roller coaster。 we were excited when we rode it。 when the ride was over we were stiff and drank some drinks to relax。 then we went to the motorbike launch coaster。 it was a shock to us。 we rode it twice。 then we went to the 4d theater and watched an exciting movie。 then we went to the drift which i thought was boring 。 we went to the torrent quickly after that。 we were high when we rode it and decided to ride it again。

at this time we were so hungry and we looked for a restaurant to have lunch。 we ordered 4 taiwan noodles and a guangzhou noodles。 they were very tasty。 after that, we were full of energy。we rode the small roller coaster。 we were also happy to ride it。 then we rode the bumper cars。 that was interesting。 we rode again and again。 we had a nice time。

an hour later it was 3 o’clock。 we went to the frog jumps。 we scared when we saw it but i rode it with a bold friend。 we were afraid to ride it。

at last, i went to the cake shop to buy cakes then we went back to the bus。 the bus took us back to the school 。 we were tired in the bus。 but we had a good time today。

we hope we can go there again。 we enjoyed ourselves there。




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It Pays to Be Honest

Once a child asked such a question: What can I benefit from being "a good child"? Among the many answers he received one ran like this: "A good child" is the most precious gift God gives to you. And the same can be said for being honest. It pays to be honest.

Yes, its true that dishonesty exists almost everywhere in the society. Consumers often found themselves being blackmailed by those merchants selling shoddy products; and there are students

cheating in order to pass the exams or get high marks; moreover, we are not short of examples that many rich professionals evade the taxes by sacrificing the interests of government.

But havent we seen their results? "A fall into the pit, a gain in customers wit", which would surely drive those dishonest merchants out of business. Regret of wasting time yet being

empty-handed would accompany those dishonest students all their life. On the contrary, we could have all they lost, especially a good reputation and a clear conscience, which are the best qualities of human beings. Thats why we say "It Pays to Be Honest".




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National Day, stay at home is really boring, rather than taking a trip, tour attractions, open horizon。 After mom and dad deliberation, finally decided to go to Xi‘an this beautiful and ancient city play。 Hear the Xi‘an, my heart is like the fire of general excited, you know, Xi‘an piece but the civilized world one of the four mountains -- Huashan, it can make me not excited?On the road, my heart began to excited, really want to go to Xi‘an, to Xi‘an, sun has kissed the Xishan and we waved goodbye。 Or to find a place for two days, and keep the good spirit to tourist attractions。

The very next day early in the morning, day daybreak, we sat on the train to Huashan, arrived at the foot of the mountain, looked up, is really a grand adventure, now Huashan is clouds around half a body, like a fairy who dressed in white clothes just sit in the。 Will be able to sit on the ropeway cable car area a few minutes by car from the foot of the hill, looking down from the cable car, really scared out in a cold sweat, dozens of feet high cliff cliff rises straight from the ground, spectacular。

To the waist to walk by himself, in the mountains, fresh air, have a look around, as if place oneself in the dream, his very。 Leading to the higher place in only one way, it also should permit a saying -- ancient Huashan road。 In this way, I saw a lot of odd shape stone and wonderful scenery, but the road more walk more insurance, more waalk more far, we walked half has deflated, and then watch the wonderful scenery。 Fluttering around a morning, finally be reluctant to part of the farewell to this mountain。The third day, the Famen Temple makes me full of the journey, the first to the door first Yingru my eye is the beautiful decoration。 The hall, go inside is even more amazing, every section of the road will have two Bodhisattvas in my sight, like the Buddha every true to life likeness, like living。 Because of the time, we didn‘t enter the hall, but I still can imagine the hall look beautiful decoration。

Bid farewell to the Famen Temple, also bid farewell to the Xi‘an this beautiful city and ancient, we also should go home, on the way home, my excited mood or a long time can not be calm。








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I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about two hours to get there by bus.There were thousands of people in the zoo.We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on.We also saw the elephant show.The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us.At noon we had a picnic in the zoo.And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin.We didnt go home until 5:00 in the afternoon.Although we were tired,we felt happy.




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My whole family to yunnan travel, swim many scenic spots in yunnan is very famous, such as lijiang, shangri-la, in the big... But there is a scenic spot to let me the most amazing, the most difficult to forget, it is the stone forest.

Yunnan is known as the stone of the world. Into the stone forest, feel like they are in the fairyland.

The stone forest in the early morning mist is different. Close look at it like plumes, darkened the wonderful scenery of the day now. A gust of wind blowing, clouds disperse, a variety of wonderful scenery in sight. Look far, like a rough sea. Exposing a little sharp peaks, asing if is a desert island in the sea.

We continue to follow the tour guide, deeper the more cold, at that moment I felt a chill, one after another came to sneeze. Walking, the guide stopped suddenly, one hand high, pointing to the distant mountains, side is introduced. Originally, the towering majestic mountain is called "lotus peak". I take a closer look at the lotus peak, its shape is like a blooming lotus flower, the shape of the stone as pieces of petals, on a narrow width. With a large lotus stone, vivid. Such a wonderful "lotus peak," how can I not take it home, "click", "" lotus peak is moved, I decided to, be sure to permanently preserved the beauty.

Along the way, qifeng rocks upright. Suddenly, I saw a piece of stone, across the cliff, is difficult, the fall down in succession. But dad told me that the peak has across the cliff for millennia, there has been no break down, the stone is called "the wind stone".

Through this trip, I learned that some books to school less than, it is the most beautiful scenery in the ghost town, beautiful scenery of stone forest forever in my heart.









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This time we the class to Long Geng time to travel, we can be happy, cant wait to sing loudly!

The time we sat on the bus, we talking and laughing on the bus, at some point we all forget the time, feeling it is here!

The Long Geng time, we walked out of the bus, a stepped out of the wind as if in welcome us, cool wind blow gently, blow to our good comfortable ah! We line up into Long Geng time in turn. We start with the ancient, said as we see, some still take camera phones come out, I saw the ancient plough good big ah. After we visit, and sat down to rest, is his own bring snacks while chit chat with others. Didnt arrive for a while, be about to go, we visited the plant again.

To plant pavilion, I first saw this pink plant, it is very long, very big. We saw a lot of fruit, and go, ask turned out to be a pumpkin, dont ask, dont know ask a fright, really big. Then we visited the animals pavilion.

Animal hall is some extinct animals, such as dinosaurs, the false dinosaur, although it is false, can look like the real, the extremely sharp teeth like will eat you at any time.

Going home, not give away, we read I will never forget this tour, because let me feel happy, dont go all the way we talking and laughing happy!









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I just came back from XIan .As is known to everyone ,Xian is an ancient city it is the capital of many dynasties of china and also one of the most famous ancient capital in the world ..but ,after the tour in Xian I found its another attractive side .there have a lot of local refreshments which is very delicious .and the modern transportation is very convenient .the modern building is also coming up one after another .As we admired the splendid relics we also impressed by the recent achievements it has achieved .by the way ,the weather in there is pretty comfortable .and accommodation is also very cheap .All in all ,the trip in Xian is really a nice memory for me .





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